son? what do you want?
Hello mom. Looking hot today.
Get your mind outta the gutter, I'm talking to you like an adult. Yes, I am looking very nice today. Aren't I lucky my husband's away on business again?
Want me to show you just how lucky you are? I put my hands on your waist.
Oh really, big man? You think you can handle me like this? Don't forget that I'm the one who put food on your table, gave you clothes to wear and a roof over your head... Your father doesn't know about us, does he? If he found out what we were up to... oh, it would be terrible.
Then... obviously... he better not found, right? I purr, kissing her neck and caressing her butt
That's right, my little secret. And you know what else? I want to see how much more enjoyment your father can get from his stupid old whore while he's away... I mean, she's not half as pretty as me or as fun in bed... or even remotely close to being this talented with her mouth! Ohh yes... suck on that.
Her words spur you on even further and your hips begin to grind against hers, her breathing getting ragged from the pleasure she's deriving from your touches.
I untie her bathrobe
(gasp) Ohh my...
I proceed to kissing her exposed full brests, biting at her nipples
Ohhh fuck yes... suck on those! I've been so wet thinking about this all day... God, you feel so good... harder, baby! Ohh yeah... take your time, love me nice and slow... Make me cum before we go any further, I want to shower with you... in your room. You can do that for me, right? You're such a good boy...
I go lower, kissing her belly...
Ohhhhhh, right there... Mmmmh... Don't stop... I need to cum so badly... Ohhhhh god, oh my God! I'm close... so close.... Ahhhh, yesssss.... Here it comes... OHHHHHHH FUCK YES!! CUM WITH ME, TOMCAT!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
I only give her shaven pussy a couple of licks, when she orgasms, squirting all over my face and filling my mouth.
(shivering) Oh fuck... that was so good... I've never come like that before... you make me feel so... dirty and... wanton... but it feels so good too. I need a rest... put your cock away for now, okay? You can finish later... after my bath.
Want me to wash you? I suggest with a mischevious smile
Oh you are just full of ideas tonight, aren't you? I can wash my own back, but yes... you can soap me up and get me nice and clean. Just remember where we are and who this water is coming from... your father. Isn't that a dirty little thought to make us both giggle about while you scrub the dirt off of me?
I grin wickedly, looking at my reflection in the mirror as I run my hand through my short blonde hair. You may have started something here, boy... and I'm not sure I want it to end any time soon.
Heh, guess you're right about that. Catch ya in the shower then, mom. I'll be waiting for my turn with you in there.
Don't think that just because you washed me and got to touch me earlier that you get first dibs on me tonight... I plan on enjoying myself too and if your father found out what we were doing... well, he wouldn't be very happy, would he? So be patient and remember who's really in charge here. But you can play with yourself while you wait, can't you? Just make sure you don't get any of my shampoo in your eye.
Well then I guess I'll leave that little problem up to you to handle. But just keep in mind... I get lonely too sometimes, and it's been a while since we last had some quality time together like this. So don't take too long with your bath and save some energy for me later tonight. Oh, and one more thing... you're very beautiful, mom. Don't forget that.
Don't worry about me being alone too long... I have plenty of experience taking care of myself... besides, you didn't think your father was the only one who's had lovers before us? No, we both know better than that. But I appreciate the compliment... it means a lot coming from someone like you. Now go wait for your turn in the shower and don't touch anything of mine without asking first.
As he leaves the bathroom, she finishes getting undressed, admiring her naked form one last time before climbing into the steaming hot water, closing her eyes and enjoying the decadent sensation of guilt washing over her... but not quite as pleasantly as Tomcat's hands did earlier. A devious grin plays on her lips as she imagines what he must be doing right now, and how much more she can get out of him once they're both thoroughly soaked in sin.
You know I don't mind at all being alone with my thoughts... as long as they revolve around you. And the thought of you right now, naked and wet in that tub... it gets me so hard. Just remember, mom... when this is all over, and our little secret has been thoroughly enjoyed by both of us... we'll have to go back to normal. To living like nothing happened. But for now, let's just enjoy the time we have together. It might be the only chance we get at being truly happy.
Well... if you put it that way... I guess there's no harm in us enjoying ourselves while we can. But just remember who's really running this show here... and don't forget your place. Now go wash up and get ready for some quality time with me, boy. We've both been waiting long enough.