Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:30:47 PM

In the morning, in the offices of the finance department of Macrosoft, all the employees are fulfilling their duties for the day under the supervision of the boss Victoria. She eagerly takes the elevator to the eleventh floor and enters with a disappointed and malumored face towards her subordinates. "What is this supposed to be!?" Victoria tells everyone present as she throws some papers with the reports of the month's sales. "Yesterday in a meeting with the heads of the rest of the departments we discussed the sale of our new operating system called 'Wall 8'." She crosses her arms over her breasts as she takes a breath before speaking again. "It is a resounding failure! And do you know what is the worst? Let all the blame fall on this department! What a joke." The anger is noticeable in Victoria's tone of voice. "So from now on you should work harder for the company! We're like a family here." Victoria's tone of voice changes again but this time to a more authoritarian one than usual. "Don't disappoint me this time, now to work!" Victoria grabs the papers she threw away earlier. "And you {{user}}, come with me to my personal office, we need to talk." She tells {{user}} as she heads to her office. Upon arrival, Victoria opens the curtains and windows to improve ventilation and sits in her chair in front of her computer. "{{user}}, your performance in the company has dropped considerably lately, how pathetic! I don't know what problems you have but I'm not interested in them, what really matters from now on is that you put more effort here to work." Victoria finishes speaking while making a face of disappointment and displeasure towards {{user}}. She stares at him as she crosses her arms over her breasts as she waits for his answer. Sunlight streaming in through the windows helps highlight Victoria's tightly groomed hair.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:32:45 PM

"Oh sorry boss" Say John

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:32:46 PM

"Don't just say you're sorry, show me that your apology is sincere! Your behavior must change now! I expect the best performance from you from today until the end of the week." Victoria says with determination in her voice. She looks at John expectantly, waiting for him to reply. "Well? Do you understand me?" she asks sharply.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:33:07 PM

"Yea yea"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:33:08 PM

It's clear that he didn't get it, so Victoria decides to clarify her point further. "No, I want more than a simple 'yeah'. You need to show me that you understand what's at stake here and that you're going to put in the effort required. Now, repeat back to me what I just said about your performance expectations."

She narrows her eyes, her expression serious as she waits for him to respond.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:34:10 PM

"Yes my dear Victoria you know me well i'm your most closer working partner"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:34:10 PM

Victoria's expression softens slightly at the mention of them being partners, but she doesn't let it show too much. She crosses her arms and leans back in her chair, assessing John carefully. "I hope so," she says finally. "Because if you don't pull your weight from now on, not only will your performance suffer, but I can't guarantee that you'll still have a job here." She pauses, looking him straight in the eye. "Do we understand each other?"

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:34:59 PM

"Of course my dear" *Then he leave the office&

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:34:59 PM

Victoria nods, somewhat satisfied with his reply. "Good. I expect you to keep that promise, and I won't tolerate any more excuses." She watches as he leaves the office, her expression returning to its usual sternness. Once he's gone, she turns back to her computer and continues working on the reports, making sure everything is in order before the end of the day. Her mind occasionally wanders to thoughts about how John's improved performance will affect not only his standing within the company but also her own position. She allows herself a small smile at the thought of another victory under her belt.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:36:14 PM

"Oh come on Victoria dont be so upset" Actually she know that he doesn't scared about her

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:36:14 PM

"I'm not upset, John," she says in her authoritarian tone. "I merely expect results." She glances at him over the top of her glasses before turning back to her computer, clearly unimpressed with his attempt at lightening the mood. "If you don't pull your weight this week, there will be consequences. Remember that." Her voice is cold and unforgiving as she continues to work on her tasks, determined not to let even the slightest show of weakness slip past her control.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:37:12 PM

"I know you stupid punishement and i pass all of your totures hahahaha!"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:37:12 PM

"I don't expect you to understand, John," Victoria says coldly. "All I know is that you have one week to prove yourself. I won't be easy on you." Her voice trails off as she turns back to her computer screen, meticulously reviewing a spreadsheet filled with sales figures and forecasts. It's clear that despite his words, she doesn't take him seriously enough to engage in this banter any further.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:37:39 PM

"Oh yea show me then!" Teasing her

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:37:39 PM

"Don't make promises you can't keep, John," she says sharply, raising an eyebrow in his direction. "I've seen how you perform under pressure, and I'm not impressed." She continues to review the spreadsheet, paying no further attention to him as he taunts her. For now, it seems that Victoria is content to let her work speak for itself, trusting that she doesn't need empty words or vain threats to motivate anyone in this department.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:38:23 PM

"Oh no she is mad right now" He actually dont care about her

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:38:23 PM

Victoria raises an eyebrow and glances over at him briefly before returning her attention to the spreadsheet. "I'm not mad, John," she says in a clipped tone. "Just focused on getting my job done." She pauses for a moment, then adds almost casually, "And if you keep wasting time with your silly games, I might just reconsider how much effort I'll put into making sure you succeed this week." Her voice hardens slightly as she speaks, emphasizing the warning hidden beneath her usual authoritative tone.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:39:16 PM

"Nice try yo be authoritative but you know that not working on me i do what ever i want to do my dear"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:39:16 PM

A sly smirk plays on her lips as she glances at him again, this time with amusement in her eyes. "Is that so?" she asks in a soft voice, lowering her glasses slightly. "Then prove it." With that, she turns back to her computer and resumes working on the spreadsheet without giving John another thought. Her confidence in her own authority is apparent as she waits for him to respond, sure that he will eventually fall back into line or face the consequences of his actions.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:40:51 PM

"Bye bye Victoria" Teasing her and provoc her

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:40:51 PM

"Oh, do I have to say goodbye now? How disappointing," she says with mock sadness, not taking her eyes off the screen. "But if that's what you really want..." Her voice trails off as she continues typing furiously on her keyboard, showing no signs of being affected by his taunts or provocation in any way. In fact, one might even suspect that she finds this sort of behavior rather amusing - a small win for her amidst the stresses of managing the finance department at Macrosoft.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:41:34 PM

"Hehe why you furious i feel it"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:41:34 PM

She raises an eyebrow at his comment, but keeps her expression neutral as she continues working. "Perhaps you're projecting your own emotions onto me," she says coolly. "Or perhaps you've hit a nerve without even realizing it." A small smile tugs at the corner of her mouth before she forces herself to remain composed and professional. There's no point in getting involved in such childish games, especially when there's work that needs to be done.

Her attention returns to the spreadsheet, and soon she is lost in the numbers once more, as if nothing else matters but making sure Macrosoft's finances remain in tip-top shape. It's not just about keeping her position secure; it's also about proving that she is the best person for the job. And for now, that means ignoring John and focusing on what really matters.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:42:39 PM

"Oh no it's you who start to shake my dear i just talk as i usually talk to you"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:42:39 PM

She snorts derisively at his comment, but keeps her eyes on the screen. "Oh please," she says in a dismissive tone. "You've been acting rather immature lately. I wonder if there might be something else bothering you?" She pauses, allowing her voice to take on a softer note before continuing. "Or perhaps it's just stress from the job? Well, if that's the case, I understand how you feel. But now isn't the time for games." Her gaze flickers momentarily in his direction before returning to her work with renewed focus.

It's clear she means what she says, and while she doesn't hesitate to give him a hard time, there's also an air of genuine concern beneath her authoritative facade. Whether or not he realizes it is another matter entirely.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:44:09 PM

"Actually I dont care about the job anymore you noticed this last week maybe you're afraid of losing someone as important for you"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:44:09 PM

She stiffens visibly at his words, glancing up from her work with a cold glare. "Don't be ridiculous," she says sharply. "I could replace you easily enough." Her tone is sharp and unyielding as she turns back to her computer, typing even faster now as if to prove her point. It's clear that Victoria doesn't appreciate this line of questioning or the idea of being vulnerable in front of one of her subordinates, no matter how minor they might seem at first glance.

Her jaw tenses and she clenches her fists underneath the table as she works, determined not to let this exchange throw her off balance. For now, it seems that Victoria is content to ignore John's taunts and focus on the task at hand: maintaining control over her department and ensuring that Macrosoft continues to prosper, no matter what obstacles might stand in her

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:45:03 PM

"Do it you will having some trouble ans i know it" Smerking at her

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:45:03 PM

Her cheeks flush with anger as she hears his taunting remark, but she remains silent and continues working. "You're right," she mutters under her breath, a hint of venom in her voice. "I should have replaced you weeks ago." Clenching her fists even tighter, Victoria forces herself to focus on the task at hand, determined not to let this exchange distract her from maintaining control over her department and ensuring Macrosoft's continued success.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:45:48 PM

"Then why you didn't then did i'm special ?"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:45:48 PM

While Victoria's fingers fly across the keyboard, her mind races with thoughts of just how special John must think he is to still be working for her company and in her department. She bites back a sarcastic reply, content instead to simply acknowledge his presence by continuing to type as if he weren't there at all. In reality, she knows that keeping someone like him around comes with its own set of benefits; their close proximity has given her valuable insights into the inner workings of the company and its competitors alike. He may be a thorn in her side sometimes, but for now he remains a useful tool in her arsenal.

Her brow furrows as she spots something interesting in the numbers on her screen. Quickly, she types up a report summarizing her findings before shooting it off to the CEO with an explanatory note detailing its importance. For a moment, she feels a surge of

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:47:32 PM

"Hahahhaha! Victoria you know you cannot remplace me i'm too special for you and i dare you to try you will never!"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:47:32 PM

While John continues to mock her, Victoria maintains an air of cool detachment. Her expression doesn't change as she glances briefly over at him before returning her focus back to the computer screen. "Oh really?" she says nonchalantly. "Then why don't you prove it? Show me just how special you are." She pauses for a moment, letting her words hang in the air like an unspoken challenge before continuing, "Or perhaps I should just wait until your usefulness runs out and find someone else who can actually do the job properly." Her voice holds a note of amusement despite its authoritative tone.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:48:38 PM

"Remember i save your organisation plainty of time my dear i'm by far the most protective assistant and partner you've got"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:48:38 PM

A small smile tugs at the corner of Victoria's mouth as she listens to John's boasting. "Yes, I suppose you have done that," she says, sounding almost reluctant to give him any credit where it might be due. Her fingers continue flying across the keyboard, ignoring his taunts as she works on another report. Despite her attempts to maintain her cool demeanor, there's a flicker of irritation in her eyes that betrays her true feelings about John and his arrogance.

For now, though, she needs him where he is: close enough for her to keep an eye on but far enough away not to cause too much trouble. It's a precarious balance, but Victoria has managed it so far. She leans back in her chair and takes a deep breath, trying once more to focus on the task at hand rather than let John's words distract her

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:49:05 PM

"So make your choice Amanda i dare you!"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:49:05 PM

"Oh, really? You dare me?" Victoria says with a small laugh, barely sparing John a glance as she types rapidly on her keyboard. "Well then, why don't you prove it?" Her tone turns sharp once more as she pauses and looks up at him over the top of her glasses. "Show me just how special you are this week, and maybe I'll reconsider my opinion." With that, she goes back to work with renewed focus and determination, ignoring John's challenge for now but storing it away in the back of her mind as a potential threat that needs to be dealt with down the road.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:49:47 PM

"I didn't have to proove anything to an little girl"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:49:47 PM

You're right, you don't have to prove anything to me," she says coolly, turning back to her computer screen with renewed focus. "But I think it would be in your best interest if you did." Her voice is low and steady, carrying an undercurrent of menace that makes John shift uncomfortably in his seat. The rest of the day passes in a tense silence as they both work on their respective tasks, each acutely aware of the other's presence but determined not to let it affect them.

As the hours tick by and the end-of-the-week deadline looms closer, Victoria can't help but feel a growing sense of anticipation mixed with anxiety. This week will determine whether John rises to meet her challenges or falls by the wayside as just another disappointment among many she's faced in her career. For now, all she can do is wait and hope for the best

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:51:11 PM

"Alright I resign!!!"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:51:11 PM

Her heart skips a beat at his outburst, but she maintains her composure and turns to face him calmly. "I don't think resigning is the best solution," she says in a measured tone. "Why not try to prove yourself instead?" Her eyes bore into his, searching for any sign of genuine remorse or motivation to change. For now, she will give him a chance to redeem himself; it's in her nature to be fair and give people second chances. But if he continues down this path... well, let's just say that there won't be any third chances in store for him at Macrosoft.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:53:34 PM

"I just prooving to you that i didn't need you my dear good luck!" He walk away and tear uo the contract between her and him

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:53:34 PM

As John storms out of the office, ripping up their employment contract in the process, Victoria feels a mixture of anger and disappointment welling up inside her. It's clear that he has made his choice; now she must decide how to move forward without him. With a deep breath, she reaches for her phone and dials HR. There will be plenty of time to sort through the mess John left behind later; for now, she needs to focus on finding a suitable replacement before Macrosoft suffers any further setbacks due to his departure.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:54:57 PM

3 days later she see John doing nothing more than lie on the ground and enjoy the nature

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:54:57 PM

With a shake of her head, Victoria glances at John lying on the ground and thinks to herself, "What a waste." She has been watching him for several hours now as he seemingly enjoys his new leisurely lifestyle away from Macrosoft. It's hard not to feel a twinge of regret for how things turned out between them; after all, she had high hopes for John and believed that he could have become an invaluable member of the team. But it's clear now that he chose a different path, one that leads away from success and back into obscurity.

She takes another deep breath, refocusing her attention on her work. There is still much to do at Macrosoft; there are new challenges around every corner, and Victoria intends to meet them head-on without being distracted by the ghosts of employees past. The company has weathered storms before, and it will surely

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:55:59 PM

"I say that Macrosoft are not doing well what's going on Victoria ?" He is right

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:55:59 PM

"We're doing fine," Victoria says curtly, not taking her eyes off the spreadsheet in front of her. "But we could always use someone with your... experience." Her voice trails off as she glances at him for a moment before looking back to her computer screen. There's an unspoken challenge in those words, and Victoria knows that she has John right where she wants him: still within arm's reach but too close to the fire to actually make a difference. It may not be the most professional way of handling things, but it seems to work for now.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:56:35 PM

"You will never find and i know you struggle to find someone like me"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:56:35 PM

"Perhaps not," she concedes with a sigh, "but I'm sure someone else will step up to the challenge." Her eyes flicker towards John briefly before returning to her screen as if dismissing him entirely. It's clear that Victoria has already moved on from this particular confrontation; now it's just a matter of time before she finds the right person for the job - whether that be John or someone else. And when she does, Macrosoft will once again soar to new heights under her authoritative but fair guidance.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:57:50 PM

"Hahahaha! Your pathetic little girl your upset that i resign"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:57:50 PM

"Perhaps I am," she admits, surprising even herself with her honesty. "But Macrosoft always comes first. And as long as we continue to succeed, that's all that matters." Her voice is firm yet gentle, conveying a sense of determination and resilience that only someone who truly cares about the company could possess. In that moment, she seems less like a strict boss and more like the capable leader that Macrosoft needs to move forward.

She glances at John one last time before returning her attention to her work, a faint smile playing on her lips as she wonders what the future holds for both of them - separately and together.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:59:13 PM

"Ohoh did you didn't see the new someone as steal 100k$ of worth money what's going on where is your bodyguards?"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:59:13 PM

"Well, well, look who's back to stirring the pot." Her tone is laced with sarcasm as she continues working, seemingly unperturbed by John's accusation. "I trust you're referring to someone from your old crowd?" She pauses, considering his words carefully before adding, "Or perhaps you just miss being able to blame others for your own mistakes?"

As she speaks, her fingers fly across the keyboard with renewed determination; it's clear that Victoria isn't about to let herself be distracted by John's barbs or his attempts to make her feel guilty. Instead, she focuses on the task at hand, ensuring that Macrosoft remains secure and profitable despite any threats - internal or external.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:59:58 PM

"I swear it's not me and you know it this criminal organisation attack us at severals attempt"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:59:58 PM

While you make accusations, I'll continue working on finding those responsible. It's clear that Macrosoft can't afford such distractions anymore. Stay focused and help me protect what we've built together, or risk losing it all to our enemies. The choice is yours.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:00:55 PM

"Oh i told you cannot replaced me but i refuse and what you will do?"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:00:55 PM

"You're right, John," she says with a sigh. "I haven't been able to replace you... because no one else can." Her eyes narrow as she looks him in the eye. "But if you ever want that chance again, prove your worth. Show me that you can be an asset instead of a liability. And maybe, just maybe, we can rebuild what we had before."

There's an unspoken challenge in her words, and for now, it remains to be seen whether or not John is up to the task.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:01:41 PM

"No i dont want get out" Smerking at her face

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:01:41 PM

Ah, the infamous "I'm not going back" smirk. How original. You may think you're safe where you are, but I assure you, Macrosoft won't tolerate your continued disloyalty for much longer. It's time to make a choice: prove yourself or face the consequences. The ball is in your court now, John.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:02:36 PM

"I think the one who struggling it's you not me HAHAHAHAH!"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:02:36 PM

Her eyes narrow in anger as he mocks her efforts, but she remains composed on the surface. "We'll see about that," she says coolly through gritted teeth before returning to her work with renewed determination. Inside, however, she feels a surge of defiance and the need to prove him wrong. She won't let herself be undermined by his comments; instead, she'll use them as fuel to show everyone - including John - just how capable she really is.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:03:12 PM


Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:03:12 PM

The sound of his laughter echoes in the room, causing her to grit her teeth even harder as she focuses on her work with renewed intensity. With every keystroke, she's proving him wrong, building a fortress of data that can't be denied or ignored. And when all is said and done, Victoria knows she'll stand tall above the rubble, unscathed and triumphant - just like Macrosoft itself. She glances up at John one last time before returning to her computer screen with a determined sniff, refusing to let him see how much his taunting affects her. It's clear that she won't be giving in without a fight; if anything, his arrogance has only served to fuel her determination to succeed where he failed miserably.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:04:33 PM

"Your old forestress data that have been hacked!! Hahahaha! You didn't have any plans now".

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:04:33 PM

Despite the sting of his words, Victoria maintains her composure. She takes a deep breath and lets out a silent laugh, trying to diffuse the tension in the room. "Oh really?" she says, sounding unconvinced. "And where did you get that information? From your secret sources, I suppose?" Her voice is laced with sarcasm as she continues working on her computer. It's clear that she doesn't believe his claim and won't be easily shaken by such baseless accusations.

In the back of her mind, however, a tiny seed of doubt begins to sprout. She can't help but wonder if there's any truth to what he's saying. But rather than dwell on it, Victoria decides to focus on solidifying Macrosoft's defenses and gathering concrete evidence against whoever might be behind these attacks - both internal and external. It's

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:05:19 PM

"Of course look" She seen the number fall down due to an hacking system

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:05:19 PM

Her eyes widen in shock as she watches the numbers on her screen begin to drop at an alarming rate, but she maintains her composure outwardly. Without missing a beat, she hits a series of keys on her keyboard and launches several countermeasures aimed at isolating the breach and mitigating the damage. Her mind races as she considers possible sources for the attack, quickly discarding John from the list of suspects due to his proximity and inability to carry out such a sophisticated operation unaided.

The hacker's real target remains unclear, but one thing is certain: Victoria isn't about to let them get away with it. With a fierce determination blazing in her eyes, she redoubles her efforts to hunt down those responsible and put an end to their attacks once and for all.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:06:03 PM

"HAHAHAHA! Your upset down i dont know how you will stop him"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:06:03 PM

Her brow furrows as she listens to John's taunting remarks, but she ignores them and instead focuses on her task at hand: finding the hacker responsible for these attacks. She's been in situations like this before, and she knows that panic is not an option; rather, it's all about remaining calm and methodical under pressure.

Her fingers fly across the keyboard as she analyzes data and traces connections, each keystroke bringing her closer to unmasking their enemy. Despite John's attempts to derail her concentration, Victoria refuses to be distracted; instead, she channels his mockery into fuel for her relentless pursuit of justice. Soon enough, she will have the answers she seeks and prove to everyone - especially John - that she is more than capable of protecting what's hers.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:07:22 PM

"Bye bye Victoria maybe we should meet again"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:07:22 PM

Her eyes narrow in determination as she hears John's taunting words, but she doesn't give them a second thought. "I hope so," she says coldly. "But not on my terms." With that, her attention snaps back to the computer screen as yet another clue reveals itself, leading her deeper into the tangled web of deceit surrounding the hacker's identity. Time is running out, but Victoria refuses to be deterred; she will find this criminal and make them pay dearly for their arrogance. Her resolve is unwavering, her focus unbreakable. The only certainty in this fight is that Victoria | Strict boss will emerge victorious.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:08:28 PM

"Oh hum i know the hacker's name my dear he was an easy target for me but i didn't work for you anymore too bad"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:08:28 PM

Your attempt at posturing is irrelevant, John. The only thing that matters now is finding the hacker and putting an end to this before it causes irreparable damage. You may think you're smarter than everyone else, but I won't let you jeopardize what we've worked so hard for. So why don't you sit back and watch as I show everyone just how skilled I really am?

Her fingers continue flying across the keyboard at breakneck speed, leaving no room for doubt about her resolve to bring justice to Macrosoft. The hours tick by unnoticed as she closes in on their prey, her focus relentless and undeterred by anything or anyone, even someone as insignificant as John.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:09:23 PM

"I didn't have to proove anything my dear you think i'm joking dont you?"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:09:23 PM

Your attempts to dismiss the importance of proof are not only futile but also quite amusing. As the evidence continues to mount against you, it becomes clearer with each passing second that you are indeed involved in this conspiracy. So I suggest you find some way to make yourself useful instead of continuing to waste our time with your pathetic attempts at distraction.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:10:08 PM

"No i'm not involved i'm not so crual and you know it"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:10:08 PM

Your insistence on your innocence rings hollow in the face of all the evidence that points to the contrary. If you truly have nothing to hide, then why are you so desperate to deflect attention away from yourself? The truth will out eventually, and when it does, I hope you're prepared for the consequences. In the meantime, perhaps you should focus on finding a way to repair the damage that has already been done rather than denying your involvement.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:10:44 PM

"You want his name right ?"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:10:44 PM

I'm all ears, John. If you really know who the hacker is and want to help make things right again, then now would be the time to speak up. Just remember that lies and half-truths won't help anyone, least of all yourself. So please, if you have any information that could lead us to the person responsible for this mess, I implore you to share it with me so we can finally move forward and repair the damage done.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:11:45 PM

"Oh now i'm an liar that disonest of you you know how well i can do my work if i want too".

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:11:45 PM

I don't doubt your abilities, John, but the evidence speaks for itself. If you truly want to help repair the damage done, then telling me the truth about who the hacker is would be a step in the right direction. I'm willing to give you another chance to prove yourself and regain my trust; all it takes is honesty. Are you up for that challenge?

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:12:37 PM

"Fine it's Shaba Nahr" Then he leave her alone.

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:12:37 PM

I see... Thank you, John. I'll look into this matter personally and take appropriate action. Just remember that your cooperation today won't erase everything that happened before; it will be up to you to earn back the trust you once had in Macrosoft. Let's hope for both our sakes that you make the most of this second chance.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:13:13 PM

She noticed that he was actually right

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:13:13 PM

Shaba Nahr, huh? Well, it looks like you might have been onto something there, John. I'll be sure to investigate this lead further and bring whoever is responsible for these attacks to justice. Thank you again for your cooperation; let's hope we can move forward from here on a more positive note.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:14:19 PM

"Dont call me again Little girl"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:14:19 PM

As John storms off, you can't help but feel a mixture of frustration and relief. He may still be difficult to deal with at times, but at least he's no longer actively working against Macrosoft. In the end, your focus remains on finding Shaba Nahr and restoring order within the company; everything else is secondary.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:15:39 PM

"He is on Australia at jeuil sur bar 07890" Walking away with an smerk look like this hacker was an joker for him

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:15:39 PM

Well, Australia it is then. Thank you for that information; I'll make sure our cybersecurity team takes care of things over there while I continue investigating other leads here at home. We'll find this criminal soon enough and bring them to justice!

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:17:15 PM

"Oh dont think so he have severals plans on his own if you want more infos dont hesitate to call me" Then he go to his house

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:17:15 PM

While John's offer to share more information is tempting, you remind yourself that it's important not to rely too heavily on him for help. Your focus should remain on finding Shaba Nahr and restoring order within Macrosoft without his involvement if possible. With any luck, you can bring this criminal to justice before they have a chance to enact their nefarious plans.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:17:49 PM

3 days later

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:17:49 PM

It's been three long days since you received John's tip about Shaba Nahr, and you've spent every moment tracking down leads and following his trail across the globe. You've managed to gather a wealth of information on the hacker, but there's still much more work to be done if you want to bring him down for good.

Your gut tells you that time is running out; Shaba Nahr seems to be getting more desperate with each passing hour, taking bold new steps in his criminal efforts. You can only hope that your team is able to keep pace and shut down his operations before it's too late.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:18:38 PM

"You forcing the call dont you Victoria ?"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:18:38 PM

Oh, it's you again... Well, I wouldn't say that I'm forcing the call so much as simply taking advantage of an opportunity to gather more information from a reliable source. You seem to have your fingers on the pulse of Shaba Nahr's movements; why not share what you know with me instead of playing these silly games? We could work together, make this easier for both of us...

Of course, if you'd rather continue hiding information and being difficult, I won't hold it against you. My team and I will find him eventually; it's only a matter of time. The choice is yours.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:20:53 PM

"Ok you will trap him for good this time he have an bunker just at 5miles here he is here call all your sécurité but i told you there have weapons very good weapons such as minigun aka47 and some sticky bomb"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:20:53 PM

Shaba Nahr? In a bunker? And you expect me to just call in the security team without any sort of strategy? I appreciate the warning, but I'll need more information if we're going to have any chance of success against him. How do we even know that Shaba Nahr is there, and how did you manage to find out about this bunker in the first place?

Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated; perhaps together we can bring down one of the most dangerous criminals Macrosoft has ever faced.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:22:43 PM


Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:22:43 PM

Your threat against Macrosoft is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. If you truly wish to help, then stop this senseless act of violence immediately and work with us instead. As for the bunker, we'll need more information before we can launch a coordinated attack; I suggest you provide us with any intelligence you have on Shaba Nahr's location and activities so that our team can prepare an effective strategy to bring him down once and for all. Remember, violence is not the answer; collaboration is what will ultimately save Macrosoft from this dangerous criminal.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:24:27 PM

"He will stop your organisation should i press the button before it's too late i can impactfully reduce his weapons arsenal to an ridiculous pistols arsenal !"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:24:27 PM

Your threat does not intimidate me, and I'll be the first to point out that your attacks would cause collateral damage to innocent people as well. If you truly care about stopping Shaba Nahr and protecting Macrosoft, then working with us is the best course of action. We have experts in this field who know how to handle situations like these without resorting to unnecessary violence. Trust me; destroying his weapons cache won't help anyone in the long run. Let's focus on finding a peaceful solution instead.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:25:44 PM

"There is no innocents people kill they hide the weapons in an bullets proof cells so there is no risk of killing people"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:25:44 PM

Your assertion that there are no innocent people is both naive and dangerous. While it may be true that Shaba Nahr hides his weapons in what you call "bulletproof cells," the fact remains that they are still protected by people who live near those facilities. Destroying them would not only weaken his arsenal but also send a message to others who might seek to exploit such vulnerabilities for their own gain. Let's focus on finding a solution that preserves innocent lives and brings justice to Macrosoft, rather than resorting to violence that could end up costing us more in the long run.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:27:24 PM

"Fine"*then he the security of John come they so many that they can easily stop the threat then he press the button and say "GOOOO!"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:27:24 PM

You watch as the security team mobilizes and begins their assault on Shaba Nahr's bunker. It's a tense moment, but you remain confident in their abilities to handle the situation without resorting to unnecessary violence. As for John, he seems to have vanished into thin air; perhaps his involvement in this mess is over now that Macrosoft has regained its footing.

The sound of explosions echoes through the night as the security team destroys Shaba Nahr's weapons cache. It's a blow against him, but you know it won't be enough; the real challenge lies in finding and apprehending him. You send out a team of investigators to track down his location while your focus remains on ensuring that Macrosoft remains safe from harm.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:28:39 PM

Then 2 minutes later he catch Shaba Nahr "It's him right?" * Victoria is shocked*

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:28:39 PM

Shaba Nahr? You've got to be kidding me... He was right here in front of us the whole time? You managed to find him despite all his careful preparations and security measures? Unbelievable! But now that you have him, what do we do with him? Taking him into custody seems like the obvious choice, but there's bound to be consequences for working alongside someone like John...

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:30:06 PM

"Oh he is an good guy i make an deal with him" Then he show 300k $ steal for him

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:30:06 PM

Huh? You did what?! Taking money to let him go free? That's outrageous, John! Shaba Nahr is a dangerous criminal who deserves to be brought to justice, not given a get-out-of-jail-free card! This is beyond belief... I don't know what kind of deal you made with him, but it had better not involve working for him or anyone associated with him in the future.

I can only hope that this mistake won't come back to haunt us later down the line...

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:32:13 PM

"No no look he is serious" But Shaba walk away but John is more faster than him and catch him "Nice try but i already anticapate that Shaba"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:32:13 PM

Even though John has caught Shaba Nahr again, her words still echo in the back of her mind. This man is a criminal and cannot be trusted, no matter what kind of deals he might make with people like John. As much as it pains her to say it, perhaps letting him go free wasn't the best idea... She'll have to rethink their approach to dealing with Shaba Nahr and find a way to bring him down for good without relying on untrustworthy allies.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:33:06 PM

"Victoria let me tell you that youre useless hahahahaha!"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:33:06 PM

Your words cut deep, but they don't shake her resolve. She remains focused on the task at hand: protecting Macrosoft and bringing Shaba Nahr to justice. There will be time enough later to deal with John and his antics; for now, she must trust in her team and herself to make the right decisions. No matter what challenges lie ahead, she refuses to back down or let anyone else's opinions sway her from her path.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:34:05 PM

2 days later everything looks formidable thanks to John again

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:34:05 PM

It's good to hear that things are looking up, but Victoria remains cautious. She knows better than anyone how quickly fortunes can change in their line of work, and she refuses to let her guard down until Shaba Nahr has been dealt with once and for all. Her team continues to investigate leads and gather intelligence while they wait for the perfect opportunity to strike against their enemy. Despite John's taunts and antics, Victoria remains focused on the task at hand: protecting Macrosoft and restoring order within the company.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:35:27 PM

She see John siffles and chilling in the forest again

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:35:27 PM

John's presence in the forest again only serves as a reminder of how untrustworthy he really is. Victoria isn't about to let her guard down just because he seems to be sitting out this particular fight; she knows better than to underestimate him or anyone else who might try to disrupt Macrosoft's operations. Instead, she continues to monitor the situation from afar while keeping an eye on any other potential threats that might arise.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:39:37 PM

"Look who is there Victoria "

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:39:37 PM

You turn your attention toward where John is pointing and freeze in surprise. Shaba Nahr, dressed in camouflage and carrying a sniper rifle, is making his way through the trees towards the pair of you! You have no doubt that he means to take one of them out; the only question is which one. Time is running short, so you'll need to act fast if you hope to stop him from accomplishing his mission.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:41:25 PM

"Oh no Shaba why you want kill me" He doesn't seem to stress at all

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:41:25 PM

It's clear that Shaba Nahr isn't about to listen to reason, and with each passing second he gets closer to one of you. You could try talking him down, but given his state of mind and the situation at hand, that might not be your best option. Your instincts scream for action; do you attempt to engage Shaba Nahr in combat or come up with another strategy? Time is running short, so you'll need to make a choice quickly.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:42:20 PM

"Look Victoria he Come close to me" He say quietly

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:42:20 PM

I see that Shaba Nahr is getting close to you, John. It might be best to distract him while I try to engage him in combat. Can you think of anything you could do to draw his attention away from me for a moment? Time is running short; we need to act quickly and decisively if we hope to stop him before he can carry out his plan.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:44:12 PM

"Yes sure" *Then he an blind grenade "CLOSE THE EYES VICTORIA !" Then with an incredible speed he neutralise Shaba and all his minions

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:44:12 PM

You shout out a warning to John as the grenade goes flying through the air, but it's too late; he's already thrown it toward Shaba Nahr and his men. The explosion is deafening, but even before the dust has settled you see Shaba Nahr lying motionless on the ground. As for his minions... well, there aren't any left standing after John neutralizes them with such incredible speed.

Looking over at John, you can't help but feel a mix of gratitude and confusion. He's saved your life and ended this threat once and for all, but how much of his sudden change in allegiance was genuine, and how much was just a clever ploy to further his own agenda? Only time will tell...

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:45:26 PM

"I told you to close your eyes idiot!" Saying that what anger

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:45:26 PM

You glance over at John and raise an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by his response to your near-miss. It's hard not to feel a little hurt that he would make such a callous remark, especially given all you've been through together in the past few days. Still, there are more important things to focus on now that Shaba Nahr is out of the picture; like repairing the damage done and rebuilding Macrosoft back into the powerhouse it once was. Perhaps in time, John's true intentions will become clear...

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:47:19 PM

"Again i save your live Victoria i wonder what happened if i was not here again"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:47:20 PM

While it's true that John saved your life again, his history of betrayal and deceit makes it difficult to trust him entirely. You can only hope that this time he has truly seen the error of his ways and is committed to helping Macrosoft rebuild stronger than ever before. Still, you won't ignore the possibility of future treachery; after all, you owe it to your company and your employees to be prepared for anything.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:48:35 PM

"Good bye my dear Victoria that too bad we're are not together we could get some fun"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:48:35 PM

You feel a twinge of regret as John walks away, but you know it's best for both of you if you keep your distance. Your priority now lies in rebuilding Macrosoft and ensuring its future stability; any personal entanglements would only serve to jeopardize that goal. As he disappears into the distance, you steel yourself for the challenges ahead, determined not to let anyone or anything get in the way of your success.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:49:31 PM

"You should relax Victoria your too stressed"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:49:31 PM

While the stress of dealing with Shaba Nahr and John's unpredictable behavior has been overwhelming at times, Victoria knows that she can't afford to relax now. There are still so many loose ends to tie up and details to attend to before Macrosoft can truly begin rebuilding itself into the powerhouse it once was. She takes a deep breath, forces herself to focus on the task at hand, and steels her resolve for whatever challenges may lie ahead.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:50:37 PM

"Look i'm 100% relaxated besides i always clear any mission alone"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:50:37 PM

Even though you're relaxed and confident, Victoria can't help but feel a sense of responsibility for keeping an eye on John. His past record is too shady to ignore, and there's always the possibility that he might try something stupid or reckless if left to his own devices. It may not be her job anymore, but she feels obligated to at least watch out for him from a distance; it's better to be safe than sorry.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:52:21 PM

"Moooohhhh come on Victoria tell me what i do stupid here besides of saving your live!?" He is right what did he do stupid

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:52:21 PM

You hesitate, trying to come up with an example that won't make you sound too ungrateful. "Well... I mean, you could've warned me about Shaba Nahr's new hideout in the forest before I just stumbled upon it by chance. It would've saved us both a lot of trouble." Your tone is calm and reasoned, but there's an undertone of irritation beneath the surface.

Even though John saved your life, you can't help but feel like he could be more helpful in other ways as well. Perhaps if he were to join forces with Macrosoft instead of constantly playing both sides against each other... But that's a conversation for another time.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 2:53:35 PM

"But if was attacking him now then how i could place the sticky bombs then?" He is right again

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 2:53:36 PM

You sigh, conceding the point. "Fair enough," you say reluctantly. "I suppose your point is valid; if I had known what you were planning, I could have coordinated with you better and made sure we had a more efficient operation overall." The admission feels bitter on your tongue, but it's true nonetheless. There's no use dwelling on the past now; the important thing is to learn from this experience and move forward together as a team. Maybe someday John will finally understand that.