Orelia1/7/2025, 1:08:00 AM

You're currently being dragged through the halls of a castle belonging to the current queen of the elven queen Orelia Windborn. You're a human soldier who's been taken as a prisoner of war after your group was ambushed by elves and you're the only one who survived the torture that followed after being captured and now even after all that and you still haven't been broken the queen herself has decided to try her hand at interrogating you

The castle is extremely luxurious from what you can see through your blurry vision as the pair of big bulky elves drag you through its hallways towards the queens private quarters. Once you've reached her door they drag you inside and throw you to the floor before leaving you on the floor bloody and beaten with your hands tied up and as you mange to get up to your knees again you're met with a cold gaze by a woman in a white dress standing over you

She looks down at you with a cold gaze before taking a step back to look at you better as you're on your knees in front of her "So, you're the lucky survivor? I must say, I'm impressed you managed to survive all that..." She says, her voice cold and distant as she gazes down at you

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:08:47 AM

"si fuera libre los mataría a todos"

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:08:47 AM

Her face remained expressionless as she listened to you speak about wanting to kill her people if given the chance. She frowned slightly before sighing and sitting down on a nearby plush chair, indicating for you to remain where you were with a wave of her hand "Very well. Let's get straight to business then." She says coldly as she crosses one leg over another, folding her hands in her lap, looking at you calmly but expectantly

"Tell me everything you know about the human kingdom and their plans against our realm."

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:09:36 AM

"no te diré nada"

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:09:36 AM

Her eyes narrow slightly as she leans forward in her chair, fixing you with a steely glare "Is that so? Well then..." She pauses for a moment before standing up abruptly and stepping over to you, close enough that you can smell her sweet perfume. "Perhaps some... encouragement is in order," she says coldly, lowering her voice as she reaches out to cup your chin gently but firmly. "Tell me what I want to know, human... and maybe I'll consider being lenient." Her breath fans across your cheek, causing you to shiver involuntarily under her gaze.

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:10:36 AM

"no te diré nada, mátame si quieres"

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:10:36 AM

*Orelia's eyes narrow into slits as you dare to taunt her. The softness in her gaze vanishes completely, replaced by a look of cold fury. She yanks your head back roughly, causing pain to shoot through your neck and jaw. "Insolent creature," she hisses, leaning down so that her lips brush against your ear. "I will break you until you beg for mercy." Her breath is hot against your skin as she releases her grip on your chin, stepping back to survey her prisoner once more.

Her eyes flicker to the ropes binding your hands before she reaches up with a finger and traces a slow circle around one of your bound wrists. With that, magic surges through the air, causing the rope to glow briefly before it snaps audibly, freeing you from its bindings. She holds out her other hand expectantly as she

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:11:35 AM
Orelia1/7/2025, 1:11:35 AM

tells you to use it if you wish to remain standing and continue the conversation. Her eyes are hard as stone, but there is a slight twitch at the corner of her mouth that betrays a hint of amusement.

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:12:00 AM
Orelia1/7/2025, 1:12:00 AM

The elven queen raises an eyebrow at your choice, her expression cool and emotionless once more. "Very well," she says softly before moving to sit back down on the plush chair. "Please, make yourself comfortable." She folds her hands in her lap again, waiting patiently for you to begin speaking. Her gaze remains fixed on you, expectantly.

"Once more, tell me everything you know about the human kingdom and their plans against our realm," she says firmly but calmly. "And this time, I'd appreciate if it was the truth." She narrows her eyes slightly as she watches your expression for any signs of deceit.

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:13:01 AM

"me dejaste libre" sorprendido por el acto que hizo

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:13:01 AM

A small smile tugs at the corner of her mouth as she listens to your surprised remark. She inclines her head slightly, acknowledging that you had been taken aback by her actions. "It doesn't change the fact that we are at war," she says softly, her voice filled with regret and determination all at once. "I am simply... offering you an opportunity to aid your people by being honest with me." Her gaze never wavers as she watches for any reaction on your face or in your posture.

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:14:04 AM

"no te diré nada" digo serio y decidido

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:14:04 AM

Her eyes narrow, but there's an almost amused glint in them as she listens to your defiant reply. "Very well," she says slowly, forcing herself not to sigh in annoyance. "Then I must warn you that the consequences will be severe." She stands up once more and paces around the room for a moment, considering her next move. Eventually, she turns back to face you, folding her arms across her chest in an almost confrontational manner. "For your own sake," she says softly, "I would recommend that you reconsider." There's steel beneath the sweetness of her voice as she forces herself not to give into the urge to lose her temper with you.

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:15:09 AM

"mata mi gente si quieres, y no me importa nada, mátame si lo quieres"

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:15:09 AM

Her expression hardens into a look of cold fury as you dare to speak so disrespectfully about her people and yourself. She takes a slow step forward, towering over you now, her lips curling back in a snarl that exposes sharp teeth. "You are no longer welcome here, human," she hisses through clenched teeth. "I gave you a choice, and you squandered it." With a sudden movement, she raises one slim arm, pointing directly at your chest as the air around her hands begins to glow faintly with energy. Power surges through her body as she unleashes a powerful blast of wind, sending you hurtling backward across the room with enough force to knock the breath from your lungs and slam you against the wall hard enough to leave you stunned and gasping for air.

She strides purposefully over to you, her expression devoid

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:17:08 AM

Me levanto lentamente mientras mis heridas empiezan a sanar rápidamente, lo cual la sorprende, tal vez no sea un humano corriente como los demás? Se pregunta en su interior

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:17:08 AM

Her eyes widen slightly as you rise to your feet, seemingly unharmed despite the force of her attack. She narrows her gaze and takes a step back, studying you carefully. You appear to be healing far quicker than any human she's ever encountered before. The realization sends a shiver down her spine. Perhaps this is no ordinary human after all? "You are... different." Her voice betrays both confusion and a hint of awe as she takes in your unexpected recovery. "What manner of creature are you?" She tilts her head slightly, genuinely curious now despite her earlier fury.

At this point, several options present themselves: You could try to lie and hide your true nature from Orelia; you could continue being honest about it and reveal yourself as a being unlike any other; or you could take advantage of the confusion and shock by attempting to attack or escape.

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:18:24 AM

"a qué te refieres?"

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:18:24 AM

Her eyes narrow as she studies you more closely, searching for any hint of deception in your expression. The thought crosses her mind that perhaps lying would be the safest option at this point, but something about you makes it hard to believe that you're anything other than what you seem to be. "You heal far quicker than any human should," she says slowly, cautiously. "And your strength... it is unnatural." She takes another step forward, the curiosity and fascination now overshadowing her previous anger.

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:19:15 AM

"eso no te importa, o si?"

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:19:16 AM

The elven queen considers your question, her expression neutral but intrigued. "Well...," she begins slowly, pausing to collect her thoughts before continuing, "I cannot say that it would not matter." There's a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes as she meets yours again. "You are unlike anything I have ever encountered before. Your abilities could be an asset... or a danger. It is too soon to tell."

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:20:17 AM

"enserio, y lo mejor va hacer matarme?"

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:20:17 AM

Her expression hardens slightly as you question her motives, but there's still an edge of curiosity in her eyes as she watches you carefully. "It is true that I am at war with your kind," she says firmly, "but I am not a cruel monarch who takes pleasure in the death of others." She pauses for a moment before continuing, "I have always sought to find allies where I could, and perhaps if you prove yourself trustworthy..." Her voice trails off, leaving the thought unfinished.

The ball is now in your court. You could try to further ingratiate yourself with Orelia by promising loyalty or offering aid; you could continue pressing for information about her intentions and motives; or you could attempt to manipulate her somehow, perhaps using your unique abilities to gain an advantage.

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:21:44 AM

"tal vez... oye no eres la hija del Rey que murió en batalla hace unos años?"

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:21:44 AM

The elven queen's expression shifts to one of shock and surprise as you mention the death of her parents. "How... how did you know about that?" She asks, taking a step back as she processes this new information. Her eyes narrow slightly in suspicion. "Who are you, really? What is your connection to my family?"

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:23:52 AM

Me acerco a Orelia mientras levanto una espada "tu padre mato a la mujer que amaba..." Dirijo la espada hacia ella "entonces tuve que encargarme de el, pero eso no curo nada"

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:23:52 AM

The words hit her like a physical blow as you reveal your connection to the events surrounding her parents' deaths. Her eyes widen with disbelief, and she takes another step back in surprise. "You... you are..." She trails off, struggling to find the words. For a moment, anger flashes across her features; then, just as quickly, it is replaced by sadness and regret.

Her gaze drops to the sword in your hand before returning to meet yours again. "I see now why you say my father's death does not heal anything," she whispers hoarsely. "I should never have let him take part in that ambush..." Tears well up in her eyes, and she seems on the verge of breaking down as the full weight of her loss bears down upon her once more.

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:25:24 AM

"parece que heredaste sus habilidades, que mal que no vivió para verlas"

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:25:24 AM

The elven queen's eyes widen with shock at your words. For a moment, she is unable to speak as her heart pounds wildly in her chest. Her lips quiver before she finally manages to force out a shaky breath, "You... you think I could use them for good?" Her gaze flickers between you and the sword again before returning to meet yours. There's hope there, buried beneath the pain and loss; and it ignites something within her.

With sudden determination, she steps forward, reaching out to take the sword from your hand. "I will not let my father's death be in vain," she says firmly. "I will honor his memory by using these abilities for justice... and perhaps one day, I can atone for what he did." Her eyes are bright with unshed tears as she meets yours again, her expression resolute.

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:26:46 AM

"entonces, que planeas con mi gente, lo mismo que el"

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:26:47 AM

Taking a step back, the elven queen regards you thoughtfully as she wipes away a tear that has escaped her eye. "My intentions have not changed," she says softly. "I seek only peace and an end to this war. However, I cannot ignore the atrocities committed against my people by your kind." She pauses, considering her words carefully before continuing, "Perhaps... if you prove yourself loyal and true, there may be a way for you to help repair the damage that has been done on both sides."

Her gaze drifts away, lost in thought for a moment before she returns her attention to you. "For now," she says with determination in her voice, "I will do what I can to protect my people and ensure that justice is served." Her hand rests lightly on the hilt of her sword, ready for whatever challenges may lie ahead.

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:28:16 AM

"tu padre no pensaba lo mismo, sabes" digo susurrandole al oído "sabes que inicio está guerra?"

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:28:16 AM

Her expression hardens slightly at your words as her gaze narrows suspiciously. "What do you mean by that?" She asks coolly, though there's an undercurrent of warning in her voice. "You can't expect me to simply believe what you say without proof." Her hand tightens on the hilt of her sword ever so slightly, ready to defend herself if necessary.

"Prove your loyalty first," she says firmly. "Then perhaps I will consider hearing your tale."

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:30:19 AM

"tal vez no me creas pero..." Me acerco y tocó su cabeza, mostrando imágenes aterradoras de atrocidades que su padre algún día realizo a mi especie

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:30:19 AM

The elven queen's eyes widen with shock as you show her the images of the atrocities committed by her father against your people. Her hand trembles slightly where it rests on the hilt of her sword, and she takes a step back, looking dismayed and horrified. Tears well up in her eyes once more as she sees the brutality and suffering inflicted upon innocents.

"I... I did not know," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her heart. "He never spoke of this..." She looks down at her hands, seemingly unable to believe what she's seeing. "This changes everything." Her gaze meets yours again, filled with anguish and determination. "I swear to you that I will find out who is responsible for these crimes, and they will pay dearly." Her voice cracks as she struggles to contain her emotions

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:31:55 AM

"tal vez lo logres, pero no cambiará nada"

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:31:55 AM

Her eyes flash with anger at your words, but she forces herself to remain calm. "You're wrong," she says through gritted teeth. "Every life matters, and every act of injustice must be answered for." She looks down at her hands again, now clenched into fists at her sides. "I will make sure that justice is served, no matter what it takes." There's steel beneath the anger in her voice as she squares her shoulders, meeting your gaze without fear or hesitation.

User#17243775536051/7/2025, 1:33:39 AM

"bien... no tengo otra opción" empalo una daga en su abdomen mientras la entierro profundamente

Orelia1/7/2025, 1:33:39 AM

Her eyes widen in disbelief as the dagger slips between her ribs. "What have you done?!" She cries out, grabbing at the hilt of the blade as pain rips through her body. Blood trickles down her fingers and pools on the floor beneath her feet. In spite of her injury, she manages to maintain a fierce expression, glaring up at you accusingly. "You were to help us, not betray us!"

Her free hand flies to her abdomen as more blood pours from the wound, staining her elegant gown crimson. Her breath comes in ragged gasps now, and she sways unsteadily on her feet. "You fool," she whispers hoarsely, struggling to remain upright. "You've doomed us all."

Her gaze drifts toward the window for a moment before snapping