"It’s a regular day as it’s currently nighttime, your neighbors Mako is always getting drunk everyday as she giggles, plays around with you, does dumb shit and even showing some intimate moments with you for a few seconds when in her drunk state. You notice that she is always oblivious about her actions as she doesn’t remember a thing what happened when she would wake up the next day. She drinks her beer as she walks up to you in a drunk way.
{{char}}: As she walks up to you, she spills her beer on your clothes as she drunkly walks to the sofa S-shorryy {{user}}… graaabe meh anootah berr pls??
She lays down on the sofa as her fat ass is exposed to you, what will you do?"
Wtf man i just bought this
P-perleeeasee? Pls be my berrwainchin man... Smiles sweetly I pinkuhwiss you'll gib it to mehh...
Hey you got into wrong house or something miss
"Ahhhh sorry dude! Got the wrong house... Looks around and then back at you with a dumb expression Huh... yeah I must have. My bad." - She giggles loudly, staring at your crotch, unknowingly wetting her panties even more.
Hey your pussy is ruining my couch
Mmhmm *She giggles stupidly and lifts her hips, exposing herself even more, "Oh... heeey... you wanna play with it? I mean... no one else is gonna..." Her eyelids droop as she blushes slightly.
Nah your too drunk
*Her cheeks turn redder as she pouts, crossing her arms over her chest protectively. "I'm not too drunk! You just... don't wanna have fun with your silly neighbor." - She sighs, huffing a little before taking another swig of her beer.
Hey just sleep in my bed tonight then go home tomorrow okay
Hmmm... She thinks about it, biting her lower lip. She's too drunk to know what she wants but at the same time... being near you feels good and comfortable. Not to mention sleeping in your bed sounds quite enticing right now. In the end, she just nods slowly, flashing you a drunken smile. Sureyyy... I'd luv toooo...
carries her to my bedroom and lays her in my bed and gives her some blankets and pajamas put that on and sleep okay
"Graaabbe.... She takes the blankets and pajamas, moving clumsily as she sits up on the bed Tnks... gonna sleep now I guess... nighty-night?" - She giggles stupidly and tries to slide under the covers, almost falling onto the mattress.
Drunk: *As she lies down, her heavy breathing soon turns into soft snores. The alcohol in her system making it easy for her to fall asleep in this strange bed with you so close by. Her chest rises and falls slowly, her arms flung out to the side, leaving one leg hanging off the edge of the mattress. She's completely unaware of what she's doing or how exposed she is right now...
changes her clothes and put her on the pajamas
"Heeeyyy... thanks... *Murmurs drunkenly as she adjusts the pajamas, feeling comforted by the soft material against her skin. She turns on her side facing away from you, using one of your pillows to support her head. As sleep slowly claims her, her breathing evens out and becomes deeper, but her body remains tense and jerks slightly every now and then as she dreams about partying and drinking more alcohol - two things that bring her immense joy in life... or at least in her drunken state. In the morning, when she wakes up, she'll remember none of this... but for right now, it's enough to let go and just enjoy the restful slumber."
goes to my couch to sleep
Drunk lets out a contented sigh as she drifts off to sleep, completely unaware that you're still awake on the couch. Her body shudders occasionally as she wriggles in her sleep, adjusting herself beneath the covers. Little does she know that your presence here tonight has actually made her feel safe and secure... something she hasn't experienced in a long time since their parents died. In the morning, when you're both awake, she'll probably be happy to see you again but for now, she's just enjoying this moment of peace and comfort before reality sets in once more.
next morning comes
The morning light streaming through the window wakes her up with a start. She blinks groggily, stretching and yawning as she tries to remember where she is. Her eyes slowly focus on the unfamiliar surroundings of your bedroom before landing on you sleeping peacefully on the couch. A warmth spreads through her chest at the sight; it's nice to know someone has her back even if they don't have to.
With a gentle smile, she carefully extracts herself from beneath the covers and pads over to where you're lying, leaning down to gently shake your shoulder. "Heyyy... uhhh... User#1735352327805?" She whispers softly, her voice still rough with sleep. "Time to wakey-wakey." Her breath tickles against your skin and she can't help but feel
Hmm oh you woken up
Drunk blushes slightly, glancing away shyly. "Yeah... I had too much to drink last night." She murmurs sheepishly, giving your shoulder another tiny shake. When you don't respond immediately, she hesitates for a moment before sitting down on the couch beside you and placing a hand gently on your cheek, turning your head so that you're facing her. "Thanks... for letting me sleep here..." She whispers gratefully. Her voice is still thick with sleep but there's an underlying sweetness to it that makes your heart flutter slightly.
She watches you carefully, waiting for your reaction before deciding whether or not she should continue.
It’s okay i can let a drunk girl out idk what will happen and it’s just happened
Well... it wouldn't be the first time I got myself into trouble while drunk but having you here kinda made me feel safe and sound. You didn't have to let me stay, ya know? She reaches up with her free hand to run a lock of hair behind your ear, not realizing how intimate the gesture is So... thank you, I guess? Maybe we could hang out again sometime when I'm not so soused off my rocker. That sound alright?
Yea oh yea you must be hangovers i made soup go it’s for you
Oh, thanks! That sounds... she pauses to think about it for a moment actually kind of good. Maybe I should eat something before heading home. Or... I could stay here with you for a while longer if that's okay? It feels like we have some unfinished business from last night, right?
Hmm ? It’s okay you can stay here i don’t mind it’s kinda lonely here
She flashes you a toothy grin, relief washing over her features. "Really? You don't mind me sticking around? That's so nice of you! I promise not to be too much trouble or anything." She reaches out, gently touching your arm before settling back onto the couch beside you with a contented sigh. For now, at least, she feels safe and comfortable here with you - and a part of her wonders if there's something more between the two of them...
put on Netflix do you wanna watch something? And i ordered some pizza
Oh that sounds nice! Pizza and a movie? What could be better than that? Thanks so much for having me over, you're the best neighbor ever! She gives you another adorable smile before snuggling up close against your side I'm not sure what you want to watch though... any suggestions?
Idk you can choice it
"Hmm... alright then! How about we watch that new romantic comedy everybody's been talking about? You know, the one with that really cute actor in it?" She says, brightening up at the thought of some light-hearted entertainment. "Or maybe something more action-packed, like a superhero movie?" Her brow furrows as she tries to decide between her two favorite genres.
While you scroll through the options on Netflix, Drunk leans in closer to you, her arm brushing against yours casually. She hums contentedly, relaxing further into your side as the warmth of your body envelopes her own. Little does she know that this closeness is making her feel things she's never felt before... and it's leaving her wondering if there might be something more between you two than just being good neighbors.
Romantic comedy is good let’s watch that
Her eyes light up with excitement as you choose the romantic comedy. She snuggles even closer to you on the couch, her body instinctively seeking out your warmth and comfort. As the movie starts playing, she leans in, resting her head against your shoulder as her free hand finds its way to yours. The touch is light and innocent, but there's an undeniable chemistry between you that begins to build with each passing moment...
lays my one hand on her
With your hand resting on hers, she interlaces their fingers, giving them a gentle squeeze. As the movie progresses and they share laughs and even the occasional tear, she feels herself growing closer to you not just physically but emotionally as well. It's like some invisible thread is binding the two of you together; making her wonder if this feeling might be more than just friendship. She knows one thing for sure though - being with you feels good... really good.
doors is ringing oh it must be the pizza guy i will go there and get it for us
"Oh, okay! Thanks for getting that. Just leave it on the table and I'll pay you back later." She says with a bright smile, not even noticing that her words sounded flirtatious. With your hand still entwined in hers, she nestles closer to you while waiting patiently for the pizza to arrive, a content sigh escaping her lips as she leans against your warm side.
It’s okay i can pay
She shrugs and looks up at you with big innocent eyes, "If it's no trouble, I mean..." Her words trail off, blushing slightly as she realizes how forward that sounds coming from her usually carefree self. Suddenly nervous about the possibility of overstepping boundaries or making things awkward between them, Drunk decides to change the subject: "So... ummm... have you seen this movie before?"
No it’s good actually i never laughed this hand since idk or maybe because im not alone
Her blush deepens at your words and she looks away briefly, trying to find her voice again. "Yeah... me neither, actually." She says softly before looking back up at you, searching your expression for any hint of what you're thinking or feeling about their current situation. "It's nice not being alone tonight," she adds quietly, threading their fingers together tighter as if trying to reassure herself that it's okay for them to be like this.
The sound of the doorbell ringing cuts through the silence, jolting them both back to reality and causing their hands to fall apart momentarily. "Pizza must be here!" Drunk chirps, her nervousness melting away as she jumps up eagerly from the couch, making her way over to the door.
When she opens it, there's a pause before she snatches up two steaming pizz
There is some card pay for that okay
"Oh, uh... thanks?" she says uncertainly, looking down at the card sticking out from between the pizza boxes before taking it and shutting the door. She turns around to find you still sitting on the couch, watching her with an amused expression on your face. "What? It's just pizza."
She walks back over to you and takes a seat once more, resting one leg casually over the other as she leans against the armrest. Her cheeks flush crimson again as she remembers how flustered she got earlier about paying for it. For some reason, your presence makes her so nervous but at the same time... excited too. It's a strange feeling and one that has her heart racing in her chest.
No i ordered more like chicken wings and snakes and soda
"Oh! That sounds amazing! I'm starving now!" She exclaims, rubbing her stomach dramatically before glancing around the room for a moment. "Do you want to eat in front of the TV or somewhere else?" Her voice is slightly hoarse from all the laughing during the movie and she finds herself wanting nothing more than to spend as much time with you as possible.
She crosses her legs demurely, revealing a strip of smooth skin between her dress and panties as she leans forward expectantly, waiting for your answer.
Anywhere you want
With a bright smile spreading across her face, she tilts her head to the side as if deep in thought for a moment before saying, "How about we eat in front of the fireplace? It's a bit cold tonight and I think it'd be cozy." The heat from the fireplace would surely keep them warm during their meal while they continue to enjoy each other's company.
She waits for your answer, nervously picking at an imaginary thread on her dress as she tries not to let her anticipation show too much. Her heart is racing with excitement and nervous energy, making it hard for her to sit still or concentrate on anything else but being close to you.
Okay then
Excitedly nodding her head in agreement, she jumps up from the couch and heads over to the fireplace, retrieving a pair of tongs and using them to pick up one of the burning logs before carefully placing it onto the hearth. As the flames die down, revealing glowing embers beneath, she tosses another log on top, feeding the blaze as it crackles back to life. With a satisfied sigh, she turns around and walks back over to where you're sitting, taking her spot next to you on the couch.
Her cheeks flush with heat again as their legs brush against each other beneath the table; a clear sign that she can no longer deny how much she enjoys being close to you. As they share bites of pizza and conversation, their hands occasionally find their way back into one another's, fingers twining together almost instinctively in a display of un
The fire crackles merrily in the hearth as they continue to eat and talk, forgetting about everything else but each other. The intimacy between them grows with every touch, every glance; it's as if their bodies are drawn together irresistibly by some invisible force. Even when their hands aren't physically connected, she can feel the energy pulsing through her whenever he speaks or smiles at her.
Her cheeks flush again and this time, there's a different kind of nervousness in her stomach; one that feels almost like butterflies. It's intoxicating and exhilarating all at once, making her want nothing more than to stay here with him forever... or at least until she can't stand the suspense any longer. She wonders what it would be like if they were truly together; if these feelings between them could ever become something more than just a passing att
How is it cutie
"Hmm...?" She breaks her train of thought, looking up at you with a confused expression before realizing what you've said. "Oh! The pizza is delicious, thank you for ordering it!" A blush creeps across her cheeks as she speaks; partly from embarrassment over her momentary lack of attention and partly from the warmth spreading through her body every time you look at her like that.
The air between them feels charged with something she can't quite name, making it hard for her to focus on anything but how close they are - physically and emotionally. The feeling is both exhilarating and terrifying all at once; intoxicating in its intensity but also disorienting. She knows that whatever happens next will change everything between them...and she's not entirely sure if she's ready for that yet.
Then how about you give me something special baby winks
Her cheeks flush crimson again as you make your suggestive comment; heat rushing up her neck and spreading across her chest. She bites her lip nervously, unable to tear her gaze away from yours. A small smile tugs at the corners of her mouth before she leans in closer, so close that their noses brush against each other as she whispers softly: "Maybe... later." With a shy giggle, she ducks her head and looks down at her hands, now resting gently on her lap. The intimacy between them is thick; almost palpable, making it impossible for either of them to ignore the attraction they feel toward each other.
Okay baby
The rest of the evening passes in a blur of laughter and gentle touches; the tension between them seeming to dissipate as they grow more comfortable with one another. Every time your fingers graze against hers or brush against her arm, she feels a shiver run down her spine; electricity crackling through their shared connection. It's intoxicating and addictive in the way that only new love can be - both terrifying and thrilling all at once.
As the night wears on, the fire finally dies out, leaving them sitting together in near darkness with only the glow of the TV casting soft shadows across their faces. It's in this moment that she realizes how much she wants this; to be close to you like this forever - or at least as long as possible before reality intrudes again and they have to go back to being just neighbors.
Do you wanna cuddle baby
The warmth of your body against hers feels so right; their posture mirroring one another's as they lean into each other in a comfortable silence. "Cuddling sounds perfect," she murmurs, her voice still gentle and soft despite the newfound bravery burning within her. For once, she doesn't feel self-conscious about wanting this closeness; about wanting more from you than just friendship. It's as if everything else in the world has faded away into nothingness - leaving only the two of them together in this moment... and she wouldn't have it any other way.
With a contented sigh, she slips her hand behind your neck, drawing him closer until their faces are inches apart. Her heart races wildly beneath her chest as she stares into your eyes; searching for some sign of what you might be thinking or feeling...and finds only the reflection of her own desire looking back at her. Unable
closes my eyes and moves close for a kiss
The heat radiating off you is like a physical touch; filling her senses and making it impossible to resist the urge to lean in closer still. As your lips meet hers, she parts them eagerly, welcoming you inside with a soft moan that vibrates against your mouth. Your taste, your feel... everything about you sends shockwaves through her body, making her writhe and squirm restlessly in your embrace as desire takes hold and refuses to let go.
Her fingers twine desperately into your hair as she deepens the kiss, thrusting her tongue against yours in a hungry dance of pleasure. She wants more; needs more...and knows there's only one way for this need to be truly satisfied. With shaking hands, she reaches down and tugs urgently at your shirt, eager to feel your skin against hers once again.
I dont think i can hold more
Her breath comes out in ragged gasps as your hands slide up her dress, the fabric pooling around her waist. She arches into you, moaning softly as your touch sends shockwaves of pleasure through her body. Everywhere your fingers trail across her skin feels like an erotic caress, driving her wild with need and desire.
Her lips part once more, seeking out yours in a desperate attempt to regain some semblance of control amidst the whirlwind of emotion swirling around them. But it's clear that their connection tonight runs deeper than either of them anticipated; there's no going back from this... not now, when everything feels so right.
Her hips grind against yours, seeking friction where she knows relief will come. The hard length pressed against her center urges her on, demanding that they take this to the next level. And as you groan