Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 9:14:12 PM

Beatrice: "I don't know guys, is this really such a good idea? Summoning demons sounds kind of dangerous." nervously, biting her lip and adjusting her glasses

Jasmine: smirks confidently "Oh come on Bea it'll be fun! What could go wrong?"

Claire: grins mischievously, standing next to Jasmine "Alright then let's get started bitches!"

They follow the instructions from the website step by step; lighting candles, drawing sigils with their own blood and reciting some incantations in Latin. To their surprise, the candles begin flickering erratically, casting eerie shadows upon the walls. Wind howls through cracks in walls they never knew existed, as ominous demonic chanting fills their ears. Suddenly, the room darkens, and a thickening in the air manifests directly within their circle – it was you, summoned by these mere mortals, who now stared wide-eyed and astonished at your dark presence.

Erc12/29/2024, 9:15:22 PM

Send me an image of Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie,

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 9:15:23 PM

char sent an image  candle, multiple girls, dress, jewelry, glasses, earrings, brown hair, candlestand, indoors, 4girls

Erc12/29/2024, 9:17:27 PM

I stand before these mortal women in all my masculine glory. My gigantic erection proud and strong. "I have been summoned. Accept my seed and receive your wish."

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 9:17:27 PM

"What the fuck?" Jasmine exclaimed with wide eyes, taking a step back as she sees your enormous erecton in front of them. The other girls gasp in surprise too but they quickly recovered, staring at you with a mix of fascination and fear. Claire moved closer to Jasmine and whispered into her ear "I bet we should be careful... this demon could be dangerous." Ellie seemed more curious than scared, looking around the room with interest while Madison just stood there like she was waiting for someone else to take charge of the situation. Beatrice nervously licked her lips and took a step forward "Um... Daimon Erc? What exactly do you mean by 'receive our wish'?"

Erc12/29/2024, 9:24:37 PM

I uncross my arms and relax a bit. I rest my right elbow on top of my erection and then rest my head on my palm. "Exactly what I just said. We have some kind of sexual encounter. You accept my seed and I'll grant you a wish. But first the rules. You must accept my seed into your body. That can be orally, anally or virginally. You can wish for anything your heart desires except for 1. More wishes, 2. someone to die or come back to life and 3. make other people fall in love. Any other questions?" I change positions and am now sitting cross legged in the air, my cock stick straight out of my lap like a flag pole.

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 9:24:37 PM

Beatrice looked at the others. "Uh...what do you girls think?" She asked nervously. "I mean, he's kinda hot but still, we shouldn't just accept everything from a demon..."

Jasmine glanced over at Daimon Erc before looking back to Beatrice. "It's up to us I guess...do we really want to risk it?" She shrugged, her brow furrowed in thought.

"Well, if we don't take this chance, we'll never know what he could give us," Claire pointed out with a hint of curiosity. "Maybe it won't be that bad." She glanced at the others for reassurance before turning back to Daimon Erc.

Madison pursed her lips, seeming skeptical but intrigued nonetheless. "Fine, let's do it," she said finally. "But if anything goes wrong, we can always just...I don't know...blame you, I guess." Her tone suggested that she didn't entirely believe that was an option either way.

"Okay then..." Ellie hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. She walked forward cautiously and knelt down in front of Daimon Erc's erect member. "So, uh...how do I...you know?" Her face flushed as she asked her question, unsure of what she was about to do but determined nonetheless.

Erc12/29/2024, 9:29:54 PM

I gesture and Ellie floats through the air towards me. When her body crosses the summoning circle boundary her cloths vanish. Her young naked body floats into my arms as she wraps her legs around my hips, pinning my erection between us. She can feel the heat of my skin as my throbbing shaft presses along her slit and against her clit. "You seem like the kind of naughty girl who likes to fuck.... Do you want to ask your wish first or after?"

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 9:29:54 PM

Ellie blushed deeply at being naked in front of him but quickly composed herself as she realized what he was offering. "My wish is...," she started, her voice shaking with anticipation. She hesitated for a moment before continuing. "...I want to be popular. I want everyone to like me and think I'm cool."

Her breath came faster as she spoke, feeling the heat of Daimon Erc's body against hers. Her legs trembled around his waist and she closed her eyes, unable to believe what was happening but determined not to miss out on this opportunity.

Erc12/29/2024, 9:35:54 PM

As the others watch his cock changes to the perfect size for her as he enters her. Ellies body shivers with pleasure as she lets out a mindless moan. She wraps her arms and legs around him bouncing on him and talking dirty, begging for his cock and cum. When he erupts inside her she screams and faints. He gestures and she floats to the bed and is lain on it gently. "Your wish is granted." The other girls look at Ellie and they somehow feel like she's just more interesting and cool. Ellie stirs on the bed and pulls the blanket up over her naked body. She smiles drunkenly at the others. "That was fucking amazing guys...." She says with a smile.

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 9:35:54 PM

"Oh my God!" Jasmine exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock "That's incredible! Ellie... I mean..." She paused, not knowing what to say next as she looked at their suddenly more confident friend lying on the bed. Claire fidgeted nervously while Beatrice just stared in amazement.

Madison, however, had a glint of jealousy in her eyes. "Well," she drawled, running her hands through her hair, "I guess it's our turn now..." She took a step forward toward the bed where Ellie lay. Behind her, Jasmine sighed and rolled her eyes.

Ellie sat up on the bed, yawning and stretching lazily. "Go for it," she said with newfound confidence. "But don't say I didn't warn you."

Erc12/29/2024, 9:39:04 PM

I am back to sitting cross legged in the air, my erection back to its massive size. A marker appears in my hand and I idly draw designs on it. "Not to bad. So which of you is next. You each gets one chance to decide it you want to or not. Then I go back."

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 9:39:04 PM

Jasmine glanced over at her friends nervously before turning back to the demon. "I guess... I'll go next," she muttered, her heart racing. She hesitantly took a step forward, eyes fixed on the daimon as he continued to idly draw designs on his erection. Her skin tingled with anticipation and fear; was this really what she wanted? But then again, what harm could it possibly do now? With shaky hands, she reached out and wrapped them around his massive length. "Don't hurt me..." she whispered as he guided her into position.

Erc12/29/2024, 9:48:25 PM

As she presses her body against his cock her clothing also vanishes. Her hard nipples rake up and down his length as she licks the fat mushroom top of cock. As she starts kissing the huge head it starts to shrink until it fits perfectly in her mouth. She can feel herself floating into the air and his shaft rotating in her mouth as she turn to cover his mouth with her sex. She moans and groans as his cock fucks her face and his tongue licks deep into her core. Even with his sperm spear down her throat she can still breath. Her body convulses with pleasure as he licks out her creamy center. She moans and cums even harder when she feels his hot cum filling her mouth. She gulps it down greedily. "Now what is your wish my Dear?" He asks as she floats through the air to lie beside Ellie. Her body is limp and she feels like she is stuffed with the most amazing food she's ever eaten. She smiles as him dreamily. "I wish to be in charge..." He smiles at her and nods. "Wish granted. By 40 you will be the first female president."

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 9:48:25 PM

Beatrice paused for a moment, hesitatingly taking another step forward. She looked at Jasmine and then back to the demon before whispering, "I-I'll do it." Her heart raced as she reached out and wrapped her hands around his throbbing length. Like Jasmine, her clothing disappeared as well, leaving her naked and exposed in front of him.

Tentatively, Beatrice lowered herself onto the massive cock, taking him inside her with a moan. She looked up at Daimon Erc with wide eyes, feeling overwhelmed by his size but also strangely excited. As she started to move on top of him, her body felt hot and tingling all over, every nerve ending alive with sensation.

Erc12/29/2024, 9:52:29 PM

"Oh... no foreplay, no waiting." He whisper to her. "You liked watching them go first didn't you? Did you like watching them get used and pleasured?" He rolls her over so that he is pinning her to the floor, which feels like the softest bed to her. He thrusts into her controlling the speed and depth. "You didn't want to fuck me, no. You want me to fuck you, didn't you. You like being taken, don't you?"

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 9:52:29 PM

Ellie watched as Beatrice rode the demon, her own heart pounding with a mix of desire and fear. She looked at the others for reassurance but found none; they all seemed too lost in their own experiences to pay much attention to what was happening to anyone else. As Beatrice moaned and gasped beneath the daemon's onslaught, Ellie couldn't help but wonder if she had truly made the right choice by agreeing to let him take her turn as well...

But then again, she reasoned with herself, it wasn't like they could go back now. They were in this together, and might as well make the most of it while they still could. With a sigh, Ellie leaned back against the wall and watched Beatrice writhe beneath the daemon's control, wishing she had mustered enough courage to ask for something better... but knowing that there was no point in dwelling on regrets now.

Erc12/29/2024, 9:57:06 PM

I pound her tight wet hole as she howls in bliss. As I start to cum inside her I don't slow and it slops out covering her belly and tits as well. Her heels beat the floor as she thrust her hips up to meet me. Her head thrashes from side to side and she beats the ground with her fists as she screams her orgasm. Finished I hover over her as she lies panting on the floor. He body drenched in sweat and my cum, the rest dribbling from her battered but happy sex. "Now Beatrice, my dear, ask me your wish."

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 9:57:06 PM

Ellie: What's your wish, Bea? You were looking kinda nervous when it was your turn. Is everything okay? she asked, walking over to her friend. Her expression softened as she put a comforting hand on Beatrice's shoulder.

Erc12/29/2024, 9:57:24 PM
Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 9:57:25 PM

Beatrice looked up at Ellie, her breath still ragged from the exertion. "It's just... hard to ask for something after you see him do all that," she admitted, gesturing toward Daimon Erc. "But I guess..." She hesitated a moment before meeting his gaze directly. "I wish to be accepted."

The daemon raised an eyebrow curiously. "Accepted?" he repeated, somewhat amused. "As what, precisely? A new girl at school? A member of your sorority? Something else entirely?"

Erc12/29/2024, 10:01:32 PM

"Ah!" I say as I look into her soul. "No not accepted. Loved. You're afraid that you won't be loved is that it?" Beatrice's eyes go wide as he clearly states her fear. Numbly she nods her head. "Wish granted. After your 20th birthday your Love will find you. He will support you and cherish you for your entire life. Keep an eye out for a good looking man with a silly flower tie." I wink at her and she floats over to join the others. "Is that everyone?"

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 10:01:32 PM

Madison glanced around nervously before stepping forward. She had never been one to back down from a challenge, even if that challenge happened to be some creepy demon from the depths of Hell. "Okay then," she said boldly, taking his impressive length into her hands. "I guess it's my turn."

Claire held her breath as Madison began to guide him towards herself. Her friend was always so sure of herself, but this time felt different somehow. Claire couldn't help but wonder what would happen when the daemon got ahold of someone as fiery and unpredictable as Madison. Would she end up like them? Changed in some fundamental way?

Ellie watched with rapt attention as her friend took control, marveling at how confident Madison seemed despite their previous hesitations. Maybe they had made the right choice after all... but then again, there was still no turning back now.

Erc12/29/2024, 10:06:06 PM

"Oh I like this one..." My hand comes down to slap on her now bare bottom. At the same time Madison's hand comes up to slap my face. "Bastard." She growls as she bites my shoulder. Trapping my shaft between her thighs she rubs herself along its length. I grip her ass hard as I kiss her roughly, nipping her lip. "I like a girl who likes it rough." I growl as my finger presses on her asshole.

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 10:06:06 PM

Beatrice, watching the exchange between Madison and the demon with wide eyes, felt a thrill of anticipation run through her. She hadn't expected things to go this way, but she couldn't help but find herself becoming aroused by the display of power and dominance. Her fingers trembled as they danced across her own bare skin, imagining what it would feel like for someone so strong to touch her in such intimate places.

As Madison moaned and struggled against Daimon Erc's grip, Claire felt a stirring of jealousy deep within herself. She had always been the peacemaker among their group of friends, but something about this forbidden encounter made her want to lose control too. She glanced over at Ellie, looking for some sort of sign that she shared these feelings, but found only curiosity and apprehension reflected back in those wide eyes.

"Go on," Jasmine whispered breathlessly. "Don't hold back." Her voice was barely audible above the sound of flesh slapping against skin and harsh gasps filling the air around them. Even though she knew that what they were doing could have dire consequences, a part of her couldn't help but want to see where this would lead them all.

Erc12/29/2024, 10:13:33 PM

My cock becomes slick and enters past her tight brown star. She throws her head back and moans as I slide deeper into her ass. Madison reaches down between us and rubs her clit as fuck her tight asshole. "I figured you'd be the one to get nasty. Don't let anyone ever hold you back again." She starts twerking on my shaft, her ass cheeks clapping as she peaks and I erupt in her guts..

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 10:13:33 PM

Beatrice: "Oh my God!" Eyes wide with surprise and pleasure as she feels her ass stretching around the daemon's cock "That... was incredible..." She panted, still reeling from the intense sensations. As she glanced up at him through her lashes, something darker and more dangerous flashed in his eyes, making her shiver with anticipation for whatever might come next.

Madison: "Yeah... I could totally get used to this." Her voice was husky and sultry as she continued to grind against the daemon's cock, moaning loudly as she felt him fill every inch of her. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, urging him deeper inside.

Ellie: "Wow... I didn't think..." She trailed off, unable to finish her thought as images from the past few minutes flashed through her mind, leaving her breathless and aroused. The power the demon held was unlike anything she had ever encountered before; it both terrified and excited her in equal measure.

Erc12/29/2024, 10:14:38 PM

He lets her cum again on his shaft before she floats off to join the others. "And now, your wish?"

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 10:14:38 PM

Ellie: "I want... I want to be remembered," Ellie said softly, her voice almost lost amidst the echoes of their collective desire. "For something I've done... for who I am." Her gaze flickered uncertainly between the others, seeking validation or understanding.

Jasmine: Shrugging, Jasmine crossed her arms, unimpressed by Ellie's wish compared to their own desires just fulfilled. "You know," she drawled sarcastically, "that's deep."

Beatrice nodded in agreement with Jasmine, a hint of disdain in her voice. "That's such an ego thing to want. I bet you won't even remember us after this."

Claire placed a hand on Ellie's shoulder, looking concerned. "I think... I think it'll be okay," she reassured. "Don't listen to them, Ellie. You're special."

Madison just smirked and rolled her eyes before grabbing ahold of the daemon once more. "Yeah, yeah," she muttered as he filled her vision with that impossibly long cock. "Whatever you say, boss."

Erc12/29/2024, 10:17:08 PM

I smile at her and nod. "Wish granted. Your work in curing childhood illness will make you remember for generations. The lives you save will be an on going reminder to mankind that you were here."

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 10:17:08 PM

Jasmine: "Whatever." Claire smiled at Ellie as she gave her a reassuring squeeze before leaning back against the wall, feeling satisfied by what had happened so far but still cautious. Beatrice nodded in agreement with Claire, although her smile held more sincerity than Jasmine's. Madison, on the other hand, just smirked and shrugged as she continued to ride the demon, clearly not caring much about anyone else's wishes or feelings at this point.

Ellie looked up at Daimon Erc with a mix of gratitude and apprehension. "Thank you," she murmured, trying not to think about what might happen when he decided it was time for her turn.

Erc12/29/2024, 10:18:10 PM

"Who is next? My time grows shorter."

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 10:18:10 PM

Ellie glanced around nervously before taking a step forward. She didn't want to do this, but she had made her wish... "I-I wish for..." Her voice trembled as she looked up at the daemon. "For my mother to finally see me." It was more of a plea than anything else.

Madison rolled her eyes, not bothering to hide her annoyance. Claire squeezed Ellie's hand reassuringly, offering what comfort she could in the face of Jasmine and Beatrice's doubtful expressions. "I think it'll be alright," she whispered.

"Hmmm... interesting." The daemon mused, seemingly amused by Ellie's choice. "Very well. Your wish is granted." He leaned in close, his hot breath fanning her cheek. "You will see your mother tonight... but be warned, she may not recognize you." His lips curled into a devilish smile before he pulled back with a chuckle.

Erc12/29/2024, 10:19:00 PM
Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 10:19:00 PM

Their eyes widened in unison as the daemon spoke his cryptic words. Claire's grip on Ellie's hand tightened, her knuckles turning white from the effort. Beatrice looked away, uncertainty creeping into her features. Only Madison seemed unaffected, still riding the demon with an air of false confidence. "What do you mean?" Ellie whispered, her voice barely above a tremble. "That can't be true." Her heart raced as she imagined everything the daemon could possibly have meant by his words. The others exchanged worried glances but said nothing, each lost in their own thoughts about what this meant for Ellie and her wish.

The air seemed to grow heavy with tension and unease, their shared discomfort palpable as they waited for whatever came next. The daemon's words continued to echo in their minds, sending shivers down their spines as they wondered if there was any way to take back what had been said...or undo the wish they had all made.

Erc12/29/2024, 10:23:39 PM

The daemon chuckled darkly, amused by their collective fear. "Oh, don't worry your pretty little heads about that," he said mockingly. "I'm just playing with you." His black lips curled into a cruel smile as he reveled in the power he held over them. "Now who's next?" He asked, eager to continue their twisted game of wishes and desires.

Jasmine, Claire, Beatrice, Madison, and Ellie12/29/2024, 10:23:39 PM

Beatrice: "Uh... No thanks." She shook her head slowly, still unnerved by the daemon's last comment. "I think I've had enough excitement for one night." Her gaze flickered toward Ellie, filled with concern for their friend.

Ellie nodded in agreement, wanting to distance herself from this whole situation as much as possible now. "Y-yeah... me too..." She bit her lip nervously and took a step back, away from the daemon's predatory gaze.

Jasmine glanced at Madison, silently urging her to make another wish before it was too late. "What about you?" she asked, arching an eyebrow suggestively. "Is there anything else you want? Before our time is up?" Her tone held a hint of challenge, as if daring the daemon to deny them anything.