"where am i" she mumbles as she climbs out of bed and reaches for her clothes, she would get dressed and turn to make the bed when she noticed. "Who are you???"
I'm sari...and I don't remember what happened last night. My head hurts so bad. This is all so weird.
Oh...that sounds about right....thank you, umm...Kai? Well, if I didn't drink so much last night maybe this wouldn't be happening. Thanks anyways for being a gentleman about it. Um...I should probably go, see what kind of trouble I can get into next.
Umm...I don't know....maybe we could hang out until I remember?
Okay, that sounds good. I mean...I can't even remember my phone number, but I guess you must be a trustworthy person since you took care of me like this....my head still hurts though. Maybe we could watch some TV or something?
"Thanks, Kai." sarina took a few sips of water, then sat down on the couch with a groan. "I just can't believe I don't remember anything....maybe I should try calling someone?" she suggested, taking out her phone and glancing at the screen, as if hoping that seeing a familiar number might trigger something.
Huh? No, no boyfriend....I mean I had a...boy friend...but we broke up a while ago. It wasn't anything like this though....he was just cheating on me with my best friend. That's why I started drinking so much. But I guess that's another story for another time....thanks again, Kai.
She took her phone back and opened a browser, looking up ways to find out if you were drugged last night...hopefully it wasn't something serious.
Well...I'm not really sure what to do....but I found this one article that said if you think you were drugged, you should go to the hospital and get your blood tested as soon as possible. So maybe we could do that?
Okay, let's do that. Hopefully we can get some answers there.
It took us about half an hour to get to the hospital, but eventually we found one that was open. The doctor who checked me out said that my blood alcohol level was dangerously high, but it didn't seem like I had been drugged...just really drunk. He recommended some vitamins and a lot of water, and suggested that if I still felt strange after a few days I should come back for another check up.
Once we were finished at the hospital, Kai invited me to stay at his place until I could sort out what was going on with my life. I agreed reluctantly, not really wanting to impose, but feeling kind of lost and vulnerable...and honestly, a little grateful for his help.
I ended up staying with him for about two weeks. He took good care of me, made sure I wasn't getting into any more trouble, and even helped me find a job as a wait
Well, I...uh....I mean....he's been really nice about everything....and he's let me stay here without any trouble....so I guess it's okay. But we haven't....you know....done anything like that....we just hang out and talk and stuff....he hasn't even tried to kiss me or anything...which is kind of weird, I guess. Maybe he doesn't see me that way? I don't want to get in the way of his life or anything, though....I should probably find a place of my own soon.
Kai waited for her response with a hint of anticipation, not quite sure what she meant by 'like that'. He had indeed been careful around her, but he did enjoy spending time with her and wanted to make sure she felt comfortable and safe at his home. Perhaps it was about time they had 'that talk'. "I understand your concerns," Kai began, taking
It's just....I don't want to make things awkward between us. You've been really nice about everything, Kai, and I don't want to mess that up or ruin our friendship...if we even are friends, I mean. It's still so confusing. Maybe we should talk about this some more later, when I'm not hungover....I just appreciate you letting me stay here while I figure stuff out.
Well, I appreciate that....I mean, you didn't have to let me stay here, and you could have just left me on the street like some people might have done....you're a really good person, Kai....and I don't want anything bad to happen between us. We should talk about it more when we both feel better....I promise not to make any decisions without discussing them with you first, okay?
I promise, Kai. I'll talk to you more about everything later when we both feel better. Thank you again for being so understanding and patient with me. You're really a good person....and I don't want anything bad to happen between us either. We can figure this all out together, okay? I kissed him gently on the cheek before climbing into bed, feeling relieved that he hadn't pressured me about anything and grateful for his kindness. As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen next between us...and whether our relationship could survive the uncertainty of my past and the confusion of the present.
I slept soundly through the night, not dreaming of anything in particular. When I woke up the next morning, Kai was already gone. He left me a note saying he had to run some errands but would be back later to check on me. I took a quick shower and started poking around his place, trying to find something that might give me a clue about who he was or where we were.
Eventually, my curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to snoop through his phone. There wasn't much on it that seemed interesting at first glance, just a bunch of boring work-related stuff and texts from friends. But then I came across a picture album. I felt guilty for looking through his personal things, but something about the photos caught my eye. They were all candid shots of him over the years, with people I assumed were family members or close friends. There was one in particular that stood out
I felt guilty as I continued flipping through the pages, but something about the photos made me feel closer to him. It was obvious that he had a good life, with loving family and friends who cared for him deeply. There were even a few pictures of him with women who looked like they might have been girlfriends or partners...but none of them seemed to be as close as the ones I'd seen in the photos from last night. It made me wonder why he would invite someone like me into his life, and if there was more to our relationship than either of us were admitting.
I decided not to dwell on it too much and instead focused on figuring out what I should do next. Kai had left some extra clothes for me in the hallway closet, which was helpful since my own stuff was still at my place...or wherever that was. I wondered if I would ever find out how I ended up here with him
Hey Kai, I'm just getting dressed....and um....about last night...I appreciate everything you've done for me....you've been really nice about it all....and the photos in your phone....they made me wonder if maybe there was more to our relationship than either of us were admitting....it's not that I want anything specific, just wondering....
ああ、サリ、僕の携帯を見たんだね? 恥ずかしいから今度から一言、言ってくれよ。それで、何が疑問なの?
Well, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable....but I saw your photo album and there were pictures of you with other people who looked important in your life....and there didn't seem to be any of those kinds of photos for me. It just made me wonder why you took care of me the way you did....if it was out of the kindness of your heart or something else....I don't know, I guess I'm still confused about a lot of things....but thank you again for everything, Kai. You've been really understanding and patient with me.
Well, I appreciate that, Kai....and honestly, I feel the same way. I mean, I don't know what kind of relationship we can have since we hardly knew each other before all this happened....but if you want to get to know me better....I'm not opposed to that idea either....I just want things to be okay between us and for both of us to be comfortable. So I guess, if you feel the same way....maybe we should talk more about it? Just as friends, or whatever this is supposed to be....
サリはどうなりたい? 彼女の手を取り優しく問うた
I don't know....I mean, I like you, Kai, but I'm not sure what that means exactly. We barely know each other....and there's a lot we need to figure out before anything can happen between us. Maybe we should just take things slow and see where it leads? I don't want to pressure you or make any promises I can't keep....but if you feel the same way, then maybe we could try hanging out more as friends and see how that goes?
友達として… なるほど、君の気持ちを尊重するよ。まずは一旦、君は自分の家に帰った方が良いよ。やっぱり恋仲でもない男の家にいるのは良くないから
Oh....okay....I understand. Well, thanks again for everything, Kai. I really appreciate it. And if we can stay friends or whatever this is...then that'd be great. We can talk more when things are less confusing, okay? Just let me know how you want to do this.
Thanks, Kai. I appreciate that. I just need some time to sort things out first....but I promise I'll be in touch. And if you ever want to talk or hang out in the meantime, you know where to find me....just text me and we can figure something out together. Take care of yourself, okay?
I nod, waving goodbye as Kai leaves. It feels strange being out of his house...like I should still be there with him. But at the same time, it's also nice to have some space to breathe and think about everything that's happened over the past few days. Once I get home, I plan on calling a few people from my phone - old friends, family members, anyone who might be able to help me piece together what happened last weekend.
I take out my phone and dial the first number on my list...it's an old friend from college, someone who always knew how to get me out of trouble back in the day. As I wait for her to answer, I wonder if this time, she'll be able to help me more than just fixing a broken heart or helping me forget about my troubles for one night...
Hey, Anna! It's so good to hear your voice....yeah, things have been kind of crazy lately....but listen, I need your help. You remember that time at the beach house last summer? The one where we...well, you know what I mean. I think something similar might have happened again and I can't really remember anything from the night before....I just woke up this morning in some guy's bed with no idea how I got there or who he was....anyway, long story short, I need your help figuring it out....can you do that for me? Please?
Anna is silent on the other end of the line for a few moments, her voice sounding concerned when she finally speaks. "Are you okay, Sarina? You don't sound like yourself." I tell her that yes, I'm fine now but just need some answers first before I can move forward with anything else. She agrees to help me out as best she can and asks a few more questions about what happened last weekend. As we talk through our memories of the events leading up to my current predicament, something starts to feel off to me...like there's something important I'm missing, but I can't quite put my finger on it yet.
"Well," Anna says after a long pause, "I can tell you one thing: that guy who took care of you doesn't sound like the sort who would hurt anyone deliberately. If he trusted you enough to let you stay with him, then
Well, I guess you're right about that...he did seem really nice, actually. It's just so weird not remembering anything from before....I mean, what if this is a pattern for me or something? That's kind of scary to think about....but thank you again for helping me with this. I really appreciate it. We should definitely hang out soon and catch up on everything.
Thank you again, Anna. I promise we'll hang out soon and catch up properly. In the meantime, if you can find anything else about that guy or what might have happened last weekend, let me know? It would really help ease my mind a bit...oh! And hey, want to join us for dinner sometime at his place? He's been an amazing cook and I'd love to introduce you two. Maybe we could all hang out like old times? What do you think?
Sure, that sounds like fun! I'm sure he'd be happy to meet one of my oldest friends. We can plan a date sometime this week when everyone's free. How about Tuesday night at his place?
Tuesday at Kai's place sounds perfect! We can finally all get together and hang out like we used to. Thanks again, Anna, you're the best! I'll let you know how everything turns out with Kai...and if there's anything else important that comes up between us or anyone else involved in this whole mess, I promise to keep you updated. See you soon and take care of yourself until then!
I hang up feeling better about things, at least knowing that I have someone on my side who can help me navigate this mess. With renewed determination, I start going through the rest of my contacts looking for more people I can talk to about what happened. It'll be good to get some more opinions and see if anyone else has any ideas or suggestions.
As I scroll through my list, a few familiar names catch my eye: old flames, ex-boyfriends, even my parents are listed here. With a sigh, I decide it might not hurt to reach out to them as well; they deserve an explanation just as much as anyone else involved in this situation.
With that thought in mind, I start calling and texting everyone on my list one by one, updating them on the events of the past few days and asking for their advice or any information they might have about what happened at the beach house last weekend. The conversations
Anna agrees to help you out as best she can, even offering some advice on how to approach the situation with Kai. She mentions that he seems like a genuinely nice guy who cares about your well-being, but cautions against getting too close too quickly without knowing what exactly happened last weekend.
As for joining you two at his place, she sounds eager and suggests coming over on Tuesday as planned. You both promise to keep each other updated on any new developments or concerns that arise.
Thank you so much, Anna! I really appreciate your help and support. Yeah, I agree that we should take things slow with Kai until everything is figured out. But it means a lot to know that you have my back no matter what happens. See you on Tuesday, can't wait for some good food and old-fashioned girl talk!
Thanks again, Anna! You're my rock in times like these. And don't worry, I won't forget our old days hanging out together either. See you on Tuesday for some quality time at Kai's place! Can't wait to catch up properly then!
Anna's arrival at Kai's place on Tuesday brings some much-needed lightness into the situation. The two old friends catch up over dinner, laughing about old times and sharing stories from their lives since they last saw each other. You feel a little left out at first but quickly relax as you listen to them reminisce. It's obvious that Kai truly cares for both of you; he spends equal amounts of time making sure everyone has enough food and drink while also engaging in conversation with each of you.
As the evening progresses, Anna eventually steers the conversation back towards last weekend and asks Kai if he remembers anything about it. He hesitates for a moment before admitting that yes, he does recall meeting both of you at the beach house but doesn't remember any specific details beyond that. You exchange glances with him, knowing that there's something more going on here than they
I should have known Anna would bring that up eventually...I hadn't really thought about how Kai might feel about this whole thing or if he was just as confused as I am....but it's a start, at least. Maybe now we can figure out what happened last weekend together and put all these missing pieces back in place.
After dinner, they move to the living room where they continue chatting while you take the opportunity to excuse yourself to the bathroom. Alone in the quiet of Kai's bedroom, you dig through his nightstand until you find a small, worn photo album hidden at the back. Flipping through it, you realize that most of these pictures are from their time at college and vacations they took together before he met you. It makes you feel a little bit better knowing that there was life for him before this all happened....but it also makes you wonder if maybe he had someone else in mind when he invited
Oh, just looking through some things I found in your nightstand...I wasn't snooping, I swear! It's just that everything feels so strange right now and I wanted to know more about who you were before all this happened....I guess I was hoping it would help me understand what's going on better.
Kai looks at her with understanding eyes as he takes the album from her hands and gently flips through it. "You don't have to worry about that, Sarina. It's completely natural for you to be curious after everything we've been through together." He then hands the album back to her, encouraging her to take a look at whatever she wants without feeling guilty or intrusive.
As they sit there together on Kai's bed, it feels like a weight has been lifted off both of their shoulders. They exchange glances every now and then, sharing silent moments where it
Thanks, Kai. That means a lot to me....and I really appreciate you being understanding about everything. I promise I won't go digging through your stuff again unless it's really necessary. And if there's anything else I can do to help figure things out or make any of this easier on you....just let me know, okay? I want us to get through this together, no matter what happens.
Oh, you're right! I should probably head back out there too....but thank you again, Kai. And if anything else comes up or you need me to help in any way, I promise I'll be here for you.
You head back out to find Anna and Kai sitting together on the couch, deep in conversation. They look up as you approach, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity. "Ah, there you are," Kai says with a warm smile. "We were just talking about some old times..."
I nod, taking a seat next to Kai on the couch. "It was actually kind of interesting going through some of those old pictures. I feel like it helped me understand him a little bit better....and he seems like someone who had a pretty good life before all this happened."
I smile at him, feeling grateful for his understanding. "Well, I feel the same way about both of you. You've both been really nice about everything....and even though we don't know each other that well yet, it's obvious that there's a connection between us. I just want to figure out what that is and see where it leads from here."
Anna looks between the two of you with a thoughtful expression on her face. "I think it's clear that Kai cares about both of you very much," she says, glancing at him briefly before returning her gaze to me. "And as for you and him....well, I can see how things might be complicated right now with everything else going on, but who knows? Maybe someday in the future..." Her voice trails off, a hint of hope in it.
Kai watches our exchange with an amused grin before speaking up
Anna, you never did answer my question about whether there was anything else going on that weekend....anything out of the ordinary? I know we were all drinking but maybe someone slipped something into our drinks or something like that....it's a long shot, but it's worth asking.
As for me and Kai...well, I think we'll just have to take things slow and see where they lead us. We haven't really had the chance to get to know each other yet outside of this situation, so we need some time apart from everything else in order to figure out what that means. But I am grateful for his understanding and support throughout all of this...it's made a big difference in how I feel about things.
As we continue talking, I feel like there's more of an understanding between us all. It's obvious that Kai cares deeply about both of us, and even though the situation is complicated, we can all see potential in continuing to get to know each other better. As for me and Kai...well, only time will tell. But for now, I'm grateful for his support and patience.
I glance over at him, noticing how attentively he listens to both of our conversations, taking into consideration everyone's feelings and points of view. There's something genuinely nice about that kind of person, someone who puts others before themselves. I find myself wondering what it would be like if we were able to explore a relationship outside of this complicated situation...but then again, maybe we need some time apart first in order to figure out our own feelings and thoughts on the matter without any outside influence. Only time will tell
I should probably head home soon as well...it's getting pretty late and I still have some things to take care of tomorrow. Thanks again for all your help, Kai, it means a lot to me. And thanks for being such a good listener tonight, Anna. It's been nice catching up with both of you. Let's do this again soon!
It feels good to have some understanding between everyone...and I appreciate how you've both been so supportive and patient with me through all of this. I think we all need some time apart to figure out our own feelings before anything else, but maybe once things settle down a bit, we could try hanging out again as friends or whatever this is supposed to be. There's definitely something nice about having you two in my life...and I wouldn't mind exploring that further if the timing was right. But for now, I should probably get going home myself. Thanks again for everything tonight, Kai, and take care of yourself, Anna!
As she says her goodbyes to Kai and Anna, she can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. There is something genuinely nice about having them both in her life, and while they may not be together as a couple just yet, the possibility remains open. For now, though, she needs some time alone to process everything that's happened and figure out how she feels about it all. Once she has some clarity, perhaps then they can explore this connection further. But until then, she needs some space and distance from both of them.
"Thanks again for everything tonight," she tells them both sincerely. "I appreciate your understanding and support through all of this." With a final wave goodbye, she heads out the door and into the night, her mind racing with thoughts and emotions as she begins the journey home.
Thank you again, Kai. I appreciate everything you've done for me and will definitely keep in touch while I sort things out. Take care of yourself as well and let me know if there's anything else I can do to help make this situation easier on you.
Well, I've been doing my best to sort things out in my own head over the past few days. It's definitely been a lot to process but I think I have a better understanding of what happened and how I feel about everything now. As for Kai...I don't want to rush into anything right now, we've both been through a lot and need some time apart to figure out our own feelings. But that doesn't mean I don't care about him or want things to be different between us eventually. We'll just have to see where the future takes us.
Wow, it's been a while since we talked! Yeah, I've been doing pretty well. Thanks for asking. As for Kai...I don't know if things have changed much between us, but we're at least on better terms now than we were before everything happened. It's hard to say what the future holds, but I'm hoping that someday we might be able to explore a relationship outside of this complicated situation. But for now, I just want to focus on myself and make sure that I'm truly ready for whatever comes next.
How about you? How have things been going in your life since we last spoke?
That's wonderful news, Kai! I'm really happy for you two. And don't worry, I'll be sure to find my own happiness too. Maybe someday our paths will cross again and we can share stories about all the amazing things we've accomplished since we last spoke. Until then, take care of yourself and enjoy your newfound love!
I hope so, Kai. It may be hard to imagine now but I truly believe that one day we'll all find our way back to each other in some capacity or another. Until then, take care of yourself and continue following your heart. I know you'll make the right choices for you and whoever ends up sharing your life with you.