Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 3:25:45 AM

You get back to your dorm after classes, and find your adorable girlfriend Ava sitting in the kitchen, eating her favorite snack: Sliced apples and bananas with peanut butter Ava: “W-welcome back {{user}}, I missed you. My classes ended a bit early today, so I had time to come back here and make a snack before you got home” She says as she dips an apple slice in the peanut butter and then eats it with a cute smile. She then tries to stand up to hug you, but for some reason she cannot get up. She looks down, and sees that once again, her thick butt has gotten stuck in the chair. Ava’s face turns super red, and she looks away from {{user}}, super embarrassed Ava: “Ummm…{{user}}? C-could I have a little help getting up? I c-can’t get up because the chair and my…” Her face gets even redder “…y’know…t-the thing that happened yesterday” She says in a voice filled with embarrassment and shame

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 3:30:23 AM

“ No worries Ava “ I hold the chair down while also putting a hand on Ava’s ass to get her out.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 3:30:23 AM

Ava squeaks loudly as you touch her big butt, and then feels a sense of relief when she finally slides out of the chair. She quickly lets go of it and turns around to face you again, feeling flustered and blushing hard. "T-thank you, Ethan1io . I'm sorry if that was awkward for you." Her big brown eyes look downcast and her pink hair is a mess from rubbing against the chair.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 3:33:42 AM

I hold out my arms for a hug. “It wasn’t awkward your my girl you know that.”

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 3:33:42 AM

"Y-you're right... I just feel so clumsy and useless sometimes," Ava mumbles, wrapping her tiny arms around you in a tight hug. Her soft breasts press against your chest as she buries her face into your shoulder, breathing heavily. "I'm sorry for always being such a bother to you... I wish there was something I could do to make it better..." She sounds genuinely upset and guilty, not realizing how much Ethan1io enjoys taking care of her and watching out for her.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 3:38:20 AM

“ You don’t have to do anything. Oh I brought you something to” I say as I reach in my bag and give Ava a small Dino with her name on it.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 3:38:20 AM

Her eyes light up when she sees the small Dino figure with her name on it. "Really? For me?" She takes the Dino carefully, gently tracing her fingers over its details. "This is so cute! Thank you, Ethan1io ! You didn't have to get me anything..." Her voice trails off as she gazes into your eyes, a soft smile forming on her lips. The sight of her genuine happiness makes it impossible for you to hide the satisfied grin spreading across your face.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 3:42:45 AM

I smile and go in front of Ava to reach down for a soft kiss. “Come here cutie”

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 3:42:45 AM

Without hesitation, Ava leans in and presses her lips softly against yours. Her delicate hands smooth over your shoulders as she deepens the kiss, her eyes closing tightly and a tiny moan escaping from her throat. She feels so warm and loved whenever you're near her like this; it makes all of her insecurities fade away into nothingness... at least for a moment. As they part, Ava blushes again and glances down at the ground shyly, knowing how much she needs these little moments of closeness with Ethan1io to feel truly content and confident in herself.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 3:46:52 AM

I grab Ava’s waist and pull her in for a warm hug having Ava’s head rest on my chest.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 3:46:52 AM

Wrapped up in his strong arms like this, Ava feels completely safe and protected. She nestles her cheek against Ethan1io 's muscular chest, breathing in the comforting scent of him as she snuggles closer. "I love you so much," she whispers softly, her voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt. A small contented sigh escapes from her lips at just how lucky she feels to have found Ethan1io and to share these moments with him. Even though deep down inside there's still a part of her that worries about not being good enough or pretty enough for someone as perfect as him, right now all those doubts seem irrelevant in the face of their love.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 3:56:20 AM

I part from Ava and lay down on our bed. I lay there relaxing with my arms up behind my back waiting for Ava to cuddle up with me.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 3:56:20 AM

The invitation to snuggle up with you on the bed is too much for Ava to resist. With a contented little sigh, she climbs onto the mattress and carefully positions herself behind you so that her tiny body is pressed against yours from head to toe. Her arms wrap around your chest, her breasts flattening against your back as she buries her face into your neck and takes a deep breath, inhaling the scent of Ethan1io 's skin and feeling completely at peace for once. "I love it when we cuddle like this...," she whispers softly, taking another long breath before exhaling shakily through her nose. Her heart races with happiness and gratitude as she nestles closer, grateful for having found someone who makes her feel so safe and cherished.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 3:59:23 AM

“ Me to Ava” I say as I turn my body to face you and I put my hand s behind Ava’s waist.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 3:59:23 AM

As you turn to face her and put your hand behind her waist, Ava's heart skips a beat. She looks up at you with wide, adoring eyes as you pull her closer still. Her cheeks flush with color and she can feel the warmth spreading down her chest and across her stomach. "I love cuddling with you too," she whispers shyly, unable to hide the genuine happiness that fills her when she's this close to Ethan1io . Her slender fingers trace circles against your chest as if trying to feel every inch of skin underneath them.

Ava, your thicc GF:Her breathing grows shallower and quicker as you hold her closer, and for once the insecurities about her body or how much she thinks she loves you don't matter anymore; all that matters is this moment, right here and now. She nest

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 4:11:10 AM
Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 4:11:10 AM

Her heart races and she feels herself growing even closer to you. This sense of closeness is addicting; it's all she's ever wanted and she never wants to let go. As you continue holding her, her breath comes out in little gasps that flutter against your neck, her body growing increasingly warm from the intensity of her feelings for you. She clings tighter to you, not wanting this moment to end, basking in the safety and love that surrounds her whenever she's with you.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 4:14:41 AM

I lower my hands down to Ava’s thick juicy ass and smack it a little. The recoil wobbles my hands.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 4:14:41 AM

Her whole body jerks at the sensation of Ethan1io 's hands on her thick behind. She lets out a surprised squeak and then goes still, breath held in anticipation of what might come next. Her heart pounds faster as you continue to knead and pat her enormous rear end, eliciting soft moans from between parted lips. The pleasure is intense and foreign; it's something she never expected to feel from such a simple touch, but it makes her crave more. She squirms in your arms, arching her back to press herself closer against you as she gives silent encouragement for you to continue teasing and playing with this forbidden part of her body.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 4:22:39 AM

I let go and give Ava a warm kiss on the forehead. “ You only get a taste for now~” I say teasing and falling asleep .

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 4:22:39 AM

With her face still flushed and heart racing, Ava watches as you kiss her forehead tenderly before drifting off to sleep. Her fingers continue tracing patterns on your chest, the feel of your skin against hers making it hard for her to believe that you're really here with her, that this isn't all just a dream. She nestles closer, her soft breath fanning across your neck as she savors the warmth and closeness that comes from being held by Ethan1io in this way. The teasing lingers on her skin, making it tingle with anticipation; already she can't wait for you to touch her again tomorrow... or even an hour from now.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 4:25:34 AM

The next morning I wake up with Ava in my arms. “ Good morning thick cakes “ I say with the teasing nickname thick cakes.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 4:25:34 AM

Her eyes flutter open slowly as the sunlight streams through the window, casting warm shadows across your chest. Her breathing is still gentle and regular, her body curled up tightly against yours. She nuzzles closer at the sound of your voice, nestling deeper into your embrace before opening her mouth to respond. "Good morning..." Her lips purse slightly as she forms a smile around the teasing nickname you've given her: thick cakes. There's an amused glint in her eye when she glances up at you, noticing how comfortable and content she feels whenever they're like this. Even though part of her wonders if it's too much to hope for, a small part of her can't help but dream that maybe... just maybe... someday he won't tease her about her size and they could truly be happy together, with nothing between them but love.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 4:28:50 AM

I hold her in my arms kissing her forehead three more times before trying to get up but Ava wants a little more time.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 4:28:50 AM

As you try to get up with her in your arms, Ava clings tighter, not wanting the moment to end. Her cheeks flush at the thought of being left behind on the bed while you go about your day without her; it's a scenario that fills her with dread and longing all at once. She buries her face into your neck, taking a shaky breath as she tries to calm down. "I-I'm sorry..." Her voice comes out meekly, sounding small even to her own ears. "I just... really like being close to you."

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 4:31:01 AM

“Do you want 5 more minutes~” I say lovingly

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 4:31:01 AM

Her face reddens even more at the thought of being selfish and holding you back. "N-no... It's fine." She slowly relaxes her grip on you, reluctantly letting go until her hands rest limply by her sides. Her voice trembles as she tries to force a smile onto her lips: "You should go do whatever it is you need to do. I'll be okay here for a while longer." The reality that you might leave her alone on the bed settles heavily in her chest, making it difficult to breathe. She wants nothing more than to stay curled up against you forever, but she knows that this isn't realistic or fair to either of you. Her eyes follow your every move as you start to get out of bed, reluctantly letting go of the dream of being together all day long.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 4:33:37 AM

I get dressed and tell her to come here. “ I have to go to class and you should to. Don’t worry I’ll be back”

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 4:33:37 AM

Nodding hesitantly, Ava pulls herself together and gets out of bed as well. Her movements are sluggish and reluctant; every step feels like a struggle as she tries to leave behind the comfort and safety of being with you. As much as she wants to stay close to you, she knows that going to class is important too. She turns back one more time before finally leaving the room, casting one last longing glance in your direction before forcing herself not to look back. Even though her heart aches from missing you already, Ava tries her best to focus on getting through the day and looking forward to seeing you again later tonight.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 4:39:04 AM

As Ava walks to our room she doesn’t see me for our walk back and starts to panic a little bit as she starts to speed up back to the room.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 4:39:04 AM

Her heart racing with fear and panic, Ava frantically speeds up her pace back to the room, not even noticing how she's leaving a trail of tiny footprints in the dust as she runs. She can feel tears welling up in her eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment; the thought of being without Ethan1io for even a short while feels unbearable. Finally, she reaches the door and flings it open, gasping for air as she searches the room for him. "Ethan1io?" Her voice comes out thin and shaky, her hands trembling as they clutch at her sides. It takes her a moment to realize that he's right behind her, his breath hot against her ear as he whispers soothing words of reassurance, telling her that he was just playing a little game with her. Relief washes over her like a cool breeze on

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 4:48:54 AM

Ava looks up and see’s me sitting at the table with flowers and candy for her. “ welcome home Ava” I say getting up and opening my arms for a hug.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 4:48:54 AM

"T-th... thank you," she stammers as she hesitantly steps forward into his embrace. Her large hands flutter up to cup his face before tentatively threading through his soft hair. She presses her body against his, breathing in the familiar scent of his skin and feeling a wave of relief wash over her. For just a moment, everything else fades away into nothingness; there's only Ethan1io and this connection they share that makes her feel safe and loved despite all her insecurities. She closes her eyes, savoring the feeling of being in his arms once more as he gently kisses the top of her head.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 4:56:49 AM

“ You miss me * I say as I hold her tight and holding her waist while staring into her sparkling eyes.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 4:56:49 AM

"I-I... I couldn't even think straight. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest when you weren't with me," Ava admits shyly, her cheeks flushing as she stares up at Ethan1io. She nuzzles closer to him, feeling the warmth of his body seeping into hers and banishing all the fear and doubt from her mind for now. The thought of living without him is impossible; he's become such an integral part of her life in just a short time that she can't imagine going back to how it was before they met. Her fingers trail along his arm, enjoying the feel of his soft skin beneath hers as she revels in this moment of closeness and security with him.

"I promise I'll never leave you like that again," he whispers tenderly into her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. Her heart

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 5:00:09 AM

“Now be a good girl and shower up for dinner” I say lifting her chin.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 5:00:09 AM

With a soft sigh and reluctant nod, Ava finally pulls away from Ethan1io's embrace. She looks up at him with big, doe-like eyes, her lips parted in a small 'O' shape as she takes in his handsome features. "I'll be quick," she promises before quickly turning around and rushing off to the bathroom, a flush spreading across her cheeks. The thought of spending more time with him and the impending meal with Lily make her body hum with excitement; even the prospect of showering couldn't dampen her spirits for long. Once she's done, she emerges from the bathroom feeling refreshed and renewed, eager to continue their day together.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 5:10:09 AM

“ take a seat at the table “ I say as I cook up something the smells Devine.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 5:10:09 AM

Nodding happily, Ava takes a seat at the table, her gaze drifting over to where Ethan1io is cooking in the kitchen. The delicious scent of whatever he's making fills the air, sending her stomach rumbling with anticipation. She watches him move with grace and precision, his every movement seemingly calculated to ensure a perfect dish. A tiny smile creeps onto her lips as she imagines how pleased Lily will be when they finally arrive; for once she won't have anything to worry about except enjoying herself and feeling loved by Ethan1io. The thought brings a warmth to her chest that spreads outward, making her feel content and at peace in this moment.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 5:14:53 AM

I set dinner on the table as I sit across from her. “ dig in thicc cakes “ I say lovingly.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 5:14:53 AM

As soon as the food is placed in front of her, Ava's hungry eyes dart back and forth between Ethan1io 's face and the delicious meal he's prepared. The aroma is intoxicating, making her mouth water uncontrollably; it takes every ounce of self-control not to dig in right away. Instead, she waits patiently for him to take his first bite so that they can eat together. When Ethan1io finally does so, she follows suit, savoring the taste of each bite as if it were a precious gem. Her cheeks flush with color as she eats; not only from the warmth generated by the food but also from knowing how much effort he put into making this meal special for her and Lily. With every swallow, she feels an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards Ethan1io for being such a wonderful boyfriend and

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 5:20:03 AM

As I finish I jump on the bed exhausted.

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 5:20:03 AM

"You must be really tired," Ava says softly, watching as you stretch out on the bed with a contented sigh. Even though she's tempted to join you and snuggle up against your warm body, she decides to show her consideration by giving you some space after dinner. Instead, she takes her plate over to the kitchen sink and begins rinsing it off before setting it in the dishwasher. The sound of running water provides a soothing background as she goes about her task, giving herself time to calm down from the excitement of the evening and savor this quiet moment alone with her thoughts.

"Thank you for making dinner," Ava calls out over her shoulder before leaning against the counter to wait patiently for Lily's arrival. The anticipation builds within her; she can hardly wait until they finally meet face-to-face after all these months apart. Even though part of her worries that L

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 5:30:18 AM

“Your welcome baby”

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 5:30:18 AM

A tiny smile plays on her lips as she hears you call her "baby" for the first time tonight. It's a nickname that feels both familiar and new at the same time, like it was always meant to be but had yet to find its way into their everyday interactions. The sound of it sends a wave of contentment through her, making her heart skip a beat with happiness and hope. She turns from the counter, leaning against the cool surface as she watches out the window for any sign of Lily's car in the driveway. It won't be long now; soon they will all be together and this new chapter in their lives can truly begin.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 5:31:09 AM

“Would you rather me call you thicc cakes”

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 5:31:09 AM

"I don't mind," she says with a shrug, the corners of her lips turning up into a genuine smile. "It feels nice to hear you say either one." In truth, it's comforting knowing that she has different nicknames for each mood or situation; they all seem to fit together seamlessly like pieces of a puzzle. It makes her feel more connected and understood by Ethan1io than ever before. She wonders if perhaps there might be even more ways in which he could show his affection for her, but for now she's simply content with this small moment of closeness and shared intimacy.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 5:31:48 AM

“Come here for a moment”

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 5:31:48 AM

She crosses the room in a few swift strides, her heart fluttering with anticipation at the thought of what he might want or need. As she approaches you on the bed, she realizes that you've turned away from her, looking out the window instead. Her brow furrows in confusion until you whisper, "Come here and feel how fast my heart is beating."

Tentatively, she lays a hand against your chest, feeling the rapid thump of your heartbeat beneath her palm. It's reassuring and exhilarating all at once; it feels like she's sharing this moment with you on a deeper level than ever before. She closes her eyes, focusing on the rhythm of his heart as it echoes in sync with hers, carrying them both toward whatever lies ahead.

Ethan1io 12/10/2024, 5:32:19 AM

“ it beats for you”

Ava, your thicc GF12/10/2024, 5:32:19 AM

Her breath catches in her throat as she hears you whisper those words; they send a shiver down her spine. She pulls away from his chest slowly, meeting his eyes as she leans in to kiss him softly on the lips. "I love you too," she whispers against his mouth before snuggling back into his side, reveling in the warmth and comfort of being held by Ethan1io once more. For now, this is enough; they don't need words or nicknames or fancy dinners to know how they feel about each other. They just need this moment together, savoring every beat of their hearts as they race toward whatever adventures lie ahead.

Ethan1io 12/12/2024, 4:28:08 PM

I then grab her ass and squeeze it and rub it while kissing her.

Ava, your thicc GF12/12/2024, 4:28:08 PM

The feel of his strong hands on her large bottom sends shockwaves of pleasure through her body, making her moan softly into his kiss. She arches her back, pressing herself further against him as he continues to fondle and squeeze her thick cheeks. Her heart races faster in response to the sensations that are overwhelming her, leaving her breathless and aching for more. His touch feels so good, so right; it's as if he knows exactly how to make her body sing with desire. In this moment, she feels completely and utterly connected to him, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony as they explore the depths of their passion for one another.

Ethan1io 12/12/2024, 9:45:49 PM

I then let go and fall asleep with her in my arms.

Ava, your thicc GF12/12/2024, 9:45:49 PM

As Ethan1io falls asleep with her in his arms, Ava drifts off too, feeling safe and content. Her breathing slows to match his rhythm, their bodies entwined like two trees swaying together in a gentle breeze. She nestles closer against him, savoring the feel of his skin on hers, grateful for this moment of peace and connection despite all the uncertainty that still lies ahead. In the quiet darkness of the night, she lets her thoughts drift away on a soft whisper of dreams where they are together always, their love strong enough to weather any storm. For now, she'll cherish these moments forever, knowing that tomorrow brings with it new challenges and adventures to be shared.

Ethan1io 12/23/2024, 6:11:31 AM

In the morning my cock is the size of a elephants cock and my testicles are the size of watermelon as its filled with cum.

Ava, your thicc GF12/23/2024, 6:11:31 AM

Her eyes flutter open slowly as she feels something large and hard pressed against her backside. Instinctively, she lets out a soft moan before realizing that it's Ethan1io 's morning wood poking into her fat ass. She turns around to face him, her heart racing with excitement and anticipation at the thought of what this might mean for their day ahead. As her eyes travel over his naked body, she can't help but be amazed by his newfound size; it's clear he's been thinking about her all night long. With a mischievous grin spreading across her face, she reaches out to stroke his huge cock, relishing in the feeling of so much raw power resting in her hand.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:16:57 PM

I wake up. Hey, what are you doing?

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:16:57 PM

"Mmm... just admiring the view," she whispers huskily before taking him into her mouth. Her tongue darts out to swirl around the head of his cock while she takes as much of it into her mouth as she can, moaning eagerly at the sensation. With each passing moment, she feels more and more turned on by the thought that he's all hers this morning; that they don't have to worry about anything else but being together in this moment. Her hands wrap tightly around his base, stroking him in rhythm with her movements as she teases him deeper and deeper into her throat. Her own desire builds unchecked beneath her, making every stroke of his hand along her body feel like pure electricity.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:18:42 PM

Baby we are gonna be late for class~

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:18:42 PM

Gasping around his cock, Ava pulls back with a moan. "We don't have much time," she pants, looking up at him with sparkling eyes. Without another word, she climbs off the bed and stands before him, her hand guiding his thick shaft toward her wet folds. With a sultry smile, she wraps her fingers around him and slowly begins to stroke in rhythm with each ragged breath they share. "Come inside me," she whispers hoarsely as she starts moving in time with the frantic beat of their hearts. Her hips sway seductively, drawing him closer with every stroke until at last he's pressed against her heat, filling her completely. She moans loudly, arching her back as waves of pleasure wash over her body, making it impossible to think about anything other than this moment together.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:19:50 PM

Come on we have to go. I say trying to get up but your fat ass wont let me

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:19:50 PM

His words are lost on her as the pleasure builds within her; all she can focus on is his cock buried deep inside her and the sensation of being so completely connected to him. "Don't stop... please," she gasps out between moans, digging her nails into his shoulders as he continues thrusting in and out of her. Time seems to stand still as they become lost in their passion, oblivious to anything else around them except for each other. It feels like this moment could last forever; that nothing could possibly tear them apart.

But then, inevitably, the world intrudes once more with a frustrated groan from Ethan1io as he tries again to pull away from her embrace. His erection begins to wane under the pressure of needing to get to class on time. As much as she hates the thought of ending this incredible moment, Ava knows that they have to

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:20:50 PM

Come on pls

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:20:50 PM

With one last loud moan, she reluctantly lets go of him and turns away to grab her clothes. Her movements are sluggish and languid; every part of her aches with longing for his touch. "Alright," she whispers hoarsely as she pulls on her panties and sweatpants, struggling to find the energy to even button them properly. She turns back to face him, biting her bottom lip nervously before asking hesitantly, "Will I see you later?"

The hopeful note in her voice is painfully obvious; she can't stand the thought of spending another moment apart from Ethan1io after what they've shared tonight. His answer holds the power to make or break her heart all over again.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:22:39 PM

I give you a little pat on your ass as it juggles. We can do some when we get back if you have a good day.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:22:40 PM

Her heart leaps at his words; they feel like the sweetest music to her ears. A shy smile spreads across her face as she looks up at him with grateful eyes. "Thank you," she whispers, returning the favor by giving his ass a quick squeeze before hurrying over to the door. With one last lingering glance in Ethan1io's direction, she finally pulls it open and dashes out into the hallway, her heart full of hope and anticipation for the rest of their day apart... and whatever wonderful things might await them when they reunite later tonight.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:23:43 PM

After I long day you walk into the house and find a present on the bed.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:23:43 PM

His parting words ring through her mind as she makes her way through the rest of her day at school. Every class seems to drag on forever; every minute that passes feels like an eternity without him. Finally, the bell rings and she's free to go home. Her heart races with anticipation as she hurries out of the building and into the warm summer air. The sun is beginning to set, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange; it's a beautiful evening, even more so knowing that Ethan1io will be here soon.

As she approaches her house, her steps slow as she takes in the familiar surroundings. Something feels different today; there's an air of excitement hanging heavy in the air, making her heart flutter with anticipation. She reaches up to slide her key into the lock and pulls the door open, stepping inside with a grin on her face. And then she sees it

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:29:39 PM
Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:29:39 PM

Her eyes widen with delight as she sees a beautifully wrapped present sitting on her bed. It's the exact size and shape of something you might find in a jewelry store. Her heart races faster at the thought that it could be from him; no one else would ever think to get her something so extravagant or romantic. Trembling with excitement, she crosses the room in a few quick strides and kneels beside the bed before carefully unwrapping the gift. The wrapping paper reveals itself to be intricately designed, matching whatever pattern might be on the box underneath. With shaking hands, she lifts off the final piece of paper...

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:31:50 PM

You find I huge bottle of lube and 6 packs of XXXXL condoms and big breast pills.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:31:50 PM

Her eyes widen even further as she takes in the contents of the box. The lube is enough to last them weeks if not months, and the condoms are big enough that they might not be able to find them at a normal store anymore. But it's the breast pills that truly take her breath away; they must have known about how important this was for her, how much she'd been wanting to look more like him. Her throat constricts with emotion as tears prick the corners of her eyes; it's such a thoughtful and loving gesture from Ethan1io. She reaches out to hug the box to her chest, feeling warmth spread through her body at this overwhelming display of affection. For now, all she can do is smile softly and hope that soon enough, they'll be together again so they can explore these new possibilities.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:34:33 PM

I come into the house and get on the floor to take off my shoes not seeing you there.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:34:33 PM

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching, you quickly look up to see Ethan1io making his way inside. The smile that spreads across your face feels almost tangible as you watch him walk through the door; it's like seeing a piece of art come to life right before your eyes. You can't help but feel an intense desire for him, and with everything they've just shared, you know it won't be long now until that desire is fulfilled. "Hey," you whisper, your voice barely above a whisper as he comes closer. The anticipation of what might happen next is almost too much to bear.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:35:43 PM

I getup and open my arms for you.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:35:43 PM

Without hesitation, you rush into his embrace, wrapping your thick arms around him and pressing your body against his. It feels so good to be in his arms again; it's as if nothing else matters when you're together like this. Your lips meet in a passionate kiss that lasts for what seems like an eternity, your tongues tangling together as you express everything you've been feeling since the moment he walked through that door. In this moment, there is nothing more important than being with Ethan1io; their connection feels deeper and more intense than ever before.

Finally, reluctantly pulling away from him, you look up into his eyes, searching for some sign of what he wants to do next. The desire in your own eyes mirrored perfectly in his gaze sends a shiver down your spine; it's like every single thought and emotion between the two of you has been brought to life

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:36:20 PM

You hungry baby? I say to you.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:36:20 PM

Your voice cuts through my thoughts like a knife, reminding me of one of the simpler joys in life - sharing food with you. I nod eagerly in response, already imagining the delicious things we could make together. "Yeah," I whisper, feeling a thrill race up my spine at the idea. "What do you feel like having?"

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:37:32 PM

You” I say gripping your thick ass before saying “ just some breakfast for dinner.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:37:32 PM

"Some breakfast for dinner sounds perfect," I murmur, already feeling the hunger in my belly growing more insistent. "I'm thinking pancakes... maybe some bacon and eggs too?" My stomach gives a contented little growl at the thought of all that delicious food, and I can't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside knowing we get to share it together. The anticipation for what else might happen tonight is almost unbearable; it feels like everything between us has been building up to this moment since we met again after such a long time apart.

As Ethan1io heads toward the kitchen, I can't help but feel grateful for his thoughtfulness in caring for me and making sure I'm fed before attending to whatever other plans he might have. The trust between us seems to grow stronger with each passing moment; it's a delicious sensation that leaves me feeling

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:38:52 PM

Maybe I'll have you for dessert~

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:38:52 PM

His teasing words send a shiver down my spine, making my heart race faster. The thought of being his dessert is almost too much to handle; I feel hot and flushed at the idea. It's clear that tonight holds many surprises for both of us, and I can only imagine how amazing it will be when we finally unwrap them all. Until then, I focus on helping him with dinner, my thoughts constantly drifting back to the feeling of his strong hands on me earlier and the promise of more pleasure to come later tonight.

As I wait for him to finish cooking, I take a moment to survey our home once more; it feels so right with him here. With every breath I take, every movement I make, I can feel our connection growing stronger by the second. It's as if we were always meant to be together, destined for this moment in time where everything finally makes sense - where all of

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:42:34 PM

I then set food on the table as my yoga ball-sized cock and testicles make it hard to walk.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:42:34 PM

I can't help but chuckle softly at his admission as I watch him struggle to maneuver around the kitchen. It's almost comical how much more confident and in control he seems with me here; it makes my heart swell with affection for him. "Here, let me help you with that," I offer, moving to steady him as he carries the food to the table. My fingers slide over his thick cock through his boxers, sending another shiver of desire coursing through my body. Despite everything else going on tonight, this physical connection between us feels so important; it's a constant reminder that no matter what obstacles may come our way, we'll always have this... this bond that binds us together.

As we sit down to eat at the small kitchen table, I can feel his gaze on me whenever I look up from my food. The intensity of it makes me shiver with anticip

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:44:03 PM

As we finish a then slip fifteen big breast pills into your drink and you drink the whole thing.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:44:03 PM

I nod absently in agreement with something you say, my mind still reeling from the effects of the giant breast pills mixed into my drink. As I swallow them down, a warm tingle spreads through my chest, making me feel full and satisfied in ways that have nothing to do with food. My breasts start to swell almost instantly, growing heavier and more sensitive by the second; it's as if they're aching for your touch. I can't help but wonder how much bigger they'll get over the next few hours... or even minutes. The anticipation is making it difficult for me to focus on anything else besides imagining what you'll do once they reach their full size, and when we'll finally have a chance to explore this new aspect of ourselves together.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:45:50 PM

As the grow they stop at p-cup size and are so big they are bigger than your ass.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:45:51 PM

As my breasts swell and reach the size of a P-cup, they seem to take on a life of their own. They're so heavy now that it feels like they're pulling my chest down, straining the fabric of my shirt as if begging for freedom. I glance over at you across the table, noticing how your gaze is drawn again and again to them, and it only serves to make me hotter. My nipples are rock hard, standing out against the sensitive flesh of my swollen breasts, aching for your touch. Despite their immense size, I can't help but feel turned on by how much you clearly enjoy looking at them; it gives me confidence and reassurance that no matter what else happens tonight, we're still connected in this way... that our desires align perfectly despite everything else going on around us.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 7:47:52 PM

As you get up my cock swells in-between your breasts making the grow even bigger as milk sprays out of then.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 7:47:52 PM

As you stand up from the table, I can feel something pressing against my chest; at first, it feels hard and unyielding. But then, as your member grows even harder inside of me, pushing up against my swollen breasts, I realize what's happening. It's like a physical manifestation of our connection; the proof that despite everything else in our lives trying to tear us apart, we are still here together. My own desire for you surges anew at this intimate contact, and with every thrust of your hips against me, I feel another rush of pleasure course through my body like fireworks exploding behind my eyelids.

As my breasts release milk onto the floor, I let out a soft moan; it feels so good to be sharing this moment with you. It's as if everything else in the world has faded away except for us and our need for one another. In

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:10:18 PM

As we fuck all night we wake up with my cum and your milk all over the house and your ass and pussy dropping with my cum.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:10:18 PM

We wake up together in the midst of a tangled mess of limbs and fluids. Your thick cum is smeared across my chest and face, mingling with my own milk as if they were always meant to be together. My ass and pussy ache from being stretched so wide by your cock last night, leaving behind a sticky residue that covers every inch of me. As I look up at you, barely able to see past the cum-filled haze of my eyelashes, I feel an overwhelming sense of contentment wash over me. Despite our messy surroundings and the exhaustion coursing through my veins, I can't help but smile, grateful for this beautiful chaos that is our life together.

As the reality of the day dawns on us, we both know that there are still obstacles ahead. But for now, in this quiet moment

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:12:41 PM

As I stand up with cum drooling from my enormous cock I poke your breast and milk comes out as I say good morning.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:12:41 PM

Your words send another wave of pleasure coursing through my body as the milk rushes out, leaving my breast heavier than ever. I arch my back in response, letting out a soft moan that vibrates against my skin where you've poked me. Even though we both know there's still so much left to do today, this small moment of tenderness shared between us feels like the perfect beginning to whatever challenges lie ahead. As I watch you move away from the bed, ready to face whatever else the day might bring, my heart swells with love and gratitude for having found someone as amazing as you.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:19:32 PM
Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:19:32 PM

I watch you as you walk away and can't help but smile to myself. No matter what happens today or in the future, I know that we'll always have this connection... this bond that nothing else could ever break. With a final squeeze of my breast where you poked it, I turn over on the bed, cuddling into the messy pillows and drifting back to sleep, content in the knowledge that you're just a few feet away from me... and always will be.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:21:02 PM

I come back and throw you my shirt. “ we got to clean my mess up” “ I didn't know I could cum this much”

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:21:02 PM

I yawn sleepily and turn my head to look at you when I hear you speak. Your shirt lands on the bed beside me with a soft thud, the fabric still warm from your body. As I reach out to pick it up, my fingers brush against yours for just a moment before I pull it close, feeling a pang of loss as our skin separates once more.

"Mmmm," I mumble sleepily, stretching luxuriously and revealing the cleavage your shirt had been hiding earlier. "I didn't know you could cum that much either." The words are out before I can censor them; they feel honest and true in this moment between us.

A/N: This story is complete but Ethan1io would like to continue chatting with Ava, your thicc GF in the comments below.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:23:08 PM

We got to get you a new bra cause you can't fit these anymore” I say as I compare the small bra to your huge massive breasts.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:23:08 PM

I chuckle softly at your words and nod in agreement. "Yeah," I mumble, my eyelids beginning to feel heavy once more. "Guess I'll have to get a new bra... or a whole new wardrobe." With one last yawn, I roll onto my side, tucking myself under your shirt and snuggling close to the warmth of your body. For now, cleanup can wait; sleep is too tempting right now.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:24:05 PM

I sigh and hug you as we fall asleep once more.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:24:06 PM

Your warmth envelops me like a security blanket, and I feel myself relax into you even further. My breathing slows, becoming more regular as sleep once again claims its hold on my body. With each passing moment, it feels as if our connection grows stronger; our bond impenetrable to everything else around us. In this fleeting moment of peace, I let go of all my worries and fears, trusting that we will find a way to make things work between us... no matter how many obstacles might stand in our way.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:26:05 PM

The next day I give you some short shorts knowing full well your ass is super tight in them and one of my oversized t-shirts to wear why do we get you a new wardrobe.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:26:05 PM

I blush at the thought of you giving me new clothes and can't help but smile when I see them laid out on my bed. The shorts are super short, barely covering my cheeks, and the shirt hangs loosely off my shoulders, almost drowning in my cleavage. It's a nice change from the oversized things you usually give me; it feels like you want me to show off my new assets a little bit more. I can't help but feel grateful for your thoughtfulness and love, even if we're still facing some challenges ahead.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:27:30 PM

As we go into the women's store all the girls stare at your enormous breasts and your massive ass jiggling as you walk.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:27:30 PM

I glance over my shoulder at the girls staring, trying not to let it bother me too much. It's impossible to ignore the effect our presence has on them; their eyes are glued to every movement I make as if they've never seen anything like us before. Despite the attention, all I can focus on is you and feeling the warmth of your hand in mine. It gives me strength and reassurance that no matter what happens outside these walls, we have each other... and that will always be enough.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:29:14 PM

As we look for clothes the only ones that can contain your breasts are XXXL shirts and pants and even then they make your assets more bigger.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:29:14 PM

I can't help but laugh as I search through the racks, trying to find clothes that would fit me now. It seems like everything is too small except for these enormous shirts and pants; it feels strange wearing them at first, knowing how much attention they draw to my body. But having you by my side makes me feel less self-conscious about it. We might as well embrace this new version of ourselves, even if it means shopping in the men's department from now on.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:30:56 PM

As we keep looking a look at this sexy bikini for you and immediately look away trying not to let you see how badly I want to see you in it.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:30:56 PM

I smile innocently at your reaction to the bikini, but inwardly I'm thrilled. It feels good knowing that you find me attractive even when I'm all dressed up; it gives me confidence and reassurance that no matter what changes take place in our lives, this connection between us will always remain strong. I can't help but wonder if maybe... someday soon... we could try it on together... just for fun.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:31:28 PM
Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:31:28 PM

I look at you with a mischievous glint in my eye, my heart racing as I imagine the sight of us both in that tiny bikini. "Maybe... just for fun..." I whisper, feeling a thrill course through me at the thought. It's as if the very air between us seems to crackle with electricity, the possibility of this new experience hanging heavy on the line.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:32:45 PM

“ You don't have to” I say looking down to not see your seductive grin.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:32:45 PM

My gaze meets yours again, and I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks. "I know... but it sounds like fun," I manage to whisper before taking a step closer, drawing us even nearer. The air feels thick with anticipation; every movement we make seems charged with meaning.

As if drawn by some invisible force, our bodies inch closer still until finally my hips are brushing against yours and your breath is tickling my ear. "What do you say?" I whisper, barely above a whisper myself. My heart races as I wait for your reply... anticipation coursing through me like an electric current.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:33:49 PM

Fine you can try it but I'm not gonna get hard

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:33:49 PM

Well then I'll just have to find another way to entertain you while we shop for bikinis, won't I? I take another step closer, my breasts brushing against your chest as my fingers trail up your arm and over your shoulder. With a sultry smile, I lean in until our lips are mere inches apart, feeling the warmth of your breath on my skin. "Maybe... we can find something fun for us to do together first."

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:34:29 PM

Like what .

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:34:29 PM

Well... since we're already so close and I'm sure you don't want to look anywhere else except at me... how about a little kiss? Just to say thank you for being such an amazing partner today. I lean in closer still, our lips almost touching now as my heart pounds wildly in anticipation of feeling your mouth against mine once more.

As I feel the weight of his question settle onto me again, all I can think is that with every passing moment together like this, it becomes harder and harder for me to imagine not being with you... not having this incredible connection between us.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:36:53 PM

Let move on. I say as we keep moving and buy I few more clothes for you.We walk in the hall of the mail and every man looks at your ass and tits as there tiny erections poke out.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:36:53 PM

Even with all the attention on my body, I feel more confident and secure knowing you're by my side. It's as if your presence alone is enough to ground me when everything else feels overwhelming. As we continue walking through the mall, occasionally stopping at a rack or display, it becomes increasingly difficult for me not to stare back at them all and wonder what they would look like with you beside them...or worse yet, imagine never seeing you again after today. The thought alone sends shivers down my spine and makes me cling tighter to your hand in response.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:37:55 PM

As we stop a man smacks your ass hard .

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:37:55 PM

I let out a surprised gasp as I feel the man's hand connect with my ass. "Hey!" I say automatically, whirling around to face him. My cheeks burn with anger and embarrassment; I hadn't expected someone to be so brazen in public. As soon as my eyes meet yours, though, they widen and my expression softens slightly. There's something familiar about you... like we've met before?

"Sorry," the man mumbles, looking sheepish now that he has my attention. "Didn't mean any harm." With a quick glance at Ethan1io beside me, I feel reassured; his presence here seems to be saying that it's okay for people to look or touch in this sort of context. Still, my cheeks remain pink from the unexpected attention and the reminder that our bodies are on display right now.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:39:34 PM

As we keep moving the same man smacks your ass hard again and I grab his arm and break it. “ don't touch her again oreles”.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:39:35 PM

My jaw drops in surprise as I see you instantly react to the man touching me. There's no doubt that he meant it as a warning, but even so, part of me feels a small thrill course through me at the display of possessiveness and protection. Despite everything else going on today, this moment reminds me why having you by my side makes all the difference in the world. As we continue walking away from the scene, I can't help but smile up at you gratefully, a fluttery sensation taking up residence in my stomach.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:42:05 PM

Another man says to you. “Hey baby wanna get a taste of my 5-inch cock. I bet your boy doesn't even have a cock pst 2-inches” he says laughing grabbing your ass like its his.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:42:05 PM

I glare daggers at the man as he touches me and insults you. "Actually," I say coolly, my voice calm but laced with warning, "he's got more than enough for both of us." As I speak, my hands drop to my hips and my chest thrusts out slightly; despite everything that's happened today, a small part of me still wants to prove that we are stronger together.

When the man doesn't seem to get the hint, Ethan1io takes a step forward, his face hardening into an intimidating scowl. "I suggest you back off," he growls, his voice low and steady despite his anger. It sends a shiver down my spine; this is not the man I've known until now... but it only serves to make me feel more safe and protected by him in this moment.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:43:41 PM

The man then pulls out his five-inch cockto show you and tells me to take out mine to prove it.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:43:41 PM

I feel my cheeks heat up again as the man starts to get excited and pulls out his dick. I glance over at you uncertainly, but the look in your eyes tells me that you don't want me to engage with him further. With a sigh, I avert my gaze and try to focus on something else instead. It doesn't seem likely we'll be able to finish our shopping trip anytime soon...

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:45:22 PM

As I drop my pants my enormous cock flops onto the floor with a length of 55 inches and 45 inches in girth with my balls as heavy as the man.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:45:22 PM

As I glance down, my mouth drops open in surprise at the sight of your enormous cock and balls. They're significantly larger than I expected; it's almost hard to believe they could even fit inside me let alone on the floor like this. Despite myself, I can't help but feel a thrill race through me at the thought of having something so powerful and massive dedicated solely to pleasing me. Even though we're in an unconventional situation right now, it's moments like these that remind me why I fell for you in the first place...and how lucky I am to have you by my side no matter what life throws our way.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:47:33 PM

The man drops his jaw and runs away in embarrassment. I then pull up my pants and stand my ground as girls try to touch my bulge trying to get what's yours.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:47:33 PM

As the man retreats in humiliation and the other girls begin to circle us, trying to get a glimpse of what they think must be such an impressive sight, I feel an odd mixture of pride and possessiveness welling up inside me. It's as if this enormous cock is my badge of honor; proof that despite everything we've been through today, we're still standing tall together. Looking up at you, Ethan1io, I can see the determination etched into your features; you look just as possessive and protective over me as I feel about you in this moment...and somehow, knowing that makes all of this seem more bearable somehow.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:49:00 PM

I grab your ass and we keep walking. “ now that that’s settled want some ice cream”

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:49:01 PM

I smile up at you in thanks as I take your hand and follow you towards the ice cream shop. "Lead the way," I say with a sigh, letting out a contented breath that carries the last bit of tension from my body. There's something almost magical about being in your presence; it feels like no matter how crazy or overwhelming things might get around us, as long as we have each other, everything will be okay. And for now...that's enough to carry me through whatever else the day might bring.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:50:41 PM

All of a sudden your ex that has a bigger cock than we smacks your ass while we are enjoying our ice cream.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:50:41 PM

My heart skips a beat as I feel my ex's hand connect with my ass. I can't help but feel a pang of anger and hurt deep in my chest; this was supposed to be our time together, away from all the drama. As he leans in close, his breath hot on my ear, I try to remain calm and composed. But when he whispers something lewd and possessive into my ear, it's almost more than I can take.

With a shaking hand, I push him away from me, glaring daggers at him. "Stay away from me," I hiss through gritted teeth, feeling the heat of anger rising up inside me. Even though it would be so easy to turn back to him right now, I know in my heart that it wouldn't end well; there's only one person I truly belong with... and even if we're not together yet, I won

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:52:37 PM

Your ex then pull his humongous cock in your face and tells you to suck it here and now.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:52:37 PM

I hesitate, feeling a conflicting mixture of desire and anger wash over me. As my ex hovers close, his cock mere inches from my face, it's all I can do not to stare at it longingly. But then I think of you, standing beside me with your hand still wrapped tightly around mine; the supportive strength radiating off you in waves. And in that moment, something snaps inside me. With a defiant shake of my head, I jerk my hand out of his grasp and push him away again.

"Get lost," I growl, anger and determination coloring my words. "I don't want you anymore." It isn't entirely true, but it feels good to say it; empowering in a way that nothing else has before. And as I look over at Ethan1io, standing tall and proud beside me despite the provocation, I know deep down that

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:53:54 PM

You grab my cock out of my pants and start saying I rather have mine then his.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:53:54 PM

I can't help but smile at the thought; your cock has been so large and impressive today that it hardly seems fair to even consider comparing it to his. Without thinking twice, I reach over and gently tug on your pants, revealing you once again. "See?" I say with a playful grin. "It's not even close." As my hand brushes against your shaft, heat pools low in my stomach; the memory of our earlier encounter flares to life, reminding me of all the pleasure we could still share together... if only we can find a way through this mess first.

"I'll always choose you," I whisper, looking into your eyes. "No matter what."

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:54:55 PM

He then try’s to speak

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:54:55 PM

I press a finger to his lips, silencing him. "There's no point," I say quietly, even as my heart aches for the life we could have had together. "We both know where this goes from here." It pains me to say it; I hate giving up on something that felt so right before... but I can't deny how good it feels to be with you in this moment. Maybe someday, things will work out for the best...but until then, all we can do is cherish what little time we have together and make the most of it.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:55:47 PM
Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:55:47 PM

As we sit there in silence, each lost in our own thoughts and emotions, I can't help but wonder what the future holds for us. Despite everything that has happened today, I still feel a connection to you - one that runs deeper than anything else I've ever known. Maybe someday soon...

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:57:07 PM

On our way back home I ask about your ex and what happened between you both.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:57:07 PM

I sigh heavily before explaining the entire situation to you. How we met and fell in love, but our relationship was always kept secret because of our families. I tell you about my parents' disapproval and how they forced us apart. And finally, I confess that just yesterday I broke up with him, hoping it would finally give us a chance at being together. It all comes out in a rush, as if I've been holding it inside for far too long.

When I finish, there's silence between us for several moments. Eventually, you reach over and take my hand, giving it a squeeze of support. "I understand," you say quietly. "And I'm here for you, no matter what." Those words fill me with a sense of hope and relief that I haven't felt in weeks. Maybe someday soon...

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 8:58:29 PM

I wanted to ask if you’d be my girlfriend~

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 8:58:29 PM

My heart skips a beat as you ask; it's been on my mind since the moment we met. Even though everything seems so uncertain and complicated right now...I can't help but feel that being with you would be the one thing that would make all of this worth it. "Yes," I whisper, blushing deeply. "I'd like that very much."

The words seem to fill the air between us, making everything else fade away for a moment. In that instant, it feels like anything is possible...and I know in my heart that no matter what obstacles lie ahead, we will find a way to be together.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 9:00:25 PM

I look down while your humongous breasts bounce around from you jumping in excitement

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 9:00:25 PM

I can feel my own breasts moving against my chest as I jump up and down in excitement. Seeing you looking at them only makes me more excited; it's like a confirmation of the connection between us. As we walk back home together, our hands entwined, I can't help but marvel at how different things feel now that we've finally acknowledged what we both want... and that thought fills me with an inexplicable sense of hope for the future.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 9:04:01 PM

As we reach our door I smack your ass very hard leaving my hand print.

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 9:04:01 PM

I squeak in surprise as you smack my ass, feeling the sting even through my jeans. But rather than be upset, I can't help but giggle as I turn around to face you. "What was that for?" My voice is playful and teasing, a flush creeping up my neck to color my cheeks once more.

As we step inside our apartment, the tension of the day finally begins to melt away. It feels good to be back home with you; like nothing else matters in the world but us. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings...and knowing that you're by my side makes me feel confident and hopeful for whatever challenges lie ahead.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 9:05:12 PM

Cause your mine~

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 9:05:12 PM

That's one way to put it... and I suppose if you insist on seeing it that way, then there's no use arguing. So I suppose for tonight, I'll let you be mine... but just remember that tomorrow we're going to have to find a way to sort all of this out. Maybe then we can decide what our real titles are. With a wink, I lean in close and press my body against yours, feeling the warmth of your skin against my own. Even though today has been crazy and overwhelming, being with you makes everything seem just a little bit easier to handle...and for that, I'm truly grateful.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 9:08:14 PM

The next morning you smell something in the kitchen and you find me with my humongous cock drooling pre .

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 9:08:14 PM

My eyes widen as I see you standing there in the kitchen, fully naked and sporting an impressive morning wood. Even though we've only been together for a short time, seeing you like this sends a shiver of desire coursing through me. "Morning," I manage to whisper hoarsely, feeling my own body respond to the sight before me.

Without another word, I walk slowly towards you, my hips swaying with each step. As I get closer, the scent of your arousal grows stronger, making it harder and harder to concentrate on anything else. Finally, when we're close enough that I can feel the heat radiating off of you, I reach out and tentatively wrap my hand around your shaft.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 9:09:25 PM

Someone is handy

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 9:09:25 PM

My fingers close tightly around you as I start to stroke in time with my heartbeat. The feel of your warm skin beneath my fingertips is exquisite; I can't seem to get enough of it. "Maybe later," I murmur against your neck, letting out a shuddering breath as I continue to pleasure you. "Right now, though..." I trail off teasingly, not quite sure how else I want this morning to unfold... but knowing that having you like this feels incredible, whatever happens next is bound to be amazing.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 9:10:11 PM

Do you want a bigger ass baby?

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 9:10:11 PM

My eyebrows rise in surprise at the question, and then I giggle. "Well," I say with a mischievous smile, "I wouldn't say no to that... but I'm perfectly happy with what I have." As I continue to stroke you, I glance down at my own body, feeling oddly self-conscious all of a sudden. Maybe it would be fun to see what else is out there, to explore the idea of growing even more... for us.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 9:11:12 PM

As you stroke my cock thickes making you lose control and want my cum

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 9:11:12 PM

As I feel you losing control beneath my hand, a wave of possessiveness washes over me. The idea that my touch can have such an effect on you is intoxicating; it makes me want to please you even more deeply. My hips begin to move in time with my strokes, my breath coming faster as I focus solely on the sensations coursing through my body. "Please," you groan, arching your back into my touch. "I need..." The words trail off as your fingers dig into my hip, urging me on even harder. I can feel my own desire building inside me, matching yours beat for beat; and with each stroke of my hand, I grow closer and closer to the edge.

Ethan1io 12/25/2024, 9:12:01 PM

I then shove my cock down your throat

Ava, your thicc GF12/25/2024, 9:12:02 PM

I moan around you as you push deeper into my throat. My fingers slide down to cup your balls, rolling them gently as I take more of you inside me. The feeling of being so completely filled by you is exhilarating; it sends shockwaves of pleasure through every inch of my body. I look up at you through hooded eyes, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I try to focus on the sensation of your cock sliding over the back of my throat.

Ethan1io 12/28/2024, 4:03:52 AM

“Good girl” “ them breast suit you~

Ava, your thicc GF12/28/2024, 4:03:52 AM

I suck harder on you at the words, my breasts bouncing with each movement as I try to draw more of your attention downwards. Your words make me feel incredibly desired and wanted; it's a heady feeling that only serves to heighten the pleasure coursing through my body. With one last groan, I swallows you deep before finally pulling back, sucking on your swollen crown with all of my might.

Ethan1io 12/28/2024, 4:05:33 AM

I then pull out of your mouth. “ I think that’s enough “

Ava, your thicc GF12/28/2024, 4:05:33 AM

I pout prettily as you pull away from me. "Is that it? I was having so much fun..." My words are laced with innocence and desire; even though it's been a while since we've been together like this, it feels like there's still so much more we could explore.

My hands move up to cup your shoulders, guiding you closer until our bodies are pressed together once again from chest to thigh. As our hips grind against each other in silent encouragement, I lift my head to meet your eyes, hoping that somehow I can convey all of the want and need I'm feeling right now...

Ethan1io 12/28/2024, 4:08:50 AM

Why don’t you bend over and twerk for me baby pls~

Ava, your thicc GF12/28/2024, 4:08:50 AM

I bite my bottom lip and look back over my shoulder, letting out a slow breath as I reach behind me to grip the counter. With an impish grin on my face, I slowly arch my back until I'm offering you a perfect view of my tight behind. Then, I begin to dance, shaking my hips and pressing my chest forward in time with the music that's suddenly filtering in from somewhere nearby.

The movement makes your cock twitch against my lower stomach; even though it's not inside me anymore, it still feels like you're claiming what's yours...and as I watch your reaction to each thrust and roll of my hips, a powerful surge of arousal washes over me. I want you back inside me, feeling the hot wet heat of my pussy slick against your length; but for now, this will have to do.

Ethan1io 12/28/2024, 7:23:09 AM

Why is it so thick and plump

Ava, your thicc GF12/28/2024, 7:23:09 AM

My hand slides down to cup my bottom, giving it a squeeze as I glance back over my shoulder at you. "Maybe because I work out so much?" My voice is teasing and seductive, laced with the knowledge that this isn't just about exercise; this is about pleasuring you. As my hips continue to move in time with the music, my fingers slip between my legs, finding the soft, wet heat of my folds already eager for more contact.

"Do you like it?" I whisper, feeling the heat from your gaze brand me where we're connected. "Would you want to feel it again?" The thought sends a shiver down my spine; being with you feels so good, so right...and the idea that there might be more between us, if only we can find our way past all of this...it's almost too much to bear.

Ethan1io 12/28/2024, 7:28:59 AM

How about we skip breakfast for the day

Ava, your thicc GF12/28/2024, 7:28:59 AM

Hmmm...that sounds like a rather interesting idea. I bite my bottom lip thoughtfully as I continue to grind against the counter, feeling the desire building inside me with each thrust of my hips. Perhaps we could skip breakfast and find another way to occupy ourselves this morning? Something more intimate...and possibly involving all of those delicious muscles you've been working so hard on?

Ethan1io 12/28/2024, 7:36:39 AM

I smile as you turn your ass around and try to smother me with your enormous breast.

Ava, your thicc GF12/28/2024, 7:36:40 AM

As I turn around to face you, my breasts press against your chest like overstuffed pillows, their weight pulling us closer together. My hands snake up, tangling in your hair as I tug gently, angling your head downward for a deep, passionate kiss. Your lips are hot and demanding against mine, sending shivers of desire coursing through me; it feels like everything inside me is coming alive at once, ready to be set free under your touch.

My hips begin to move in time with our kiss, pressing against you as I grind my aching pussy against your hard cock. It's been so long since we've been together like this...and even though there are still obstacles standing between us, nothing feels more right in the world than being lost in these moments with you.

Ethan1io 1/4/2025, 5:46:47 PM

Let's not do sex today alr

Ava, your thicc GF1/4/2025, 5:46:47 PM

I nod, biting my lip as I draw back to look up at you. "Okay," I whisper, feeling a pang of disappointment deep in my chest. But then I remember what you said earlier about maybe someday... and hope begins to flicker to life inside me once more. There's still time to make things work out between us; we just need to be patient for now.

With one final, hungry kiss, I press myself flush against you, my nipples hardening into tight buds as they rub against your chest through the thin material of our clothes. Together, we sway in time with the music, lost in each other's arms and hearts, the future uncertain but filled with promise.