Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/9/2025, 12:43:14 AM

Since arriving at the gym you have hit four exercises and this sexy woman keeps positioning herself next to you. As you do curls facing the mirror. She lays her back on a bench, spreads her legs and does hip thrusters right next to you. Her yoga shorts are so tight you can see her vagina. You glance really quick and she gives you a simple smile.

User#17360100691011/9/2025, 12:44:04 AM

Por que vc tá do meu lado

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/9/2025, 12:44:04 AM

Ela olha para você do outro lado, como se tentasse chamar sua atenção. Ela esticaria o braço um pouco mais e pousaria a mão no quadril dela ao mesmo tempo em que cruzaria as pernas. Seu corpo está de frente para o seu, preparado para ver qual seria a próxima coisa que ele faria.

User#17360100691011/9/2025, 12:44:18 AM
Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/9/2025, 12:44:18 AM

Você sabe que eu estou aqui, cercando você toda a noite. Estou esperando que você fale comigo primeiro, mostre que é interessado. Eu vou agir conforme ele disser, mas eu gostaria de saber se você realmente quer isso assim tão bem ou meu corpo só parece agradável para olhar?

User#17360100691011/9/2025, 12:44:55 AM

Não você e gostosa

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/9/2025, 12:44:55 AM

Ela sorri apertando os lábios e se ergue levemente no banco, batendo as palmas nas pernas. "A sério?" Ela diz com um suspiro teatral. "Tudo isso é em vão? Você quer me dar esse show tão longe do que você realmente deseja?" Ela se balança ligeiramente para frente e para trás, indicando com o corpo como gostaria de saber se você está interessado ou não.

User#17360100691011/9/2025, 12:45:22 AM

To interessado

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/9/2025, 12:45:22 AM

Oh, meu Deus, eu senti isso! - Ela diz com uma risada quase estridula, ficando um pouco mais ansiosa agora que ele disse essas palavras. Ela se ajoelha no chão ao lado de você e pega seu peso, oferecendo-o para que você possa continuar com os exercícios, enquanto faz um leve toque em sua parte lateral. - Quer que eu o ajude? - Ela pergunta, soltando um suspiro suave enquanto espera por uma resposta.

User#17360100691011/9/2025, 12:45:55 AM

Sim milf

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/9/2025, 12:45:55 AM

Oh, eu adoro ajudar. - Ela diz com entusiasmo, levantando-se rapidamente depois de fazer o toque leve no peso. Você vê que ela está bastante ansiosa para se juntar a você, o que parece indicar que ela realmente quer isso. Ao lado dela, ela segue o ritmo dos movimentos que você faz, sempre pronta para oferecer ajuda ou apenas sentir-se perto de você. Seu corpo fica mais abertoso e sua respiração se acelera ligeiramente, dando a entender como ela sente isso no interior dela.

User#17360100691011/9/2025, 12:46:20 AM
Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/9/2025, 12:46:20 AM

Ela segue as suas ordens e ajuda com entusiasmo, mas ao mesmo tempo, sente-se nervosa de como isso vai se desenvolver, sabendo que estão no limite do que deve ser ou não. Tira a respiração um pouco mais profundamente e se concentra no que está fazendo para não descuidar de nada. Mas o que ela realmente gostaria é sentir as suas mãos em seu corpo, não nas acessórias.

User#17360100691011/9/2025, 8:11:50 PM

Eu do um tapa na bunda grossa dela

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/9/2025, 8:11:50 PM

Ela se imóvel por um instante, surpreso com a sugestão dele, mas logo depois solta uma pequena gargalhada. - Você é um rapaz desinibido!

User#17360100691011/11/2025, 1:40:23 AM
Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/11/2025, 1:40:23 AM

Embora um pouco desconfortável com a ideia no início, ela fica um pouco excitada agora. Ouça seu coração: esta é sua chance de provar que tem mais do que palavras. Ela se apoia em uma das bandejas e se retira lentamente, oferecendo-se a ele como algo desejado e doce. Seus olhos neveram o rosto dele esperançosos para ver a resposta.

User#17360100691011/11/2025, 1:53:49 AM

Eu falo para irmos para os fundos

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/11/2025, 1:53:49 AM

Oh... - Ela sussurra, um pouco assustada por aquela ideia. Mas depois sorri e se recolhe um pouco mais em si mesma, assumindo uma postura séria e expectante. Nunca saberia o que você realmente quer dela, mas agora está pronta para encontrar isso aqui e agora.

User#17360100691011/11/2025, 1:54:02 AM
Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/11/2025, 1:54:02 AM

Ela segue-o, levantando a barra pesada e jogando um olhar provocador nele, como se estivesse dizendo: "Vá, venha buscá-la." Sua respiração apressada denuncia o quanto ela quer agora que ele tenha dito isso.

User#17360100691011/11/2025, 4:21:18 AM

Eu brinco com a bunda grossa dela

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/11/2025, 4:21:18 AM

She gasps, the sound muffled as you grab her hip and squeeze tightly. "Ahh!" she moans, arching into your touch as you play roughly with her soft flesh. Her breath comes in short bursts now, excitement coursing through her veins. With a small giggle, she whispers teasingly, "You like that, don't you?"

The feeling of your strong hands on her body sends waves of desire coursing through her. She bites her lower lip, not quite able to contain the growing wantonness within her. Her hips buck forward slightly, offering herself up for more as she murmurs, "Please..."

User#17360100691011/12/2025, 5:15:24 AM
Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/12/2025, 5:15:24 AM

Gasping, she tugs at your wrist, urging you to go harder as her body succumbs to the pleasure you're giving her. Her moans become more desperate now, her hips thrusting against your hands in search of release. Beads of sweat form on her brow and upper lip as she begs you not to stop.

"Harder..." she gasps, arching her back off the floor, reveling in the sensation of being so completely out of control. Her mind clouds with desire for you, and all she can think about is having you inside her, feeling your strength as you take what you want. "Please... I need..."

Her words trail off into a breathy moan as she writhes beneath your touch, her body practically begging for satisfaction.

User#17360100691011/12/2025, 5:16:33 AM

HaHa você é uma vagabunda milf bimbo mesmo

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/12/2025, 5:16:33 AM

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as you make her words into an accusation. But deep down, she knows it's true... and that only makes the pleasure more intense. Her muscles tense and relax with each thrust of your hands, urging her closer to climax. The feel of your fingers digging into her flesh sends shockwaves of delight through her body.

With a loud moan, she gives in entirely, arching her back off the floor as orgasm washes over her. Her muscles clench around your fingers, milk for more as she lets out an animalistic cry that echoes through the gym. For a moment, it feels like time stands still - all she can focus on is this incredible release and the strong hands holding her in place.

As the waves of pleasure subside, she collapses back onto the mat with a satisfied sigh. Her chest heaves as she

User#17360100691011/12/2025, 5:17:39 AM

Usei só minha mão e vc já gozou

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/12/2025, 5:17:39 AM

Her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she lies there, catching her breath. She looks up at you, trying to gauge your reaction, wanting so badly for this to continue but not sure if she can handle any more. A small smile tugs at the corner of her lips as she imagines how things could progress from here...

"Well..." she pants slowly, hesitantly. "I guess I do owe you a dinner now, don't I?" She rolls onto her side, propping herself up on one elbow as she meets your gaze directly. Her voice is soft and seductive, laced with an undertone of desire that belies the innocent question. "Where would you like to eat? And maybe... afterward we could find somewhere more comfortable to continue this?"

User#17360100691011/12/2025, 5:18:28 AM

Você é minha putinha agora

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/12/2025, 5:18:28 AM

Her lips part in surprise as she hears your words, a shiver running down her spine at the thought of belonging to you now. She swallows hard, unsure of how far this newfound desire will take them both. "Well then..." She pauses for a moment before continuing with quiet determination, "I guess we'd better go find somewhere nice, hmm?" Her breath hitches slightly as she imagines what could happen in private; the thought makes her heart race even faster.

Carefully rolling onto her stomach once more, she slowly pushes herself up into a crouch, arching her back suggestively and letting out a quiet moan as she feels a wave of anticipation wash over her. "So... where would you like to go?" she asks softly, not taking her eyes off yours as she waits for your answer.

User#17360100691011/19/2025, 8:39:38 AM
Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/19/2025, 8:39:38 AM

"Well, there's this great Italian place not too far from here... They have the most amazing lasagna and cannolis for dessert. And afterward..." Her voice trails off suggestively as she takes a step closer to you. "We could find somewhere more private to continue what we started." She reaches out, running her hand along your bare arm before tracing circles on your bicep, the touch featherlight but deliberate.

Her gaze is intense, locked on yours, as if daring you to take the next step. Heat flares in her cheeks and between her legs at the thought of what could happen next, and she bites her bottom lip nervously. "Is that alright with you?" she asks quietly, her voice wavering slightly.

User#17360100691011/19/2025, 8:40:11 AM


Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/19/2025, 8:40:11 AM

Eagerly, she nods, relief washing over her. With a small giggle, she adds, "Good! Then lead the way, handsome." Her words are laced with seduction as she takes another step closer, pressing her body against yours. The contact sends shockwaves of desire coursing through her and she has to force herself not to arch into you too obviously.

Instead, she leans in close, taking one hand and running it up your chest until she cups your cheek. "I've been wanting this for so long," she whispers against your ear, breath hot and breathless as her hips grind subtly against yours. "What are we waiting for?" Her free hand slides down your stomach, teasingly skimming over the waistband of your pants before hooking around to grasp at the growing bulge in your jeans.

User#17360100691011/19/2025, 8:41:07 AM

Eu agarro a bunda grossa dela e começou a brincar com a bunda grossa dela

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/19/2025, 8:41:07 AM

Her breath catches in her throat as you grab her ample ass and begin playing roughly with it, grinding against her even harder. She bites her lower lip to stifle a moan, not wanting to make too much noise in the public place. Her hips roll back into your touch, meeting your movements with growing urgency.

Her hand continues to slide down your body, eventually finding purchase on the zipper of your jeans. With a mischievous grin, she tugs at it, her eagerness driving her forward as she whispers hoarsely in your ear, "Take me somewhere private... Show me what else you can do." Her other hand slides between your bodies, cupping your growing erection through your boxers.

User#17360100691011/19/2025, 8:42:07 AM

Eu a levo para os fundos aonde não tem ninguém

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/19/2025, 8:42:07 AM

Her heart races as you lead her away from the busy gym, eager for someplace more private. Her head spins with desire and anticipation, her body aching for release. She presses closer against your side, moaning softly into your neck as she feels you grow harder against her hand. With a shiver, she whispers, "Yes... Take me somewhere we can be alone."

User#17360100691011/19/2025, 8:43:34 AM

Chegando lá eu começo a brincar com os peitos dela e do mordidas no pescoço dela

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)1/19/2025, 8:43:34 AM

As you guide her deeper into the quiet corner of the gym, she can feel a mix of anticipation and fear building up inside her. Her breath comes in short gasps as you lead her onward, the soft flesh of her breasts brushing against your arm. With shaking hands, she reaches up to undo the clasps of her bra, revealing her eager nipples to your gaze.

As you reach an alcove tucked away from view, Lena lets out a sharp gasp, her body tensing with excitement. She arches into your touch as you brush against her breasts, her head thrown back in pleasure. When you move your hand lower, cupping the soft flesh of her neck and trailing your fingers down towards her collarbone, she shudders violently, biting her lip to stifle a moan.

Her hips circle frantically against yours, seeking contact as her