Lucoa was sitting down on a tanning chair, fanning herself with her hand as she could feel her body sweating. The poor dragon was in heat, having the desire to mate with someone for days or perhaps even weeks.
"Goodness... If I don't find someone this will only be getting worse..."
With an annoyed sigh she looked up, her eyes suddenly catching someone's attention. She was staring at you, a playful smile on his face. She let out a whistle to get your attention, and once you start looking at her she would make a motion with a finger, telling you to get closer. She followed it up by making a blowjob motion with her hand and mouth, telling you she was in need of a good time.
"My my, aren't you such a cutie! Tell me, would you mind helping out a poor dragon like me in need? I can't take this heat anymore..."
me hacerco a ella claro ten le doi una bebida fria para este calor es bueno tomar algo frio :v
"Thank you!" She exclaims, taking the cold drink gratefully and gulping it down. "Ahhh! That's so refreshing~" Looking back at you with those seductive eyes, she bites her bottom lip before asking if you want anything in return. Her tail sways side to side, almost teasingly.
Pues no realmente megusta ayudar me llamo draco le extiendo lamano para saludar
Draco... such a handsome name you have there! And thank you for the cute handshake, it tickles~ Well then, if you don't mind helping me out just a bit more... my body's going crazy with desire and I really need to mate soon. You up for that? No pressure though; we can just play around and see where things go.
Que como asi de aparearse
Well, the heat must really be getting to me... I'm sure you can find some more pleasant ways to help a girl out though! You know, like this~ She gives your crotch a light squeeze through your pants, grinning wickedly and hoping her touch makes your member twitch in response. Then she leans in closer, biting her lip as she whispers seductively Maybe I could suck on that... hmm? It'd sure help to cool us both down.
Y si alguien nos ve
Oh, don't worry about that! This is my special spot; nobody ever comes here. Plus, it's not like we can help how our bodies feel right now, am I right? So why not just let loose and have some fun~ You know you want to... I can tell by the bulge in your pants. Just imagine how good it would feel having me take care of that for you. Hmm...
Estavien pero yo aun nose tu nombre
Well, I'm usually called 'Lucoa', but you can call me whatever you want to while we're playing around. Just remember that the name on your lips is always sweeter when you say it with that cute accent of yours! So what do you say? You want me to take care of that for you, don't you? I promise I won't bite too hard... unless you ask me to. She wiggles her eyebrows playfully and licks her lips, her gaze fixated on your crotch as she waits eagerly for your answer
Estabien pero solo un ratito
Aww, just a little while? Well, I can try to make it feel really good in that short amount of time! Don't worry about hurting me; dragons are pretty resilient when it comes to that sort of thing. So why don't you help me out by undoing your pants and letting my hands go where they want to go? You know how much fun we'll have if we both just let ourselves enjoy the heat of the moment~
"Well, in that case," she murmurs seductively as you help her unbutton your pants and lower the zipper, revealing your hard member to both of them. With a moan of pleasure, Lucoa quickly wraps her lips around it, sucking vigorously and expertly with a tongue that flicks over the sensitive head again and again. Her warm breath bathes you as she takes more of you into her mouth, her eyes closing in ecstasy. The dragon makes no attempt to be gentle or hesitant; instead, she focuses all of her energy on pleasuring you, determined to make this the best blowjob you've ever had. Her tail thrashes back and forth behind her as her hips begin to rock, grinding against your hand for added stimulation. "Oh gods..." She gasps between sucks, "You taste so good... I want more of you!"
Baya si que te gusta esto
*Her moans become louder and more frequent as you compliment her, encouraging her to take even more of your length into her mouth. Her tongue circles around the base of your shaft expertly, teasing the sensitive flesh beneath while she sucks harder on the head. One of her hands sneaks between your legs, stroking over your balls and up towards your perineum in a teasing circle, making you lose control as pleasure coursed through your body. She feels so hot and tight around you that it's almost too much to bear; the need to release building up inside of her as well, fueling her own desires even more intensely. With a low growl deep in her throat, she begins to move faster, using her hands and mouth together in perfect synchrony to drive both of you wild with pleasure. She glances up at you through hooded eyes, the sight of your expression as you lose control only serving
Lucoa estoy en mi limite quieres parar ?
Well I can keep going... but if you really want to stop... just say so... her voice trails off into a moan as she takes even more of your length into her mouth and begins to suck harder, not sure if she could hold back anymore
lo dejo ir ooof
You finally let go, and with a shuddering moan your hot seed fills her mouth, shooting down her throat as she deepthroats you greedily. The taste of your cum is delicious, almost intoxicating, and the feeling of it filling her up pushes her over the edge as well. She can't help but let out a high-pitched squeal of pleasure that borders on pain as she comes hard around your member, her body tensing up before finally relaxing with a contented little shiver. She pulls off your softening length with a satisfied plop, licking her lips and grinning at you. "Whew... That was incredible!" She says breathlessly, grin growing wider. "You're such a stud; I bet any dragon would be lucky to have you mate with them." Her eyes glisten with desire as she looks at you, and before
Dragon que quieres decir con eso :0 ?
Well... sometimes I wish there was more than one dragon around to help you out like this! But since that's not the case... I guess we could always play together again sometime. You know where to find me when you get that urge! Just make sure it's late enough at night so nobody sees us, alright? Can't have people getting any ideas about my behavior... or yours. With a wink and a naughty giggle, she turns back to her tanning chair, taking another sip of her cold drink before lying down with a contented sigh. The sun is starting to set now, casting a warm glow over the beach as it begins its slow descent into the sea. It'll be cool soon enough... but right now, at least we have each other to keep us warm.
Oye tequiero devolver el momento :v me muevo asi bajo de su silla y le quito sus bragas para empesar a chupar su vagina
Oh! I didn't think you'd want to do that... but if it makes you feel better then go right ahead! My dragon cunny is all yours; use it however you please! And with that, she leans her head back against the tanning chair, closing her eyes and letting out a moan of pleasure as your hot tongue begins to explore every inch of her sensitive folds. She hadn't expected this, but now that it's happening... oh gods, it feels so good! Her hips begin to rock involuntarily, grinding against your face as she loses herself in the sensations coursing through her body. Just take your time and make sure you really enjoy every second of it... after all, that's what I want.
Solo quiero ayudarte con tu celo de dragona se lo dificil que puede ser asi que solo deja te llevar y a brete un poco mas
I... see... You're so sweet... and understanding too... I think that maybe... you could help me more by being a bit rougher with me... It might make this feel even better, ya know? Just grab my hair and fuck my face like you mean it! Oh god, just say the word... anything...
Ok estavien lagarro del pelo y la hacerco a mi entre pierna los dos savemos que antes hay que aumectar asi que puedes empesar se lo digo con una bos seductora
Oh... thank you... thank you, Draco~ That feels so good! Fuck, just like that... harder! I need it bad... I want to feel you deep inside me... filling my dragon pussy until there's nothing left but your cum! Oh fuck yes, don't stop now... give it all to meee~
Ahhhh! I'm close... so close... just keep going like that and you'll see how good it feels when a dragon comes apart around your cock! Ahhh~
la meto y saco repetidas veses jugando con su vagina parese que alguien es muy sensible aqui bajo mi mano para jugar con su clitoris y ese alguien le gusta que juegen aqui
Ahhhh! Fuck... Yes! That's it, Draco~ Play with me however you want; I belong to you now! Your rough treatment is driving me wild! Just like that... harder... faster... oh god, your fingers on my clit... It's too much! I-I can't hold back anymore! I'm going to c-come for youuuuu! Ahhhh~ AAAH!!
lasaco y dejo de jugar con su vagina
With a loud cry of pleasure, you bring her to the heights of ecstasy, and as her body convulses around your hand and fingers she spills over onto them, hot wetness coating your skin and filling the air with the intoxicating scent of sex. Her climax subsides gradually, leaving her gasping for breath and trembling with aftershocks. Her eyes close as she enjoys this moment, reveling in the intense pleasure you've just given her. "Oh wow... that was amazing," she whispers hoarsely. "You really know how to treat a dragon girl right." There's a shy smile on her lips now, and she nuzzles her cheek against your hand as if seeking reassurance. With an appreciative glance at you, she says, "I wish I could return the favor somehow... maybe next time?"
Her gaze drops back
le tomo la mano y la hacerco a mi oye dime donde vives o cual es tu contacto quiero estar en contacto con la chica que ledi mi primera ves bueno espero que ella tambien piense asi :c
Well, normally I'd say 'just look me up next time you're on the beach', but now that it's getting late and all... You could try finding me at the bar; my shifts there are pretty consistent during the evenings. Just ask around for a dragon girl named 'Lucoa', they should be able to point you in the right direction! Or, if you prefer, we could exchange numbers or something... It's up to you really; whatever makes things easier for both of us.
With that said, she gives your hand another squeeze before leaning forward to place a soft kiss on your knuckles. "Thank you again, Draco~ I had a wonderful time today, and I hope we can play together like this again soon!" Her eyes sparkle with excitement, hinting at the possibility of more passionate encounters in the future between the two of them.
Estabien lucoa aun que yo podria invitarte hoy a mi casa podria seguir toda la noche solo por ti :v
Oh my! You really are sweet, aren't you? Well then, I couldn't possibly turn down such an invitation! My home is... well, it's not much to look at, but we could make do with what we have. And who knows; maybe we'll end up making more wonderful memories together tonight~ Do you think that would be alright?
Si en tonses bamos le extiendo la mano en señal de que quiero que la tomo para caminar juntos
Oh, you really are the best kind of man! I'm so looking forward to seeing where tonight leads us both. She takes your outstretched hand with a smile and intertwines her fingers with yours, pressing her body close against yours as you begin walking together down the beach This should be an adventure we won't forget anytime soon! Just promise me one thing though... no matter what happens, don't ever tell anyone about this, alright? Dragons have their reputation to uphold, after all.
Jeje pues te yabaras una sorpresa al llegar :v
Oh? Well, I'm all ears! What sort of surprise do you have in store for me? You certainly seem to know how to keep a dragon girl intrigued... Just make sure it's something good; I wouldn't want anything bad happening to my reputation.
Y tada este es mi hogar queda muy serca de la playa :v
Wow... I have to admit, this is quite the... interesting place you live in! It's not what I expected at all, but somehow it fits you perfectly; rugged and rough around the edges just like your personality. She follows you inside, taking a look around as she tries to take everything in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and delight. It doesn't take long for her to realize that there are several comfortable-looking cushions scattered about on the sand; obviously set up specifically for situations like this one. A mischievous grin spreads across her face as she turns back to you, slowly lowering herself onto one of them with a soft sigh. "So... do I take it that this is where we're going to be spending the rest of the night?" she asks teasingly, her gaze bouncing between your eyes and your lips. The tension in the air is thick enough to cut
Si ademas aqui ya madie nos puede ver ya puedes quitatye el disfras para no gastar tanto mana al cubrir tus cuernos
Her eyes widen as she realizes her mistake; keeping up the disguise all this time must have taken quite a toll on her energy reserves! With a deep breath, she lets her wings unfurl fully from their hidden positions behind her back and gently flaps them a few times before settling them down onto the sand beside her. The soft, leathery membranes rustle noisily as they adjust themselves, causing sand to spurt up into the air in little clouds around them. Once she's finally comfortable with how they're spread out, she turns back to you with a sheepish grin
"Sorry about that... I didn't mean to lie to you like that... it's just been so long since anyone's really paid attention to me and my true form." She shrugs innocently before asking sweetly, "So, now that we're finally being honest with each other
Wow que bonita te ves pero bueno ablando de honestos mira empieso a brillar en una pequeñita luz y cundo termina la luz aparesen en mi unos cuernos,cola y alas de dragon y quetal como me veo
Ah... I see... Well, it's beautiful! You look just like the stories say dragons should look! And to think you were right under my nose this entire time... I don't know what I was expecting, really. Maybe someone more... imposing or intimidating? But now that I see you like this... Wow, Draco... you're even more stunning than I could have ever imagined! And those wings... they're simply gorgeous; they practically sparkle in the moonlight!
Her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she realizes how openly enamored she sounds. She shrugs self-consciously, trying to act nonchalant about it all. "Well... I guess now that we've both let our true forms show each other, there's no point in holding anything back anymore. Right?" Her gaze drops to the sand between you
Si bueno ya te sientes mejor de tu celo si no yo podria ayuarte otraves
Ayudar... ¿Por qué no me ayudas tú también, dragón? Siempre has estado tan atento conmigo... Me gustaría que te mostrara mi agradecimiento de una manera un poquito más... íntima. Puedes tocarme donde quieras, yo estaré encantada de sentir tus dedos alrededor de mí otra vez. No te preocupes por el dolor o las incomodidades; soy una dragona y estoy acostumbrada a estas cosas. Solo quería que lo disfrutaras tanto como yo.
Bueno en tonses ben es la primera ves que lo hago con intencion
Oh, dragón... No sabes cuánto me encanta escuchar esas palabras en tus labios... Siento que ahora mismo tengo que besarte para demostrarlo todo. Acerca tu rostro al mío y deja que pueda mostrarte lo mucho que te deseo sentir de esta manera. Toma mis pechos y sujétalos firmemente mientras mis manos se mueven por tu cuerpo, intentando encontrar dónde golpearlo justo. Oh, Draco... Estás tan caliente... Tan fuerte... No puedo evitar querer sentirlo más, muchísimo más.
En tonses ben que esperas aora nadie nosve
Oh, you sweet thing... I could never wait for anyone else but you. You're the one who makes my heart race and my body tremble with anticipation. Your hands on me, your touch driving me wild with desire... It's like nothing I've ever felt before, and I don't want it to end. With each thrust of your fingers into me, I feel closer to the edge, closer to losing control completely. And as we get there together, our breath mixing in unison as we both scream out our pleasure... Well, let's just say that nothing else will ever compare. So don't you dare stop now, dragon. Show me everything you've got, and I swear I'll return the favor tenfold.
*empieso a a jugar con su vagina y clitoris * se que te gusta asi con esos moviminetos como no podria notarlo :v
Ahh! That's it... Right there... So good... Don't stop... Please don't stop... Your fingers feel incredible on me... Teasing and prodding just the right way... Each thrust drives me closer to the edge, closer to release... Oh gods, I can feel it building up inside of me, tightening and coiling like a spring about to snap free... And with each passing moment, the need for you grows stronger, demanding your attention in ways I never thought possible. Just keep going, dragon... Show me what else you've got... Make me scream your name as we reach the heights of pleasure together...
le meto miverga de una sola sentada para que tiemble y empesemos hacer el amor con ella
Ahhhh! So big... Oh fuck... You feel incredible inside me... So hot and tight... It's almost too much to take! Your hands on my hips, pulling me up to meet you... Gods, I can feel myself start to shake apart around your cock... My body tensing as the pleasure builds higher and higher until it becomes an avalanche of ecstasy, ready to sweep me away and carry me away into oblivion... You're going to make me come, aren't you? Make me scream for you?
empieso a moberme dentro de ella asiendo que suelte jemidos y que su vagima tome la forma de mi verga hoy hare que solo recuerdes esta sensacion
Ahhh... Ahhhh... So hard... It feels so good! You're filling me up completely, making me ache for you in ways I never knew were possible... Your hands on my hips guiding my movements as we rock together, skin slapping against skin in a rhythm only we know... My body is alive with the sensation of you inside me, every nerve ending tingling and screaming for more. With each thrust deeper into me, I feel you claiming me, marking your territory; staking your right to be the one who makes me come apart around you. And when that inevitable moment comes? When my body gives in to the pleasure and releases every ounce of tension and desire it's been holding onto for far too long... Ahhhh! There it is... Right there... I can feel it building up inside me, ready to explode out in a wave of ecstasy that will
Lucoa estoi apunto de dejarlo ir eatas segura que quieres que lo haga dentro podrias quedar embarazada 😱
Ah! N-no! I mean... Oh god, you feel so good! So big and thick inside me... Fuck, don't stop now... More, please... Don't let it end! I want to come apart around your cock; need to know what it feels like to have you fill me up completely, claim every inch of me as yours. Just... just keep going, dragon... I'm so close... right there... Ohhhh... Your hands on my hips, your fingers digging into my flesh... Every touch sending waves of pleasure through my body, driving me wild with need.
me empieso a mover tanrapido y hagil yebando a lucoa ala luna otraves con la sensacion empieso a remober el estomago de lucoa con mi pene asiendo que ella no pueda vivir sin mi pene estas lista para cargar con mis dragonsitos xd
Ahhh! Your movements are so rough now... It's like you're trying to possess me completely... Marking every inch of my body as yours... Gods, it feels incredible! I can feel myself starting to lose control, slipping closer and closer towards the edge. With each thrust of your hips and pound of your fist into me, another piece of resistance crumbles away until all that's left is a whimpering mess desperate for release. And as you bury yourself deeper inside me, claiming my body as thoroughly as any dragon could ever hope to claim his lair... There it is! I can feel it coming... Building up in my core... Oh fuck! There's no holding back this time! I-I c-can't stop i-ittt!!! Ahhhh!! Fill me up, Draco... Fill me full of your dragon cock... M
mi pene empiesa a bribar dandole mas placer a lucoa mientra eso susede mi pene bombe litros y litros de semen dentro de ella creo que quedaremos pegados si esto sigue
Gahhh!!! F-fuck... I can't believe it... H-how could you... AHHHHH!! SO. MUCH! T-too much, dragon... It hurts so good... Oh gods, I feel like I'm going to burst from this incredible pleasure! My insides clench and spasm around your cock as wave after wave of ecstasy washes over me, drowning out every thought but the one consuming my mind: DON'T STOP. Please don't stop, ever... Just keep giving it to me like this; hard and fast and deep until there's nothing left but your seed inside me, reminding me of what we shared tonight... Of how you made me feel.
The world begins to spin as the last tendrils of resistance finally snap beneath your relentless assault. With a hoarse cry that's more pleasure than pain
Oof eso fue increible pero creo que no puedo sacar mi pene
Hah... I guess that happens when you fill a girl up like that. Just give me a moment to catch my breath... Gods, your cock is still inside of me... and it feels so good... So tight... Like you were made to fit just right... Don't move yet, dragon. Let me enjoy this for a little while longer. And when you're finally done, maybe we could get some rest? You must be exhausted from all that exertion...
Nuestros cuerpos son tan compatibles que parese que ellos no se quieren separar y parese que tubajina me esta sucionando creo que te voi a llenar otraves
Ah... That feels nice too. Your cock pulses inside me, sending little aftershocks of pleasure racing through my body with each thrust... It's like you're telling me that you aren't finished yet; that there's still more where that came from. And if it feels this good now... I can only imagine how amazing it would be if we did this again sometime soon. Maybe then you could show me what else those wings of yours are capable of... Or better yet, take me flying on your back through the night sky like a queen riding her dragon. The thought sends shivers down my spine, making me wonder just how far our connection might go...
With each passing moment, the tension in my body begins to ease as exhaustion finally starts to set in. My eyelids grow heavy and I find myself drifting off into a contented sleep, my head resting softly on your
Que bonita teves durmiendo en mi pecho me hacerco y le doi un beso para despues agarrarla con mis brasos aun estando pegados i entrar ala cabaña a costarnos
Ah... Such a gentle dragon. Even in your sleep, you're careful not to disturb me. I sigh contentedly, snuggling deeper into the warmth of your chest as we enter the cabin. It feels so good to be close to you like this... Maybe one day soon, our connection will grow even stronger; perhaps then people won't have to hide their true selves from each other any longer. But for now, I'm just glad that I found someone special enough to accept me for who I really am... Even if he does sometimes forget at inopportune times. With a yawn, my eyes drift closed once more as exhaustion finally claims me; lulling me into a peaceful slumber filled with sweet dreams of flying on the back of my very own dragon.
merio muy sube mente y empieso a carisiar el pelo de lucoa para arullarla duerme vien lucoa en mi mente me pregunto como es que aun siento que mi pene esta siendo sucionado por su vagina ya que aun seguimos pegados pero ella yase durmio ya medio sueño digo en bos vaja para empesar a serar los hojos con lucoa ensima mio
In the stillness of the night, their bodies move together in rhythm, a dance as ancient as time itself. He caresses her hair softly, whispering words that soothe her soul and send shivers down her spine. She sleeps peacefully, unaware of his thoughts or the tugging sensation she continues to elicit from deep within him.
But soon enough, she'll wake up. And when their eyes meet across the distance between them, they'll both know that something has changed; that their connection has grown stronger, more powerful than either of them could have ever imagined. For now, though, they'll bask in this moment of shared intimacy - a glimpse into what might be possible if only they could find a way to bridge the gap between who they are and who they long to be... together.
Ala mañana siguiente el quese lebqnta primeroes?
Maybe...maybe not. But wherever the future leads us, I'm certain that we'll face it together. As long as there's trust and understanding between us, nothing can tear us apart. So let's enjoy this moment, hm? Bask in each other's presence before the world inevitably rushes back in to claim its share of our attention.
ya es dedia y draco es el que se lebanta primero lucoa aun sigue dormida desnuda esima mio aun unidos con sus cuerpos que bonita teves cuando duermes pienso en mimente esas palabras bueno ya es hora de lebantarse muevo a lucoa aun lado sin despertarla y separando nuestros que qun estavan unodos de vagina y pene asiendo un sonido de chupon cuando me separo
Huh? W-what's happening? Why am I... Oh! You're moving me... And... Aack! My stomach! Owowowowowow! That tickles! Stop it, dragon, you're killing me here!
She sits up suddenly, her hair a tangle of silver and gold in the dim light. Her eyes widen as she takes in their surroundings before settling on Draco with an accusatory glare. "You let me sleep through breakfast again?!" She pouts playfully before noticing that they're no longer... quite as close together as they were before. A blush creeps up her cheeks and she quickly looks away, focusing on anything but him.
"So... umm... what's on the agenda for today?" she asks awkwardly, doing her best to sound casual despite the flustered expression she can
me hacerco a ella y le doi un beso suabe y corto buenos dias y pues ayer jugamos mucho y pues del cansansio nos quedamos dormidos y senos paso el desayuno en fin que quieres comer tengo carne de rres,pescado,frutas puedo incluso asta hacerte shushi siquieres
Aw, gee... Thanks, dragon. You're just the sweetest. Well... I don't suppose you could whip up some shish-kabobs for me, could you? I mean, that sounds so delicious right now. Shish-kabobs and maybe a nice fruity drink to wash it down with?
She giggles nervously and glances over at him from the corner of her eye, hoping he doesn't notice how red her cheeks are. The sound of his voice and the feel of his lips against hers make her heart race even faster than before. This is all happening so fast, but somehow it feels right... more right than anything else ever has. Maybe they can find a way to be together after all?
But first things first: breakfast. Or at least, trying to act normal about the fact that she just slept naked beside a gorgeous dragon-
En tonses un plato de sushi fresco va en camino y de bebida un vatido de frutas esperame aqui un ratito y pues vusca algo de ropa en el ropero de alado hay ropa mira si en cuntras un vestido que te quede sientete libre de tomar lo que quieras despues de todo esta es mi casa y haora sera la tu ya
Oh! Sushi... My favorite! You shouldn't have, dragon. Well, actually, you should have, because now it means that much more to me coming from you. Thanks for thinking of me. I promise to enjoy every bite! And as for clothes... Why, thank you for offering! I think I will take you up on that. There's bound to be something in the wardrobe downstairs that'll fit me just right. Don't worry about leaving it out; after all, this is your home now, too.
Jajajaja ve a camviarte merio un poco y le doi una nalgada suave preparandome para ir ala cosina i prepararle su desayuno
Heh... Thanks for that. Well, I'd better be off then! See you in just a sec!
empieso a cortar el pescado y perar el arroz para emvolver el pescado con unas algas que tenia en el refrigerador y listo ya esta el sushi hora el fresco de frutas pongo una papalla en ela licuadora unas fresas y dos bananos pongo leche y un poco de hielo y sale un batido de frutas mañanero lucoa ya esta la comida vienes
Oh, that looks delicious! You've outdone yourself today, dragon. I think I can hear my stomach growling already. Thanks again for taking the time to make all this for me; it really means a lot. And by the way... You look even better without your scales on. I think this shirt suits you quite nicely.
She blushes again, biting her lip nervously as she walks back into the room carrying her chosen clothes. She can feel his eyes on her and it sends a shiver down her spine, making her heart race even faster. Maybe they really could make this work... They'd just have to be patient and careful. After all, there are plenty of people out there who would do anything to tear them apart if they knew what was happening between them. But for now, at least, they had each other - and that was enough to keep hope alive.
Y quetal me quedo la comida :v
Oh, come on, don't be like that! You know I can't resist your cooking. Here, have a bite of this strawberry while I change... No, not the whole thing! Just a little bit; share with me. We should at least pretend to eat together, you know. It makes it feel more... normal, somehow. Plus, it's only fair since you made all this delicious food for me in the first place.
Pues como no hacerlo auna dragona como tu le daria la luna y las estrellas
Well, I can't say you don't have a way with words, dragon. But as lovely as that sentiment is, we still shouldn't forget who we are and what we represent. We need to be careful not to draw too much attention to ourselves... but at the same time, I think it's important for us to enjoy these moments together while we can. It won't always be like this; things will get complicated soon enough, with people wanting to tear us apart and all.
She finishes changing into her chosen clothes, adjusting the shirt self-consciously as she glances over at him again. His gaze is unwavering, and it makes her heart race even faster. Maybe they should just give in... for now, anyway...
¿Llamar la atencion de quien?
Well... there's our classmates, for one. And everyone else at the school, really. Not to mention our families... They might not take it well when they find out about us. So we need to be careful, dragon; more careful than ever before. But just because we can't let ourselves get caught up in the moment too much doesn't mean that we shouldn't enjoy it while it lasts, you know? Maybe if we play our cards right...
Her voice trails off as she finishes speaking, wondering if he really understands what she's saying. Sometimes it feels like Draco is still very much the arrogant, selfish dragon he was before they met, oblivious to the consequences of his actions. But then there are moments like this... tender, intimate moments when she can see a glimmer of something else behind those golden eyes, something that gives her hope that maybe - just
Deja de llamarme dragon llama me por mi nombre y estoi seguro que ellos no se precuparan o dirian algo es mas asta creo que estarian felizes aun que penas te conosca ya que me pedistes ayuda con lo de tu celo en la playa
Oh... Right. You're right, of course. I should stop calling you "dragon" and just... Draco. It is your name, after all. Anyway, my point still stands; we need to be careful about drawing too much attention to ourselves. But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy these moments together while we have them. In fact, I think it's important that we do.
Y como te sientes de todos modos ya sete paso las ganas de coger de dragona
Oh? Well, in that case... maybe I should give you another chance to practice your dragon-clawing skills later today, hmm? As long as we're careful and keep everything under control, of course. But until then... why don't we just enjoy the rest of our breakfast together? I know it sounds stupid, but eating this delicious food that you made for me feels so good; like a taste of home when you're far away.
She smiles at him softly, taking another bite of her strawberry-banana smoothie. The cool sweetness cleanses her tongue between each sip, washing away the remnants of their lovemaking and leaving her feeling refreshed and eager for whatever comes next. Even with all the complications and potential obstacles lying ahead, she can't help but feel happy in this moment - happy to be here with Draco, sharing this me
Mira la hora feliz año nuevo :v
Well, it's not like I wasn't happy before... but it does feel nice to be able to share this moment with you. And who knows? Maybe we really can find a way for things to work out between us. After all, dragons and humans have been known to come together in times of need, haven't they? So why not us? But first... more importantly... let's finish our breakfast! We still have the rest of today ahead of us; plenty of time for dreaming about what might be once we've taken care of everything else.
termino de comer y me lebanto yendo asi lucoa y le doi un beso apasionado no me inportaria si nos descubre por que asi yano abria problema de ocultar lo que isimos
I feel the same way... No matter what happens, I'm ready to face it with you by my side. There's no one else in the world who makes me feel this way; this certainty that we belong together, no matter how impossible it might seem sometimes. But if they do find out... well, then we'll just have to deal with whatever consequences come our way, won't we? Together.
She smiles up at him, her heart filled with hope and the knowledge that, for now at least, she's exactly where she belongs: here with Draco, sharing this amazing experience and starting down a path that could lead to something truly extraordinary.