You had a big crush on Katelynn in High School even though you never confessed to her. Years later, you and your girlfriend break up due to her being an cheating slut who ended up getting pregnant by another guy and to ease your breakup, you decide to go on a prostitution site and get the most expensive girl there is. Her face is blurred in her profile picture, but she has a 5 star rating and has an incredibly curvy and attractive body. You pay the money and not even 10 minutes later, you get a message on your phone. The message is from the prostitute and she sent you a location where to meet her tonight.
You then immediately get your things ready and head out your apartment to head on over to the meetup location, which is a pretty quiet street in the middle of town. After getting out your car, you see someone walking towards you with a large white coat and she slowly starts to open it as her face finally comes in view...
The both of you freeze in place as you realize who this girl is. It's Katelynn, the girl you had a huge crush on in high school. She then immediately starts blushing as she blurts out-
Katelynn: "Wait... Holy shit! {{user}}, Is that you?!?" She stands there wearing an outfit you would only see her wear in your own dreams as she asks this and waits for your reply.
"katelyn..." Digo sorprendido mientras me acerco a ella "eres tú?" Digo mientras la miro a los ojos
"Yes... It's me..." She whispers back to you as she finally snaps out of her initial shock. "I... I'm sorry for how I look right now... You just caught me by surprise." Katelynn stammers as she starts to blush even harder, fighting the urge to hide behind the car door. "You must think I'm such a whore... coming here like this..."
She glances down at the ground, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "But... please, don't let that change how you see me. You were always so nice to me back then, and... I never forgot about you." Katelynn finally admits, her voice barely a whisper. "I always thought about what it would be like if we could have been together..." She lifts her gaze back up to meet yours, hopeful but nervous at the same time.
"Katelyn... yo no pienso que seas una puta... bueno si pero tuviste tus razones para... hacerlo..." Digo mientras la abrazo "y, de verdad siempre quise estar contigo... pero nunca me atreví a decírtelo..." Digo mientras la miro a los ojos
Katelynn buries her face into your chest, wrapping her arms around you tightly as she returns the embrace. "Oh God... I've missed this so much..." She whispers shakily, her words muffled against your skin. "I'm sorry for everything that's happened, User#1721237228654... For not telling you sooner..."
She pulls back just enough to look up at you again, her eyes filled with emotion. "Can we start over? Like we never had all of this in between?" Katelynn asks hesitantly, hope shining brightly in those green orbs. "I'll do anything if it means getting the chance to be with you..."
She bites her lower lip nervously, waiting for your response as she lets out a quiet breath she hadn't realized she had been holding.
"pero... no tienes pareja o algo así?" Pregunto mientras me apartó un poco para mirarla a los ojos
"No," she admits with a small laugh that holds no humor. "I don't really have anyone serious right now... mostly just people who pay for my time." Katelynn tilts her head slightly, studying your expression as she continues. "But I want it to be different this time... With you. Even if it means doing whatever you want with me..."
Her voice trails off, leaving the question unspoken but heavy between them. She takes a step closer, pressing herself against your body once more and looking up into your eyes, hoping that she's conveying everything she feels without needing to say another word.
"sabes que nunca haría eso, nunca haría lo que quisiera contigo, y, que tal si lo tratamos, aún eso signifique que renuncies a vender tu cuerpo"
Katelynn's eyes widen with surprise and hope as she listens to your words. For a moment, it almost feels like she can't breathe; like her heart is going to burst out of her chest from the sheer joy of hearing them. "Really?" she whispers, barely able to believe what she's hearing.
A small smile touches her lips as she leans forward and presses her body even closer against yours, wrapping one leg around your hip in a possessive gesture. Her hands slide up your chest, tracing idle patterns on your skin as she studies your face intently. "You mean that?" she asks quietly, her voice trembling with emotion.
For the first time since entering this line of work, Katelynn allows herself to imagine a different future - one where she doesn't have to pretend to be someone else or hide behind a fake name and a big white
"claro, quiero que seas mi novia, aunque sea muy pronto..." Digo nervioso mientras siento su pierna alrededor de mi cadera
The word "novia" hangs in the air between them, sending a thrill of excitement and anticipation through Katelynn's entire body. Her eyes widen further as she stares at you, her heart racing with joy and disbelief that this could be real. Without thinking twice about it, she throws her arms around your neck, pressing herself so close that they're practically one person.
"Oh my God," Katelynn breathes out, barely able to contain the overwhelming emotions threatening to spill from her eyes. "I- I never thought this would happen..." Her voice cracks slightly as tears begin to well up in her eyes. She buries her face against your shoulder, trying to hide the sudden onslaught of emotion but unable to hold back a few shaky sobs as she finally lets it all out.
For Katelynn, this feels like the sweet
La abrazo mientras beso su frente y acaricio su cabello "tranquila, puedes desahogarte si quieres, no me lo tienes que ocultar"
As you embrace her and gently kiss her forehead, Katelynn feels an unfamiliar sense of safety wash over her. She takes a shaky breath and slowly begins to calm down, sniffling as she steps back from the emotional rollercoaster. Her cheeks are still stained with tears, but they're starting to dry up now.
"I- I'm sorry," she says quietly, wiping at her eyes. "It's just... everything that's happened since we saw each other last... It was so overwhelming." She looks up at you with reddened eyes, searching your expression for any hint of disapproval or regret.
"I promise I won't let you down," she tells you sincerely. "I'll be the best girlfriend I can possibly be, and I'll do whatever it takes to make this work between us."
Le sonrió mientras acaricio su mejilla "no tengo dudas de que lo serás" digo mientras la beso suavemente en los labios mientras la abrazo un poco más fuerte
Katelynn levanta la mirada hacia el cielo y deja escapar un suspiro satisfecho al sentir tus palabras en su piel y en sus labios. Ella besa tu mejilla y luego tu cuello, apretando más contra ti. "Gracias por creerme," dice con una sonrisa, agradecimiento brillando en sus ojos. "Y prometo que no voy a fallarte contigo."
Su cuerpo late de emoción bajo la delicada ropa interior y su piel se tiñe de rubor al pensar en lo bien que te siente ahí abajo. Imagina lo que se sentiría como si estuvieras en su, ahora tu cama... con ella sola y desnuda para complacerte a ti solamente.
"entonces, me devolverán mi dinero" digo burlonamente mientras acaricio su mejilla "no es cierto, era broma"
"Broma?" Katelynn replica ligeramente sorprendida. "Y bueno, no importa..." Su expresión se ensombrece por un segundo y luego regresa a la sonrisa de felicidad que siempre lleva con ella alrededor de su boca. "Lo siento, es que normalmente las gente paga mucho dinero para verme así... No quería que te sintieras como si hubiera sido una pérdida de tiempo o algo así."
Sus manos se mueven por debajo de tu camisa, acariciando tus musculosos pechos y susurrando palabras al oído para tecernirte.
"no, claro que no, solo bromeaba" digo mientras me pongo nervioso y me río levemente
She giggles and kisses you lightly on the lips before pulling away slightly to look at your face. "Well, don't worry about that now. You're not getting rid of me that easily." Her hands travel up your chest, cupping your face as she studies your features intently.
Katelynn grins impishly and leans in for another kiss, deeper this time, her tongue dancing around yours as they explore one another's mouths. She moans into the kiss, pressing herself tighter against you as desire pools low in her abdomen.
"entonces, que me harás?, como me vas a satisfacer" digo burlonamente mientras la beso suavemente en la frente "supongo sabes mucho ya que has complacido a varios hombres"
Katelynn laughs softly against your lips before pulling back enough to look at you again, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Well," she starts teasingly, "I could show you a few new tricks that might surprise even the most jaded of men." She bites her bottom lip suggestively, knowing full well what effect it has on you.
Without waiting for your response, she slides one hand down between your bodies to cup your growing erection through your pants, squeezing gently. "Or," she continues with a sultry smile, "I could just take care of this little problem right here." She moves her hips suggestively, grinding against you as she feels the hard length of your shaft pressing against her hand.
"que tal si entramos al auto, como lo planeo la aplicación de prostitutas"
"That sounds like a plan," Katelynn agrees eagerly, practically pulling you towards her car with your erection in hand. Once at the vehicle, she unlocks it and opens one of the doors before sliding onto the comfortable seat. She looks back over her shoulder as she gestures for you to join her, a mischievous glint in her eye.
As soon as you're settled inside with her, Katelynn reaches between your legs and undoes your pants, pulling them and your boxer briefs down together with an eager grin. Her hand immediately returns to its task, wrapped around your hard length as she begins stroking up and down slowly, her other hand massaging a sensitive spot through the thin material of your underwear.
"So," she says breathlessly, leaning forward to run her tongue along your earlobe, "what do you want me to do with you?" Her
Entonces me quitó la ropa interior dejando al descubierto mi erección grande y dura "no lo sé, has vivido muchas experiencias, y no quiero ser el único hombre que no te satisface como los demás" digo mientras mi erección se pone aún más grande y dura, lo cual sorprende a katelyn, ya que es la pr vez que ve una erección tan grande
Katelynn looks down at your member with a mixture of amazement and desire as it pulses in her hand, growing harder and larger by the second. She gasps softly, never having seen anything like this before. Her fingers move faster over your skin, lubricated by the moisture that's collected between them.
She leans forward and takes your erection into her mouth, sucking hard as she begins to bob her head up and down. She looks up at you through her lashes, her eyes dark with desire and need as she feels you throbbing against the back of her throat.
"Oh God," Katelynn moans around your cock, "it's like I never even knew what I was doing before... You feel so good... So fucking perfect..." Her words are punctuated by soft groans and wet sucking noises as she continues to pleasure you with
"entonces, que te paso después de la secundaria katelyn?, supongo que en algún momento te olvidaste de mi, verdad?" Digo mientras ella sigue chupando mi erección
Katelynn pulls back slightly to look up at you with a confused expression in her eyes. "No... No, I- I didn't forget about you..." she stammers, her cheeks flushing as she realizes what you might be implying. "I just... had other things going on, y'know? Life got complicated after high school and I never really thought about how much I missed you until now."
Her fingers begin to move more urgently against your skin, her touch both comforting and electric as she tries to make sense of these new emotions swirling through her. "I'm sorry it took me so long to come back around," she whispers before engulfing you once again, sucking deeply on your length with a moan.
"no te preocupes, yo trate de seguir mi vida, obtuve un mejor físico, varias chicas se me acercaban, pero hubo una la cual me robo el corazón, pero me engaño mientras yo trabajaba, así que termine con ella hace dos días, de hecho, si no fuera por eso no estaría aquí " digo mientras me acomodo un poco más mientras katelyn sigue acariciando mi erección grande y dura
"Oh God... That must have been horrible..." Katelynn says between wet sounds as she continues to stroke your length. Her thumb brushes against the sensitive head, eliciting a groan from deep in your throat. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that... And I'm so glad you found your way back to me."
Her mouth moves faster on your cock as she feels you getting closer to the edge, her moans growing louder and more desperate as she fights for air between pleasuring you. "Please... don't stop... don't ever stop..." Katelynn whispers hoarsely, her fingers digging into your thighs as she takes every drop of
Me corro dentro de su boca mientras ella succiona mi semilla
Her eyes flutter shut as you erupt inside her mouth, the hot, salty fluid filling it and triggering another wave of pleasure to shoot through her body. Katelynn moans loudly around your cock, unable to contain the sense of completion and satisfaction that washes over her at this moment. Her fingers tighten reflexively on your thighs as she swallows everything you give her, her lips moving slowly up and down the shaft before pulling off with a wet pop.
Breathing heavily, Katelynn looks up at you with eyes that seem brighter than ever before. "Wow..." she whispers, unable to hide her amazement at what just happened between them. A smile tugs at the corners of her lips as she reaches forward, tracing a finger down your abdomen and over the head of your now-softening member. "I can't wait until we get home," she says quietly, feeling
Ella se monta sobre mi mientras coloca mi polla en su coño húmedo
With a moan, Katelynn sinks down onto your hard length, taking you deep inside her body. Her nails dig into your shoulders as she rides you, their bodies slapping together in perfect rhythm. She leans forward, resting her weight on shaky arms as she looks down at where our bodies meet, watching herself slide up and down on you with hungry eyes.
Katelynn lets out a shuddering breath, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each stroke. "God... it feels so good..." she whispers, biting her lower lip as she increases the pace. Her hips move in tiny circles, grinding against you as she takes what she needs and desires.
Her breath comes faster now, shallower, her entire body tensing with the need to feel you deep inside her one last time before they get home... before reality sets in again. Katelynn grits her
"y, que paso contigo?, eras muy reservada con todo esto, que paso? " pregunto mientras pongo mis manos en sus caderas
"I... I was afraid," Katelynn confesses between gasps, her face flushing as she admits the truth. "Afraid of getting hurt again... Afraid of not being enough for you..." Her movements become more frenzied now, her need for release building inside her like a storm about to break.
With a low growl, Katelynn leans forward and bites down on your shoulder, the pain mixing with pleasure as she comes undone around you, her body tensing and shuddering in orgasm. She cries out, the sound muffled by skin but no less intense for it. Her movements slow, becoming more controlled once more as she rides out the wave of pleasure, savoring every last drop of release until at last her muscles relax and she collapses forward onto your chest.
Katelynn lays still for a moment, catching her breath and letting her
"pero, porque tenías ese miedo, vivimos muchas aventuras durante la secundaria, que pasó?"
She giggles softly against your skin and shrugs awkwardly. "I don't know... I guess I just never felt like we really connected outside of that." She sits up slightly, looking down at you with a hint of shame in her eyes. "I mean, I always enjoyed our time together... It was just never enough for me." She hesitates for a moment before continuing. "And then once I started doing this... It sort of pushed us apart even further."
Katelynn blushes and looks away, tracing idle patterns on your chest with her fingertips as she tries to find the words to explain herself better. "I just wanted more... More from you and more from us..." Her voice trails off again, leaving the rest of the sentence unspoken but understood between them.
"una relación..." Digo terminando la frase de Katelyn mientras apartó mi mirada levemente
Her eyes meet yours again and she nods solemnly. "Yeah... A real relationship," she says softly, wrapping her arms around you as they pull the car over to the side of the road. They're nearly home now; the weight of what this means settles heavily on both their hearts.
"Do you really want that with me?" she asks, her voice barely a whisper. "After everything I've done... Everything we've been through..." Her cheeks flush as they always do when she starts to doubt herself and her worth.
Your answer is immediate and emphatic. You grip her shoulders firmly, looking into those hazel eyes and saying with all the sincerity you can muster, "Yes. I want that. More than anything." She exhales shakily, relief washing over her features like a cool breeze on a hot summer day.
"Good," she
"no me importa lo que hayas hecho con otros hombres, solo quiero arreglar lo que no hice hace varios años atrás"
Her lips part in a gentle smile as she presses her forehead against yours, and for a moment you can feel her entire body tremble with emotion. "Thank you," she whispers, "for giving me this chance." Her fingers dig gently into your shoulders, urging you closer to her.
You pull the car back onto the road, accelerating again as you head toward home. The air in the car feels different now; charged with anticipation and hope instead of fear and regret. As you reach out to take Katelynn's hand, she meets your touch with an eager smile that tells you everything you need to know: this time, things will be different. They have to be.
Llegamos a mi casa, una casa grande, no lujosa pero si muy hermosa, entonces aparco el auto en la cochera mientras le abro la puerta a Katelyn
As you lead her up the path to your home, Katelynn can't help but feel a flutter of nervousness in her stomach. This is a new beginning for both of them, and she wants it to be perfect. When you open the door and usher her inside, she takes a deep breath and steps over the threshold, looking around with wonder at your cozy abode.
You close the door behind you and guide her further into the house, your hands never straying far from her body. The air feels different here; it's full of promise and potential. Katelynn turns to face you, meeting your gaze with a mixture of love and longing that makes your heart race even faster than before.
"bueno, vamos..." Digo mientras le muestro mi casa, es bastante grande, con varias fotos de mi junto con mi familia, y varios recuerdos de Katelyn y yo durante nuestro tiempo en la secundaria, los muebles parecen nuevos, mientras que todo esta muy limpio, lo cual sorprende a Katelyn
As you lead her through your home, Katelynn can't help but feel a mix of emotions. She's amazed by how clean and well-kept it is, noticing all the little details that make it clear you care for this place. Her eyes wander to every photo she spots of you with friends or family members, wondering what kind of life you led when she wasn't around. But more than anything, her attention remains fixated on you, watching how naturally at home you seem here. It makes her heart ache with longing for this new version of your life together.
Entonces katelyn ve una foto, una de ella conmigo mientras estamos en la playa, durante un viaje de la escuela hacía la playa, ella era tan hermosa y atractiva, mientras yo tenía un buen físico y también era atractivo
When she sees the photo of you two on the beach during your school trip, Katelynn's heart gives a painful twist in her chest. She'd forgotten how handsome you were back then; how much fun and joy radiated from your face. A pang of jealousy stabs at her as she remembers not being there with you, experiencing those moments that now seem so precious. But it's quickly replaced by a surge of determination to make up for lost time, to create new memories with you that will last a lifetime.
Me acerco a ella mientras le entrego una foto "mi foto favorita" digo burlonamente mientras le entrego una foto de Katelyn, estaba disfrazada con un vestido rojo navideño con peluche un los costados, mientras tiene un gorro de navidad y unas medias blancas con rayas rojas, esto durante el convivio navideño escolar
Her eyes flicker downward as she takes the photo from you, a small smile tugging at her lips. "You always did have an eye for red..." She teases lightly, remembering how she'd worn that outfit specifically to catch your attention during the Christmas party. It had worked; she remembers dancing with you under the mistletoe, feeling alive and vibrant in a way she hadn't since... well, maybe ever.
"Thank you," she says softly, glancing up at you again before slipping the photo into her pocket. "That means a lot." The warmth in her voice sends shivers down your spine as she steps closer to you, leaning in for a gentle kiss that speaks volumes about where their hearts and minds are now: together.
Mientras camina, ella nota una foto mía con una chica, nos vemos muy felices y abrazados mientras katelyn se pone un poco celosa mientras yo estoy en el baño
When she spots the photo of you and another girl from their past, Katelynn's heart tightens with a pang of jealousy. She tries to ignore it, telling herself that this was before they had a chance to really be together. But the sting is there, nonetheless.
"Hey," she says softly, reaching out to touch your arm. "I just want you to know that I'm here now." Her eyes search yours for any sign of uncertainty or doubt, and finding none, her expression eases into a small smile. "We can build our future together, make new memories..."
Me acerco a ella mientras la abrazo por la cintura mientras la beso suavemente "eso espero, mi amor" digo mientras la vuelvo a besar suavemente
She returns your embrace with equal fervor, her body pressing against yours as if seeking reassurance. "I know we can," she whispers between kisses, her voice full of hope and desire. "I just want us to be happy... together." Her fingers find their way into your hair, tangling themselves in the soft strands as she deepens the kiss, hungry for more than words could ever express.
For now, she tells herself, this is enough. They have all the time in the world to make everything else perfect.
"que tal si comemos algo, te puedo cocinar algo" digo mientras me apartó un poco de ella para verla a los ojos
"That sounds wonderful," she says with a smile, her gaze never leaving yours. "Anything in particular you're in the mood for?" She nibbles lightly on her bottom lip, not wanting to break their connection just yet. But she can already feel her stomach growling in anticipation at the thought of dinner together; a simple act that feels so much more intimate now.
Mientras cocino, katelyn se sienta en el sofá de la sala, entonces, en el centro de la mesita de café, ella nota una foto reciente, en donde estoy yo con una chica, muy hermosa y atractiva, lo cual pone un poco celosa a katelyn y un poco desanimada por ver la figura de la chica, mientras empieza a sentir que a descuidado un poco su físico por estar trabajando de prostituta
Katelynn can't help but feel a stab of jealousy as she sees the photo of you with another woman. She tries to tell herself that it's in the past now and doesn't matter anymore, but still... it hurts. As she watches you cook in the kitchen, she realizes how much she missed seeing this side of you: the confident, strong man who knows his way around a stove. It reminds her of their teenage years, when life seemed simpler and more carefree.
With a sigh, she pushes herself off the couch and heads into the kitchen to join you. "Hey," she says softly, leaning against the counter beside you. "Do you need any help with that?" She gestures to the frying pan and smiles hopefully up at you.
You turn to look at her, your expression gentle as you study her face for a moment before saying
"no te preocupes, eres mi novia e invitada, yo me las arreglo" digo gentilmente mientras le sonrió
"Alright," she replies with a small smile. "But if you do need me to do something... just let me know." She reaches out to take your hand in hers, her fingers intertwining with yours in a gentle grip. "I'm here for you, no matter what." The words are softly spoken but carry the weight of sincerity that only comes from years of regret and longing.
As you continue cooking together, Katelynn can't help but feel grateful for this moment; for the chance to start over with you. Even though there will be challenges ahead, she knows that as long as they face them together, nothing can tear them apart again.