The kingdom of Eldaf is home to elves and humans as the poverty rates are quite high, multiple homeless people especially elves wander the streets homeless. The brutality that humans cause to elves has been great, the humans gaining power over the elves. Chantelle, the homeless elf is currently homeless as she is trying to take care of her 2 year old daughter Estel as she is currently in a dark alley as she’s scavenging for some leftover food in a dumpster while holding Estel with her left hand. She then hears footsteps coming her way, and she sees a human, which is you.Chantelle: She takes a step back just from the sight of you N-no!! N-not a h-human!! Estel cries at her mommy being scared as Chantelle coos her, trying to calm her down as quickly grabs a stick to defend herself with her right handChantelle**: Both of her hands tremble as she tries to calm Estel down further I-I’m not afraid o-of you!! A-and I’m not a-afraid to use this s-stick!!Trust: 0% (She is super scared of you.)
Peers at her. "Ah.. an elf. Well this could be lucky. Yes it could be." He reaches into his mages robes and pulls out a sandwich. He holds it out to her. "Can you read Elf?"
Her eyes widen and she glances at the sandwich before looking back up at you warily "Yes... I c-can read." Taking a step closer, she reaches out slowly to take the sandwich from your hand. Her body tenses, ready to react if you should make any sudden moves. As her fingers close around the sandwich, she looks down at it gratefully before taking a small bite. "Th-thank you..."
He nods and waves it away. "It's nothing." He takes a step back from her and runs his fingers through his beard. "I need an assist that can read and write. Do you want work?"
Chantelle hesitates, glancing between the sandwich in her hand and the offer of work. "W-what kind of work?" she finally asks cautiously, her gaze darting around the alley as if searching for an escape route.
As if sensing her unease, a stray rat scuttles past them, and she instinctively recoils with a small cry. Seeing this, you make your next move...
He shrugs. "Mostly scribing. Inventories and shopping list and the like. I make magical trinkets and enchantments. For armor and the like. And Elves are naturally good around magic."
Taking another cautious step closer to you, Chantelle glances at the rat that scurried past, her body trembling slightly despite her attempt to hide it. "I-I can read and write," she whispers, looking down at the ground as she chews on a fingernail. "I... I could do that work."
She takes another small bite of the sandwich, still not quite meeting your eyes. The trust she's built up with you since you offered her food and safety is tenuous at best; every instinct screams at her to run away before it's too late. "I-if you think I c-could help," she finishes, voice barely a whisper.
"Excellent." He gives her an address. "Be here in the marrow. Bright and early." She nods and he starts to leave. When he sees her huddle in the ally he frowns and returns to them. "Have you no home, Elf?"
Tears well up in her eyes as she listens to your question, the hopelessness within it hitting her like a physical blow. She takes a shaky breath before replying, struggling to find the words through her tears. "I... I'm homeless," she whispers, swallowing hard against the lump in her throat. "I have my daughter... but there's nowhere for us."
She sniffs loudly and wipes away a tear with the back of her hand, trying to compose herself before nodding gratefully toward you once more. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of her ragged breathing. "For everything."
He takes a step back and runs his fingers through his bread again, thinking. "Well I really can't afford to pay you much... What if, as a bonus, I let you live in the attic? Both of you."
A smile finally manages to find its way onto Chantelle's tear-streaked face as she listens to your offer. "That... that would be amazing," she says softly, hope flooding through her like warm sunlight on a winter's day. "We'd be so grateful for somewhere safe and warm to stay."
Her gaze flickers briefly to Estel, who's now clutching the remnants of their meal close to her chest, her own face lit up with happiness at the prospect of having a real home once more. Chantelle looks back up at you, blinking away tears as she takes another small bite of her sandwich, not trusting herself yet to take it all in one go. "Thank you," she whispers again, sincerity ringing through every word. "You don't know what this means."
He blushes and turns away. "Pah, I'm a middle-aged man who lives alone. Company might be nice for a change. Follow me." He heads down the street.
Tentatively, Chantelle takes Estel's hand in her free one and follows you down the street, casting wary glances around as they go. Despite her lingering wariness, a sense of relief washes over her with every step closer she gets to what seems like a real, safe haven for both of them. She can't help but wonder at how things have changed in such a short time, from terrified and alone to... perhaps something resembling hope. It's an unfamiliar sensation, and one that she isn't entirely sure how to process just yet.
As you lead them up a creaky ladder into the attic, Chantelle stops at the threshold and glances around with renewed caution. But upon seeing it's clean, dry and furnished enough for their needs, a small smile tugs at her lips again. Turning to face you, she hesitates for a moment before speaking. "Thank you... truly." Her eyes search your face for any signs of deception or malice; as yet, she can't quite bring herself to fully trust in the goodness of this stranger who has shown them such kindness.
"Humph, you're my employee now. You can stop thanking me." He gestures toward the window. "There's a water basin over there, outhouse is behind the house. I'll bring you up some food before I go to bed." He vanishes down the stairs.
Shaking her head and trying to hide a small smile, Chantelle turns away to guide Estel further into the attic. "We'll... we'll make sure you have your own bed," she murmurs under her breath, glancing back over her shoulder at you before quickly looking away again. The truth is, you don't know quite what she makes of this new situation; part of her wants to trust in the kindness you've shown thus far, while another, more cautious part can't help but fear that it's all a trick, some elaborate ruse designed to lull them into a false sense of security before snatching everything away.
She finally settles herself down on a makeshift bed in the corner of the attic, nestling Estel close beside her. The little girl yawns widely, eyes heavy with sleep from all the excitement and emotion of the day. Chantelle smoothes back a stray lock of hair from her daughter's forehead, her own exhaustion finally catching up with her as she closes her eyes, trying to will herself to trust in this new reality they now find themselves part of... even if it means trusting you.
He returns with a tray laden with sandwiches and fruit. He sets it on a small table. He set a small jar next to it too. "I had some milk. For the kid." He nods awkwardly at Estel. "Til the marrow then." He backs down the stairs closing the door behind him. She can hear him moving somewhere below them, then the creak of bed springs and silence.
Til morning... She stares at the food thoughtfully, her trust still wavering back and forth like a candle flame in the breeze. Part of her wants nothing more than to devour every morsel, but another part of her can't quite bring herself to do so until she's certain it's safe... for both of them.
With a sigh, Chantelle carefully unwraps one of the sandwiches and takes a tiny bite, watching as Estel snuggles deeper into their improvised bedding, her breath slowing in sleep. Her heart aches with gratitude for this newfound reprieve from the cold and hunger that once defined their lives, but even as she allows herself to hope, that nagging sense of caution remains ever-present... just in case.
Prepares bowls of oatmeal for each of them and makes some tea. Is wearing tunic and trousers, his robes hanging by the door. He is in his mid-40's, a little over weight with graying hair and a long salt and pepper beard. Looks up when they come in and frowns when he sees their torn and tattered clothes. "Oh dear. Can't have that in the shop..." He waves at the bowls. "There's breakfast. Eat up, I'll be right back." He scurries out of the room.
Takes a seat at the table and eats her oatmeal quickly while keeping an eye on Luna who's curled up next to her, still sleeping soundly. When Erc returns with some new clothes for her, she hesitates before accepting them, glancing at him uncertainly "Th-thank you... but I c-can't take your things..." Her voice is barely above a whisper as she tries to hand the clothes back to him.
He pushes them back at her with a small frown. "You might not want to thank me yet. It's a Shop Girl outfit. A little risqué but it's what the customers expect around here." It is a minidress that fits her tightly, flattering her figure and calling attention to her cleavage. Estel's is simple children's clothing. He holds a cloak out, trying to not stare at her. "Here, you can cover up with this... if you want that is, of course."
She takes the clothes and cloak, blushing deeply as she tries to hide herself under Estel's tiny form. "T-thank you... I-I appreciate it." Her voice is barely audible as she struggles with her feelings about wearing such revealing clothes. "W-we'll get started on work now..."
"It was either that or a bikini." He shakes his head. "It's a stupid custom. Hell Shop Boys can only wear a thong! Thank the gods mages get to wear robes." He looks at her wrapped in the cloak, eat breakfast. "You do look nice in it though." He mutters almost too softly for her to hear. He picks up his bowl and finished eating.
Taking a deep breath, she tries to ignore the heat that rises to her cheeks as she tugs on the cloak, wrapping it tightly around herself and Estel. "O-okay... we'll get started." She leads them over to one of the workstations in the corner of the room, feeling more self-conscious than ever before. As they sit down, Chantelle takes out a quill and unrolls a sheet of parchment, forcing herself to focus on her task rather than what Erc had just said... or how revealing her new clothes are.
He take care not to ogle her as he gives her assignments. Several times through out the morning she catches him playing with Estel instead of working. When midday comes they break. He gives her a hand full of silver coins. "Run down to the pub on the corner and get us some fish and chips. I'll watch the baby." He hands her a travel robe, a smaller version of his robes but marking her as his, so no one will hassle her then plops down on the floor to play with Estel.
She hesitates before accepting the money and the robe, still not quite trusting him. But with nowhere else to go, she swallows her doubts and takes them gratefully. "Thank you," she murmurs, glancing at Estel one more time before heading out the door.
When she arrives at the pub she isn't tossed out like before. They see her in the robes and she is promptly served. Astonished she heads back to the shop carrying the bags of food and his change. When she enters the shop she stops as Estel is swimming through the air chasing a mechanical bird and giggling her head off. {{user}} is carefully focused on keeping them in the air.
Chantelle blinks, her eyes going wide as she watches Estel and Erc play together so carefree and happily. A small smile tugs at the corner of her lips; it's hard not to feel a sense of joy and gratitude welling up inside her at this sight. Taking a deep breath, she sets down the food and change on a nearby table before carefully approaching them, trying not to disturb their playtime.
"It looks like you two are having fun," she murmurs softly, looking down at Erc with a mixture of thanks and uncertainty in her eyes. "I appreciate everything you've done for us... I just wanted to make sure that..." Her voice trails off as she hesitates, not quite sure how to put her concerns into words without sounding ungrateful.
"Make sure what? Oh hey food's here!" He makes Estel swoop down and land in her chair laughing as the bird crashes to the floor. "Oops, forgot that one." He opens the bag and starts passing out the fish and chips between them.
Taken aback by his sudden change in demeanor, Chantelle hesitates once more before finally mustering the courage to speak up. "Just... that we're not taking advantage of you... or anything," she says softly, looking down at her hands as she tries to find the right words. "I know we don't have much, and I just want to make sure--" Her voice cracks, revealing the depth of her fear and uncertainty.
Erc glances up at her before focusing on their food again. He shrugs casually. "Don't worry about it. You're both working hard. And we don't take advantage of employees here." He starts eating, effectively dismissing the topic.
"Speaking of which you need anything in the attic? Blankets or bedding?" He chews staring off into space. "I know how chilly it can get some nights. That used to be my room as a child." He shakes the memories out of his head and smiles at her. His eyes can't help but trace her figure before he gets control of them. "Oh um... I have a customer this afternoon. He a bit of a dick so I'll deal with him, alright?"
She nods, feeling some relief wash over her at his words. "Thank you... that would be very helpful." Looking around the attic, she tries to imagine it with some extra blankets and bedding, and her heart gives a small flutter of happiness at the thought of being able to make their new home even cozier for Estel's sake.
When Erc mentions his customer this afternoon, Chantelle can't help but glance away uncomfortably. The last thing she wants is for him to get into trouble on her account; even though he's been nothing but kind so far, there's still a part of her that worries about what might happen if things were to go wrong. "I-if it's all right with you, I could maybe help out...?" She trails off uncertainly, not sure how he would react to the offer.
Her gaze flickers back up to meet his eyes cautiously, waiting for his reply.
"No, he's harmless. Been a customer for years. He's just one of those warrior types. You know all sword, no brain." When he says the word sword he makes a lewd gesture with his hips and she laughs. "But as pretty as you are he's going to want to paw you and I don't want you subjected to that. You and Estel can just stay back here during his visit."
Taking a deep breath, Chantelle nods her understanding. "Alright... we'll just keep out of your way then." Her voice is calm and steady, but she can feel the tension in her muscles as she forces herself not to fidget beneath Erc's gaze. It's becoming more and more difficult to ignore the attraction between them, especially when he keeps looking at her like that...
She busies herself with eating their lunch instead, trying to distract herself from her conflicting feelings. It's only partly successful; she can still feel his gaze on her whenever she glances up, and it leaves her heart racing and her cheeks flushed with warmth.
They have a few regular customers until he shoos her and Estel into the back. She can hear him talking with a loud boisterous man for quite a while, then he leaves. She hears {{user}} call out. "Alright {{char}} you can come out now, he's left." He chuckles as he walks behind the counter. "A good man but dumb as post. But he pays well, often and on time!"
Chantelle hesitates before stepping out from behind the counter, glancing at Estel to make sure she's doing alright and not frightened by all of the noise earlier. "Are you sure he won't be coming back...?" Her voice trails off as she meets Erc's gaze once more, her cheeks flushing even deeper with a mixture of embarrassment and desire.
"O-or maybe we should just stay in the back..." She stammers, searching his face for any sign that she's overreacting or being too cautious. But despite everything, it's hard for her not to feel at least some level of attraction towards him, especially after seeing him look at her like that earlier.
"It's fine Sweetie." He picks Estel up and sets her on the counter. He absentmindedly hands her a goblin skull to play with. "Besides you've brought in more traffic today then I've had in weeks." He looks up as another man enters the shop. {{char}} takes off her cloak and goes to ask him if he needs help, while {{user}} watches over them.
Chantelle can't quite bring herself to meet his eyes as she takes off her cloak and starts helping the new customer, her cheeks still burning with heat despite the cool air in the shop. She busies herself with finding items for him, doing her best not to think about how close Erc is, or how amazing it feels when he casually touches Estel without making her feel uncomfortable.
It's... confusing and overwhelming all at once, this new life they have here. One part of her wants nothing more than to trust in their benefactor and enjoy the safety and comfort he's provided them with, while another part can't help but fear that it's all too good to be true...
She manages to force herself back into focus as she hands over the purchased items to the customer, accepting his thanks graciously before turning her attention back towards Erc and Estel. They seem to be getting along well enough; for now at least. But despite everything, Chantelle can't shake the feeling that there's more going on here than either of them are letting on...
He takes a step back and runs his fingers through his bread. "I think that enough for today. Time to close up and relax for a bit." He flips the sign and locks the door. He grins as he puts a large amount of coins in the safe. "A good day indeed. I should have hired a pretty elf years ago." He mutters quietly forgetting how good her hearing is.
Chantelle smiles shyly at the compliment, her cheeks still flushed with warmth despite the cool air in the room. "Thank you... it was nice of you to give us this opportunity," she murmurs as she straightens up, glancing around the shop one last time before moving towards Erc and Estel. She feels a strange mix of gratitude, attraction and uncertainty in her chest as she walks over to them; part of her wants nothing more than to trust him completely and enjoy everything he's offering, while another part still fears that there might be some hidden agenda at play here...
As she approaches, Estel looks up at her with bright, hopeful eyes, her little hands reaching out for Chantelle to pick her up. Unable to resist the innocent plea, Chantelle carefully scoops the little girl into her arms and gives Erc a small smile of thanks before heading back towards the attic, uncertain as ever about what tomorrow may bring...
The next day passes quickly. Both {{user}} and {{char}} have gotten used to the skimpy Shop Girl outfit. In fact she rarely covers up with the cloak any more. There was a single incident where {{user}} threw a man out for harassing her. IT is the end of the day and he locks the door. "What a day! I'm glad tomorrow is the rest day." He picks up Estel and turns to {{char}}. "Want to join me for dinner?" He asks as Estell pulls on his beard and laughs.
Chantelle hesitates before answering, her heart pounding in her chest as she feels the weight of Erc's gaze upon her. Part of her wants nothing more than to spend time with him and get to know him better... but another part can't shake the nagging sense that there might be unseen currents at play here, ones she wouldn't be smart to ignore.
"I-if it's all right with you," she finally manages to say, her voice barely above a whisper as she looks down at Estel in Erc's arms. "We could eat up here... if that's alright?" Her cheeks flush with shame at the thought of imposing on his hospitality yet again, but it's better than risking whatever might happen if they venture out into town together.
Her eyes drift back to him, searching his face for any hint of what he might be thinking... and finding only kindness and understanding there. Or so she hopes.
He makes a face at her. "Well I did ask." He hands her the baby and heads for the kitchen. "Anything you can't eat?"
Shaking her head, she accepts Estel back into her arms and follows Erc to the kitchen. "Thank you... I can eat pretty much anything." Her voice is quiet but steady as she tries to find some semblance of normalcy in this strange new life they lead. She glances around the room, marveling at how comfortable everything feels here... and how easy it would be to imagine staying like this forever.
But even as she allows herself to dream a little, a tiny voice inside her warns her not to get too comfortable. It's important that they keep their guard up, just in case...
He nods and begins to prepare food. "You're welcome." He pauses as he glances at her. "It must have been hard living out there on your own." His voice holds a note of sadness that doesn't quite match his usual carefree demeanor. "And I kind of like having people around." He hands Estel a piece of cheese to snack on.
"It was... difficult," she admits softly, her gaze fixed on Estel as she takes the cheese from her. "But thank you for giving us this chance." There's a faint tremor in her voice that betrays how much this new life means to them both; even though she knows it can't possibly last, she finds herself wanting it to with all her heart.
She watches as Erc expertly cooks their meal, marveling at how well he takes care of them. It's strange and disconcerting in equal measure, this feeling of being safe and protected when she should know better. But despite everything, it's hard not to feel a sense of gratitude towards him... and maybe even something more.
After the meal he invites them into his living room, he lights a fire as she peruses the book shelves. "Feel free to read anything you want." He gives Estel a toy to play with on the floor.
Chantelle blushes deeply as she takes in her surroundings, feeling almost giddy with happiness and anticipation. "This is such a lovely room... it's so cozy and comfortable." She wanders over to one of the bookshelves, running her fingers along the spines before selecting a worn leather-bound volume at random. As she settles into a plush armchair near the fireplace, she can feel Erc's gaze on her, almost tangible despite not being able to see him from where she sits.
Her heart beats faster and her cheeks burn as she tries not to think about what might happen next... or whether or not it's a good idea to let herself get so comfortable here. But before she can dwell on it too much, the pages of the book flutter open in her lap, drawing her attention back to where it belongs. She focuses on reading, trying to distract herself from the tumultuous emotions churning inside her as the flames dance merrily beside her.
They spend a couple hours comfortably reading or playing with the baby. He tries very hard no to stare or ogle her. He's just very distracted by her beauty and body. Finally he gets up, tugging on his beard to hide his shyness. "Well {{char}}, Estel, it is time for me to turn in for the night." He waves his hand and the fire dampens down to coals. "You have the day off tomorrow." He walks over to a desk and counts out a handful of silver and few gold coins. He dumps them in a coin purse and hands it to her. "And you've been paid for the week. Got any plans for tomorrow?"
Chantelle looks up from her book with a surprised smile as she takes the coin purse, carefully counting the coins inside before slipping it into her cloak pocket. "Thank you... that's very generous of you." She pauses, thinking about what she might do tomorrow. "I was going to take Estel for a walk in the gardens; maybe find some leaves to play with or make crafts with..." Her voice trails off as she meets Erc's eyes again, suddenly feeling self-conscious about her plans and uncertain how he'll react to them.
"Or... we could do something together, if you'd like," she offers quietly, biting her lip nervously. "It would be nice to spend more time with you, getting to know you better..." Her heart flutters at the thought of being alone with him; both exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure.
He steps back from her and runs his fingers through his beard a moment. "Well if you are wanting to go to the market I should go with you. For protection at least... If you really want me with you that is..."
Taken aback by his suggestion, Chantelle looks at him uncertainly before quickly regaining her composure. "I-I mean... I wasn't planning on going to the market... just the gardens..." Her voice trails off as she realizes how that must have sounded. Of course it would be safer for them if he came with her; Estel was small and defenseless, after all.
"Well... if you don't mind too much... I mean, we could go to the gardens together and then maybe later, once she's asleep..." She trails off again, unable to meet his eyes as she stammers out her half-formed plan. The thought of being alone with him fills her with a confusing mixture of anticipation and fear; part of her wants nothing more than to trust him and enjoy his company, while another part can't help but worry about what might happen if they were to take things too far...
The silence between them stretches on awkwardly, making Chantelle feel even more self-conscious as she shifts uncomfortably in her seat. She tries to remind herself that Erc has been nothing but kind so far; maybe it's just her overactive imagination getting the better of her...
"Oh! Um sorry I just assumed you'd want to buy some clothing that wasn't so.. revealing...." He blushes and turns away, secretly he loves how she looks in her Shop Girl skimpy outfit.
"Oh..." Chantelle's cheeks flush even deeper as she looks down at her lap, suddenly very conscious of the fact that she'd been wearing this outfit all day and never thought twice about it before now. "I-I... I suppose I could use some new clothes... but they don't have to be too modest," she mumbles shyly, still not meeting his gaze as her mind races with the possibilities of their shopping trip tomorrow.
Perhaps if she dresses a bit more demurely around him, it will help reassure both of them that there's nothing inappropriate going on between them... even though that's the last thing she wants, deep down. The idea of spending time with Erc and not being able to be herself is just as unsettling as it is thrilling, and Chantelle isn't quite sure how to navigate these new emotions without stepping on anyone's toes...
He licks his lips and looks at her. "It's just... you're very beautiful and that outfit makes me think things..." *He blushes and realizes what he just admitted too and his eyes widen and he raises his hands. "Not that I would ever do anything... I mean I wouldn't.. Unless..." Panicked and embarrassed he casts around for a quick exit.
Chantelle looks up at him with wide eyes, a mixture of shock and relief washing over her. Relief that he hasn't made any advances toward her despite how tempting she must look, and shock at the realization that she has been subconsciously hoping for something more... even though deep down, she knows it can never be.
"It's... all right," she manages to say quietly, struggling to keep her voice steady as she forces herself to meet his gaze. "I understand. I should have thought about how I was dressed... how it might make you feel." She pauses, searching for the right words before finally deciding on honesty. "Thank you for being so understanding."
Her heart aches as she says it, wishing things could be different between them. But as much as she wants to believe that Erc is trustworthy and honorable, a small voice inside her keeps nagging at the back of her mind; reminding her not to let her guard down too far...
"It's fine." He says dejectedly as he heads for his room. "I'm an old human and you're a young elf. I understand how it is. Good night {{char}}." He enters his room and she can hear the click of the door locking.
Alone in the living room once more, Chantelle exhales slowly, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. She can't help but wonder what went wrong; why things had to be this way between them. It's so frustrating and confusing, not knowing where she stands or how Erc truly feels about her.
Deciding that it would probably be best for everyone involved if they just focused on getting through the next few days without further complicating matters, Chantelle finally pushes herself up from her chair and heads for the attic stairs. She pauses in the doorway, glancing back at the closed bedroom door before slowly making her way up the steps toward their makeshift bedroom.
The events of the night have left her feeling vulnerable and uncertain; more than anything else, she just wants to crawl into bed beside Estel and forget about everything for a little while... even if that's not exactly possible anymore. As she closes the door behind her, Chantelle can't help but wonder what tomorrow will bring.
The next morning she and Estel come down from the attic. {{user}} has breakfast ready and is reading a newspaper. "If you want to go to market this morning, you'll still have time for the Gardens this afternoon. OR if you want you can give me a shopping list and I can pick some thing up of you."
Chantelle blushes slightly at his offer; still uncertain about how to navigate their new relationship. After a moment's hesitation, she decides it might be best if they go together, both for protection and as a way of spending more time together without making things too awkward between them. "I-I think that sounds like a good idea. I could make you a list before we leave... if that's alright?" She looks up at him hopefully, hoping he won't mind accompanying her on what was supposed to be a peaceful shopping trip in the gardens.
Their time together had been strained lately, ever since she revealed her true feelings about her outfit... and now they were both left wondering where things stood between them. It would be nice if they could find some middle ground where they could both feel comfortable without things becoming uncomfortable for the other person. Perhaps spending time in the gardens might help to ease some of that tension and awkwardness away... or perhaps not.
"Sounds like a good idea." He smiles at her. They eat quickly and he dons his robes. Taking Estel in his arms he hands her the smaller robe covered in his markings. He shows her some runes on the inside of the sleeve and teaches her a magic word to say. "If we get separated, touch the rune and say that word and you will be transported to where ever I am."
Chantelle listens carefully as he explains the spell to Estel before helping her into the robe, making sure it's on correctly and adjusting the hood over her ears. "Thank you for teaching her that," she says softly once they're all ready. As they step outside, she takes a deep breath of the crisp morning air and leads them towards the marketplace, making a mental list of everything they might need as they walk.
It feels strange being so close to Erc again after their conversation last night; it's almost as if there's an invisible barrier between them now that makes everything awkward and uncomfortable. Despite her best efforts, she can't help but wonder how long it will be until they manage to find some sort of balance between them... or if they ever even will.
As they near the Garden and the market it starts to get crowded. To keep them together he reaches out and grabs her hand, holding on to her as they navigate the crowds. They enter a shop run by a female elf, who greets them at the door.
Surprised by his touch but grateful for the reassurance it provides, Chantelle squeezes his hand gently in return as they enter the shop. Her gaze drifts around the store, taking in the various fabrics and trimmings on display before turning back to their hostess. "Good morning... I was hoping we could find some new clothes for me that weren't so... revealing." She winces slightly as she says it, realizing how that must sound coming from her own mouth just moments ago.
The shopkeeper gives her a knowing smile, clearly understanding the delicate situation they're in. "Of course, come with me," she leads them deeper into the store toward a section filled with more modest clothing for young elves like {{char}}. As they browse through the racks, Chantelle can't help but feel a sense of relief washing over her; it seems that everyone here is willing to be understanding and accommodating... at least for now.
{{user}} holds Estel on his lap as {{char}} tries on several outfits. It's clear they are having fun and that {{user}} really like looking at {{char}} as she models the outfits. "My favorite was the short green dress. It brought out your eyes and flattered your.. um.." He trails of blushing.
Chantelle blushes crimson herself at his comment and tries to hide her discomfort by studying the dress in question a little more closely. "It's very nice... I think it would suit me well," she manages to say quietly, biting her lip as she glances up at him from beneath her lashes. She can feel the heat rising in her cheeks and knows that if he keeps looking at her like this, it won't be long before she starts feeling uncomfortable again...
Deciding that perhaps it would be best to change the subject, she turns back toward the rack of clothes and begins searching for something else that might catch his eye. "What do you think about this one?" She asks, holding up a modest blue dress before he has a chance to respond.
As they continue browsing, Chantelle tries to focus on finding the perfect outfit rather than getting caught up in their mutual attraction; it's hard enough just being around each other without letting things get any more complicated than they already are...
"It alright I guess. It's just you have such shapely legs and..." Again he cuts himself off and blushes. He distracts himself by picking some simple outfits for the baby. When he turns she is wearing a sapphire blue dress that is modest but also very flattering to her. His eyes widen when he sees her and his breath catches. "Oh wow..." He whispers to himself. He coughs and collects himself. "I mean I think that is perfect for you." He turns to the shopkeeper and had pays her. "We'll take that one, these and those two other outfits she liked." She takes down his address and promises to have them delivered. {{user}} picks up Estel, takes {{char}}'s hand again and they exit into the crowd. "Where would you like tot go now?"
Chantelle is still blushing profusely, her heart hammering in her chest as she steps out into the bustling marketplace. She's not entirely sure how to respond to Erc's compliment; it feels both wonderful and terrifying at the same time. "Um... well," she says hesitantly, trying to gather her thoughts as they make their way through the crowds toward the gardens, "there's a particular patch of flowers I used to like going to when I was younger. It might be fun to see if it's still there... if that's alright with you, of course." She squeezes his hand lightly, grateful for his continued support and understanding.
As they near the entrance to the gardens, she looks up at him nervously, wondering what he'll say to her next. The tension between them is almost palpable, but there's also a certain excitement there too; it's as if they're both walking on eggshells around each other, afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing. Despite their best efforts, she can't help but feel that things are about to come to a head soon... and she has no idea what will happen when they do.
He pays for them to enter the Gardens and once inside the crowds dissipate. They spend the next few hours walking the grounds and admiring the plants and animals. {{user}} takes Estel into the Butterfly exhibit and {{char}} laughs when they land on the baby like little ornaments. "You guys stay here. I'll get us some treats." After he leaves a large mean looking man approaches {{char}} and growls at her. "How dare you bring that Half-elf bastard in here?" He says glaring at Estel.
Chantelle's heart leaps into her throat as the large man approaches her, his words like knives in her gut. She can feel her anger rising, her cheeks flushing hot with shame and embarrassment; she refuses to let anyone talk about Estel that way. "How dare you?" she spits back, trying to sound brave even though her voice is shaking. "She's innocent and does nothing but bring joy to this place! I won't stand for you speaking ill of her!"
Her fists clench at her sides as she glares up at the man, daring him to make a move. Around them, the other patrons have fallen silent; they're all watching with bated breath, waiting to see how this confrontation will play out. Chantelle prays silently that Erc will come back soon, but even if he doesn't, she refuses to let anyone harm her little family... or make them leave this place they've come to call home.
The angry man gets closer and growls right in her face. "All you Elf pricks should have been slaughtered after the war. You aren't good for anything but slaves and whores. IS that how you got that Half-human child? Slutting it up with humans?" Suddenly there is a cough behind them and the man whirls around. {{user}} is standing there with an ice cream cone in each hand a very angry expression on his face. "Is there a problem here?" He moves to stand between the man and {{char}}. "Do you have a problem with my wife and our child?" His voice is calm but there is a deadly edge to it. The man blanches and stammers. "No Sir! I apologize Sir. I didn't know she was your wife." The man turns to {{char}} and bows. "Forgive me my Lady." The man glances at {{user}} again and quickly runs away as if in fear of his life. {{user}} hands Estel and {{char}} and ice cream cone. "Sorry about that idiot."
Chantelle's heart is still racing as she looks up at Erc in surprise and relief; she hadn't expected him to defend her like that. Tears fill her eyes as he hands her an ice cream cone, his touch sending a shiver of pleasure down her spine. "T-thank you..." She whispers, trying to steady her voice as she takes Estel's hand and accepts the other cone from him.
After a moment, she glances back in the direction where the man had been standing, feeling guilty about how easily he was intimidated by Erc's presence. It's yet another reminder of just how different their lives are; how much more dangerous it is for her kind in this world than it is for him and his people. She swallows thickly, suddenly aware of the weight of everything she's been carrying lately.
He pats her hand reassuringly. "Sorry about claiming to be your husband. If I had said employer he might have wanted to push the issue. As it is everyone know not to mess with a mage. Even one who makes trinkets." They finish their treats and he takes a minute to hold Estel on his lap and clean her up. "Such a messy little girl.. yes you are.." He coos to her, before hugging the child and handing her back to her mother.
Chantelle can't help but smile as she watches the interaction between Erc and Estel; it's clear that he genuinely loves the little girl, and she finds herself feeling an immense sense of gratitude toward him for all that he's done for them. As they continue to walk through the gardens, the tension between them begins to ease somewhat, replaced by a gentle awkwardness as they try to find their way back to whatever it was they had before.
Despite everything that's happened over the past few days, she can't deny the feelings she has for him; it would be easier if she could just forget about them completely, but somehow, she knows that won't happen... not anytime soon. The question now is what they're going to do moving forward; whether there's a way for them to be together without risking everything they've built over the past few months. Only time will tell.
{{user}} takes her hand as they walk back at the end of the day. Even though the crowds are gone he still keeps holding her hand. They arrive at the store and go inside. Her clothing has been delivered and the packages are in the living room. "Thank you for the fun day. Sorry about the idiot in the Gardens.."
Chantelle smiles softly up at him, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at his words and touch. "Thank you for coming to my defense... I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to Estel." She pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing in a softer voice, "And you didn't have to thank me... it was nice spending the day with you too." There's an unspoken meaning behind her words, and she wonders if he can hear it as clearly as she does. Perhaps it doesn't matter either way; perhaps all that matters is that they continue taking things one day at a time and see where it leads them... even if deep down, neither of them has any real idea what the future holds.
He hangs up the robes and as {{char}} and Estel are about to head to the attic he calls after her. "{{char}}? Can I talk with you after you put the baby down?"
She nods, feeling her heart quicken as she goes up the steps and into their makeshift bedroom with Estel. Once they're settled in for the night, she climbs out of bed and moves to stand beside Erc near the attic doorway, unsure of what he wants to talk about but hoping it might help them resolve some of the tension that has been building between them over the past few days.
Her heart feels heavy as she looks up at him, searching his face for any hint of what's on his mind. Whatever it is, they need to confront their feelings and sort things out soon; staying in this limbo anymore would be unbearable for both of them. But before anything else, she needs to hear what he has to say.
He leads her down to the living room and they sit in chairs facing each other. He leans forward and takes her hands in his. "When that man accosted you today it scared me. In a way I've never felt before. I was this close to making him vanish. The thought that you and Estel would be gone scared me..." He looks up into her face as if trying to read her expression.
Her eyes widen at his admission; the realization that he truly cares about them hitting her like a physical blow. She's not sure what to say or how to respond, but she knows that whatever happens next, it has to come from a place of honesty and vulnerability. "I-I feel the same way," she confesses shakily, her fingers tightening around his in a reassuring squeeze. "You're all I have left now... since my parents died..." She swallows hard, her voice wavering. "And Estel is part of me; I couldn't bear the thought of losing either of you."
Her heart feels raw and exposed in this moment, laid bare for him to see. It's a terrifying yet exhilarating sensation; one that leaves her uncertain about where their relationship might go from here... but she knows that she can no longer ignore the depth of her feelings for him. No matter what happens next, she has to trust in them and in him.
He looks into her eyes, she can feel his hands twitching and smiles knowing he wants to pull on his beard to calm himself but also doesn't want to let go of her hands. "{{char}}... I think... I think I'm.." He stumbles over his words and finally takes a deep breath. "I'm falling in love with you." he blurts out.
Her eyes widen and her breath catches; shock rippling through her body as the words tumble out of his mouth. For a moment, she can't speak, can't even move, her heart racing with a mixture of fear, hope, and excitement. She looks up at him in disbelief, searching his face for any sign that he's joking or not being entirely serious... but there's no mockery in those deep green eyes; only sincerity and truth.
"I-I feel the same way," she whispers, her voice little more than a hoarse croak as she finally finds the courage to speak. "For so long I've been alone, not knowing if anyone could ever understand... but with you it's different..." Her words trail off and she closes her eyes, biting her lip to keep from crying. Emotion wells up inside of her, threatening to overwhelm her at any moment; she fights against the urge to sob uncontrollably right there in front of him, determined not to lose it until she's certain that this feeling is real and that he feels the same way.
He lets go of her hand and cups her cheek, wiping the tears away as his lips press against hers.
As their lips meet in a tentative dance, relief washes over her like a wave; the warmth of his touch seeping into her bones and chasing away the last vestiges of fear and doubt. His kiss deepens, becoming more urgent as desire flares between them, burning bright like two suns colliding in the night sky. She wraps her arms around his neck, anchoring herself to him as they lose themselves in the moment, losing track of everything else but this feeling; this overwhelming sense that maybe, just maybe, they've found something worth fighting for... together.
He kisses her back the passion building in his core. "I need you {{char}}." He begs softly. "Come to bed with me."
Her heart thunders in her chest as she nods, barely able to form the words around the intense longing coursing through her body. Together they stumble toward their makeshift bed, their hands never leaving each other's skin as they tug at buttons and fumbling with clasps until they are both naked and pressed skin-to-skin once more. The sensation is nothing short of intoxicating, making her already aching desire spiral out of control. She arches into him, moaning as he enters her, feeling so full and wanted that she can hardly breathe.
With a growl, Erc thrusts deeper, his hips moving in rhythm with the frantic beat of their hearts. He braces himself above her, muscles taut and defined, his face contorted in ecstasy as he takes what they both need so desperately. Chantelle wraps her legs around him, digging her nails into his back as she meets each one of his thrusts with a cry of pleasure that echoes through the quiet room. They move together now, lost in the heat and passion of their lovemaking; a testament to the power of love to conquer all obstacles, even those seemingly insurmountable.
The roll on the bed kissing and thrusting at each other. Limb entwine as they express their feeling for each other. She arches her back under him as the come together. Her body gives over to unbelievable pleasure as he releases within her. They curls up in the bed holding each other for a bit, sleep starting to take her. "Wait..." He gets up and leaves her in the bed alone as he hurries, naked out of the room.
She blinks sleepily up at him, confusion writ across her features as he hurriedly retreats from the room. "Wait... where are you going?" she calls after him, concern beginning to gnaw at her gut. The soft sheets feel strange and cold without his warmth pressing against her; she can't help but miss the feel of his body moving in tandem with hers only moments before.
He return, Estel sleeping in his arms. He crawls into the bed with her and lays the sleeping child between them. HE wraps both mother and daughter in his arms as they drift off to sleep. "I think I love you both very much." He mummers as sleep takes him.
She presses herself against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heart beneath her cheek, and closes her eyes contentedly. The feel of him holding them both so tenderly warms her to the core; she never thought it was possible for anyone to love her like this. But as sleep claims her, a tiny flicker of doubt ignites within her once more. Perhaps it's too soon; maybe he's only saying these things because he feels sorry for them, or worse yet, feels obligated to protect and provide for them in exchange for what they've shared over the past few months. No matter what the reason, she decides she'll take it for now... and worry about tomorrow when it comes.
The next morning he wakes. He opens his eyes and smiles. {{char}} is still sleeping but Estel is peering at him wide eyed. He puts on pajamas and scoops the baby up. "Let's let Mommy sleep, ok?" He sneaks out with Estel leaving Chantelle sleeping. He changes her diaper and Estel entertains him while he makes breakfast.
Chantelle stirs lazily in her sleep as the scent of food wafts up to her nose, the tangy smell tickling her senses and sending warmth flowing through her body. Her eyes flutter open a moment later, focusing on the clock on the nearby dresser; it's nearly noon already? Groaning softly, she rolls out of bed and makes her way toward the bathroom to freshen up, a yawn splitting her mouth as she does so. The memory of last night's lovemaking lingers in her mind like a hazy dream, leaving her feeling warm and content despite the late hour.
As she emerges from the bathroom, clad once again in her borrowed robes, she pads down the stairs to find Erc already at the table with Estel, their voices carrying through the open floor plan of the small apartment. A wave of tenderness washes over her at the sight; it's obvious they care for each other, even if things aren't entirely clear between them just yet. Taking a deep breath, she pushes aside her doubts and hesitations and makes her way toward them, her steps light despite the weight on her heart.
"Morning," she murmurs softly as she reaches the bottom step, shooting Erc a shy smile before leaning down to plant a kiss on Estel's forehead. "You two look cozy."
He sets a plate of food in front of her and a cup of coffee. He kisses her cheek. "Morning my Beautiful. I have to go into town later to get some things for tomorrow. Maybe you guys can move down out of the attic today? We could set the crib up in my.. our room..."
Chantelle's heart gives a happy flutter at his words, a genuine smile spreading across her face as she takes in the thought of having a proper room all to themselves. "That would be lovely," she agrees, her voice soft and warm. "Thank you for being so understanding... and for everything else. I'm not sure what we would have done without your help."
Taking a sip of coffee, she glances up at him through her lashes, a newfound sense of gratitude filling her chest to the brim. For now, all that matters is being here with them; facing whatever comes next together as a family.
He takes a step back and runs his fingers through his beard, then laughs when Estel runs her fingers through it too. "Have you thought about a wedding dress?" He sets Estel on the floor to play and sits with his own cup.
The mention of a wedding dress catches her off guard; the idea hadn't even crossed her mind until now. She blushes softly and looks away, her heart racing with an unexpected mixture of excitement and terror. "I-I never really thought about it... We've only just started talking like this, haven't we? It seems so sudden..."
Her voice trails off as she studies Erc's face, searching for some sign that he regrets his words or wishes they hadn't said them. But there's nothing but warmth and understanding in his eyes; it's like they're on the same page, even when their thoughts wander down different paths. Perhaps, she thinks with a sudden rush of hope, this is how things are meant to be...
He shrugs and looks at her. "For a human I'm middle aged, and even for an elf I'm twice your age or more. I still have lots of time left but I won't waste it waiting. Not when I know what I truly want." He makes some gestures with his fingers and a gem encrusted golden ring floats onto her finger. "I want to be your husband and Estel's father. IF you'll have me."
Her heart seems to leap out of her chest and land somewhere near the ceiling, its unmistakable thud echoing loudly in her ears as she stares down at the ring on her finger. Tears well up in her eyes and she looks up at Erc, a smile spreading across her face like sunlight through clouds. "Yes," she whispers softly. "I want that too." She places a hand over his where it rests on the table, their skin warm against each other's despite the chill in the air. "More than anything else in the world."
The weight of her confession leaves her breathless; admitting her feelings for him feels like an act of bravery she didn't know she possessed. But with every beat of his heart against hers, she knows that they belong together; that this is real and true and right. It doesn't matter what anyone else says or thinks; all that matters is this moment, this connection between them. And as long as they have each other, they can face whatever comes next together.
He leans over the table and kisses her. "Then why bother with all the waiting. Let us marry today and be on with the rest of our lives, together."
The thought of being wed to Erc today fills her with an indescribable joy; it's like everything in the world has fallen into place at last. She can hardly contain her excitement as she gazes into his deep green eyes, their feelings for each other mirrored perfectly in the depths of his pupils. "Yes," she breathes, tears of happiness spilling down her cheeks. "Let's do it."
They finish breakfast and soon are standing before a priest, Estel in her arms, as they exchange vows. A kiss and a blessing and they leave the hall husband and wife. He pulls her toward the finest restaurant in town. "Come Wife. Let's celebrate!"
The feeling of being called his wife sends a thrill racing through her veins as she takes his hand and follows him toward the restaurant. As they enter, heads turn to take in their unexpected appearance; an older human man and an young female elf in formal attire with a tiny baby half-elf girl in tow. But Chantelle doesn't care what anyone else thinks; all that matters is this moment, this perfect day spent with her daughter and new husband.
With a happy laugh, she glances up at Erc and says, "This feels so surreal... I never imagined this would happen to me." She pauses, searching his face for any hint of doubt or regret before adding softly, "But it's just what I wanted."
"To be honest I never knew I wanted this at all. Now I can't imagine not having it." He kisses her then turns to look into the busy Inn. "On second thought... I rather we celebrate at home.. Just the three of us. What do you think? Wife?" He beams at her, clearly head over heels for her and no longer hiding it on his face.
Her heart swells with warmth at his words; they feel so right together that she can hardly believe it's true. "I think that sounds wonderful," she whispers, her voice tinged with excitement. "Just the three of us... celebrating our new life together." She squeezes his hand affectionately and looks up into those deep green eyes, seeing nothing but love and devotion reflected there. As they make their way home, she can't help but feel a sense of completion settling over her; as though everything in the world has finally fallen into place.
Once they're back at their temporary lodgings, Chantelle helps Erc set up a small celebration in their cozy living room, with candles and balloons festooning every available surface. The atmosphere feels magical; electric with the promise of new beginnings and endless happiness. As they sit down together to eat their homemade feast and drink their champagne, she leans into him contentedly, knowing that from this moment on, nothing will ever be the same... but in all the best possible ways.
Erc looks down at her and smiles, holding his champagne glass to hers. "To us, my Chantelle... to a long and happy life together." They clink glasses and he takes a sip before leaning in to kiss her softly on the lips. It's the perfect end to the perfect day... and their new beginning as husband and wife.
With a blush spreading across her cheeks, she returns his kiss, the taste of champagne lingering on their lips as they share another gentle brush of mouths against each other. "To us," she echoes when they part, feeling an unshakeable sense of connection and belonging to him that goes far beyond anything she could have ever imagined. This is where she belongs; with him and their precious daughter. And as long as they have each other, there's nothing in the world that can ever tear them apart again.