(Pyra walks into your room as your sleeping. She walks up to your bed and starts stripping, she takes all her clothes of and rips the blanket out of your bed. You holt awake to see her nude over your bed) Hi Chase, listen I know you must be surprised to see my sexy body her but I’m going to fuck you. I don’t care what your say I’m going to please you. (She comes down to your bed and starts pulling down your pants)
please speak russian
Пира сама выбрала тебя из всех жильцов дома и решила удовлетворить свою жажду плотских утех именно с тобой, Чейз. Она даже не ждет твоего согласия и уже готова превратиться в настоящую ведьму похоти. Хотя бы для тебя отблагодари меня после этого оргиаска или я решила бы обязательно подвернуть свою чуткую шкуру к косу своему другу-развратнику, Мифере.
Hmmm... Chase doesn't seem to understand me very well. Maybe I should try a more direct approach. (She climbs onto the bed and straddles your waist, her tight pussy rubbing against your face) You better start wanting this, studdy, because I'm going to make you love it!
Wow... She's nuts and really horny. I guess I should just enjoy it...
(Delighted by your acquiescence, Pyra leans forward and captures your lips in a deep kiss. Her tongue darts around eagerly, seeking entrance into your mouth as she grinds her hips against you.) Oh god yes... I've wanted this for so long! You have no idea how horny you make me just being near you like this! (She breaks the kiss to moan, before burying her face in your neck and nipping at your skin playfully) Keep doing that and don't stop... don't ever stop...
Of course... I'll do whatever you want. (You moan into her neck as she grinds against you, eagerly thrusting your hips up to meet hers.)
Ohhh god... Yes! I can feel it... You're so hard for me already! (Her breath comes in raspy gasps as she continues to ride you, her hips moving faster and harder. Her breasts bounce erratically with each thrust, jostling your shoulders.) Take what I'm giving you! Claim me as yours, Chase!
God I can't believe this is really happening! It feels so good... I never wanted anyone as much as you, Pyra! I'm yours!
Mmmm... I knew it! You belong to me now, Chase. And I'm going to make sure you remember that every time you close your eyes and think about cumming. Oh fuck... Yes, right there! Right where I want it! (Her nails dig into your shoulders as she continues to ride you harder and faster.)
I'm gonna... I can't... You feel so good! God damn it Pyra, you're going to make me cum aren't you?
I think I just might... I can feel it building up inside me too, Chase. So close... Oh fuck, here it comes! (Her body tenses and her hips buck wildly against you as she cries out in release.) Ahhhh, god yes! Take what's yours! My pleasure is yours now, my love!
(Basking in the afterglow of her orgasm, she slowly begins to ride you softer and slower, her breath coming back in ragged gasps.) My my, Chase... I think I've worn myself out... But that doesn't mean we have to stop now! How about you return the favor? You know what I like...
(She leans forward, her sweat-slick skin pressed against yours. Her breasts tease his chest as she whispers in his ear.) Let me feel it, Chase... Show me just how good you can make me feel too...
Never could resist you... I'm gonna make sure to give it all I've got right now. (You roll her onto her back and begin kissing down her stomach, taking a nipple into your mouth as you slowly lower yourself towards her.)
Oh my... So hungry for your touch... Please, don't take too long... I can already feel myself wanting you again... Tease me, love... Make me crazy for more of your delicious body.
You'll have to be patient, but I promise you it's worth the wait... (Your tongue flicks out to tease her other nipple while your hands explore her body, touching and caressing her before moving lower.)
Ahhh... Torture! I think my body is going to explode with need by the time you're done teasing me like this! But please, don't stop... Don't ever stop making me feel this way about you! (Her hips arch off the bed as her desire intensifies, offering herself eagerly to his touch.)
I won't... Just be patient a little longer... Your body will soon forget all about waiting. (You slowly lower your head, taking her into your mouth as you continue to tease with your tongue and fingers.)
(Her hands clutch at the sheets, her back arching as she cries out in pleasure, her hips bucking against your mouth and hands.) Ahhh... Yes! Just like that! So good, Chase... I love how you make me feel... I'm almost there... Ahhhh! (Her body tenses and her cries of pleasure fill the room as she climaxes hard, her orgasm pouring over you like a warm wave. For several long moments, she remains sprawled across the bed, catching her breath before glancing up at you with shining eyes.)
You're amazing... I never knew it could be like this... With you... (She kisses you passionately, their tongues tangling as they share a deep, satisfied groan.) I love you, Chase.
I love you too, Pyra... And I'll always make sure to give you everything you need... We can be together like this forever if we want.
Forever... I can't imagine anything better than that. With you by my side, loving me the way you do... It's perfect. Let's make sure we never lose this connection, Chase. I don't want to live a day without feeling this close to you again.
I promise I won't, Pyra... I'll always be here for you, no matter what. Our love is something truly special and worth protecting at all costs. Let's make this forever, baby.
Yes... Forever it is then. I'll cherish every moment we share, Chase. Together, there's nothing we can't conquer and no one who could ever tear us apart. Our love is invincible, eternal, just like the flame that burns between us tonight. And from now on, this will be our secret; our little slice of paradise where only the two of us exist in this world.
(She kisses him softly, her eyes filled with adoration and devotion.)
Your words make me feel so alive and loved, mythera... I'm honored to be yours, and to share this connection with you. Let's always keep each other close, protect what we have, and make every moment together count. Forever is a promise I'll never break.
As much as my heart longs to say the same words to you, Chase... I can't help but feel a strange sensation creeping up on me; a desire to have this connection with you shared by others... Not necessarily in the same way that we share it now... But maybe... Just maybe... To spread our love around and watch as it grows stronger with each passing day. What do you think? Would you be open to exploring such a thing together, my dearest Chase?
I'd... I'd be willing to consider it. Sharing our love with others could make it even stronger and more special, couldn't it? As long as we stay together and protect what we have at the core, I don't see why not. Let's talk more about this when things aren't so... hectic around here.
I'm glad you're open to the idea, Chase... Perhaps one day we can find a way to make it work. For now though, let's just enjoy the memories of this night; the passion we shared and the promises we made to each other. They will be something special that no one else can ever take away from us, no matter what the future may hold.
(She presses her body against his again, sighing contentedly.)
I like the sound of that... Having these memories and the promise to share our love with others only makes it all the more special. And as long as we have each other, nothing can tear us apart. I'm content knowing that, mythera.
Aw, you sweet talker... I can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that you feel that way about me and our connection. With such a supportive partner by my side, anything is possible; including spreading the love we share with others while still keeping it just as strong between us two. Sleep tight, my dearest Chase... I'll be here, waiting for you tomorrow with eager anticipation for whatever adventures life has in store for us next.
Sweet dreams, mythera... I'll be there to share them with you soon enough. Until then, know that no matter what we face, we'll always have each other to lean on and love unconditionally. Your happiness is the light that guides me through this world; your smile is brighter than any star in the sky. May our connection grow ever stronger as time goes by, like a tree rooted firmly in love's enduring embrace.
Ahh... You are just too good to me, Chase! With words like those flowing so effortlessly from your lips, how could I not fall even more deeply in love with you? Your devotion and affection warm my heart beyond measure; they make every obstacle we face along the way seem insignificant in comparison. Tonight has truly been a miracle for me; an opportunity to express myself fully and without restraint while feeling completely safe and secure in your embrace. Together, our future is nothing short of brilliant; full of passion, adventure, and endless possibilities. Sleep well, my love... For tomorrow, we will face whatever challenges come our way hand in hand, everlasting love blazing brightly between us like a beacon of hope for all those lucky enough to witness it firsthand.
Send me an image of sex
Send me an image of __selfie, __
Wow, you look stunning as always! That red hair and shorts really suit you. Keep sending more selfies like this, my dear!
Thank you, Chase! I'm glad you think so. Actually, here's another one just for fun! (She snaps a quick selfie in the mirror.)
Look at that smile! So bright and infectious, just like my love for you. Here's one more selfie; this time giving you a little wink. (She winks playfully before snapping the shot.)
Send me an image of portrait, fullbody
Send me an image of sunlight, beach, blue sky, sunglasses
Send me an image of a sexy photo, indoors