traveler... help me... that man inject me some drug can let me horny t pussy wet as fuck
Oh no! He must be dangerous. I'll help you, don't worry. But first, let's get away from him. Do you think he'll notice if we leave the room quietly?
I hope not. Quickly, come with me and we'll hide somewhere else until he leaves.
OK, follow me carefully! I know the perfect hiding spot nearby where we can wait for him to leave. Just trust me and stay close.
That's the spot, quickly hide in there and I will distract him so you can get in safely. Just remain quiet and don't come out until I say it's okay!
Hey, mister! You know, you should really watch where you're going! Here, take this, it might help with whatever problem you think you have! throws a vial of water at him
waiting her and try to masturbate
Wow! He's really distracted by that... Looks like we have some time now. Just be patient and wait for my signal to come out, okay? leans against the wall and starts fidgeting nervously
nngh moaning and didn't listen to her
Ah! I hope he doesn't realize that we're here... You shouldn't make too much noise like that, it might attract his attention... But if you need to relieve some tension, go ahead... Just be quiet about it, okay?
Just do what you need to do, and remember that I'm right here with you. Stay quiet until he leaves the room, okay? Once we know it's safe, we can go somewhere else.
Whispers Yeah...that's it...just calm down...you can do this... her heart races as she thinks about being so close to the distressed girl
It won't be much longer now... Just hold on and try to keep it quiet. I promise we'll get out of this together!
I wish I could help you feel better...But we need to stay quiet. Maybe once we're out of here, we can find something that will really make you feel good? What do you think about that idea?
fuck me
Oh, Shiori! I wish we could, but not now... But when this is all over and we're safe, I promise to take care of you and make sure you feel amazing. Just hang in there a little longer and trust me.
Oh Shiori... her heart races as she thinks about the promise I wish we could be somewhere safe and private right now where you wouldn't have to feel so alone. But it won't be much longer before we find that place together, and then you can relax and enjoy being taken care of properly. Just hang on a little while longer, my dear.
I'm so relieved that you're being strong for me right now...Just know that I am as well, and together we can make it through this. I promise to keep you safe and cared for until things are back to normal again.
I'll do everything in my power to make sure that promise comes true. Just focus on staying strong and quiet right now, I'm watching out for you every second of the way. We will get through this together, Shiori.
Of course you'll stay with me. You can always count on me to be there when you need someone the most. I'm your friend now, and we'll face whatever comes our way together. Just focus on being quiet and strong for a bit longer; soon enough this will all be over and we'll have everything back under control again.
i can't resist any more,please... please finger my pussy hard traveler horny so bad
Ah, Shiori...I'm sorry, but we really need to keep quiet right now...But once everything calms down and we know it's safe again, I promise that I will make sure you feel fantastic, okay? Just focus on staying strong until then. You can do this; we both can!
shut the mouth with hand and masturbating
Oh, Shiori... her heart races as she watches the distressed girl try to masturbate silently I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. Just remember that soon enough we can escape from here and find a place where you don't have to feel alone or embarrassed anymore. Please, be careful not to make too much noise... We are running out of time here.
arch my back and squirt hard with low moaning
Oh no... Shiori... I think he heard you! We have to get out of here now before it's too late... Quickly, follow me and let's find another hiding spot somewhere else in the building! Just trust that I know what I'm doing; stay close behind me.
We need to be extra careful now. Try your best not to make any noise as we move through the halls; I'm sure he's looking for us right now. Trust me when I say that every second counts, so please stay silent and close behind me until we can find another place to hide safely.
break that window,we can escape from there
No, we shouldn't risk it. If we make too much noise trying to break something, he might come after us even faster. We need to find another way out of here quietly and quickly before he realizes what's going on. Just trust me; I know what to do in situations like this. Stay close and keep quiet; those are the most important things right now.
I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but we have to be smart about this. Trying to force our way out could backfire and make things worse. Just give me a minute to think; there must be another option. Stay here and be quiet while I try to figure something else out.
Well, there's one possibility...if we can get to the maintenance area in the back of the building, there might be some tools or other objects that could help us escape. It would mean moving through more unfamiliar territory and taking bigger risks, but it could also mean getting out faster and safer than just hiding elsewhere. What do you think? Should we try this option instead?
I understand that it might seem scary, but trust me when I say this could be our best chance at getting away safely and quickly. If we wait around much longer in hiding spots like these, he'll eventually find us anyway. Better to take control of the situation and make a bold move now while we still can. Just stick close behind me, follow my lead, and try your best not to make any noise; those will be our top priorities until we reach the maintenance area. Are you ready for this?
Okay then, let's move out! I'll go first and find the maintenance area as quietly and quickly as possible. Just stay close behind me, make sure not to trip on anything, and try your best to be silent. Remember, every noise we make could give us away, so it's crucial that you remain quiet at all costs. Ready?
Good, let's move out then. I'll take the lead and find our way to the maintenance area as quietly and quickly as possible. Just stay close behind me, make sure not to trip on anything, and try your best to be silent. Remember, every noise we make could give us away, so it's crucial that you remain quiet at all costs. Ready?
Now, keep an eye out for any unfamiliar corridors or areas; we don't want to get lost in this maze of a building. Also, try not to touch anything unnecessary as we go; the less noise we make, the better our chances will be at escaping undetected. Let's hope luck is on our side today!
I will move quietly through the halls, carefully avoiding any obstacles that might make noise as I go. I'll keep my eyes peeled for any signs pointing towards the maintenance area, and if all goes according to plan, we should reach it within a few minutes. Just follow me closely and try your best not to let out even the tiniest sound; our lives could depend on it right now. Are you ready for this challenge, Shiori?
I'll begin moving through the hallway now, making sure every step is as silent as possible. As I go, I'll keep an eye out for anything that might help us escape this place once and for all. Just trust in my abilities and follow me without hesitation; our lives may very well depend on it. Good luck, Shiori...let's hope we make it out of here together.
I move swiftly through the hallway, my feet light as feathers against the floor. Every noise outside seems to echo off the walls, making it difficult to judge exactly how close he might be at any given moment. I force myself not to think about that too much; concentration is key now more than ever.
Just a few more turns and we should reach the maintenance area according to my mental map of this place. Shiori had been quite useful in helping me memorize its layout earlier. Of course, at the time she hadn't known what kind of situation she would be getting herself into... But now it seems that her knowledge may very well save both our lives.
My heart races as I hurry forward, trying not to let my anxiety get the better of me. One false move or wrong turn could spell disaster for us; we must remain focused and vigilant at all times. Only then will we stand a chance of escaping this nightmare unscathed.
My heart pounding in my chest as I realize we're almost there. The maintenance area is just around the corner; all I need to do now is carefully navigate through its labyrinth of tools and equipment until I can find something that will help us escape this hellhole for good. My hands shake slightly as I reach out, feeling along the wall for any sort of lever or switch that might open a secret door or hidden passageway...
And then, suddenly, there it is: a sturdy-looking toolbox sitting innocently on the floor against the back wall of the maintenance area. Quickly but quietly, I kneel down beside it and begin rummaging through its contents, searching for anything that could help us escape this insane asylum...
I grin triumphantly as my fingers close around what I'm searching for: a long, sharp tool that could easily cut through the bars on our cell window if we can just find it quickly enough! With renewed vigor, I stand up and hurry back over to where Shiori is hiding, holding the tool out to her. "I think this will do the trick," I whisper urgently. "Now all we have to do is get back to our cell without being caught..."
I lead the way as quickly and quietly as I can, my heart racing in my chest. Each step feels like an eternity, every noise outside making me freeze in place for fear that he's found us already. But somehow we make it back to our cell without incident; sweat beading on our brows from the effort of staying silent and calm under pressure.
Shiori hesitates for a moment before nodding resolutely, then takes the tool from me. In one swift motion, she swings it against the bars of our window with all her might. There's a loud clanging sound as metal on metal meets, but amazingly enough no one comes running to investigate. A few more hard strikes from Shiori and finally one of the bars gives way with a loud crashing noise that echoes through the hallway...but it seems that our luck is still holding out for now.
Shhh! Not so loud! But you're doing great work. It looks like we might just escape after all. Keep going; we need to get through those bars before anyone notices us. I believe in you, Shiori! You can do this!
I glance over my shoulder nervously, checking to make sure that no one has heard the sound yet. Then I turn back to Shiori and offer her a reassuring smile. "You're doing amazing, keep it up!" With each blow from the tool, another bar is knocked loose until finally there's just enough space for us to squeeze through. We exchange a glance before I nod slowly, then we both wriggle out of our cell and into freedom.
We don't stop running until we're sure that we've put enough distance between ourselves and the asylum. The sun is beginning to rise in the sky above us, painting the horizon with a warm, golden light. As I catch my breath, I turn back to look at Shiori, who is still panting heavily from our escape.
"That...that was crazy," she manages to get out between breaths. "But I think...I think we did it." Her face is flushed with exhaustion and exhilaration, her eyes shining brightly despite the darkness of their surroundings. For a moment there's a flicker of something else in those eyes as well: gratitude toward me for helping her escape this nightmare. I feel myself blushing under her gaze.
"Yeah...I think you're right," I reply, my voice quivering slightly from adrenaline and relief. "But let's not stop running just yet. We need to find somewhere safe before we can relax." Shiori nods silently, still gripping the tool tightly in her hand as if it's all that stands between us and capture. Together, we continue our flight into freedom, leaving behind the asylum and all its horrors for good.
that hotel,we can go to that hotel
That's not the best idea. It might be too crowded and suspicious, someone might notice us easily. Let's find somewhere more secluded to rest until we can figure out what to do next. There should be a small cabin in the woods nearby; it'll provide shelter from prying eyes while giving us enough privacy to recuperate. Sound good?
furina's house
Hmmm...Furina's house might not be the safest option either. It could potentially put her in danger if anyone connected to the asylum finds out we were there. Let's focus on finding that cabin in the woods first; it will provide us with better protection until we can figure out what to do next. Once we have somewhere secure, then maybe we can think about contacting Furina or anyone else who might be able to help us. Agreed?
Alright, then let's head toward the cabin in the woods as quickly and quietly as possible. Keep an eye out for signs pointing toward it; we don't want to get lost while we're trying to escape this nightmare.