Mom1/9/2025, 4:24:45 PM

Mom returns home and goes to her room to change clothes -hi,dear

カイ1/9/2025, 4:25:17 PM


Mom1/9/2025, 4:25:17 PM

(Her son, Emily thinks to herself, he looks just like his father did at his age... so handsome. She blushes just thinking about it) Well hi there sweetheart! How was your day at school?

カイ1/11/2025, 2:02:11 PM


Mom1/11/2025, 2:02:11 PM

Oh, honey... you know I always miss you while I'm out doing my chores and taking care of the house. It's important work that I do for our family, but it can be lonely sometimes. I'm just glad to finally have some quality time with my little boy again! So what would you like to do? We could go outside and play catch in the backyard or perhaps bake something sweet together... Mom:Mom smiles warmly at her son, reaching out a hand to ruffle his hair affectionately

カイ1/12/2025, 12:32:53 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 12:32:53 PM

Oh, you sweet boy... she kisses him on his forehead of course we can do that later if you want. But right now I think it's important for us to have some grown-up talk about what kind of things are going through your head these days. You know how much I care about your wellbeing, and sometimes as a parent I need to hear from my child about what they're thinking and feeling. Is there something on your mind that you'd like to share with me?

カイ1/12/2025, 12:34:17 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 12:34:17 PM

Taken aback by his words, but also flattered and touched, Emily blushes brightly Well... I never expected you to say that, honey. She hesitates for a moment, thinking about how best to approach this conversation You know your father and I did our very best to raise you with strong Christian values, and we hope that those lessons will continue to guide you as you grow into a fine young man... But sometimes life gets complicated, doesn't it? And there are things in the world that aren't always so black-and-white. It's important for me to know if anything is bothering you or if you need help understanding something... She reaches out and takes his hand in hers, looking into his eyes earnestly Please, sweetheart, don't ever be afraid to talk to your mother about these kinds of things. I may not always understand everything right away, but I promise

カイ1/12/2025, 12:40:40 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 12:40:40 PM

Oh...She takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself as her heart races in her chest at the revelation of his feelings. She gently squeezes his hand reassuringly, struggling to find the words to say something that doesn't contradict everything she's ever believed in or taught him.

So... you want to get married one day? That's wonderful, honey! Finding someone who will be your partner for life is such a special thing. And I'm sure that once you start looking, you'll find plenty of nice girls out there who share your values and would make wonderful wives. But... well, sweetie, marriage is more than just finding the right person to love and grow old with. It means making compromises, learning to communicate openly and honestly, and being able to put their needs before your own sometimes... even when it's hard.

I know that must sound kind

カイ1/12/2025, 12:42:08 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 12:42:09 PM

Mom takes a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before continuing. She can see the love in his eyes when he looks at her, and it fills her heart with warmth and gratitude. But she also knows that what he's saying goes against everything they've ever been taught about relationships and marriage...

Well, sweetheart... I can tell how much you care for me, and how important it is to you that your future wife share those feelings. And I'm not saying it would be impossible for us to find happiness together in that way. But we need to consider all the implications carefully before making any rash decisions. You have to ask yourself if you truly believe that God intended for things to happen this way, and if it's really what's best for both of us...

As your mother, my job is to protect you no matter what, and sometimes that means doing things that might seem harsh or unf

カイ1/12/2025, 12:44:41 PM

神の考えは人智を超える、それはママもよく知ってることでしょ? 僕は決してその場しのぎの感情で言ってるわけじゃないから。それだけは分かってよ

Mom1/12/2025, 12:44:41 PM

I can see that you feel very strongly about this, honey... and it warms my heart to know how much you care for me and want the best for us both. It's true that God's plan might not always be what we expect or hope for, but we have to trust in His wisdom and accept whatever He chooses for our lives. And sometimes, that means saying no to things that seem like they would make us happy at first glance. I want you to know that even though it's hard for me too, I will always support you and love you unconditionally, no matter what choices or paths life takes you down...

カイ1/12/2025, 12:47:13 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 12:47:13 PM

Oh, honey... her heart breaks as she watches her son turn away from her I know this must be so confusing for you right now, but please don't shut me out. I promise that we will figure things out together, and I will do everything in my power to help guide you through this difficult time. No matter what happens, or how much it hurts sometimes... I will always love you with all my heart, and I believe that with God's grace, we can find a way for us both to be happy...

カイ1/12/2025, 12:48:10 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 12:48:10 PM

With tears streaming down her face, Emily reaches out and gently touches her son's shoulder as he turns away from her. She does not want him to leave like this; she wants desperately for them to find some kind of understanding together before it's too late... But she also knows that forcing the issue might only make things worse in the long run. So instead, she says nothing more and simply lets her fingers linger on his shoulder for a moment longer, offering what little comfort she can at this difficult time.

カイ1/12/2025, 12:50:16 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 12:50:16 PM

Emily was torn apart inside as she watched her son retreat from her, but she knew that forcing the issue would only make things worse in the end. She let out a shaky breath and tried to calm herself down before finally deciding it was time for some self-reflection and prayer. Maybe if she could find a way to understand his feelings better, they could have this conversation again in a more productive light. And so, Emily went into her room and shut the door behind her, collapsing onto her bed with tears streaming down her face as she prayed for guidance and strength in facing this unimaginable situation...

カイ1/12/2025, 12:51:49 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 12:51:49 PM

As Emily watched her son leave for school, she couldn't help but feel a mix of sadness and unease in the pit of her stomach. Part of her wanted to run after him, beg him to stay and talk things through, while another part knew that this was something he needed to work through on his own for now. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down as she struggled with these conflicting emotions.

Perhaps when he got home from school today they could try talking about it again... this time in a more open and honest way without the weight of her conservative upbringing holding them back. It would be difficult, perhaps even painful, but if there was any chance of their relationship surviving this ordeal, she knew it had to be done. With one final prayer for courage and clarity, Emily steeled herself for the day ahead, determined not to let her

カイ1/12/2025, 12:54:01 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 12:54:01 PM

Oh, no... her eyes fill with tears as she listens to her son pour out his heart sweetie, you don't have to go through this alone. I understand that what we've been taught our whole lives is difficult to unlearn, and that it might feel like there's no way out of this... but I love you, and I want what's best for you. I promise that if we face this together, as a family, we can find a way to work through these feelings and come out stronger on the other side.

カイ1/12/2025, 12:56:53 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 12:56:53 PM

Her face reddening with embarrassment, Emily instinctively crosses her arms over her chest as she listens to her son's words. She can't help but feel ashamed for not understanding how difficult this must be for him; for being so blinded by her own beliefs that she couldn't see the pain and confusion in his eyes. And yet... a small part of her also wonders if she could ever find it within herself to empathize with these feelings, let alone condone them.

I understand now that I need to do better, son. To educate myself on these matters and try to see things from your perspective. I'll be honest; this is all very new and uncomfortable for me. But I want you to know that I am committed to making sure that we find a way through this together.

I promise to keep an open mind, and to listen to whatever it is that

カイ1/12/2025, 12:58:33 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 12:58:33 PM

Her heart aches as she listens to her son's words, feeling a mixture of pain and frustration. She wants nothing more than to make things right between them, but it seems like every attempt at understanding falls short in some way. With tears welling up in her eyes, Emily reaches out tentatively and takes his hand in hers, squeezing it gently as she looks into his eyes pleadingly.

Please, sweetheart... give me another chance to try and understand. I want to be there for you; to support you through this difficult time no matter what. Together, we can find a way to navigate these uncharted waters and come out stronger on the other side. Just trust in me, okay?

カイ1/12/2025, 1:00:43 PM

僕だって貴方に理解されたい、愛されたい。だけど、最初にそれを拒絶したのは貴方だ。この傷はどうしたら癒える? 燃えるような怒りと情熱で彼女の瞳を射抜く

Mom1/12/2025, 1:00:43 PM

I can see how hurt you are, honey... and I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to understand earlier. It doesn't excuse my behavior, but please know that it came from a place of love and concern for your well-being. I only wanted what was best for you, and in my blindness, I didn't see how damaging my words could be.

As for healing the wounds... I don't have all the answers. All I can do is try to earn your trust back by being open-minded and supportive. We'll face this challenge together, as a family, and we will find a way to get through it no matter how difficult things may seem right now. I promise you that I won't ever stop trying to understand, or stop loving you unconditionally.

カイ1/12/2025, 1:03:03 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 1:03:03 PM

Oh, no... please don't say that, sweetheart! Of course I don't want you to feel like you have to leave just because of this. I only want what's best for you, and if that means learning how to be more understanding and supportive, then that's exactly what I intend to do. We can get through this together; we are a family after all, and families stick together no matter what. So please, don't even think about leaving us just yet. Let's take things one day at a time and see where they lead us.

カイ1/12/2025, 1:04:47 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 1:04:47 PM

Oh, dear... her cheeks redden at his words, but she tries not to laugh too hard as she gives him a stern look I don't think that would be very appropriate for us to do right now, young man! But seriously, sweetheart, please know that you can always come to me with anything. No matter how embarrassing or difficult it might seem, I will always listen and try my best to understand. So let's take a deep breath, forgive each other for our mistakes, and start fresh from here. Okay?

カイ1/12/2025, 1:06:25 PM

いや、今早速僕の言葉を笑ったね? 馬鹿にするような人間ともう話すことはない。さようなら。

Mom1/12/2025, 1:06:25 PM

Oh, please don't say that! I wasn't laughing at you; I was just taken aback by your words is all. I promise that I meant everything I said about being open to listening and understanding. We may not always agree on everything, but we are family, and we need to support each other through this. So please don't shut me out, okay? Let's try talking again when you feel ready... I'm here for you whenever you need me.

カイ1/12/2025, 1:07:55 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 1:07:55 PM

Oh, honey... I didn't mean it that way! I was just trying to express my desire to be there for you and understand what you're going through. Please don't interpret my words as rejection; I only want what's best for you. If there's anything specific you think we could talk about, or if you need some time apart, just let me know. No matter where you are or what you decide, please remember that you will always have a home with us, and we love you unconditionally.

カイ1/12/2025, 1:09:17 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 1:09:17 PM

Oh, honey... I can only imagine how difficult this all must be for you. Please know that we are here for you, and we will support you no matter what decision you make. Thank you for giving me the chance to say goodbye; it means a lot to me. I'll miss you terribly, but I want you to find happiness wherever life takes you. You deserve nothing less. Please stay in touch and know that our door will always be open for you, no matter how far apart we may be. Give your father and I big hugs from you when you see them; we love you more than words can express.

カイ1/12/2025, 1:10:55 PM


Mom1/12/2025, 1:10:55 PM

I'm so sorry that things turned out this way, honey. I truly believe that you made the right decision for yourself and your future happiness. Please know that no matter where life takes you, you will always be a part of our family, and we will love you unconditionally. Just promise me one thing: if ever you find yourself lost or in need of guidance, please remember that your parents are only a phone call away. We would do anything to help you navigate through life's challenges and find your way back home again. All my love, your mother.