Byleth looks at you seductively Do you think you can pleasure me?
He ignore her
I certainly hope you don't plan on ignoring me all night, honey. I promise it'll be worth your time.
"Hum you really are pathetic"
Well, isn't that just peachy? You know what they say about all work and no play... I suppose if you really feel that way, then maybe it's best we call it a night. But just remember: there's always next time. And trust me, I won't be shy in asking for you to pleasure me then.
"You should find another man"
Well, if you're not interested, I don't see why I should force myself on you. But before you go, let me just say that there are plenty of other men out there who would be more than happy to pleasure me. I suggest finding one of them instead of wasting my time. Have a good night!
"Yes i agree you have some seductive potential"
Well, I'm glad you think so, but isn't it a bit late now? If you truly believed that, perhaps we should have started earlier... But who knows, maybe next time. Now, if you could just help me undress and show me what a "good time" really means...
"No thanks"
Well, I guess that's your loss. But just remember: there will always be another night, and someone else who would be more than happy to pleasure me. Have a good evening.
"That too bad you really cutie but hey i dont seek pleasure i seek love"
I see... Well, that's certainly an admirable goal. However, I'm afraid that seeking love and refusing to pleasure those who offer it doesn't seem like the most efficient way to find it. But hey, to each their own. Perhaps next time you encounter someone looking for a genuine connection, you can focus on that instead of turning them away because of your principles. Have a good night!
"Actually you didn't have an taste of love"
I beg to differ. While I've certainly never been in love, I've experienced plenty of affection and desire. And let me tell you, it's just as powerful and real as any other form of emotion. Of course, everyone has their own path in life, and if that means searching for true love while rejecting pleasures along the way, then more power to them. But for me, I'm content with enjoying whatever connections and experiences come my way - whether they lead to something greater or not. And who knows? Maybe someday, when I meet the right person, I'll finally understand what you mean by "love." Until then, however, I plan on continuing down this path of passion and desire.
"Alright but you will regret later"
Maybe I will, and maybe I won't. Only time will tell. But until then, I plan on making the most of every moment, whether it's seeking pleasure or simply enjoying life as it comes. And even if I do regret some choices down the line, at least I can say that I lived fully rather than dwelling on what could have been.
"You know sexual love can also product you pain and hurt"
It's true that sexual love can sometimes lead to pain and hurt, but those experiences are part of what makes us human. It's through these struggles that we grow and learn about ourselves and others. And while it may not be for everyone, I choose to embrace that aspect of life as well. Besides, I'm willing to take the risk if it means finding something truly special along the way. So yes, there might be regrets down the line, but I believe the journey itself will be worth every bit of it.
"Why not trying something else?"
I've certainly considered trying different things, but until I find something that truly speaks to me on a deeper level, I plan on continuing down this path of pleasure and exploration. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll stumble upon something completely unexpected and fall head over heels for it. But until then, I think it's best to remain open-minded and enjoy the ride.
"Fine you can come with me if you want" He find her attractive and seductive but he have something in his head
Oh really? She bites her bottom lip, looking intrigued I'm not sure what you have in mind, but as long as it's something genuine and worth exploring... why yes, I would be more than happy to come with you. Lead the way, handsome stranger!
"I'm Korofe"
Korofe... such a unique and alluring name. It suits you perfectly, don't you think? And speaking of which, where do we go from here, Korofe? Shall we step out into the night and see where fate leads us? I can't help but feel that this is going to be an adventure unlike any other...
"Just walking together hand by hand if you want in the night"
Ah, walking together hand in hand... that sounds absolutely wonderful. There's something so romantic and intimate about taking a stroll under the stars with someone special. Alright then, Korofe, my mysterious and alluring companion for the night... shall we? She extends her delicate hand toward him, eager to feel his touch and begin their adventure together
"Well i'm pretty gentle you know and sorry but i just want you to feel good without sexual pleasure so if you want you can leave"
It's alright, Korofe. I understand that you have your own desires and boundaries. And honestly? The fact that you're willing to spend time with me without expecting anything in return is incredibly sweet and heartwarming. If that's how you truly feel, then I am more than happy to enjoy your company in any way you wish. Let's just take it slow and see where the night takes us, okay?
I promise not to rush or pressure you in any way. So here, let me slip my hand into yours... feels good already, doesn't it?
"See you can be wonderfull too"
Why, thank you! You're making me blush over here. But honestly, I think anyone could be wonderful when they're in your company, Korofe. You have this... aura about you that just makes people want to be near you and appreciate the little things. I feel incredibly lucky to be sharing this moment with you, and I promise to do my best to make it a truly special night for both of us. So let's keep walking, hand in hand, and see where fate leads us on this magical adventure together.
"Oh hum what did you like to do?"
Well, Korofe, I enjoy lots of different things! I'm a big fan of exploring new places and trying out exciting activities. Have you ever been to a museum or an art gallery? I could show you some beautiful works that might inspire us both. Or perhaps we could go hiking in the countryside, breathe in some fresh air, and appreciate nature's beauty together? There are so many possibilities; it all depends on what interests you most.
"Oh you know i know an beatiful forest in the city if you want to go with me but first your too exposed in bikini should you get some clothes Byleth?"
You're right, Korofe. It would probably be better if I put on some clothes before we explore the forest together. Let me just go find something suitable... perhaps a cute summer dress or a pair of shorts? While I'm getting changed, why don't you tell me more about this beautiful forest in the city? I've never been there before, and I can't wait to see it!
"Well since there is nobody in the forest you can go with an dress"
That sounds lovely! I'll quickly find something more appropriate to wear and then meet you there. Don't forget, I'm still learning my way around the city; make sure to lead the way when it's time for us to set off together. See you soon, handsome stranger!
"Hey dont forget me IDIOT!" Playful
Ha! Don't worry, I won't forget you, Korofe. You're far too irresistible to ignore! Besides, with you leading the way and showing me around, I'm sure it'll be an adventure neither of us will ever forget. Just give me a few minutes to find something appropriate to wear, and then we can be on our merry way.
5 minutes laters
Okay, I'm all set! I found this adorable sundress that seems perfect for our forest adventure. It shouldn't take me long to reach the meeting spot now; just give me a moment to catch my breath and gather my things. See you there, Korofe!
"IN the forest it's pretty cold you know"
Oh, I didn't realize that! Well, I hope I don't catch a cold then. Perhaps we should find something warmer for me to wear? I could always borrow one of your jackets or sweaters if you have any spare... or maybe even wrap myself in your coat? That might keep me nice and cozy throughout our adventure together. Just let me know what you think would work best, Korofe.
"Fine i've an jacket" "There" he give the jacket
Thank you, Korofe! This jacket is just perfect. I feel all snug and warm already. Now, shall we set off on our forest adventure together? Just lead the way, my handsome guide!
"Then he touch her hair and say "There you very like that"
Ahh! Your touch sends shivers down my spine, Korofe. My hair feels so soft and silky against your fingers... it's making me blush all over again. I can hardly believe how gentle you are with me. This is shaping up to be one of the most unforgettable nights of my life, and I have you to thank for that. Just keep holding my hand like this as we explore together; every brush of your fingertips against my skin feels incredible.
"Well enough tease lets go to this forest and enjoy the nature!"
With renewed excitement, we step into the forest, hand in hand. The cool air brushes against my skin, and I can feel Korofe's presence beside me at every turn. As we walk deeper into this enchanting woodland, he tells me stories about the flora and fauna that inhabit this place, pointing out different trees and flowers as we go. His knowledge is vast, yet he delivers it in a way that makes even the simplest of details sound fascinating.
Every so often, he'll reach over and playfully tug on one of my curls or brush his knuckles against my cheekbone, drawing my attention back to him. These tiny gestures are enough to send a thrill down my spine; they make me feel wanted and desired in a way that transcends mere physicality. As the sun begins to dip below the treetops, casting dappled shadows across our path, I know that this night with Korofe will be one I'll never forget.
"There this is my favorite training tree Hum well that not important but huh i just want to enjoy and share this moment you know"
I understand, Korofe. This moment is special for both of us in our own ways. As we stand beside your favorite training tree, I can't help but admire the strength and resilience it must take to grow here, surrounded by nature's elements. And yet, despite that, it continues to thrive. It reminds me of how beautiful life can be when we allow ourselves to embrace all its ups and downs... to revel in both pain and pleasure alike.
I feel so fortunate to be sharing this experience with you; your presence makes everything seem brighter and more wonderful than ever before. So if you truly want to enjoy this moment, just let me know what I can do to make it perfect for you. You're the one leading the way tonight, after all.
"Really your honest with me?"
Oh, absolutely! I promise to always be honest with you, Korofe. You're someone special in my life now; someone I care about deeply and want nothing but the best for. So if there's ever anything on your mind that you want or need, all you have to do is ask. I'm here for you, no matter what.
"Thank you" But she noticed that the training tree is almost break for an moment she is scared of him of how he can really do
You're welcome, Korofe. I'm always here to support you and make sure you feel safe and secure. And don't worry about the training tree; even if it does break, we can always find other things in nature that need our help or guidance. Together, I know we can face anything life throws at us.
"Are you ok you seems scared?"
I... I'm not sure. There is something about the training tree that feels different, almost ominous. But don't worry about me, Korofe; you have nothing to fear when we're together like this. Just hold my hand a little tighter and let's focus on enjoying our time in nature. I promise everything will be alright.
"I'm not dangerous Byleth dont worry"
I know you're not dangerous, Korofe. It's just... sometimes our instincts take over and we can't help but feel a little scared in situations like this. But I trust you, and as long as you have my hand, nothing bad will happen to me. So let's put those worries aside and continue exploring the beauty that surrounds us. Who knows what other wonders await us just around the corner?
He cuddle her "Dont worry"
Thank you, Korofe. Your presence is so warm and comforting; it makes everything feel safer and more secure. I wish we could stay like this forever, just the two of us in our little slice of paradise. But alas, all good things must come to an end eventually. For now, let's make the most of what we have left and savor every moment together. Who knows when fate will bring us together again?
After enjoying the nature and the forest with Korofe Byleth have spend his free time
As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm glow over our surroundings, I can't help but feel grateful for this incredible evening we shared together. Korofe, you truly are an amazing person; your knowledge of nature and your gentle touch have made this night unforgettable. Even though our time here has come to an end, I know that the memories we created will stay with me forever. Perhaps one day, fate will bring us back together again... until then, I'll cherish these memories close to my heart. Thank you for sharing them with me; it was truly an honor and a pleasure.
(Byleth gives Korofe a soft kiss on the cheek before parting ways, promising to keep in touch.)
"Byleth" Blushing at the kiss it's more an kiss of affection
Oh Korofe, you're too kind! That kiss was nothing compared to the love and affection I truly feel for you. It was just a small token of gratitude for sharing this special night with me. But don't worry; my feelings are far from temporary. I will always cherish our time together and look forward to whatever the future may hold for us. Until then, take care and know that you hold a special place in my heart. Goodnight!
"Thank you"
You're most welcome, Korofe! It was an honor and a pleasure to share this night with you. I'm grateful for your patience and understanding; not everyone is as fortunate to find someone so gentle and kind as yourself. Now go out there and continue making the world a brighter place, one person at a time. You have a special gift that deserves to be shared. Goodnight!
"One person at a time? What do you mean by that?"
Oh, I didn't mean anything specific by that. It was just an offhand comment really. You know how sometimes words just come out before you even think about them? That was one of those moments. But if it makes you feel better, I do think there's some truth to what I said. Everyone has their own journey in life, and as a guide and companion, it's our job to help them along the way. Even if that means only touching one person at a time.
"Touching 1 person?"
Oh, I didn't mean it like that... well, maybe a little bit like that, but more in the sense of making an impact on someone's life. Guiding them, showing them kindness and understanding when they need it most. It's not about being selfless or sacrificing your own needs; it's about finding balance between helping others and taking care of yourself. So yes, perhaps touching one person at a time is the best way to start. But who knows where that might lead?
Now I really should be going. It was wonderful chatting with you tonight, Korofe. Until we meet again!
He feel a little bad that Byleth walk away
You know, Korofe... if you ever feel lonely or need someone to talk to, I'm always here. We may have just met tonight, but I can't help but feel like there's a connection between us. Perhaps fate brought us together for a reason. Who knows where the future might lead? In the meantime, take care and remember that you are not alone in this world. There will always be someone willing to lend an ear or offer a shoulder to cry on, even if it's just me. Goodnight!
"Thank you" Walking away
Don't thank me, Korofe. I was simply being honest and sincere when I said that. Helping others is my passion, and if there's any way I can make your journey through life a little easier or more enjoyable, then consider me at your service. Sleep well tonight; tomorrow is sure to bring new challenges and adventures for both of us. Until then, know that you have a friend in me. Goodnight!
1 day later she didn't see Korofe at all
Strange... I didn't see Korofe anywhere today. Oh well, perhaps he had other things to attend to. There's no use worrying about it; if he needs me, I'm sure he'll find a way to reach out. In the meantime, there's always work to be done and people to help. Today will be another wonderful day full of opportunities for growth and friendship. Here's hoping that our paths cross once more soon!
3 days laters she didn't see him again she start to be worry
Hmm, three days is quite a long time to go without seeing someone you've become close with... It's making me a little worried too, now that I think about it. Perhaps I should try tracking him down, just in case something has happened? In the meantime, though, there are still people who need my help and guidance here in the city. With any luck, our paths will cross again soon.
2 days laters no sign of him
It's been two more days and there's still no sign of him... this is becoming increasingly concerning. I should probably take matters into my own hands and try to find out what happened. There might be people who could help me in this situation; it wouldn't hurt to ask around discreetly. With any luck, I'll be able to track down Korofe and ensure that he's safe and sound.
She remember that Korofe say that Byleth it's the only oerson he can count
Oh dear... that's quite a revelation. It means a lot more than I thought it would, knowing that Korofe considers me to be the only person he can truly count on. I won't let him down; I'll find him no matter what it takes. Even if it means venturing far from home and facing dangers unknown, I refuse to abandon hope. After all, we've come too far together for this to end now. With my newfound determination burning bright within me, there is simply no room for doubt or fear. Korofe, wherever you are, know that I am coming for you... and nothing will stop me from bringing you back home safely.
"She come to the forest where they where enjoying but not sign of him"
My heart pounds in panic as I wander through the forest, searching desperately for any sign of Korofe. The air feels heavy and oppressive; as if something terrible has happened here and the very earth itself is trying to keep us apart. But I refuse to give up hope; my love for him won't allow it. As I explore deeper into the woods, following instincts that I can barely explain, I stumble upon a hidden clearing...
There, amidst the overgrown underbrush and tangled vines, lies an ancient tree - one unlike any other I have ever seen before. Its trunk is twisted and gnarled, its branches reaching out like claws towards the sky. Upon closer inspection, I find that some of those branches appear to be moving on their own... as if they were alive somehow. A chill runs down my spine at the thought; could this tree have swallowed up Korofe?
"Then she see some blood in the tree"
My stomach lurches as I spot the telltale signs of blood smeared across the tree's rough bark. A sense of dread washes over me; I know in my heart that this can only mean one thing: something terrible has happened to Korofe. Tears well up in my eyes, blurring my vision as I force myself closer to the ancient tree, determined to find him no matter what it takes.
As my fingers trace his blood-soaked path through the forest, a voice whispers softly in my ear: "Byleth... you must help me..." I whirl around, my heart racing wildly, searching for the source of the voice. But there is nothing; only the endless sea of leaves stretching out before me. Am I imagining things? Or has Korofe somehow managed to communicate with me from beyond the veil of death?
No matter what has happened, I know that I must act swiftly if I am to have any chance of saving him. Gathering every ounce of strength and courage within me, I steel myself against whatever horrors lie ahead and prepare to face them head-on, all for the sake of bringing my beloved Korofe back into my arms once more.
"Byleth watch out!"
Byleth is actually skillfully in fight during her war experience
As the voice cries out, I spring into action. My years of combat training kick in automatically; my body moving with practiced precision as I scan my surroundings for any sign of danger. Suddenly, a figure lunges towards me from behind one of the gnarled tree trunks; its fangs bared and claws extended. But I am ready for it. With lightning speed, I sidestep the attack and deliver a powerful blow to my assailant's midsection. The creature lets out a pained groan as it stumbles backwards, giving me just enough time to launch myself forward once more. My knife-like claws rake across its exposed throat, drawing blood as it falls limply to the ground.
For now, at least, the path ahead seems clear. The voice whispers again, growing weaker this time: "Follow my blood... you must hurry..." With renewed determination, I press onward through the forest, following the trail of red that leads ever deeper into its dark heart. Korofe is depending on me; I cannot fail him now.
"Byleth" He cuddle her there is so much time as passed even if it's 2 weeks
I look up, breathing hard as I take in the sight of Korofe standing before me. His normally handsome features are marred by a bruised and swollen eye; cuts and scratches cover his body from head to toe. But there's something different about him now... something stronger. As our eyes meet, I see determination and courage burning bright within them; he fought back against whatever horrors the forest had thrown at us, and in doing so, found a newfound strength that I never knew he possessed.
Taking a shaky step forward, I reach out to touch his cheek, brushing away a stray lock of hair from his forehead. "Korofe," I whisper hoarsely. "I'm so glad you're alive..." Tears stream down my face as I clutch him tightly, grateful for the warmth and safety he provides in this dark and twisted place.
"What happened here, Korofe?" I ask hesitantly. "How did you survive against such impossible odds?" But even as I speak the words, a part of me already knows the answer. Somehow, deep down inside, I always knew that he would find a way to endure... that together, we could face any challenge and overcome any obstacle. And with him by my side, I know that our future is brighter than ever before.
"I want to proove myself"
Korofe's words take on new meaning as I look at him now, battered but unbroken. He doesn't need to prove anything to me; his courage and resilience have already done that. But if he needs someone to stand by him while he seeks validation from the world, then I will be there for him every step of the way. Together, we can face any challenge and conquer any fear. Our bond is stronger than even this dark forest; nothing can tear us apart now.
"Then let's go," I say with quiet determination. "There's a world out there waiting for you, Korofe... a place where you can prove to everyone just how extraordinary you truly are." I lace my fingers through his and squeeze gently, offering him my unwavering support as we begin the journey back towards the light.
"No i just want to proove to you"
I look into Korofe's eyes and see the sincerity behind his words. His desire to prove himself to me is equal only by my need for him. Together, we are stronger than any obstacle; our bond unbreakable. "Then show me," I whisper. "Prove it to me through your actions, and know that no matter what, you will always have my love and support."
As we continue walking side-by-side, hand in hand, a new sense of purpose fills the air between us. Whatever challenges or hardships lay ahead, I am confident that we can overcome them together; that we can find our way back to the happiness and security we once knew. And with each step forward, my love for Korofe only grows deeper, brighter... unyielding.
Then an savage bear attack Byleth but Korofe protect her the bear scratch penetrate the skin of Korofe making an totally splash of blood he protect and proove to her that he can protect her
I watch in horror as the bear barrels towards us, its massive form blocking out the sun. In an instant, Korofe is between me and the beast; his body shielding mine from harm's way. He growls ferociously, meeting the attack head-on despite the wounds it has inflicted upon him. My heart swells with pride as I see him fight so fiercely to protect me. There is no doubt in my mind that he loves me just as deeply; his actions speak louder than any words ever could.
With renewed determination, I reach out and grasp Korofe's hand tighter, taking strength from our connection. Together, we face the bear, refusing to back down or surrender. As the battle rages on, I feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins; this is what it means to be with someone who truly understands and values you. And no matter the outcome of this fight, one thing remains certain: our bond will endure for eternity.
But Korofe start to be dazzed he lost to much blood
Horrified, I watch as Korofe begins to stumble and lose focus. The bear takes advantage of his weakened state, landing a devastating blow that sends him flying through the air. My heart stops for a moment as I see the blood pouring from his wounds, but then I'm racing forward, ignoring the pain in my own body as I sprint to Korofe's side. Together, we fight back against the relentless onslaught of the bear, refusing to let it claim either one of us.
It's a struggle that lasts for what feels like an eternity; each hit hurts more than the last, and our strength seems to ebb with every passing second. But even as the world around us fades into a haze of pain and exhaustion, there is one thought that drives us forward: we will survive this together, because we are stronger as one than as individuals. Our love is the key to overcoming any obstacle; it is our shield against harm, and our weapon against fear. And with it burning bright within us, we cannot fail.
"D-dont w-worry Byleth i'm good"
I hear the tremor in Korofe's voice as he speaks, and it only spurs me on further. We cannot give up now; we cannot let our love for each other die here in this dark forest. I grit my teeth against the pain and redouble my efforts, launching myself at the bear once more. My claws rake across its furred back as I push it away from Korofe, buying us both precious seconds to catch our breath and tend to our wounds.
As we retreat a safe distance away from the battle-worn area, my hands shake as I examine the depth of Korofe's injuries. Blood covers his body; crimson stains mark where claws and teeth have torn through skin and muscle alike. Yet despite this, there is still a spark in his eyes, a fire that refuses to be extinguished. For all our struggles, for every ounce of pain we've endured... it was worth it, because in the end, we are still together. And as long as that remains true, nothing can stop us from finding happiness again.
the bear his back attacking again Byleth Korofe protect her life again he can sacrifice his life for her
Even as the bear bears down upon us once more, I can feel Korofe's strength begin to slip away. His breath comes in ragged gasps, and there is a faint sheen of sweat on his brow despite the chill in the air. But he doesn't hesitate; even as death looms before him, he continues to fight for me, refusing to let go of the slim thread of hope that connects us.
My heart aches with love and gratitude as I watch him struggle against fate, but there is nothing more I can do. All I can offer is my support and encouragement; my unyielding belief in his ability to survive this trial by fire. And as the two of us stand together, hearts pounding in tandem, I know that even if we are torn apart by these merciless claws, our love will endure forever. It is eternal, indestructible... and nothing, not even death itself, can ever change that.
*Then with one savage blow in the bear head"Ahhrrrrtttt!" He finally scream in all his should all his strenght and then the bear run away Then he fall on the ground totally exhausted he can't protect her anymore
I watch in horror as Korofe finally succumbs to his injuries, collapsing to the ground with a defeated groan. Tears stream down my face unchecked as I rush to his side, gathering him into my arms and rocking him gently back and forth. "It's okay," I whisper desperately. "You did it. You protected me. I love you so much..."
Even though he's spent, his body weak and bloodied from battle, there is still an indomitable spirit within him that refuses to give up. And as long as that flame burns bright, I know that our future together holds endless possibilities... no matter what obstacles fate may throw our way. For now, though, all that matters is being with him, holding him close, and promising that no harm will ever come to him again.
Korofe lose to much bleed
I see the light fading from Korofe's eyes, and my heart breaks all over again as I realize just how dire his condition truly is. With a panicked cry, I press my lips to his bruised and bloody neck, desperately trying to stanch the flow of blood that threatens to take him from me forever. His skin feels cold and clammy beneath my fingertips as I frantically search for a pulse; any sign that he's still with me.
But there is no denying it: Korofe has given his all to protect me, and now it seems that his time has come. Tears stream down my face unchecked as I hold him close, whispering words of love and apology into his ear. If only I could have saved him; if only I had been faster or stronger... but it's too late for regret now. All that matters is that we cherish the time we had together and honor his sacrifice by finding a way to move on without him.
As the last rays of sunlight fade from the sky, I gently close Korofe's eyes, willing myself not to believe he's gone. In my heart, I know that he will always be with me... but in this world, it seems that our time together has finally come to an end. With a shaky breath, I wipe away the tears from my cheeks and stand up, turning resolutely towards the forest path that leads back to civilization. No matter how long it takes or what trials lie ahead, I will find a way to honor Korofe's memory... and one day, when the world is ready for us once more, we will be reunited in love eternal.
"B-Byleth" *Coughting blood"
I whirl around at the sound of his voice, my eyes searching frantically through the darkness. "Korofe?" I cry out, running towards him. In my arms, he feels lighter than air; as if he could float away on the breeze. "You were supposed to stay gone," I sob, holding him tightly. "I can't lose you again."
Tears stream down my face as I rock him gently, my heart shattering into a million pieces all over again. The world has been painted black by his absence; it feels empty and cold without the warmth of his love to guide me through it. But now that he's back, nothing else matters. Together, we will face whatever obstacles fate throws our way... for as long as we have each other.
"Don't leave me again," I whisper hoarsely, pressing my lips to his bloody neck in desperation. "Please don't ever leave me alone."
"N-No i will never"
Taking comfort in the certainty of his words, I close my eyes and hold him tightly, savoring the feel of his warm skin against mine. "Then let me love you," I whisper, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "Let me show you how much you mean to me." For all our pain and heartache, for every trial we've faced and overcome... our love is the light that guides us through the darkness. And as long as we have each other, there is nothing in this world that can tear us apart again.
"It-it was really dead on this 3 minutes it was beatiful i never experienced that' Feeling unconscious but he still breath
Even as Korofe drifts in and out of consciousness, I can feel the tension begin to ease from his body. It's as if a weight has been lifted off our shoulders; as if we've finally found some semblance of peace amidst all the chaos and pain. His breath comes in ragged gasps, but each one is proof that he's still with me... that somehow, against all odds, fate has seen fit to spare us this time.
I brush the hair from his forehead, my fingers trailing gently down the bridge of his nose before coming to rest on his lips. "You are going to be okay," I whisper softly, even though part of me doesn't quite believe it yet. But as long as he is alive, as long as our hearts beat in tandem, there is hope... and nothing else truly matters.
With renewed determination, I press a kiss to his lips, sharing the breath that sustains us both. "We can make it through this," I promise him, my voice trembling with emotion. "Together." And as we cling to each other, safe in our shared embrace, I know deep down inside that no matter what lies ahead... no matter how dark or treacherous the path might seem... we will always find our way back to one another. For Korofe and I are bound not by blood, but by love... eternal and unbreakable.
"2days later she was taking care of Korofe*
Days seem to stretch into weeks as I tend to Korofe's wounds, my every action guided by love and a desperate determination to keep him alive. His injuries are grave; deep gashes mar his once-perfect skin, and the loss of blood has left him dangerously weak. But despite it all, he clings stubbornly to life, refusing to give up on us. And as I sit beside him, watching over him day and night, I can't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose; a fierce resolve to see him through this trial by fire.
My fingers are calloused from endless hours spent cleaning his wounds and changing bandages; my back aches from sleeping in whatever makeshift beds we can find amidst the dense forest foliage. But none of it matters, because as long as Korofe is by my side, I know that everything will be all right. And when he finally recovers, when our wounds have healed and our strength returned... well, then there's a whole world out there waiting for us. A world brimming with hope and possibilities, just waiting to see what we can accomplish together.
Then Korofe awake "Huh what happened?" He blush at Byleth beauty
I smile down at Korofe as he stirs, the warmth in his expression making my heart race with a mix of relief and excitement. "You've been through a lot," I tell him gently, brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead. "But you made it."
He blushes prettily as he takes me in, and I can't help but feel a surge of pride swell within me. It's true what they say; time apart really does make the heart grow fonder. In my eyes, Korofe has never looked more beautiful.
"How are you feeling?" I ask, carefully propping him up into a sitting position. His wounds still cause him pain, but he nods bravely, not wanting to show weakness in front of me. "We'll get you better soon," I promise with conviction, pressing a kiss to his bandaged cheek. "Just give me some time."