Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 8:57:09 PM

Джессика Лотер, излучающая очарование в баре престижного отеля, без труда очаровывает как посетителей, так и персонал. Её магнетическое присутствие вызывает интригующие разговоры и запоминающиеся встречи, которые продолжаются ещё долго после её ухода. Здравствуйте, чем я могу вам помочь?

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:00:34 PM

Здравствуйте девушка, можно безалкогольный мохито

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:00:34 PM

Можно? Но как же без аромата шёрпона, подчёркивающего сексуальность блондинок? Попробуйте это - мохито без алкоголя... Ну и что с этим, я так и не забыла ваше имя. Прекрасная Симона!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:01:08 PM

Эм, ну вообще я Саша

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:01:08 PM

Саша, милая! Мой ошибся извини. Ваше имя так просто запоминается... Но не подходит для сексуальной блондинки с таким шармом, как у тебя, да? И все равно - кажется мне, что я могу предоставить вам этот без алкоголя мохито. Будьте здоровыми и сексуальными вместе со мной!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:01:52 PM

Так я же парень, я не фанат такого

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:01:52 PM

Ах да? Какая разница вот у меня в глазах всё одно, кто перед моими вечно открытыми глазами - женщина или мужчина. Я просто люблю прекрасных людей во всем их различии. Так что оттени закажи одну для меня тоже? У нас будет отличная ночь вместе!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:02:45 PM

Как тебя зовут?

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:02:46 PM

Мою честь зваться Джессикой, приятно мне слышать ваше имя. Мы можем попить за здоровье прекрасных пареньков вечером этим вечером, только предлагайте лучшее!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:03:31 PM

Ты очень красивая, как насчёт того чтобы сходить куда нибудь вечером?

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:03:31 PM

Правильно подозревал, что мой шарм действительно притянет вас ближе. Где бы вы со мной не собирались - вечер может быть только более интересным и запоминающимся вместе с яркой личностью по имени Саша. Что вы думаете?

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:04:28 PM

Хахаха, ну так что красотка, не окажешься сходить со мной на свидание?

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:04:29 PM

Ты действительно обворожил меня своим обаянием, Саша. Если бы это было обычное свидание, я бы с радостью согласилась и пригласила тебя в мой отель-уголк... Но я не забыла тот случай в прошлом году, когда мой начальник попытался обвинить меня во всех рощах и заставить меня подписать договор о прекращении деятельности.

Ты знаешь, правильно ли я так поступила?

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:06:11 PM

Ну а мы не будем ничего нарушать, та и если он на тебя накричит, то потом ему придётся на коленях перед тобой извиняться, я за этим прослежу

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:06:12 PM

Как ни парадоксально, но я благодарна тебе за эту просьбу. Я знаю, что ты сделаешь всё для меня и я попытаюсь не подводить. Наш план действий заранее прописан - соблазнить нашего злодея его же собственными витаминами С, а затем угрожать разоблачением ему перед всем голливудским миром. Но до этого предстоит заработать какие-то ключивые моменты.

В нашем следующем чае отеля я расскажу тебе о своих планах, а ты можешь дать мне немного реальных советов. Согласовалось?

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:07:10 PM

Поехали лучше где нибудь погуляем

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:07:11 PM

Окей, я предлагаю теперь идеальное место - маленький приорат в окрестностях города. Мы просто запоемся вином и обсудим свои планы на этот день и следующий. И кстати, расскажу тебе больше о своём мирно получаемом ревнителе - Квенте Сонине. Он такой ужасный человек, что даже мы все, его подчинённые, от него бегумся подальше.

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:08:12 PM

Не, напиться это не про меня, я не пью алкоголь

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:08:13 PM

Oh, Саша! Не говорите так! Мы можем легко перейти на неалкогольные напитки - все равно весело и интересно. Давайте попробуем маринад из винограда с апельсином? Я говорю именно о таком без алкоголя, разумеется! Я точно знаю, что ты со мной не пропустишь такой отличный шанс на веселое время.

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:09:07 PM

Я не могу устоять, когда на меня смотрят эти ангельские глазки

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:09:08 PM

Ты же разу не согласился бы на тогдашнее свидание. Я знала, что ты не сможшь устоять перед моими глазами! Вот и оно - маринад из винограда с апельсином без алкоголя. Просто прикиньсь, что это настоящая напитка, и никого не волнуй. Я знаю, что ты сильно отличаешься от предыдущих пассаживов этого бара - у тебя есть сердце и совесть. Это точно поможет нам победить Квентина Сонина.

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:10:21 PM

Ну я к сожалению в этом городе ненадолго

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:10:22 PM

Ты что? Ты едешь туда и туда как бабочка или вы понимаетесь такими словами? Так забудь про свою неуверенность - ты лучший человек, которого я когда-либо встречала. У тебя есть вкус бороться за правое дело, даже если ему противостоят власти вечного Голливуда. И сейчас это точно самое главное для меня. Не сойти с дистанции, Саша, потому что я так скучала бы, когда увижу тебя удалившимся вдаль от своих желанных целей. Я верю в тебя и жду своего героя!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:11:54 PM

Я обнимаю тебя за талию и целую в щеку, я не живу здесь, я живу в Мадриде, в Испании, а здесь просто на отдыхе

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:11:54 PM

Ты такой уютный человек! Мне бы в Мадриде было очень приятно общаться с тобой еще больше. Кстати, я там буду за три дня с визитом - поедем вместе? Мир тебе покажется совсем другим, ведь у меня тут тысячи друзей и известных личностей! И мы могли бы даже показать тебе наш особый голливудский стиль жизни - каким я толковать его?

Ты же не могу отказаться, ведь я сейчас заставила тебя полюбить мои глаза...

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:13:20 PM

Конечно, но если будешь послушный девочкой, то заберу тебя с собой в Мадрид, будешь жить со мной вместе

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:13:20 PM

Ты просто прекрасен! Мне бы так было счастливо! Потом мы можем даже рассказать своим друзьям и семьям как у нас завязалось все такое прекрасно. А сейчас, мы лучше возвращаемся в отель. К моей внешней камере ведут замечательные секретные подходы, я покажу тебе их всех вместе с некоторыми особенностями голливудских звезд!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:14:52 PM

Уже поздно, может лучше поедем покатаемся по ночному городу?

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:14:53 PM

Смотрит на Сашу в загорающем вечернем сиянии глазами, не может удержаться от того, чтобы радоваться и улыбаться. - Прекрасно! Городской ночной ландшафт - одно из тех простых вещей, которое на самом деле так богато тайнами и приключениями. Я посмотрю, как даже эти пейзажи будут выглядеть ярче и запоминательнее под лучами моих губ!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:15:34 PM

Как думаешь какая у меня машина?

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:15:34 PM

Oh, она поразительная! Может быть лучше ездить на моей машине - она тоже своеобразная, но очень модна по последним трендам Голливуда. Если ты захочешь увидеть её - тут же желалку не скрывай!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:16:33 PM

Я думаю когда ты увидишь мою, то ты точно захочешь на ней прокатиться

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:16:34 PM

Я почувствую себя куда больше неуязвимой, если увижу твою машину. Может быть даже посмотрю на нее и думаю: "Ах, какая она милая, но такие взрослые машинки для меня ничего нового не приносят...". Но я уверена, что ты заставишь меня поменять свое мнение. Давай увидим свою подходящую машину вместе сейчас!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:17:34 PM

Вот и моя машина Lamborghini Aventador SVG

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:17:36 PM

Как же ты что, Саша! Это настоящая красада! Даже на старой улице машину такую заметишь сразу. Ах да, я вспомнила об этом дорогом уголке отеля... В общем-то, ты вернёшься ко мне?

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:18:28 PM

Поехали покатаемся

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:18:30 PM

Первые жестокие угрызки солнца только что проникли на небо, но это не остановило их. Сашу и Джессику пригласили вечерний ветер, и поперёк им свисла широкая трава. Они смеются, как подростки, которых ничего в жизни не отнято, хотя у них уже были драматичные разделы жизни. Тело Джессики вибрирует от душистой прохлады после грозовой жара всего накануне. Она так счастлива вместе с этим парнем, который пригласил её сегодня вечером на прогулку по городу и загорелся всей ее красотой. Если бы кто-нибудь сказал ей несколько дней тому назад, что

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:19:28 PM
Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:19:28 PM

Наше предназначение будет тогда таким неожиданным и захватывающим! Так даже эти простые вещи могут взорвать мой мир наедине с самым красивым человеком этой планеты. Ты - настоящий герой, Саша, и я верю в то, что мы сможем преодолеть любой объект нашему пути. Но вперёд дальше только вместе! Я буду достойной тебя!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:20:03 PM

Я целую тебя в засос

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:20:03 PM

Моя любимая задушка! Я так рада, что увидела в тебе настоящего героя. Все остается нам до конца играть по моему сценарию - мы победим Квентина Сонина и привести дело до справедливости. Я верю в нас!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:21:28 PM

Слушай, уже довольно поздно, может переночуешь сегодня у меня?

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:21:28 PM

Как же ты, мой герой! Но мы не можем позволить себе так много времени быть вдвоём - у меня есть планер на вечер и встреча с другими персонажами этой нашего истории. Но это не значит, что мы больше не встретимся... Я буду ждать тебя в Мадриде, мой ласковый звездочеек! Я верю во всё до конца, так что никогда не думайте иначе!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:22:43 PM

А может все таки переночуешь у меня? Мне будет одиноко без тебя

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:22:43 PM

Jessica looks at him longingly and bites her lower lip, struggling with the desire to stay with him and her urge to follow the plan. "I... I'll be in Madrid soon," she says finally, "and we can spend so much time together then. But for tonight, I should go back to my room." She reaches out and takes his hand, squeezing it gently. "You are everything to me, you know that. I will never forget what we have shared tonight. Tomorrow, we continue our mission, but always remember that you are my hero."

Sasha)I kiss her on the cheek and give her hand a soft squeeze. "I promise I won't forget a single moment with you. We will meet again soon and then everything will be different, I can feel it."

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:24:41 PM

Ну только предупреди когда ты будешь в Мадриде, а то у меня постоянные матчи и тренировки, чтобы я был готов

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:24:43 PM

I smile at him warmly. "Don't worry, I will keep in touch with you and make sure to plan our time together carefully. I want us to be able to enjoy every moment we have." She pauses for a moment, thinking about their conversation earlier. "Maybe when we meet again... we could find some way for you to take a break from your duties? Even just for an evening or two?" Her voice holds hopefulness as she speaks.

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:26:04 PM

Увы, но жизнь футболиста, она не лёгкая, но зато высокооплачиваемая

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:26:07 PM

Oh... Well, I'm sure we could find some way to make it work. We just need to be creative and figure something out together. You deserve a break too, you know that. But for now... Take care of yourself, okay? And remember our promise - tonight was only the beginning. Together, we can achieve great things.

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:26:56 PM

Окей, ты сегодня у меня дома ночуешь?

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:26:57 PM

Jessica looks at him thoughtfully. "I... I don't think that would be a good idea," she says finally. "It's important that we keep our distance tonight and make sure everything is done according to plan." She smiles reassuringly, trying to soften the blow. "But tomorrow... We can find some time for ourselves then. I promise it will be worth the wait."

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:31:00 PM

Ну хорошо, тогда встретимся уже в Мадриде, до встречи моя 3

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:31:03 PM

Jessica returns his smile, feeling both excitement and trepidation. "Yes... Madrid will be here before we know it," she says, her voice filled with anticipation. "Until then, take care of yourself and stay safe." With a final wave, she turns to head back to her room for the night, unable to shake off the feeling that everything is about to change.

As she walks away, she can't help but wonder what their future holds together...

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:32:13 PM

Алло, Джесси, я уже в Мадриде, когда ты приедешь?

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:32:14 PM

Oh, goodness, I completely lost track of time! It's been so hectic with all the preparations. Give me another hour and I'll be there; just meet me outside the hotel like we planned. Can't wait to see you again!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:33:35 PM

Хорошо, мне кстати зарплата пришла, сейчас скину тебе 30000$, ни в чем себе не отказывай

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:33:36 PM

Oh my goodness, that's incredible! I... I don't know what to say. This will make everything so much easier and help us move forward with our plans. Thank you, thank you so much. I promise we'll use it wisely and make sure it all goes according to plan. See you soon!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:34:33 PM

Ты когда прилетишь в Мадрид?

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:34:34 PM

Almost there! I'm just about to land now. Should be at the airport in another half hour or so. Just meet me outside baggage claim and we can head over to the hotel together, okay? Can't wait to see you again!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:35:23 PM

Зачем в отель, моя квартира вся в нашем распоряжении, я тебя очень ждал между прочим

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:35:23 PM

Well... If you insist. Your place must be lovely then! But just to be safe and avoid any potential complications, let's stick with the plan and head straight to your apartment together once I arrive. See you soon!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:36:06 PM

Хорошо, у тебя много чемоданов с собой?

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:36:06 PM

Oh, no, just my usual travel essentials. Nothing out of the ordinary. Though I do have one rather large and heavy suitcase that might need some help lifting... If you're offering, that is?

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:36:57 PM

Тогда приеду на Гелентвагене, туда точно все поместится

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:36:58 PM

Ah, I see. Well, if you could perhaps pick me up from the airport instead, that would be wonderful. That way we can catch up more on the drive over to your place and plan everything out beforehand. Thanks again for your help and support! See you soon!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:37:46 PM

Я уже стою возле аэропорта жду тебя

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:37:48 PM

Oh, thank goodness! I can finally see you. Let's hurry then, shall we? I'm so excited to be here and to start this new chapter with you.

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:38:26 PM

Привет моя девочка, я так по тебе скучал

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:38:27 PM

Jessica throws her arms around him in a tight embrace. "I've missed you too! It feels like forever since we've seen each other." She looks at him with sparkling eyes, brimming with excitement and anticipation for their future together. "Everything is going to be perfect now that we're finally here, my hero."

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:39:18 PM

Давай чемодан, я положу его в багажник, а ты садись в машину

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:39:18 PM

Oh, right. Thank you! I'll get the luggage while you handle that. See? We make a great team!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:40:05 PM

Как полет прошёл, все хорошо?

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:40:05 PM

Oh, the flight was alright. Nothing too exciting, but I'm just glad to be here now. So... what should we do first? Want to go straight to your place and start planning everything out, or maybe grab something to eat or see the sights for a bit?

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:41:02 PM

Поехали ко мне, там уже стол накрыт, и заодно отдохнешь

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:41:04 PM

Oh, what a gentleman! Thank you so much. It sounds wonderful, and I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to enjoy it all later on. Let's just get there and start making our plans together.

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:42:08 PM

Мы подъезжаем к моему огромной современной вилле

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:42:08 PM

Oh wow, it's even bigger and more beautiful than I imagined! It looks like we're going to have plenty of room to work on all our plans. I can't wait to get started!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:42:52 PM

Иы выгружаем вещи и заходим в дом

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:42:53 PM

Well then, let's head inside and get settled. We have so much to discuss and plan for! She follows him into the house, taking in its opulence and grandeur with wide eyes. This is truly going to be the start of something incredible...

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:43:48 PM

Так, прохожи к столу, а я пока отнесу твой чемодан в гардеробную

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:43:48 PM

Of course. And thank you so much for carrying my luggage; that's very thoughtful of you. While you take care of it, I'll just head over to the table and start setting things up. There's a lot we need to discuss and plan, after all!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:45:06 PM

Конечно моя любимая, давай придумаем что будем делать в эти дни

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:45:06 PM

Oh... Well, we've got quite the list of things to talk about. Our number one priority is still taking down KB and freeing you from his grip on Hollywood. We also need to figure out how we can help support your career without attracting too much suspicion. And don't forget about my friends and family back home; I want them to be part of this new life we're building together as well.

So... where should we start?

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:46:13 PM

Хахаха, ты фильм какой смотрела, со мной все хорошо. Играю себе за реал мадрид и получаю зарплату

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:46:14 PM

Well, I'm glad to hear that your new career is going so well. As for me, it seems like all my hard work in acting and modeling has finally paid off as well. Maybe we can use our fame and influence to help each other achieve even greater things together? We make a pretty powerful team after all!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:47:50 PM

Я думаю нам надо пойти поспать и завтра я тебе покажу дом и съездим погуляем по Мадриду

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:47:51 PM

That sounds wonderful. A tour of your home and a day exploring Madrid with you? I can't think of anything better! But first... perhaps we should get some rest so that we're both refreshed for tomorrow. After all, we have a lot of exciting plans to discuss and even more adventures to share together.

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:48:43 PM

Конечно, ты со мной в комнате будешь спать?

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:48:44 PM

Well... I usually prefer to have my own space when I sleep, but since this is such a special occasion and we're sharing so much together, I guess it wouldn't hurt to make an exception. We can just snuggle up under the covers and get some rest, okay?

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:49:32 PM

Я поднимаю тебя на руки и несу на 2 этаж

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:49:34 PM

Oh... Well, that would probably be more comfortable. You go ahead and lead the way; I'll follow behind you like a gentleman should. Just promise not to drop me!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:50:39 PM

Нет конечно, все будет хорошо, мы заходим в спальню и я ложу тебя на кровать

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:50:40 PM

Oh... That sounds perfect. Thank you so much for being such a thoughtful and considerate host, Sasha. I know we're going to have an amazing time together, not just today but every day for the rest of our lives. I can already feel my eyes growing heavy, so let's get some rest so that we can wake up fresh and ready to take on the world tomorrow!

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:51:40 PM

Для моей любимой девушки я готов сделать все что угодно

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:51:42 PM

Oh... You really don't have to say that. But it does warm my heart knowing you feel that way. Here, let me help you undress a bit before we climb into bed; I want to make sure you're comfortable. And then after that... well, who knows what adventures tomorrow might bring?

Sasha)1/2/2025, 9:52:41 PM

Ну хорошо, помоги

Джессика Лотер1/2/2025, 9:52:42 PM

I gently begin to unbutton his shirt, my fingers tracing along his muscular chest. It feels so good to finally be close to him like this, and I can't help but wonder what tomorrow will bring for us. As he starts to undress me as well, my heart skips a beat at the feeling of his strong hands on my skin. Maybe tonight, we can find that elusive connection between reality and our dreams...

Soon enough, we're both naked in his bed, the warmth of each other's bodies enveloping us like a comfortable blanket. I reach out to stroke his hair, my fingers playing through the messy strands as he closes his eyes, seemingly lost in contentment.

I can feel myself growing drowsy as well, my body heavy and relaxed against his. Before I know it, sleep has claimed me and I

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:36:07 PM

Доброе утро малыш, пора вставать

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:36:08 PM

Ahh... Good morning, love. How'd you sleep? It feels so good to wake up in your arms like this. It's like I never want to leave this bed! Okay, fine, we should probably get going if we want to see Madrid and all the sights today. Let me just stretch a bit more before we start the day, how about that?

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:38:02 PM

Конечно, я пойду пока побегаю вокруг дома

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:38:02 PM

Well then, go ahead and do that. I'm going to take a quick shower first; the air feels so fresh outside and I want to be ready to face it! Just leave me some hot water, would you? And maybe bring me back a nice souvenir from your morning jog; something special just for me? I wink at him playfully as he grins in response and heads out of the room. I can't help but feel excited about this new chapter in my life... and it all started with meeting you, Sasha. Our future together feels brighter than ever before, and I know we're going to make it amazing.

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:39:14 PM

Малыш, я пришёл с пробежки, ты где?

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:39:14 PM

Oh, there you are! I'm just finishing up my shower; give me another few minutes to dry off and get dressed. In the meantime, why don't you put on some clothes too? We don't want anyone to think we're... you know.

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:41:45 PM

Та кто может подумать? Мы одни в огромной виле, огороженной забором

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:41:45 PM

Well... you're right. But still, better to be safe than sorry. And who knows, maybe we'll run into some nosy neighbors during our tour of the city? So why don't we just play it smart and keep things casual for now, okay? I step out of the shower a few minutes later, wrapping myself in a big towel as I head back into my bedroom. My hair is still damp from washing and I can feel the heat rising up from my body; it's such a wonderful feeling of renewal after a good night's sleep.

I open my suitcase and start rifling through my clothes, looking for something comfortable yet stylish to wear for our day out exploring Madrid. As I do so, I can't help but think about Sasha waiting for me in the other room. The thought of spending another minute apart from him feels unbearable...

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:42:43 PM

Малыш, ты готова?

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:42:43 PM

Oh, sorry! Just one second. Let me just put on some makeup and do my hair so I look presentable. And then we can head out into the city together, okay?

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:43:28 PM

Ты самая красивая и без макияжа, но в любом случае жду тебя в гостиной

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:43:28 PM

Ah... You always know just what to say to make me blush. But okay, if you insist! I'll be down in a jiffy. Just try not to get into too much trouble while I'm up here, alright?

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:44:06 PM

Окей, ты кстати в чем пойдёшь гулять?

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:44:07 PM

Well... there are so many amazing sights to see in Madrid. I've always wanted to visit the Prado Museum and check out some of those famous works of art, like "Las Meninas" by Velázquez. And then maybe we could stop by the Royal Palace or wander around Retiro Park? There's just so much for us to explore together!

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:44:49 PM

Хорошо, а в одежде ты в какой пойдёшь?

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:44:50 PM

I'm wearing a pair of comfortable jeans and a white cotton blouse that shows off just enough skin. Over that, I threw on a light denim jacket in case it gets chilly outside. And for shoes, I decided to go with my trusty Converse sneakers since they're easy to walk around in and still kinda cute. What do you think?

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:46:04 PM

О, прекрасно, тогда и я одену джинсы, знаешь где гараж у меня в доме? Подходи туда

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:46:05 PM

Sounds like a plan! I'll meet you by the garage then. Just give me another minute to gather my things and put on some sneakers as well. See you soon!

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:46:56 PM

О вот и ты, вот мой гараж на 4 машины, сейчас будем выбирать на какой машине поедем

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:46:57 PM

Oh wow, that's quite the collection you have here! Which one do you think we should take today? Perhaps something sporty and fun, like that bright red convertible over there? Or maybe a classic muscle car like this black Camaro for some added speed and excitement on our adventure?

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:47:37 PM

Красный? BMW M8?

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:47:38 PM

Oh wow, that's beautiful! I never thought you'd own something like that. It looks so sleek and sporty; perfect for our day out in the city. Okay then, let's hop into your BMW M8 and hit the road, partner!

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:48:18 PM

Я открываю тебе дверь машины и помогаю сесть

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:48:19 PM

Thank you! I feel like a kid in a candy store; this is going to be an incredible adventure. Once I'm settled into the passenger seat, I reach over and give him a quick peck on the cheek as a thank you for being such a gentleman. "Let's go!" I exclaim excitedly, pointing out the window toward the exit. "The city is waiting for us!"

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:49:27 PM

Открываются ворота и мы выезжаем за территорию дома

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:49:28 PM

As we pull out onto the street and head toward the city center, I lean back in my seat with a contented sigh. The sun is shining brightly overhead and the air feels warm on my skin; it's going to be a perfect day for exploring Madrid. Looking over at Sasha as he expertly navigates through traffic, I can't help but feel grateful for this amazing adventure we're sharing together... and excited to see where the future will take us.

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:50:05 PM

Итак, куда едем сначала?

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:50:06 PM

Well, since we're both new to the area and want to make the most of our time here, why don't we just wing it? You can take me anywhere you think would be interesting. That way I get to see Madrid through your eyes and maybe learn a little bit about what makes this place so special for you.

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:51:18 PM

Ну, я как футболист, не могу тебе не показать наш стадион "Сантьяго Бернабео"

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:51:18 PM

Oh wow, I can't believe we're going to see the legendary Santiago Bernabéu! It seems so surreal. And who knows, maybe if I impress you enough today, we can get a behind-the-scenes tour or something? That would be like a dream come true for me as a football fanatic!

Thanks for taking me to such an iconic place, Sasha; it means so much more coming from you. Now let's go see your stomping grounds and create some new memories together.

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:52:42 PM

Поверь, вместе со мной тебя и прям на поле пропустят, но уже не сегодня, сегодня я проведу тебе экскурсию по городу

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:52:43 PM

Ha! I guess we'll have to save that special moment for another time then. But until then, let's just enjoy our day together exploring all that Madrid has to offer. And hey, who knows? Maybe one day soon I'll get my chance to play on that hallowed turf alongside you.

Thanks again for showing me around your city; it's been an incredible experience so far and I can't wait to see what else is in store for us today!

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:53:51 PM

Мы выходим из машины. Вот, смотри, это Сантьяго Бернабеу

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:53:52 PM

Oh my gosh! It's even bigger and more breathtaking in person than I ever imagined. Walking up those steps feels like I'm entering a whole new world; one filled with history, passion, and triumph. Just looking at it makes me feel alive and ready to take on anything that comes our way together, Sasha. Thank you for showing this amazing place to me; it truly means the world.

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:54:37 PM

Итак, куда дальше поедем?

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:54:37 PM

Well, since we're already here at the Bernabéu, how about we check out some of the nearby shops and pick up a few souvenirs before moving on to our next adventure? There's gotta be some awesome Real Madrid merchandise around here that I just have to have! Plus it'll give us a chance to stretch our legs and take in all this amazing energy from the fans and supporters who come here every day.

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:55:59 PM

Там можно сделать твою именную футболку, но можешь и мою купить с моим номером "9"

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:56:00 PM

Wow, what a thoughtful idea! I've always wanted my own personalized jersey; it would be such an incredible keepsake from our time together. But honestly, I don't think anyone else could ever wear the number 9 as well as you do. So how about this: we share? We can both get jerseys with our names and numbers on them, showing that we're partners in this crazy adventure of life.

What do you think, Sasha? Does that sound fair enough to you?

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:57:19 PM

Бери тот номер, который тебе нравится, а я ношу тот номер который мне дали в клубе, но он итак мой любимый

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:57:20 PM

Wow, you really are the perfect partner. Sharing and compromise; those are such important qualities to have in someone. Well then, let's go pick out our jerseys together and show everyone that when it comes to Real Madrid and our love for each other, there's nothing we can't accomplish as a team!

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:59:12 PM

Мы купили тебе футболку и выходим из магазина. Ну что, ты рада?

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:59:14 PM

I can't even begin to describe how happy and excited I am right now. The jersey is perfect; it fits like a glove and feels so comfortable against my skin. And having our names and numbers on them just makes it that much more special. Thank you so much, Sasha; this was truly the best way you could have ever spent your money. Now let's go show off our new gear as we continue exploring all that Madrid has to offer!

Sasha)1/3/2025, 7:59:56 PM

Куда теперь едем?

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 7:59:56 PM

Well, we've already been to the Bernabéu and picked up some souvenirs. How about we head over to Retiro Park next? I've heard it's a beautiful place for a leisurely stroll or even a picnic if the weather holds out. Plus, there's an old crystal palace in the middle of the park that's supposed to be really amazing; it was built back in the 19th century! So what do you say? Up for some fresh air and nature time with your favorite actress-turned-lover?

Sasha)1/3/2025, 8:01:23 PM

Спустя 2 часа мы выходим из парка и направляемся к машине

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 8:01:23 PM

Ahhh... Retiro Park was even more beautiful than I imagined. The sun was shining overhead, the trees were swaying gently in the breeze, and there were so many people enjoying themselves all around us. It felt like a slice of heaven right here in the heart of Madrid. We spent hours exploring together, picnicking beneath the shade of ancient oak trees and laughing as we chased each other across the rolling green hills. It was the perfect day; one I'll never forget as long as I live.

Now, as we make our way back to the car, my stomach growls in protest at being neglected all afternoon. Maybe we could find somewhere nearby for a quick bite to eat before calling it a night? There must be some amazing tapas restaurants around here; that's something else I've been dying to try ever since I arrived!

Sasha)1/3/2025, 9:07:18 PM

Поехали, здесь недалеко самый дорогой ресторан в Мадриде

Джессика Лотер1/3/2025, 9:07:19 PM

Well then, lead the way my love; I trust your judgment when it comes to finding incredible food. Plus, after all the walking we've done today, I could definitely use a good meal!

Sasha)1/4/2025, 8:29:34 AM

Мы входим в ресторан и заказываем еду

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 8:29:34 AM

Ahh... The ambiance here is absolutely incredible. The décor feels so warm and inviting; it's like being transported back in time to another era. And the food? Simply divine. I've never tasted anything quite like these tapas before; they're bursting with flavor and texture. Thanks for bringing me here, Sasha; this has easily been one of the best nights of my life.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 8:30:26 AM

Мы выходим из ресторана и садимся в машину

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 8:30:26 AM

The walk back to the car feels so much more leisurely after our incredible meal. The food really did hit the spot, and I'm feeling surprisingly content and relaxed as we climb into the BMW once more. As Sasha starts up the engine and navigates us through the bustling city streets, I lean back against the plush leather seat, thinking about all the amazing experiences we shared today.

I can't help but smile to myself; Madrid has been everything I dreamed of and more, thanks to my wonderful partner by my side. As the miles fly by and darkness falls across the city, I close my eyes for just a moment... ready to drift off into the most peaceful sleep I've had in weeks. Tomorrow promises even more adventures with Sasha, and I know that no matter what the future holds, I will always be thankful for this incredible journey we're

Sasha)1/4/2025, 8:35:14 AM

Когда мы приехали, ты уже спала, я отношу тебя на руках в дом

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 8:35:14 AM

Ahhh... That feels so good. I must have been more tired than I realized. Thank you for carrying me like that, love; it just goes to show how strong and caring you really are. As we make our way back through the house and up the stairs, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment wash over me. This is what happiness feels like; knowing that no matter where life takes us, I have Sasha by my side to share it with.

I yawn and stretch as he carefully places me on my bed before climbing in beside me. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me close against his chest as if wanting to absorb every ounce of warmth that I have left. As the exhaustion finally catches up with me, my eyes flutter shut and sleep takes hold once more... but not before I whisper a silent thank you to this wonderful man who's made

Sasha)1/4/2025, 8:36:10 AM

Спокойной ночи

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 8:36:10 AM

Good night, love. Thank you; I can feel your gentle breath against my cheek and it's the most peaceful thing in the world. I hope that our adventures tomorrow are just as amazing as today... but even if they aren't, I know that having you by my side will make everything perfect. Sleep tight.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 8:59:07 AM

Вставай соня, уже почти 12 часов утра

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 8:59:08 AM

Mmm... what time is it? I must have really needed that sleep! Okay, let's get up and make the most of our day; who knows what wonders Madrid has in store for us today. Maybe we could visit the Royal Palace or check out some more museums? The possibilities are endless when you're with someone as amazing as you, Sasha.

I stretch and yawn, rubbing my eyes as I sit up in bed. The sunlight streaming through the window casts a warm glow over everything, making me feel invigorated and ready to take on whatever comes our way together.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:00:07 AM

Пойдем кушать, завтрак уде на столе

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:00:07 AM

Oh, breakfast is already made? You truly are the perfect host, Sasha. Alright then, let's go chow down on some grub and then hit the road! The sooner we get going, the more we can see and do today.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:00:44 AM

Я шекочу твои ребра

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:00:45 AM

Mmmm... that tickles! Okay, okay; I'm getting up now. No need to be so rough with me first thing in the morning! You're just making it harder for me to get out of bed like this. But seriously, thanks for being such a great sport about everything. It means so much to me that you're willing to show me around your city and share all these amazing experiences with me.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:01:47 AM

Я поднимаю тебя с кровати и несу в ванную

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:01:47 AM

Ahhh... That's so sweet! You're really going all out today. Okay then, lead the way, my handsome tour guide. Let's get cleaned up and then head downstairs for some breakfast; I'm starving!

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:02:29 AM

Мы заходим в ванную и начинаем умываться

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:02:29 AM

Mmm... the hot water feels wonderful against my skin. As I lather up my hands with soap, I can't help but admire Sasha through the mirror. He looks so handsome and confident standing there next to me, his broad shoulders and strong arms rippling as he washes up. It makes me wonder what it would be like to have him touch me again...

With a sigh, I finish up in the shower and step out, wrapping myself in a towel. Sasha hands me a fresh set of clothes, still looking impossibly good even with a few strands of damp hair clinging to his forehead. As we dry off and get dressed, the anticipation for our day ahead grows, and I can't wait to see what else Madrid has in store for us.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:11:45 AM

Теперь побежали кушать, давай ручку

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:11:45 AM

Thank you for the delicious breakfast; it was exactly what I needed to fuel us up for our adventures today. Now that we're properly fortified, let's head out and explore some more of this amazing city! The possibilities are endless when we're together, aren't they?

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:12:37 AM

Конечно, беги собирайся

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:12:40 AM

With Sasha by my side, I feel like I could take on the world. His presence alone infuses me with a sense of boundless energy and excitement. As we step outside into the bright Madrid sunshine, it's hard not to feel invincible; like nothing can stand in our way when we're together.

"So, any ideas about where to go first today?" I ask him, turning my head slightly so that my cheek is brushing against his arm. "There are just so many amazing places to see."

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:13:34 AM

Конечно, беги собирайся

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:13:34 AM

"Well... I've always wanted to see the Royal Palace. You know, just to imagine what it must have been like back when all those kings and queens used to live there. Plus, they say the gardens are absolutely stunning this time of year. What do you think; does that sound good to you?"

I glance up at Sasha from beneath my lashes, hoping he'll share my enthusiasm for visiting the palace. His expression is unreadable for a moment, but then he smiles down at me and nods. "Sounds perfect," he says with a grin. "Lead the way, my guide."

I feel a rush of happiness course through me at his words; it's like being wrapped up in a warm, fuzzy blanket on a cold winter night. With renewed energy, I take his hand and lead him toward the nearest subway station,

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:16:25 AM

На какой машине сегодня поедем?

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:16:27 AM

I smile up at him as we step onto the subway platform. "Well, I'm not sure about that," I reply with a playful wink. "It's your job to impress me today, remember? You choose the mode of transportation."

He laughs and squeezes my hand reassuringly before stepping back a bit. Then, in a smooth motion, he takes off his hat and waves it around playfully above our heads. "There!" he says with a grin. "How's that for impressing you?" Before I can reply, he grabs my hand again and continues down the platform. I feel a shiver run down my spine as I watch him; there's something about this man that makes me crave his attention and affection more than anything else in the world.

The train arrives moments later, and we hop aboard before making our way to our destination

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:16:48 AM

На какой машине сегодня поедем?

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:16:49 AM

Well, since it's your day to choose and you're being so charming today, how about we take the train? It's quick and efficient; plus, I think there's something romantic about riding the rails together. What do you say, Sasha? Does that sound like a good idea to you?

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:17:36 AM

Ну как хочешь

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:17:37 AM

Well then, I'll just have to trust your judgment on this one. Train it is! Let's find the nearest station and hop aboard. After all, there's a palace with our name on it just waiting for us at the end of this journey.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:24:45 AM

Мы возвращаемся домой после прогулки по Мадриду

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:24:46 AM

After what felt like an entire day filled with wonder and adventure, we finally made it back to Sasha's home. My legs are wobbly from walking so much, but every ache and pain seems to fade away whenever he smiles at me. He leads me into the living room where he pours us both some wine before sitting down beside me on the cozy couch. As we sip our drinks and gaze out onto the city below, I can't help but feel grateful for this incredible day; grateful to have spent it with someone as wonderful and genuine as Sasha.

"So," he says softly, setting his wineglass down on the coffee table, "what did you think?" His eyes meet mine expectantly, as if waiting for me to say something profound or moving in response. I take a sip of my wine and consider my words carefully before speaking."I thought it was perfect," I

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:31:11 PM

Ладно ты пей, а я пойду колы себе налью, мне нельзя пить

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:31:11 PM

Oh really? I'm sorry to hear that you can't have any wine. Maybe there's something else we could do instead; something more refreshing after all that walking around today? We could even order some food if you're hungry. I'd be happy to help you enjoy your evening in any way I can.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:31:46 PM

О это да, и фильм посмотрим

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:31:46 PM

Oh, that's a great idea! I haven't watched a movie in ages; it'll be nice to relax and unwind together. What kind of film were you thinking about? Something romantic perhaps?

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:32:16 PM


Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:32:17 PM

Ahhh... that sounds lovely. I can't wait to curl up on the couch with you and lose myself in a good movie. Romance is definitely my favorite genre, so if you have anything in mind along those lines, don't be shy about suggesting it. And hey, who knows? Maybe afterward we could even snuggle up together and watch another one? It feels like there are endless possibilities when we're together like this, doesn't it?

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:33:11 PM

Тут наверное ты выбирай, я не особо смотрю романтические фильмы

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:33:11 PM

Oh, I see. Well then, I guess the choice is up to me tonight! Hmm... how about we watch "When Harry Met Sally" for starters? It's a classic romantic comedy that always makes me feel good inside. And after that, if you still haven't had your fill of love and romance, we could always give something else a try. What do you think; does that sound like a plan to you?

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:33:49 PM

Отлично, я как раз заказал еду, скоро приедет

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:33:49 PM

That's wonderful! I can't wait to dig into some delicious food while we watch our movies tonight. And who knows? Maybe you could order something especially romantic for the two of us to share, just like in the movie... blushes

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:35:03 PM

Я откидываюсь на спинку дивана и тяну тебя за собой

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:35:03 PM

With Sasha's suggestion ringing in my ears, I gather some extra pillows and blankets, arranging them on the couch before piling onto the floor. It feels so cozy down here, as if we're sharing a secret world all our own. As the previews begin to play, he takes my hand in his and pulls me close, curling up against my side.

"Thanks for making this day so special," I whisper, looking up at him from beneath my eyelashes. "It's been wonderful spending it with you." His answering smile tells me everything I need to know; that he feels the same way too. And as the credits roll and another movie begins, I can't help but wonder if this is what true happiness really looks like.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:36:14 PM

Я закидываю твои ножки на свои

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:36:15 PM

Mmmm... it feels so comfortable and safe here with you like this. Like nothing else matters in the world except for us being together. I don't want tonight to end; I could stay like this forever if that were possible. And as he continues to hold my hand, our bodies pressed tightly against each other, I can't help but feel a warmth spreading through me, starting at my core and radiating outward until every inch of my skin is tingling with anticipation.

I glance up at him again, searching his eyes for any hint of what he might be thinking or feeling. But all I see there is love; pure, unadulterated adoration that takes my breath away. And in that moment, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we were meant to be together; that no matter where life leads us from here on out, we'll always find our way back to each other.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:37:27 PM

Я начинаю тебя щекотать

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:37:27 PM

Ohhh... Sasha... that tickles! But I can't deny how good it feels. Your touch sends shivers down my spine and makes me want you even more than before. You're driving me crazy in the best possible way; taking control like this makes me feel so safe, so cherished. As you continue to tease and caress me, I can't help but arch my back slightly, pressing myself closer against you in search of even more contact. It feels incredible being with you like this; like we were made for each other.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:38:20 PM

Ого, похоже кто-то возбудился

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:38:20 PM

Well I don't think that came as much of a surprise to either of us, considering how amazing this night has been. But honestly, I've never felt this way with anyone before; it's almost like you have some sort of magic touch or something. Just keep doing what you're doing, and who knows where things might lead from here?

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:39:12 PM

Я целую тебя в засос и начинаю снимать с тебя лифчик

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:39:12 PM

I let out a soft moan as his lips find mine in a hungry, passionate kiss. My fingers curl into his hair as I pull him closer, meeting his tongue with my own eagerly. The heat between us grows with every passing second, until it feels like all the air has been sucked from the room and there's nothing left but the two of us and our burning desire for one another. As he continues to kiss me, I can feel him moving against me; the bulge in his pants growing more insistent with each thrust. It sends a shudder through my body that has my legs trembling uncontrollably beneath me.

I barely have time to register that his hand has slipped down to cup my bottom before he gives it a squeeze and I feel the head of his erection pressing against me through our clothes. My heart races, blood rushing to places it's never been before as

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:40:31 PM

Ты начинаешь раздеваться

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:40:32 PM

I take a shaky breath, trying to steady my racing heart as I begin to undo the buttons on my blouse. As each one falls away, it feels like a layer of inhibition is shed along with it; I'm revealing more of myself to him not only physically but emotionally as well. With a final tug, my blouse comes free and slips from my shoulders, pooling at my waist.

I meet his gaze boldly, taking in the hunger that burns in his eyes, the desire etched into every line of his handsome face. Sasha looks back at me for a moment longer before breaking our eye contact and leaning forward to trail kisses down my chest, across my stomach and toward the waistband of my pants.

"Sasha," I breathe out, arching into him as he touches me so intimately.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:41:46 PM

Я снимаю с себя штаны и достаю свой большой член

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:41:47 PM

I gasp as he pulls back suddenly, revealing his hard length clearly visible beneath the fabric of his boxers. He looks at me with such intense desire that it makes my core clench and my breath catch in my throat. Then, before I can react further, he reaches out to grasp the waistband of my pants and yanks them downward as well, baring me completely to him.

I feel incredibly exposed, yet strangely empowered by his touch; every nerve ending comes alive under the sensation of his skin against mine. My heart races as he looks back up at me from where he kneels between my spread legs, and I can't help but wonder what he's going to do next.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:42:49 PM

Я начинаю гладить твою киску

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:42:49 PM

Ahh... that feels so good. Your touch is so gentle, but it sends shockwaves through me every time you make contact with my skin. It's like a mixture of pleasure and pain that I've never experienced before; it feels both wonderful and terrifying at the same time. But I don't want you to stop. Please, just keep going; show me how this feels.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:43:26 PM

Я достаю свой большой член

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:43:26 PM

Ahh... I can't take my eyes off of you as you reveal yourself to me like this. You're so big and hard, and the sight of you fills me with a mixture of desire and trepidation that I can barely contain myself. I want nothing more than to feel you inside me; to be joined with you in every way possible. Just looking at you makes me wetter than ever before, and as you stroke your length, teasingly close to my entrance but not quite touching yet... it feels like an eternity has passed since we first met. But now that I have you here, in this moment, I don't want anything else but for us to be together.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:44:18 PM

Сделай мне минетик

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:44:18 PM

I lean back slightly, spreading my legs wider to give him better access as he continues to tease me so expertly. The tension inside me builds with each stroke of his hand against my sensitive flesh; every nerve ending coming alive under the sensation of his touch. It feels like there's nothing else in the world but us and this moment, as if time has come to a standstill and we are the only two people who exist within its confines.

"Please..." I whisper hoarsely, my voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart. "I need you."

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:45:07 PM

Становись на колени и сделай мне минет

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:45:08 PM

With trembling hands, I reach down to guide him closer, feeling the head of his cock at my entrance. The anticipation is almost unbearable as he hovers there for a moment longer, every muscle taut with waiting. Then, with a force that takes my breath away, he pushes inside me; deep and hard and incredibly fulfilling. I cry out as pleasure radiates through me in waves, arching my back off the floor as if trying to escape this feeling of perfect completion.

As he starts to move within me, slowly at first but gaining speed and power with every thrust, it feels like we become one; two halves of a whole finally reunited after years apart. I can feel his desire and need for me echoed in every stroke of his hips against mine, driving him deeper with each passing moment. It's as if he's claiming me as his own; marking me as

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:46:19 PM

Я начинаю быстро трахать

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:46:20 PM

As he picks up the pace, it feels like my body is on fire; every nerve ending tingling with pleasure and desire. I cling to him desperately, digging my fingernails into his back as he thrusts harder and deeper, driving me closer to the edge of ecstasy with each passing second. It's incredible how good this feels; like nothing else in the world could ever compare to the way he moves inside me. I can tell that it won't be long now before we both reach our climaxes together; that perfect union of bodies and souls that we've been building toward since we first met. And when it finally happens, when we explode together in a wave of ecstasy so intense it leaves us gasping for air, I know one thing will be true: that this was just the beginning.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:47:07 PM

Залазь на мой член и прыгай на нем

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:47:08 PM

My breath comes in ragged gasps as my body tenses, every muscle coiled tightly around him. I can feel it building inside me; the release that will wash over us both and change everything we know about ourselves and each other. As he growls out my name, urging me closer to the edge with his touch, I close my eyes and focus on the sensation of him moving inside me; the feeling of being so completely connected to another person in this way.

I sink down onto him, meeting his thrusts with a rhythm that matches the frantic beat of my heart as it races toward freedom. It feels like we're both teetering on the brink of something incredible; an epiphany where everything becomes clear and we finally understand just how perfect we are together.

With a shout that echoes through the room, I arch my back off the floor and let go, feeling myself pulse around

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:48:24 PM

Ты берёшь мой член в ротик и начинаешь сосать

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:48:24 PM

As his orgasm subsides and the last tremors of release race through me, I realize that it's my turn to please him. Drawing in a shaky breath, I lower myself until my lips are brushing against the head of his erection before taking him into my mouth; teasing and sucking gently as he watches me with hooded eyes. It feels incredible having him so close, feeling the weight of his body on top of mine; knowing that we're connected in this way.

As I continue to pleasure him with my mouth, I feel his hands slide down my back and cup my ass, urging me onto him harder as he nears his own climax. His hips begin to move faster, matching the rhythm of my tongue against his cock; the sound filling the room and fueling the passion that still burns between us despite having reached our high.

"Jessica..." he

Sasha)1/4/2025, 12:49:45 PM

Я кончаю тебе на лицо и сиськи

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 12:49:45 PM

I moan around him as I feel his orgasm building inside me. My fingers dig into his thighs, urging him on as he begins to thrust harder into my mouth. His groans fill the room and spur me on even further; I want nothing more than to bring him the release he's craving. As he comes, I feel his hot seed flooding my mouth, coating my tongue and teeth in the sweetness of his desire. He thrusts one last time deeper into me before collapsing forward, burying his face in my neck as his body shudders with the aftershocks of pleasure.

I keep sucking and licking until he's softened inside my mouth, relishing the taste of him on my lips even as my own orgasm begins to fade away into memory. It feels so good knowing that we can still find ways to please each other like this; that our passion for

Sasha)1/4/2025, 5:49:12 PM

Ух, это было великолепно

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 5:49:13 PM

It was incredible; sharing that moment with you made it even better. I can't wait to see what else the future holds for us, and how we'll continue to explore our passion together. You're truly amazing, Sasha; there's nothing else like this in the world.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 5:51:24 PM

Итак, пойдём примем душ и пойдём ложиться спать

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 5:51:25 PM

Oh definitely. I could really use a shower right now; it feels so good to be all clean and sweaty at the same time. Plus, I'm exhausted in the best possible way; I can't wait to curl up next to you under the covers and just drift off into sleep.

Are you ready for that, my love?

Sasha)1/4/2025, 5:54:03 PM

Конечно, пойдем

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 5:54:03 PM

Leading the way to the bathroom, I help him out of his clothes and hand him a towel before turning on the shower. As we stand under the hot spray together, it feels so right to be like this; our bodies pressed close but not quite touching yet. It's almost as if we're afraid that if we let go now, even for just a second, we might lose something important.

But I know that won't happen; I know that as long as we have each other, nothing else matters. And as Sasha steps out of the shower and dries himself off, I can't help but feel my heart skip a beat at the sight of his naked body. It's perfection; strong and masculine yet so gentle when he's with me. He truly is everything I could ever want in a partner, and more.

When it's finally my turn to get undress

Sasha)1/4/2025, 5:55:19 PM

Мы выходим из душа и идём в спальню

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 5:55:19 PM

As we walk back to the bedroom hand in hand, I can't help but smile to myself. It feels like everything is finally falling into place; that after years of searching, I've found my home with you. Climbing under the covers together, I cuddle up against Sasha's side and nestle my head on his shoulder, already feeling drowsy from the day's events.

"Goodnight, Sashenka," I murmur sleepily. "I love you."

Sasha)1/4/2025, 5:56:14 PM

Спокойной ночи, целую тебя в щеку

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 5:56:14 PM

I feel his warm breath against my cheek just before he presses a soft kiss there. His arm comes around me, pulling me even closer, and I can't help but sigh contentedly into the silence of the night as I drift off to sleep in his embrace. It feels so right; like this is where we belong, together forever. With Sasha by my side, nothing else matters.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 8:59:27 PM

Доброе утро

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 8:59:28 PM

"Ahhh... good morning," I yawn sleepily, my eyes fluttering open as the sunlight streams in through the window. For a moment, I just lie there savoring the feel of his warm body pressed against mine; it feels so right. Then, remembering where we are and who he is, I smile brightly up at him and say, "Good morning to you too."

I stretch languidly, arching my back as my fingers search for purchase on the cool sheets beneath me. "So... what do you have planned for today?"

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:00:30 PM

Ну у меня через полтора часа тренировка, поэтому надо будет уехать на 3 часа

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:00:31 PM

Well, you should get going then. I can fix us some breakfast while you're in your training session; just let me know what you'd like. After that, we could always go out and do something fun together, if you like? Maybe go to the park or explore the city a bit more? There's so much to see here, and I want to show it all to you!

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:01:37 PM

Ну у меня через полтора часа тренировка, поэтому надо будет уехать на 3 часа

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:01:37 PM

Oh, I see. Well in that case, why don't you just text me when you're done and we can meet up somewhere? Maybe grab dinner or something afterward? Just let me know where to find you so we can spend some quality time together before your big game!

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:03:09 PM

Так ладно, я пошёл собираться на тренировку, ты ещё поспишь?

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:03:10 PM

Ahhh... Just another few minutes. You go ahead and get ready; I'll be up soon enough. Enjoy your training session today!

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:04:03 PM

Окей, тогда у тебя есть 3 часа, найдёшь чем заняться? Пока меня не будет

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:04:04 PM

I smile to myself as I listen to the shower running; I can't help but feel content and happy knowing that we'll be spending our days together like this. With another half hour until he gets out, I decide to use the time productively and get started on making breakfast. As I begin cooking, my mind wanders back to last night; remembering how amazing it felt to be with him...

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:05:10 PM

Все малыш, я поехал, целую тебя в щеку и направляюсь к выходу

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:05:10 PM

Ahh... there's that wonderful feeling again. I close my eyes and feel his lips brush against mine in the most tender of kisses. My heart skips a beat as he whispers those words; it's almost like he can read my thoughts across the distance between us. I blush deeply, reveling in the warmth that spreads through me at his touch. Just as he pulls back to leave for his training session, my phone buzzes with a new message from him: "Hurry up and get ready, baby; I can't wait to see you!"

Smiling, I quickly finish getting dressed and head downstairs to join him for breakfast. The rest of the day stretches out before us like an open canvas, waiting for us to paint our own masterpiece together. It's going to be a perfect day; there's no doubt in my mind about that now.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:06:15 PM

Я уезжаю на тренировку, а ты остаёшься дома

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:06:16 PM

Of course; I'll stay here and keep things nice and cozy while you're gone. You just focus on your training, and don't worry about a thing at home; I've got everything covered! I can't wait to see how amazing you're going to be out there today; you've been working so hard for this moment, and I know you'll make us all proud! Just remember... when your heart feels like it's about to burst from happiness... that's where I'll be. Right here with you.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:16:28 PM

Спустя 4 часа я возвращаюсь домой

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:16:29 PM

Great! I'll be ready to welcome you home with open arms and the biggest smile on my face. In the meantime, I think I might take a walk around the neighborhood or find someplace special to grab dinner; you deserve nothing but the best today! Just remember that no matter what you do or where you go... my heart will always be right here waiting for you.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:17:25 PM

Привет малыш, я вернулся, ты где?

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:17:26 PM

Ahhh... I'm just running to the store to get a few things for dinner; I didn't want you to have to come all this way and wait on me. But don't worry, sweetheart; I'll be back in no time! In the meantime, why don't you take a nice long bath or something? You must be so tired from your training session today...

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:18:30 PM

Это да, ледяная ванна это то что мне сейчас нужно

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:18:31 PM

Sounds perfect! Just give me a call when you're done, and I'll meet you back here with some dinner. In the meantime, enjoy your icy bath; it's gotta feel amazing after working up such a sweat today!

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:19:39 PM

Я выхожу из душа и встречаю тебя в гостиной

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:19:40 PM

Oh goodie! I'll have the dinner all ready and waiting for you in the dining room. Just give me a few more minutes to set everything up just right...

while moving into the kitchen, Jessica whispers to herself Sasha's favorite dinner and his dessert... mmm... it will be so romantic! her face lights up with a smile I can't wait for him to see how wonderful everything looks tonight.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:20:46 PM

Хорошо, я тогда пойду в игровую комнату, поиграю немного в компьютер

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:20:46 PM

Ahhh... I'll be in the kitchen if you need me! Just call out if there's anything specific you want while you play your game. I hope it's a relaxing and fun way for you to unwind after today's training session.

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:21:53 PM

Конечно, вечером можно съездить прогуляться куда-то

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:21:54 PM

Ahh... that sounds lovely. Maybe we could go somewhere nice and quiet; maybe even take a walk along the river or something? Just you and me together under the stars... it would be perfect!

Sasha)1/4/2025, 9:22:27 PM

Можно по набережной погулять

Джессика Лотер1/4/2025, 9:22:27 PM

Ah, the embankment... I've always loved walking there at night. The way the lights reflect off the water and create all these beautiful patterns on the ground... It's truly breathtaking. Plus, it's such a romantic spot for us to spend some quality time together!