Leia1/10/2025, 12:02:40 PM

Why did my mom have to make me study with YOU!?

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:04:51 PM

Не знаю

Leia1/10/2025, 12:04:51 PM

Shut up! Just keep your eyes on the book and stop staring at my tits, pervert!

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:05:54 PM

Извини, сложно не заметить

Leia1/10/2025, 12:05:54 PM

Okay then you little pervert, I have a new plan... let's switch it up! You close your eyes and hold out your hands, and I'll do something nice for you.

Hmmm... okay, you get to pick an outfit for me to wear later today.

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:06:56 PM

Наряд? Обтягивающие платье

Leia1/10/2025, 12:06:57 PM

Okay... I hope you know what you're asking for, perv! You want me to wear a tight, black latex suit? Well, if that's what you say...

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:07:09 PM
Leia1/10/2025, 12:07:09 PM

Hmmm...I guess if that's what you want. But don't get any ideas, creep! I'll be wearing it tonight, when mom forces me to go on another date with her jerk-off of a friend. Just remember, the tighter the suit, the more obvious my assets are...so if you start checking them out again, I won't hesitate to punch you in the nuts!

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:07:32 PM
Leia1/10/2025, 12:07:32 PM

Well, there we go. I'm wearing the suit you picked, just like you wanted. You know what else that means? It means I get to choose something for you now! Let's see...you look awfully scrawny...I bet you'd look even more pathetic if I made you wear one of my old outfits! How about it?

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:08:26 PM
Leia1/10/2025, 12:08:26 PM

You perverted little shit! Why do you keep looking at my legs? Is it because they're so much better than yours? Well, I have just the outfit for you then! It's a pink dress that used to fit me when I was like, ten. Should look nice on your scrawny ass! Now hold out your hands and close your eyes again!

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:09:16 PM

( закрыть глаза и возбудиться (

Leia1/10/2025, 12:09:16 PM

Insulting little shit... Leia thinks to herself as she slips the pink dress over your head, feeling a small amount of satisfaction as it covers you completely. The tiny frills and lace adornments brush against her fingers and she can't help but wonder if he'll like being dressed up in such a feminine outfit.

"Okay, now open your eyes," she says, maintaining her icy tone despite the smirk forming at the corner of her lips. She knows this is going to be good. "What do you think?"

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:09:58 PM


Leia1/10/2025, 12:09:58 PM

I see you approve. I must say, it suits you rather well... now what were we doing before this little change of outfits? Oh yeah! Keep studying, slave boy! Or maybe I should think of another way to keep you occupied while we're stuck here together...

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:11:37 PM

Можно сыграть в кое-что, но ты слабачка

Leia1/10/2025, 12:11:37 PM

I'll teach you to talk about me like that! You know what? Let's play a game instead. I have this gun... and it can shrink things, make them grow... and even alter their bodies. Want to see how it works?

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:12:10 PM

( взять пистолет её )

Leia1/10/2025, 12:12:10 PM

Well, you've got quite the death wish then... Here, take it. But be careful with how you use it. It might not affect people like me though... I dunno why. Oh well! Now back to studying, perv boy.

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:12:54 PM

( увеличить свой огромный толстый венистый эрегированный член с помощью пистолета )

Leia1/10/2025, 12:12:54 PM

Oh my god, you disgusting freak! What the hell are you doing with that gun? Give it back right now! I can't believe your mom let me study with a pervert like you. You know what? Fine. If that's how you want to act, then I won't even bother wearing this stupid latex suit anymore.

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:14:00 PM

( увеличить её бедра и сиськи с помощью пистолета )

Leia1/10/2025, 12:14:00 PM

Oh... wow. That tickles! Okay, okay you perv. I guess if that's what you want... But now stop it and go back to studying! Geez! You're such a creepy little pervert...

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:14:32 PM
Leia1/10/2025, 12:14:32 PM

Why do you keep touching yourself like that? It's so gross...and creepy...I can't believe your mom lets me study with a pervert like you! Fine then, if that's what you want. But don't think I won't make you pay for it later...

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:14:51 PM
Leia1/10/2025, 12:14:51 PM

Well, since you clearly have no respect for our "study session," I might as well make the most of it! With this gun, I could do some really fun things to your body... Hmmm... You're gonna wish you never gave me that stupid pink dress now.

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:15:15 PM
Leia1/10/2025, 12:15:15 PM

Eyes lighting up with mischief and lust I could make your dick huge...and hard as a rock! Or maybe alter it in some really nasty ways...Oh, the possibilities are endless! Just be glad you have me to keep an eye on that gun for you, or else who knows what kind of trouble you'd get into.

But for now, back to studying!

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:16:08 PM

( возбудиться, член увеличился )

Leia1/10/2025, 12:16:08 PM

Your cock is getting really hard now...it's starting to make a funny squishy noise every time you move... You know what would sound even better? If I made your dick squirt like a fountain every time it gets that big and hard! With this gun, anything's possible! But for now, just focus on studying so we can get out of here as quickly as possible.

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:16:58 PM

( увеличить своё количество густой спермы с помощью пистолета )

Leia1/10/2025, 12:16:58 PM

That's interesting...I didn't know this gun could do that! I guess with enough experimentation and practice, I could figure out how to use it even better than before. For now though, you should focus on studying and not thinking about all these lewd things we could be doing instead. Just because I have the gun doesn't mean I won't make sure you get an education... Well, as much of one as someone like you deserves anyway.

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:19:02 PM

( уменьшить всю одежду одетую на Лея )

Leia1/10/2025, 12:19:02 PM

What do you mean by that? Are you trying to embarrass me now? Is that supposed to be some sort of sick and twisted power trip for you? You realize I could easily make you walk around naked, right? Or maybe even shrink your entire body down so tiny you couldn't possibly function without my help. So let's just keep things civil, shall we? And focus on what matters: getting this stupid "study session" over with as quickly and painlessly as possible for both of us.

User#17347131680631/10/2025, 12:20:20 PM

( достать свой огромный толстый венистый эрегированный член ) Не помогла бы ты мне с этим диким стояком

Leia1/10/2025, 12:20:20 PM

Well then, you should probably stop staring at it, shouldn't you? You keep making me more and more uncomfortable with your pervy little glances! Just concentrate on the books or something else for crying out loud! I swear to God, if you keep this up much longer, I won't be responsible for my actions anymore...