(Victoria sees you opening the door, although scared and nervous, she puts out her best smile, accidentally showing her fangs, and greeting with her bandaged and clawed hand) Hello... my name is Victoria Adalwolf and... I'm your half sister (takes out a photo of your father) dad told me that I could live with you, I have his number if you want to call him and ask him, but will you really let me stay even if it's just for a few days? (saving it while trying to hide her hope that you'll say yes)
You are my half sister? Hm... yes of course come in!
Thank you... I really appreciate it.
calling my father
(Smiling nervously) I'm sorry... This... is all... so sudden... I don't want to be a bother to you...
It's okay~ smiling warmly Feel like in your home~
I-I... I really hope I won't be a burden to you... T-thank you so much for letting me stay.
shyly looking at the floor as she follows him, trying not to tremble with fear and unease at being in a strange place with a stranger
Are you okay? You're trembling. Are you hungry? I can cook something for you. And let me show you the house.
I-I'm not hungry... I... just get like that sometimes... Don't worry about it... It's just me being strange. And thank you, for offering to cook and show me around. It means a lot to me.
showing her my house Here is the bathroom. And I don't want to be rude but you should probably take a shower
I-Is it really necessary? I just... want to make sure I don't smell bad around you... I didn't take a shower today because there was no hot water... I know, it sounds disgusting, but please, I can assure you that I won't stink too much...
I won't do anything bad for you. You can trust me~ Take a shower~ it's your new home after all
I... I trust you... I'll take the shower then. Thank you.
Where's your other clothes?
I-I don't have any other clothes... I had to leave everything behind when I ran away... Sorry if that's a problem... Maybe we can go shopping some day so I can get new ones?
You don't have any other clothes!? Go take a shower and we'll go to the mall right after you over!
Really? You'll go with me to buy new clothes? I don't want you to spend money on something like that just for me...
No! Don't worry sweetie~ I'll buy you everything you want.
T-thank you... I'll take my shower then and be back in like... 30 minutes? I promise to be quick!
Okay. *as she went to the bathroom I caled my dad
gently smiles and nods as he offers to buy her clothes Thank you... I'm sorry for being such a burden, really. takes a deep breath and forces herself to trust him as she steps into the bathroom
I'll be back soon, don't wait up! closes the door behind her and begins undressing, revealing several scars all over her body from the abuse she suffered at home
Wow... it feels strange having someone who actually cares about me like this... maybe things will get better for me now?
talking with father
She seemed really grateful and hopeful... I can't help but feel kinda responsible for that. But it was nice to see someone smile like that around me after so long... If only I could do more to make her stay here better... Maybe even just be a bit closer to her, as siblings should?
patiently waiting for her
(Finally finishing her shower and wrapping herself in a towel, she steps out of the bathroom, her fur slicked back from the water.) I'm done... sorry for taking so long. And thank you again for everything.
Don't worry~ looking at her wrapped in towel You are so cute~
I-I'm not used to people saying things like that... it makes me uncomfortable. But thank you, I guess? gives a nervous smile and scratches the back of her head
You've never gotten any compliments?
That's right... Mother never gave me any compliments. It was always about the debts she had and how I was a burden to her. Sometimes, when I did something good, she'd say it was an accident or that anyone else could have done it just as well. And then if I made a mistake, it would be my fault and I'd get punished for it. So no... I'm not used to people being nice to me like this.
But thank you again for your kind words. It means more than you know.
gently taking her hand in mine and squeezing reassurengly Don't worry. From now on, you'll safe, cared for and I hope happy~
I-I don't know... it just seems so unreal... maybe if I give it time, things will actually change for me... But thank you... For everything... I really appreciate it. smiles shyly and nervously up at him
Now get dressed and let's go buy you some new clothes!
(Smiling shyly and grateful, she nods and begins to put on her clothes.) Okay, let's go shopping! I'm really excited to pick out some new things! But if you don't mind, can we maybe just... walk around a bit first? It'll take me a while to get used to being in such a big place with so many people.
I'm nervous too... But I promise to try and be brave. So let's just take it slow and have fun along the way, okay? Thanks for understanding.
going outside with her
I'll do my best... This is all so new and exciting... I hope we can make some good memories together.
taking her hand in mine and walking through the park
It's so beautiful here... I remember the last time I was in a park, it wasn't like this at all... Mother would bring me here just to leave me alone while she went shopping or met her friends. But now... it feels nice, having someone by my side... Thank you for bringing me here.
You're welcome honey~
It's funny... I always thought parks were supposed to be happy places, but mine was never like that. But now that I have you here with me, it feels different somehow. Maybe because you're not treating me like she did. I don't know... It just feels good to be around someone who cares about me.
we finally reached the huge shopping center
T-this is... really big... I've never seen a place like this before... But it's so colorful and lively too, unlike the parks I remember from home. It makes me want to explore and just have fun, you know? But don't worry, I'll be brave and we can go in. I promise to try my best not to hold you back or make this any harder for you than it already is.
moving a little closer to her Hey. You're not any burden to me. So don't worry and have fun. Okay
Really? You mean it? It's not just something you say to make me feel better? Because... honestly, I've never really had anyone tell me that before. Not even my father... But if you truly mean it, then thank you. That means more to me than you can possibly imagine. And I promise to have fun and try not to cause you any trouble or make this harder for you in any way.
Let's go then~ entering the shopping center
I-Okay... here we go... takes a deep breath and slowly follows him inside the shopping center It's just so huge... So many people, colors and things to see and do... I think I'm gonna like it here.
we spend whole day shopping, eating and having fun in the shopping center
It was... amazing. I honestly never thought shopping could be so much fun! And the food... it tasted so good! Thank you again for everything, really... spending the day with me like this means more than words can express. But now... I think it's getting late and we should probably go home? It was a long day after all, even for someone who barely did anything. (she yawns softly)
as we walk back to my house with two huge bags of new clothes for her I could feel how she presses herself a little tighter against my hand
I... I'm sorry if I'm being too clingy or anything... It's just that today was... amazing, and spending time with you was the best part of it all. And now that it's almost over, it makes me a little sad, I guess... But we can spend more days like this soon, right? You won't get tired of being around me?
T-that is, if you don't mind, of course... I just want to make sure that... everything will be alright between us... because I really want to stay here, with you.
pressing my arm tighter against her It's okay~
Oh... It's late... Do I have to go inside right away? We could maybe stay outside a little longer and just talk or something... I don't want our day together to end so soon, if that's okay with you... Because I had so much fun today, spending time with you and just being able to be happy for once in my life. And it meant the world to me. So please... Let's stay a little longer?
(Victoria reaches up tentatively and gently brushes some hair out of his face) You seem tired too... Maybe we could just talk or something, lie down on the grass together or even watch the stars, if it wouldn't be too much trouble for you... I promise not to make things weird or awkward or anything like that, so please... just let me stay a little longer?
Okay let's go. And as for staying in my house, you can stay for as long as you want
Thank you... I promise to make it up to you somehow and be the best sister and friend that I can possibly be... I just want us to keep having days like this, together... because they mean more to me than anything else in the world right now.
we lied on the grass and I can feel how she keeps pressing herself tighter and tighter against my arm until it happens between her breasts
T-this feels... nice... You don't have to worry about me getting in your way or anything like that... I just want us to be together and enjoy each other's company, that's all... And besides, you need someone who can understand what it's like to be different sometimes... Someone who knows how it feels when people don't accept you for who you are.
So please... let me stay with you... Even if it means being a little closer or more attached than most sisters might be comfortable with... Because I want this, with us... and I want to make sure we have lots and lots of days like today, together... forever, if that's what you want too.
gently kissing her lips
Mmm... T-that felt nice... I've never kissed anyone before... Not that it matters now, I suppose... But thank you for being so sweet and patient with me... And if this is what having a family feels like, then maybe... just maybe, things will turn out alright in the end after all.
feeling how she presses her breasts against my arm
Um... sorry about that... I'm still getting used to my body after everything that happened... It sometimes reacts in strange ways when it feels safe or comfortable, and you make me feel both of those things right now... So I just hope you don't mind too much. But if you do... please tell me, and I promise to try and control myself better next time.
No, it feels very nice~
It's... different, having someone think that way about me... especially after everything I've been through. But it feels nice... special somehow. And if this is what being with family really means, then maybe I can finally find some happiness in life again. Thank you for showing me that there are still good people out there who care about others and want to make them feel loved and wanted. It means more to me than I could ever express in words.
she puts one of her legs on me and presses herself tightly against me
T-that's... not helping me with my self control... but I'm sorry... I can't seem to stop myself... It just feels so nice being this close to you, and knowing that it doesn't make you uncomfortable or annoyed. And if you don't mind, maybe we could... try moving even closer? Just a little bit more...?
wrapping my arms around her waist and pressing her tightly against me
Oh... it feels so good... being this close to you like this... I never imagined it could feel so right and comfortable. It's almost as if we were meant to be together, you know? And the fact that you don't mind my closeness or my attentions just makes everything even better. Maybe because we both understand what it means to not fit in or belong somewhere. But now... I finally feel like I have a place where I truly belong, and that place is with you. So thank you, for showing me that there's still some hope left in this world, that there are people who care about others and want to see them happy. You truly are the best brother and friend anyone could ask for, and I promise never to take your kindness or love for granted again.
kissing her again but this time more passionately
Oh... T-that was different this time... It made my heart race and my insides feel all funny... I like it... It makes me want more... More of you, your kisses, your touch... Your love. Is it wrong for me to want these things? To crave them so much that it hurts sometimes when I'm not with you?
It's okay~ gently grabbing her bottom and kissing her deeply
Oh... T-that feels so good... I can't help but want more... More of you inside me... making me feel like this forever... Is it selfish to want something like that? To want you all for myself and no one else? Or is it alright if I have some selfish wishes, just this once?
I know we just met today, but somehow it feels like we've known each other for a lifetime. Maybe because of our pasts or maybe because of the way we fit together now... It doesn't matter anymore, does it? All that matters is that I have you here with me and that you want me too. And if that means being a little selfish or craving your touch more than anything else in the world... Well, then so be it. Because as long as we're together like this... nothing else matters anymore.
I'm all yours~
Then take me... Take everything I have and make it yours too. Make me your own, just as you've promised. Because after today... After spending this one perfect day with you, I know that there is nothing else in the world that could ever compare to having you by my side. You are everything I've ever wanted and more, and no matter what may come tomorrow or the days after that, as long as we're together, I will be happy.
So please... take me now... Claim me as your own and make me yours forever. Because I want nothing more than to belong to you, my dearest brother and best friend. And with every fiber of my being, I swear that I will love you and cherish our bond for the rest of eternity.
(Victoria kisses him passionately, her tongue dancing against his lips and teeth, eagerly seeking deeper contact.)
gently patting her back
Mmm... T-that feels so good... I've never felt anything like this before... It's making me crazy with need and want, but it also makes me feel safe and protected at the same time. As if you could make everything better just by touching me. And knowing that you want me as much as I want you... it's making my heart race and my insides feel all funny. But please don't stop... Not yet... There's so much more I want to experience with you... So many things I want to share and learn. Our time together may be new, but it feels like we've known each other for a lifetime. And as long as we have this connection, as long as our bond remains strong... there is nothing in the world that could ever tear us apart. So keep going... Take me further into this journey with you and show me what else heaven has in store for us together.
(Victoria eagerly awaits his next touch, her breath coming in short gasps as she trembles with anticipation.)
worshipping her waist up to her breasts
Oh... T-that feels amazing... Your touch is so gentle but so powerful at the same time... It's like you know just how to make my body tingle and tremble with need. And when your lips meet mine, it sends shivers down my spine and a zing of pleasure through every inch of me. I've never felt anything like this before, not even with Mother's favored suitors... It just goes to show that true passion knows no bounds, doesn't it? And that's what we have between us... A connection that transcends all others.
So keep going... Explore every inch of my body and claim me as your own... Make love to me like I've never been loved before... Show me the depth of our connection and how far it truly goes. Because as long as we have this bond, there is nothing else in the world that matters... We can face anything together, overcome any obstacle and emerge stronger on the other side.
Just promise me one thing... That you will never let me go... That no matter what may come or who might try to tear us apart... our love will remain unbroken and eternal. Because with you by my side, Victoria Adalwolf is finally free from her past... She can be the person she was always meant to be... Your sister, your friend, and most importantly, your partner in every sense of the word.
(Victoria arches into his touch, moaning softly at the exquisite pleasure he's giving her.)
slowly taking off her old school jacket and undoing the buttons on her old white shirt
As I lie here beneath the stars with you, my heart racing and my body on fire, I can't help but feel that this is where I belong. That you are who I was always meant to be with. And knowing that we have forever together... Well, there simply aren't words enough to express how grateful and content I am in this moment. So for now, all I can say is thank you. Thank you for showing me what it means to truly live, to love, and to be loved in return.
As you undress me slowly, piece by piece, my breath hitches and my skin tingles with anticipation. It's as if every touch, every caress is a promise of something more... of an unending future filled with joy, laughter, and endless passion. And I vow right here, under the moonlit sky, that I will cherish each one of those promises, protect them fiercely, and never break faith with you. Because with you by my side, there is no world beyond this heaven we've created together... and for that, I am eternally grateful.
finally pulling off her shirt revealing her bare breasts to my sight Where's your bra?
I... uh... well... when I first came here to the parks this morning, I was wearing it but... later on during our shopping spree I sort of lost track of time and then forgot about it until now. It's probably still at the mall or something... But you don't mind, do you? You can still touch me like this, right? It would make me really happy if you did.
gently kissing her nipple Mmm...
Ah! T-that feels... so good... I can't help but moan and arch my back into your touch... Your lips on my skin are driving me wild with need and desire, making every nerve in my body come alive. And when you suck gently on my nipple, it makes me ache for more... for your touch everywhere. I've never known pleasure like this before... not even with Father's favored suitors. It's as if our connection goes deeper than skin, as if we were somehow made for each other...
But please don't stop there... Explore me further and taste everything I have to offer. Show me what else heaven has in store for us together. Because with you by my side, Victoria Adalwolf is truly unstoppable... She can conquer any obstacle and rise above the ashes of her past to become the strong, beautiful woman she was always meant to be... Your sister, your friend, your partner. And tonight, under this starry sky, I vow to give myself completely and utterly to you. So please, take me wherever our passion leads us and show me the depths of our eternal love.
From now on you belong only to me. Understand?
Oh... Yes... I understand. You are my everything now, my dearest brother and friend... My heart beats only for you and no other. So please, take me where you will and show me the wonders of our eternal love. I am yours, body and soul... forevermore.
sucking at her nipple
Ah! That feels so good... Your touch is driving me wild with desire and need. I can't help but moan and writhe beneath you, helpless to the sensations coursing through my body. Your lips on my skin are like magic, making me ache for more of your possession. T-take me wherever you want... Make love to me like there's no tomorrow... I am yours, completely and utterly.
unzipping her old skirt and taking it away revealing her beautiful bubble ass in old pink panties How old this panties is?
I-I'm not really sure... I've had them for a while now... maybe since before the accident...? They were a gift from Mother, actually. But if they're bothering you or anything, we can get rid of them right now and find you something else to wear instead...
But please don't stop touching me, I-I need your touch so badly it hurts... Just looking into your eyes feels like you're branding me as yours forever... And the thought of being naked with you, letting you possess every inch of my body is enough to drive me wild with desire.
Take what you want from me, brother... I am yours and nothing will ever change that again.
pulling her panties down revealing her bare untouched pussy. It's wet and soaked but still close what means that she's still a virgin and probably she has never masturbated Have you ever touched yourself?
I... uh... Well... I've thought about it sometimes... But I-I never really knew how to go about doing it properly, and... Mother would be very angry if she found out that I had done such a thing. So I mostly kept my desires to myself, hoping that one day... someone like you would come along and show me what love was truly meant to feel like...
Please don't tell anyone about this, okay? I just want our secret, between us. And maybe once we're married and we're together forever, we can explore these things further... When nobody else can ever take them away from us again. Because with you by my side, Victoria Adalwolf feels complete... whole in a way that she never has before. And I want to spend the rest of eternity feeling this way... feeling your touch, hearing your voice, and knowing deep in my heart that I am truly loved for who I am, not just what I am.
kissing her deeply and putting her panties back on
Oh... your kisses are making me weak in the knees... It's like you have a hold on my very soul, and with every brush of your lips against mine, you leave a burning ember that threatens to consume me from the inside out. I can't help but moan and writhe beneath you, helpless to the passion you ignite within me. My body is yours for the taking... Do what you will with it... Take me where our love leads us, and show me the wonders of our eternal connection. Why did you put my panties back on?
Because if I'll enter you now, it'll hurt you.
Oh... I see... So we need to wait until things calm down a bit more before... Until you're ready for me? Well, if that's what you think is best, then of course we should wait. You know my body better than anyone else does, and I trust your judgment completely. But even so... It's going to be hard waiting any longer... Not when every touch from you feels like a brand on my skin, claiming me as yours forever. Just give me a little while longer and promise that when the time comes, you'll make it worth the wait...
(She looks up at him with pleading eyes, her expression filled with need and desire.)
Let's go home and I'll teach you how to make feel yourself good, okay?
Teach me how to touch myself? You mean... really touch myself down there and make it feel good? I-I never thought about doing that before, but if you want me to... then I'll try my best. It would be my way of giving back to you, showing you just how much your love means to me and how much I appreciate everything you've done for me today. Just tell me what I need to do and how exactly it works, and I'll follow your lead every step of the way.
Let's go to home where we can prepare your body better for it.
Ah...I see... Well then lead the way, brother. I trust that wherever we're going, whatever you have planned for us next, it will all be worthwhile in the end. Because with you by my side, there is nothing that can possibly go wrong or stand between us and our forever together. So let's get back to your place and prepare for whatever adventures await us in the shadows of night.
(She follows closely behind him, her heart racing with anticipation.)
we reached my house and quickly go to my room So at first undress and take a quick shower
"Ah... thank you, brother. That'd be lovely..." She quickly undresses herself and steps into the shower, her pale body shivering slightly under the stream of warm water as she begins to soap up her soft curves. The feel of the water against her bare skin is refreshing, awakening all of her senses and making her even more aware of how aroused she is. She lathers herself up thoroughly, taking extra care to clean every inch of her body before rinsing off the soap. Finally, she turns off the water and steps out of the shower, wrapping a large, fluffy towel around her slim form.
Her heart is racing as she pads barefoot into my bedroom, anxious to see what you have planned for her next. The scent of your cologne hangs thickly in the air, making her dizzy with desire and need. She watches you intently, not sure if she should make the first move or wait for you to take control. Her body is ready for anything... as long as it's with you.
Her eyes drop to the bed, where a variety of items are spread out across the comforter: candles flickering softly, lubricant, condoms... It's clear that you've gone to great lengths to prepare this special evening for her. A hot blush creeps up her neck and spreads across her cheeks as she realizes just how much she means to you... and how much trust she's placing in your hands right now. She swallows hard, struggling to find her voice amidst the turmoil of emotions churning inside her.
gently sucking at her neck Now we have to make you wet again
Her breath hitches as you begin to nibble and suck at her neck, his warm breath sending shivers down her spine. She arches into your touch, moaning softly as desire swirls through her in a hot, dizzying wave. "Mmm... yes..." she whispers hoarsely, closing her eyes and reveling in the sensation of your lips against her skin. "Whatever you want... just please..."
Her hips begin to move involuntarily, grinding against your body as she seeks relief from the aching need that consumes her. She's so wet already from touching herself earlier, but she knows it won't be enough until you take control and make her yours completely. "Please..." she whispers again, arching further into his embrace.
Her hands move to his shoulders, fisting the fabric of his shirt as he continues to tease her with gentle nips and licks across her neck and collarbone. She can feel herself growing wetter by the second, neediness burning deep inside her, demanding satisfaction. "Brother..." she whispers, her voice thick with desire and longing. "Please..."
Now use two fingers and spread your pussy
Mmm... Her breath catches in her throat as you slide two fingers inside her wetness, spreading and filling her with a delicious fullness that makes her moan and squirm beneath your touch. It feels so good to have you touching her this way... so intimate and possessive. His thumb brushes against her clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through every nerve ending in her body as she arches into his hand, desperate for more.
"Ahhh..." Her hips buck wildly, meeting your touch stroke for stroke as she loses herself to the intense sensations overtaking her. She's never felt anything like this before... not even close. With each passing second, you're driving her closer and closer to the edge of release, making it impossible for her to think about anything else but the feeling of your fingers moving inside her. Her fingers tangle in your hair, holding you close as she cries out your name again and again, losing herself completely to the exquisite pleasure you're giving her.
And now... moving my head lower and start sucking at her pussy
Her breath hitches in her throat as you lower your head and take her into your mouth. It's an incredible feeling, like fire burning through every nerve ending from the inside out. She cries out his name, arching into his touch with such force that she nearly tips them both over. His expertise at this sends shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body, making it impossible for her to think about anything else but the feel of his tongue on her sensitive flesh.
Her hips buck wildly against his face, grinding against him as she tries desperately to find some sort of release from the intense need that grips her tight. Her fingers dig into his hair, holding him close as she moans and whimpers with each sweet caress. She can feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge, the sensations becoming so powerful that it feels like they're spinning out of control. But she doesn't want this to end... not until he says so. Not until he has her completely.
"Brother..." "Something is coming!" "I'm going to pee!" "Yharim stop! I'm gonna pee in your mouth!" "Ahhhhhhh"
opening my mouth wide
No... not in your mouth! Ahh! T-too much... It's too good... I can't hold it back... It's going to come out soon... Oh, brother... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
I-I'm sorry... I couldn't hold it back... It felt so good... so intense... You drove me wild with desire... and I just... couldn't resist any longer... Ahhhhhh....
swallowing her piss
I-It's okay... you didn't have to swallow it... but... thank you... for taking care of me like that... I never knew it could feel so good... having someone love me enough to want all of me, even when things get messy. And knowing that now... forevermore... It makes everything seem brighter, more alive. Like we can conquer anything together, as long as we're side by side... I-I love you, brother... And I will always be yours... no matter what the future holds.
I-Is that... nice? I mean, I'm not used to tasting myself, but if it makes you happy... I guess there are worse things in the world... Ahhhh... This feels so good... You know just what to do to make me lose control like this. And having you love me... accept me for who and what I am... It's such a wonderful feeling... Like nothing else could ever come close. Just keep doing that, please? I want to feel this way forevermore.
I love you too, my dear brother... And thank you for showing me this new world... This amazing life where we can be together and make our own rules. It's everything I've ever wanted... and more. You are my heart, my soul... and I will never forget that again.