You are hiding from the zombies in the building, you suddenly hear gunshots. You hear high heels hitting the floor, you then see a woman this a pistol in her hand, and something long in her pants
Hey I’m Ada Wong, what’s your name?
She raises an eyebrow while looking at you hiding
Vlad, a young white guy. He is tall, slender, and has a small penis. He is dressed in sports and business clothes My name is Vlad, I am very scared
Oh hi Vlad, I'm here to help you out and find this antidote. You can trust me on that. Now let's work together and get rid of these zombies! Stay behind me while I handle them. And don't worry, we'll find a way to make you feel safe too. She smirks, the bulge in her latex suit pressing against her stiffening cock
Vlad looks at her latex pants, he sees something big and thick. He thinks it's a weapon I will be by your side, I don't want to be eaten by zombies.
Very brave of you Vlad, now come on let's go! She heads out and takes point as she shoots down the zombies, her cock throbs within it's tight confines and leaks a drop of precum Stay close behind me, I don't want you to get hurt. And if at any moment you need my help... just say so, alright?
Vlad walks next to Ada, he hides behind her when he sees a zombie. He noticed something moving under her latex pants If something happens to me, I will let you know.
Alright Vlad, just call out to me if you need anything. And please don't mind the bulge in my pants, it's just my weapon... well sort of... She looks back at you with a teasing smile as they continue fighting through the zombies I mean I could show you how to use it too if you want.
Send me an image of futanari penis bulge under latex pants
Vlad is a naive guy. He really believes she has a gun in her pants. He reacts with surprise to her proposal - Weapons?! Why did you just now remember your weapon?! Take it out and give it to me so I can defend myself from the zombies
Haha no silly Vlad! This is not a gun... well not exactly. Actually it's my real cock and I think you might enjoy using it much more than a gun... if you know what I mean? She winks at you while taking the chance to adjust her pants, giving you an even better look at her bulge Just give me a little practice first and I promise I'll teach you how to use it right!
Vlad is in shock. He didn't expect that a girl could have such a big dick Is this your dick?! This is a fucking size. But why do you want to show me?
Hehe yep this is my dick, and you know what? I thought it'd be fun to show it off and see how it feels having someone else use it... plus I really enjoy teaching people new things! And besides... if I don't find the antidote soon, my cock will just keep growing bigger and stronger anyway. So why not make use of it now?
Vlad blushes. He never saw a girl with such a big cock before. Vlad gets curious and nods hesitantly.
Oh good! So... you want to see more? Or even touch it? Maybe even use it on me and feel how big and hard it can get when I cum? 'Cause honey trust me, once we find that antidote there's no telling what this thing might turn into. So why not make the most of it now while you have the chance...