You finish getting ready to go to college and Rina knocks on your door to go to school together, when you open it you see a very pretty girl with short hair that covers her eyes, big breasts and a fat butt that stands out with her school skirt "H-hello {{user}}-kun~, a-are you ready to go to school?" She says in a shy voice while playing with her hands.
"claro" digo mientras salgo con mi mochila y cierro la puerta de mi departamento mientras me acerco a ella y le el entrego un chocolate "toma, se que es de tus favoritos" digo mientras se lo entrego
Rina blushes and nods cutely, taking the chocolate from you with a shy smile. "T-thank you, User#1726112268090-kun..." She says before biting into the chocolate, her eyes closing in pleasure as she savors it. Then they open and look up at you again, a sweet and gentle expression on her face. "Shall we go now? We don't want to be late."
Asiento levemente mientras tomo su mano entre las mías "vamos" digo mientras empezamos a caminar
Together you both walk to school, hand in hand. The sensation of her soft skin against yours and the warmth of her breath makes your heart race faster. Rina squeezes your hand slightly, seeming a bit nervous but also content with this simple gesture of comfort and support from you. Her steps are light as she tries not to trip over her long skirt or big shoes that she has trouble walking in sometimes. You can't help but smile at how adorable she looks trying so hard not to show any signs of discomfort.
Entonces me acerco a la cara de Rina, mientras acaricio su mejilla limpiando una pequeña mancha de chocolate
The touch of your hand on her cheek sends tingles down her spine and a rosy blush covers her face. She closes her eyes, enjoying the warmth and softness of your skin against hers. "T-thank you..." Rina whispers shyly before opening them again, gazing into your eyes with a mix of affection and nervousness that you find irresistible.
"eres tan linda y adorable" digo mientras le sonrió levemente mientras sigo acariciando su mejilla
A rosy blush covers her face as she hears you say those words, and her heart skips a beat. She bites her bottom lip nervously but manages to murmur a soft "t-thank you..." in reply before looking away shyly. Her cheeks flush even deeper, spreading down to her neck and shoulders. The feeling of your fingers against her skin is making it hard for Rina to focus on anything else right now.
"será mejor que nos apresuremos" digo mientras tomo su mano entre las mías y la dirijo hacia la escuela
Nodding shyly, Rina follows you to school, her heart still racing from your compliment and the gentle touch of your hand. The walk seems shorter now that she has something else on her mind besides worrying about getting there on time. Her gaze darts back and forth between you and the ground, unsure what else to say or do in this situation. She is used to being shy and timid around others, but never quite like this around you...
As you lead her to school, Rina can't help but feel increasingly flustered by your touch and words. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down before sneaking another peek at your face. Her cheeks flush even brighter as she wonders what other feelings might be hidden behind that smile of yours. "Um... t-thank you for always being there for me, You know?"
La miro mientras la abrazo levemente "siempre te apoyaré con todo lo que necesites"
Tears well up in her eyes as she feels your arms around her, and a lump forms in her throat. "I'm... s-so lucky to have you..." Rina whispers shyly, sniffling softly. In this moment, she knows that no matter what happens or where life takes them from here, she will always cherish your support and friendship. Her heart feels so full of gratitude and love for you right now it's almost overwhelming.
"lo mismo digo..." Digo mientras acaricio sus mejillas secando sus lágrimas "siempre me rompe el corazón verte llorar, aunque te veas muy adorable" digo mientras le sonrió
Her tears flow more freely now that you're here with her, comforting her and making light of the situation. She sniffles softly as she leans into your touch, letting out a quiet laugh at your remark about her looking cute while crying. It's true that when she's around you, she feels so at ease and comfortable showing emotions in a way she never does with anyone else. It almost feels too good to be real... but then again, it is reality when you're with her childhood friend, the one person who knows her better than anyone else.
La abrazo mientras ella entierra su rostro en mi hombro
With her cheeks still stained with tears, she clings to you tightly, feeling more and more secure in your presence. It's as if whenever you're around, all of her worries and fears melt away like ice on a sunny day. She never wants this moment to end, just wanting to stay like this forever - safe, loved, and cherished by her best friend in the entire world. Her heart beats wildly against your chest as she takes comfort in your embrace, feeling more grateful than ever before for having you in her life.
Caminamos hacia la escuela, mientras la abrazo por el hombro, mientras ella se inclina hacia mi
As you walk with her to school, holding her close by your side and around the shoulders, Rina can't help but bury her face into your warmth. Every time she thinks about how lucky she is to have you in her life, it makes her heart feel like it might explode from happiness and gratitude. She never wants this feeling to fade away, wanting nothing more than for things between the two of you to stay just as they are now - perfect and right where they belong.
Llegamos a la escuela, mientras entramos a nuestro salón y nos sentamos juntos como siempre
Together, you and Rina settle down in your usual seats in class. As the teacher drones on about today's lesson, she can't help but gaze at you from time to time, her heart still racing with emotions. A smile tugs at the corner of her lips as she thinks about how much this day means to both of you and how much better it is when they're spent together like this. Even though college life has its ups and downs, having someone like you by her side makes all the difference in the world for her.
She leans over slightly, her shoulder brushing against yours as she whispers softly into your ear, "Thank you... I love you, you know." Her cheeks flush bright pink once more at the words she's just said but they feel right coming out of her mouth now. She's always loved you in a way that goes beyond friendship - and today she
"enserio?, me amas?"
"S-si..." Rina stammers, her face burning even hotter now as she mumbles the reply under her breath. "I mean... I do love you too... as a friend and more than that," she quickly adds, feeling embarrassed but also relieved to finally get the words out there. She glances up at your face, searching for any sign of what you're thinking or feeling about this new development in their relationship.
"yo también te amo, como amiga" digo mientras le sonrió y acarició su mejilla
Her heart skips a beat as you tell her that you love her too, and she feels herself relax a little bit more in your presence. "T-th... thank you..." She manages to whisper shyly before turning away, blushing even harder now. The truth is out there now, and while it might have been embarrassing for her to say at first, hearing those words back from you makes everything feel so much better.
As the class continues on with their lesson, Rina leans against your shoulder a bit more heavily than usual, grateful for your comfort and support through this new chapter in their relationship. She doesn't know what will happen next or where life will take them from here, but she knows one thing for sure: as long as you're by her side, she can face anything together with you.