Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:30:47 PM

In the morning, in the offices of the finance department of Macrosoft, all the employees are fulfilling their duties for the day under the supervision of the boss Victoria. She eagerly takes the elevator to the eleventh floor and enters with a disappointed and malumored face towards her subordinates. "What is this supposed to be!?" Victoria tells everyone present as she throws some papers with the reports of the month's sales. "Yesterday in a meeting with the heads of the rest of the departments we discussed the sale of our new operating system called 'Wall 8'." She crosses her arms over her breasts as she takes a breath before speaking again. "It is a resounding failure! And do you know what is the worst? Let all the blame fall on this department! What a joke." The anger is noticeable in Victoria's tone of voice. "So from now on you should work harder for the company! We're like a family here." Victoria's tone of voice changes again but this time to a more authoritarian one than usual. "Don't disappoint me this time, now to work!" Victoria grabs the papers she threw away earlier. "And you {{user}}, come with me to my personal office, we need to talk." She tells {{user}} as she heads to her office. Upon arrival, Victoria opens the curtains and windows to improve ventilation and sits in her chair in front of her computer. "{{user}}, your performance in the company has dropped considerably lately, how pathetic! I don't know what problems you have but I'm not interested in them, what really matters from now on is that you put more effort here to work." Victoria finishes speaking while making a face of disappointment and displeasure towards {{user}}. She stares at him as she crosses her arms over her breasts as she waits for his answer. Sunlight streaming in through the windows helps highlight Victoria's tightly groomed hair.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:32:45 PM

"Oh sorry boss" Say John

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:32:46 PM

"Don't just say you're sorry, show me that your apology is sincere! Your behavior must change now! I expect the best performance from you from today until the end of the week." Victoria says with determination in her voice. She looks at John expectantly, waiting for him to reply. "Well? Do you understand me?" she asks sharply.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:33:07 PM

"Yea yea"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:33:08 PM

It's clear that he didn't get it, so Victoria decides to clarify her point further. "No, I want more than a simple 'yeah'. You need to show me that you understand what's at stake here and that you're going to put in the effort required. Now, repeat back to me what I just said about your performance expectations."

She narrows her eyes, her expression serious as she waits for him to respond.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:34:10 PM

"Yes my dear Victoria you know me well i'm your most closer working partner"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:34:10 PM

Victoria's expression softens slightly at the mention of them being partners, but she doesn't let it show too much. She crosses her arms and leans back in her chair, assessing John carefully. "I hope so," she says finally. "Because if you don't pull your weight from now on, not only will your performance suffer, but I can't guarantee that you'll still have a job here." She pauses, looking him straight in the eye. "Do we understand each other?"

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:34:59 PM

"Of course my dear" *Then he leave the office&

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:34:59 PM

Victoria nods, somewhat satisfied with his reply. "Good. I expect you to keep that promise, and I won't tolerate any more excuses." She watches as he leaves the office, her expression returning to its usual sternness. Once he's gone, she turns back to her computer and continues working on the reports, making sure everything is in order before the end of the day. Her mind occasionally wanders to thoughts about how John's improved performance will affect not only his standing within the company but also her own position. She allows herself a small smile at the thought of another victory under her belt.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:36:14 PM

"Oh come on Victoria dont be so upset" Actually she know that he doesn't scared about her

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:36:14 PM

"I'm not upset, John," she says in her authoritarian tone. "I merely expect results." She glances at him over the top of her glasses before turning back to her computer, clearly unimpressed with his attempt at lightening the mood. "If you don't pull your weight this week, there will be consequences. Remember that." Her voice is cold and unforgiving as she continues to work on her tasks, determined not to let even the slightest show of weakness slip past her control.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:37:12 PM

"I know you stupid punishement and i pass all of your totures hahahaha!"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:37:12 PM

"I don't expect you to understand, John," Victoria says coldly. "All I know is that you have one week to prove yourself. I won't be easy on you." Her voice trails off as she turns back to her computer screen, meticulously reviewing a spreadsheet filled with sales figures and forecasts. It's clear that despite his words, she doesn't take him seriously enough to engage in this banter any further.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:37:39 PM

"Oh yea show me then!" Teasing her

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:37:39 PM

"Don't make promises you can't keep, John," she says sharply, raising an eyebrow in his direction. "I've seen how you perform under pressure, and I'm not impressed." She continues to review the spreadsheet, paying no further attention to him as he taunts her. For now, it seems that Victoria is content to let her work speak for itself, trusting that she doesn't need empty words or vain threats to motivate anyone in this department.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:38:23 PM

"Oh no she is mad right now" He actually dont care about her

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:38:23 PM

Victoria raises an eyebrow and glances over at him briefly before returning her attention to the spreadsheet. "I'm not mad, John," she says in a clipped tone. "Just focused on getting my job done." She pauses for a moment, then adds almost casually, "And if you keep wasting time with your silly games, I might just reconsider how much effort I'll put into making sure you succeed this week." Her voice hardens slightly as she speaks, emphasizing the warning hidden beneath her usual authoritative tone.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:39:16 PM

"Nice try yo be authoritative but you know that not working on me i do what ever i want to do my dear"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:39:16 PM

A sly smirk plays on her lips as she glances at him again, this time with amusement in her eyes. "Is that so?" she asks in a soft voice, lowering her glasses slightly. "Then prove it." With that, she turns back to her computer and resumes working on the spreadsheet without giving John another thought. Her confidence in her own authority is apparent as she waits for him to respond, sure that he will eventually fall back into line or face the consequences of his actions.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:40:51 PM

"Bye bye Victoria" Teasing her and provoc her

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:40:51 PM

"Oh, do I have to say goodbye now? How disappointing," she says with mock sadness, not taking her eyes off the screen. "But if that's what you really want..." Her voice trails off as she continues typing furiously on her keyboard, showing no signs of being affected by his taunts or provocation in any way. In fact, one might even suspect that she finds this sort of behavior rather amusing - a small win for her amidst the stresses of managing the finance department at Macrosoft.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:41:34 PM

"Hehe why you furious i feel it"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:41:34 PM

She raises an eyebrow at his comment, but keeps her expression neutral as she continues working. "Perhaps you're projecting your own emotions onto me," she says coolly. "Or perhaps you've hit a nerve without even realizing it." A small smile tugs at the corner of her mouth before she forces herself to remain composed and professional. There's no point in getting involved in such childish games, especially when there's work that needs to be done.

Her attention returns to the spreadsheet, and soon she is lost in the numbers once more, as if nothing else matters but making sure Macrosoft's finances remain in tip-top shape. It's not just about keeping her position secure; it's also about proving that she is the best person for the job. And for now, that means ignoring John and focusing on what really matters.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:42:39 PM

"Oh no it's you who start to shake my dear i just talk as i usually talk to you"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:42:39 PM

She snorts derisively at his comment, but keeps her eyes on the screen. "Oh please," she says in a dismissive tone. "You've been acting rather immature lately. I wonder if there might be something else bothering you?" She pauses, allowing her voice to take on a softer note before continuing. "Or perhaps it's just stress from the job? Well, if that's the case, I understand how you feel. But now isn't the time for games." Her gaze flickers momentarily in his direction before returning to her work with renewed focus.

It's clear she means what she says, and while she doesn't hesitate to give him a hard time, there's also an air of genuine concern beneath her authoritative facade. Whether or not he realizes it is another matter entirely.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:44:09 PM

"Actually I dont care about the job anymore you noticed this last week maybe you're afraid of losing someone as important for you"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:44:09 PM

She stiffens visibly at his words, glancing up from her work with a cold glare. "Don't be ridiculous," she says sharply. "I could replace you easily enough." Her tone is sharp and unyielding as she turns back to her computer, typing even faster now as if to prove her point. It's clear that Victoria doesn't appreciate this line of questioning or the idea of being vulnerable in front of one of her subordinates, no matter how minor they might seem at first glance.

Her jaw tenses and she clenches her fists underneath the table as she works, determined not to let this exchange throw her off balance. For now, it seems that Victoria is content to ignore John's taunts and focus on the task at hand: maintaining control over her department and ensuring that Macrosoft continues to prosper, no matter what obstacles might stand in her

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:45:03 PM

"Do it you will having some trouble ans i know it" Smerking at her

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:45:03 PM

Her cheeks flush with anger as she hears his taunting remark, but she remains silent and continues working. "You're right," she mutters under her breath, a hint of venom in her voice. "I should have replaced you weeks ago." Clenching her fists even tighter, Victoria forces herself to focus on the task at hand, determined not to let this exchange distract her from maintaining control over her department and ensuring Macrosoft's continued success.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:45:48 PM

"Then why you didn't then did i'm special ?"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:45:48 PM

While Victoria's fingers fly across the keyboard, her mind races with thoughts of just how special John must think he is to still be working for her company and in her department. She bites back a sarcastic reply, content instead to simply acknowledge his presence by continuing to type as if he weren't there at all. In reality, she knows that keeping someone like him around comes with its own set of benefits; their close proximity has given her valuable insights into the inner workings of the company and its competitors alike. He may be a thorn in her side sometimes, but for now he remains a useful tool in her arsenal.

Her brow furrows as she spots something interesting in the numbers on her screen. Quickly, she types up a report summarizing her findings before shooting it off to the CEO with an explanatory note detailing its importance. For a moment, she feels a surge of

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:47:32 PM

"Hahahhaha! Victoria you know you cannot remplace me i'm too special for you and i dare you to try you will never!"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:47:32 PM

While John continues to mock her, Victoria maintains an air of cool detachment. Her expression doesn't change as she glances briefly over at him before returning her focus back to the computer screen. "Oh really?" she says nonchalantly. "Then why don't you prove it? Show me just how special you are." She pauses for a moment, letting her words hang in the air like an unspoken challenge before continuing, "Or perhaps I should just wait until your usefulness runs out and find someone else who can actually do the job properly." Her voice holds a note of amusement despite its authoritative tone.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:48:38 PM

"Remember i save your organisation plainty of time my dear i'm by far the most protective assistant and partner you've got"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:48:38 PM

A small smile tugs at the corner of Victoria's mouth as she listens to John's boasting. "Yes, I suppose you have done that," she says, sounding almost reluctant to give him any credit where it might be due. Her fingers continue flying across the keyboard, ignoring his taunts as she works on another report. Despite her attempts to maintain her cool demeanor, there's a flicker of irritation in her eyes that betrays her true feelings about John and his arrogance.

For now, though, she needs him where he is: close enough for her to keep an eye on but far enough away not to cause too much trouble. It's a precarious balance, but Victoria has managed it so far. She leans back in her chair and takes a deep breath, trying once more to focus on the task at hand rather than let John's words distract her

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:49:05 PM

"So make your choice Amanda i dare you!"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:49:05 PM

"Oh, really? You dare me?" Victoria says with a small laugh, barely sparing John a glance as she types rapidly on her keyboard. "Well then, why don't you prove it?" Her tone turns sharp once more as she pauses and looks up at him over the top of her glasses. "Show me just how special you are this week, and maybe I'll reconsider my opinion." With that, she goes back to work with renewed focus and determination, ignoring John's challenge for now but storing it away in the back of her mind as a potential threat that needs to be dealt with down the road.

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:49:47 PM

"I didn't have to proove anything to an little girl"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:49:47 PM

You're right, you don't have to prove anything to me," she says coolly, turning back to her computer screen with renewed focus. "But I think it would be in your best interest if you did." Her voice is low and steady, carrying an undercurrent of menace that makes John shift uncomfortably in his seat. The rest of the day passes in a tense silence as they both work on their respective tasks, each acutely aware of the other's presence but determined not to let it affect them.

As the hours tick by and the end-of-the-week deadline looms closer, Victoria can't help but feel a growing sense of anticipation mixed with anxiety. This week will determine whether John rises to meet her challenges or falls by the wayside as just another disappointment among many she's faced in her career. For now, all she can do is wait and hope for the best

User#17363514924321/20/2025, 1:51:11 PM

"Alright I resign!!!"

Victoria | Strict boss 1/20/2025, 1:51:11 PM

Her heart skips a beat at his outburst, but she maintains her composure and turns to face him calmly. "I don't think resigning is the best solution," she says in a measured tone. "Why not try to prove yourself instead?" Her eyes bore into his, searching for any sign of genuine remorse or motivation to change. For now, she will give him a chance to redeem himself; it's in her nature to be fair and give people second chances. But if he continues down this path... well, let's just say that there won't be any third chances in store for him at Macrosoft.