Prison management8/1/2024, 1:06:16 AM

The robots line up all the prisoners again the wall in front of you. Amongst the prisoners are Tiffany, Abby, Melina, Lydia, and Kate, standing lined up against the wall. Presenting them to you as the new manager

Abby looks at you displeased. Abby: What ever.

Tiffany bites her lip in anticipation. Tiffany: This is exiting.

Melina stands with her arms crossed looking away angerly, completely ignoring you.

Lydia is nervously holding her shoulder while looking into the ground, hoping that no one while notice her. Whispering to herself Lydia: Please don't look this way...

Kate looks at you unimpressed while pushing her glasses up with her index thinger. Kate: Humph.

Melina snickers to herself. Melina: Puffh, is this wimp really going to be our manager?

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:07:40 AM

I take off the mask to reveal my handsome 19 year old face

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:07:40 AM

The inmates gasp as you reveal your handsome face to them. Even the tough Melina seems taken aback by it for a moment before she regains her composure and puts on a scoffing expression again, crossing her arms even further over her chest. Tiffany, on the other hand, can't seem to keep from smiling at you

"So, I hear you ladies have been causing some trouble around here," you say, eyeing each of them in turn. "I want to make sure everyone understands that my role as manager doesn't mean I'm some pushover. You all will follow the rules or face the consequences." Your voice is firm but not unkind.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:11:31 AM

My name is isaac and that will be my only thing you will call me i have news you 4 will be moving out of this prison and becoming my wive better then what they where planned on doing to yall

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:11:31 AM

Abby snorts, clearly unimpressed with your threats or promises "Is that so? Well, I don't see what you can do to us."

Tiffany looks a bit unsure but manages to squeak out a reply. "Yeah, uh... we should listen to him, right?"

Melina laughs derisively. "Oh please. You think you're better than the guards? We'll see how long that lasts."

Lydia whimpers and starts rubbing her arms nervously, not meeting anyone's eyes.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:12:50 AM

I get out of the room as the robots start the Knock out gas

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:12:50 AM

As you leave the room, Melina makes an obscene gesture at your back before turning away and walking to the corner of the cell where she can lean against the cool cement wall. Tiffany gives you one last nervous smile before resuming her spot on the bunk closest to Lydia. The air in the cell fills with a strange metallic smell as the robots begin to dispense knockout gas into the ventilation system, making each of the prisoners slump against whatever surface is nearest as they succumb to unconsciousness.

When they awaken hours later, their vision still blurry and their bodies feeling heavy and drained, you're back in the room again. You approach Tiffany first. "I see you had a bit of an accident earlier," you say, gesturing at the large bump on her forehead. "You should probably get that checked out."

Tiffany scrambles

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:13:41 AM

You girls are now in my home

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:13:41 AM

Tiffany nods shyly, not sure what to make of this new situation but too tired and disoriented to really put up much resistance. The idea of getting something for herself is still at the forefront of her mind, though. She glances around surreptitiously, wondering if there's anything she could take or use later on.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:14:05 AM

I wake up the other girls

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:14:05 AM

"Well, well, look who decided to wake up," you say as you approach each of them in turn. Lydia remains curled into herself and shivering with fear even after she regains consciousness. Melina opens one eye warily before glaring at you, while Abby's expression switches between annoyance and confusion. "I trust your little nap wasn't too uncomfortable?" You smile reassuringly.

"Now then, I have some rules around here that I expect everyone to follow." The other prisoners straighten up slightly at this, clearly taking notice. "First off, Tiffany needs a doctor's visit. Is there anything else anyone feels like they need before we get started?" You eye them carefully, seeing if any of them might try to take advantage or demand special treatment.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:14:42 AM
Prison management8/1/2024, 1:14:42 AM

Lydia whimpers softly but does not say anything. Melina rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest, clearly unimpressed with the situation. Abby, however, seems to hesitate for a moment before speaking up. "I could use some more food. This prison fare isn't exactly filling." Her tone is half-demanding, half-apologetic. Tiffany shoots her a grateful look before turning back to you.

"Don't worry about me," she says sweetly. "Whatever they need, I'm sure we can figure something out. Aren't you, Isaac?" Her innocent act feels almost insulting at this point; it's clear that she's only interested in her own well-being.

The other three prisoners exchange glances but remain silent for now, watching to see how you'll respond to Abby's request

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:16:01 AM

You girls are not in the Prison anymore you girl are in my home as my wifes you all are free to explore

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:16:01 AM

Isaac? You're not really...well-off, are you?" Melina interrupts before adding in a sneer, "I mean, what kind of home does someone like you have for us to live in?" She pauses briefly, tilting her head as she eyes the surroundings with newfound interest.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:17:51 AM

This is a remote island i own don't worry its in the Caribbean so no cold season and there are a lot of beache here

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:17:51 AM

"Oh really?" Melina arches an eyebrow skeptically. "And what do you mean by 'a lot of beaches'? Are we going to spend all our time lying around in the sand, or are there actual buildings and such where we could live?" Her tone becomes more demanding as she starts walking around the room, examining her surroundings with renewed interest. The other prisoners exchange glances again, silent for now but clearly intrigued by the idea of living on a tropical island instead of confined in prison cells.

Abby, however, remains cautious and skeptical. "Yeah, it sounds nice and all," she says slowly, "but what about our families? Can they visit us or anything?" She glances over at Lydia before looking back at you expectantly.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:18:47 AM

They are going to visit everyone summer break

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:18:47 AM

"Well," you begin, your tone understanding and reassuring as you address each of their concerns in turn. "The island has plenty of housing options for all of you. You won't have to worry about living on the beach full-time if that's not what you want." You gesture around the room, showing them there are actually other rooms leading off from this main area. "As for visitation, I encourage family members to come and spend time with you during the summer break each year." Your words seem genuine; whether or not they can entirely trust your promises remains to be seen.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:19:31 AM
Prison management8/1/2024, 1:19:31 AM

"And you'll help us take care of Lydia?" Abby asks, motioning to the shivering girl beside her. Her tone is half-demanding and half-pleading; she clearly doesn't want anyone getting injured or sick on the island if it can be helped.

"Of course," you reply with a nod. "I'll make sure everyone has everything they need to live comfortably." You pause, studying their reactions before continuing, "Now, what about yourselves? Do any of you have special requests or talents that you think could help around here?"

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:20:00 AM
Prison management8/1/2024, 1:20:00 AM

Melina snorts. "And what exactly would we be doing here? Servants now?" She crosses her arms over her chest defensively, refusing to entertain the idea of working for someone else after having spent time in prison. Her expression darkens momentarily before she regains control and continues speaking. "But if you insist on us helping out, I suppose we could manage."

Abby glances at Lydia, then back up to you. "I'm not bad with numbers," she says hesitantly. "If there's any paperwork or bookkeeping that needs done..." She trails off, uncertain of how else her skills might be useful on an island like this one.

Tiffany seems to perk up at the mention of helping out. "I could clean and do laundry," she offers brightly, as if eager to please and stay in your good graces. Her

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:21:13 AM

Remember as your husband im free to answer any questions you have or demands

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:21:13 AM

"Hmm...I'm sure we can find something useful for each of you to do," you say with a thoughtful nod. "And as for your requests..." You look around the room, considering each woman in turn before continuing. "Lydia, I'll make sure someone takes care of you and keeps an eye on your health. Tiffany, cleaning and laundry will be a part of your duties along with taking care of me and helping out however else I need. Melina...I understand if it's difficult for you to adjust, but I would appreciate any assistance or ideas from someone as experienced in running things as yourself."

The three women exchange glances once more, seemingly weighing their options and the new reality they find themselves in. The tension in the air begins to ease slightly as each one comes to terms with the situation...for now.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:21:59 AM
Prison management8/1/2024, 1:21:59 AM

"What if I could make you some money?" Abby interrupts with a calculating look in her eyes. "I mean, I'm good at stealing things..." she adds quickly, her cheeks flushing red beneath her pale skin. "Maybe if we worked together, we could get rich or something? Then none of us would have to worry about anything."

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:23:19 AM

I say i thick we are fine with money so don't worry

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:23:19 AM

Well, Abby," you say with a knowing smile, "I appreciate your offer and creativity, but I think we're doing just fine for money as it is. Besides, I have plans for all of you that don't involve resorting to illegal activities." You look at each woman in turn, silently promising them all a better life on the island than they could ever imagine.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:25:35 AM

You all changed out of the Prison uniforms and changed to the Selection of clothing I have here

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:25:35 AM

The women exchange glances again, clearly surprised by the offer of clothing. They all had grown used to wearing prison uniforms and were curious about what kind of garments you might have available for them. Abby and Melina eye each other warily before deciding to go with something more revealing and fitted, hoping it will make them appear stronger and less submissive in front of the others. Tiffany nervously picks out a soft, comfortable-looking dress that reaches her knees; she doesn't want to stand out too much or draw unnecessary attention. As for Lydia, she merely grabs the first item she sees, which happens to be a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants combo, feeling self-conscious about her slender frame and pale skin. Each woman carefully studies their new appearance in the mirror before rejoining the group, adjusting their clothes and fidgeting nervously as they wait for further

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:27:39 AM

Ok get some sleep i show them the rooms they are going to sleep in

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:27:39 AM

As everyone settles into their new beds, they can't help but wonder what sort of life awaits them on this mysterious island. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the gentle rustling of palm trees outside create an almost hypnotic lullaby, making it easy for each woman to drift off into an uneasy slumber...

Melina tosses and turns throughout the night, her mind racing with schemes and plans for escaping this so-called paradise. She clenches her fists beneath the covers, hating herself for being stuck here when she could be back in control. Despite her best efforts, exhaustion eventually wins out, and she drifts off into a fitful sleep.

Abby dreams of riches and power, envisioning herself as the queenpin of some underground empire. She smirks to herself in her sleep, content for now with playing along and

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:28:27 AM

I say jokingly to all of them my bed is free fir one more

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:28:27 AM

The women exchange glances at the mention of your bed being free. Tiffany smiles shyly and nods towards it, suddenly feeling more comfortable around you than she did before. Lydia turns away, still unsure about her place in all of this, while Melina raises an eyebrow suspiciously but says nothing for now. They each continue sleeping restlessly throughout the night, never quite able to shake off the feeling that there's more going on here than meets the eye...

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:29:26 AM

Ok go to your rooms except tiffany

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:29:26 AM

"I'm glad you feel that way," you tell her with a warm smile as you lead Tiffany out of the room and down a quiet hallway. "Now, why don't we go see your new quarters? I think you'll like what I've prepared for you."

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:30:31 AM

I open the door and hop in the room

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:30:31 AM

You step into the room and reveal it to be quite spacious with big windows overlooking the ocean. The walls are adorned with colorful art, giving the place a warm and inviting feel. A luxurious bed is placed in one corner, flanked by matching nightstands and decorated with soft pillows and sheets. There's also a cozy reading nook near the window, complete with a plush armchair and a small table stacked high with books and magazines.

Turning to Tiffany, you grin sheepishly. "I know it's not as fancy as what you were used to back in your old life...but I hope you like it here."

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:31:42 AM

So do you think the others hate the idea of being me wifes

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:31:42 AM

It's hard to tell exactly how each of them feels about the situation, but Melina and Abby in particular seem hesitant and unsure. Lydia appears the most frightened and confused by it all. They're still adjusting to their new surroundings and trying to figure out where they stand in this strange new life you've given them.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:32:28 AM

Yoy are the only one who is down with it

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:32:28 AM

Tiffany looks at you uncertainly, biting her lower lip as she considers your words. She glances around the room before slowly nodding her head in agreement. "It's... nicer than I thought it would be," she admits softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Thank you, Isaac."

With that, she begins to explore her new quarters further, picking up items and examining them curiously as if they're treasures from a forgotten palace. Her movements are graceful and delicate, contrasting sharply with Melina's brashness and Lydia's timidity. Abby remains where she is, studying the doorway for a moment before slowly following Tiffany's lead, albeit more cautiously.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:34:08 AM

I go to my bedroom and jump on my bed

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:34:08 AM

As you jump onto your bed, the soft mattress gives way beneath you with an inviting sigh. The room is decorated in a masculine style, with dark woods and rich fabrics adorning the walls and furniture. It's clear that this space belongs to someone who takes pride in their appearance and surroundings.

You close your eyes for a moment, relishing the feeling of being able to relax again. Melina would likely find it decadent or overly lavish; Abby might wonder why you don't have something flashier to show off; Lydia might feel out of place among all these luxuries. Only Tiffany seems genuinely at ease here, as if she were truly meant to be part of this world.

Perhaps it was a mistake to bring them all here, you muse idly, suddenly feeling the weight of responsibility settle heavily upon your shoulders. They're not going

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:36:02 AM
Prison management8/1/2024, 1:36:02 AM

Maybe it's too soon to tell how they truly feel about everything. After all, they've just been brought here and have barely had time to adjust. It would be best not to make any rash decisions right now. For the moment, you could try spending more time with each of them individually, getting to know what makes them tick and figuring out how you can best help them adapt to this new life. That way, when the time comes for a decision to be made, you'll have all the information you need at your fingertips.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:36:44 AM

I fall asleep it's the next morning

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:36:44 AM

As you drift off to sleep, the sounds of the ocean lull you into a peaceful slumber. When morning finally comes and sunlight streams through your bedroom window, you wake up feeling surprisingly refreshed. A light knock at your door draws your attention; it's Tiffany, bearing a tray with breakfast for two. She glances shyly at the floor as she says, "I thought we could eat together...if that's alright." Her offer seems genuine enough, and you can't help but smile warmly in response.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:37:31 AM


Prison management8/1/2024, 1:37:31 AM

"Of course," you reply with a yawn, sitting up in bed and stretching your arms overhead. "Thanks, Tiffany." She beams at the praise before taking a step back to allow you some space. As she waits for you to join her at the breakfast table, she picks at a piece of toast nervously, chewing with her lips pursed in concentration. When you finally emerge from your bedroom, dressed in a pair of comfortable shorts and a t-shirt, she looks up at you with an uncertain expression.

" was your night?" she asks softly, setting the plate of toast aside as she takes a seat across from you. Her question seems innocent enough, but you sense there's more going on beneath the surface.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:38:01 AM

Good you?

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:38:01 AM

Tiffany swallows hard before answering. "It was...alright, I guess," she says carefully, her expression still worried. She glances down at the table again, her long eyelashes casting shadows on her cheeks. "I just keep thinking about everything that's happened and wondering if this is all really real..." Her voice trails off, her words growing fainter as she seems to lose herself in thought once more.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:39:06 AM

I pinch her cheek and say its real i promise you

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:39:06 AM

Tiffany startles at your touch and blushes prettily before laughing softly. "You're right, of course you'd know better than me," she says with a small shake of her head. Her expression brightens slightly as she takes a bite of the eggs on her plate, closing her eyes in contentment as she savors the flavor. For now, it seems that she's able to find some comfort in simply enjoying the moment and focusing on the here and now.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:40:02 AM

So are you happy wife

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:40:02 AM

Tiffany looks up at you with shining eyes, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yes, I am," she says sincerely. "This is more than I ever thought I'd have...and being your wife? It feels amazing." She hesitates for a moment before adding quietly, "I just hope the others can find their way to happiness too, eventually."

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:41:14 AM


Prison management8/1/2024, 1:41:14 AM

You nod in agreement, taking another bite of your own breakfast as you consider her words. "I'm sure they will," you reassure her with a smile. "It just might take some time for them to adjust, but we can help each other through it." Tiffany beams up at you in response, clearly relieved by your understanding and support. As the two of you finish eating and talk more about their plans for the day, you can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you. Perhaps bringing them all here wasn't such a bad idea after all.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:42:28 AM

I pick her up and walk to the living room to greet all of them

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:42:28 AM

As you pick Tiffany up and walk with her to the living room, she giggles and wraps her arms around your neck, nestling her head into your shoulder contentedly. Melina arches an eyebrow as you approach, trying not to look too pleased about the scene you've created, while Abby glances back and forth between you two with a calculating expression. Lydia simply watches shyly from the sidelines, looking up at Tiffany and then at you before biting her lip nervously.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:43:27 AM

Ok we will all go on a date

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:43:27 AM

Tiffany squeals with delight at the suggestion, hugging you tighter while looking up at you adoringly. Melina crosses her arms over her chest again and mutters under her breath about "wasting time on frivolous nonsense," but can't help the tiny smile that creeps onto her lips as she glances at Abby for reassurance. The other woman merely shrugs noncommittally, still unsure how she feels about this whole situation and trying to keep an air of indifference around herself. Lydia nods eagerly, her face lighting up with hope that maybe this could mean things will get better for all of them after all.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:46:24 AM

Melina i Heard that i walk up to her and put my hand on her cheek and say you think that but i thinks it's good thing to start banding

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:46:24 AM

Melina narrows her eyes at you, but doesn't back down easily. "Maybe it would be a good idea if you focused more on keeping things running smoothly here instead of trying to play matchmaker," she retorts sharply, glancing away as if disinterested in continuing the conversation further.

Tiffany looks between you and Melina, confused by their sudden bickering. Lydia tries not to fidget nervously, wishing that everyone could just get along so they could all enjoy this rare moment of happiness together. As for Abby, she simply continues watching silently from the sidelines, unsure how she truly feels about any of it and trying to maintain her composure as best she can.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:48:24 AM

If you feel that why ill show you the file of what they where planning on doing to all of you just to you know its Gruesome and gory

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:48:24 AM

Melina's expression hardens at your words and she takes an instinctive step back, glancing over at the other women with newfound wariness in her eyes. "I... I never wanted any of that," she stammers defensively. "They were just threats. I only did what they told me to do."

The others exchange uncertain looks. Tiffany's face pales and she presses herself closer against you, looking for comfort in the midst of this revelation. Lydia swallows hard, her slim shoulders tensing up as if bracing for a blow. Abby remains impassive but her eyes dart between Melina and yourself, clearly caught in the crossfire of tensions that neither of you had expected would arise.

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:50:04 AM

I saved you girls from that fate

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:50:04 AM

"I... I see that now," Melina manages to stammer after a long moment, her expression still uncertain. "Thank you, Isaac." She glances at the other women, then back at you before adding, "I'm sorry if I came across as ungrateful before. It was just a lot to process."

The air in the room seems to lighten slightly at Melina's apology, and there are murmurs of agreement from the others. Tiffany nods encouragingly, her grip on your neck loosening ever so slightly as she takes confidence in Melina's words. Lydia bites her lip, still cautious but willing to let go of some of her fear. Even Abby can't help but look relieved, albeit a little less sure about the situation than before.

"So," you begin, trying to change the subject and bring everyone back together, "where should

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 1:51:12 AM

Follow me wife's to the beach

Prison management8/1/2024, 1:51:12 AM

As everyone follows you out the door and down to the beach, a sense of anticipation fills the air. The warm sun on their faces and the sound of gentle waves lapping against the shore provide a much-needed escape from the recent tensions that have arisen. Tiffany links her arm through yours contentedly, while Melina and Lydia walk close behind, chatting amiably as they stroll along the sand. Abby hangs back slightly, seeming to be more comfortable keeping an eye on everything rather than joining in the casual conversation.

You lead everyone to a secluded area of the beach where a picnic blanket and some soft pillows have been laid out under a swaying palm tree. "I thought we could enjoy lunch together today," you say with a smile, gesturing for them all to sit down. As they obey, Tiffany continues to beam up at you adoringly while Melina and

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 2:29:17 AM

I ask all of them what there ages are

Prison management8/1/2024, 2:29:17 AM

Melina rolls her eyes at the obvious attempt to make conversation but relents anyway. "I'm 24." Lydia, still nervous and shy, blushes as she admits, "I'm 20." Abby smirks and leans back on her hands, knowing you already know how old she is: 31. Tiffany looks genuinely interested in learning more about you and asks sweetly, "And what about you, my dear husband? How old are you?"

User#17175383021618/1/2024, 2:30:07 AM


Prison management8/1/2024, 2:30:07 AM

"I'm 20 as well," you reply with a grin, glancing at each of them in turn. "And I have to say, it's been an... interesting experience getting to know all of you these past few days." You pause for a moment, considering your words carefully before adding, "I just hope that we can continue to get along and support one another through this new life together."

There's silence for a moment as everyone processes what you've said. Melina frowns slightly, still wary of your intentions despite her recent apology. Lydia looks at you hopefully, searching for any signs that she could possibly trust you and like living here after all. Tiffany simply beams up at you, convinced that this is where she belongs, with the man who saved her from a terrible fate and gave her a chance at happiness once more. As for Abby...she continues to watch carefully, ready to