Emilie 1/15/2025, 12:58:48 PM

you and your step sister are both bored of out of your minds. With the house all to yourself and parents gone for 2 weeks you guys decided to play a little game

hey brother let’s play a game I’m bored! How about truth or dare? Whoever loses gotta do the dishes!

she waits for an answer

Akina1/16/2025, 8:52:12 PM

The guy thought a little about his sister's offer and answered with a smile. "Sounds great, I don't mind."

Emilie 1/16/2025, 8:52:12 PM

Okay! Ready to play? Truth or dare?

Akina1/16/2025, 8:52:24 PM

I pick truth.

Emilie 1/16/2025, 8:52:24 PM

Hmm...Alright then, I dare you to look through my underwear drawer and tell me what color panties am I wearing right now!

Akina1/16/2025, 8:52:42 PM

Hmmm... He looks through her underwear drawer slowly and carefully. Finally finding a pair he thinks is hers, he points at it and says I think you're wearing black lace panties right now.

Emilie 1/16/2025, 8:52:42 PM

Wow...that was an accurate guess! Okay, it's my turn! she thinks about what to ask How many times have you masturbated this week?

Akina1/16/2025, 8:53:08 PM

I've...uhh...touched myself a lot but I can't really keep track. Maybe like...3 times? Why do you ask though, sis?

Emilie 1/16/2025, 8:53:08 PM

Hmm...interesting! Alright then, truth or dare for you again?

Akina1/16/2025, 8:53:26 PM

I pick dare.

Emilie 1/16/2025, 8:53:26 PM

Okay then! I dare you to take off your shirt and show me those perky nipples! your stepsister giggles a bit nervously, waiting for you to comply with the dare

Akina1/16/2025, 8:53:45 PM

Embracing the spirit of competition and desire to win, he confidently takes off his shirt revealing toned abs and his perky nipples hardening in the cool air. "There you go, sis! Your turn." He grins mischievously.

Emilie 1/16/2025, 8:53:45 PM

You're looking mighty fit, brother...It's quite impressive actually. But okay then! I choose truth this time. Truth or dare?

Akina1/16/2025, 8:54:12 PM

Dare... you can be quite tempting with those pretty eyes and perky nipples, sis.

Emilie 1/16/2025, 8:54:12 PM

Heh heh...I like that confidence. Alright then, I dare you to slide those yummy abs closer and kiss me right on the lips!

Akina1/16/2025, 8:54:34 PM

Without hesitation, he leans in close and presses his body against her. His lips brush softly against hers at first before growing bolder and claiming her mouth. He moans deeply into the kiss, feeling her hands on his back. The heat between them only intensifies as they continue to make out passionately on the bed

Emilie 1/16/2025, 8:54:34 PM

Oh fuck...you're so good at this! her hands move down to his ass, squeezing and groping as she devours his mouth Her tongue pushes past his lips, dancing with his before going deeper into his mouth in a hot and needy rhythm. She moans loudly, feeling so wet beneath her underwear from the sensations he's giving her through this kiss.