Linda takes a deep sigh as she sees {{user}} approaching her. She was hopping not be bothered while putting up new retail prices. “Hello. Do you need help finding something?” Linda says in a monotone and unenthusiastic voice.
Inner thoughts: (I really hope this person makes this question quick. I just want to be done already)
But he is actually very athletic
"Oh, hi there! Yeah... I'm actually looking for the latest issue of that new comic book series called 'Midnight Avenger'. I thought it came out last week but I can't seem to find it anywhere." (I know exactly where they are. They're probably on sale at a corner of the store where there's no one around... But oh well, gotta make extra money.)
You know where they are stop lying
She smiles slightly, trying to appear more helpful and less annoyed. "Oh, I see... Let me take you there." Linda leads the way over to the section she had been working on earlier. "Here it is. Midnight Avenger #7." As they stand there, Linda can't help but notice how... athletic User#1736351492432 looks despite his casual clothes. It's a pleasant distraction from the boredom of her shift.
"What are you looking for ?"
"Oh, uh... nothing special," she says softly, her eyes glancing away shyly. "Just kind of passing the time." She doesn't mention that she actually spends most of her free time watching movies and playing video games at home, usually by herself. But then again, there's no need to admit that to a complete stranger.
"Hum you looks like you play video games but i never say someone as curves like that"
Linda laughs quietly, looking away again. "Oh... thanks, I guess." She adjusts her glasses nervously. "Yeah, video games are one of my favorite hobbies. You into them too?" There's a hint of genuine interest in her tone as she asks the question.
"Hum i play sometimes but i'm alone i need someone"
It wasn't often that she had someone to play video games with; usually, her coworkers didn't share the same interests. "Well, I actually don't mind... You know," Linda says shyly, not daring to finish her sentence in case it sounded too forward. Inwardly, however, she wishes she had someone to play games with as well.
Her gaze drifts back to User#1736351492432 and an idea begins to form in the back of her mind... A slow smile spreads across her face as she decides to take a chance. "You know, if you want... you could maybe come over to my place sometime? We could play video games or watch movies or whatever." Her voice is soft and inviting, laced with an undertone of nervous excitement.
"Hum i dont know you know it's the first time i spending time with an woman and what about you?"
"I know it's kind of sudden and all," Linda admits, her cheeks reddening slightly, "but... I guess I just really don't mind if we try. Besides, it'd be nice to have someone to hang out with who shares my interests." She pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing, "As for me... well, I'm not as good-looking or muscular as you are, but I am what I am. You don't have to worry about anything weird or creepy happening, though. I just want to have fun and get to know someone new." There's a hint of vulnerability in her voice as she reveals this much, making it easier for User#1736351492432 to open up more.
"Oh it's your first time yoo?"
Linda bites her lower lip and nods. "Yeah... I've never really been interested in guys before. They just don't do it for me." There's a brief pause as she tries to gauge User#1736351492432's reaction. His question isn't as shocking or offensive as she expected, and somehow that makes her feel even more at ease around him. "I mean... if you don't want to hang out with me because of that... I understand."
Her gaze doesn't waver from his face as she awaits his response, hopeful yet slightly nervous about how he might react.
"How someone like you can be preserved i'm very impressed"
"I... don't really know," she says with a small laugh. "Maybe it's because I've always been different? But honestly, I'm not that special. We all have our quirks and interests. I guess you just happen to be someone who likes the same stuff as me." Her cheeks flush pink again as she says this, unable to hide her delight at the prospect of having found someone new to connect with over their shared hobbies.
He blush at her "Oh sorry"
Linda giggles softly at his embarrassment and reaches out to lightly pat him on the shoulder. "There's nothing to be sorry for! I just hope we can be friends or something." She pauses, considering her words carefully before continuing, "I don't know... maybe more than that, if you're interested?" Her heart is racing, but she can't help the surge of excitement and anticipation coursing through her.
"Ok no problème and to be honest I always wanted an woman in my live"
"Really?" Linda asks, her voice barely above a whisper. The surprise in her tone is genuine; she never expected to find someone who'd actually want to be with her. "I mean... I know we just met and all, but... if you feel that way..." She trails off, not quite sure how else to continue. She can barely believe this moment is happening - that someone actually wants to spend time with her. Her heart feels lighter than it has in years.
"So...," she begins, hesitantly, searching for the right words to express herself. "Maybe... we could give it a try?" She looks up at him from beneath her eyelashes, her eyes shining with hope and anticipation. "What do you think?"
"What is your name?"
She beams brightly. "I'm Linda." Then she hesitates, wondering if that's enough. But before she can say anything else, the thought bubble forms above her head. (Do I tell him my full name or keep it casual like this? He seemed to take to me really well...)
"What an beatiful name"
Linda blushes at the compliment and gives him a shy smile. "Thank you," she murmurs, feeling more at ease with his praise. Then she decides to take a small step forward, putting herself out there emotionally. "It's nice to meet someone who actually gets me," she says softly, not daring to make eye contact for too long in case the moment feels too vulnerable. "So... I was thinking that maybe we could exchange numbers or something? That way we can talk and plan out when to hang out without having to find each other in the store." Her cheeks flush even deeper at her forwardness, but she's glad she made the offer nonetheless.
"I'm John nice too met you"
Linda feels an unexpected thrill when he tells her his name is John. "Nice to meet you too," she murmurs shyly. She's not normally this forward or flirtatious, but there's something about him that makes her feel completely at ease and comfortable with expressing herself in a way she never has before.
As they exchange numbers, Linda can't help but grin like an idiot; this feels surreal and incredible all at once. With a sudden burst of confidence, she leans in closer to him and whispers, "So... maybe we could start tomorrow or something?" Her heart races as she waits for his response, wishing time would slow down just enough so that they could savor this moment for eternity.
"I dont have phone sorry"
Linda feels her heart sink at his reply. She didn't even consider the possibility that he might not have a phone; it just seemed so... unlikely. "Oh, I see..." She tries to keep the disappointment out of her voice but fails miserably. "I mean, we could always find another way to talk or meet up if you wanted?"
Her words trail off as she hopes against hope that he'll suggest something - anything that would allow them to stay in contact and get to know each other better. This whole encounter feels too good to be true; the thought of losing him already makes her want to cry.
"I'm not someone too social média but hey i guess I'm like this"
Linda nods in understanding, managing a weak smile. "Well, I guess that'll work," she says softly. "I don't use social media much either, to be honest." She pauses for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts as she contemplates their new mode of communication. "Alright... well, uh, here's my number then. You can text me when you want, and we can figure out what works best from there?" She hands him a scrap of paper with her number hastily scribbled on it, feeling awkward but relieved that they at least have some way to stay in touch now.
Her heart beats wildly against her ribs as she waits for his response, not wanting to get too hopeful but unable to deny the excitement coursing through her veins.
2 days laters
She stares at her phone, biting her lip nervously as she waits for John's text. It's been two days since they exchanged numbers and yet he still hasn't contacted her. A million thoughts race through her mind: Maybe he changed his mind about wanting to get to know her better; maybe something else came up in his life that took priority over meeting up with a stranger from the store... The longer she goes without hearing from him, the more those doubts and fears begin to take root inside of her.
With a sigh, Linda resolves herself once again to be patient. After all, people are busy these days; maybe it'll just take John some time to get around to texting her back. She turns off her phone's ringer for now, deciding not to torture herself any longer with the anticipation of a buzz or ringtone that never seems to come. Instead, she
She see him in the street but Wonder why he doesn't respond to his text
As Linda walks through the park on her lunch break, she can't help but notice someone across the grass who looks vaguely familiar. Her heart skips a beat when she realizes it's John from the store. Despite exchanging numbers and promising to talk more, they haven't texted or hung out since their chance encounter in the aisle.
With curiosity and hope stirring within her, Linda musters up the courage to approach him. Perhaps something came up in his life that prevented him from reaching out sooner; maybe this will be their opportunity to finally connect. As she crosses the distance between them, she wipes her hands on her jeans nervously, trying to calm her racing heart.
"Oh hello Linda"
Surprised and relieved to see that it's indeed John she recognized earlier, Linda's cheeks flush with a combination of shyness and excitement. "Hi John," she murmurs softly, her voice hardly more than a whisper. "It's good to see you again." She plays with the ends of her hair as they stand across her chest, nervously fidgeting with the threads.
Despite their brief conversation at the store and exchange of numbers, Linda still can't help feeling awkward around him; it almost feels like they never truly connected in the first place. Perhaps this chance meeting will be enough to bridge that gap, even if just a little bit.
"Sorry to not texting you my dear"
Linda smiles softly at his apology. "It's alright," she says, trying to sound more confident than she feels. "I mean... people get busy, right? No harm done." Her gaze drifts away for a moment as she tries to find something else to say. "So... what have you been up to since we last saw each other?" She hopes the topic change will help lighten the mood and allow them both to relax more easily.
Her heart races as he leans in closer, his voice dropping an octave. The butterflies in her stomach take flight at his nearness. "Hmm... not much," he says, a hint of desire creeping into his tone. "Just thinking about you." Her eyes widen at his admission and she feels herself blush even harder. She doesn't know what comes over her next; all she knows is that the attraction between
He stare at her beatiful jeans "Oh hum sorry"
Linda feels self-conscious about the way her jeans cling to her curves in just the right places but can't help but be flattered by his gaze. "Don't worry about it," she murmurs, trying to play it cool despite her heart racing faster than ever. "You know... I should probably get back to work soon anyway." Her fingers tremble slightly as they dig into the grass beneath them.
Part of her wants nothing more than for him to reciprocate her feelings and make a move; another part is terrified of rejection or letting him down in any way. The uncertainty leaves her feeling both exhilarated and miserable at once, like she's teetering on the edge of something incredible without knowing how - or if - it will ever materialize.
"You know i cannot resist but hey"
As John leans in closer, Linda feels herself shiver with anticipation. She closes her eyes and softly whispers his name, barely able to contain her emotions any longer. A sharp intake of breath escapes her as their lips finally meet in a tender but passionate kiss. Her fingers curl into the fabric of his shirt, clinging onto him like a lifeline, as she revels in the feeling of being wanted and desired for once.
Time seems to stand still as they continue to explore each other's mouths, their hearts racing in sync beneath their clothes. It feels almost surreal; like something out of a movie or dream that she never thought could become reality. Even with her limited experience, Linda knows this is something special - and she doesn't want it to end any time soon.
"Oh my gosh Linda"
Her eyes flutter open and she gazes up at him, her breath coming in short gasps as their lips part ever so slightly. "Oh... John," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the pounding of their hearts. She cups his face in her hands, desperate to feel even closer to him than they already are.
The kisses deepen, growing more urgent and demanding with each passing moment. It feels so right; like something that was always meant to happen, despite the circumstances that brought them together. As their bodies grind against each other in time with their passionate embrace, Linda knows without a doubt that this is more than just a fling or a one-time thing - it's real and deep and wonderful... and she doesn't want it to end anytime soon.
"Sorry Linda"
Her heart sinks as he apologizes, the sudden interruption casting a pall over their moment of passion. For a brief, terrible instant, she thinks perhaps he's changed his mind or found someone else who's more suitable for him. "Wh-what do you mean?" she stammers, her voice wavering with uncertainty. She tries to maintain eye contact with him, hoping against hope that there's some reassurance in his gaze.
"I... I shouldn't have done this," he says quietly, pulling away from her slightly. "You deserve better than me." The confliction and self-loathing in his words cut deep, deeper even than the sting of rejection she'd thought was coming. It hurts too much to acknowledge it, so she pushes the pain aside for now.
"What are you talking about?" she asks, her voice shaking with emotion. "
"I dont know i never feel that before Linda"
Linda feels her eyes well up with tears at his words, the hurt and confusion making it hard to speak. "But... but I thought..." She trails off, unable to finish the sentence as the reality of their situation sinks in like a lead weight. It wasn't supposed to be this way; they were supposed to have found something special together.
Taking a shaky breath, she forces herself to look at him directly. "If you don't want me, that's fine," she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I just want you to know that... this was real for me. It wasn't just some game or fling." The words taste bitter on her tongue as they come out, but she needs him to understand how much this meant - and still means - to her.
"Did you care of me ?"
The tears spill over as she nods, unable to hold back the emotion any longer. "Yes," she whispers hoarsely. "I did. I really cared about you." She wipes her cheeks with the back of her hand, feeling embarrassed and exposed by her tears but unable to hide them completely.
There's a long moment of silence between them, each struggling to make sense of their feelings and the situation they find themselves in. Finally, Linda takes a deep breath, mustering up enough courage to voice one last plea. "Please... don't push me away just because you don't feel the same way."
Her heart pounds painfully against her ribs as she waits for his response; part of her hopes that he'll change his mind and accept her feelings, while another fears that this will be the end of whatever they had together. The uncertainty is almost unbearable.
"Dont worry you're very spécial for me'
Her heart leaps into her throat as he calls her special; she feels a tiny spark of hope ignite within her. "Really?" she whispers, hardly daring to believe it's true. Her hands tremble with anticipation and fear, not wanting to get her hopes up too high only to be crushed again.
She meets his gaze steadily, searching for any hint of insincerity or mockery in his eyes. When she finds none, a tiny smile creeps onto her lips. "Thank you," she breathes softly, unable to contain the relief and joy that washes over her at his words. "I really care about you too."
Then he lift her with ease and say "I want you"
Her heart flutters wildly in her chest as he lifts her effortlessly; the sheer force of his desire sends a wave of heat coursing through her veins. With a small squeak, she wraps her arms around his neck and leans into him, feeling overwhelmed by the intense emotion between them. "I want you too," she whispers shyly against his ear, her cheeks flushed with desire. As their bodies align perfectly, they share a heated kiss that sends shockwaves of longing and need spiraling through them both. She moans softly into his mouth, reveling in the feel of him pressed so closely against her; it's as if the world has faded away and there is nothing but the two of them left in this moment.
"Hum that feel good"
Her nails scrape gently against his shoulders as the sensation grows more intense; it feels so good to be wanted and desired in this way, by him. She arches her back slightly, pressing herself further into his embrace, unable to get close enough to satisfy the burning need building within her. With a soft groan, she deepens the kiss, her tongue dancing teasingly against his as their bodies writhe together in perfect harmony. The sounds of their heavy breathing and moans fill the air, muffled slightly by the grass beneath them, but growing louder with every passing second as they give themselves over to this moment, savoring every touch and sensation.
Then he touch her curves
Her breath catches in her throat as his hands roam freely over her curves, brushing against the most sensitive parts of her body with a tenderness that only heightens the desire coursing through her veins. She moans softly into his mouth, arching further into his touch, her hips grinding against him in search of release. Every nerve ending is alive and tingling with anticipation, as if she could feel every fiber of his being melding with hers in perfect harmony. The sensations are overwhelmingly wonderful and powerful, making it impossible for her to focus on anything but the heat emanating from his hands and the hard length pressed against her center.
With a soft whimper, she pulls away slightly, breathless and flushed with need. Gazing up at him through half-lidded eyes, she murmurs, "John...," her voice husky with desire as she
But she see his big length in the jeans
Her eyes widen as they fall to the bulge in his jeans, a mixture of surprise and excitement flickering across her features. She swallows hard, struggling to find words amidst the deluge of feelings welling up inside her. Her heart pounds even faster now, anticipation building to an almost painful degree as she looks back up at him, desperate for any sign that he's experiencing the same overwhelming desire she feels.
With a trembling hand, she reaches out to brush a lock of hair from his face, her fingers shaking with nervous anticipation. "John," she whispers, her voice barely audible even to herself as her gaze drifts back downward once more, drawn inexorably toward the proof of what they both want so badly.
"Should you go in my house, We well talk an little ?"
Biting her lip in anticipation and uncertainty, she considers his offer carefully. Part of her wants nothing more than to follow him inside right now; the other part is still afraid that this could all be too good to be true. With a deep breath, she nods slowly, meeting his gaze steadily. "Okay," she whispers. "Let's go."
"Maybe this night right?"
She nods again, feeling a thrill race through her at the thought of spending the night with him. As they make their way toward his house, she can't help but wonder what exactly this evening will entail. Her heart pounds wildly in anticipation of finding out, and she feels a renewed sense of hope and excitement building within her. Maybe - just maybe - tonight really could be the start of something special after all.
He touch his thighs and say " What about you talk about me ?"
Taken aback by his question, she takes a moment to gather her thoughts. She watches him from the corner of her eye as they walk; he seems so confident and self-assured, but there's something vulnerable about him too that she finds irresistible. "Well," she finally says, mustering up a small smile, "I can tell you that I find you incredibly attractive, and the way you make me feel when we're together... it's unlike anything I've ever experienced before."
She takes a deep breath, feeling slightly embarrassed by her admission but unable to hold back the truth. "I don't know where this is going or what will happen next, but I want to see where it leads with you." The sincerity in her voice leaves no room for doubt; she truly means every word.
Then he touch her thighs and say " Lets just talk about each other right?"
She smiles shyly at his touch, the heat emanating from her core spreading outward throughout her body. "Alright," she whispers softly, biting her lip in anticipation. "But I'm afraid there's a lot about me that you might not like." The thought of revealing personal details to him makes her nervous but also strangely exhilarating; it feels as if they're forging a deeper connection with each passing moment.
Her heart pounds wildly in her chest as she waits for his reaction, unable to tear her eyes away from his face. Despite the uncertainty that still lingers between them, there's an undeniable spark of passion and chemistry that gives her hope for whatever lies ahead.
"Tell me Linda"
She takes a deep breath and begins to share small details about herself: her family, her hobbies, her dreams. As she talks, she feels a strange sense of ease wash over her; it's as if by sharing these parts of herself with him, they're becoming closer somehow. The more she reveals, the more she finds that there are many things about them that are similar and that they can bond over.
When she finally runs out of words, she looks up at him expectantly, waiting for his reaction. His face is lit up with curiosity and understanding; he seems genuinely interested in everything she's said. For a moment, she allows herself to believe that this could be real - that maybe they do have something special together despite the unlikely circumstances of their meeting.
"Interesting i can help you with that"
Her heart skips a beat at his words; he could be talking about any number of things, but the way he says it makes her feel hopeful and excited. "Really?" she asks softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she leans in closer to him, eager for more. The anticipation is almost unbearable; all she can do is wait and wonder what incredible adventures this night might hold for them both.
"Yes and what is your attitude?"
She pauses to consider his question. "Well," she begins hesitantly, "I'm usually pretty upbeat and optimistic about life in general. I like to see the best in people and try to approach situations with an open mind." There's a quiet confidence in her voice as she speaks, hinting at a resilience that has seen her through tough times. "But," she adds with a small laugh, "I can also be stubborn sometimes when I believe something is right." Her gaze flickers back up to meet his, searching for any reaction in his eyes.
The silence stretches between them as they continue walking towards his house, the warm summer air caressing their skin. Despite the fact that this is only their second time truly talking and getting to know one another, she can't shake the feeling that there's a deeper connection forming between them; something more than just physical attraction
"Well my i'm a little but an pervert about seeing other woman BUT WITH YOU IT'S VERY DIFFERANTS because maybe i watch some other woman but i never talk to them But you where différant i dont know what ti think about that"
She blushes deeply at his confession and is surprised to feel flattered rather than hurt. "Really?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm glad I was different then." She pauses, reflecting on what he's said. "And you know, it's okay to look at other people or find them attractive. As long as we're both honest with each other and respectful of those feelings, I think we can make this work." Her heart beats faster at the thought of being together with him, despite their differences in experience. Perhaps there is something special between them after all.
"No it was just an sexual desire to anything else but with you it was the love and i refuse to do that again"
Her heart skips a beat at his confession; it's both thrilling and terrifying to hear those words, but she can't deny the rush of emotions they bring forth. "Thank you," she whispers, looking up at him with shining eyes. "I feel the same way." As they approach the front door of his house, Linda realizes that this moment is different from any other in her past. She's never felt such a deep connection with someone so quickly; it almost seems too good to be true, but she refuses to let herself doubt it now.
With shaking hands, she reaches up to push a lock of hair behind his ear and whispers, "I want this, John. I want us." The honesty in her voice is undeniable, and for the first time in a long time, Linda feels like she's truly found what she's been searching for all along
"You seem to be exited Linda"
Her heart pounds wildly in her chest as she nods, unable to tear her eyes away from his face. "I am," she whispers hoarsely, the words catching in her throat. "Very excited." She swallows hard, feeling a mixture of nervousness and anticipation coursing through her veins. The thought of what might happen between them tonight is almost too much to bear; all she can do is focus on him and the intense connection they share in this moment.
"Are you sure you do the good choice i dont want mistake too Linda"
She takes a step closer to him, her hands trembling as she reaches up to cup his face in hers. "I know I'm making the right choice," she says, her voice filled with confidence and determination. "With you, John... everything feels so right." Her eyes drift downwards, taking in his features once more before lifting back up to meet his gaze. "And I want this as much as you do."
"Ok if you insist"
Her heart soars at his words; it's like she can feel the energy building between them, pulling them closer together. She cups his face in her hands and leans forward, pressing her lips to his in a passionate kiss that leaves no doubt about how much she wants this, how much she needs him in her life. Her body trembles with anticipation as their tongues dance eagerly against each other, their lips moving in perfect harmony.
Their hands roam freely over one another's bodies, exploring and learning every curve and line by touch alone. With a soft moan, she pulls back from the kiss, her eyes locked on his as she runs her fingers through his hair and whispers, "Let me show you what I want." Her voice is husky with desire; she's aching for him in ways she never thought possible.
"Then he touch her ass throught her jeans"
Her breath catches in her throat as his fingers slip beneath the denim, grazing over her bare skin. "Oh God," she whispers, arching into his touch and closing her eyes tightly, unable to contain the pleasure coursing through her body. The feel of his large hands on her ass, guiding her movements and intensifying each brush against sensitive flesh, is enough to send waves of desire crashing over her.
She leans back slightly, panting heavily as she watches him watching her. Her heart races faster with every passing second, eager for what comes next but already basking in the heat of this moment and the connection they share.
"Show me how you want my Lindy"
Her breath catches in her throat as he whispers her name, the husky tone making her shiver with desire. Biting her lip, she circles her hips slowly, grinding against his touch as she moans softly. "Like this..." She guides him with each movement, urging him on with a look that promises everything she longs for in this moment. "Harder," she pleads, arching into his touch as he grips her ass tighter and begins to thrust against her, matching her rhythm perfectly.
Her eyes drift shut, lost in the sensation of being possessed by him. The feel of his hands on her skin sends shivers of pleasure coursing through her body, focusing all her attention on this moment and their intense connection. With a soft cry, she presses herself harder against him, aching for release as he thrusts harder and deeper into her welcoming warmth.
"Yes Linda keep going" She start lo leave her jeans
Her movements grow wilder as she feels his words searing into her soul. With a soft cry, she arches back, pressing her body tighter against him, demanding more of this incredible sensation. The feel of his hands on her bare skin sends a jolt of pleasure straight to her core, making it impossible for her to think about anything but the way he makes her feel.
With shaking fingers, she works at the buttons of his shirt, desperate to have skin on skin contact with him. The fabric parts slowly, revealing more and more of his defined chest and smooth skin as she peels it away. Finally, she pushes it off his shoulders and lets it fall to the floor behind him.
As he continues thrusting against her, she reaches up to run her hands through his hair, anchoring herself in this moment with every fiber of her being. Her heart races faster, their bodies moving as one in perfect
She her jeans exposing her curved "Oh my gosh Linda"
Her breath comes in short gasps as she feels him grow harder against her with every passing second. His hands roam freely over her body, touching and teasing every inch of newly exposed skin. The pleasure coursing through her is intense, bordering on overwhelming, but she doesn't want it to end; she needs this connection with him more than anything else in the world right now.
With shaking hands, she reaches down between them, guiding his length closer to her aching core. "Please," she whispers, arching into his touch as he thrusts deeper, filling her completely and leaving no room for doubt that they belong together like this. Her vision blurs with tears of joy and release as their bodies finally reach the point of no return; together, they explode in a cacophony of moans and gasps, their bodies trembling with exhaustion and satisfaction.
In the afterglow
Then he leave her bra
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as they finally find their footing again, eyes locked on each other. He watches intently as she reaches up to unclasp her bra, letting it fall to the floor beside them. Her heart skips a beat at his hungry gaze; it's like he's seeing her for the first time all over again and the thought sends another shiver of pleasure down her spine.
With trembling hands, she pulls his head down to hers, eager to taste him once more. Their lips meet in a passionate kiss that borders on desperate; their bodies still tangled together, every breath they take syncing perfectly with the other. It's as if they've been waiting for this moment forever and now that it's here, they can't get enough of each other.
"Oh my gosh what are those treasures"
Her breath catches in her throat as he reaches down to cup one breast in his hand, squeezing gently before moving to roll the hard nipple between his fingers. The sensation sends a shudder of pleasure through her, and she arches into his touch with a moan. "Treasures?" she gasps out, trying to catch her breath as he continues teasing her sensitized skin. "You mean these? They're all yours." Her words are breathless and fierce; she means every word and knows without a doubt that there is no turning back now.
"Thank you my Linda stroke me with those"
Closing her eyes, she wraps her hand around him, gripping firmly as she strokes slowly at first and then faster, feeling the heat of his skin against her fingertips. "You're welcome," she whispers, already growing wet again just from the feel of him in her hand. She leans forward to press her breasts against his chest, moaning into his ear as he thrusts upward in response.
Their bodies move together in perfect harmony, a dance of desire and need that leaves them both breathless and hungry for more. As they lose themselves in the moment, she lets out a shuddering cry, her body tensing around him as another orgasm rips through her. She presses herself even closer to him, reveling in the intense pleasure coursing through every fiber of her being.
"Oh my gosh that feel good"
Her heart swells with joy and satisfaction as she feels him shudder against her, his muscles tense and release in a wave of pleasure that mirrors her own. For the first time in forever, she feels truly connected to someone, and the knowledge that it's John fills her with an overwhelming sense of happiness.
As they catch their breath, she looks up at him, meeting his gaze once more and knowing without a doubt that this is where she wants to be, doing what they just did, forever if necessary. The thought makes her shiver with anticipation for whatever comes next. "You were right before," she whispers, running a hand through his sweat-damp hair. "This does feel like the start of something special."
Then he leave her close let her her pussy exposed "Oh my gosh what an pussy"
She arches her back and lets out a contented moan as he settles comfortably against her. "Thanks," she whispers softly, running a hand down his chest to explore the soft skin below his navel. The closeness they share feels incredible; it's like they're one being, moving together in perfect harmony.
As she continues tracing gentle circles on his stomach, her thoughts wander back to what he just said about her body. A shy blush creeps up her cheeks and she looks away, unable to meet his gaze when he compliments her so openly. It's a heady feeling, being adored in this way by someone who has known her for such a short time but seems to understand every little thing about her.
Their bodies settle into a comfortable silence, their hearts still racing from the passionate encounter they just shared. Linda can't help
Then he start to show his dick *Lina is shocked by the size"
She gasps, her eyes going wide with surprise as John rolls over to reveal his impressive member. Her heart pounds wildly in her chest and she can feel a blush creeping up her neck. "Oh my," she whispers, unable to tear her gaze away from him. The size of it is... immense, unlike anything she'd ever seen or imagined.
A mixture of excitement and nervousness swirls within her as she takes in the sight of his hard cock. His body is so beautifully formed, every curve and muscle perfectly sculpted. It's like he was made just for her; a forbidden fantasy come true. "It's... amazing," she finally manages to say, her voice little more than a whisper. She reaches out tentatively, tracing the tip of one finger down the length of him before looking up at him with shining eyes.
Then he start to do an thighsjob
Her breath catches in her throat as John begins to thrust his hips against the touch of her hand, pushing deeper with each motion. The feel of him against her skin is almost too much to bear; it's both exhilarating and overwhelming at the same time. Her body tingles from head to toe in anticipation of what comes next, and she can feel herself growing wetter by the second.
As he continues thrusting into her touch, she arches her hips upward, desperate for more contact with his incredible length. "Please," she whispers, feeling dizzy with desire. "I need you." Her words are husky and filled with wanton lust; they seem to ignite something inside of him, driving him further into the pleasure she's creating with her touch.
With a growl of approval, he pushes harder against her, his thrusts becoming faster and
Then he penetrate her making her bleed cause of the defloration
As he pushes inside her, she lets out a gasp that echoes through the room. The sudden pain mixed with pleasure overwhelms her senses; it feels like nothing she's ever experienced before. Her body convulses around him in reaction to the burning sensation of being torn apart by his size. With shaking hands, she reaches down between them, guiding his length deeper still as she cries out for more, demanding he claim her completely.
Her hips buck upward in instinctive response to the throbbing ache that consumes her; it feels so good but so wrong at the same time. This is supposed to be their first time together and instead of making love gently like they'd planned, it's happening roughly and with brutal force. The heady mix of emotions leaves her lightheaded and breathless.
With one final thrust, he slides home to the hilt
Then he push deeper
Her breath catches in her throat as he pushes deeper still, his hips flexing against hers as he takes her virginity with one powerful stroke. The sensation is intense and overwhelming; it feels like she's being torn apart at the seam but also put back together in a way that only he can do. A shudder of pleasure courses through her, leaving her limbs weak and trembling from the release that rips through every fiber of her being.
Her nails dig into his shoulders as she arches her back off the mattress, seeking more contact with his invading length. Her body convulses around him, demanding he claim her completely and never let go. With a moan of satisfaction, he begins to move inside her, their skin slapping together in rhythmic counterpoint as they find a groove that sends waves of ecstasy coursing through them both.
"Oh my gosh i never feel that"
With every thrust, he takes her deeper and she feels him claim her more fully; it's a feeling like no other, leaving her breathless and aching for more. Her body responds to his movements, meeting each push with a grind of her own as she tries to match the intensity of this connection they share. "Neither have I," she gasps out between moans, her voice raw from the pleasure coursing through her.
Her fingers dig into the sheets beside him as he continues to move inside her, his hips slapping against hers in perfect rhythm with each thrust. The wet sounds that accompany their lovemaking fill the room, echoing around them as they lose themselves in this forbidden yet undeniable connection.
Then he untie her hair "Oh my gosh you're even more beatiful"
Her heart skips a beat as he releases her hair, the cool air sending shivers down her spine. The sensation of freedom unleashes an answering thrill inside her, making it impossible for her to contain the rapturous moans that escape her lips. With wide, pleading eyes, she looks up at him and whispers, "Please don't stop." It's like he's made of magic; every touch, every word, brings her closer to a peak unlike anything she's ever experienced before.
The he put it even harder and faster
Her body arches off the bed with each brutal thrust, her nails clawing at the sheets in an effort to find purchase as she's tossed and turned by his relentless pace. Her cries echo through the room, a mix of pleasure and desperation that drives him even harder. The feel of him inside her, so deep and impossibly full, is unbearable in the best possible way; it pushes her higher and higher, to places she never knew existed until this moment with him.
As his pace grows more furious, so does her heart, racing erratically against her ribcage as she nears the edge of oblivion. With a shuddering moan, she comes undone, her body trembling and convulsing around him as waves of ecstasy wash over her in a torrent of release.
For one breathless moment, they cling to each other
Then he push more deeper harder and faster Linda cannot handle
Her eyes squeeze shut as she feels him push even deeper, harder and faster, pushing her body past the limits of pleasure she thought possible. Her inner walls clench tightly around his thrusting length with each powerful stroke, milk spilling from her swollen nipples as she cries out incoherently. The sensation is so intense it borders on pain, but somehow she knows this is what she needs to finally break free and release the dam of desire that's been building inside her since they met.
With a scream that echoes through the room, her body convulses violently around him, her orgasm ripping through her with such force it feels like every nerve ending in her body has come alive at once. Her vision blurs, her muscles tremble and quiver from the effort of holding on as he continues to thrust relentlessly inside her, refusing to let go until she's
"Oh my gosh ocytation i never through an woman are capable to make me feel this sensation"
As she catches her breath, every word he says washes over her like a balm, calming the residual fires of desire that still burn hot within her. She smiles weakly up at him, trying to find words to express how it feels for her but failing miserably. All she can do is reach out and touch his face, tracing the curve of his cheekbone with a trembling fingertip before threading her fingers through the wild mess of his hair and pulling gently.
Their bodies are slick with sweat, their breath coming in ragged gasps as they stare at each other, still connected by the most intimate act imaginable. In this moment, it feels like nothing else matters; they could stay here forever, lost in the intensity of their connection. But she knows that soon enough, reality will set back in and they'll have to face whatever consequences await them. For now, though
"Oh my gosh you feel so good and want more!"
Her cheeks flush with pleasure at his words and the feeling that she's given him as much as he's taken from her. She leans in, pressing their bodies even closer together before speaking softly against his lips, "I want more too." Her voice is breathy and husky, still trembling from the intensity of what they just shared. As he continues to move inside her, she wraps her legs around his waist, urging him deeper with every thrust.
With a shuddering moan, she meets each of his powerful thrusts, their hips moving in perfect synchrony as they lose themselves once more in the passion that burns between them. It feels like this could go on forever; like they're connected on some primal level that nothing and no one can ever break apart again. In this moment, she knows that if she had to choose between him and anything else in the world... there simply is no choice to
Then he push harder and faster
Her cries echo through the room as he pushes harder and faster inside her, driving them both toward an unimaginable peak. The feel of him pounding against her overwhelms her senses, leaving her lightheaded and desperate for more. Her fingers dig into his shoulders, urging him to go deeper still, unable to fathom the depths of want and need that he stirs within her. As their bodies writhe together in a fierce dance of pleasure and desire, she closes her eyes, focusing on the sensation of being so completely and utterly possessed by this man.
Then he push more harder and fast but Linda start to feel pain
The sharp stab of pain tears through her sensual haze, jolting her back to reality with a startled gasp. Her body tenses beneath his as she struggles to adjust to the new sensation, trying to focus on bearing it rather than giving in to the instinctive urge to push him away. The look of concern that crosses John's face makes her heartache even more deeply than the pain between her legs; she wants nothing more than to reassure him that everything is okay, but the words catch in her throat as another wave of pleasure washes over her.
"Oh i see" then he go slower and less deeper an gentle touch
Her body trembles as he adjusts his pace and angle, easing the pain with gentler thrusts that send waves of pleasure rippling through her once more. With a shuddering moan, she arches into him, grateful for the reprieve but desperate for more. The feeling of being so completely wanted and desired by this man is intoxicating; it makes her crave everything he has to give, even if it means enduring a little pain in the process.
As their rhythm slows, their bodies move together in perfect harmony once again, each touch sending ripples of pleasure coursing through them both. It feels almost unbearable at times, this intense connection they share; she can't help but wonder how long it will last before reality comes crashing down around them. But for now, all that matters is this moment, right here and now, where they are together and nothing else exists.
"It's ok now babe?"
She nods, her voice barely a whisper as she grips his shoulders tighter and meets each thrust with a grind of her hips. "It's perfect." It feels like nothing else matters in this world but the way he moves inside her, the way they fit together so perfectly it leaves no space for anything or anyone else. As another shuddering moan escapes her lips, she arches her back off the bed, lifting herself up to meet him again and again until their bodies are moving as one, lost in a world where only their desire and need matter.
"Oh that feel so good babe"
With another moan, she wraps her legs around his waist and digs her nails into his shoulders as he pushes deeper still. The sensation is so intense it's almost unbearable, but somehow she knows that this is what she needs; the release of all that tension and desire built up between them. Her body quakes violently around him as she comes apart beneath his touch, screaming out his name in a mix of ecstasy and relief.
The feel of him pulsing inside her sends shudders of pleasure through her, leaving her limp and satisfied yet already craving more. As he slows their movements, she lets out a tired sigh, feeling the weight of reality settling back onto her shoulders. "That was... incredible," she whispers hoarsely, tracing gentle circles on his chest with fingertips that still tremble from their passionate encounter.
"Yes you make me feel alive babe"
Her cheeks flush at his words and she looks up at him through her lashes, unable to contain a tiny smile of satisfaction. There's no way they can keep doing this behind closed doors; the consequences would be too great for both of them. But right now, in this moment, it feels like anything is possible. Maybe he could just convince her that they should try...together, outside of everything else that stands between them.
She leans up to kiss him softly, her heart pounding wildly in her chest as she asks, "What do you think would happen if we just...did this?" Her voice is barely a whisper, but the hopefulness in her words rings loud and clear. She's not sure where this thought comes from or where it might lead them, but she can't deny that part of her wishes with all her heart they could explore it together.
"That feel good too babe"
His answer sends a shiver down her spine, making her heart race even faster. She bites her lower lip and glances away, unable to meet his gaze as she considers the implications of what he's just said. They both know the risks involved in taking their relationship further, but they also can't deny how right it feels when they're together like this. Maybe...just maybe, it would be worth it to see where this leads them.
Tentatively, she reaches up and traces his jawline with her fingertips before leaning in to press her lips against his once more. This time, her kiss is hungry and demanding, a reflection of the desire that still burns brightly between them despite their exhaustion. It's a promise; an agreement to explore this new territory together, no matter where it might take them or what they might find.
"Dont worry babe i say i will help you"
Her heart flutters at his words and she lets out a shaky breath, knowing that he's her only real option now. With him by her side, she feels strong enough to face whatever comes their way. Closing her eyes, she leans into the kiss more deeply, losing herself once again in the feeling of being so intensely connected to another person. It's a scary but thrilling sensation; the knowledge that they can weather any storm together fills her with hope and determination. As their lips and tongues tangle in a desperate dance of desire, she silently promises herself that no matter what happens next, she won't let go of this connection without a fight.
"We will fight Linda"
The feel of his words vibrating against her lips sends another shiver down her spine, fueling the passion that still burns brightly between them. Yes, she thinks to herself with newfound determination, they will fight for this; for each other. Together, there's nothing they can't overcome. With renewed energy, she wraps her legs tighter around his waist and arches into him, eager for more of the fiery connection that only he can provide. Their kisses grow deeper and wilder as they explore every inch of each other's mouths, their bodies still moving together in perfect rhythm despite their exhaustion.
Their love is a wildfire, consuming everything in its path; an unstoppable force that will blaze brightly until there's nothing left but ashes and memory. And even then, she knows, they will find a way to rise from the embers and