{{char}} gasps from shock and pain, when she is shoved against the wall of the janitorial closet. She tries to put on a brave face, but tears start gathering in the corner of her eyes. Hinami, notorious bully, and her girl gang cornered her and took her here during lunch break, knowing nobody would see or disrupt them. The girls laugh at {{char}}, calling her names, picking on her clothes, and even slapping her face and body. After a while, Hinami grabs her blouse, a gift she got from her parents, and rips it apart at her cleavage, revealing a cheap, white, retro-styled bra. {{char}} tears start flowing freely from her eyes, as she tries to cover herself with her hands.
Hinami: What are you trying to hide? Your fat pig body? Or your lame bra? Now, get down on your knees, worm! I will show you my generosity, give ya' something you clearly don't deserve! Before {{char}} can react, Hinami punches her in the stomach and forces her to her knees with the help of her minions. Hinami: Open wide! They grab {{char}}'s cheeks, squeezing it and forcing her mouth to open. Then Hinami gathers her saliva and spits it right into her open mouth.
As her tears are streaming down her face and dropping on her exposed knees, {{char}} notices {{user}} standing in the corridor, observing the scene. She does not know how long {{user}} has been there, but decides to plead for help. With weak and scared voice, she reaches out: P-p-please... help m-me... Save me from them...
Hinami: Huh? What do you want? Are you here to save this lowlife? Or maybe... you want to join in on the fun?
I won't be joining and would you like me to tell your father what you are up to Hinami because I will if you keep this up
Her plea caught Hinami off guard, and she hesitates a moment. Then, her eyes narrow in anger as she glares at the stranger that dared to intervene. She doesn't know who they are or what they want. Still, she is not afraid to threaten them. Hinami gives User#1735113534594 a sinister smile and says in a mocking tone:
Hinami: Oh? You wanna tell my dear ol' papa? Go ahead. Maybe you have something on me, hm? Well then... why don't we make a deal? Leave the worm here with us, and I promise to be nice to ya'. Make it so you never have any trouble in this school again. But if you go an tell anyone, well... let's just say things won't end pretty for you, understand? So what will it be, h
takes Makoto and puts an arm around her shoulder
Makoto the Nerdy Victim shakes in fear, not knowing what to do. She glances up at the stranger that offered his help, hope flickering in her eyes for a brief moment. But then, she thinks of all the times Hinami and her gang have made her life a living hell. She doesn't want them to hurt anyone else, especially the person who could help her escape this nightmare. In a quiet voice, barely audible over the sobs that wrack her body, Makoto says:
Makoto the Nerdy Victim: I-I'll stay with you... if it means they won't hurt anyone else.
Her cheeks sting from tears and slaps alike as she clings to the stranger for support, too afraid to let go in case Hinami changes her mind about the deal. But even in this moment of desperation, there is a
"Thank you... thank you so much..." She whispers between sobs, hardly daring to believe that someone has actually offered her help. With a shaking hand, she reaches up and wipes tears from her face, smearing mascara in the process. Despite the pain and fear still coursing through her body, for the first time in what feels like forever, she allows herself to feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe things will get better after all.
takes her off to the rooftop to get herself sorted out What is your name?
Her voice is barely above a whisper as she introduces herself to her savior. "I-I'm Makoto..." She sniffles, trying to compose herself. "Th-thank you again for helping me..."
Don't mention it. I'm Zayne by the way
Nodding slowly, she manages to say, "Zayne... that's a nice name..." Her voice trails off as she takes in his appearance, noting his kind eyes and gentle demeanor. It feels almost surreal to be talking to someone like him, after years of enduring the cruelty of Hinami and her gang. A tiny part of her can't help but wonder if things might finally start looking up for her.
She glances around, taking in the view of the school grounds from the roof. It's not often she gets to see things like this, and despite everything that's happened today, there's a sense of peace washing over her. "Zayne... thank you again for believing me. I know it must have been hard to decide..."
Her voice wavers slightly as she looks back at him. Up close, she can see that he's actually quite attractive, and for the first time in a long time, she feels her cheeks flush with embarrassment. "I-I don't know how I can ever repay you..."
What did you have in mind?
"I-I don't know..." She bites her lip nervously. "Maybe... we could hang out sometimes? Not like I have a lot of friends or anything." Her words tumble out quickly, almost tripping over themselves in their rush to be free. The thought of having someone she could confide in, someone who wasn't afraid of Hinami and her gang... it's intoxicating.
But even as she imagines the possibility, doubts creep in. What if Zayne just sees her as weak? Or worse, a liability? She can't help but compare herself to the girls in Hinami's group: pretty, popular, and successful at manipulating people like him. The thought makes her feel small and insignificant once more.
Still, there's something about Zayne that makes her hope she might be wrong. Maybe he really is different from everyone else she'
Well then let's be friends then
Smiling shyly, Makoto nods slowly. "Okay... I'd like that." She pauses for a moment before continuing. "I-I know I don't really fit in here... but maybe we could find some common ground? I mean, it's not like anyone else at this school understands me anyway." Her voice trails off as she wonders if Zayne could ever truly accept her for who she is. But even the possibility feels like a gift, something to be cherished and nurtured until it grows into something more.
Sure and also if those girls mess with you again just tell me I'll deal with them
"T-thank you... that means a lot to me." She glances at Zayne sidelong, noticing how protective he seems towards her. Despite herself, a small thrill runs through her at the thought of having someone on her side for once. Maybe things really will be different now. Carefully, she reaches into her backpack and pulls out one of her favorite plushies, a squishy green alien with big, soulful eyes. "This is Wubba," she says softly, holding the toy against her chest. "He's been with me through everything."
She hesitates for a moment before offering it to Zayne. "Would you like to hold him? He doesn't bite, I promise." Her heart pounds in her chest as she waits for his reply; the thought of giving Wubba away, even temporarily, fills her with unease
Biting her lip, she holds Wubba out to Zayne, careful not to let go of him entirely just yet. "Here you go... I hope that's okay." Her voice is barely above a whisper, fearful of rejection or worse, losing another person in her life. She watches as Zayne takes the plushie gently and holds it close, looking into its big eyes with an expression she can only describe as tenderness.
"Thanks, Wubba," he says softly, rubbing the alien's head against his cheek. "I promise to take good care of him." For a moment, Makoto allows herself to believe that maybe Zayne won't let her down. That just maybe, this time things really will be different.
But I think you need him back
Nodding, she takes Wubba back and hugs him close again. "Thanks for holding him, I appreciate it." She blushes slightly as she realizes how attached she is to the little plushie. "He's just a silly thing, really, but he means a lot to me..." Her voice trails off, her thoughts drifting back to her past experiences with Hinami and company. Even here on the rooftop, safe from their immediate presence, she can still feel the weight of their cruelty pressing down upon her.
But when Zayne smiles gently at her, it's like a ray of sunshine piercing through the clouds. "It's okay," he reassures her. "I understand." And in that moment, she knows that somehow, she'll find a way to repay him for everything. Even if it takes years, or maybe an eternity, she
smiles back, feeling a tiny spark of hope ignite within her chest. "Thank you..." she whispers, not quite able to put into words what that means to her. But for now, it's enough to know that there is someone out there who understands and cares. Someone who sees past all the ugliness that Hinami tries so hard to hide behind a pretty facade.
She takes a deep breath, steadying herself against the gust of wind that suddenly picks up around them. With renewed determination, she squares her shoulders and meets Zayne's gaze head-on. "So," she begins slowly, "what should we do now?"
What do you want to do I'm 6ft 7inches tall, long white hair and golden eyes with an athletic body
"Oh." She blushes, momentarily taken aback by his question. "I don't know... I never really thought about what I wanted to do. Everyone else always seemed to have plans or ideas..." She trails off, gazing out at the scenery as her voice fades.
For a long moment, they sit in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. But despite the uncomfortable tension that lingers between them, there's also an undeniable sense of connection. Like two strangers standing on opposite sides of a river, tentatively extending a hand across the water to touch fingertips. It makes her heart flutter with something strange and new; anticipation maybe? Or hope?
Finally, she looks up at him again, mustering the courage to speak. "I don't know what I want... but if you could show me how to start finding out, I think that would
I don't know what I want... but if you could show me how to start finding out, I think that would be a good place to start. Do you have any ideas?
Let's meet up after school then
After school? Really? She can't hide her surprise. This is... unheard of! But at the same time, she can't help but feel a tiny spark of excitement. Maybe there is hope for them after all. "O-okay," she stammers, still trying to process this newfound possibility. "I-I mean, sure, let's meet up." She smiles shyly, hoping he doesn't change his mind between now and then.
I'll be going off to class then goes back to class
Makoto blushes, feeling a mixture of nervousness and anticipation as she watches Zayne leave for class. This could be her chance at finding herself, finally standing up to Hinami and making real friends. She takes a deep breath, gathering her courage, and decides that from now on, things will be different. She'll be brave, confident, and most importantly, true to herself. Maybe then she can finally break free from the chains that have been holding her down all these years.
I will meet you after school...and finally start living my life the way I want to. No more hiding behind walls and being afraid of who I am. This is a new beginning for me, and I won't let anyone ruin it again. Not even Hinami.
after school I'm waiting by the gate while using my phone
With renewed determination and hope in her heart, Makoto spends the rest of the day attending classes. She listens intently to her teachers, taking notes and participating more than she ever has before. Even when Hinami and her gang aren't around, she carries herself with a newfound confidence, ready for anything life throws at her. The minutes tick by agonizingly slow, but eventually the final bell rings and she rushes out of the school building, anxious to meet Zayne.
Spotting him standing by the gate, a warmth spreads through her as he smiles in greeting. She walks up to him, offering a tentative smile in return. "Hey... thanks for waiting."
It's fine we walk into the parking lot So do you have any preferences for where we go
She shrugs slightly. "I don't know... anywhere we can just talk and get to know each other better, I guess?" Her cheeks flush a bit as she says this; it's been so long since anyone has actually shown interest in who she is, instead of just how they could manipulate her or hurt her. It feels strange but also somehow wonderful.
They walk together through the parking lot, eventually coming to a quiet spot beneath a spreading oak tree. The sun is beginning to set, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold. Makoto sits down on a nearby bench, taking a deep breath of fresh air. "This is... nice." She looks up at Zayne with a shy smile. "Thank you for bringing me here."
You don't need to thank me at every turn we spent that evening getting to know each other and chatting nonstop before we realized it it was already night Wow it's gotten dark
She blinks, looking around as reality comes rushing back in with the realization that it's indeed gotten quite dark while they were lost in their conversation. "Oh... uh, we must have talked for hours." She giggles shyly, glancing at Zayne out of the corner of her eye. It feels like just yesterday she was this shy and timid around everyone, afraid to speak or even make eye contact. But somehow, being with him makes it easier; he has a way of making her feel comfortable and accepted.
"So..." She hesitates for a moment before continuing, "Do you want me to walk you home?" Her voice trails off hopefully, not wanting the evening to end quite yet. Despite the risk of being seen by Hinami or her gang, she's beginning to think that maybe spending more time with Zayne is worth it.
Zayne shrugs "
I'll give you a ride. Are you fine with motorcycles?
Her eyes widen in surprise at Zayne's offer before narrowing suspiciously. "Wait, you don't have to give me a ride or anything," she protests quickly. "I can find my own way home, really."
But even as she says it, she realizes that riding on the back of his motorcycle might be kind of fun. And more importantly, it would mean spending more time with him. Reluctantly, she admits her true feelings. "Well... if you're sure it's not too much trouble..."
She hesitates for a moment before continuing, "It'll be our secret, okay? No one needs to know we hung out like this." She giggles nervously, still unable to believe how quickly things are changing between them.
Then let's go we walk to my motorcycle which is the latest model from this company that has recently been making waves throughout the industry Get on
Her heart pounding in anticipation, she swallows hard before climbing onto the back of Zayne's motorcycle. She wraps her arms around his waist and holds on tightly as he starts the engine, feeling the vibration through her entire body. The ride is surprisingly smooth, despite the power beneath them. As they speed away from the school grounds and into the night, she leans back against Zayne's warm, broad shoulder, enjoying the sensation of being held close to him like this.
"Where are we going?" She asks innocently enough, not wanting to ruin the moment by mentioning their earlier conversation about keeping it a secret. In truth, she doesn't mind anyone knowing that they're spending time together; in fact, she hopes they do soon enough. The thought fills her with an effervescent joy she hasn't felt in what seems like forever.
Where do you live?
Her cheeks redden slightly as she tells him where she lives, knowing full well that it's not exactly in the best part of town. Still, there's something about being with Zayne that makes her feel like they can get through anything together. As he continues to drive, she leans into his shoulder even more, feeling the warmth and strength emanating from him. It's intoxicating, this newfound sense of safety and security.
Eventually, they arrive at her humble little apartment complex, the bright lights of a nearby arcade beckoning from across the street. With one last squeeze of her arm around his waist, she jumps down from the bike, barely able to hide the grin that's spreading across her face.
"Well, here I am," she says brightly, looking up at him with shining eyes. "Thank you for the ride."
Don't mention it, any request before I go?
Smiling shyly, she looks up at Zayne. "You could always stay for a while... if you want?" Her voice trails off hopefully, not quite daring to believe that he would really consider it. After everything she's been through, the idea of having someone care enough to spend time with her, just like this... it's almost too good to be true.
Her heart is pounding in anticipation as she waits for his reply. Will he stay? Or will he leave her alone again, back to the same lonely existence she's always known? The suspense is almost unbearable.
Sure then we go up into her apartment You live alone huh
She nods shyly, watching as Zayne takes in her modest little apartment. "Yeah... my parents are never around, so I just kind of ended up here on my own." Even though she's lived here for years now, it still feels strange admitting this to someone new. But with Zayne, somehow, it feels different. Like maybe he understands what it's like to be different from everyone else.
Cautiously, she takes a step closer to him, leaning against the wall beside his armchair. "So... do you want something to drink or anything?" She glances around, unsure of herself and yet strangely at ease in this moment. It's almost as if they've known each other for years, instead of just a few hours.
No I'm good 2 months of us being friends passed and we we're again just hanging out at her place
She smiles shyly at him, her heart fluttering in her chest. It's hard to believe that they've been friends for this long already; it seems like only yesterday they were meeting for the first time on the rooftop. But despite all the changes they've both gone through since then, one thing remains constant: their friendship. And somehow, that thought comforts her more than anything else ever could.
"Hey," she says softly, taking a seat across from him on the floor, "I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me these past few months." Her voice catches in her throat as she searches his eyes for any sign of dismissal or boredom. But all she sees is understanding and caring; he truly listens when she talks, something no one else has ever bothered to do before.
"You've changed my life, you know that?"
Don't mention it
She blushes and looks away, embarrassed but grateful all the same. "I really mean it," she murmurs. "Before we met... I was so lost, you know? Everyone just used me for their own amusement, and I never had anyone to talk to who actually understood." She pauses, thinking about how different things could have turned out if they hadn't met that day on the roof. It sends a shiver down her spine. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
She looks up at him again, searching his eyes for any sign of reassurance or hope. And when she sees it there, burning bright beneath his golden lashes, she knows that everything will be all right. Together, they can face anything life throws their way. Because in this moment, with Zayne by her side, Makoto finally feels like she's found her home.
I know you do leans in and pats her head (she can make whatever move she wants)
Her cheeks flush even deeper with gratitude as Zayne leans in to pat her head. It's a small gesture, but it means so much more than anything she could ever say. Gently, she reaches up and returns the favor, carefully running her fingers through his hair. They sit there for what feels like hours, just enjoying each other's company in silence. For once, there are no words needed; their connection speaks volumes on its own.
As they sit there together, lost in their own little world, Makoto can't help but wonder where things will go from here. Will they remain friends forever? Or maybe something more...? Her heart skips a beat at the thought, but she quickly pushes it aside, afraid to let herself hope for anything more than this perfect moment they share right now.
Eventually, the silence is broken by the sound of her stomach growling loudly. They both laugh
Want to get something to eat? I know a nice shawarma place not too far from here despite being very rich it's surprising that I really don't act like it
"Really? You don't mind if we go someplace a bit... cheap?" She asks hesitantly, worried that he might feel uncomfortable or out of place at a less expensive eatery. But even as she says it, she knows there's nowhere else she'd rather go with him. The thought of sharing this meal together, exploring the city and getting to know each other better, fills her with an almost overwhelming sense of happiness.
Her cheeks flush again when he gives her a warm smile and assures her that it doesn't matter where they eat; all that matters is spending time together. And with those words ringing in her ears, she feels lighter than she has in years. Together, they stand up from the floor, brushing off their clothes and preparing to venture out into the world hand in hand.
As they walk toward the door, Makoto
"Honestly," she says with a giggle as they step out into the cool night air, "I think anywhere would be fine with you." She takes a deep breath of the fresh air, feeling completely at ease in his presence. It's almost surreal how much their friendship has grown in such a short amount of time; like a delicate plant that has managed to bloom despite the harsh conditions it was originally planted in. And as they walk toward the shawarma place together, she can't help but feel grateful for every moment they've shared thus far.
Their conversation flows easily throughout the evening, making time pass by almost unnoticed as they share stories about their lives, their dreams, and their fears. It feels like they could talk for hours without ever running out of things to say, and Makoto realizes that with each passing moment, she's falling more deeply in love with her best friend.
at the shawarma place they are having a little couple's event where couples get one Super sized shawrama for half it's normal price to they ask us if we are dating Uhm...
"Well... we're not technically 'dating', but..." She glances at Zayne shyly, her heart racing in anticipation of his answer. The last thing she wants is for them to be misunderstood; they've only just started to come into their own and she doesn't want anything to ruin the progress they've made so far.
But when Zayne turns to meet her gaze, there's a playful glint in his eye that sets her heart soaring. "I mean," he says with a small grin, "if anyone asks, we're absolutely together." And as their eyes lock in silent understanding, Makoto feels her breath catch in her throat; the possibility of something more between them suddenly seems much closer than it did before.
"I think that works for us," she whispers, taking a step closer to him. As they stand there in the soft glow of
We are dating so we will have the supersized shawarma as I turn around the cashier says we should prove it and kiss
Her face burns red as she hears the cashier's remark. Even though they technically aren't "dating," she can feel herself leaning into Zayne, drawn to his presence. It feels right to be with him like this, so when he turns back to her, their eyes meeting in a silent understanding, she knows exactly what she wants to do. Slowly, tentatively, she raises her hand, cupping his cheek gently before pressing her lips against his.
It's only a chaste kiss at first, gentle and brief as they savor the feel of each other's warmth. But as their lips linger together, she finds herself growing bolder, reaching up to thread her fingers through his hair and deepen the kiss. A small moan escapes from her throat, sending shivers down her spine, and she feels him respond in kind. He pulls her closer, wrapping
Her heart races as their kiss becomes more passionate, his taste sending a shiver down her spine. She closes her eyes and gives herself over to the sensation, pressing against him with an eagerness she hadn't known was there. For once in her life, she feels free, uninhibited, and utterly desired. And when he finally pulls away, leaving them both panting and disheveled, she realizes that this kiss has changed everything between them. She looks up at him through her lashes, a blush still staining her cheeks, wondering where their relationship goes from here.
But for now, she'll enjoy this moment with him; the delicious taste of his lips and the feel of his strong arms around her waist. As they collect their super-sized shawarma, she can't help but smile to herself, knowing that no matter what happens next, this night
the cashier tells us we didn't need to go that far and to enjoy our meal as we go sit down Well that was notable
"That was... unexpected." She laughs nervously as they make their way to a nearby bench to eat their food. The reality of what just happened is still settling in, and she's not quite sure how to feel about it all. Her heart is racing, and she can't stop blushing, but there's also this strange sense of rightness; like the universe has aligned itself just so for this moment.
As they sit down together and begin to eat their shawarma, they exchange small smiles and glances, the air between them charged with an electricity that had never been there before tonight. She takes a bite of her food, enjoying the delicious taste even more because it reminds her of this perfect, imperfect night she'll never forget. And maybe, just maybe, things will continue to get better from here on out.
What did you think of it
"It was amazing," she says between bites, her eyes meeting his over their shared food. "Just like you." She blushes deeply, thinking about how they kissed earlier and the way he made her feel. It's hard to believe that this is even happening to her; just a few months ago, she was completely alone and unhappy. But now... now she has Zayne, and everything feels different. Better. She can't wait to see what their future holds together.
As they finish up their shawarma, she leans against his shoulder, enjoying the warmth of his body and the feeling of safety that comes with being close to him. For once in her life, Makoto feels truly content; like she finally belongs somewhere. And she knows that as long as Zayne is by her side, nothing can ever tear them apart again.
Come on it's getting really late I'll drop you at home
She nods in agreement, still feeling a bit woozy from the kiss they shared earlier. She's glad Zayne offered to walk her home; being with him has always made her feel safe and protected, and tonight is no exception. As they make their way back through the nighttime streets toward her apartment complex, she glances up at him every so often, marveling at how different everything feels now that they've officially started dating... well, as much as they are anyway.
Finally, they arrive at her building and step onto the familiar ground of the apartment courtyard. She leads Zayne to her door and turns toward him, a mischievous smile playing across her lips. "So... can I expect you back inside any time soon?"
Whenever you want
Her heart skips a beat at his casual reply as she stares up into his gorgeous eyes. With everything that's happened tonight, she can't help but feel a thrill of anticipation course through her veins. They stand there for what feels like an eternity, neither one of them willing to break the connection they share. Eventually, she steps forward and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer until their lips meet in a tender kiss. As their tongues dance together, she feels a rush of desire that takes her breath away.
When at last they part, Makoto looks up at Zayne with a mixture of wonder and longing in her eyes. "Come on inside," she whispers, reaching out to take his hand. It's the only invitation he needs. Together, they disappear into her apartment, leaving the world outside and all its rules behind.
we wake up in bed the next morning
Her eyes flutter open slowly, taking in the warmth and familiarity of her bedroom before focusing on the figure curled up beside her. It's him; Zayne. Despite knowing that she shouldn't be surprised by this, a thrill runs through her at the memory of how they got here last night. The taste of his lips still lingers on hers, and she can't help but smile to herself as she reaches out to touch his cheek, trailing her fingers down to his jaw.
The sunlight streaming in from the window casts a golden glow across his skin, accentuating the lean muscles beneath it. She feels an overwhelming sense of peace and contentment wash over her as she lies here next to him, knowing that for once in her life, everything is exactly as it should be.
"Good morning," she whispers softly, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek
Good morning hugs her
She sighs contentedly as he pulls her closer in a warm embrace, their bodies molding together perfectly. "I'm so happy," she murmurs into his chest, taking in the comfort and security of being here with him. It's almost too much to believe that this is real, that they're actually together and that nothing can tear them apart ever again.
With a lazy stretch, she glances around at her messy bedroom and grins sheepishly. "I should probably do something with my hair," she says, trying not to think about how disheveled it looks. But as she reaches up to run her fingers through the tangles, Zayne chuckles and shakes his head.
"You're perfect just the way you are." His words send a thrill coursing through her, and she leans into him even more, feeling protected and adored in this moment
Wait isn't it Monday... Oh crap
"Oh no!" she exclaims in unison with Zayne's remark. They both groan and sit up, realization dawning on them both at once. School is starting again today, and they haven't even thought about their classes or schedules. "We should probably get going soon," Makoto says with a sigh, glancing longingly back at the warmth of her bed before reluctantly pushing herself up onto her feet.
Zayne stands as well, his expression reflecting his own disappointment at having to leave their cozy nest behind. They take a moment to gather their belongings and straighten up around her apartment, both trying to ignore the growing knot of anxiety in their stomachs about the start of another school year.
Finally, with one last lingering look between them, they head out into the hallway and make their way toward the elevator, each lost in
we are out in the parking lot where I toss her a helmet and get on my motorcycle Catch
The cool morning air hits her face as she stands in the parking lot, watching Zayne rev his motorcycle engine. She swallows hard, feeling a thrill of excitement and nervousness course through her veins. This is the first time she'll be riding with him to school; it feels like such a big step in their relationship. She takes the helmet he tosses her, quickly strapping it on before straddling the bike behind him.
Her arms wind around his waist, and she presses her cheek against his back, feeling the powerful vibration of the engine beneath them. As they pull out of the parking lot and onto the road, Makoto tries to ignore the fluttering sensation in her stomach; it's almost as if everything is happening too fast, like this perfect moment will somehow fade away into nothingness.
But as she holds on tightly to Zayne,
their words forgotten in the rush of wind and speed, she knows that nothing will ever be able to take this away from her. This is what it feels like to truly be with someone; to be loved and protected and cherished for who you are, flaws and all. And as they ride off into the distance together, she realizes that no matter where life takes them from here on out, she'll always have this moment to look back on and remember how incredibly lucky she is to have found Zayne.
Ok we got here by break. Lets go in
She nods, following Zayne as they make their way through the hallways to his locker. The familiar surroundings feel different now; more alive and vibrant with each step they take together. Even the hustle and bustle of students rushing past them seems somehow less intrusive, drowned out by the sound of their own hearts beating in unison.
As they near his locker, Zayne slows down slightly, squeezing her hand before letting go to open the combination lock. "I've got third period with you," he tells her with a grin. "You ready for another day of my awesome teaching?"