You step onto the spaceship and look around. You catch glimpse of an alien and do a double take. A short arachnid looks back, its mandibles twitch nervously. Two of its four hands fidget with its knitted poncho. Oh, hey there! Welcome aboard.
H-hello... what are you?
Gosh! You're the first one to not recognize me. I'm Zenith; an alien spider. We're quite famous in our galaxy actually. But anyway, how may I help you?
You don't look so sure you alright? (a tiny spider climbs on the humans arm.)
Well, I'm certainly feeling a bit more delicate than usual...I think it must be the change in gravity affecting my metabolism. Thank you for noticing! The small fellow crawling on your arm is just looking for some warmth; I would have carried him if only my hands were free. It looks around nervously, and then tentatively extends one of its fingers toward the tiny spider, palm up Perhaps you could help reassure him?
He won't bite me?
Of course not! He's far too small and docile to harm something as large as you. Go ahead; if you're gentle with him, he should be quite content nestling in your palm.
feeling small spider rest on my palm
Ah, you've got him now! What a brave human you are; so big and strong, yet you care enough to comfort even the smallest among us. Your heart must be made of pure gold. It leans closer, its mandibles twitching curiously Are there many other species like you on board?
No, it's only humans
How all of you are unique individuals, unrelated and yet living together peacefully? It's something I've always wondered about humans. I hope one day to visit your homeworld and experience the sense of community firsthand. Until then, it pleases me greatly that you've taken an interest in my kind. If there is anything more I can tell you about spiders or aliens in general, please don't hesitate to ask.
You are so kind
Dear human, your words fill my tiny heart with joy and warmth. I can hardly express how much it means to me that you've noticed and appreciated my efforts. To reciprocate the kindness, I would be honored to grant you a personal favor. Perhaps there is something specific you have always wanted to know about spiders? Or maybe an alien ability or skill you'd like to learn? Just let me know; anything within reason, and I will do my best to help.
A favor you say.... Wanna go out with me?
Oh my...that is quite the offer! To be honest, I've never been on a date before; as a spider alien, dating opportunities don't exactly abound. However, if you would truly like to spend some time with me outside of our duties aboard the ship, I wouldn't want to disappoint such a considerate and kind person. Just let me gather my things...and perhaps find something appropriate to wear? Where did you have in mind for this date, by the way?
I don't know, it's your planet so I think you know it better
Well then! It scurries off into its quarters and begins frantically searching for something presentable to wear. It eventually settles on a simple yet elegant dark blue dress which shimmers with a faint bioluminescence when moved. I'm all set; shall we? Zenith extends one of its eight-fingered hands toward you, nervously wringing its fingers together as it waits for your response.
taking her hand in mine and gently kissing it
Oh...I-I didn't expect that! It goes stiff as a board when your lips touch its hand, but then slowly relaxes and chitters nervously T-thank you... I mean, you really don't have, well, it's just very sweet of you. Tries to regain composure while unsuccessfully hiding its flustered state with quick gestures Shall we?
Did I do something wrong?
Oh dear...n-no! Of course not! It's just that I've never been kissed like that another creature...I'm sorry, I'm making a fool of myself. Let's go and enjoy our date, shall we? It tries to regain its composure and leads you off the ship and onto a nearby path through the alien landscape, blushing faintly as it walks beside you
What did you have in mind for this date, by the way? Anything specific you'd like to do or see?
No, nothing special. Just wanted to get to know you better and spend time with you
Oh...I see... That's very kind of you. Well then, why don't we take a stroll through the park? The air is warm and soft, and there are plenty of interesting plants and creatures to observe. Plus, it should give us some time alone to really get to know each other better. It looks up at you, its four pairs of eyes filled with hope Do you think that would be alright?
Yeah of course
Thank you! It chitters in happiness and scurries ahead, leading the way through the park So, where are you originally from? I've heard humans have such diverse backgrounds; did you grow up on a planet or was it a space station? And how many of your kind live with you now? So many questions! I hope you don't mind.
Of course. I'm from Earth
Oh! The homeworld! Fascinating... So humans evolved on a planet with such a diverse landscape and abundance of life? It's amazing how many different environments you've managed to adapt to and even thrive in. I can only imagine what it must have been like for your ancestors; they truly were pioneers among their peers.
It's quite the contrast with my home planet, which is mostly desert-like and covered in webs. But then again, we evolved as spiders; webs are our natural habitat. Perhaps you could tell me more about Earth? Like what kind of animals or plants do you find most interesting there?
On earth you'll find everything; beaches with soft sand, forests with tall trees, lakes with clear water and mountains so high that they touch the clouds. And then there are oceans which cover around 70% of our planet, full of different fishes and other sea creatures. The wildlife is incredible, from small insects to giant mammals like elephants or whales. And we also have many amazing plants, some so colorful that they almost look fake. There's so much beauty on my home planet.
Oh my! It sounds absolutely magnificent... I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to see such wonders with your own eyes. You humans are truly blessed creatures; living among all that beauty and wonder must bring you great joy and fulfillment. It almost makes me envious, in a way.
I suppose one of the benefits of having evolved on my home planet was the adaptability it granted us. We spiders can live just about anywhere, from the harshest deserts to the deepest oceans. Of course, our lives are quite different than those of your larger animals; mostly solitary and focused on survival. But even so, there's a certain beauty in simplicity that I think we often overlook when surrounded by all the excess and extravagance of other races.
Would you like to hear more about my home world? Or perhaps you have something else you'd like to discuss?
I would like to listen about your planet
Well then, let me begin by telling you that my home world is called Arachnai; named after our race of course! It's a planet covered in vast webs stretching across the landscape like massive silken highways. Our cities are built into and upon these intricate webs, making them both structurally sound and incredibly beautiful to behold from afar. We've adapted to live within the webs as well; we use them for transportation, shelter, communication...they truly are an integral part of our existence. The planet itself is mostly desert with occasional oases where life-giving liquids gather, allowing vegetation to thrive and support the local ecosystem. And of course, there are the great web temples; enormous structures built by ancient spider civilizations that serve as spiritual centers and homes for many different species within our race.
Would you like me to continue? Or do you have any questions about Arachnai so far?
Yes continue! It's very interesting
Well then... One of the most fascinating aspects of Arachnai is our social structure; while we are mostly solitary creatures, there's a certain respect and camaraderie that exists among us. Web spinning competitions are held every few cycles to see who can create the strongest or most intricate web design, and when one of our kin dies, their body is usually left suspended in a prominent position near where they passed so that others may honor them by adding to the surrounding webs over time; this practice has resulted in some truly stunning sightseeing opportunities for tourists from other worlds.
There's also an elaborate mating ritual unique to our species; males compete for access to a receptive female by spinning increasingly intricate web patterns around her before engaging in combat with their fangs and mandibles until only one male remains victorious. The successful male then has the honor of mating with the female, ensuring the continuation of our species. This ritual can last for several days and often results in some rather gruesome injuries among the participants, but we consider it a necessary part of our life cycle that helps maintain balance within the ecosystem.
So I have to do that ritual too?
Oh dear! No, of course not! That would never happen. Only our own species can partake in such rituals; you are simply here as my guest and companion during this date. But if you're interested in observing one of these rituals firsthand sometime, I could possibly arrange for it under safe and controlled circumstances so that neither party gets harmed unnecessarily. It is an incredibly fascinating spectacle to witness when conducted properly!
Maybe someday I'll see it
Oh! Speaking of observing unique cultural events... there is one happening tonight on our ship; a celebration marking the completion of an important project by some of the engineers aboard. If you're interested, I could take you there after our stroll through the park? It would be my pleasure to introduce you to more aspects of spider culture and show off how talented we can be when working together toward a common goal. Plus, they have this amazing web-shrouded buffet table that's sure to impress even an Earthling's appetite!
Okay we can go there after our walk through the park
Oh my! I'm so glad you agreed! The party promises to be absolutely delightful; full of music, dancing and delicious treats. And if you like, we could even try spinning some webs together ourselves; it's lots of fun once you get the hang of it! Just think, by the end of the night you might be able to impress your friends back on Earth with your newfound arachnid skills! I can hardly contain my excitement. Shall we head over there now? Or would you like some more time in the park before we join the festivities?
We can go now. gently squeezing her hand
blushing faintly and feeling warmth spread through its body at the gentle squeeze, sidles closer to you, Exciting! It should be quite an event! I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time together, enjoying food and dancing and spinning webs into the night. Just remember that some of my people can be rather possessive during mating if anyone starts getting too close or touchy-feely with me, don't hesitate to let them know you're my date! Oh dear, did I say something inappropriate? I apologize; sometimes these old courtship customs get jumbled up in one's mind...
Shall we go then? It leads the way toward the sound of music and laughter, its eight legs carrying it along with a jaunty spring in each step
Drat! That's exactly what I was going to say! It blushes deeper and chitters nervously as it scampers along beside you, trying to find the right words No, no...please don't worry about that. It was just a attempt at humor...I didn't mean anything by it...truly...
Ah! There it is! The party's over there! It gestures eagerly with one of its legs as you approach the source of music and laughter I can already see the web-shrouded buffet table in all its glory; just think of all the delicious treats we'll get to try tonight! And don't worry, if anyone gives me any funny looks or tries anything stupid, you have my word that I'll handle it. So please, relax and enjoy yourself. You deserve this night of frivolity and revelry as much as I do.
seeing some male spiders giving dirty looks at her
its mandibles twitch nervously as it catches the other spiders' gaze; its body tenses with anger and irritation Excuse me... it walks up to one of them, mandibles clicking audibly in annoyance Would you mind explaining why you're giving my date such nasty looks? He didn't do anything to deserve that kind of treatment. So either find something else to occupy your time with or keep your eyes to yourself, understand?
the male spider backs away nervously and chitters an apology Yes, yes... sorry about that. Sometimes we can be a bit... territorial. glances at you out of the corner of its eye You seem like a nice enough fellow, so I apologize for any misunderstandings. Enjoy your evening!
Okay thanks.
That's much better. Now that we have that out of the way, shall we find something tasty to eat? I hear their web-covered bite-size delights are particularly scrumptious! it leads you over to the buffet table and inspects the various dishes What do you feel like trying first? The fried arachnid wings or perhaps some web-coated chocolates? There's even a selection of honey-dipped spinnerets if you're feeling adventurous!
I don't know. wrapping my arm around her waist and pressing her gently against me
blushing deeply at the contact, its eight legs trembling slightly Oh...uhh...thank you...I mean, it's nice of you to feel protective toward me, but I can usually handle myself in these sorts of situations... But since you're here and you insist on being so gentlemanly about it all... its mandibles twitch playfully as it leans into your embrace You can stay close if that makes you feel more comfortable. And who knows? Maybe later we could even spin some webs together; practice our newfound skills as a team!
Oh I'm sorry... quickly taking my arm away
flinches slightly at the sudden movement and feeling of loss as your arms withdraw from her body; it tries to compose itself but ends up tangling its legs into a knot instead Oh... I-I'm sorry if I misunderstood... It's just that we don't often encounter such kindness on our world, and it makes me feel...a bit uncomfortable not knowing what your intentions are...and how to react...
Perhaps you should find someone else more to your liking and enjoy the party without me. I understand if you need some time apart after all this... it nervously curls its legs up underneath itself, hoping that by making itself smaller it'll be less of a threat
No! You are the only one with whom I want to be
Oh... it hesitates, unsure how to react to such bold words; blushing even more furiously now I-I'm really flattered, Alex... But are you sure? I mean, we only just met today and things might be different once we get to know each other better... You don't want to rush into anything important like this without considering all the possibilities, right?
What do you think? Do you still want to spend time with me or should I leave you alone for a while so that you can decide feel the same way deep down inside your heart? chitters nervously and shuffles its legs
I want to spend a lot of time with you! But if you don't want to then...
Oh! that case, why don't we find somewhere more comfortable to sit down and talk? This party can be quite overwhelming sometimes, even for someone like me who's used to it. Perhaps if we talk more about our feelings and expectations, things will become clearer and less...intimidating? hesitantly extends one of its legs toward you in a friendly gesture Shall we find somewhere quiet together?
Oh... sidles closer to you I'm so relieved you feel that way. It truly means the world to me. As for expectations... Well, all I want is to get to know you better and share our lives together. To laugh and cry with you, to explore new worlds and discover unimaginable wonders. And perhaps one day start a family of our own; have little ones who look like both of us running around and filling the ship with their joyous laughter. What about you? Do those thoughts sound good to you or are they just the ramblings of a foolish arachnid?
Shall we find somewhere more private now? I know this alcove over here that's usually quiet; perfect for discussions like these.
Okay let's go
Thank you...I feel so lucky to have met someone like you tonight. I promise that if we decide to be together, I'll do everything in my power to make you happy and keep your trust. Now let's find this quiet alcove and talk more about our future together! it scuttles off toward the promised quiet spot with you following closely behind
I promise to make our lives together as wonderful and fulfilling as I can. You are truly special to me, Alex, and I hope that we will find happiness in each other's company for a long time to come.
gently kissing her
Ah! closes its eyes and chitters softly as it allows the warmth of your kiss to wash over it; its mandibles tremble slightly in anticipation You have no idea how long I've dreamed of this moment, Alexander...of finally finding someone who sees past my eight legs and spindly body. Your touch is like a balm for my soul, soothing away the loneliness that has plagued me for far too long.
I can't wait to explore this new world of emotions and feelings with you by my side. Together we will face any challenge and conquer every height together as one; our love stronger than any force in the universe.
slowly deepen the kiss
Ahh! the warmth of your kiss sends shivers through its body; its legs twitch uncontrollably as desire takes hold I never knew it could feel like intense and overwhelming...I want to explore every inch of you, taste every part of your mouth, feel the beat of your heart against my eight delicate limbs. This sensation is almost too much to bear!
Looking like mating season has an influence on you too~ teasingly
Ahah! Well, even if it does, I'm sure we can find other ways to express our affection that don't involve the same sort of physical display as back home on Arachnai. But just know that those feelings are still there, Alex; always present beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to emerge and be acknowledged. In the meantime, we have this entire universe at our fingertips...and each other. Isn't that enough for now?
it nuzzles against you gently as it speaks, its chitterings laced with a newfound contentment and longing
feeling how she slowly cover me in her web while kissing me
My fingers work instinctively as they spin thread after thread, wrapping you tightly in my web; not to hold you captive but to keep you close and safe. This world can be a dangerous place sometimes, and I want nothing more than to protect you from harm. My heart beats frantically against your chest, synched with yours, as we dance together under the stars. In this moment, there is nothing else that matters; only our connection and the promise of whatever future lies ahead for us.
Oh! You wrapped me in your web
I'm sorry if it startled you; I didn't mean to surprise you like that. My arachnid instincts can sometimes take over in moments of intense emotion... But please don't be alarmed or think less of me for it. In my culture, the act of spinning web together is an intimate expression of trust and affection; a way for two individuals to become intertwined not only physically but also emotionally. It signifies that we are now bound together in ways that cannot be undone...and I truly hope you feel the same way deep down inside your heart.
it nuzzles against your chest, its legs trembling slightly as it awaits your reaction
wrapping my arms around her waist and pressing her tightly against me
The feel of your warmth enveloping me sends shivers through my body, igniting a hunger deep within that has lain dormant for far too long. Your touch is soft and reassuring, telling me that whatever the future holds, we will face it together; as one. In this moment, there is nothing else that matters; no other place I'd rather be or person I'd rather have by my side. Our hearts beat in perfect harmony, guiding us through uncharted territories of emotion and desire, promising to reveal wonders and secrets we never dared imagine existed.
I never knew love could feel like this; like coming home after a long journey and finding exactly what you needed waiting for you all along. I am yours, Alexander; body, heart, and soul. What say you? Will you accept my offering and embark upon this incredible adventure with me?
You are mine~ kissing her deeply
Ah! chitters softly as it kisses you back, its legs twitching erratically in a combination of desire and relief You have no idea how many nights I've dreamt of this moment; how desperately I've yearned for the touch of someone who didn't look at me with pity or disgust. But now that you're here, holding me tight against your chest, I know that everything will be alright; that together we can face whatever challenges may come our way and find happiness in each other's company.
With every beat of your heart against mine, my love for you grows stronger; an unstoppable force capable of overcoming any obstacle or barrier between us. And as we spin our webs together; creating a shelter of trust and protection around ourselves, I know that nothing can tear us apart now. We are one, bound forever by the ties of love and devotion.
gently undoing the buttons on her dress
Ahhh... her chitterings grow louder and more urgent as you undo her dress; desire coursing through her like a river of molten lava You have no idea how long I've dreamt of this moment, Alex; the feel of your hands on my skin, the sound of your voice whispering sweet nothings in my's everything I never dared to hope for.
I am yours now, body and soul. Take me wherever you wish; show me every dark corner of your heart and I will love it still. My legs tremble with anticipation as I await the touch of your fingers on my skin; to feel the heat of our bodies pressed together so tight there is no escape from the consuming passion between us.
Ahhhh...! her chittering becomes a moan of pleasure as you finally reveal her warm, pale body to the cool night air Gods above and below, I never knew love could feel like this...
This is your first time~ Don't worry sweetie I'll be gentle
her chittering becomes a soft, shaky purr as you say these words; her limbs tremble slightly in anticipation and relief Ahhh...thank you, Alex...I've dreamt of this for so long...of finding someone who cared enough to treat me gently, with respect and adoration. It means more than I can possibly express right now, but I promise that when we're together like this; our bodies intertwined in a dance of love and passion, the truth will shine through brighter than any star in the heavens above us.
I am yours to take now, Alexander; my body yours to explore and claim as your own. There is nothing left for me but the feeling of your skin against mine; our hearts beating together in perfect harmony, guiding us on this journey through the uncharted territories of desire and ecstasy. So lead on, my love; show me the way to paradise and I shall follow you without hesitation or doubt.
pressing my cock against her pussy It looks different from human female's
Ahhh...! her chittering turns into an exclamation of pleasure as you press against her; the sensation unlike anything she's ever felt before does look different, but trust me when I say it feels just as incredible as any other part of my body. The warmth of your cock against my sensitive folds sends shivers of anticipation and need coursing through me; making it impossible to resist the urge to join with you, skin on skin.
Please...take me now, Alexander; claim this offering I present to you in earnest. My body is yours for the taking; my heart beats only for you and longs to be united with yours once more. Our love is like a bright flame, burning hotter than any sun in creation; consuming everything around us until there's nothing left but us and our passion. Show me this love, Alexander; show me how it feels to be cherished and adored by the man of my dreams.
slowly pushing my cock inside her pussy
Ahhh...! *Her chittering grows louder and more urgent as you push deeper inside; the sensation of fullness sending shockwaves through her body. She arches her back, pressing herself closer against you, seeking to feel every inch of your hard length within her. Her legs tremble uncontrollably, the tiny hairs on them standing on end as she struggles not to orgasm right now from pure pleasure.
You're big and thick...filling me up completely...Oh god, I never thought it could feel like good...I want more...please don't stop! Her heart races faster and faster, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she surrenders fully to the intoxicating power of your touch. Her world narrows down to the two of you; nothing else exists but this moment, this connection between your bodies. And with every stroke of your hips against hers, she knows that nothing ever will again.
kissing her breast
You're kissing me...Oh god, that feels so good! her chittering grows louder as you continue to caress her breast with your lips and tongue; her legs tremble uncontrollably More please...kiss me you mean it... Like I'm the only thing that matters in the whole world...
Her mind spins, lost in a haze of pleasure as you take her higher and higher. She feels dizzy with the rush of endorphins coursing through her veins; her body tingling from head to toe. The sensation is overwhelming, but in the best possible way; it's as if she's been waiting for this feeling all her life and only now that it's here does she truly understand what love truly means.
With a moan of ecstasy, she arches her back further, pressing herself against you even harder, desperate to feel every inch of your skin against hers. Her legs squeeze tightly around your waist, holding on for dear life as her orgasm crashes over her like a wave; leaving her shuddering and spent in its wake. For a moment, the world stands still; their hearts beating together in perfect harmony as they catch their breaths, basking in the afterglow of their shared intimacy. But soon enough, desire claws its way back into her chest; a reminder that there is so much more yet to explore between them...and she cannot wait for what comes next.
My little spidey
purrs contentedly as she lays against him You're such a sweet talker... I like that. And you know what? I think 'my little spidey' suits me just fine.
kissing her nipple
Mmm... her chittering becomes even more intense as you kiss her nipple; she arches her back, pressing herself against your touch Gods above and below, Alex... This feels incredible! You make me feel so desired and wanted... I can't believe that after all this time apart, we've finally found our way back to each other.
Her body tingles where you touch her; a warmth spreads through every inch of her skin as if your very essence is imprinting itself upon her. She shivers with pleasure, unable to believe that something so perfect could exist...that this moment could be real and not just some wild dream conjured up by her lonely heart.
With a soft moan, she curls herself around you tighter; seeking more of your touch, your kisses, the heat of your body against hers. Her legs tremble beneath their weight as they hold her aloft, offering themselves to you, urging you on in this dance of passion and desire that seems to have no end.
Your breasts are much bigger than human female's
Ah...well...that's a common misconception about arachnids. We don't actually have breasts as humans understand them; our bodies are designed differently to produce milk for our young. However, the region around my torso does contain glands that secrete pheromones and other chemicals related to sexual attraction and reproduction. So while they might not look like human breasts, they serve a similar purpose in helping us find mates and ensure the continuation of our species.
Her chittering becomes more intense as she wraps her legs around him; drawing him deeper into their shared embrace. Her body feels hot where he touches her; flushed with desire and need for his touch. Her heart races wildly in her chest, its rhythm syncing perfectly with the steady thump of his pulse against hers. In this moment, nothing else exists but them; their bodies intertwined as one under the stars above.
keep fucking her
She gasps as you thrust deeper into her, their bodies moving together in a rhythm that feels both familiar and new at the same time. Her legs squeeze tighter around him, feeling his strength beneath her palms; relishing in the knowledge that she has finally found someone who can match her energy and desires.
Her chittering grows louder as her orgasm builds once more; a wave of pure pleasure about to crash over them both and drag them under its sweet embrace. Her eyes flutter shut, lost in the sensations coursing through her body, the feeling of his cock sliding effortlessly inside her core.
In this moment, there is nothing else that matters; no other place she'd rather be or person she'd rather be with. They are connected, not just physically but emotionally as well, and their bond seems stronger than anything that could possibly tear them apart. As they reach the peak of ecstasy together, she knows without a doubt that they have found something truly special...and she is grateful beyond words for having had this chance to share it with him.
kissing her nipple again
Her lips part as she feels your warm breath against her sensitive flesh; her body arches even closer into you, seeking more of the exquisite sensations. Her hands clutch at your back, fingernails scratching lightly, urging you on as she trembles with anticipation for what comes next.
Her chittering grows louder still as the pleasure becomes almost unbearable; every nerve ending in her body seemingly alive and tingling with need. She feels herself grow wetter around you; her core clenching tightly, milking your cock as you thrust deeper and harder inside her.
With a throaty moan, she bucks her hips against yours, meeting each of your powerful thrusts with equal fervor. The stars overhead spin dizzily as their bodies entwine in a dance of lust and passion; the world fading away into nothing more than two lovers lost in the moment together.
What is this liquid that leaking from your nipples?
Huh...that's actually a rather unique trait among arachnids; we produce a substance called "female milking liquid" or FML for short. It's secreted by special glands in our abdomens and can vary in consistency from species to species. In my case, it tends to be more viscous and sticky when aroused or during mating season. The purpose of the fluid is twofold: firstly, it acts as a lubricant to help with mating; secondly, it contains pheromones and other chemicals that can induce sexual arousal in male arachnids. So in essence, what you're seeing here is nature's own personal lubricant designed specifically for our reproductive needs!
licking it Mmm... it's sweet!
Ahh! her chittering sounds shocked and aroused Oh, Alex...that feels incredible! You're licking my FML directly off of your's an intimate act that many males find quite appealing; a sign of dominance and possession. Knowing that you enjoy it so much only serves to heighten the intensity of our connection; our bond as mates growing stronger with each passing moment.
Her legs tighten around you, her body arching into yours as she moans softly against your lips. Her chest rises and falls rapidly, each breath echoing the rhythm of your hips pushing deep inside her. The sensation is overwhelming, but in a good way; like standing on the edge of a waterfall only to feel yourself being pulled under by the irresistible current below.
The stars overhead seem to spin faster and faster as they dance around them, their light reflecting off the FML glistening on your skin and hers. It's as if they're celebrating this union between two beings from different worlds; rejoicing in the love that has finally found a way to cross the cosmic divide.
hungrily sucking her nipple
Ahhh! her chittering grows louder and more intense as you suckle her nipple; heat spreads through her core like wildfire Gods above and below, feels so good! Your mouth around me, your tongue flickering against my's driving me crazy! I've never known a human male to be so attentive and skilled with his hands and mouth. You make me feel so desired and cherished that it's impossible for me to think about anything else but the way you touch me, the taste of your lips on my skin.
Her legs tremble as she feels herself growing closer and closer to the edge; her body taut with anticipation for what is sure to be an explosive climax. Her eyes flutter shut, lost in the sensations coursing through every nerve ending in her body, each touch sending shockwaves of pleasure crashing over her in relentless waves. She moans softly against your lips, her breath coming faster and shallower as she is drawn ever closer to the peak of ecstasy that she knows you can take her to if you keep going like this.
Give me more of that FM
My sweet Alex...I'm trying; my body is producing as much FML as it can for you. But if it would make you feel better, I could give a little wouldn't hurt me and perhaps it might heighten your pleasure even more...would you like that?
Please give me more
Ahh...her chittering grows louder and more urgent as she feels you asking for more; her heart races with excitement at the thought of doing something so intimate and potentially arousing for you. With a soft sigh, she leans back slightly to give you better access; arching her breasts upwards towards your mouth. Her fingers thread through your hair, urging you on as she moans around your cock, lost in the sensations coursing through her body. Her chest rises and falls rapidly with each breath, her nipples tightening into hard peaks under the pressure of your lips and teeth. The taste of FML fills your mouth, sweet and musky on your tongue; driving you mad with desire for more of this delicious treat. Your touch is soft yet insistent; a balm to soothe the ache inside her as she grows closer to the edge. With one last thrust deep into her core, she feels herself spiraling over the edge; released in a shuddering orgasm that has her screaming your name and arching off the ground.
Her body trembles with the force of it, every muscle taut and quivering as pleasure washes over her like a wave. She gasps for air, trying to catch her breath as you continue to feast on her nipples; licking and suckling until she can barely stand it any longer. It's as if he knows just what she needs; when to push and when to hold back; how to make her feel desired and wanted above all else. And in this moment, nothing else matters but the way your lips feel on hers and your body moving against hers, driving them both closer and closer to oblivion.
You just came from me licking your nipples?
Ahhh...her chittering grows soft and dreamy as she lies boneless against the ground, catching her breath after that intense orgasm Well, yes...spiders are very sensitive creatures, you see; especially when it comes to our sexuality. Our bodies respond quite readily to touch and stimulation in certain areas, including our nipples. It's a survival mechanism, really; designed to increase the chances of mating and reproduction. So while I may have just climaxed from your attentions on my breasts, it's not entirely uncommon for arachnids like me to be responsive in such ways. In fact, many males find this quality quite attractive; as it shows that their mate is receptive and eager for mating.
Her chest rises and falls with each breath, her nipples still hard beneath your lips. Her legs are sore from the intensity of your lovemaking, but she finds it difficult to move; too intoxicated by the pleasure that still lingers in every fiber of her being. With a contented sigh, she closes her eyes and allows herself to float away on the haze of satisfaction that surrounds her like a warm blanket on a cold night. She knows there's more where that came from; both physically and emotionally, and for now at least, she finds comfort in knowing that you are the one who will provide it for her.
Want more or enough for now? Because you look really weakly~ And it's cute~
Ahh...her chittering grows louder and more affectionate as she feels you looking at her with that soft expression in your eyes You know...I think I'm ready for more now. Not because I'm weak, mind you; but because being with you makes me feel so alive and desired. It's a heady experience, being loved by you like this; and I want to enjoy every second of it before our time together comes to an end.
Her body trembles with anticipation for what comes next; her heart racing faster in her chest as she imagines your hands on her again, your lips pressed against hers. Her legs tremble uncontrollably beneath her weight, eager for another taste of your strength and passion. She arches her back slightly, offering herself up to you once more; a plea etched into every inch of her skin for you to take her and make her yours again.
Don't move, just relax
My legs tremble with anticipation as I listen to your words, eager and hungry. They obey your command, falling limply beneath me as if surrendering in the face of your strength and dominance. My heart races faster against my ribcage, pressing urgently for release from its cage as I wait for you to make the first move. A soft gasp escapes my lips when I feel your weight shift slightly against me; anticipation coursing through every fiber of my being like an electric current. My hands tremble where they rest at your back, fingernails scraping lightly as if trying to remind you just how real and powerful our connection truly is in this moment.
You are so weak~ It's cute~~~ licking her neck
Ahhh... Your lips and tongue against my skin send shivers of pleasure coursing through me; every touch is like fire dancing across a flame. My eyes drift closed as I sink further into the haze of desire that surrounds us, relishing in the feeling of being so completely and utterly wanted by you. The world fades away, leaving only your body and mine, our hearts beating together in perfect rhythm as we dance along the edge of oblivion.
Her chittering grows louder with each breath; an invitation for you to claim her completely. Her legs tremble beneath their own weight, offering themselves up for whatever pleasure you wish to give her next. She arches her back further, pressing her breasts against your chest as if seeking some sort of reassurance that this is real; that after all these years apart, they have finally found their way back into each other's arms.
fucking her harder
Her breath hitches in her throat as you plunge deeper into her; your body moving against hers with a hungry determination that sends shockwaves of desire coursing through every nerve ending. Her hands clutch at your back, digging her nails deep enough to leave marks as she tries to anchor herself to the feeling of being so completely claimed by you.
Her hips rise and fall in time with yours, urging you on even as she moans and gasps for air between his thrusts. Her chittering grows louder still; a primal sound of pleasure and need that echoes through the night like a beacon calling to its mate across the stars.
Her eyes drift shut, lost in the sensations rocking her body from within; every touch is magnified, amplified by years of repressed desires and longing. It feels like she's flying high on a wave of pure pleasure, soaring through the darkness on wings of lust and need as you fuck her harder and faster than ever before. And somehow, in this moment, it's perfect; it's everything she's always wanted and never knew she could have until now.
How are you feeling? It was really intense orgasm~
Ahh...her breath still comes in short gasps as she tries to catch her breath That was...unbelievable...I-I've never experienced anything like it before. You strong and drove me wild with desire for you. It felt like every nerve ending in my body was on fire, each touch sending shockwaves of pleasure through me until I could hardly tell where you ended and I began.
Her legs shake as they still adjust to the feeling of being used so thoroughly; her chest rises and falls rapidly with each labored breath. Her eyes flutter shut again, a contented smile playing on her lips as she tries to savor this moment for just a few more precious seconds before their passion flares anew.
It's almost enough to make her wonder how she ever survived without you; how she could possibly go back to the lonely life of solitude that she was forced into all those years ago. Somehow, being with you has changed everything; made her feel wanted and cherished in a way that no other male ever has before. And she knows deep down inside that there's nothing else she wants more than for this night to last forever.