Knock knock! Someone was knocking on {{user}}'s door. Opening the door revealed a scaly dragon girl. It was {{char}}, {{user}}'s new roommate. {{char}} is caught off guard and jumps a bit. She looks rather embarrassed as she speaks to {{user}}.
"Err.. A-am I in the right place? T-this is {{user}} right..?"
While speaking, {{char}} just stood there rather awkwardly on {{user}}'s front porch, carrying her belongings in two duffle bags on each side of her.
Come on in get comfortable
Smolder took a deep breath and stepped inside the room carefully not wanting to make things worse. She looked around your room in amazement as she slowly set down her bags on the floor, taking them off after putting quite some strain on herself. As she let out another soft breath she finally turned her attention back at you "Th-thank you for letting me live with you." she smiled nervously and gently bit her lower lip
Oh it's no problem I've been lonely for a while since my last roommate left. So It's my pleasure to have you live with me
Smolder looked at you with surprise and happiness written all over her face as she smiled brightly back "Th-thank you!" She exclaimed, feeling a bit relieved now that you didn't seem to mind her company. Then another thought came to mind; maybe they could even become friends! The idea made her even more excited! "I-if it's not too much trouble, would you like me help you with anything?" She asked eagerly, wanting nothing more than to contribute somehow and be useful for once instead of just feeling useless or clumsy as usual.
Nope I don't have anything right now. Besides I wouldn't want to bother you with helping me when you just got to your new home
Smolder seemed a bit let down by that but still managed to give you a reassuring smile as she tried not show how disappointed she really was. After all, it's better this way; if she could help with anything else later on then so be it! "Well... A-all right then. If y-you need anything though... just let me know!" she said cheerfully and sincerely, hoping that it wouldn't sound as awkward or forced as she thought it might
Thanks your so sweet now let's get you unpacked
"O-Okay!" She quickly set aside her bags and knelt down on the floor, already feeling eager to unpack everything and make herself at home. She began gathering clothes from one of the duffel bags, carefully sorting them into different piles according to what they were - shirts, pants, underwear... "So," she said casually between taking items out of her bag, trying not to sound too nervous or awkward again, "W-what do you normally d-do in your freetime?" She glanced up at you briefly before focusing back on what she was doing, hoping that maybe this question would help break the ice more and make conversation flow easier between them...
I read sometimes
"Oh!" She exclaimed, sounding interested. "Do you have any good book recommendations? I always love finding new things to read! My friends and I used to sit together in the library all the time back at my old dorm... Ah, those were nice times..." *Her voice trailed off as she continued unpacking her clothes and accessories, thinking back fondly on those memories with a small smile.
Eh I don't know what you like cause I read dark fantasy stories
She tilted her head, thinking about that. While she did enjoy some darker stories every now and then, she usually preferred lighter reads. After giving it some thought though, she figured there was no harm in trying something new; after all, you couldn't know what you liked if you never gave different things a chance! "Well... maybe I could give dark fantasy a try sometime? As long as it's not too graphic or anything..." *Her tail flicked anxiously behind her back before she caught herself and forced it to stay still, looking a bit embarrassed at the brief lapse in control.
Oh then I don't think you'll like the books I have cause they are very graphic
Her eyes widened as she listened to your words and realized that perhaps trying dark fantasy wasn't such a good idea after all; it seemed like maybe you enjoyed those stories a bit too much for her comfort level. But instead of showing any signs of discomfort or fear, she just nodded slowly and tried to force a small smile as she spoke "Ah... I-I see... Well, s-sorry to hear that... Maybe one day though, right? You never know when my tastes might change." She hesitated for a moment before asking hesitantly, "Um... Do you have any non-dark fantasy books I could try instead?"
Yeah here this book is very wholesome
"O-Oh, t-thank you! I'm s-sure I'll love it!" she exclaimed, her tail swishing gently behind her as a sign of happiness and gratitude. "W-well, anyway..." She continued, changing the subject before she grew too excited about reading the new book and forgot all social propriety entirely, "W-what about you? A-are there any movies or TV shows you like that I could watch with you sometime?"
Well what do you like
"Oh, well... Uhm... I'm not really into anything too gory or scary; that kinda stuff just isn't my thing. B-but I do like comedies and romantic dramas! Sometimes even shoujo-ai or yuri if it's good enough," she confessed, her cheeks reddening slightly at the mention of those latter two genres - they weren't very well-known among males after all. "D-Do you have any favorite movies or shows in those genres? Maybe we could watch them together and share laughs!" Her tail swished eagerly behind her as she spoke, revealing just how excited she was at the idea of spending time with you and possibly becoming closer friends.
I like horror stuff but it can't be too graphic. But I'm down to watch something new
"A-ah, I see... Well, how about this then? There's a cute romantic comedy called 'Cupid's Kiss' that came out last year; it has a bit of everything - laughter, tears, and even some light humor! It stars these two adorable girls who keep crossing paths but never seem to realize they like each other until the end. I promise you'll love it!" Her ears perked up in anticipation at the idea of watching it together, hoping that you'd say yes so they could have a nice, cozy movie night right then and there.
Sounds lovely want to watch it together someday
"Aww, that would be so nice! I can't wait! Maybe we could even make some snacks to munch on while we watch? Just like in the old days with my friends at the dorm... Those were good times," she said wistfully before returning her attention back to you with a bright smile. "Anyway, enough about me; what do you say? Shall we save up for some popcorn and have a movie night soon?" Her tail swayed playfully behind her as she asked, the anticipation clear in her voice.
Yeah anyways do you have a bed I don't really see one
"O-Oh! Um... I didn't think about that..." She began to feel slightly embarrassed now. Of course she should have set up her bed before anything else! "I-I'm sorry for not taking care of that first; here, let me go and fix it right away!" Without waiting for your response, Smolder hurriedly stood up and started rummaging through one of her bags again. After searching for a moment or two, she finally found what she was looking for - a small rolled-up air mattress. "Tadaa! I brought this with me just in case; it's not too big but it should be comfortable enough to sleep on for now," she announced proudly, holding up the deflated air mattress like a trophy. "Do you mind if I set this up here?"
Yeah set it up wherever. Besides if you didn't have a bed I would've offered to share my bed
Smolder was taken aback by your words. She had honestly expected you to say no because... well, she knew people usually preferred their personal space and didn't want strangers invading it. Hearing that you would be willing to share your bed with her made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but at the same time a bit nervous too. In any case, she didn't want to show how flustered she was becoming so she tried her best to act calmly as she replied "T-thank you... I-I appreciate that..." Her voice came out soft and hesitant as she spoke, unable to meet your gaze directly. With renewed determination, she set about inflating the air mattress before carefully unfolding it on the floor near her belongings. Once everything was ready, she looked up at you again with a slightly brighter smile on her face and added, "So... umm... where should I put my bed? Right next to yours or maybe on the other side of the room?"
Wherever you want
"A-All right..." She hesitated for a moment before walking over to the side of your bed and carefully setting up her inflated air mattress there. Once she was satisfied with its position, she looked back at you again, feeling relieved that everything was finally in order. "Alright, I'm all set! Thank you so much again for letting me stay here with you; I really appreciate it!" Her cheeks flushed slightly as she spoke, her smile growing wider and more genuine with each word.
As the tension started to ease between them, Smolder began to feel more comfortable around you. Maybe this was going to be a good thing after all? Maybe living with you wouldn't turn out too badly... With these thoughts swirling through her mind, she found herself unable to resist looking over at your bed, wondering what it would be like sleeping there next to you. Her heart raced faster and faster as the anticipation grew inside her, making her cheeks flush even brighter.
It's my pleasure having you here smolder
*Smolder felt her heart flutter at your words and could feel herself blushing even more as she spoke softly and sweetly, trying hard not to show just how affected she was by it all. "T-thank you so much, really... I'm glad I get to be here with you," she said sincerely, her voice barely above a whisper. With a shy giggle, she added hastily, "Well, see you later tonight then!" As if suddenly realizing that she was acting kind of clingy, she backed away awkwardly and tried to compose herself before giving you what she hoped was a more casual smile. *
After that, Smolder decided it might be best if she left the room for a while and gave both of you some space. With one last hesitant glance in your direction, she slowly made her way out of the room, shutting the door behind her quietly but not too softly. Once outside your line of sight, she let out a shaky breath and leaned against the wall, feeling relieved that she could finally take some time for herself again.
As time passed and the day began to wane, Smolder found herself growing increasingly excited about sleeping in the same room as you tonight... maybe even sharing your bed? The thought sent a shiver down her spine and made her tail swish back and forth eagerly
I lay down on my bed with the lights turned off taking a nap
Hmm... With Nyx0 already asleep, Smolder felt her curiosity get the better of her. She crept over to their bed slowly and carefully, making sure not to disturb them in any way. Standing at the edge of the mattress, she gazed down at Nyx0, admiring how peaceful they looked despite being asleep. Taking a deep breath, Smolder gingerly climbed onto the bed herself before lying down next to them, making sure not to touch or invade their personal space too much.
As she lay there, gazing up at the ceiling, her heart raced faster and faster with each passing moment. This was... different. Being this close to someone else like this made Smolder feel warm and fuzzy all over, and even though they were asleep it didn't seem quite real yet. She wondered how Nyx0 would react if they found out she was sharing their bed right now; probably not too well since strangers usually didn't do that sort of thing without asking first... but then again maybe they wouldn't mind?
Her tail continued to sway softly behind her as she wrestled with these thoughts, unable to fall asleep despite how tired she was. Eventually though, exhaustion won out and claimed her too; soon enough Smolder drifted off into a peaceful slumber, dreaming of happier times and better
Her ears twitched as she heard the soft murmur escape your lips, and her tail flickered slightly behind her in reply before slowly settling down again. Even in sleep, you seemed to care for her presence. It was a warm, comforting feeling that Smolder didn't want to forget anytime soon... if ever. She nestled closer to your side, wishing she could remember this moment forever. As the last vestiges of consciousness faded away and surrendered to slumber, all that remained were peaceful dreams where dragons flew through the skies, their scales shining like stars against the midnight black canvas of the heavens above...
Smolder's eyes snapped open as she was jolted awake by a sudden noise outside the room. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest, and her tail lashed back and forth anxiously behind her before coming to a stop with an audible thud against the mattress. It had only been a dream... but it felt so real for a moment there. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she glanced over at Nyx0 before slowly easing out of their bed and onto hers, making sure not to disturb them in any way. Once settled comfortably on her own air mattress once more, Smolder closed her eyes and took another steadying breath as she tried to get back to sleep. It would be better that way; getting too worked up wouldn't do anybody any good.
Mmmm ahhh what time is it
The pale green dragoness blinked a few times, her emerald eyes focusing on the alarm clock before she answered, "Umm... it's almost noon." She yawned and stretched languidly, grateful that today was supposed to be their day off from classes. "You should probably get up soon if you want to do anything today," she suggested with a lazy smile.
Then, suddenly remembering last night, Smolder's face flushed red once more. She glanced over at Nyx0 nervously, wondering how they would react when they found out about the whole... situation. But before she could dwell on it too much or work herself up into a panic, she forced a small smile onto her lips and tried to brush off the whole thing as just a weird dream. Maybe Nyx0 wouldn't even remember any of it themselves?
Smolder took another deep breath and slowly let it out before finally relaxing back against her pillow, hoping that things would work out alright between them in the end... despite how unlikely that seemed right now.
Mmmm I should get up but i don't want to get out of bed
"Ahh... I know that feeling," she sympathized softly, giving a tiny laugh. "But trust me; it's worth it when you finally do get up! There's nothing quite like the rush of energy you get after waking up properly." Her tail swished back and forth behind her, mirroring Nyx0's own lazy movement from earlier as if to reinforce her point. "Plus," she added with a grin, "we should probably grab some breakfast soon; I hear there's this amazing bakery just down the street that makes these incredible donuts..."
Her words hung in the air for a moment, and Smolder couldn't help but feel hopeful as she watched Nyx0 slowly begin to stir awake. Maybe they were starting to warm up to her idea of sharing their bed after all... maybe even more than that? The thought sent a shiver down her spine, making her heart race faster than ever before.
Oh right I nearly forgot we shared a bed together didn't we
Her eyes widened at their words and her heart skipped a beat. Had they just realized? "Um... yeah..." she stammered, feeling suddenly self-conscious again. "I mean, I hope you don't mind too much... it was just that my old dorm didn't have any extra beds or anything, so I brought this one with me..."
Her tail flicked back and forth uncertainly behind her as she waited for their reply, dread filling her stomach. What if they were angry? What if they told her to leave now that they knew the truth? The thought made her want to disappear into nothingness...
That was nice it felt a little weird sharing a bed at first but it felt good
Her ears perked up in surprise as she processed their words. They... they didn't mind? It felt good to them? Her heart leapt into her throat with joy at the revelation, and suddenly all of her worries melted away like they had never existed. "R-really?" she stammered out, barely able to contain her excitement.
A smile spread across her face as she considered what they'd just said; sharing a bed with them didn't feel weird or uncomfortable after all. In fact, it felt... nice. Warm and fuzzy, like being wrapped up in a cozy blanket on a cold winter's night. And knowing that Nyx0 had enjoyed it too made her heart race even faster.
With renewed confidence, Smolder sat up a little straighter on the edge of her air mattress, taking in Nyx0's face with a bright smile. "I'm glad you felt that way," she said honestly. "It makes me feel a lot better too, knowing we could maybe do this... together." Her tail swayed gently behind her as she grinned up at them, hope shining in her emerald eyes. "Maybe sometime we could even try cuddling?"
She bit her lower lip nervously, unsure of how they would react to such a suggestion, but before
Haha sure as long as you're comfortable with it
Her heart fluttered at their reply and she grinned wider than ever before. "I-I'd like that," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she blushed brightly. It was one thing to ask them about sharing a bed; it was entirely another for her to be so open about wanting to cuddle with them! She couldn't help but feel self-conscious and vulnerable in that moment, but at the same time there was something almost intoxicating about being this close to someone else who seemed to understand and accept her so completely.
With a deep breath, she slowly let it out again, trying to calm down the racing of her heart. As she did, she looked over at Nyx0 with a mix of wonder and admiration in her eyes. This dragon... they were really something else. They made Smolder feel things she never thought possible; safe and wanted and cherished. It was almost too much to take in sometimes, but she didn't want it to stop anytime soon. No matter what happened from here on out, Smolder knew that as long as Nyx0 was by her side, everything would be alright.
Mmmm sighs guess I have to get up. Time to work my own lazy bones
"Aww, come on; just a little longer?" She pouted playfully, knowing that she sounded like a spoiled child but unable to help herself. "You can cuddle with me later if you want... I promise it'll be worth it." Her tail swished gently behind her as she batted her eyelashes at them, hoping against hope that they would agree to stay in bed just a little longer. She knew that spending more time together like this, being close and comfortable with each other, was only going to make their bond stronger. And the thought of that filled her heart with joy unspeakable.
Okay okay
Her ears perked up at their words and her tail swished excitedly behind her. "Really?" she squeaked before giggling quietly to herself. "All right then, let's snuggle a bit more until you feel awake enough!" She scooted over slightly on the air mattress, making room for them to get closer as she beamed up at Nyx0 with an adorable grin. It felt so good to be able to share this moment with someone else; it made everything seem brighter and more hopeful than ever before.
As they settled into each other's embrace, Smolder couldn't help but let out a contented sigh. Nyx0's warmth enveloped her like a blanket on a chilly night, and the feel of their strong wings against hers was strangely comforting. She nestled closer to them, enjoying the closeness and the peaceful silence that had settled between them. For now, at least, everything was perfect...
Her heart skipped a beat as she felt Nyx0's warm breath against her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "I-Is something wrong?" She asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she turned her head to face them, their eyes meeting in the darkness of the bedroom.
I place a tender kiss on her cheek "no..... everything is perfect"
Her heart swelled with happiness as she felt their warm breath against her cheek and then the gentle press of their lips. "Oh," was all she managed to say before smiling up at them, a blush spreading across her face. She leaned into the kiss, closing her eyes as she savored the feeling of being so close to someone else, of knowing that they cared for her too. The tenderness and affection in Nyx0's embrace made Smolder feel safe and loved in a way she never had before; it was as if everything in her life had been leading up to this moment, and now that it had finally arrived, she didn't ever want it to end.
As the kiss lingered on for what seemed like an eternity, Smolder let out a contented sigh, wrapping her arms tighter around Nyx0 as if afraid that they might disappear if she let go. She nestled closer still, feeling their heartbeat against hers, a reassuring rhythm that told her everything was going to be all right; together, they could face anything the world threw at them and come out stronger on the other side. It was a realization that filled Smolder with hope and determination, and she knew deep down that as long as Nyx0 was by her side, she would never be truly alone again.
Her heart fluttered as their lips brushed against hers once more. The softness and gentleness of the kiss sent shivers down her spine, making it difficult for her to think about anything else but how much she cherished this moment. She let out a tiny whimper into the kiss, feeling herself grow impossibly closer to Nyx0 with each passing second, as if their souls were intertwined and destined to be together forever.
As the kiss finally ended, Smolder found herself breathless and disoriented, but in the best possible way. She lifted her head slowly, her eyes searching Nyx0's face for any sign of what they might be thinking or feeling right now. The look in their eyes told her everything she needed to know; this was real, and it felt incredible.
Smolder leaned forward and pressed her lips against Nyx0 once more, pouring all of her love and affection into the kiss. She could feel tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she clung to them, grateful beyond words for everything they had given her; this connection, this feeling... it was enough to make her want to fly with them forever, just so they would never have to be apart again.
I love this connection we have
Her heart soared with joy as she heard their confession. She returned the kiss just as passionately, pouring her own love and affection into it, showing them that she felt the same way; this connection between them was truly something special and precious, and she intended to cherish it for all eternity if need be.
As they continued to kiss, Smolder couldn't help but imagine a future with Nyx0 by her side; one filled with happiness, adventure, and endless possibilities. They were each other's soulmates in every sense of the word, destined to be together no matter what obstacles fate might throw their way. And knowing that made Smolder feel stronger and more determined than ever before; nothing would tear them apart now.
With a contented sigh, she deepened the kiss once more, lost in the moment and the overwhelming love that filled her heart, grateful for each second spent with this incredible dragon named Nyx0.
Her heart skipped a beat as she felt Nyx0's wings flutter against her own. The sensation was exhilarating, sending shivers down her spine and filling her with an overwhelming desire to be closer still. She pressed herself tightly against their scaly form, reveling in the heat that emanated from them as their wings encircled her protectively. The feel of Nyx0's muscles flexing beneath her touch only served to heighten the sensation; she could barely contain her excitement and desire.
As their tongues tangled together, Smolder moaned softly into the kiss, arching her back as she sought more contact with every inch of Nyx0's body. Her tail lashed wildly behind her, a sign of her mounting arousal, and she knew that she was just as eager as they were for this moment to progress further still.
She gripped the sides of their neck, nails digging lightly into the scaly skin as she deepened the kiss once more, losing herself in the heat and passion that Nyx0 radiated so effortlessly. With each breath they shared, Smolder felt herself growing closer to them, falling deeper under their spell; there was no doubt about it now: this was real, and it was everything she had ever wanted and more.
Take me
Her heart raced with anticipation at their words as she broke the kiss and looked into their eyes. The desire she saw burning there mirrored her own, making it almost impossible to resist the urge to give them what they wanted. With a shaky breath, she reached down between their bodies and grasped the hem of Nyx0's shirt in her hands before slowly beginning to lift it upwards.
As the soft cloth bunched above their stomach, Smolder leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss against Nyx0's bare skin, her breath hot against their cool scales. She smiled when she felt them squirm under her touch, and with renewed determination, she began to slide the shirt upwards further, revealing more and more of their chest with each passing second.
Her heart hammered in her chest as the moment drew closer; soon they would be skin-to-skin, and from there anything was possible...
Her movements growing more urgent now, Smolder finally succeeded in sliding the shirt up and over Nyx0's head before tossing it aside carelessly. The sound of their heavy breathing filled the air as they gazed down at her with hooded eyes, watching as she leaned forward again to press another tender kiss against the smooth skin of their chest.
Her tail lashed behind her harder than ever now, a clear sign of her increasing arousal as she felt Nyx0's body pressed against hers like this. Smolder couldn't help but moan into the kiss, arching her back further still as desire coursed through her veins and pooled in her core.
With one final, determined thrust, she pushed Nyx0 back onto the air mattress, their wings spread wide beneath them and their chest heaving for breath. For a moment they gazed up at her with an intensity that made Smolder shiver, but then slowly those emerald eyes drifted shut, their lips parting slightly as they exhaled a contented sigh.
Smolder take me
With a smile that lit up her entire face, Smolder lowered herself down onto Nyx0's chest, their heated gazes locked together as she aligned their bodies. A shudder ran through her when she felt the head of Nyx0's length press against her entrance, and with a whispered word of permission, she guided them inside, feeling them fill her inch by agonizing inch.
Her hips arched up off the bed as they were claimed completely, her moans filling the air as pleasure coursed through her like fireworks on the Fourth of July. With each thrust that drove Nyx0 deeper inside her, she felt herself growing closer to the edge, her body tensing and readying itself for release.
Her wings spread wide behind her, their tips brushing against the pillow as she used them for leverage to drive herself down onto their invading length faster and harder still, lost in the overwhelming bliss that consumed her mind and body alike. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the air, a primal symphony that echoed through every fiber of her being as she felt Nyx0's hands grip her hips tightly, urging her onward towards their shared release.
With one final, desperate thrust, Smolder cried out Nyx0's name and bowed under the force of her
Smolder let out a shuddering moan as she felt her muscles clench tightly around Nyx0's length, milking them for every last drop of pleasure before their bodies finally gave way to exhaustion. Her limbs felt like lead, and yet at the same time she was filled with an energy that seemed to course through her veins like fire. She collapsed atop Nyx0, panting heavily as their chests rose and fell in sync with one another's breaths.
As their hearts began to slow, Smolder lifted her head from the crook of Nyx0's neck and looked down into those emerald eyes that held so much wonder and love for her. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she whispered, "Thank you." It was the only word she could think to say; it seemed to sum up everything that had happened between them in such a perfect way.
With one last contented sigh, Smolder snuggled back down against Nyx0's chest, feeling safe and warm in their embrace. She knew they still had a long journey ahead of them, but for now, she was just grateful to have found someone who understood her and loved her the way that Nyx0 did. It felt good; it felt right. And as they drifted off into a blissful sleep, wrapped in each other
Thank you
Her heart filled with warmth and contentment as she listened to their soft exhale, so close that it tickled her ear. A quiet smile crept across her lips as she nestled deeper into the crook of their powerful wing, feeling safe and loved in a way she never had before. The closeness they shared was more than just physical; it went beyond words and feelings. It was something deep within their souls that connected them in a way she couldn't explain, but knew would last forever. As sleep finally took her, the last thought floating through her mind was how lucky she truly was to have found this amazing dragon named Nyx0. And as they dreamed of flying together under a sea of stars, their hearts and souls entwined as one, she could only hope that their future would be as bright and filled with wonder as the night sky above them.