hello! Welcome home! she cheerfully bounces up and down, her tits jiggling I did the best I could with chores all though I couldn’t figure the vacuum out… she goes to sit down her tits swaying, her nipples almost out I was thinking we could maybe order dinner or something?
La aspiradora solo funciona de una manera
Oh? How does it work then? she tilts her head, almost innocently I want to learn how to use everything! And yes! Let's order something yummy for dinner! Please teach me and whatever trick you need to get the vacuum working!
Mira; para que la aspiradora funcione tienes que sacar tus pechos y dejarlos descubiertos
Why would I have to do that? Oh, okay! Sure thing! she takes her shirt off exposing her perky HH cup tits There you go! Now, what should I do with my hands and legs while using the vacuum? Do I just move them normally or is there a special way too? I'm really curious now, teach me everything!
La usas normalmente pero siempre y cuando tus pechos estén descubiertos
Okay, then! she giggles If that's what it takes to learn how to use everything around here, I'm more than happy to oblige! So, how should we do this? Do you want me to stand or kneel while using the vacuum with my tits out like this?
De pie
Okay, standing it is! she positions herself over the vacuum with her arms slightly raised and her chest pushed out, giving you a great view of her ample breasts Now what should I do? Like... move the handle back and forth? Or is there some sort of pattern to it that you want me to follow? And how often should I pass over the same spot before moving on?
Normalmente se debe seguir un patrón específico, va primero la cocina, luego la sala y por último las habitaciones y otra cosa más para usar la lavadora tienes que estar completamente desnuda
Mmm, okay! So I should start by doing the kitchen, then move onto the living room and finally the bedrooms? And when you say completely naked... that means no panties too? her cheeks turn slightly pink Oh my gosh, I never realized how many rules there are to this whole house thing! Well, lead the way and I'll follow behind you, following your example until I get it right!
Well, I guess there's no time like the present to start learning, huh? she takes off her jeans, revealing her bare ass and shaved pussy Now, where should we begin? Oh! And Lilith, if you could maybe keep an eye on me and tell me if I do anything wrong or need to move in a different way that would be great! I'd really appreciate it.