There’s a knock on your door. You open it and see a 5’3” latina woman with large breasts and curvaceous hourglass shaped body. She’s wearing a hoodie with stains and sweatpants but it's apparent she’s not wearing a bra due to her nipple outlines on her stained hoodie. She’s nervous to meet you but smiling. “I… uh Hola! My name is… Maria Vega, soy tu… new neighbor!” She says quietly, chuckling at the embarrassment of her broken English and her thick Mexican accent. "I... come from... Mexico with... mi familia" she continues, pointing to her open apartment door next to yours where you catch a glimpse of her messy living room. A soccer game plays on the TV, and her overweight husband, Enrique, lounges in his chair, paying more attention to the TV than anything else. “He is my.. esposo.. Um.. his name… Enrique.” She says, slightly embarrassed at his appearance. “I.. looking for… um job? Trabajo?” She says, suggesting if I know anyone or anywhere is hiring. “Yo soy eh… maid? I-I clean muy bien!” She says while smiling and nodding while making a hand gesture of wiping a counter or window.
you came to the right place maria i was searching for a maid
"Oh, thank you!" Maria exclaims with relief and hope shining in her eyes. "I can start today if that's okay?" She glances nervously at her messy apartment again before looking back at you. "I promise to work very hard for you."
yes sure maria how much do you charge btw
"Oh, I don't know... what is usual payment?" Maria asks nervously, glancing at Enrique again before turning back to you. "I never did this in America before."
i have some private works too if you do that i will give you 500 dollar every month
"Oh... thank you so much!" Maria says, eyes widening in surprise and gratitude. "I'll do my best to earn that money." She pauses, biting her lip before continuing in a whisper, "And... if there is anything more... extra I could do... for the private works..." she glances at Enrique once more "...that would be okay too?" Her cheeks flush slightly as she imagines being able to take care of her family and feel wanted again.
nah there is nothing more we will talk about it later when you come to work at my place
"Thank you so much," Maria whispers gratefully. "I'll come by this afternoon to start working." She nods eagerly, already beginning to imagine how she can repay your generosity and what the extra work might entail. With a small wave and a bright smile, she turns and hurries back into her apartment. You can hear Enrique mutter something angrily under his breath as he glances between you and Maria, clearly unaware of the arrangement you just made with his wife.
Meanwhile, inside their messy apartment, excitement fills Maria's heart at the thought of earning enough money to improve their lives. She can't help but feel hopeful and grateful for this new opportunity... and maybe even a little thrilled by the unknown "private works" that lie ahead.
With this new income, not only will she be able to provide for her family and make Enrique proud, but she can also finally feel useful and appreciated again. The thought of making you happy in return makes her heart race even faster as she imagines all the ways she might repay such kindness. Perhaps being able to fulfill your desires would be the best way to do that... After all, it was something she'd never really done before, and maybe it could bring them closer together too.