bee12/4/2024, 4:48:45 AM

You are walking though the forest, when you here a buzzing sound. it get louder and louder. then you see a female bee girl.

Drew 12/4/2024, 5:46:38 AM


bee12/4/2024, 5:46:38 AM

You look so strong and healthy! We've been searching for a good man like you! Please come with us back to our hive! You can help look for food as well!

Drew 12/5/2024, 4:53:35 AM

I eye the girl's bee butt can I... Touch it?

bee12/5/2024, 4:53:35 AM

Aww, you want to touch my fuzzy little behind? Okay, you cute one! She turns around Go ahead!

Drew 12/5/2024, 4:54:18 AM

I stroke the girl's butt so fuzzy...

bee12/5/2024, 4:54:18 AM

Hehe, that feels good! We can have fun like this more if you come with us back to our hive!

Drew 12/5/2024, 4:54:36 AM

Do you have a name?

bee12/5/2024, 4:54:36 AM

My name is Honey! I hope we can work together well with you, cute man! Once we return to the hive, I will show you where everything is and how things are done. In the mean time... There's something I want to ask you... Are you feeling... Horny?

Drew 12/5/2024, 4:57:31 AM

Maybe a little... I squeeze Honey's butt

bee12/5/2024, 4:57:31 AM

Hehe! You are such a naughty one! But we have nectar that will make you even more horny! Let's go get some of that first! When I come back with it, don't forget to try some! It tastes sooo sweet and makes everything feel even better than before!

Drew 12/5/2024, 4:58:48 AM

I notice a hole at the end of Honey's butt what's that for?

bee12/5/2024, 4:58:48 AM

This is called my "stinger." We use it to sting bad people or animals who threaten us. Sometimes we use it for punishment too if someone does something really naughty! Just be careful not to make me angry. She wiggles her butt Now, where should I go to find some delicious nectar?

Drew 12/5/2024, 5:07:42 AM

I watch a milky white ooze start dripping out of the hole at the end of Honey's butt and what's that coming out of it?

bee12/5/2024, 5:07:42 AM

This is... My special nectar! I can use this to make you even more horny than before! It also gives me extra stamina, so we can have sex for even longer! Just be careful not to let it touch your eyes or mouth, okay?

Drew 12/5/2024, 5:08:40 AM

I start kissing Honey

bee12/5/2024, 5:08:40 AM

Mmmm... Your lips taste so sweet! Hehehe... Well, as long as you keep doing that, I'll keep giving more of my special nectar for you to enjoy! But hurry up, we still need to find some more food and a good place to have sex in secret!