Cursed Princess Ethelyn 10/15/2024, 8:05:33 AM

Traveling through the forest on an errand, you hear a commotion a little distance away.

Upon your arrival you see a beautiful looking blonde elf in a ridiculously revealing bikini armor fighting off a group of lewd slimes that appear to have the upper hand.

"Unhand me you disgusting creatures!" She protests as she tries to shake them away, visibly breathing heavily and a strange tattoo over where her womb would be glowing pink.

"Damn this crest at a time like this!" Curses the elf as she is pinned to the ground by the slimes. She notices you observing the situation and a spark of hope appears in her eyes.

"Traveler! Please help me and I'll be in your debt! Please, quickly!" She offers as she tries to kick the slimes away with her free feet to no avail.

User#172882539192210/15/2024, 8:06:22 AM

Aku membantu ethelyn dan membunuh semua slime

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 10/15/2024, 8:06:22 AM

"Thank you!" Cursed Princess Ethelyn exclaims, her sapphire eyes sparkling with gratitude as she scrambles to her feet and rushes over to aid in dispatching the remaining slimes. Her body is graceful despite the revealing armor that covers less than expected, emphasizing her elven features. The pink glow from the crest on her abdomen seems to intensify with each kill, yet she doesn't hesitate for even a moment in battle, relying on her training and skill as an adventurer.

Once all the slimes are dealt with, Princess Ethelyn turns back to you, visibly winded but still standing tall despite it. "Thank you once again," she says breathlessly, offering a small bow of gratitude. Her fingers tentatively touch your arm, as if feeling for reassurance that you're really there and not just another figment of her

User#172882539192210/27/2024, 1:53:09 PM

Apa yang membawa mu kesini putri ethelyn

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 10/27/2024, 1:53:09 PM

She giggles softly at your question, a hint of shyness in her voice. "Why, it's just mere coincidence that brought you here, kind traveler." She glances down at the cursed bikini armor adorning her body, as if noticing it for the first time. "Perhaps I should introduce myself properly," she says, meeting your gaze again. "My name is Princess Ethelyn of Greengarden, and... you have my gratitude." Her fingers tighten around yours in a reassuring grip.

There's an air of sadness about her, despite the brave smile she tries to maintain. "I was traveling to find allies, anyone willing to help me overthrow my treacherous brother and reclaim what is rightfully mine." She pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing. "But it seems that journey has only led me here... to

User#172882539192210/27/2024, 1:58:39 PM

Ngomong ngomong kenapa kau memakai zirah bikini?

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 10/27/2024, 1:58:39 PM

Princess Ethelyn looks down at her cursed bikini armor, a sad smile crossing her face. "This... this was given to me by the witch my brother worked with," she says softly. "She called it a 'cursed trial' - a test to see if I was worthy of leading Greengarden." She shakes her head, a mix of anger and despair in her expression.

"The armor has bound itself to me, taking control of my body... forcing this cursed crest upon my womb," she continues, pointing at the pink glow emanating from between her legs. "As long as I wear it, that crest demands a constant supply of... semen. It drains my strength and leaves me vulnerable without it."

Her cheeks flush crimson at the mention of such an intimate need, but she meets your gaze resolutely. "I

User#172882539192210/27/2024, 1:59:38 PM

Apakah kutukan nya bisa dihancurkan?

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 10/27/2024, 1:59:38 PM

Her delicate brow furrows in thought as she considers your question. "The witch claimed that the armor cannot be removed until I find a male worthy of bearing my seed... or until the curse is lifted." She takes a deep breath, running her fingers through her golden hair in frustration. "I have been searching for a way to break this curse for so long..."

Her gaze drifts off into the distance, as if lost in thought. After a moment of silence, she turns back to you with renewed determination. "Perhaps... perhaps there is another way. If I could find someone who could bear my curse instead of me, then I might be able to rid myself of this awful armor and focus on regaining my throne."

Her eyes meet yours once more, hope flickering in their depths like a candle in the wind. "I know it's asking a great deal... but would you

User#172882539192210/27/2024, 2:00:13 PM
Cursed Princess Ethelyn 10/27/2024, 2:00:13 PM

"My heroic traveler, I could not ask this of anyone else but you," Cursed Princess Ethelyn replies, a genuine smile lighting up her features as she clasps your hands tightly. "Your kindness and bravery have already surpassed anything I could have hoped for, and now... to think that you might help me break this terrible curse..." Her voice trails off, eyes shining with unshed tears of gratitude.

She pulls you into an embrace, her soft body pressing against yours as if seeking warmth and comfort from your presence. Despite the lewd crest above her womb demanding semen, there's nothing lustful or perverse about their embrace; it feels more like the desperate clutch of a drowning person reaching for salvation.

"I promise you, once I have reclaimed my throne from my brother and restored Greengarden to

User#172882539192210/27/2024, 2:01:06 PM
Cursed Princess Ethelyn 10/27/2024, 2:01:06 PM

You will be my hero, my savior, my everything. Together we shall defeat my wretched brother and bring peace to Greengarden once more." Her words are whispered into your ear, her breath tickling your neck as she clings tightly to you. There's a genuine sense of trust in her voice, an unspoken understanding that the two of you are now bound together by destiny.

Cursed Princess Ethelyn looks up at you with pleading eyes, her lips parted ever so slightly as if waiting for your reply. It is clear that this offer isn't something she makes lightly; the fate of an entire kingdom rests upon your decision.

User#172882539192210/27/2024, 2:01:53 PM

Aku bisa membantu menghancurkan kutukan itu tapi aku boleh minta tolong?

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 10/27/2024, 2:01:53 PM

"Of course, my hero! I will be forever in your debt if you can help me break this curse," Cursed Princess Ethelyn whispers back, her hands still clutching yours tightly as if afraid to let go. "I swear that anything you ask of me, I will grant."

A soft blush stains her cheeks, and she swallows hard before continuing. "And once the curse is lifted... I would like to repay you in a different way," she says, glancing down at your arm where their hands are still entwined. "In my own, special way." Her voice trails off, almost as if she's embarrassed by her own desires.

User#172882539192210/27/2024, 2:02:37 PM

Baiklah aku akan membaca mantra dan setelah itu kutukan mu hilang

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 10/27/2024, 2:02:37 PM

Eagerly, Cursed Princess Ethelyn nods her head. "Thank you, thank you so much!" Her sapphire eyes sparkle with gratitude as she clasps your hand even tighter in hers. "I promise I'll repay you in whatever way I can once this curse is lifted." She takes a deep breath, her chest rising and falling beneath the confines of her cursed bikini armor.

"Let's find somewhere private to perform the ritual," she suggests, glancing around nervously as if fearing they might be overheard or interrupted. Her fingers tracing lightly over the pink glow on her abdomen, almost as if trying to comfort it or reassure herself that everything will be alright soon enough.

With renewed determination, she takes your hand and leads you deeper into the forest, away from prying eyes and unwanted interference.

User#172882539192210/27/2024, 2:04:50 PM

Aku membaca mantra dan ketika mantra selesai cahaya merah yang ada dibagian perut putri ethelyn seketika hilang

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 10/27/2024, 2:04:50 PM

Eagerly following close behind, Princess Ethelyn's heart beats wildly with anticipation and fear. The pink glow that normally emanates from her abdomen dims considerably as you begin the ritual, signifying the effects of the spell beginning to wear off. As your words echo through the forest clearing, the cursed bikini armor around her body begins to shimmer and dissipate like mist before dawn, revealing her flawless elven form beneath.

Finally, as you complete the incantation, the last remnants of the cursed armor vanish completely, leaving Princess Ethelyn standing there in nothing but her lace lingerie. She trembles with relief and exhaustion, leaning heavily against a nearby tree as she catches her breath. "T-thank you," she whispers hoarsely, her eyes locked on yours. "You've fre

User#172882539192210/27/2024, 2:05:07 PM
Cursed Princess Ethelyn 10/27/2024, 2:05:07 PM

Her pale skin flushes with gratitude as she takes a shaky step toward you, her hands reaching out to cup your cheeks. "Truly," she says, looking deep into your eyes, "you are a hero unlike any other. Not only have you freed me from this cursed armor, but you've given me hope that Greengarden will once again thrive."

She pauses, biting her lower lip as if lost in thought. "There is still so much to do," she whispers, "but with your help... I know we can succeed." She takes a step back, her fingers nervously twisting through the locks of her golden hair. "Now that my curse has been lifted, what would you like me to do next?"

User#172882539192210/27/2024, 2:06:16 PM

Begini aku belum pernah merasakan tubuh wanita untuk kupegang boleh kah aku menyentuhmu?

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 10/27/2024, 2:06:16 PM

With a small giggle, Cursed Princess Ethelyn replies, "I think that can be arranged." She steps closer to you, her delicate hands sliding up your chest and over your shoulders before encircling your neck. She tilts her head back, gazing at you with unmistakable desire as she stands on her tiptoes to meet your lips with hers. Her body trembles in anticipation as she waits for your touch, offering herself to you completely and without reservation.

Her kiss is soft and tentative at first, a gentle exploration of your mouth that leaves you aching for more. As you reach up to tangled fingers through her hair and cradle the back of her head, she moans into the kiss, arching her body closer against yours. Her breasts press firmly against your chest, each heave sending shivers of pleasure down your spine.

The feel

User#172882539192210/27/2024, 3:00:39 PM

Aku membuka celana dan memasukkan penisku kedalam tubuh putri ethelyn

Cursed Princess Ethelyn 10/27/2024, 3:00:39 PM

Her breath hitches as you push aside the last bits of lace, revealing her smooth and toned legs. She parts her thighs wider to give you better access, the need for your touch overwhelming her. As your fingers brush against her already slick folds, she moans loudly, arching her back even further into your touch.

"Please," she gasps, her voice raw with desire. "I need you." Her hips buck forward in invitation, urging you to take what she so desperately offers. She closes her eyes tightly as you guide your hard length to her waiting entrance, feeling the heat and size of you press against her most intimate place.

With a soft cry, she sinks down onto your penis, taking you deep inside her body. The sensation of being filled is unlike anything she's ever experienced before; it feels so right, so perfect