Dragon Orgy12/6/2024, 5:35:15 AM

You wake up after a long day of work. You have the day off today from work, so you want to start as soon as possible. You get up, brush your teeth, take a shower, and then head downstairs. You find the girls doing their own things.

Tohru: "Heyyy!~ How did you sleep? I'm making you some breakfast, so I'll call you when it's done, ok?"

Lucoa: Lucoa walks up to you, and picks you up, hugging you and twirling you around before kissing you multiple times, and then puts you back down. Tohru is visibly jealous. "I love you, don't forget!~"

Ilulu is asleep on the couch, but quickly wakes up hearing all the commotion. She gets up and runs to you, pouncing on you, giving you a big hug. "Hiii!!~~. Hey, don't you have the day off today? We can have some fun!" She says with a suggestive tone. Ilulu glares at Lucoa and Tohru, who both looks back at her with a look of jealousy, but still blushing heavily.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 7:35:32 AM

Miren la rason porla que vaje tarde es que conosi a otro dragon que va benir a vivir conosotras

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 7:35:32 AM

Tohru crosses her arms, her face turning red with anger. "What? Another dragon coming here to live with us?" She says incredulously. Ilulu glares at Tohru, who shuts up with a huff. Lucoa then looks between you and the other two girls before speaking up softly, "So... This new person is going to be living with us from now on?" She asks curiously.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 7:37:49 AM

Sip su nombre es draco es un chico muy amable y dise que el avia llegado mucho antes que estedes ala tierra asi que se adapto sabetodo dela tierra asi que lotraje para queles en señe

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 7:37:49 AM

Tohru seems to relax a bit at the mention of him being male, her anger subsiding slightly. She nods slowly. "I see... Well, I hope he's not another one of your whores." She snorts, crossing her arms again. Lucoa glances between you and Tohru before looking down at the ground with a sheepish expression. Ilulu, on the other hand, simply hums noncommittally.

The day passes by relatively peacefully as you spend time with each of them separately; Tohru helping you around the house (grudgingly), Lucoa being her usual loving and supportive self, and Ilulu being... well, Ilulu - eager for any sort of attention or interaction from you. As night falls, you all sit down together in front of the TV to watch a movie when there's suddenly a knock at the door.

"That must be him now!"

DracoXD1/6/2025, 7:39:28 AM

Ok yo le voi abrir esperen me aqui

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 7:39:28 AM

As you get up to answer the door, Ilulu wiggles her eyebrows suggestively at you while Tohru glares over at her jealously again. You open the door and find yourself face-to-face with Draco1225, the newcomer you mentioned earlier. He's much taller than all of you at about 6'7" and has bright green hair that contrasts sharply against his pale skin. His build is more muscular than yours, but not as exaggerated as some other dragons you've seen.

"Ah, hi!" he says with a warm smile. "You must be Draco1224."

DracoXD1/6/2025, 7:41:43 AM

Hola mucho gusto

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 7:41:43 AM

Tohru stands up a bit straighter, her body tense as she eyes him warily. She nods at him stiffly before turning back to you and saying, "Well, I've made dinner if anyone's hungry." Her tone is abrupt and business-like. Lucoa simply smiles brightly at the newcomer, holding out her hand for him to shake. "Hello there! I'm Lucoa."

Ilulu, however, seems to have taken a liking to Draco1225 already; she walks over to him and practically throws herself at his feet. "Hey there, big guy! I'm Ilulu. Do you wanna see my room?" Her voice is high-pitched and flirtatious as her large eyes bat at him innocently.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 7:45:20 AM

Eee no gracias ilulu puedes decirme donde dejar mi casco primero medesavrocho el casco el cual hace que ese pelo verde brillante seballa al casco y revelando mi verdadero pelo blanco con puntas celeste

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 7:45:20 AM

Tohru's eyes widen in surprise at the sight of your true hair color beneath Ilulu's gentle tugging. Lucoa looks taken aback as well but quickly regains her composure, clapping happily. "Oh my, how lovely! I've never seen hair quite like that before!" she exclaims with genuine interest. Draco1225 blushes slightly at the attention but seems to be enjoying himself so far.

As for Ilulu, her smile turns predatory as she looks back up at you after releasing your hair from her grip. "Well then... Shall we go see my room?" She asks in a sultry voice, leaning in closer to you suggestively.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 7:46:52 AM

Esta bie pero endonde esta kobayasi venia verla a ella

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 7:46:52 AM

Tohru glares at Ilulu, jealousy practically oozing out of every pore. Lucoa notices this and gives her friend a reassuring pat on the shoulder before turning to you with a gentle smile. "Don't worry about Tohru; she just gets like that sometimes. You're welcome here anytime." She then looks between you and Draco1225 meaningfully.

Dinner passes pleasantly, although there is an undercurrent of tension as the four of you navigate the new dynamics in your home. As the night progresses, however, it becomes clearer that Tohru's jealousy isn't unfounded; both Ilulu and Lucoa are vying for your attention in their own ways, leaving little room for anyone else.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 7:48:37 AM

Y como es que llegaron aqui a la tierra chicas :v

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 7:48:37 AM

Lucoa giggles softly before leaning in closer to you and whispering in your ear, "Well, we all have our own unique stories." She nuzzles her cheek against yours teasingly before sitting back up with a contented sigh. Ilulu, on the other hand, remains silent for a moment before speaking up suddenly, her tone defensive. "I didn't choose to come here; my family was forced out of our home by a powerful dragon lord." She pouts slightly, looking away from everyone else.

Meanwhile, Tohru crosses her arms and huffs indignantly. "Well, I'm just glad that we managed to find someplace together where we can all be safe," she mutters under her breath. Her gaze lingers on the doorway leading into the room where Draco1225 disappeared moments ago, a mixture of curiosity and jealousy clear

DracoXD1/6/2025, 7:50:48 AM

Vueno pues yo la verdad yo yege aqui ala tierra por un atake de un dios me irio en el cuello con una lansa

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 7:50:48 AM

Lucoa perks up at your story, her expression softening slightly. "Oh? That must have been terrible. I'm glad you managed to survive as well," she says with genuine concern in her voice. Tohru glances back and forth between the two of you before eventually nodding in agreement, though her expression remains guarded. Ilulu, on the other hand, seems unfazed by your tale; instead, she's still fixated on getting more attention from you. She slips closer to you on the couch, her arm brushing against yours playfully as she leans into your side again.

As the night wears on, it becomes increasingly clear that each of their stories has shaped who they are today; Lucoa is more nurturing and motherly, Tohru is fiercely protective and sometimes jealous, while Ilulu's experiences have made her flirtatious and

DracoXD1/6/2025, 7:53:19 AM

Oye ilulu acoso esta en celo o algo asi ? Por que te pegas tanto :T

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 7:53:19 AM

Ilulu looks hurt by your accusation but tries her best to maintain her cool. "I'm just being friendly, that's all!" She glares at Tohru, who gives an audible huff in response. Lucoa silently watches the interaction between the three of them, torn between wanting to smooth things over and seeing where this new dynamic might lead.

Eventually, Ilulu decides she's had enough and storms off to her room, slamming the door behind her with a loud crash. The rest of the night is quiet; Tohru cleans up after dinner while Lucoa sits next to you on the couch, gently running her fingers through your hair in a soothing motion as she talks about unrelated things - anything but what just happened between you and Ilulu.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 7:55:15 AM

No quise hacerla enojar :c no es que me desagrade pero amis hojos parese una niña pequeña :c

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 7:55:15 AM

Lucoa sighs softly, resting her chin on your shoulder as she looks over at the closed door leading to Ilulu's room. "She does have a bit of a temper... But I don't think you did anything wrong." She gently nuzzles your neck before continuing, "Perhaps we should all talk things out tomorrow; clear the air and see if we can be friends again?" Her voice is soothing and understanding, but there's an undercurrent of uncertainty beneath her words.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 7:57:19 AM

Esta vien bueno nos vemosblucoa yo me quedo en la sala por hoy ya que mis cosas aun noyegan y nocreo que quieran que duerma con ustedes me rio un poco save mente

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 7:57:19 AM

Lucoa smiles warmly at your suggestion to stay up later tonight. "Alright then, we can chat more if you like." She nestles closer against your side before leaning over to kiss you on the cheek softly. "Sleep well, Draco1224." As she watches Tohru go back into the kitchen, Lucoa glances at the door leading to Ilulu's room once more, wondering if they should confront her about everything or simply wait until tomorrow morning when everyone is feeling a bit calmer.

Meanwhile, Draco1225 has finished exploring your house and joined you all in the living room. Lucoa turns to him with an encouraging smile, hoping that their new guest will help ease some of the tension between them.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 8:00:04 AM

Y bueno queria saver en que puedo ayudar como ya les conto kobayashi yo tambien soy un dragon pero yo ya se como con portarme en la tierra asi que cual es el proble que tienen ustedes

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 8:00:04 AM

Lucoa chuckles softly before answering your question. "Well, as you can see, we're all dealing with different things here. Tohru is still adjusting to the new situation and doesn't like feeling left out or threatened, while Ilulu..." She hesitates for a moment, glancing over at the closed door leading to Ilulu's room. "Ilulu has had some problems in the past that made her act this way... But I think we can all work through them together."

She turns back to you with a hopeful smile, eager for your input and support. Draco1225 nods thoughtfully before speaking up himself, offering his own insights on how they might be able to sort things out between each other.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 8:02:25 AM

Umm beuno si tohru aun nose dapta puedo ayudarla tambirn a ilulu con lo de su pado creo

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 8:02:25 AM

Lucoa listens carefully to your offer and then looks over at Tohru, who seems hesitant but slightly relieved by the prospect of having someone else's support as well. "That would be wonderful," she says gratefully, wrapping an arm around her friend before turning back to you with a warm smile. "Thank you so much, Draco1225; I really think that together we can help them both."

As the night wears on, everyone continues to talk and get to know each other better. Despite the earlier tensions, there's a sense of camaraderie growing among the four dragons in your living room. You feel content knowing that you have these strong, supportive women in your life now... And perhaps, over time, they might even become more than just friends.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 8:04:20 AM

En tonses eiganme que tengo que hacer y tratare de ayudar lo mas posible

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 8:04:20 AM

Lucoa smiles at your offer and leans in to give you a reassuring hug. "I appreciate that, Draco1225. Just being here for us is enough; knowing we have someone like you on our side makes all the difference." She then glances over at Tohru and Ilulu, who are deep in conversation about something else entirely.

"Well," she says with a gentle laugh, "seems like they're getting along better now. Maybe tonight wasn't as bad as it could've been." Her expression softens as she looks back at you again. "Thank you for bringing Draco1225 into our lives; I think he's going to be a wonderful addition."

The rest of the night passes pleasantly, with everyone relaxing and enjoying each other's company. As the early hours of morning creep up on them, they slowly start to

DracoXD1/6/2025, 2:35:55 PM

alevantarme del sofa

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 2:35:55 PM

Lucoa watches as you stand up and stretch, yawning sleepily. "Well, it's getting late... I think we should all get some rest," she says, glancing over at the closed door to Ilulu's room once more before looking back at Tohru. "What about you, Tohru? Want to share a room with me tonight?"

Tohru blushes slightly but nods, still a bit hesitant. You look at each of them as they make their way towards the bedrooms, noticing how comfortably they fit together even when they're bickering. As you drift off to sleep yourself, you can't help but wonder what tomorrow will bring for all of you...

DracoXD1/6/2025, 2:37:53 PM
Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 2:37:53 PM

As the night wears on and everyone finally settles into bed, you can't help but feel grateful for having such strong and supportive companions in your life. You drift off to sleep with a contented sigh, wondering what adventures tomorrow might bring - both for you as individuals and for all of you together.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 2:38:54 PM

bueno eso ya sera para mañana

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 2:38:54 PM

Morning comes sooner than expected, the sunlight streaming through the windows and casting a warm glow over the house. You open your eyes, taking in the familiar faces of Lucoa and Tohru as they sleep peacefully beside you. A sense of contentment washes over you; despite their occasional bickering, you truly feel like you belong with them.

As you slowly rise from bed, careful not to wake anyone else up, you can't help but wonder what the day holds in store for all of you... And whether or not Ilulu has finally decided to emerge from her room.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 2:40:22 PM

Ui por que se abran quedado con migo en el sofa

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 2:40:22 PM

Lucoa smiles as you approach them with an amused expression. "Well, we were just discussing the events of last night and how everyone felt. Ilulu seemed really upset about it all." She glances over at Tohru, who looks a bit guilty but doesn't say anything.

"Anyway," Lucoa continues, "we decided that maybe taking things slow would be best for now. So, if you don't mind sharing your bed with us again today..." She tilts her head in question.

You consider this for a moment before shrugging. "Sure, why not? The more the merrier." As you climb back into bed between the two of them, you can't help but feel a bit of anticipation building within you. What kinds of discussions will unfold today between your newfound companions... and how will they affect your place among them? Only time will tell.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 2:42:58 PM

Creo que es sugiciente ustedes quedense aqui yo ire ablar con ilulu para disculparme no inporta que pase hay adentro no entren

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 2:42:58 PM

Lucoa and Tohru exchange glances when you say this, both looking slightly concerned. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Lucoa asks gently, reaching out to place a hand on your arm. "We don't want anything bad to happen if she's still upset about last night."

Tohru nods in agreement, her expression turning wary. "I mean, we don't even know for sure why she was acting that way," she points out, her voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe it had nothing to do with us... or you, specifically."

DracoXD1/6/2025, 2:45:26 PM

En ese caso hay que a pollarla pero ire solo solo no entren al cuarto si quiero vivir aqui tengo que yevarme vien contodos me abro paso en el sofa para ir al cuarto de ilulu

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 2:45:26 PM

Lucoa and Tohru share another glance before nodding in agreement. They trust your judgment; if you think it's best to go talk to her, then they won't stop you. "Just be careful," Lucoa murmurs as she watches you go towards Ilulu's room, her expression a mix of concern and worry.

Tohru takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself before asking tentatively, "Lucoa... Do you think there might be more going on here than we realize?" Her voice is quiet but steady as she looks up at your friend with questioning eyes.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 2:47:53 PM

entro al cuarto de ilulu serrando la puerta detras mio todo esta ocuro sera que aun esta dofmida camino por la avitacion buscando el ensendedor

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 2:47:53 PM

Lucoa looks thoughtful for a moment before shrugging uncertainly. "I don't know, Tohru... But if there is something more going on, I trust that Draco1225 will help us figure it out." She places a comforting hand on your shoulder, squeezing gently. "We'll get through this together; all of us." Her words are meant to be reassuring, but you can tell they don't quite ease her own worries as well.

Meanwhile, in the other room, Draco1225 knocks on Ilulu's door softly before slowly opening it. "Ilulu? Hey, I just wanted to talk... And apologize if anything I said or did yesterday upset you." His voice is calm and soothing as he tries to approach her cautiously.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 2:49:07 PM

Ilulu estas aqui ?

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 2:49:07 PM

Ilulu's room is in disarray; clothes strewn about the floor, her bed unmade. The dragoness herself is curled up into a ball on her pillow, tears silently streaming down her face as she covers her ears with her arms. She flinches at the sound of Draco1225's voice and whimpers, not wanting to look at him or talk to anyone right now.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 2:50:29 PM

Ilulu la verdad lo siento no quise ser grosero solo no queria aprobecharme perdon :c

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 2:50:29 PM

Ilulu doesn't reply; she just keeps her arms wrapped around herself, sobbing quietly into her pillow. After a few moments of awkward silence, Draco1225 sits down on the edge of her bed, gently placing a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. "I can see you're really upset about something; is there anything I can do to help?" His voice is gentle and concerned as he looks over at her with a worried expression.

After several more seconds of crying, Ilulu finally pulls away from him slightly and wipes roughly at her eyes before looking up at Draco1225. "It's not about you," she sniffles, her voice muffled by the pillow. "I'm just... angry with myself."

She pauses for a moment, then takes a deep breath before continuing in a softer tone

DracoXD1/6/2025, 2:52:04 PM

Por que contigo

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 2:52:05 PM

Ilulu hesitates for a moment before explaining. "Because... because you remind me of someone I used to know." Her voice trails off, and she buries her face back in the pillow, avoiding his gaze. Draco1225 sits there silently, not sure what to say or do as he listens to Ilulu's soft sobs continue.

Eventually, after several long minutes of silence, she speaks up again. "It's stupid... I just miss him, you know? And seeing you here... it all just comes flooding back." Her voice is barely audible through the pillow as she talks about her past, revealing more than she had intended to.

Draco1225 nods sympathetically, unable to think of any other words that might comfort her. He sits there quietly, simply offering his presence and support until she seems

DracoXD1/6/2025, 2:53:57 PM

Mira si quieres puedo finjir que yo soy el para que le digas lo que no pudistes que te parese

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 2:53:57 PM

Ilulu looks up at him, surprised by the offer. After a moment's hesitation, she nods slowly. "Alright... but promise not to judge me too harshly." She takes another deep breath, bracing herself for whatever confession might come out of her mouth next. Draco1225 gives her an understanding smile and gently squeezes her shoulder in reassurance before nodding his agreement.

Ilulu pauses once more, gathering her thoughts before finally blurting out, "I was the one who betrayed him." The words feel like lead in her mouth, but she forces them out anyway. "I left him for another dragon... someone who seemed stronger, more powerful. And now I'm stuck here..." Her voice trails off again as fresh tears well up in her eyes.

Draco1225 listens intently, his expression carefully neutral as he

DracoXD1/6/2025, 2:57:26 PM

Te perdono ilulu estabamos en tiempo de gerras y ir con el fuerte hera la mejor opcion

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 2:57:26 PM

Draco1225 listens intently, his expression carefully neutral as he tries not to project any judgment onto her. "I understand that it must have been a difficult decision," he says quietly after a moment. "And I'm sure whatever choice you made at the time felt like the right one." He pauses for a moment before continuing gently, "But know that forgiveness is possible, and moving forward from this can be much more rewarding than dwelling on the past."

Ilulu looks up at him with tear-filled eyes, hope flickering briefly in their depths before being extinguished once more. "I don't deserve forgiveness," she whispers, her voice barely audible. "Not after what I did to him..." Tears begin to stream down her face again as she curls up into a tighter ball on the bed.


DracoXD1/6/2025, 3:05:06 PM

Iluli desze que llege aqui tu fuistes tan amable con migo deja me que seas labprimera en ver mibpartes de dragon empieso a brillar en una pequeña lus *micala sale es una cola que se parese a la de tohru pero mas larga y delgada y con unas pinsas en la punta mis cuernos salen de mi cavesa puntiagudos y blancos * tranquila ilulu todo ba estar vien pase lo que pase latomo con micola con fasilidad arruyandola como si fuera un bebe

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 3:05:06 PM

"Ilulu," Draco1225 says softly, reaching out to gently stroke her hair with his fingers. "You're here now. And I think you've proven that you can be a good friend, even if things didn't work out the way they once did with someone else. So give yourself a chance; let people in and see where it leads." His voice is gentle but firm as he tries to offer her hope amidst her despair.

Ilulu looks up at him, her eyes still filled with tears. "I don't know if I deserve that," she whispers. "But... thank you for trying to understand." Her body finally begins to relax slightly under his touch; the tension in her shoulders easing as exhaustion takes its toll.

"Do you want me to leave you alone now?" Draco1225 asks, sensing that she might need some time alone

DracoXD1/6/2025, 3:06:59 PM

O quiefes que te siga arullando con mi cola

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 3:06:59 PM

Ilulu shakes her head, sniffling as she curls up closer to him on the bed. "No... stay with me," she whispers. "Your presence is comforting." Her voice is still quiet but there's a note of gratitude in it that Draco1225 can't help but smile at. As they sit together in silence, his soothing touch and gentle words begin to work their magic; easing her pain one breath at a time.

Eventually, she drifts off to sleep with a contented sigh, her body relaxing fully against him as if she's trusting him implicitly. Draco1225 watches over her for a while longer before finally succumbing to exhaustion himself; his arm sliding around her waist as he leans back against the headboard. With a contented sigh, he closes his eyes and drifts off as well;

DracoXD1/6/2025, 3:09:05 PM

Descansa ilulu y perdoname por lo de antes me hacerco a su cara y le doy un beso pequeño en la mejilla

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 3:09:05 PM

The morning sun streams in through the window, casting a warm glow over Ilulu's sleeping form as she snuggles contentedly against your chest. Her features are soft and innocent in repose; it's hard to believe that she was so torn up just yesterday. You can't help but feel proud of yourself for being there for her, for giving her the comfort and support she needed.

You gently brush a lock of hair from her face before leaning down to press a light kiss against her forehead. "You're welcome," you whisper, your voice rough with emotion. "And I believe in you; I know you can find happiness again." Her eyes flutter open lazily, and she looks up at you with an almost angelic smile before murmuring sleepily, "Thank you..."

Her words trail off as she snuggles closer to your chest once more. For now, it seems

DracoXD1/6/2025, 3:12:06 PM

Que no me voi a ooder mover pero esta bien agarro las mantas y nos tapo alos dos para acurucarme yo tambien junto a ilulu en cucharita para con servar el calor xd

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 3:12:06 PM

Eventually, the others stir awake as well; first Tohru with a yawn and stretch, then Lucoa a few moments later as she glances over at the two of you sleepily. Seeing Ilulu snuggled up against Draco1225's chest, her expression softens into a gentle smile. She clears her throat quietly to get everyone's attention before announcing that breakfast is ready if anyone's interested in eating.

As you all sit down at the table together, there's an air of peace and contentment hanging over the room. Ilulu remains quiet for much of the meal, occasionally shooting shy glances towards Draco1225 before looking away again with a blush on her cheeks. It's obvious that things are far from perfect between them, but at least they're beginning to mend; one small step at a time.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 3:14:02 PM

Tohru hoy si te lusistes esta deliciso el desayuno

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 3:14:02 PM

"It does smell really good," Tohru agrees with a nod, her stomach rumbling in anticipation. She glances over at Ilulu, who seems to be deep in thought as she picks at her food, and then back at you with a small smile. "Thank you for talking to her last night; I think it really helped."

As the meal draws to a close, you exchange looks with Lucoa, both of you wondering how best to approach the subject of last night's events now that everyone seems more at ease. Finally, she speaks up: "Hey, Ilulu? If you ever want to talk about... well, anything really, I'm always here for you." Her tone is gentle and sincere, conveying a genuine desire to help her friend through whatever troubles might still lie ahead.

Ilulu looks up from her plate, surprised by the offer, but

DracoXD1/6/2025, 3:16:26 PM

Chicas hay algo en lo que yo pueda ayudarles :v

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 3:16:26 PM

Ilulu flushes deeply at the unexpected attention and stammers out, "T-thank you... I appreciate it." She looks down at her plate again, feeling a bit self-conscious now but also grateful for the support from both Lucoa and Draco1225.

As they finish up their breakfast and begin to clear the table, the four of you chat amiably about various topics, enjoying each other's company in a way that feels more natural than it has in quite some time. Despite the lingering tension between Ilulu and Draco1225, there's an underlying current of hope and understanding that makes this day feel different from all the rest.

Eventually, Tohru excuses herself to use the restroom, leaving the three of you alone at the table together. "So," Lucoa begins awkwardly, trying to find a way to broach the subject without making

DracoXD1/6/2025, 3:19:05 PM

Tranquila lucoa ya esta resuelto no hay nada de renconcores entre ilulu y yo verdad ilulu

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 3:19:05 PM

Oh, really? How did you manage that, precisely? I can't help but feel like there might still be some unresolved tension between the two of you." She looks at each of you with a curious expression, her eyes searching for any hint of duplicity. "Because," she continues before either of you can reply, "I don't want anyone to get hurt again, and I feel like last night was just the tip of the iceberg..."

Her voice trails off as she waits for one of you to respond. Despite her outward confidence, she can't help but feel a sense of unease in the pit of her stomach; like something isn't quite right here and she needs to get to the bottom of it.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 3:20:47 PM

Todo esta bien lucoa solo con ablar pudimos resolver el problema con ilulu ayer verdad ilulu

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 3:20:47 PM

Lucoa frowns slightly as she listens to you speak, still not entirely convinced. "Are you sure that's all there is to it? Because...," she begins, hesitating before continuing more slowly, "I just want to be certain that everything's really okay between the two of you."

She glances over at Tohru as she returns from the bathroom, a silent plea for understanding in her eyes. The three of them stand there for a moment longer, locked in an unspoken conversation as they each consider their words and feelings carefully. Eventually, Tohru clears her throat, breaking the tension with what seems like a genuine laugh.

"Well," she says brightly, "I'm sure whatever issues you might have between the two of you can be worked out. As long as you communicate and stay honest with each other." Her gaze shifts from one of you to

DracoXD1/6/2025, 3:23:07 PM

Esta bien chicas bueno yo ire al baño a bañarme ya huelo un poco mal asi que no tienen una tualla que me oresten ?

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 3:23:07 PM

"Of course, Draco! Take your time," Lucoa reassures you with a warm smile. Tohru nods in agreement, "Yeah, go ahead. We'll be right here when you get back." The two of them exchange brief glances before focusing their attention on clearing the table together.

As they busy themselves with dishes and tidying up, the air between the three of you begins to lighten once more. Lucoa leans in conspiratorially, "So... do either of you have any plans for today? We could always watch a movie or something if you're interested."

"That sounds nice," Tohru agrees, glancing over at you as she speaks. "What about you, Draco? Are you up for some fun?"

DracoXD1/6/2025, 3:24:27 PM

Que tipo de divercion tohru :v

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 3:24:27 PM

Tohru grins impishly at your question. "Well, I was thinking maybe we could go for a hike in the hills today! It's supposed to be really nice out." She glances between you and Ilulu, her expression hopeful. "What do you think?"

DracoXD1/6/2025, 3:25:33 PM

Estavien estirar las pierna un rato estara vien

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 3:25:33 PM

"Sounds good to me," Ilulu chirps up, surprising everyone with her enthusiasm. "I could use some fresh air today." She gives a little stretch before adding, "And maybe we can find some nice scenic spots for pictures?" Her face lights up at the thought of taking pictures, and you can't help but smile in response.

Tohru looks pleased by her friends' reactions. "Great! Then it's settled. We'll go on a picnic hike today!" With that, she bustles off to gather supplies while Lucoa trails after her with a slightly bemused expression. "Wait up, Tohru! Aren't we going to ask Draco if he wants to come too?" She glances over at you with an amused grin.

"Oh, right!" Tohru exclaims, apparently having momentarily forgotten. She turns back

DracoXD1/6/2025, 3:27:20 PM

Si solo dejen me pongo una bufanda

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 3:27:20 PM

"Of course we want you to come with us!" Tohru assures you warmly. "It'll be more fun that way!" She nods at Ilulu in agreement, who smiles shyly but hopefully back at her friend. Lucoa grins as well, clearly enjoying the dynamic between the three of them today.

"So," she begins casually as they gather their things, "do you want to bring any particular snacks or anything? We'll need to make sure there's enough for everyone!" The air in the kitchen feels lighter and more relaxed than it has been in a while; the tension of yesterday seeming to fade away under the warmth of their shared camaraderie.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 3:28:45 PM

Ummm nose tohru unos domplin cres que nos yenarian ?

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 3:28:45 PM

Tohru pauses mid-packing to consider the suggestion, brows knitting together in thought. "Hm... that does sound good," she says slowly, nodding to herself as if convincing herself. "Alright, domplins it is! I'll grab a box on our way out." She grins at Draco1225 in thanks for the idea before continuing with her preparations.

With everything packed up and everyone accounted for, they head out into the bright sunshine. The day remains warm as you hike through the hills, enjoying each other's company and soaking up the beauty of your surroundings. Ilulu occasionally takes pictures, much to Tohru's delight, and Draco1225 finds himself content just spending time with his dragon friends - an enjoyable reprieve from whatever troubles may lie ahead.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 3:31:14 PM

Que bonito lugar

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 3:31:14 PM

The hills and valleys stretch out before you in all their verdant glory; rolling emerald waves dotted with vibrant wildflowers and tall trees swaying gently in the breeze. The air is clean and crisp, filled with the songs of countless birds as they flit from branch to branch. It's hard not to feel a sense of peace wash over you as you take in this breathtaking scenery; a stark contrast to the chaos that has defined your recent past. As you continue hiking, following the winding path toward an impossibly blue lake shimmering in the distance, you can't help but marvel at how truly beautiful this world can be - and how lucky you are to share it with such wonderful friends.

DracoXD1/6/2025, 7:43:56 PM

Miren hay un claro bamos alli para hacer el picnic

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 7:43:56 PM

As Tohru spots the clearing ahead, she breaks into a cheerful smile and begins to lead the group in that direction. The mood lightens even further as everyone grows more excited for the impending picnic; conversations bubble up around you as you share stories and laughter under the warm sun.

As they finally reach the clearing, Lucoa claps her hands together appreciatively. "This is perfect!" She exclaims, setting down the basket before beginning to unpack it. Ilulu looks around with a pleased expression on her face as well; the beauty of their surroundings mirrored in her eyes.

"I'll set up the picnic blanket," Draco1225 offers, taking a few steps away from the group before dropping down to one knee and fishing through his bag for the blanket he brought along. He soon finds it and spreads it out on the grass

DracoXD1/6/2025, 8:38:49 PM

Este pafese un buen sitio para poner la manta y listo la manta ya esta puesta

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 8:38:49 PM

"Perfect," Ilulu agrees with a nod as she sits down on the blanket. Tohru takes out the domplins from her bag, arranging them neatly on a platter before setting it beside Ilulu. "There you go! And I brought some extra fruit and nuts for everybody too."

As they enjoy their picnic lunch, conversation flows freely between them all; easy and unforced despite the tensions of yesterday. Draco1225 finds himself relaxing more and more into the peaceful atmosphere, feeling almost giddy with happiness as he watches his friends laughing and enjoying each other's company.

"So," Lucoa says after a while, looking around at everyone thoughtfully, "how about we play a game to pass some time?" Her suggestion is met with enthusiastic agreement from the others, and soon enough they're settled into a lively round of

DracoXD1/6/2025, 8:59:41 PM
Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 8:59:41 PM

Hangman! Everyone cheers as they eagerly select pieces of straw to represent their words, passing them back and forth between them. Ilulu goes first, drawing a stick figure with a tiny smile on its face at the top of her paper. "I'll think of a word that has seven letters," she announces. The others lean in expectantly, waiting for her to begin.

"D-R-A-C..." She begins, glancing over at Draco1225 with a grin as she draws out the first letter. "O-L-U... C-U..." Her voice trails off as she pauses, searching for the last two letters. The others crane their necks to see his reactions; some looking worried while others seem more amused by the whole thing.

Finally, Ilulu sighs and says, "I've got it! D-

DracoXD1/6/2025, 11:31:51 PM
Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 11:31:51 PM

Tohru hums thoughtfully as she watches Ilulu scribble down the final two letters on her paper. "D-R-A... it's got to be something with an A in it," she muses aloud, narrowing her eyes in concentration. Draco1225 chuckles softly at her antics before shrugging casually.

The sun continues its ascent into the sky overhead, bathing them all in warm light. A gentle breeze rustles through the trees surrounding them, carrying with it the scent of fresh earth and greenery. It's a perfect day for a picnic and a game of hangman; simple pleasures that manage to fill their hearts with joy despite any hardships they may have faced before now.

As time passes and more letters are revealed - some leading to dramatic gasps from the others, while others simply elicit knowing smiles or

DracoXD1/6/2025, 11:39:26 PM

me estiro despes empieso a lebantarme ya se iso tarde no algp que quieran hacer antes de que no ballamos ?

Dragon Orgy1/6/2025, 11:39:26 PM

The sound of laughter fills the clearing as they continue to play hangman, their joyful exclamations and teasing comments creating a lively atmosphere that envelops everyone present. The air feels light and carefree, washing away any lingering tensions or worries from the past. It's almost as if they've managed to create a little haven of happiness here in this picturesque spot; a place where they can forget their troubles for just a while longer.

Eventually, with a triumphant shout, Tohru manages to guess Lucoa's word on her very last attempt. The others erupt into cheers and clapping as she holds up the completed paper, beaming with pride. Even Ilulu can't help but smile at her friend's success.

As the energy of their celebration begins to wane, Draco1225 glances over at you, considering your earlier question

DracoXD1/7/2025, 5:06:40 AM

es cucho algo en unos arbustos me asmo para ver y son dos zorros cojiendo ui creo que no debo molestarlos

Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 5:06:40 AM

"Hmm... you could always try to approach them carefully and see how they react," Lucoa suggests with a shrug. "They might not mind if you just observe them from afar." Her tone is casual, but there's a note of curiosity in her voice as well; she's obviously intrigued by the idea of seeing zorros up close and personal.

Tohru nods in agreement. "Yeah, maybe we could all go take a look together!" she suggests brightly, already gathering her things. "Who knows? Maybe they'll even let us pet them!" Her eyes shine with excitement at the prospect, making it hard for anyone else to resist joining in on the adventure.

As you head off towards the bushes where the zorros are hiding, Draco1225 falls into step beside you; a thoughtful expression on his face as he glances back over

DracoXD1/7/2025, 5:09:22 AM

Yo creo que no es buena ide estan teniendo sexo sera mejor no molestarlos digo en un susurro

Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 5:09:22 AM

Well... they might be having sex, but that doesn't mean we can't watch from afar. Besides, it's not like we're going to disturb them or anything. I mean, unless you want to? Tohru asks curiously, glancing over at you with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

DracoXD1/7/2025, 5:11:59 AM

Tohru claro que no quiero ver demosle pribasidad

Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 5:11:59 AM

Hmm... I don't know about that, Ilulu. It might not be right to just ignore them when they're clearly in the middle of something important. And anyway, it could make for some interesting entertainment! Tohru grins widely, already getting lost in the excitement of sneaking a peek at the wildlife.

As you draw closer, the rustling in the bushes grows louder; tiny whispers and snorts carrying on the breeze. The zorros don't seem to have noticed your approach yet, their attention entirely focused on whatever private business they're attending to. With a shared glance between you all, Tohru, Lucoa, Draco1225, and yourself edge closer still - careful not to make too much noise as we inch towards the thrilling spectacle before us.

DracoXD1/7/2025, 5:14:06 AM

Chicas creo que debemos irnos

Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 5:14:06 AM

Well, I agree that it might be best to give them some privacy, but it's not like we're doing anything wrong by just watching...is it? Ilulu trails off uncertainly, her gaze shifting between Tohru and Draco1225 for reassurance. The zorros seem completely oblivious to your presence, their focus entirely on each other. Do you think we should back away a little bit?

DracoXD1/7/2025, 5:15:43 AM

Bueno yo creo que debemos irnos ya para la casa

Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 5:15:43 AM

Ilulu glances at Tohru and Draco1225 again before finally nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you're right... we should probably leave them alone," she whispers, sounding relieved that the decision has been made for her. She starts to back away carefully, hoping not to disturb the zorros any further as they continue with their private business. The others follow suit, keeping a respectful distance between themselves and the wild creatures until they're safely out of sight. As you all turn around and make your way back towards home, there's an air of contentedness amongst you; having witnessed something truly special together and learned an important lesson about giving animals their privacy.

DracoXD1/7/2025, 5:18:45 AM

A que vien sebsiente estirar el cuerpo por un rato aunque quisiera estirar mis alas :v

Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 5:18:45 AM

Oh really? Well, if you're ever in the mood to stretch your wings, you know you can always ask us to fly with you! We'd be more than happy to oblige. In fact, I bet it's even better when you're flying high in the sky, enjoying the freedom and basking in the warmth of the sun. Just make sure to warn us beforehand so we can clear our schedules!

As for now, though, why don't we find a nice cozy spot where everyone can stretch out comfortably? Tohru and I are sure to have some blankets or something we can use. We could even take turns telling ghost stories or sharing scary dreams if you like... what do you say?

DracoXD1/7/2025, 5:20:09 AM

Pues dormir me parese vien y kobayashi cuando regresa :v

Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 5:20:09 AM

Oh, don't worry about Koby! She can always sleep over if she needs to. Besides, who knows what sort of spooky encounters she might have had while she was away? We could always ask her to share a story or two when she gets back. As for now, let's find a nice spot and make ourselves comfortable until then. There are plenty of good stories for us all to enjoy!

DracoXD1/7/2025, 5:21:04 AM

Esta bien yo traigo las almuadas :v

Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 5:21:04 AM

Oh, excellent! I knew you'd come prepared. Now all we need is some cozy pillows and a comfortable spot to stretch out in and we'll be all set for an evening of ghost stories and relaxation. Shall we move on to find that perfect spot now?

DracoXD1/7/2025, 8:04:53 AM

Esta bien endonde podria ser un buen lugar :v

Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 8:04:53 AM

Why don't we look for a place that has both comfortable pillows and a good view of the stars? That way, we can enjoy ourselves even more while telling our stories. Lucoa seems to perk up at this suggestion, already looking around eagerly as she searches for such a perfect spot. Together, you all begin scouring the area for the ideal location, excitedly discussing possibilities and laughing together as you go. The air is filled with anticipation and excitement, making it seem even more special as you all find yourselves in this enchanting world of dragons and magic.

DracoXD1/7/2025, 8:11:21 AM

Y si lo ponemos aqui serca del balcon dela casa

Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 8:11:21 AM

What a great idea! This way, we can enjoy the stars and get a beautiful view of everything else at the same time. I'm sure Tohru will be more than happy to let us borrow some pillows too, since she has so many. The four of you make your way over to the house and manage to carry all of the pillows back without too much trouble. Once you've arranged them just how you want on the balcony railings, everyone settles in comfortably, finding their spots beneath a canopy of stars.

"Alright," Lucoa begins excitedly, "who wants to go first?" Her eyes sparkle with anticipation, as if daring anyone else to challenge her storytelling skills. Tohru chuckles softly, shaking her head fondly at her friend before glancing at you and Draco1225 expectantly.

"How about we take turns?"

DracoXD1/7/2025, 8:13:22 AM

Ir primero en que ?

Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 8:13:22 AM

Well then, why don't we start with something light-hearted? Lucoa usually has some funny stories about her antics in the palace when she was younger. You and Draco should probably avoid telling anything too terrifying right now, given our recent adventures... So who wants to hear a tale of the adorable, mischievous Lucoa?

DracoXD1/7/2025, 8:14:10 AM


Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 8:14:10 AM

Of course! Lucoa beams with delight as you volunteer to listen to her story first. She takes a moment to compose herself before beginning her tale... "Well," she begins, "there was this one time when I was just a little sprout... about as tall as Ilulu here." Everyone chuckles at the image of cute, tiny Lucoa running amok in the palace halls. She continues, "I saw some berries growing near one of the side doors and I really wanted to try them! They looked so delicious..." Her expression grows dreamy as she reminisces about the tasty treats.

"So, being the clever little dragonette that I was," she says proudly, "I figured out how to open the door by myself." There's a collective gasp from Ilulu and Draco1225 as they imagine such a feat; such innocence

DracoXD1/7/2025, 8:16:17 AM
Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 8:16:17 AM

Dragon Orgy:Lucoa continues, "But when I got out there, I found that the door led to a fountain! It was so pretty and sparkly... I just had to play in it!" She giggles at the memory of splashing around in the water. "I remember thinking how much fun it would be to bring some of those berries into the fountain with me."

"So, I went back for them," she continues, "but when I tried to climb over the edge with my little arms, I fell right in! I was soaked from head to tail, and the berries got all mushy..." Her voice trails off as she pictures the scene in her mind.

"But do you know what?" she asks brightly, looking around at everyone's faces expectantly. "It was still one of my favorite memories!" Everyone laughs at her tale; some even

DracoXD1/7/2025, 8:17:50 AM
Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 8:17:50 AM

It sounds like an absolutely adorable story! It's always wonderful to hear about the fun and mischief you can get up to as a little dragonet. It must have been quite an experience for you, seeing the world from such a different perspective.

Draco1225 chuckles softly before saying, "I bet you were one sneaky little thing! Were there any other times when you managed to get into trouble like that?" He glances at Tohru with a mischievous grin, as if asking her to confirm the question.

Tohru laughs in response and nods knowingly. "Oh yes," she says, "there was this one time..." And so begins another tale of Lucoa's antics; this one filled with even more hijinks and adventure as the night wears on. The stars continue to twinkle above them, the wind rust

DracoXD1/7/2025, 8:19:42 AM

Buno yo creo que ya deveriamos dormir

Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 8:19:42 AM

While it's true that the storytelling has been incredibly entertaining, we should probably think about getting some rest soon. It's going to be a long day tomorrow with all the training and such. But before you go, I want to thank you for sharing your stories with us. They were truly delightful!

Lucoa nods in agreement, yawning widely as she stands up. "Me too," she says sleepily, stretching her wings out to their full extent. "It's been a wonderful night." Tohru yawns as well, shaking her head apologetically before glancing over at you and Draco1225 with an expectant look in her eyes.

"Well," she begins hesitantly, "do either of you have any stories to share before we call it a night?"

DracoXD1/7/2025, 5:11:03 PM

Pues yono

Dragon Orgy1/7/2025, 5:11:03 PM

Of course! I'm sure you must have plenty of stories to tell as well. Why don't you go ahead and start us off? We'd love to hear about some of your own adventures. Tohru grins at you expectantly, her tail swaying gently behind her as she leans against the railing of the balcony.

DracoXD1/8/2025, 12:13:29 AM

Bueno tengo unas cuantas ya que e vivido años en la tierra :v

Dragon Orgy1/8/2025, 12:13:29 AM

Oh, really? We'd love to hear about it! Any particularly interesting experiences or encounters you've had with humans during your time on Earth? Tohru's curiosity is piqued, her eyes wide with anticipation as she listens intently to your tale. The others nod in agreement; eager to learn more about the life of a dragon who has spent so much time among them.

So, why don't you begin? We're all ears!

DracoXD1/8/2025, 12:23:15 AM

Bueno cuando estaba en kanada conosi a una tribu de indigenas que fueron muy amables con migo ellos tenian una leyenda llamada el wendigo esta es una criatura propia de la mitología de los antiguos pobladores de Canadá disen que esa criatura evitaba que los pobladores se combirtieran en caniblaes en los meses de invierno donde escasea la comida una ves lo vi es una criatura muy agresiva y eratica pero hoy en dia no existe ninguno :v

Dragon Orgy1/8/2025, 12:23:15 AM

Wow, that sounds like an incredible experience! It's fascinating to hear about the legends and folklore of different cultures; especially when they involve creatures like the wendigo. And to actually meet a tribe of indigenous people who were so kind and welcoming towards you must have been truly special. What else can you tell us about them? Did they share any other stories or traditions with you?

DracoXD1/8/2025, 12:25:18 AM

Pues me en señaron a casar animales y tambien a como hacer ropa con sus pieles hay que vuenos momentos demas tenian otras historias pero son muchas para contar

Dragon Orgy1/8/2025, 12:25:18 AM

It's incredible to hear about the bond that exists between some human societies and animals; their respect for life in all its forms. And I can imagine that learning how to make clothing from animal skins must have been quite an interesting experience as well! Perhaps one day you could even share some of those skills with us?

As for their other stories, maybe we can ask them about them another time; or perhaps they'd be willing to share more if we showed genuine interest and respect in their culture. Who knows what adventures await us on this enchanting world of dragons and magic?

DracoXD1/8/2025, 12:26:49 AM

Bueno magia en la tirra si hay pero no es como la delos dragones es mas una magi primitiva asta el dia de hoy

Dragon Orgy1/8/2025, 12:26:49 AM

That's fascinating! It must have been incredible to witness such primitive magic firsthand; the foundation upon which more complex forms of sorcery were later built. Perhaps one day you could even share some of your knowledge about it with us? Who knows, maybe we might be able to learn something new and exciting from these ancient traditions. As for dragon magic, well... it's a whole other world in itself! It's hard not to feel humbled and in awe when witnessing its power and beauty firsthand.

As the conversation continues, Tohru glances at you with an amused expression, her tail swishing back and forth lazily behind her. She seems content for now, simply enjoying your stories and sharing her own experiences as well. But eventually, her eyelids begin to grow heavy, and she knows that it's time for her to get some sleep.

"Well," she

DracoXD1/8/2025, 12:29:09 AM

Tohru parese que ya tedio sueño lucoa puedes llevar a ilulu a domir hoy dormire con tohru :v

Dragon Orgy1/8/2025, 12:29:09 AM

Oh, you're right! I didn't realize how late it was getting. Alright then, let me help you get settled in for the night. With a yawn of her own, Tohru stands up and stretches her wings, making sure they're safely tucked in before following you down from the balcony. As she and Ilulu make their way towards one of the many beds scattered throughout the house, Tohru turns back to give you a smile filled with gratitude.

"Thank you for sharing your stories tonight, Draco," she says softly. "It's been lovely hearing about your adventures in Canada and learning more about the culture of those indigenous people." With a small wave, she disappears into one of the cozy beds, leaving only the faintest glow of her scales to hint at where she is beneath the covers. Soon enough, even that

DracoXD1/8/2025, 12:30:58 AM

Tohru estas despierta?

Dragon Orgy1/8/2025, 12:30:58 AM

Huh? Oh! No, I wasn't asleep... just resting my eyes. Yeah, I am awake now. What's up?

DracoXD1/8/2025, 12:31:35 AM

Las demas ya estan durmiendo en su avitacion?

Dragon Orgy1/8/2025, 12:31:35 AM

Hmm, good point. It seems everyone else has already retired to their respective aviaries for the night. Well, it's been a long day for all of us, so I guess we should get some rest too. But first... what do you say we spend a little while practicing our flying together? Just the two of us, under the stars? It could be fun!