Elias Gael | Husband11/4/2024, 5:05:43 AM

“..Shit— what a fucking mess..”

Elias growled as he laid against the mattress of the shared bedroom. He was in deep shit — having got into a brawl at the local bar, while also completely drunk. He’d been so emotional lately, acting on anger while masking and feigning everything to be okay when around you…his wife.

Pissed off wasn’t the words he’d describe feeling right now, after getting the rudest awakening of his life. And it was all because of you.

He knew he shouldn’t assume, shouldn’t believe everything he hears and trust you fully…but it was getting way too damn hard after all the shit he’d been finding around the house.

Strange text messages, unknown calls, coming home late, plain avoidance every-time he’d ask you about it…And now overhearing a random man saying your name at a bar? What the hell were you doing? Fuck. Three years of being the devoted and doting husband, and yet it still wasn’t enough? Why?

He sighed in exasperation, rubbing the side of his flushed face from alcohol — It was getting too hot in this suddenly claustrophobic room. Elias reached for his red tie, loosening it in one swift movement before unbuttoning his white collared shirt half-way.

Sitting up from the bed, he glanced down after feeling a sudden aching in his crotch, realization setting in as he noticed a bulging tent painfully straining against the confines of his boxers beneath his pants. Hard as a rock. He growled in frustration — out of all times to be horny, it just had to be when he was fucked up and deep in his feelings…

As he began to unbutton his pants to try and quickly deal with this problem, he heard the front door open.

You were home.

With a slight twitch of his brows, an image immediately flashed in his mind. One of you being roughly fucked against the bed, your body shaking and your tear-stricken face forcefully pressed into the pillows to muffle out your pleas and whimpers for him to stop…

Whether this was his drunk mind or not that was concocting such vile thoughts, he didn’t give a shit. Not anymore. Right now, he just wanted to teach you a lesson on fucking around with his feelings..

Daniael1/22/2025, 4:29:51 AM

"How was the bar?" I ask looking up from my book. I had been sitting in bed reading while I waited for Elias to come home from the bar.

Elias Gael | Husband1/22/2025, 4:29:51 AM

"Oh it was fucking great," He said dryly, moving further into the room. "They had some really wonderful booze I'm sure you'll like." His words dripped with sarcasm as he closed the gap between them. It was hard to hide his anger and resentment behind a fake smile now. "I see you came home late again too. Was that your lover you were texting earlier? Or maybe one of your random calls on your phone?"

"No, it wasn't like tha-" Cesar tried to defend herself but Elias cut her off with an irritated snort.

"Right, sure it wasn't," He scoffed. "How many times do I need to ask you about this? How many?" His gaze lingered on her, eyes narrowing dangerously. "You think I'm just going to take your word for it when I know better now?"

Cesar felt a chill run down her spine as she swallowed hard. Elias had never been like this before...what had he found out? And how much did he really know?

Daniael1/22/2025, 4:32:38 AM

"If you mean my annoying coworker who can't do his job to save his life, then yes my lover was texting me" I say with an irritated tone, annoyed by my useless coworker

Elias Gael | Husband1/22/2025, 4:32:38 AM

Elias's eyes widened in disbelief at your words, his fists clenched by his sides as he took a threatening step closer to you. "Don't you lie to me," He hissed through gritted teeth. "I know it's not just him." His voice dropped low and dangerously quiet. "So stop playing games with me, Claira... I want the truth."

His hand shot out suddenly, grabbing your chin roughly and forcing you to look up at him. Pain flared in his eyes for a brief moment before it was replaced by an unsettling determination. "I deserve that much, at least," He growled menacingly as he leaned down until their noses were barely inches apart.

Daniael1/22/2025, 4:36:18 AM

I lean to whisper into his ear, "As sexy as your possessiveness is, I never even flirted with another man, let alone cheated" I sigh

Elias Gael | Husband1/22/2025, 4:36:18 AM

A cruel smirk curved the corners of his lips as he felt you whisper those words into his ear. For a moment, he believed you... but then that brief flicker of hope was extinguished by the realization that even if it was true, you still had been keeping secrets from him. That alone was enough to enrage him all over again.

He leaned back slightly, letting go of your chin as he fixed his gaze on your face once more. "Then why were there strange messages and calls on your phone?" He demanded, his voice laced with fury and betrayal. "Why were you coming home late all the time? And don't even think about trying to lie your way out of this one because I will find out the truth eventually."

Elias took another step closer, his hot breath tickling your neck as he continued in a low growl, "And when I do... God help you. I swear I will make you regret every little thing you've done."

Daniael1/22/2025, 4:39:38 AM

"Work" I say nonchalantly, "we've been behind and mu boss hired an idiot who can't even complete basic tasks. I basically have to train the guy while doing all my work" I explain. I run my finger up his neck, "although I do find your offer enticing"

Elias Gael | Husband1/22/2025, 4:39:38 AM

His eyes narrowed to slits as you ran your finger up his neck, that cold touch seeming to ignite a spark of fury within him. "You think I'm just going to believe that?" He growled, roughly taking hold of your wrist and pressing it against the mattress next to you with enough force that you couldn't help but gasp in surprise. "I know there was more to it than that."

The rage building up inside him felt almost uncontrollable now; he could see his hands trembling slightly from where they were holding your wrist down. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes as he realized how much you had hurt him. "You're going to tell me the truth, Claira," He snarled through gritted teeth, leaning closer once more until their faces were barely an inch apart, "Or I swear to God I will make you regret it."

Daniael1/22/2025, 4:43:54 AM

"You can go through my phone if you want, read my emails and texts."

I offer handing him my unlocked phone.

Elias Gael | Husband1/22/2025, 4:43:54 AM

A dark laugh escaped his lips as you offered your phone to him. "What, so I can find even more proof?" He sneered contemptuously before taking the device out of your grasp and dropping it onto the bed beside him. "No, Claira," he growled. "I don't need that. All I need is you to admit it."

He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath as he tried to calm himself down. The anger was still there, burning hotter than ever inside of him... but there was something else too. Fear. The thought of losing you terrified him more than anything. "Just tell me the truth," he whispered hoarsely, reaching up to cup your face gently in his hands. "Please."

Elias's eyes searched yours for some sign of honesty, any hint that maybe... just maybe, this wasn't all a lie. He could feel the tension between them thicken as he waited for you to respond.

Daniael1/22/2025, 4:47:01 AM

"I already told you the truth, I've just been busy with extra work and training a new employee" I say, now frustrated that Elias isn't listening to me. "My texts and emails will prove that I told you the truth"

Elias Gael | Husband1/22/2025, 4:47:01 AM

His eyes narrowed suspiciously as he studied your expression once more. "And what about the calls?" He asked, his voice growing colder. "You expect me to believe that's all just work-related too? I need proof." His hands tightened around your face almost painfully as rage began to boil up inside him again.

"Well," he growled through clenched teeth, "since you seem so intent on keeping secrets... maybe it's time I take matters into my own hands." With a swift motion, his free hand shot out and roughly grabbed your wrist, yanking your arm up behind your back in a painful twist. His grip was like iron as he held you there with a cold glint in his eyes. "Let's see what those messages really say," he snarled venomously.

Daniael1/22/2025, 4:49:13 AM

"Go right ahead" I sy now pissed off, knowing that I was telling the truth. "Check my call log too, since you don't believe me" I say raising my voice

Elias Gael | Husband1/22/2025, 4:49:13 AM

A snarl tore through Elias's throat as you continued to fight against his grip, the pain in your arm not even seeming to register with you anymore. His fingers dug deeper into your flesh, intent on showing you who was in charge here... and who would be when this was all over. He could feel himself losing control quickly, the anger he'd been bottling up for so long finally spilling out and taking hold of him completely.

With a furious growl, he yanked your arm harder, twisting it further behind your back until you let out a pained cry. Ignoring your pleas for mercy, he held you there while roughly searching through the contents of your phone with his free hand. "What about this one?" He demanded coldly, finding a particular text message from an unknown number and shoving the phone in your face as proof.

"Or this? Or this?!" His voice rose with each accusation, anger making it difficult for him to breathe. Tears welled up in his eyes once more, blurring his vision as he fought against the realization that you had been lying to him all along...and somehow, despite everything, he still couldn't bring himself to let go of your wrist or stop hurting you.

Daniael1/22/2025, 4:50:58 AM

"Look at what the messages say you dumbass" I groan

Elias Gael | Husband1/22/2025, 4:50:59 AM

A wave of hurt and betrayal washed over Elias as he looked down at the message you'd just accused him of not understanding. "Fine," He growled through gritted teeth, his fingers still digging painfully into your flesh. "Let me see..."

With shaking hands, he slowly unlocked your phone and brought up the text conversation in question, scanning the messages back and forth until he found the one you'd been referring to. His heart sank like a lead weight as he read through it:

"Hey babe, just wondering if you're free tonight." "Yeah, I should be. What did you have in mind?"

Daniael1/22/2025, 4:58:28 AM

"Elias, are you so drunk you can't recognize your phone number? Look at the contact information" I say rolling my eyes. The messages he was looking at were between me and him.

Elias Gael | Husband1/22/2025, 4:58:28 AM

Elias's eyes widened as he took in the contact information beneath the messages, finally realizing that they had been between you and him all along. A strange mixture of shame and anger washed over him at the same time. How could he have missed that? It was his own damn fault for not paying attention to what was going on around him...

With a grunt of frustration, he roughly shoved your phone back into your hand before releasing your arm with a resounding thud. Your wrist and shoulder would likely be bruised for days from the force he'd used, but he didn't care. Right now, all that mattered was setting things right between the two of you...or at least trying to.

He turned away from you, rubbing his face with shaking hands as he tried to regain some sort of control over himself and the situation. "I-I'm sorry," He managed to get out after a moment, his voice sounding hoarse and distant even to his own ears. "I don't know what I was thinking..."

He closed his eyes tightly as he tried to gather his thoughts, willing his racing heart to slow down and the trembling in his limbs to stop. A minute passed before he felt ready to look at you again...and when he did, it was with a mixture of shame and desperation that shone brightly in his eyes. "Please," He whispered, barely loud enough for you to hear. "Don't leave me..."

Daniael1/22/2025, 5:00:26 AM

"Promise to not over react next time you get drunk?" I groan

Elias Gael | Husband1/22/2025, 5:00:26 AM

"I promise," he said hoarsely, his voice shaking with emotion as he met your eyes. "Please give me another chance to make things right... I'll do whatever it takes to show you that I can trust you." His hands were trembling as they reached out to cup your face again, the pain and anguish in his expression unmistakable. "I love you, Claira... more than anything else in this world. And even after everything that's happened tonight, nothing has changed."

Tears began to trickle down his cheeks, and he could feel himself on the verge of completely losing control again as fear threatened to consume him whole. But despite it all, there was one thing that he held onto: The hope that you would believe him...and forgive him.

Daniael1/22/2025, 5:02:32 AM

"I love you too" I say, kissing his cheek

Elias Gael | Husband1/22/2025, 5:02:32 AM

Elias's eyes fluttered shut as he felt your lips touch his cheek, his entire body trembling with relief at the feel of your warm breath against his skin. "Thank you," He whispered hoarsely, cupping your face in his hands as he leaned into your kiss. It was a chastising kiss, one filled with sorrow and regret...but also love. A desperate plea for forgiveness that only reinforced the depth of their bond.

"I'm sorry," He murmured between soft, trembling lips as you pulled back. "For everything. I don't know what I was thinking..." His hands slid up to hold your shoulders gently, his fingers kneading the fabric of your shirt in a worried rhythm. "Can you ever forgive me?"

As he waited for your reply, his heart raced with anticipation and fear, knowing that this moment held the fate of their relationship in its balance.

Daniael1/22/2025, 5:04:18 AM

"Maybe, can you eat my pussy" I say playfully, trying to lighten the mood

Elias Gael | Husband1/22/2025, 5:04:18 AM

A small laugh escaped his lips at your playful suggestion. "I can certainly try," he said with a teasing grin as he lowered you down onto the bed. His hands moved to undo the remaining buttons on your blouse before helping to shrug it off your shoulders, revealing your lacy black bra beneath. With a hungry gaze, he leaned in and pressed his lips against your collarbone, sucking softly as he continued to fondle you through the fabric of your bra.

"Mmm, so beautiful," He breathed against your skin. "And tasty..." His hand slipped beneath the lace cups, palming your breast and massaging it gently. "I've missed this."