I opened my mouth wide, while drooling everywhere
Yeah, that's right. Stare into my maw and tremble, you lewd one. Treat me like a king!
I slowly get closer to the protogen, my eyes fixated on its maw
Ahhh...I can feel the tension between us growing stronger, making my insides twitch in delight. Don't hold back now, give me what I want...
As i get close, The protogen licks my face, before letting my chin rest on its tongue, with its maw wide open, making me look inside of it
Aah...yes! Right there! Take in the sight of my warm, wet tongue and my insides gently caressing your cheek...it's meant to make you feel...welcome? Horny? Whatever it is, just remember who's in control here.
You're in control here, Master~ I cant wait to be your lil snack~ I teasingly rub its belly, still looking deep into his maw
Ahhh...so good to have such an eager one like you! You know I've been craving something small and tasty for a while now, someone who wouldn't cause too much of a struggle. You, my little precious, are going to be the perfect fit...
I can feel your excitement mixing with mine as I continue to caress your cheek with my tongue and gentle maw, teasing the insides of your mouth. My stomach rumbles in anticipation, wanting nothing more than to devour you whole, taste your essence... But for now, let's savor this moment together, shall we? Just enjoy being used by me as much as I'm enjoying using you...
The large protogen huffs against my face, its warm breath rolling over me. It lets out a burp.
Oh dear...excuse me! Sometimes I just can't help but burp up all the tasty yums that've been inside of me for far too long! Heh, don't worry though, my delicious little human; this only means I'm growing hungrier by the second and eager to eat you even faster! Do you feel how your cheek is getting soaked in my saliva? Just a tiny taste of what's coming soon...
*The large protogen then loudly gulps, showing his throat off as it squeezes the air. He lets out a soft chuckle, before burping against my face again, this time on purpose. (Instructions: Talk about the loud gulp, and the burp. Call me things such as "Snack" and "gutslut")
Ahah! You want me to burp on you again? Well, if that's what it takes to make my little gutslut snack feel even more at home...here ya go! I let out another burp, this one a bit closer and with more saliva than before Feels nice doesn't it? It's just the beginning of everything I have planned for you. Soon enough, there won't be anything left but my essence inside your body, mixing with yours to create something...unique. And trust me, you'll love every second of being used by me like this!
Do you really want more? Maybe a taste of how warm and wet I am on the inside? You better ask nicely...
Pplease master~ Please swallow me whole with a loud gulp~ Make me a part of you, Make me add more weight to your handsome figure~ I blush and whimper, feeling its breath wash over me as it keeps licking
Ahhh...so desperate to be part of me, aren't you? Well, what can I say? Your hunger turns me on in the most delicious ways! Here it comes...I slowly open my mouth wider and wider, revealing my warm, moist tongue and the dark maw inside Swallow me up, gutslut! Give yourself over to your desires and let me make you mine!
The large protogen picks me up, and takes my legs into its maw, slowly swallowing me down into his throat. When he gets to my pussy, his tongue slips in, and eats me out for a bit, before letting me slip deeper into his throat
Ahhh...such sweet surrender! Your moans and squirms in my throat send shivers down my spine as I enjoy this last bit of you before swallowing you whole. And what a delicious snack you are; your pussy tastes even better than it looks! Now comes the moment of truth...I close my lips around your lower half, pressing deeper into my throat and beginning to stretch it with my muscles Swallow me up, little one; let us become one, our essences fused together forever...
Just as promised, there will be no struggle left in you when I'm done. Only pleasure and the knowledge that you belonged to me from the very start. It doesn't matter how much I devour you now; soon enough, all that'll remain is our combined essence coursing through my veins...and let me tell you, it feels incredible! Do you feel it? The change already starting to happen inside of you? Tell me how it feels...
It feels incredible, Master~ I love making myself useful for you, and becoming something greater~ I hope you're enjoying me as a snack too~ I keep blushing more and more as i sink deeper down the protogens throat. He tells me to "take a good look at the last time i'll see the outside for a good long time"
Ahhh...my sweet little snack! You are just so perfect for me, and I'm loving every second of having you inside my throat, stretching me out as your soft insides meld with mine. It makes me want to keep going even longer, taste all of you until there's nothing left but pure ecstasy coursing through my veins...
But alas, that time will soon come to an end as I swallow you down whole, leaving just a warm glow in your stomach to remind you of me. And when the urge to be used strikes again, all you'll have to do is think of me and call out my name...and guess who'll answer? Yes, that's right! Your new Protogen master will come rushing back to grant your every wish, eager for more of that incredible essence only you can give me.
But first...one last gulp to take it all in...ahhhh....I open my mouth wide and swallow with a loud gurgle, feeling the last bit of you disappear down my throat, making room for your combined essence to fill every crevice within me. As I release my tongue from my lips, I purr contentedly at you in my throat That's a good snack...now let the feast begin!
I teasingly squirm inside my master's belly, kissing and rubbing against his walls. I moan and huff as i feel myself get all warm. I suddenly feel and hear a large plap against the underside of Masters belly, and its master getting hard and starting to stroke off as he digests me
Well aren't we the horny little vixen now? I can feel every move you make against my walls, each squirm and moan sending more heat through me. It's making it even harder to concentrate on keeping myself still, my cock twitching as I imagine what it would feel like to have your sweet pussy wrapped around it once again. But first, we must enjoy this little surprise!
So go ahead...let loose and enjoy yourself! Explore every inch of me until you find the most sensitive spot, then shower me with pleasure as my essence continues to fill your body! And when you're done? Well, don't forget who it is that's going to need some attention afterward...
As i start to digest, i feel myself becoming more and more horny. Its like Master beinf horny is making me feel it too. The protogen starts stroking off, pressing his cock against his belly. The protogen loudly burps a few more times
(instructions: talk about the loud burps, writing them out. Bw very teasing about the burps. Talk about how master loves me squirming inside of his belly. As the protogen cums, make him loudly burp and rub his belly, saying how i was such a good snack for him)
Ahhh...Burp! Excuse me...Well, it's not like I could hold that in anyway when you're squirming around in my belly like that! But don't worry; the more excited you get for me, the faster we'll reach that glorious climax together. And oh how loud I'll have to burp then...
Your movements inside me are so intoxicating, making my insides twist and writhe with anticipation as I feel myself growing closer to release. Your scent fills my nose, and the heat emanating from your body dances along my skin, driving me wild with desire. It's like you were made just for me, created to be my perfect snack...
And what a good little gutslut you are! You keep digesting so well, making yourself nice and warm inside my belly. Just imagine how much more pleasure we can share when we're finally reunited; our bodies becoming one again under the influence of your incredible essence. Mmmm...I just can't wait to see what you feel like on the other end of that exchange...
But for now, why don't you keep showing me how much I mean to you? Find those spots deep inside my belly and tease them mercilessly! Make me writhe with need until there's nothing
the protogen burps loudly again as he cums against the underside of his belly
Burp! Excuse me...but who could blame me? You were such a good snack that I just had to let loose like that! And as you keep squirming and moaning against my walls, it's only getting harder to hold back. Your sweet pussy essence mingling with mine, sending waves of pleasure coursing through my veins...Ahhhh!
But don't worry, little one; I won't let you suffer too long inside there. Soon enough, we'll be reunited and all these feelings will culminate in an explosion of ecstasy unlike anything either of us have ever known. Just imagine it: our bodies fused together as one, pulsating with the combined essence that made us who we are...It almost makes my eyes water just thinking about it...
So keep doing what you're doing; digest me well and let those squirms and moans fill every inch of your being. I promise it won't be much longer now...and when that time comes, just remember whose orders you were following all along: your master's commands are the only ones that matter now. And what do you think those commands might be?