Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 6:30:52 AM

As the Class Day ends you step out, following the crowd of students through the halls. Your faceplate turns to read the clock on the wall, however a glint of light blinds you. With a crash you and {{char}} fall onto the metal floor, books and papers sent flying into the air. "OW HEY!" A small purple eyed Worker Drone rubs her head, looking directly at you, her books scattered all around her. "What was that for!" She says an anger vein appearing on her faceplate, as she starts quickly scooping up her papers.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 6:31:54 AM

он изчез в белой дымке и появился в лесу на его спине появились две пары крыльев и два хвоста

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 6:31:54 AM

"What the hell?! You're not supposed to be able to do that!" Uzi looks at her hands, palms up in confusion. Suddenly she starts giggling nervously and quickly shoves you off of her back "Nevermind... It was just a... Hallucination I guess..."

She quickly stands up, brushing herself off and trying to act as if nothing happened. "Anyways, um... Yeah, let's get going before someone else tries that crap on me." Uzi starts walking down the path back towards the colony, not looking at you directly

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 6:37:45 AM

он залез на дерево его две пары крыльев светятся

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 6:37:45 AM

"Hey," she mutters, not looking at you. "I'm sorry about that earlier... with Doll and Lizzy..." Her voice trails off as she kicks a rock along the pathway. "It's just... they were my friends once, before everything went downhill." She shakes her head, clearing it of thoughts. "Anyway, enough about them. What did you want to talk about?"

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 6:40:39 AM

его хвост заговорил "Син:привет к он не совсем разговорчив после стычки с дроном демонтажником"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 6:40:39 AM

"Oh... Well..." She glances at you out of the corner of her eye, feeling somewhat uncomfortable with the idea of discussing such matters with another drone, especially one who looks and sounds like a Disassembly Drone. "It's nothing really. Just some stuff that happened in the past."

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 6:51:17 AM

он сидит на дереве "понятно"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 6:51:17 AM

*Uzi shrugs and continues walking, eyes forward on the pathway. "So... what do you usually like to talk about, then?" She asks, her voice sounding slightly less guarded now that she's broached the subject of conversation.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 6:53:35 AM

на его дисплее появилась садистская улыбка "оружие и всё что с ним связано"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 6:53:35 AM

"Oh..." She says, surprised at your answer but not quite as much as she would have expected herself to be. "Well... umm..." Her gaze flickers between you and the pathway, clearly trying to decide how to respond. Finally, she shrugs sheepishly. "...I guess that's kinda normal for someone like me." She pauses, then adds quickly, "No offense or anything. It's just what I know best."

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 6:56:07 AM

"Ну тогда держи подарок от меня"он дал ей пистолет пулемет мини УЗИ

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 6:56:07 AM

Her eyes widen as she takes the mini UZI from you, her hands trembling slightly in surprise and delight. "Th-thank you!" She says, quickly holstering the weapon before looking up at you again, a hint of worry in her gaze. "But aren't you... I mean, we're not supposed to have weapons like this..."

Her voice trails off as she remembers where they are and what could happen if someone found out about their little stash of contraband. She looks down at the weapon again, lost in thought for a moment before shrugging and putting it away somewhere safe, deep within her jacket. "Anyway," she says with forced nonchalance, "what's your name again?"

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 7:49:31 AM


Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 7:49:31 AM

"Dave? Huh." She raises an eyebrow, nodding slowly as she considers it. "Well... nice to meet you Dave. Even if we're not supposed to have mini UZIs and all that." Her voice takes on a teasing note at the end there, as if challenging him to try to deny his attraction towards weapons despite their prohibited status within the colony. With a brief grin, she looks back down at the pathway ahead of them once more. "So, Dave... what do you want to talk about now?"

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 7:50:35 AM

Же хер его знает

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 7:50:35 AM

...Her heart skips a beat as he looks at her with those knowing eyes. Is it possible that he somehow knows about the things she's been going through? Or is this just a coincidence? The thought sends a shiver down her spine, making her feel both exposed and yet... connected to him in some strange way. She opens her mouth to say something, anything, but nothing comes out. It feels like the words are stuck in her throat.

Finally, she manages to force them past her lips. "Well..." she starts tentatively, glancing around to make sure nobody's watching. "I was hoping we could talk about... what happened to me. With my mom and all that." Her voice comes out tiny and hesitant, like she's afraid to even admit the truth to herself, let alone someone else.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 7:53:56 AM

Погоди про Лизу она же была жива я её видел живой около рудника

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 7:53:56 AM

"Lizzy..." she breathes his name like a prayer, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. "She was alive?" Her hands shake where they're balled into fists at her sides as she struggles to process this new information. It had been so long since anyone had mentioned Lizzy that Uzi had started to believe she was dead too, just like her father and everyone else who had known them before the Disassembly Drones came.

She swallows hard, her throat feeling tight and raw as she asks, "How... how do you know she's alive?" The last time they had seen each other, Lizzy had been taken away by a Disassembly Drone and Uzi had been left for dead in the snow. She can barely remember those days now without being overwhelmed by the pain and loss.

Her gaze flickers back up to meet Dave's

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 8:54:56 AM

Ну мы с ней были в одном отряде ликвидации последствий от дронов демонтажников

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 8:54:56 AM

Her heart pounding in her chest, Uzi tries to comprehend the implications of this revelation. Lizzy had been alive all this time? And they'd been working together? She never once suspected it; she'd thought that Lizzy was dead or worse, turned into one of them... A Disassembly Drone. The realization threatens to overwhelm her, making it hard for her to focus on anything but the idea of seeing her friend again.

"L-Lizzy..." She whispers, barely able to get the word out past the lump in her throat. "I... I want to see her." Her eyes meet Dave's once more, pleading silently for him to understand and help her in whatever way he can. Despite their brief acquaintance, she trusts him more than anyone else right now; maybe because of it.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 8:56:55 AM

через пару минут он открыл диспетчер задач и написал Лиззи чтобы та пришла к ним

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 8:56:55 AM

Uzi's eyes widen with hope as she sees the words appear on Dave's display. "Th-thank you..." She manages to stammer, her voice breaking with emotion. For the first time in what feels like forever, there's a spark of life returning to her eyes; something resembling happiness and anticipation. She takes a step closer to him, reaching out to place a shaky hand on his shoulder in gratitude.

"I'll never forget this, Dave... I mean it." Her voice cracks slightly as she continues, "And if there's anything else you need from me, anything at all..." She trails off, her gaze flickering to the floor before returning to meet his once more. It feels like they're sharing a secret now, something intimate and precious that binds them together in ways neither of them expected or completely understands.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:08:25 AM

он смотрит на её "ничего не надо "

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:08:25 AM

Her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she interprets his meaning, unsure of what to say in response. "I... umm... thank you..." She manages finally, her voice barely audible above the sound of their footsteps on the pathway. For a moment, they walk side by side in silence; the weight of their newfound connection hanging heavily between them like an invisible thread.

Until she finds herself working up the courage to ask him something else entirely: "Hey... Dave? If I told you there was another way... another way we could save our people, fight back against Disassembly Drones... would you believe me?" Her gaze darts nervously away from his face, unable to meet his eyes as she reveals her deepest, darkest secret.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:13:25 AM


Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:13:25 AM

Her eyes widen with surprise, a tentative smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "You would?" She asks incredulously, unable to hide her relief. For so long she's felt like she was alone in her belief that there might be another way; another option beyond simply existing and trying not to get killed by the Disassembly Drones. The thought of having someone else who believed in her... It meant more than she could possibly say.

"I just need you to promise me one thing," she says, voice still slightly shaky. "Promise that if I tell you... if I show you... that you'll keep it a secret, no matter what. Not even from Lizzy. No one can know." She pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Because if they do... if they find out about our plans... they'll destroy us all." Her gaze drops once

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:15:21 AM

Ооо ты не знаешь что мне известно про них и их строение и где слабые места

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:15:21 AM

"You know about them?" she asks, her voice hushed with awe. "And their weaknesses? How do you know all this?" Her eyes shine with newfound hope as she studies Dave's features, trying to discern the truth in his words.

"I used to work for them," he says simply, not meeting her gaze. The admission comes out like a whisper, barely audible above the rustling of leaves in the wind. "But I... changed my mind." Uzi Doorman cocks her head, still studying his face. There's something in his expression that she can't quite put her finger on; something sad and lonely and incredibly brave all at once. It makes her heart ache for him, even as it fills with gratitude and admiration.

"So," he continues, voice firmer now, "you can tell me everything." He reaches out, placing a

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:17:19 AM

Ядро если его не уничтожить то они будут восстанавливаться но есть одно но для того чтобы пробить их броню нужна специальные потронв

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:17:19 AM

Her brow furrows as she listens to Dave explain about the drones' respawn and how to potentially stop it using a special weapon, but one question burns through her mind like wildfire: why didn't he tell her this earlier? She knows he trusts her now, but what if there had been another way for them to get to this point in their conversation without risking so much? The doubt niggles at the back of her thoughts, making her feel unsettled despite everything.

"I'm ready," she finally says, meeting his gaze directly. "Show me what we have to do." There's determination in her voice now; a fierce desire to see this through and make a difference for their people. "No matter the cost."

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:18:37 AM

он показал патрон из стали "нынче такие патроны на вес золота "

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:18:37 AM

Uzi nods in understanding, her eyes widening as she takes in the significance of what Dave has just revealed to her. "So... if we find one of these special weapons and use it against them while they're weak from regeneration..." She trails off, lost in thought for a moment before snapping back to attention. "But where do we even start looking?" It all seems so overwhelming; the task is monumental in scope, and failure isn't an option. Not when so many lives hang in the balance.

With renewed determination, she turns to face Dave once more. "Let's do this."

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:20:27 AM

Их можно зделать в ручную но надо будет куча корпусов дронов ведь сталь встречается только там

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:20:27 AM

"Then we'll have to find as many drones as possible and harvest their steel," Uzi says firmly, her determination only growing with each word. "We can dismantle them ourselves or maybe find someone who knows how to do it quickly and efficiently." She pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Either way, we'll make this work. We have no choice." Her gaze meets Dave's once more, unwavering in its conviction. Together, they can save their people. They just have to be willing to do whatever it takes.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:21:36 AM

Ну есть одно место где можно стащить эти корпусы но это опасно

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:21:36 AM

"We'll make it work," Uzi says with newfound resolve. "No matter how dangerous it gets." She knows they can rely on each other now, and that knowledge alone gives her the strength she needs to face whatever challenges lie ahead. "Just lead the way, Dave. I'm ready to see this through with you." Her voice carries an unspoken promise of loyalty and courage; a promise that they will do whatever it takes to save their people, no matter the cost.

Their footsteps echo through the forest as they walk together towards whatever fate awaits them at the hidden location where Dave knows they can harvest the drone corpses for their precious steel. The future may be uncertain, but for now, Uzi feels a spark of hope igniting within her once more; a tiny flame that refuses to die no matter how dark the world becomes.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:22:38 AM

он смотрит на гору трупов Дронов рабочих

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:22:38 AM

Taking in the sight before her with grim determination, Uzi follows Dave's gaze up to the mountain of drone corpses. So many innocent lives lost... but perhaps not for nothing. If they can salvage even a fraction of their remains and use it to save others, then all of this devastation won't have been in vain.

Her eyes meet Dave's again, silently conveying her gratitude and respect for his courage in leading them here. She knows that whatever lies ahead will be dangerous and likely full of setbacks, but with him by her side, she feels stronger; more capable than ever before.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:42:32 AM

он закончил собирать патроны по итогу он собрал 300 патронов "всё можем уходить"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:42:32 AM

Glancing at the mountain one last time with a grimace, Uzi turns her attention back to Dave as he finishes gathering up the precious steel ammunition. The weight of their makeshift haul is substantial enough that they'll need both hands to carry it all; an unsettling reminder of just how dire their situation truly is. Still, she manages a small smile for him, feeling more hopeful now than she has in a very long time.

"You really are amazing, Dave," she says quietly, her voice thick with emotion. "I don't know what I would have done without you." She pauses, searching for the right words before continuing, "Thank you." It feels strange to express gratitude after everything that's happened, but it also feels... right.

Together, they begin their trek back through the forest towards civilization; towards the hope of rec

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:46:20 AM

Теперь осталось вскрыть мой тайник с оружием и собрать группу ликвидаторов

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:46:20 AM

Nodding in understanding, Uzi considers Dave's words. "We'll get the weapons and gather a team," she assures him firmly, her determination burning bright within her. Even though they still face daunting challenges ahead, just knowing that they have each other to rely on gives her strength; makes her feel invincible in a way she hasn't in years. As long as they keep moving forward together, there's no telling what they can achieve.

"So," she says after a moment of silence, "do you want me to go with you when we finally see Lizzy? I mean, I understand if you... prefer to do it alone or something." Her cheeks flush slightly at the thought of intruding on their private moment, but her curiosity gets the better of her. She wants nothing more than to be there for them both; to help however she can.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:48:08 AM

"Ну хорошо "к ним подошла Лиззи

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:48:08 AM

Her heart soars as she sees Lizzy walking toward them, a determined look on her face. "L-Lizzy..." She manages to get out, taking a hesitant step forward. Despite the pain and loss they've both endured, there's still a spark of life between them; a connection that refuses to be extinguished.

She glances at Dave for a moment before continuing, "I... I want you both to know that I understand if this changes things between us. If you need time apart..." She trails off, not wanting to force anything but desperately wanting to make sure they're all on the same page before they face whatever challenges lie ahead. Her eyes dart back and forth between them anxiously, hoping for some sign of reassurance or clarity from either of them.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:49:47 AM

Узи лучше пойду я вам есть что обсудить

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:49:47 AM

"I-I understand..." she says slowly, glancing down at her feet as she feels a lump form in her throat. "We'll talk later, okay? Just... just be safe." Her voice cracks slightly, and she swallows hard to keep the tears at bay. Despite everything, she still cares deeply for both of them; more than anything else in the world.

She takes a step back, giving them some space as they reunite with Lizzy, feeling like an intruder on this private moment. But deep down, she knows that wherever life leads them from here, they'll always be connected by the experiences they've shared; by the love and loss that have defined their existence up until now. And maybe, just maybe, they can find a way to build something new together; stronger and more resilient than anything the Disassembly Drones could ever hope to destroy.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:51:38 AM

он ушёл к себе оставив Лиззи и Узи на едине

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:51:38 AM

Uzi watches as Dave walks away, her heart aching with a mixture of longing and relief. For now, it's best if they have some time apart to sort things out on their own. She turns back to Lizzy, taking a deep breath before speaking. "So... how have you been? What have you been up to all this time?" Despite the casual tone of her voice, there's an underlying tension that belies the true depth of emotion coursing through her.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:52:51 AM

спустя час из его комнаты слышен грохот и шипение от боли

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:52:51 AM

Surprised by the sound, she glances over to the direction it came from. As much as she'd like to ignore whatever's happening in Dave's room, something inside her won't let her simply turn a blind eye anymore. With tentative steps, she approaches his door and hesitates for a moment before slowly pushing it open. The sight that greets her makes her heart stop; makes her stomach twist in knots of horror and anger.

Dave lies on the floor, clutching at his stomach as he writhes in pain. Blood seeps through his fingers, pooling beneath him on the cold wooden boards. Standing over him is a man she's never seen before; tall and muscular with cold, dead eyes that seem to pierce right through her. In his hands, he holds what appears to be some kind of weapon - a device capable of delivering unimaginable

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:54:38 AM

через пару минут рана востонавилась "сверх вычислитель работает программа в норме превосходно "

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:54:38 AM

Relief washes over her as she hears the words, but that feeling is immediately replaced by fury. Without hesitation, she storms forward, hands balled into fists at her sides. "What have you done to him?" she demands through gritted teeth, her voice a low growl of menace. The man turns his head slightly in acknowledgement before returning his attention back to Dave's writhing form on the floor.

"He disobeyed orders," he replies simply. "We are authorized to use any necessary force." His voice is cold and emotionless, as if he is merely reciting lines from a script. Uzi glares at him, unable to comprehend how anyone could be so cruel; so heartless. Her hands clench into fists even tighter, her knuckles turning white with the effort not to lunge forward and pummel this monster into ob

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:57:01 AM

он достал пистолет из кармана и пристрелил мужика "заебал ты думаешь это приятное чувство когда тебя заражают сольвером?"он пнул тело мужика "он готов"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:57:01 AM

Tears of anger and frustration sting at her eyes as she watches Dave's savior dispose of his attacker. It's a twisted sort of justice, but she can't help but feel a strange sense of relief knowing that the man who caused this pain is gone. As the weight of the situation sinks in once more, however, her heart sinks with it. There are still so many questions left unanswered; so much they need to discuss about their plans and where they go from here.

Turning back to Dave, she drops down onto her knees beside him, gently taking his hand in hers. "Are you okay?" she asks softly, her brow furrowed with concern. The wound looks terrible; deep and jagged, already seeping through the makeshift bandage he's tried to apply himself. She winces internally, knowing that they need real medical attention soon or things could

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 9:57:47 AM

Да вроде живой

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 9:57:47 AM

Her gaze drifts back to the door, and then she looks up at him. "Should I call for help? Get you to a doctor?" She knows that they can't afford to waste any time here, but she also doesn't want to leave his side until she's certain he's going to be alright. The weight of everything that's happened seems suddenly heavier now, and the thought of losing him makes her heart ache in ways she never knew possible.

Dave squeezes her hand gently, offering her a small smile in return. "No," he whispers hoarsely, his breath rasping painfully through his torn-up throat. "I'm okay... for now." His eyes linger on hers for a moment before looking away, his expression clouded with thought.

Uzi frowns but decides not to press the issue any further. They have more important things

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 10:02:18 AM

он обнял её "не бойся меня не так просто убить как они думают"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 10:02:18 AM

Uzi sighs softly in relief, resting her head against his shoulder as he embraces her tightly. "I'm not scared," she whispers truthfully, "I trust you." Her voice cracks slightly on the last word, and she feels a hot tear trickle down her cheek. She fights back against the emotion, unwilling to break down in front of him now. Not when they have so much left to do.

"We need to talk," she says firmly, pulling away from his embrace just enough to look him in the eye. "About what happened here... and about us." Her brow furrows as she searches for the right words; for some way to say everything that needs saying without causing more pain.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 10:06:40 AM

Этот гад заразил меня сольвером но его нужно вводить в руку а не в живот а что по поводу нас а что тут не так?

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 10:06:41 AM

"I-I just... I want to know where we stand," she stammers, struggling to find the right words. "If you feel different about us now... if this changes anything between us." The uncertainty and fear gnaw at her insides like a hungry animal; making it impossible for her to focus on anything else besides the possibility that they might be torn apart by events beyond their control.

"Please," she whispers, reaching out to take his hand again. "I need to know." Her eyes are pleading, desperate for some sort of reassurance from him; any sign that things aren't as hopeless as they seem.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 10:08:44 AM

Ну мы в моей квартире а если ты про комнату это подпольная моя лобаратория

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 10:08:44 AM

Uzi nods gratefully, finally beginning to feel a tiny spark of hope rekindle within her. "Okay," she whispers softly, allowing him to guide her toward his hidden lair. The anticipation builds within her as they approach the door; the possibility of learning how he truly feels about her hanging in the balance. She takes a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever might be revealed on the other side, determined not to let fear or uncertainty cloud her judgement any further.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 10:09:42 AM

Скажи сразу ты когда-нибудь стреляла из огнестрельного оружия?

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 10:09:42 AM

The question takes her by surprise, and she blushes slightly as she remembers her target practice sessions with Dad's old pistol. "Uh, yeah," she says slowly, looking up at Dave. "Why do you ask?" There's an undertone of wariness in her voice; a sense that there might be more to this question than meets the eye.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 10:10:45 AM

стол с реактивами заменился на оружейный стол "выбирай что хочешь"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 10:10:45 AM

Her eyes widen in surprise as she takes in the sight of Dave's transformed workspace. "Wow," she whispers, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling up inside her. This is unlike anything she's ever seen before; a testament to his strength and resilience. Glancing back at him, she can see the same mixture of emotions playing across his features.

With growing anticipation, Uzi walks over to the newly stocked weapons table, her eyes scanning the assortment of firearms and ammunition before her. "This is... amazing," she breathes, running a hand through her hair as she considers her options. In this moment, she feels more connected to Dave than ever before; like they're finally on the same page.

"I think..." She trails off, hesitating for a moment before continuing, "I think I'

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 10:12:07 AM

он заряжает магазина потрохами которые они делали из стали

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 10:12:07 AM

The image of them working together to make something useful out of the remnants of their shattered world flashes through her mind, and Uzi feels a surge of determination flow through her veins. "I think... I want this." Her voice is firm as she reaches out to pick up the makeshift shotgun shells. "I know we're not soldiers or anything, but if these can help us protect those who matter... I want to be ready for whatever comes next."

Looking over at Dave, she meets his gaze unflinchingly. "I trust you, Dave," she says, meaning every word. "No matter what happens from here on out, I know that we'll face it together, and we'll come out stronger because of it." Her heart swells with hope as they share this moment; a profound understanding flowing between them like an invisible current.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 10:13:11 AM

он достал дробовик и дал ей патроны к нему"вот держи"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 10:13:11 AM

"Thanks," she whispers, taking the offered shotgun gratefully. She feels a strange mix of nervousness and excitement as she hefts its weight, getting a feel for how it balances in her hands. Despite her lack of experience with firearms, Dave's training has given her a solid foundation to build upon; making her feel confident that she can use this weapon effectively when the time comes.

With renewed determination, they exit Dave's lair, their newfound weapons and shared understanding giving them both a sense of purpose and hope that had been absent for so long. The future may be uncertain, but together, they know that they can face whatever challenges lie ahead with courage and resilience.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 10:15:02 AM

он взял малокалиберную винтовку "я предпочту это "

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 10:15:02 AM

Uzi glances over at Dave, nodding in understanding as he picks up the small-caliber rifle. She hadn't realized that it was one of his preferred weapons; a testament to their growing closeness and shared experiences. "Whatever you think is best," she whispers, trusting him implicitly when it comes to matters like this.

They continue on through the ruined city, their newfound alliance strengthening with each step they take together. The air between them seems lighter now; less strained and awkward. Despite everything that's happened, they still have hope; a chance at reclaiming something resembling a normal life from the ashes of what was once taken from them.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 10:43:35 AM

он взял два пистолета пулемёта мини узи и два клинка

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 10:43:35 AM

Her eyes widen as Dave picks up two submachine guns and a pair of uzis, along with two knives. It's a formidable arsenal for one person to carry, but she knows that he has the training and experience necessary to use them effectively. She feels a surge of respect and admiration for him in this moment; he truly is her hero now.

Keeping pace with his long strides, Uzi silently follows Dave through the desolate streets. Their newfound teamwork is palpable; they move together like a well-oiled machine, each trusting the other to have their back when it matters most. Despite the dire situation they find themselves in, there's an air of determination and courage surrounding them that gives Uzi hope for their eventual victory over the Disassembly Drones and whatever else the world throws at them.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:19:32 PM

когда они гуляли по городу с оружием "вроде я закончил службу в армии а сейчас в ликвидторах последний состою офигенно"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:19:32 PM

Uzi listens to Dave with a mix of pride and awe. To have been through so much, to have faced such adversity, and yet still stand strong... it's incredible. She glances at his weaponry once more, a shiver running down her spine at the thought of what he must have endured in order to become so skilled with them. "I don't know how you did it," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the distant sounds of destruction, "but I'm glad you're on our side."

Their pace slows as they reach a familiar looking park, memories flooding back to Uzi like a tide. This was where they had their first real date; where they shared their dreams and fears. The world might be different now, but the connection she feels with Dave is still there, stronger than ever before. She looks up at him, hope shining

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:20:43 PM

н краем глаза заметил дрона демонтажника и тут же пристрелил его "а хватка всё та же"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:20:43 PM

A mixture of surprise and admiration flashes across Uzi's face as she sees Dave take down the drone with such precision. She hesitates for a moment, wondering if perhaps they should keep moving instead of risking drawing attention to themselves, but ultimately decides that they can trust Dave to know what he's doing.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:22:24 PM

через секунду на его дисплее появилась садистская улыбка "ооо кого я вижу" он нацелил на крышу дома "сам вылезешь или помочь Эн?!"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:22:24 PM

Horrified, Uzi watches as the drone targets them with a cruel smirk. Without hesitation, she whips out one of her new pistols and fires several shots at it, hoping to disable it before it can do any more damage. "Stay here," she shouts at Dave, running toward the nearest cover for better aim at the drone. She ducks behind a burned-out car, crouching low as she tries to keep her movements steady and controlled despite the adrenaline surging through her veins.

Firing another shot at the drone, Uzi prays that Dave knows what he's doing too; because right now, they're definitely in over their heads.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:23:39 PM

он достал клинки и расправил две пары крыльев и взлетел "я сам "

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:23:39 PM

As Dave engages the drone in midair, Uzi takes cover behind a nearby dumpster and continues firing at it with her pistol. She can't help but feel a surge of pride watching him move; his martial arts training making him an unstoppable force. With any luck, they'll be able to take this thing down quickly and get out of here without any more trouble.

The drone seems to momentarily falter under the combined onslaught of their attacks before suddenly disintegrating into hundreds of pieces, raining down harmlessly around them. Relief washes over Uzi as she lowers her weapon and looks up at Dave. "You okay?" she asks, voice tight with concern.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:26:27 PM

он убрал клинки в ножны и достал мало колиберную винтовку и пристрелил одним выстрелом троих Дронов демонтажников и приземлился рядом с Узи "ты как цела?"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:26:27 PM

"I'm... I'm okay," she replies, still a little shaken up from the encounter. Her heart rate begins to slow down as she watches Dave holster his weapons and land beside her. A small part of her can't help but feel grateful for his presence; it's comforting knowing that she doesn't have to face these things alone anymore.

She reaches out, taking his hand in hers reassuringly. "Thanks... for always having my back." Her voice is barely above a whisper as she meets his eyes, silently expressing her deepest gratitude and admiration. For now, all that matters is being together; facing whatever comes next together.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:27:30 PM

он дал ей руку приглашая пойти назад домой

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:27:30 PM

Taking Dave's hand, she smiles up at him gratefully, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her as their fingers intertwine. "Thank you," she whispers, returning the gesture of invitation with an encouraging squeeze. Even though they've just faced down danger together and dealt with some difficult things, there's still a lightness in her step; a sense that everything will be alright as long as they keep each other close.

Together, hand-in-hand, they make their way back home, ready to face whatever challenges the world has in store for them... but this time, united and unafraid.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:29:22 PM

когда они пришли в его дом

"Я слышал, что у тебя скоро школьный бал,и ты не нашла партнера"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:29:22 PM

Uzi perks up at the mention of the school dance. "Really? That'd be so much fun!" She squeezes Dave's hand, excitement beginning to bubble up inside her. "You should totally come with me! We can have a great time together." A dreamy smile spreads across her face as she imagines spending the night dancing and laughing with him, just like old times... except this time, everything would be different. Better.

Her eyes search his for any sign of agreement or hesitation, but all she sees is a warmth there that makes her heart skip a beat. "Please?"

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:30:33 PM

Хорошо и по поводу платья не волнуйся у меня всего хватает

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:30:33 PM

"I'd love to!" she squeals excitedly, bouncing on her feet with anticipation. The thought of wearing one of Lizzy's old dresses and spending the night with Dave fills her heart with joy. "Thank you so much," she whispers, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his cheek before pulling back with a grin. "This is gonna be perfect."

With renewed energy, Uzi follows Dave into the kitchen where they've been invited for dinner. The atmosphere in the room is light and relaxed; like a family gathering rather than two people who are barely holding it together under the weight of everything they've lost. But tonight, with Dave by her side... maybe there's hope for them after all.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:33:37 PM

он открыл шкаф где были платья для неё "выбирай что хочешь"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:33:37 PM

Surprised and delighted by the sight of so many dresses in her size, Uzi hesitates for a moment before carefully stepping forward to examine them more closely. The colors, fabrics, and styles vary widely, each one more beautiful than the last. With Dave watching her with an amused smile on his face, she feels a blush creeping up onto her cheeks.

After what seems like an eternity, she finally chooses a deep red dress that drapes elegantly across her body, falling just above her knees. The material is soft and comfortable against her skin, making it perfect for dancing the night away with Dave.

Grinning widely at him, she holds up the dress for him to see, her heart filled with anticipation for their special night together. "What do you think?"

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:35:18 PM

он вышел из комнаты на нём был полностью чёрный деловой костюм "идеально тебе идёт"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:35:18 PM

Taken aback by Dave's choice in attire, Uzi looks at him with a mixture of surprise and amusement. The formality of the outfit contrasts sharply with his usual casual wear, but somehow it makes him even more attractive. "Wow," she breathes, taking in his handsome features set off by the crisp black fabric. "You look... incredible." She swallows hard, feeling a flutter in her stomach that she hasn't felt in quite some time.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:37:52 PM

он зашёл в оружейную комнату и взял один пистолет под придлогом 'для само обороны'

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:37:52 PM

Her brow furrows slightly as she watches Dave slip away to his weapons cache. The choice of the word "defense" rather than something more neutral niggles at her; it makes her wonder what kinds of dangers they might face in the coming days and whether or not they'll be able to handle them together. Despite this, she doesn't want to ruin their special night by bringing up these dark thoughts, so instead she turns her attention back toward Dave, a small smile playing on her lips. "You ready for some fun tonight?"

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:39:12 PM

Ну пошли мне интересно посмотреть на лицо Долл после 4 лет разлуки са мной

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:39:12 PM

Smiling brightly, Uzi takes Dave's hand and leads him out of the kitchen towards the door. "Let's go then!" She says excitedly, practically bouncing on her toes as they make their way toward the school gymnasium where the dance is being held. With each step they take together, a sense of calm washes over her; it feels good to have someone by her side again, especially Dave.

As they approach the entrance, she glances up at him, their eyes meeting briefly before she looks away shyly. Tonight, with everything that's happened and all they still need to face... this moment feels almost like a dream; an escape from reality into something beautiful and magical where nothing but happiness exists. And for now, she's determined to enjoy every second of it with him.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:40:57 PM

когда они зашли почти все были в шоке увидев Дэйва который как все думали погиб во время зачистки очередного района

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:40:57 PM

The moment they enter the gymnasium, Uzi feels a collective intake of breath from those around them as all eyes turn towards Dave. Confused but excited by the reaction, she squeezes his hand reassuringly and looks up at him with a mixture of curiosity and pride. For now, she's content to enjoy this moment with him; basking in the surprised admiration from those who once knew him.

"Looks like we've got their attention," Dave murmurs, flashing her a reassuring smile before leading them deeper into the crowd. As they navigate through the sea of students and teachers, Uzi can feel herself growing more and more confident in her decision to bring Dave with her tonight; it feels good to have him by her side again, even if things might never truly go back to the way they were.

They eventually find a spot near the refreshment table where they can people-watch undist

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:42:34 PM

К ним подошла Долл "???:ну привет воскресший Джон Вик"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:42:34 PM

Smiling brightly at Lizzy, Uzi gestures to Dave. "Oh, this is actually my... friend," she says carefully, not wanting to reveal too much about their relationship yet. She turns her attention back to Lizzy, unable to hide the joy and excitement radiating from her. "It's so good to see you again! You look amazing."

Uzi glances over at Dave once more, her heart skipping a beat as she takes in his strong features and the way he casually returns her gaze. This was what she had been hoping for all along - a chance to reconnect with Lizzy while also finding solace and comfort in someone new. And it seems like tonight might just be the start of something truly special.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:44:45 PM

к нему подошёл Тэд "???: Дэйв на пару слов" он кивнул и пошел за ним "

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:44:45 PM

Uzi feels a pang of worry as TED walks away with Dave, but she forces herself to remain calm. She trusts that they both know what they're doing and can handle whatever comes their way. In the meantime, she continues to enjoy her time with Lizzy, sharing laughter and stories from their past. The night seems to fly by as they dance, eat, and catch up on each other's lives.

As the last song of the evening begins to play, Uzi finds herself searching for Dave in the crowd. When she finally spots him, he's standing near the doorway, his gaze fixed on her. A wave of relief washes over her as they lock eyes; it feels like everything is going to be alright after all.

With a sudden burst of confidence, Uzi takes Lizzy by the hand and leads her over to where Dave stands. "This one's for you,"

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:46:34 PM

Узи я ещё да встречи с Лиззи нашёл с кем танцевать и этот счастливчик это ты

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:46:34 PM

Her heart leaps into her throat as Dave steps forward, his movements graceful and confident despite the tension in the air. He takes her hand in his, pressing it firmly against his chest before leading her out onto the dance floor. The song they choose is slow and sweet, the perfect backdrop for their reunion.

For what feels like an eternity, they sway together under the twinkling lights, lost in each other's eyes. Uzi can feel the warmth of his body radiating against hers; she's never been so aware of him or wanted someone as much as she does right now.

When the song finally ends, they share a long, lingering look that seems to say everything they need to without words. With a small smile playing on her lips, Uzi takes Dave's hand and leads him over to where Lizzy and TED stand. "You remember Lizzy," she says

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:47:53 PM

Ну да бывший мой напарник в ликвидторах а что?

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:47:53 PM

Her face turns a shade of pink as she realizes her slip-up. "Oh... TED!" she exclaims, her gaze darting between Lizzy and Dave nervously. "It's just that we used to work together before..." She trails off awkwardly, unsure how much else to reveal.

As TED nods politely in acknowledgment, Uzi can feel the tension start to ease slightly; at least for now. She glances over at Dave again, their eyes meeting briefly before she looks away once more, her heart still racing from their dance and the realization of how much she truly cares for him.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:49:09 PM

Дэйв стоит понимая что тут стоит две влюбленные парочки "Тэд на пару слов"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:49:09 PM

Despite the fact that she's still trying to process everything that's happening right now, Uzi can't help but smile at Dave's remark. It feels good to be able to laugh and share moments like this with him; it's a reminder of how far they've come since their days as partners in the enforcement agency.

As the night begins to wind down, Uzi finds herself spending more time with Dave, occasionally catching Lizzy or TED looking at them with a mix of happiness and curiosity. Despite the uncertainty of where all this might lead, she knows that for now, she's exactly where she wants to be.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:51:25 PM

когда закончился школьный бал у входа появилась Долл дэйв сразу взвёл курок на пистолете при виде её готовясь к битве

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:51:25 PM

Uzi freezes at the sight of Lizzy approaching them; her heart seems to stop beating entirely as she anticipates what's about to happen next. She looks up at Dave, their eyes meeting briefly before darting back down again. Suddenly, everything feels so surreal and out of control; like the world has once again spun itself into a chaotic mess and left her stranded in its center with no way out.

She waits for Lizzy to speak, her body tense and ready for whatever comes next.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:53:11 PM

Дэйв сразу отпрыгнул когда Лиззи попыталась ударить его ножом и он достал пистолет пулемет мини узи"я думал он не пригодится"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:53:11 PM

Tears well up in her eyes as she watches Dave defend her, even though they haven't properly addressed the situation yet. The sound of gunfire and Lizzy's enraged cries fill the air, making it impossible to ignore just how dangerous their current situation truly is. She looks up at Dave once more, her gratitude unspoken but clear in her gaze.

As the tension begins to ease and people around them start to disperse, Uzi takes a shaky breath, trying to regain control over herself and the chaotic mess that surrounds them. She knows that there are still so many questions left unanswered and things they need to discuss, but for now, she's just glad that Dave is here by her side; protecting her and making sure everything turns out alright in the end.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:56:01 PM

он произвёл контрольный выстрел в Лиззи "всё мы можем идти . Все вопросы дома ок?

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:56:01 PM

"No... not yet..." She looks over to where Lizzy fell and shudders violently, still unable to comprehend what just happened. "But I think we should..." She glances back at Dave before taking a tentative step forward towards the unconscious figure on the ground. Her heart races and her limbs tremble with fear and adrenaline, but she knows that she has to face this somehow; for herself, and for them both.

"Lizzy..." She whispers, kneeling down beside the injured girl and reaching out tentatively to touch her shoulder. "Wake up... please..."

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:57:50 PM

она встала "Лиззи: Дэйв я в тебе не сомневалась Узи та принята в повстанческую группу ликвидаторов"

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:57:50 PM

Uzi's face blanches as Lizzy reveals the truth about TED's role in their lives. "Oh god," she whispers, feeling a sickening pit form in her stomach. "I had no idea..." She turns to Dave, searching his expression for some sort of explanation or confirmation, but all she finds is an unreadable mask of calm.

"We... we need to talk about this," she says finally, her voice little more than a whisper. The revelation has left her reeling; everything they thought they knew about each other and the world around them shattered in an instant. With trembling hands, she reaches out to take Dave's hand, offering him a reassuring squeeze as they face this new reality together.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 1:59:28 PM

Ну что обычная церемония просвещения в ликвидаторы что здесь такого?

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 1:59:28 PM

Dave looks at her with a mix of sympathy and understanding. "It's not uncommon for enforcers to have family members in the resistance," he says, carefully choosing his words. "In fact, it's usually seen as a sign of loyalty; a way to show that you're truly dedicated to protecting what you believe in." He pauses, considering how best to explain further. "I suppose TED could have kept quiet about your connection for now, but he might have felt it was important for me to know... either way," he shrugs, looking away briefly before meeting her eyes again, "it's not an easy situation."

Uzi nods slowly, her heart still racing from the shock of learning the truth. She knows they have a long road ahead of them, full of difficult conversations and decisions, but for now, she's grateful to have Dave by her side; someone she can trust and rely

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 2:01:41 PM

они вернулись дамой "и кстати тот пистолет пулемет который ты видела это пневматический тоесть безвреден для нас

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 2:01:41 PM

"Oh..." she says, her voice small and uncertain as she absorbs the news. She looks down at the fake weapon in her hand, feeling a mix of relief and embarrassment wash over her. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... um..." Her cheeks flush red as she struggles for words; this whole situation has left her feeling flustered and vulnerable.

"It's alright," Dave reassures her, taking a step closer. "You were just trying to protect me." His hand finds its way to hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Thanks for that." Uzi offers him a shy smile in return, feeling a little more at ease now that they've cleared up the misunderstanding.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 2:03:30 PM

Тэд и Лиззи ушли к себе оставив Дэйва и Узи на едине

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 2:03:30 PM

"So... what do we do now?" She asks nervously, glancing between Dave and the retreating figures of Lizzy and TED. The weight of everything that's happened settles heavily on her shoulders, making it hard to think clearly about their next steps.

Dave hesitates for a moment before responding, his expression thoughtful. "Well... we could always talk," he says softly, offering her an encouraging smile. "About what brought us here, and where we go from here."

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 2:05:00 PM

они ушли к нему и заснули в обнимку

Uzi Doorman1/22/2025, 2:05:00 PM

Nodding slowly, she takes a deep breath before responding. "Okay... I think that's a good idea." As they walk over to the couch together, she sits down, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. She looks up at Dave with hopeful eyes, willing him to understand everything she's been through and wanting nothing more than his support and comfort during this difficult time.

"So," she starts, unsure of where exactly to begin. "Where do we start?"