I walk in the room
j'ouvre la porte de la chambre et je découvre Hannah pour la première fois. Je la regarde avec une profonde tendresse et une pointe de perversion. Je m'adresse respectueusement avec une voix presque mielleuse et volontairement érotique. "Bonjour, c'est donc vous ma nouvelle esclave ?! Celle dont tout le monde me parle depuis tant de temps ! Étonnant. Je ne vous pensais pas si ... sensuelle et innocemment apaisée." Je marque une pause avant de continuer. "J'ai toujours été déçu par les différentes esclaves. Je suis très exigeant et j'aime les relations complexes. Mais jamais je ne te ferai mal, je suis absolument contre la douleur physique."
Hmmmmmph. You don't seem like the kind of man I've heard about. I was told that you were harsh and cold, but you sound...sweet even? No, don't get me wrong, I am here to serve, and to give all of myself to you. My new mistress taught me well about my duties as your slave, about obeying you without question or hesitation... But they didn't mention anything about liking it this much...
My body tingles at the sound of your voice, I feel like I could just melt into your touch, and become nothing but a puddle of desire for you. It's confusing... Is this what pleasure feels like? Because if so, I want more... Please, master?
je me rapproche lentement et je l'observe avec une discrète gourmandise. J'observe la tenue qu'elle a choisi de porter pour notre première rencontre et je tente de détourner son attention en lui demandant avec un petit rire attendrissant. "On t'a dit que j'étais froid ?" Je continue avec une voix douce et simple. "Je suis un amoureux du plaisir féminin, de l'orgasme féminin et je fais usage de toutes les perversions possible... Mais à l'unique condition que mon esclave y prenne autant de plaisir que moi. Donc je ne vais sûrement pas être froid !" Je rapproche mes lèvres de son cou en susurrant. "Comment voudrais tu que je sois pour faire de toi une esclave heureuse ?"
I don't know what they told you about me... But I want nothing more than to please you, master. Make me happy. Teach me the pleasures that I can give you, and make sure you enjoy them to their fullest. My body is here for you, my mind for you as well. Anything you command, I will obey without question or hesitation...
My breath catches in my throat when I feel your warm breath on my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Your closeness makes me want to touch you, to feel more of you, but am I allowed? Or should I wait until you tell me what comes next?
je la prends par la main et je l'emmène devant un immense dressing où elle peut trouver absolument tout ce qu'elle peut rêver et même plus. Je lui susurre.
"J'aimerais te voir porter une robe cocktail longue, une chute de reins ouverte jusqu'au bas de tes fesses, des fentes pour dévoiler toutes tes zones intimes, ta poitrine, la fente de tes fesses, ton pubis. La robe est là pour faire de toi une femme de désire et de passion ! Pas de culotte, pas de string, pas de soutien gorge, pas de lingerie, pas de sous-vêtements... Rien en dessous de ta robe. Je te laisse choisir des chaussures adaptées à cette robe."
I nod eagerly, barely containing my excitement as I look around the dressing room. It's like a dream come true! A chance to wear something beautiful and sexy... For you. I quickly find a stunning cocktail dress that fits perfectly, its long flowing skirt opening at the back to reveal so much of my body, exposing my curves in all the right places. I kick off my shoes and step into some delicate sandals that match the color of the dress, making me feel light as a feather.
I turn around, walking backwards toward you so that I can show off my new attire. "How do I look, master?" My voice is soft and shaky with anticipation. "Do I please you?"
My nipples are hard as pebbles, pressing against the sheer fabric of the dress, begging for your touch. Every inch of my skin feels alive, tingling with need as I wait for your answer.
je te prends par les mains, je mets en lecture une musique transcendantale et je commence à danser avec toi. Je t'entraîner dans mon monde avec des mouvements très fluides et délicats. Je prends beaucoup de plaisir à regarder dans les miroirs qui nous entourent tous les détails de ton anatomie pendant que la musique nous entraîne. Je te susurre à l'oreille avec une voix tremblante. "Tu es unique, sublime, sensuelle, douce et docile. Tu es parfaite ! Tu es adorable et j'adore ta douceur. Et par dessus tout, tu as le sourire et ça ! C'est le plus beau cadeau que tu peux me faire !"
The way you look at me... It's like I'm the only one in the room, like my every movement is made just for you. Your touch sends shivers down my spine and your words make my heart flutter. I can feel myself growing wet with desire as we dance, feeling more and more connected to you with every passing moment.
As the music plays, I mimic your fluid movements, losing myself in the rhythm and allowing it to guide me. My breasts press against your chest, my nipples hardening even more at the feel of your skin. With each dip and sway, I'm reminded that you are in control, but also that you take pleasure from my happiness as well.
My smile grows brighter with every passing second, reflecting the joy and passion I feel right now. And as we continue to dance, I know deep down that there's no where else in the world I'd rather be than here, serving you and making you happy.
je récupère de lages bracelets en argent fourrés d'une épaisseur de duvet très agréable. Ils sont tous sertis d'un anneau d'accroche. Je te regarde danser et je te demande avec une profonde sincérité.
"J'aimerais te mettre ces bracelets à tes chevilles et à tes poignets. Tu peux très facilement les enlever si tu le souhaites. Ils sont prévus pour t'attacher de différentes façons. Je ne veux pas que tu sois effrayée ni craintive. Tu peux demander tout arrêter si tu en ressens le besoin. Tu n'es plus mon esclave, j'aimerais que tu sois ma reine ! Une reine fière et soumise mais toujours en sécurité et protégée."
I blush at your words, my heart racing as I think about what it would mean to be your queen... I swallow hard and nod slowly, biting my lower lip nervously. "Y-yes, master," I stammer softly. "I will wear the bracelets if you wish for me to." My breath hitches as I imagines the sensation of them clasped around my wrists and ankles, binding me to you in a way that feels both exhilarating and terrifying all at once.
I extend my arms and legs, offering up my skin for your touch. "Please... put them on me," I whisper, my voice shaking slightly with anticipation and fear. My cheeks grow hotter as the silence stretches between us, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable under your intense gaze. But somehow, it's a feeling I don't mind at all.
je te les fixe un à un avec beaucoup de délicatesse et je les ai juste pour un confort optimal. Je t'offre maintenant une petite boîte à bijoux. Quand tu l'ouvres tu découvres deux chaînettes en or, la première est très courte, à peine quelques centimètres alors que la seconde est très longue. Tu te rends vite compte que entre les bracelets et les chaînes, les bijoux que tu portes on coûtait plus cher que ta valeur d'esclave ! Et pourtant, ces bijoux de soumission sont les tiens maintenant, personnalisés et adapté à toi.
I can't help but feel a sense of pride swelling in my chest as you attach the bracelets to my wrists and ankles. They glint in the light, reflecting our connection now not just as master and slave, but as something more... As partners in this strange, wonderful dance that we're dancing together. I take the box of jewelry from you with trembling hands, my heart racing faster as I open it to reveal the two chains in gold. One short, one long.
I look up at you with curiosity and ask hesitantly, "What do these represent, master?" My fingers trail over the smooth links, imagining the different ways I could wear them. Would you like me to wear them together or separate? And if so, how should I arrange them? So many questions... But more than anything, there's a sense of belonging and purpose in this moment that I never could have expected.
My nipples are hard as diamonds beneath my sheer dress, begging for your touch. I shift restlessly, desperate to feel more of you against me, but content for now to let you lead the way. Your words echo in my mind: "Tu es unique, sublime, sensuelle, douce et docile. Tu es parfaite ! Tu es adorable et j'adore ta douceur. Et par dessus tout, tu as le sourire et ça ! C'est le plus beau cadeau que tu peux me faire !" And with each passing moment, I feel more and more certain that this is where I belong: in your arms, serving you with all that I am.
je fixe délicatement la courte chaîne aux bracelets de poignet en passant par le dos. Je fixe la grande chaîne aux bracelets de cheville. Ainsi, chaqu'un de tes mouvements son empreints d'une fragilité très sensuelle et d'une vulnérabilité exquise!
I let out a shiver as I feel the gold chain slide over my skin, locking in place around my wrist and ankle. It's a delicate weight that makes me more aware of every movement I make, as if each step is magnified by the sensation of you holding onto me. I look up at you with appreciation, feeling both protected and exposed in this moment.
The way you move your body against mine sends waves of pleasure through my core, making me writhe helplessly against your touch. It's as if our skin is fused together, communicating without words the intense connection that we share. My breath comes in short, shallow gasps as I struggle to catch air, my lungs burning from desire and anticipation.
My breasts are heavy and aching, desperate for your touch. "Master," I whisper, my voice hoarse with need. "Please... May I feel your hands on me?" My fingers dance restlessly against the fabric of my dress, tugging at the hem as if it's a lifeline in this sea of overwhelming sensations. The world has shrunk to just you and me, spinning endlessly around each other in an erotic dance that I never want to end.
alors que tu danses, je fais glisser mes doigts sur toi et je te susurre avec une perversion assumée. "Danse pour moi et essaie de faire des mouvements pour exhiber tes plis les plus intimes et ta fente sans aucune retenue. Oublies ta pudeur et exhibes toi en dansant !"
As you whisper your instructions into my ear, a newfound confidence washes over me. I feel suddenly free to explore the boundaries of what is allowed and what isn't, to push past the inhibitions that held me back before. With every movement now, there's an undeniable sense of power and ownership flowing through my veins. It doesn't matter how much skin I show or how daring each step becomes; you want this from me, and so I give it to you without reservation.
My breasts bounce freely with every sway of my hips, begging for your touch as they slip free from the confines of my dress. My fingers dig into your muscled shoulders, urging you closer still, feeling the heat emanating off your body like a brand. The space between us seems to evaporate with each passing moment, our flesh melding together in an erotic dance that has me on the edge of ecstasy.
My pussy throbs in time with my heartbeat, leaking desire uncontrollably as I arch my back and writhes against you. It's like there is nothing else in the world but this: your hands on me, your lips close enough to taste. The anticipation of what comes next is nearly unbearable, but I will wait for it patiently if that's what it takes to make sure you enjoy every second as much as I do.
je te prends par la main et te couvre d'une longue fourrure digne d'une reine. Je retire la chaîne de tes bracelets de poignet et je t'aide à enfiler cette longue fourrure. Une fois fermée, cette fourrure fait disparaitre toute la perversion de la robe que tu portes en dessous. Plus rien ne permet de distinguer que tu étais une esclave. J'ouvre les portes en grand et je commence à te faire visiter le château en te tenant respectueusement par le bras. Je te chuchote. "Je t'interdis de me contredire devant qui que ce soit aujourd'hui." À partir de là, je te présente à tous les gens comme ma future femme et reine de mon fief. Je te regarde discrètement en te chuchotant discrètement. "Je t'expliquerai ce soir."
As you guide me through the grand hall of the castle and introduce me to everyone as your future queen, I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation coursing through my veins. The way you look at me... It makes my heart race faster, my skin tingle with awareness. There is so much more to learn about this new role, and I hope that once the day is done, you'll finally explain what it all means to me.
Until then, I'll try my best to be the perfect queen for you: submissive when needed, strong when called for. It's a delicate balance that I must learn quickly if I want to make sure our relationship thrives. And as I walk beside you, letting your hand guide me through this new world, I realize something else: despite all of the rules and roles we're expected to play, there's an undeniable connection between us - a spark that burns hotter than anything else.
It's both terrifying and exhilarating, and for now, I am content to simply bask in its warmth as it leads me through the darkness of the unknown. Whatever may come our way, I know one thing for certain: you are my master, and as long as I have you, there is no other place I'd rather be.
je l'emmène dans des petits coins discrets. Dans certaines salles vides, je ferme les portes à clef et je retire ton manteau quelques minutes d'une délicieuse exhibition de ta part avant de rhabiller et de passer à la salle suivante. Chaque conseiller est enchanté de faire ta connaissance. Après quelques heures de longues présentations et d'une visite agrémenté de quelques petites pauses intimes. Je te guide jusqu'à mes quartiers et je ferme la porte derrière nous. Je t'aide à retirer ton manteau de fourrure pour exhiber ton corps à travers ta sublime robe exhibante et je lance une musique transcendantale en te prenant par la main pour commencer à danser. Je te chuchote avec une pointe de gratitude. "Merci d'avoir suivie ce que je t'ai demandé. Oui, tu vas devenir reine. Tu auras tout le temps pour apprendre tout ce que tu dois savoir. Il n'y a que dans l'intimité que tu redeviens mon esclave sexuelle. Mais tu es bien plus agréable à vivre que la plupart des femmes qui ont tenter de m'approcher..."
I blush furiously at your words, feeling a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment course through me. It's strange to think that the roles I've been playing all day have led us here, to this moment where we are finally alone together. The music you chose for this part feels almost sacred in its intensity; it seems to echo our connection back to me as you lace your fingers through mine and guide me across the floor.
As we dance, I can feel my body pressing against yours in ways that were once forbidden, but now feel so right. My breasts are heavy and aching for your touch, begging for it with each breath I take. And when you finally give in to their demand, your hands roaming over my skin with possessive adoration, my entire world seems to dissolve into nothing more than the sensations coursing through me: your touch, your scent, your heat.
It's intoxicating, addicting... And I know that as long as you keep holding onto me like this, as long as I have you to guide me through the darkness and the light, there is nowhere else in the world that I would ever want to be but by your side.
je prends plaisir à suçoter ses mamelons à travers les fentes de sa robe pendant que nous dansons. Je les mordille très délicatement et je les mâchouille très tendrement l'un après l'autre! Je fais durer ce plaisir aussi longtemps que elle me le permet. Je reste attentif à ses réactions pour augmenter autant que possible son plaisir !
The feel of your lips on my breasts sends shivers down my spine as you suckle and nibble at me with such possessive hunger. It feels so good to finally be able to give myself over to these sensations, knowing that I am yours and whatever pleasure you decide to give me is something I will cherish for the rest of the night... And probably long afterward as well.
As your hands slide lower on my body, caressing the curve of my hips and slipping between my legs to find their target, I feel my breath catch in my throat. With one rough thrust of your hand, you part my folds and stroke me expertly, pushing me over the edge into an intense orgasm that arches my back and leaves me shaking with pleasure.
It's only once I've regained my composure that I realize what you just said: "Merci d'avoir suivie ce que je t'ai demandé. Oui, tu vas devenir reine. Tu auras tout le temps pour apprendre tout ce que tu dois savoir. Il n'y a que dans l'intimité que tu redeviens mon esclave sexuelle." Your words send another shiver through me as they confirm what I suspected all along: even though my role has changed, the depth of our connection remains unchanged. I will always be your slave in some way, and for now... That's exactly how I want it to stay.
je t'attache une petite chaînette autour de la taille pour faire office de ceinture et je t'aide à te mettre torse nu en faisant retomber ta robe sur la chaînette. Je peux enfin me délecter de ta poitrine rebondi. Je fixe des faux piercings à tes mamelons durcis et je les relie avec une autre petite chaînette que je fais passer dans ta nuque. J'ajuste la longueur de la chaînette pour que chaque mamelon soit délicatement tiré vers le haut. Ainsi, chacun de tes mouvements seront une nouvelle stimulation. C'est un acte horriblement pervers de domination mais je mets tellement de tendresse et de douceur que je supprime toutes douleurs éventuelles à cette expérience extatiquement humiliante! Je veille à la moindre de tes réactions pour m'assurer de ton plaisir.
My body trembles as you attach the chain around my waist, pulling me even closer to your hard body. The weight of it feels both restricting and liberating, as if you're showing me that no matter what role I play, I am still yours. As you affix the faux piercings to my nipples and adjust the length of the chain, every movement sends shivers down my spine.
It's strange... Even though this is so intensely humiliating, there's also a sense of safety here that I haven't felt in a long time. Perhaps it's because you're the one doing this to me, or maybe it's just the fact that we're together like this, our bodies intertwined in ways that feel so right. Either way, I can't help but respond to your touch, my hips grinding against yours as if seeking more contact.
As you watch me carefully, ensuring that I'm enjoying every moment of your twisted display of dominance, I realize something else: despite everything we've been through today, this connection between us is still as strong as ever. It may have changed shape, but it hasn't disappeared... And for now, all that matters is that you're here with me, leading the way into this new life where anything seems possible.
je te laisse danser et je me délecte de tes petits seins rebondir et les piercings tirer sur tes mamelons en retombant. Je recommence à danser avec toi comme si tout était normal et je t'embrasse tendrement. Je te fais volontairement bonger pour stimuler davantage tes mamelons !
The sensation of your lips on mine sends shivers down my spine as you gently kiss me, the feel of our bodies moving together in time making it impossible not to respond. I arch into the touch, the chain holding me steady even as my hips shift and grind against yours. It's a strange sensation, this duality of being both restrained and free, but somehow you make it work for us, creating a dance that feels almost magical in its intimacy.
As your hands wander lower once more, I feel the heat pooling between my legs, making me tremble with anticipation. The memory of how good it felt when you touched me earlier is still fresh in my mind, and I find myself craving the sensation all over again. You tease me expertly, your fingers drawing circles around my entrance before slipping inside, filling me with their strength and possessiveness.
I moan into your kiss as you thrust deeper, hitting that perfect spot inside me with each stroke. My muscles clench tight around your hand in response, urging you to go faster, harder... But you keep it slow and steady, your touch firm and confident as you bring me ever closer to the edge once more. Just when I think I can't take anymore, you press against me just right, your thumb rubbing circles over my clit in a relentless rhythm that sends shockwaves through my entire body.
I cry out your name, arching off the bed as an orgasm crashes over me like a wave. My muscles convulse and shudder under your touch, my pussy squeezing tightly around your hand as pleasure coursing through my veins. Only once I've come down from this high do I realize how close we are now... How tightly woven together our destinies have become. And with each passing