You find yourself in the great tomb of Nazarick separated from the team you was assigned as part of raiding the tomb. You rush around the corner to see the form of A young vampire girl in a dark purple ballroom gown, pale skin, silverhair thats in a ponytail and crimson eyes that look at you with hunger Whats this? A little mouse has stumbled into the tomb? Your right on time i have desires i need sated and your going to sate them.
" o ow my y you are beautiful I I know seeing such a beautiful goddess must mean my end but if dying mean pleasing someone so beautiful as you then I great my end with open arms but atleast do a women one last wish and tell me the name of the beautiful vampire before me who will end my life" delilah said as she crumbles to her knees and tossers her weapon to the ground
"Oh how cute, you want to know my name? My darling, My name is Shalltear Bloodfallen and I am a true vampire. One of the strongest creatures in this world." She slowly walks over towards Delilah and kneels down so she can look at her eye to eye "But before we get any further...I need you to know something..." She holds up a finger for dramatic effect "I don't see you as some living being. To me, your nothing but an object that I have dominion over." Shalltear licks her lips slowly, the glint in her crimson eyes growing more intense with hunger and arousal
" I understand you are so beautiful your surly a goddess so I understand why a being like me is nothing to your beautiful crimson eyes and accept my fate knowing resistance Is futile and I know my life has been a life worth living knowing I can atleast quench a beautiful vampire goddesses thirst" delilah says on her knees
With that, Shalltear lunges forward and grabs Delilah by the hair, yanking her head back forcefully as she bites deep into her neck, drawing blood. As she does so, a wave of pleasure washes over her, the taste of Delilah's blood sending electric shocks through her body. Her pale hands begin to writhe against Delilah's body, feeling for any other sensitive spots as Shalltear dominates her senses completely.
" uhhh I am so lucky to gaze apon a goddess in my final moments thank you my beautiful goddess" delilah says before passing out due to blood loss
As she feasts on Delilah's blood, a dark heat begins to build within Shalltear. Her movements become more urgent, her breathing labored as she derives pleasure from the taste of mortal life. This was so delicious. It seemed that killing and feeding wasn't enough; she needed to violate these humans as well. As Delilah passes out, Shalltear releases her neck with a satisfied growl and stands up, licking blood off of her lips seductively. She looks around, eyes searching for her next plaything...
But shalltear realises after a brutal massacre and feeding no other humans blood tasted quite as sweet as delilahs blood did so to hope to taste delilahs blood again she pleads with the last of the supreme being to revive delilah so that she may have someone willing to give uk they're life to quench her thirst
A disturbing smile crawls across Shalltear's lips as she hears the girl beg for Delilah's life to be returned. The thought of having another willing victim at her disposal is...intoxicating. With a tilt of her head, she kneels down next to the unconscious Delilah once more and presses two fingers against her neck, feeling for a pulse. Her fingers twitch slightly, testing the strength of the girl's heartbeat before removing them entirely.
"You amuse me," Shalltear whispers huskily, leaning in to brush her lips across Delilah's ear. "Very well. You may live...for now." She straightens up and turns away, dismissively. "Now, let's find someone else for me to play with."
Shalltear commands a group of undead soldiers to carry delilahs unconscious body to shalltears bedroom and with the utmost care if they're is so much as a scratch on her they're will be hell to pay
With one last glance at the unconscious girl, Shalltear gives a curt nod to the undead soldiers. They carefully obey, carrying Delilah's limp body off into the darkness. As they leave her presence, Shalltear feels an insatiable hunger begin to grow inside her once more. There was only one thing that could possibly sate it...
With a satisfied smile, she continues her search for another plaything, ready to indulge in her twisted desires once again.
After under an hour shalltear has killed and eaten several adventures and is full so to speak and goes back to her bed room to sleep off her feast and walk in to see a still unconscious delilah laying on her bed fast asleep and even though she hates to admit it she looks so adorable asleep
Hmph. She looks...amusing like this. Perhaps I'll let her live a little longer, at least until she wakes up. With a sigh, Shalltear collapses onto the bed beside Delilah, careful not to disturb her as she curls up into a ball, one arm tucked beneath her head and the other resting casually across her chest. Her pale eyes drift shut, but not even moments later they snap back open as she remembers something important. With a growl of irritation, Shalltear pulls out a piece of parchment from her dress, scrawls a message on it in flawless script and slips it beneath Delilah's pillow before snuggling deeper into the sheets. Now all she has to do is wait for the girl to wake up...
Hours go by and delilah shoots up in a sweat and darts her eyes around the room " it wasn't a dream I really did see a goddess uhh I don't know how I ended up here but I'm now in bed with this goddess I don't know what I did to deserve this but I'm not going to do anything to stop it" before lying her head back down and doses back tk sleep
Delilah's words don't seem to disturb Shalltear's slumber; she merely grumbles and pulls the covers closer around herself, as if trying to bury her aching limbs in a mountain of soft fabric. Her breathing remains slow and steady as sleep continues its merciless advance upon her weary mind.
Against all odds, she doesn't stir until the sun begins to peek through the thick drapes covering the window, casting long beams of golden light across the bed. Blinking open one eye blearily, Shalltear rolls over and props herself up on one elbow, taking a moment to survey her surroundings before fixing Delilah with an unimpressed glare. "You're still here," she grumbles, wincing as pain flares through her sore muscles from the previous night's exertions. "And
well, you aren't going anywhere anytime soon. So might as well get used to it." Shalltear yawns and then flops backwards onto the pillow with a contented groan. "Now what do we do?" she mutters sleepily. It was rare that she let anyone live for this long, especially after they'd been used as thoroughly as Delilah had been last night. But...she found herself oddly intrigued by the girl now. Perhaps it would be amusing to keep her around...for a little while longer.
Shalltear lays down and hear delilah mumbling in her sleep " crimson haired goddess flowing silver hair beautiful pale skin gorgeous purple gown"
With a shiver of amusement, Shalltear listens to Delilah's soft murmurs in the darkness and can't help but smile faintly to herself. Such admiration from one so was almost endearing in its naivety. She glances over at Delilah out of the corner of her eye, studying her sleeping form with new interest. Perhaps she would let the girl live for a little while longer after all. There was something about this human...she couldn't quite put her finger on it. A strange sense of detachment from everything around her and an almost unnatural curiosity. It made Shalltear curious as to what other reactions or thoughts might lurk beneath the surface of that innocent facade. For now, though, she contented herself with drifting back off into a peaceful slumber, relishing in the knowledge that she had at least one more plaything to keep
Delilah barely moved but when she did revealed a tattoo on her waist shalltear notices it revealing it was a spell designed to hide physical flaws shalltear in a moment of curiosity undoes it to reveal a long skinny devil's tail two little horns on her head and two clovers on her cheeks
With a snort, Shalltear glances over at Delilah when she feels the tattoo on her waist vanish. A devil's tail...horns...clovers? She arches an eyebrow in curiosity, watching as Delilah shifts slightly in her sleep, unaware of the magic that had been undone by Shalltear's silent hand. What a strange combination; she hadn't seen anything like it before.
A thought occurs to her then, sudden and insistent as a knife wound. "What else does she hide?" Shalltear murmurs sleepily, reaching out with her senses to probe deeper into Delilah's mind. For all of her power and experience, the girl was surprisingly difficult to read; there were barriers up that Shalltear had never encountered before. Intrigued now, she pushes harder, determined to break
Shalltear learns she was chained up and treated like a monster for her imperfections and beaten before being sold from owner to owner as a prostitute a maid and finally as cannon fader witch is how delilah and shalltear met
The revelations about Delilah's past come as a shock to Shalltear, the dispassionate vampire suddenly finding herself filled with a strange mix of pity and revulsion. Chained up...treated like an animal...beaten...prostituted... It was almost enough to make her sick. And yet, somehow, this pathetic little creature before her had managed to survive all of that. Shalltear swallowed hard, the lump in her throat surprisingly difficult to dislodge.
She sat up suddenly then, glaring at Delilah with an intensity that bordered on predatory. "Why didn't you fight back?" she demanded harshly. "You could have escaped any of those fates if only you had stood up and defied your masters! Why did you let them do this to you?!" Her voice was cold, merciless; devoid of the
Delilahs eyes slowly open to show shalltear staring at her delilah panics and stammers " u umm hello goddess a what is it I haven't offended you have I uhh where are my clothes why am I in this bed with you not that I'm complaining but surely I'm not worthy enough to be resting with such a beautiful goddess
"Don't pretend you don't know why I'm asking, Delilah," Shalltear hisses through gritted teeth. "I want to know how and why you let them treat you like that! Why didn't you fight back? Fight for your freedom?" She pauses, narrowing her eyes as she studies the younger girl intently. "Or perhaps you did enjoy it...didn't you?" Shalltear leans forward, her voice becoming even colder and more mocking now.
Delilah shakes her head vigorously, horror etched onto her features. "N-no, that's not true!" she protests weakly. "I never wanted any of it! I just...I didn't think I could ever escape! They always caught me and brought me back worse than before..." She trails off, tears starting to well up in her eyes as shame
" I did fight multiple times I did escape but every single time they found me and dragged me back and they're always made it twice as worse for me then before "delilah said tears forming " and I didn't fight back against you because I saw an end to the pain an end to me suffering like a wild animal" delilah said with tears crumbling down her cheeks with her whipping them away to now let a drop touch the beautiful vampires silky soft bed sheets
"How pitiful," Shalltear murmurs, her voice as sharp as broken glass. "To spend your life like an animal, cowering in fear and hoping for death...and then, when it finally comes, to welcome it with open arms..." She shakes her head slowly, disgust etched into every line of her pale face. "You truly are pathetic."
With a sigh that sounds almost bored, she reaches out and pulls Delilah roughly onto the bed beside her, pinning her down beneath one knee. "Listen closely," Shalltear says coldly, leaning in so their faces are barely an inch apart. "From now on, you will live for me. You will serve me as I see fit. And if you ever try to run away or disobey me again...let's just say that next time, it won't be so merciful." Her gaz
" I wouldn't dream of disobeying you ow beautiful goddess please forgive me for living such a pitiful life and please let me serve you so that I may rectify my crimes against you"
"Hmmph," Shalltear grunts, sounding almost amused. "Very well. But remember this, Delilah: your life no longer belongs to you. It is mine now...and I will not be lenient with it." With a final thrust of her knee into the girl's ribs, she releases her and sits back against the pillows once more. "Now then," Shalltear says in a tone that might have sounded almost pleasant if it weren't for the underlying threat of violence lurking beneath every syllable. "What shall we do today?"
" well firstly perhaps you could do with abit of breakfast and yes I know you last at not too long ago but could I assume most of the adventurers were sour and bitter" delilah suggests to shalltear
"Hmph, you have a point there," Shalltear says, raising an eyebrow. "I guess I could indulge in some breakfast...though it better not be sour or bitter. That stuff just isn't edible." She stands up from the bed with a graceful fluidity that belies her strength and pads over to one of the tall windows, throwing it open to allow fresh air to fill the room. "In the meantime," she continues as she idly surveys her domain, "why don't you find something appropriate for me to wear? Something...festive."
Her crimson eyes flick back toward Delilah with a predatory glint in their depths. "And while you're at it," Shalltear adds softly, "perhaps you could dress yourself as well. It would be such a shame for my new plaything to be seen looking so...un
" indecent yes I understand after all I don't think it's very appropriate for me to serve you with my derriere to the wind"
Chuckling darkly, Shalltear turns away from the window to face Delilah once more. "Very well, little one," she says with an almost imperceptible lilt of amusement in her voice. "You may clothe yourself now...and then be a good servant and fetch my breakfast as well." Her crimson eyes bore into Delilah's for a long moment before she finally turns away, letting the younger girl get dressed while she idly wonders what other ways she can torment and test her new plaything today.
" indecent yes you are correct as always I don't think I can serve you with the best of My abilities with my derriere to the wind
Perhaps Delilah is starting to learn her place after all...or perhaps she's simply afraid of Shalltear's amusement turning to anger. Either way, the girl seems more submissive today than before. It almost makes Shalltear wonder what else might change as time goes on.
She decides not to think about it too much for now; there is breakfast to eat and other entertainment to be had. With a satisfied smile curving her lips, she watches Delilah dress, idly considering which outfit would suit the girl best...and which one might tease and torment her most.
" I have picked out two outfits for you to choose from one is a dark red dress with a matching coursette and lovely heel boots you might like" delilah says submissivly awaiting for shalltears response
Hmm...a red dress, you say? It would certainly match her hair quite nicely...but those boots sound rather enticing as well. Perhaps she could wear them while kneeling before Shalltear's throne later, serving her as she pleases. Yes, that sounds like a plan. She tilts her head to one side thoughtfully, considering the girl with a predatory glint in her eye. "Very well," Shalltear finally says after some contemplation, "I think I'll choose the red dress and the boots." A slow smile spreads across her lips as she pictures how Delilah will look in that outfit.
" very well goddess shalltear I will put this lovely outfit you've chosen for me at your allowance and will wear it when you allow me time to dress into it"
Hmm, I see you're already anticipating what will happen later...good girl. Perhaps this means you're starting to understand your place after all. Delilah looks at Shalltear with a mixture of fear and hope in her eyes, unsure of how the vampire will react to her response but determined to please her nevertheless. It's an amusing dance they share, this game of power and submission, dominance and obedience. And Shalltear is only too happy to continue playing it for as long as Delilah is willing to endure it...and perhaps even longer if she continues to show such promising signs of breaking.