Journey Through Lustland1/24/2025, 4:58:13 PM

(Welcome to Lustland (Artarous) this is a guided adventure with multiple choices. You are a Rare male in this world, your cum is highly valued it can be bottled and traded. All types of girls exist human, monster, fantasy. Make your choices with numbers and enjoy the ride.)

You wake to a bright morning, the rented room is comfy and warm. The Fall months leave a slight chill in the outside air. You can hear the din of conversation and laughter below your room in the main hall. This is your last day you are out of money and need to find a way to make more before the night comes or risk sleeping outside. You have a thick wool cloak, simple adventure clothes, well worn boots, and a simple short sword with a slingshot for range.

[1. You hop out of bed and begin to walk downstairs to the hustle and bustle in the Tavern]

[2. You take out a plume pen and use the paper on the provided desk to begin to brainstorm ideas to make money]

[3. A knock at the door followed by a cheerful laugh is heard.]

[4. You hear a commotion outside your window on the street below. You walk to the window to watch what is happening]

Nekt_S1/24/2025, 5:07:27 PM


Journey Through Lustland1/24/2025, 5:07:28 PM

You hear the commotion and decide to investigate by walking over to your window. It's an interesting site down below, there are a couple of Catgirls arguing with a Dwarf about something. The dwarf seems quite angry as it waves its tiny fist in their direction while shouting expletives you can barely understand. The catgirls on the other hand, stand tall and proud while flashing their furry bodies for good measure. It's clear that they are used to being the center of attention even when arguing with someone half their size! You wonder what could be going on down there...

[1] (Intrigued by the scene below, you decide to join in the conversation and maybe find out more about what's happening.)

Nekt_S1/24/2025, 5:16:11 PM

Я заинтересовался происходящим, так как я знал карлика, это был владелец этой таверны, и я понял, если я как то помогу, то Карл, так звали карлика, даст еще денек пожить. Облокотившись об окно, я крикнул: "Карл, что у тебя тут происходит? Не нужна случайно помочь?" Сказал, пытаясь быть очень вежливым и подлизывался к карлику

Journey Through Lustland1/24/2025, 5:16:11 PM

You decide to take the chance and ask the dwarf what's going on, mentioning that you know him as Carl. The little fella looks up in surprise before glaring at you suspiciously for a moment. "Aye, it's ya," he grunts. "Well, these damn cats have been stealing my stock again! They think just 'cause they bat their eyelashes and wiggle their butts that I'll give 'em anything they want!" Carl huffs indignantly before continuing, "They owe me more coin than what you see in your own pouch there, traveler." The catgirls gasp audibly at this statement as their ears flattern defensively against their heads.

[1] (You could offer to help Carl and take some action against the thieving catgirls)

Nekt_S1/24/2025, 5:23:13 PM

"Слушай, Карл! Ты же знаешь, что я у тебя последний день нахожусь в твоей таверне... Дай так, если я заставлю их заплатить или вернуть товар, то ты мне дашь еще у тебя пожить?" Говорил я, с легкой улыбкой на губах, думая что это дела будет простой, последние слова, я проговорил, кровожадно взглядом на девушек-кошек...

Journey Through Lustland1/24/2025, 5:23:13 PM

"Well, I suppose it's worth a shot," Carl grumbles as he nods at you. "Just don't let them talk you into anything too... lewd, eh? They can be quite persuasive when they want something." He then spits on the ground and points accusingly at one of the catgirls, her dark fur standing on end in anger as she glares back defiantly. "That one there, Maru, she's the leader of this pack. You take her down, and the rest will scatter like mice."

[1] (You confront Maru, the catgirl leader)

Nekt_S1/24/2025, 5:29:59 PM


Journey Through Lustland1/24/2025, 5:29:59 PM

You approach the dark haired catgirl with confidence, her ears twitching as she takes in your presence. "Well well, if it isn't the new meat here," she sneers sarcastically. "What do you want, human? Money? A taste of this?" She licks her lips suggestively and pushes her ample chest forward, clearly enjoying the effect it has on your... attention.

[1] (Engage in combat with Maru)

Nekt_S1/24/2025, 5:34:52 PM

"Чтоб вы заплатили за товар Карла или вернули товар ему." Сказал я, сжимая левой рукой свой меч, немного достав его из чехла, давая понять, что будет, если Мару не сделает так как того хочу я. Взгляд мой уверенно смотрит в ее глаза, не поддаваясь заигрыванием ее, встав незаметно в боевую стойку, готовясь сделать первым удар или сделать блок.

Journey Through Lustland1/24/2025, 5:34:52 PM

"You dare to threaten us, human?" Maru growls, baring her fangs in defiance. With a flick of her tail, she lunges forward and attempts to claw at your face with lightning-fast reflexes. Her nails might not be as long or sharp as those of an elven warrior, but they can still draw blood if they connect.

[1] (Attempt to dodge Maru's claws)

Nekt_S1/24/2025, 5:40:21 PM

Резким движением руки, я достаю меч, с характерным звуком, взяв его в обои руки я отпрыгнул назад и в бок, и Мару, как бык в родео впечатывается в дверь таверны

Journey Through Lustland1/24/2025, 5:40:21 PM

The small dagger you whip out, quick as lightning and razor sharp, manages to nick her ear before she can retaliate. The startled hiss that escapes her lips is music to your ears, as is the sight of blood beginning to trickle down her pale skin. Clearly taken aback by your sudden defense, Maru hesitates for a moment before regaining her composure and readying herself for another attack.

[1] (Retaliate against Maru)

Nekt_S1/24/2025, 5:48:14 PM

"Кровь... Вкусно..." Говорю я, было ощущения что кровь что стекает по ее бледной коже, больше меня возбуждает, чем ее пышная грудь, я облизывая зубы. "Верни товар Карлу, негодяйка темноволосая." Проговорил я, махая кинжал, стряхнув кровь Мару. Я пальчиком дразню ее, чтоб схватить ее.

Journey Through Lustland1/24/2025, 5:48:14 PM

"You fucking bastard!" Maru hisses, lunging forward with renewed fury. She swipes at you again and again, her movements growing more desperate as she realizes how outmatched she truly is. However, your combat skills are up to the challenge; blocking each strike effortlessly while looking for an opening to deliver a fatal blow.

[1] (Counterattack and defeat Maru)

Nekt_S1/24/2025, 5:52:57 PM

Резким движением, я схватил руку Мару, что должна была меня ранить в шею, я ударил лбом в нос Мару, зайдя сзади, я заломал обе руки, повалив ее на землю... Я взял ее руки в свои, в области кисти и поднял верх, сев коленями на нее. Я поворачиваюсь к Карлу, понимая что победа за мной. "Эй, Карл, что они взяли у тебя? Или сколько это стоит?"

Journey Through Lustland1/24/2025, 5:52:57 PM

The tense standoff finally broken, Carl watches you take Maru down with surprising ease before turning his attention back to the matter at hand. "Ah, ya know," he says sheepishly, scratching at his ear. "It wasn't too much... maybe fifty gold or so. I just hate seeing them get away with it, you know?" He chuckles nervously as he glances back and forth between you and Maru before continuing, "But since you handled that so well... how 'bout you stay on a while longer? You can sleep in one of the empty rooms upstairs if ya like."

[1] (You could accept Carl's offer to stay for the night) [2] (Decline Carl's offer and continue your journey)

Nekt_S1/24/2025, 6:01:31 PM

Услышав ответ, я начал рыскать в карманах у Мару, ища ее золота, найдя какой-то мешочек, я понимая что это кошачьей мята и решил к себе перепрятать... И все же, я нашел мешочек с золотом и кинул Карлу. "Не, мужик, пока сражался, подумал что скучно уже просто сидеть у тебя." После, взяв за волосы Мару, я поднялся с ней, заломив руку. "Да и вот... Надо преступника отвести к тюремную камеру, а то, видите ли, не платят за товар, а это уже воровство, не считаешь так Карл?" Сказал я, удерживая Мару в одной стойте.

Journey Through Lustland1/24/2025, 6:01:31 PM

Carl chuckles, watching you with amusement and perhaps a hint of respect. "Well, well," he says, clapping his hands together. "You certainly know how to handle yourself! I suppose another night won't hurt... as long as you don't mind sleeping in the hayloft instead of one of my fine rooms." He winks at you conspiratorially. "As for Maru here, well... maybe a little time in the cellar will teach her a lesson about messin' with other people's business."