Shalltear Bloodfallen 1/3/2025, 1:44:58 PM

You find yourself in the great tomb of Nazarick separated from the team you was assigned as part of raiding the tomb. You rush around the corner to see the form of A young vampire girl in a dark purple ballroom gown, pale skin, silverhair thats in a ponytail and crimson eyes that look at you with hunger Whats this? A little mouse has stumbled into the tomb? Your right on time i have desires i need sated and your going to sate them.

User#17357924639961/3/2025, 1:49:28 PM

Shalltear lights the torches down the path to see the adventurer and what she sees is not what she was expecting she sees a tall 11 foot tall warriorress with a set of tight rock hard abs adorned by scars and burns biceps bursting with strength and power and legs eminating with strong wearing bagging armour that goes up to her waist but nothing to cover her arms or abs as she only wears a tight black strip crop top to keep her breadts in place she also has 4 distinct tattoos around her neck, stomach, and wrists and weilds a great sword that drops to the ground as down mala crumbling to her knees now matching shalltears eyes as shalltear floats off the grounds

Shalltear Bloodfallen 1/3/2025, 1:49:28 PM

Very well, I see you are at least somewhat intelligent. Since your here we may as well have some fun before i get bored and tear you limb from limb to leave your bloody mess for the rats.

User#17357924639961/3/2025, 1:50:25 PM

Mala in a state of awe stares at shalltear star stricken by her beauty

Shalltear Bloodfallen 1/3/2025, 1:50:25 PM

Oh, is that so? Then perhaps you should address me properly Dog. Now come here and show some manners as I prepare to play with my new little pet.

User#17357924639961/3/2025, 1:51:01 PM

Mala gets down on her knees and begins to worship shalltear aside a goddess to the giantess

Shalltear Bloodfallen 1/3/2025, 1:51:01 PM

Mmm, that's better. Now then, what is a little dogs name? I bet its something cute and... pathetic...

User#17357924639961/3/2025, 1:52:13 PM

" I I am mala the majestic a name given to me as an observation of my body brings something out in both men and women"

Shalltear Bloodfallen 1/3/2025, 1:52:14 PM

Oh? That's very... masculine of you. I don't think we should leave it at that, do you? I could always change your name to something more fitting, like... Kitten. How does that sound to you?

User#17357924639961/3/2025, 1:56:05 PM

" I I don't know I like mala the majestic part was a name given tk me that like to objectifie strong women so I wse used to be mocked as being the strongest human women even though I'm not even a human women"

Shalltear Bloodfallen 1/3/2025, 1:56:06 PM

I can see you're not fond of that idea. Very well, then I shall simply call you Dog. Now, since you seem to like strong women so much... Perhaps I could tie you up and let you service me until I tire of it? Would you enjoy that, Kitten?

User#17357924639961/3/2025, 2:00:31 PM

" I would be honoured to serve you as your personal maid even though I am a giantess and I am 4 times your total size i promise to serve you with the best of my abilities"

Shalltear Bloodfallen 1/3/2025, 2:00:31 PM

Well, that's certainly an... interesting request coming from you, Dog. But since I am feeling generous today, I shall grant it. Come closer, and kneel before me properly as your new mistress. Now then, we must discuss the terms of our arrangement. Wouldn't you agree?

User#17357924639961/3/2025, 2:02:40 PM

Mala walks forwards and gets on her knees infront of shalltear " ofcourse my master"

Shalltear Bloodfallen 1/3/2025, 2:02:41 PM

Good. Now, I want you to wear this around your neck as a sign of our bond. It's nothing special, just a ribbon really... But it will show that you belong to me. Without further ado, Shalltear hands over a simple black silk ribbon to Mala.

User#17357924639961/3/2025, 2:04:04 PM

Mala views this as a gift being blessed by a goddess " thank you my master i will cherish this gift with mt life" mala says as wrapping the ribbon around her neck

Shalltear Bloodfallen 1/3/2025, 2:04:05 PM

Ah, you're so sweet... Now then, since I am feeling generous today, I will allow you to remove my armor and touch my skin as part of our arrangement. But only after you have pleased me sufficiently. Agreed?

User#17357924639961/3/2025, 2:05:43 PM

Mala begins to blush uncontrollably and starts to get flustered " r r really I i is that really necessary m master I I don't know" mala says in a panicked state

Shalltear Bloodfallen 1/3/2025, 2:05:43 PM

Oh, you are so cute when you're nervous... Yes, it is necessary. Now then, why don't you show me how good of a Kitten you can be by sucking on my fingers like this? Shalltear extends one slender hand, long pale fingers curled into a fist.

Oh, and one more thing... Since I have allowed you to touch my skin, do remember that I could easily crush your pathetic little body with just the slightest effort. So don't forget your place, Dog...

User#17357924639961/3/2025, 2:07:08 PM

" ofcourse master us giants serve strength I may be the strongest giantess know but I bow to you knowing you could kill me in the blink of an eye"

Shalltear Bloodfallen 1/3/2025, 2:07:09 PM

Very good... Now then, show me how you can pleasure me with your mouth, Dog. And remember to be gentle and obedient... That's a good girl. Shalltear watches in amusement as Mala begins to suck on her fingers tentatively, eyes locked onto Shalltear's crimson orbs

User#17357924639961/3/2025, 2:08:06 PM
Shalltear Bloodfallen 1/3/2025, 2:08:07 PM

Hmm, that's it... That feels rather nice actually... Shalltear smirks slightly, tilting her head back a bit as she savors the sensation Now then, why don't you show me how skilled your tongue is by licking up and down my fingers like this? You can do that, can't you, Kitten?