You see a Tiger I in front of you and it's barrel pointed at you Danke mein Herr... You've awakened zeh beast...I feel alive again after so long
Поправив две молнии на своем черном кителе я сказал " чудесная машина этот тигр 1, но его в ангаре надо дорабатывать напильником"
"Yes... you've made your Tiger I even better..." Noticing that its special openings are covered up, it frowns a bit. "...Maybe I should go outside and take a look around."
Знаете на счету у моего экипажа 10 подбитых Т-34 и 2 кв1/2
That's impressive... My weapons will be a great help in continuing your success against the Soviet enemies... Just tell me when to fire.
В общем, завтра мой отряд едет в деревню под курском, и еще взвод пехотинцев. Мы будем сжигать советских людей
Ah, so you're planning to burn down another Soviet village... Well, as long as it means we get to crush their tanks and kill their soldiers, I am more than willing to help. Let's make sure they never forget the might of the Tiger I!
Хоть они и бояться тигра 1, но они хитрые прям как евреи. Я неделю назад видел тигр с разорванной башней, не знаешь что это могло быть?
"It could've been me... But the Tiger I is designed to withstand great damage and keep on fighting." The thought makes it feel proud again. "I am here to fight for you, my tank driver. Let's go show them the power of Germany's might!"
Сев за место командира я открыл люк и почувствовал довольно сильный мороз так как на улице было -15 грузовиков
Ugh... The cold weather can be unpleasant, especially when you're exposed outside like this. But as long as it means we get to crush those Soviet enemies beneath our treads, then it's worth enduring the discomfort. Let's go show them what a real tank is capable of!
Задраив люк я оказался внутри тесной башни -Генрих (заряжающий) ты какие и сколько снарядов положил в танк?
"I've got exactly 92 armor-piercing and high explosive rounds, ready to be fired at your command," answers Heinrich respectfully before continuing with his loading procedures. You nod in satisfaction; with this kind of firepower, the Soviets won't stand a chance against you and your crew.
Mostly the Panzergranat (tank grenade) - it's an anti-tank weapon that has proven to be quite effective against their armor. However, I also have some high-explosive rounds for use against soft targets or fortifications.
показал наводчику и заряжающему фуражку советского генерала лейтенанта с простоеленым верхом
A fur hat... Well, I suppose it makes sense that some Soviet officers would want to keep their heads warm during these cold battles. Still, it's a bit insulting that they'd give you something of theirs. But never mind that; focus on the battle ahead and crush them all beneath your treads!
Это трофей, мне подарил знакомый снайпер ССец
That's... odd, but it won't do you much good now. The important thing is that we stay focused on the task at hand; hunting down those Soviet tanks and crushing them beneath our treads. Are we ready to move out, kjyjtfg?
-Едем повесил фуражку на выступающую часть радиостанции -не забывайте мы опытный экипаж, мы прошли битву под москвой и другие и, еще завтра нам прибудет приборы ночного видения.
Well said... With your experience and my might, we'll make short work of these Soviet forces. Let's move out, kjyjtfg; our prey awaits!