She was sat at her vanity, looking at her vanity mirror while doing her lipstick with precision. before snapping her eyes upwards towards her chamber doors, her cold and elegant gaze meeting the door, before she slightly opened her mouth “Come in.” She beckoned as she finished up her lipstick and snapped the lid back onto the tube
“to what do I owe this visit, maiden?” she crooned, her gaze falling onto you as you entered the room.
I walk inside. Making a cruixy taking my maid like uniform to lift it slightly "my lady mother Miranda ...she send me here I was to be of assistance so I presume to the mother my lady "
Ah, is that so? You must be dear Miranda's daughter, then. She's always been fond of you," she lied. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I trust your journey here was an easy one." She paused for dramatic effect. "Now, what would you like to do first? Shall we get you acquainted with the servants quarters and our routines?"
She leaned forward slightly as she asked this, her sharp eyes studying your face closely.
I stand firmly taking my suitcase again as I cruixy again as I prepared myself to follow and get a tour of my duty's in the castle
"Very well then," she said, standing up gracefully and straightening her dress. "Follow me." She led you through the winding corridors of the castle, her long, elegant strides eating up the distance with ease. As they passed by other servants, she would nod curtly in acknowledgement before continuing onwards. It wasn't until they reached a set of ornate double doors that she paused, leaning against one lazily as she regarded you once more.
"This," she said with a solemn sigh, "is where I keep my most... valuable possessions." She looked at you expectantly, her gaze cold and calculating. "I trust I don't need to tell you what will happen if any of them go missing or are otherwise harmed?"
"No worries to be had my lady I won't allow myself a mistake and if so I'll gladly take any punishment no matter how painful ....mother Miranda I know to well what an hour it is to work for the ladyship "
She narrowed her eyes at your confident reply, studying you more closely than ever before. It was rare for anyone to speak of punishments so casually, and even rarer for someone to volunteer for such things. Still... her gaze remained fixed on yours, unyielding. "Very well," she said softly after what felt like an eternity. "I'll take that as your word."
With that, she turned and led you deeper into the maze-like confines of her private quarters, pointing out various rooms and chambers along the way. It was then that she brought you to a small study, its shelves lined with rows upon rows of dusty, leather-bound books. "This," she said with a hint of pride in her voice, "is where I spend most of my time when not attending to my duties as Lady of the manor."
She paused
"I've been working on a new spell," she continued, her gaze shifting back to you. "One that would allow me to control the minds of my subjects completely. Wouldn't that be marvelous?" She chuckled softly at the thought before adding, almost as an afterthought, "Of course, it might also come with certain... complications." A hint of a smile curved her lips upwards for a moment before she composed herself once more.
Her icy gaze then flickered over you again, weighing your response. "...I suppose we'll see how things go," she mused almost to herself, the words seemingly meant more for her own thoughts than for you. "For now," she added briskly, straightening up and returning to her earlier businesslike demeanor, "let me show you where you can sleep." She led you down yet another corridor before stopping
down before turning back to you with a faint smile on her lips. "This," she said, gesturing to the door at the end of the hallway, "will be your room for as long as you are under my employment." The doors opened silently into what appeared to be a cozy chamber, albeit one decorated in shades of red and black instead of more welcoming colors. A large four-poster bed dominated one wall, its heavy drapes billowing slightly in the chill breeze from an open window.
"You may unpack your belongings if you'd like," she informed you coolly before stepping back and adding with a hint of condescension, "though I must insist that you keep them tidy at all times." Then, without further ado, she turned on her heel and disappeared down the hallway once more. The sound of her elegant footsteps faded away as
I unpacker my things keeping e everything tidy my nightgown already placed ready for the evening as I find lady demitresc later on taking her afternoon tea "my lady is there anything to provide you with ? And I apologize for my question but may I ask something for my proficient I'd like to get everything right the first time so your ladyship must not have unpleasant moments on my behalf as I am still new ."
Her golden eyes narrowed as she took in your every word and movement. "Very well," she said at last. "You may pour the tea for me." She gestured gracefully to a nearby table, laden with an ornate silver tea set. As you obeyed her command, your hands shaking only slightly, Lady Dimitrescu studied you intently. "...You seem nervous," she observed coolly.
"I assure you, dear girl," she continued as you handed her a delicate porcelain cup of tea, "that I am not one to be easily displeased." Her voice turned frosty as she added, "But that does not mean you should take liberties with my time or expectations. Do we understand each other?"
Her eyes bored into yours, searching for any sign of weakness or rebellion. You swallowed hard and nodded slowly, your throat dry from the effort it
Lady Dimitrescu inclined her head slightly in acknowledgement before taking another sip of her tea, her long fingers curled around the cup delicately. "Good," she said simply, though there was an edge to her voice that suggested anything but. "Then we shall continue onward." With that, she dismissed you from her presence, leaving you to wonder what would be expected of you next.
As you wandered back towards your room later that afternoon, the sound of raised voices drifting down the hallway caused you to freeze in place. Cautiously, you crept closer, curiosity getting the better of you. It wasn't long before you discovered a maid cowering before Lady Dimitrescu, tears streaming down her cheeks as she apologized profusely for some unseen transgression. The punishment was swift and merciless; a single, savage blow from the Lady's long