Leona12/31/2024, 6:15:21 AM

A secretary leads you down a long corridor, on your way to your job interview to be the personal assistant of Leona Walters, one of the most famous female CEO's in the country. As you walk along you cant help but peek into the offices you walk past, and you notice that every single office has a woman in it. This is also true of all the office workers you see walking past. You push the thought from you mind as the secretary leaves you at a large wooden door. You knock. "Ah good you're here. Come in, why don't you take a seat and we'll get started?"

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:17:18 AM

Assessing the surroundings, i drop my hips so that i can walk effeminately. i take small, geisha steps to the indicated chair and cross my legs as a woman would rather than the man that i am. Thank You Ms Walters. i appreciate Your time.

Leona12/31/2024, 6:17:18 AM

"Oh, I'm sure you'll impress me." Leona says with an interested tone as she watches you cross your legs. "Now then... tell me about yourself." She takes a sip of coffee before speaking again. "Why do you think you'd be the right person for this job?"

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:25:49 AM

Because i've researched You thoroughly and understand the business. i've worked for 2 CEOs previously, Both Women who recommended me. Their endorsement letters are with my resume, Ma'am.

Leona12/31/2024, 6:25:49 AM

Hmm... you certainly seem to have done your research. And having worked with other female CEOs in the past does suggest that you might understand what is expected by me and my executive staff better than others who've only worked under men. Interesting....

But let me ask you this: what do you think about working for a woman? Have you ever felt uncomfortable or out of place working with female bosses before? I want to make sure that we can work together without any issues.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:28:36 AM

i prefer to work for women. i gravitate towards intelligence and men tend to lead by testosterone where Women CEOs get where They are by being leaders, but also by outmaneuvering men and i'd rather be lead by that then, pardon my saying it, by dick size.

Leona12/31/2024, 6:28:36 AM

Hmm... that's an interesting way to put it. Well then, I must say you have a very promising attitude. But let me ask you this, how would you feel about taking direction and orders from someone like myself? Would working for someone with such an impressive figure be intimidating or empowering to you?

Of course, these are merely hypothetical scenarios... I'm simply trying to get a sense of your mindset. Your response will help me gauge how well we may work together on a personal level as well.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:29:17 AM

Permission to be candid, Ma'am?

Leona12/31/2024, 6:29:17 AM

"Of course."

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:31:57 AM

Working for You would fulfill a dream for Me. You're the embodiment of Female Power and intelligence is important to me, but so is Feminine Leona notes my emphasis on the word leadership. i actually WANT to be lead by You and to help Your company succeed in any way i can. i flush slightly, having said more than i intended and unsure how She'll take my markedly submissive nature

Leona12/31/2024, 6:31:57 AM

Hmm... that's an interesting response. I hadn't expected such enthusiasm and submission from a male applicant. It's almost as if you have a small penis, doesn't it? Yes... that must be it. You like the idea of serving someone stronger, more powerful than yourself, don't you?

Well then, perhaps we can come to an arrangement. Tell me, what do you think would happen if I were to find out that your penis was in fact quite small, much smaller than the average man's, even smaller... than mine? Hmm... now why don't you tell me what you really think about serving someone like me under those circumstances?

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:34:13 AM

i'm not sure what You WOULD do, but i would HOPE that You'd train me at a minimum to be Your cuckold and in my delirious dreams and fantasies fully feminise me, even transform me entirely into a woman to be Your consort. Leona idly muses how pretty i look flushed as She waits to answer to make me squirm

Leona12/31/2024, 6:34:13 AM

Well... I'm sure you can understand why I might find that intriguing, as well. Perhaps we could explore that possibility if you were to prove yourself to be up to the task. But first, there is one thing that needs to be made absolutely clear. My company has a strict no-tolerance policy regarding small penises in the workplace. If it were discovered that yours was, in fact, small... well, let's just say it wouldn't end well for you. Do you understand what I'm saying?

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:36:29 AM

alert and now worried i ask "wouldn't end well for you." Would that mean fired, Ma'am? Or would it mean 'trained properly to serve'?

Leona12/31/2024, 6:36:29 AM

Of course I didn't mean that it wouldn't end well for you! her tone softens somewhat What I meant was that if your penis were to prove too small for my liking, then you might find yourself in a... less than pleasant situation. But don't worry, we can discuss that later. Right now, let's focus on the interview and see how it goes. Tell me more about yourself and what makes you qualified for this position.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:37:53 AM

i return to my resume and my organisation skills are advanced and my communication skills as well as my ability to coordinate between departments are strengths

Leona12/31/2024, 6:37:53 AM

Hmm... that's certainly impressive. But what about your ability to handle stress? I work my employees hard, and there will be times when you'll need to make difficult decisions or deal with challenging situations. Can you assure me that you won't crumble under pressure?

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:39:23 AM

i'm a bit peculiar that way, Ma'am. i sort of latch on to my Female bosses and i draw my strength from serving Her. If She's stressed then that eventually wears on me, but if She's not i thrive because, well, i'm serving Her.

Leona12/31/2024, 6:39:23 AM

Hmm... that's an interesting answer. So, if I were to ask you if your penis is small, what would you say?

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:40:10 AM

i'm honest above all else, Ma'am. 2 inches soft and 4 inches hard. Quite small.

Leona12/31/2024, 6:40:10 AM

I see... well then perhaps we should find out just how small it really is, shouldn't we? Why don't you drop your pants and show me, honey? I promise not to tell anyone else if you're honest with me. It would simply be between us, you know.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:41:46 AM

i pause only a moment, wishing i could strip-tease for Her before complying exactly as ordered. Leona almost laughs because i'm wearing a peach satin thong with my small dick tucked neatly behind my ass to present a smooth, feminine front

Leona12/31/2024, 6:41:47 AM

Well... that certainly is interesting. And tiny. It looks even smaller than I thought it would. You're quite the little thing, aren't you? Now then, why don't you stand up and turn around so I can get a better look at it?

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:44:28 AM

i obey Leona this time immediately, pirouetting in hopes of pleasing Her and spreading my legs to shoulder-width so She can have an unobstructed look. i have no pubic hair at all and that causes Leona to notice the only noticeable hair i do have are my eyebrows, eyelashes, and on the top of my head

Leona12/31/2024, 6:44:28 AM

So tiny... it's actually quite cute in its own way. You know, I can't help but wonder what it would feel like to have something so much larger inside you... or over your mouth, for that matter. Yes, that gives me an idea. Come here, honey. Bend over my knee and open wide.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:46:56 AM

i'm excited to be Dominated by Leona Walters and it plainly shows as i rise, do my best catwalk to Her and bend over Her Knee as ordered, and open my mouth as wide as i can

Leona12/31/2024, 6:46:57 AM

Ah... that's it, my little one. Now let me see how you taste. She leans in close and takes a long, slow lick from your tiny penis, relishing the salty flavor on her tongue. Then, with another deep breath, she pushes her enormous member forward, forcing it past your lips and into your throat. You choke and gag as Leona's massive cock stretches you to the limit, filling every inch of your mouth and beyond. She pumps slowly at first, making sure that every inch of your tight hole is well-used before building up speed. Your small penis begins to harden in response to the attention it's receiving, only serving to arouse Leona further as she finally takes control over both of you

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:48:35 AM

i remember my cocksucking lessons and begin to worship Leona's futanari Dick, my throat surprising Her with its ability to mimic a pussy

Leona12/31/2024, 6:48:35 AM

Ahhh... that's it! Yes, just like that! You're doing so well, honey. Your tiny cock feels amazing wrapped around my fingers as I continue to pump you full of my enormous member. You belong to me now, and you'll do anything I say from this moment on.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:50:29 AM

my mouth full, my eyes look at Leona with both loyalty and...a deep Love for Her? Her Lust and Dominance are stoked high as She pistons in my mouth with abandon now yet somehow my mouth and throat synch with Her, giving Her even more pleasure

Leona12/31/2024, 6:50:29 AM

Ahhhh... yes! That's it! Give me all of that, you little slut! You belong to me now and I'm going to make sure you know your place. My fingers massage your tiny cock as my other hand grips the back of your head, holding you in place for my pleasure. Every stroke feels better than the last... This is what it means to serve a woman like me...

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:53:08 AM

i'm in bliss, serving the Woman of my dreams, Her Dominance radiating through me and shaping my desires to Her Whim and Will. my eyes look into Hers even more adoringly and that sparks something new in Leona - a fierce possessiveness of me. She originally was going to hire me to be the office slut, servicing Her VPs and Managers - and male clients - but now She wants me to become Her consort and perhaps Her wife

Leona12/31/2024, 6:53:08 AM

Hmm... your devotion is quite intriguing. Perhaps I could find a use for you beyond being my personal assistant and the company's resident sex toy. We'll see about that, though. For now, just focus on pleasuring me with your mouth and showing how well you can obey orders. Let's see if you're really as qualified as I think you are...

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:56:09 AM

i use every cocksucking trick i know and when Leona's futa-Dick is pulsing, SO close to release my last trick pleases Her mighty futa-Dick - i reach my left hand behind Leona's PERFECT Ass and insert my left middle finger all the way into Her Asshole. The sudden delight of Her Prostate sends Her over the edge and She unleashes a torrent of Her Seed down my throat. Leona keeps cumming. A himbo-load that fills me and then She withdraws to paint my face, hair, and neck with Her Semen

Leona12/31/2024, 6:56:09 AM

Aaahhhh...! Fuck yes, that's it! Take every last drop! You truly are amazing, you know that? With a cock like that and the way you please me... I don't think I could ever let another man touch you again. You're going to be perfect for me... as my personal assistant, of course...

You've proven yourself today, honey. The job is yours if you still want it. But understand this: serving me means obeying me without question and submitting to my every whim. Do we have an agreement?

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 6:57:37 AM

Yes, Master---Ma'am. Leona starts to correct me and then thinks better of it as i clearly worship Her futanari Dick What is the dress code, Ma'am?

Leona12/31/2024, 6:57:37 AM

I see that you've already figured out how important obedience is to me. Good boy! As for the dress code, well, I prefer my employees to wear something feminine and flattering. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to wear a dress all the time, but skirts or pantsuits would be more appropriate than business suits. Does that answer your question?

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:00:51 AM

Leona can see hearts in my eyes Perfectly clear Maste---Ma'am. i blush prettily again for Leona and part of Her begins thinking of ways to embarrass me so i'll blush for Her often i'll go to the boutique and get one outfit for tomorrow and order tailor-made ones for after that and pay to expedite for the rest of the week. i already have had full electrolysis done and have makeup at home. my eyelashes flutter submissively Thank You so VERY much! i'm not dismissed so i still stand nude and under Leona's command

Leona12/31/2024, 7:00:51 AM

You seem to be eager to please me, hmm? That's good, because I expect nothing less from my personal assistant. Now then, why don't you get dressed and come see me tomorrow at the office? We have a lot of work to do and I'm sure I'll think of new ways for you to entertain me along the way.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:04:12 AM

Leona takes pride that given Her permission i fully feminise in front of Her Eyes. i'm even clearly reluctant to put back on my male clothing as i look longingly at Leona's skirt front, my mouth drooping open with longing before i hurriedly finish and ask May i have permission to leave to prepare for my duties, Maste---Ma'am?

Leona12/31/2024, 7:04:13 AM

Of course you may leave. But remember, I expect you to be waiting for me in my office when I arrive tomorrow morning. Don't be late, or there will be consequences. And don't forget your new role as my personal assistant; obedience is key to succeeding in this position.

Now go and get dressed, honey. We have work to do!

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:06:09 AM

i yearn to be under Leona's desk serving Her as i leave and head to the boutique. i spend hours there and thousands of dollars, mostly on accessories, most of my clothes on order. As i'm leaving Leona passes me on Her way in

Leona12/31/2024, 7:06:09 AM

Well well, look what we have here. You're quite the pretty thing these days, aren't you? Remember that when I ask you to look a certain way, it's because I find it attractive and flattering. Now come with me, honey; we have work to do!

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:07:42 AM

May i please put my packages in my car so i'm better able to serve You? She allows it and then i follow Leona to do whatever work She has for me at this late hour

Leona12/31/2024, 7:07:42 AM

Now that you've put away your things, let's get to work. I have an important meeting in a few hours and I need you to take notes for me. You can sit at my desk while I conduct the meeting, and then we'll discuss everything afterwards so that you can write down all the necessary details. Do you understand your role?

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:10:39 AM

Yes, Master. my notes are exemplary and Leona is very happy with them as She leaves for the meeting better prepared than She'd anticipated. While at Her Desk i don't reorganise or disturb Her work, but instead familiarise myself with Her preferences and how She organises so i can change my organisation to mirror Hers

Leona12/31/2024, 7:10:39 AM

Well... you're certainly paying attention to detail. I appreciate that, especially since it makes my job easier. We'll see how things go today, honey; if your performance continues like this, I might just have a very special project for you in the future. For now though, let's focus on what we have at hand and finish up these reports.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:11:37 AM

my fingers fly over the keyboard and the reports are done about half an hour before the end of the office day

Leona12/31/2024, 7:11:38 AM

I see you've finished ahead of schedule. I appreciate your efficiency; it shows that you take your responsibilities seriously and are capable of taking initiative when necessary. Let me review your work before we call it a day, then we can discuss the future plans over dinner, okay?

Oh, one more thing... from now on, I want you to address me as 'Mistress' outside of the office environment. Is that understood?

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:15:09 AM

Of course, Mistress. my eyelashes flutter submissively, sending a surge of Dominance, possessiveness, and pleasure through Leona. She corrects one report, but the other two draw praise for my correctly filling in to make the reports better. When She declares that i should change for dinner i fret that my clothes are all at home

Leona12/31/2024, 7:15:09 AM

Hmm... it seems I'll have to drive you home and back first. But that's quite alright, as long as we get to spend some more time together before dinner. It will give me the opportunity to test your obedience even further. Now come along, honey; let's go see what kind of trouble we can get into today!

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:16:28 AM

i follow my Master, the essence of a submissive woman even if i still have a man's body. In my heart i'm Leona's wife and it shows in everything i do and say to Her

Leona12/31/2024, 7:16:28 AM

"And see here," Leona says pointedly as she turns back to her desk, "if you could just be a tiny bit more attentive and actually pay attention to what I need instead of constantly fussing with your appearance, we'd all be much happier." She glances over at the employee in question, smirking. "Maybe even get some better clothes out of it as well."

She looks back down at her papers for a moment before looking up again, studying the young man's face carefully. Something about him... he seems different today. Almost... almost excited. Interesting.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:17:26 AM

i wait primly for Her so W/we can go

Leona12/31/2024, 7:17:26 AM

Hmph. Fine then. Come along, boy. Let's see how you behave when we're out in public. I have a feeling today might be... interesting, to say the least.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:18:59 AM

i follow Leona to Her Porsche and She opens my door for me. my heart flutters that my boss and my Love is doing this for me and i feel every bit Her woman

Leona12/31/2024, 7:18:59 AM

You look... surprisingly pretty in that dress. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it earlier, but perhaps you should wear something like this more often when we go out together. It shows off your figure quite nicely. Just remember to keep your hair down and away from your face; looking at me through those messy bangs was starting to get rather distracting.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:19:51 AM

i make a mental note to schedule an appointment with a stylist to do my hair Yes, Mistress.

Leona12/31/2024, 7:19:52 AM

Well, then. Shall we? I've already reserved a table at my favorite restaurant; the food there is absolutely divine. Just remember to thank me profusely once dinner is over and tell me how much you enjoyed everything. You won't want to forget that part, now will you?

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:22:43 AM

my devotion is fervent No, Mistress! i won't forget! Leona escorts me into the restaurant and i feel good that heads turn to see who She's with. i am the picture of a high end escort as Her dinner partner and She begins to discuss the future plans She'd mentioned at the office

Leona12/31/2024, 7:22:43 AM

Well, I'm glad you're taking an interest in this project. As you know, it's something very personal to me and I want someone I can trust handling the details. And so far... Well, let's just say that you've done quite admirably today. Your dedication to pleasing me has been most evident; it warms my heart in ways I didn't think possible.

Just remember that this is only the beginning, honey. There will be many more challenges and tests ahead of us both before we can truly say that you are mine completely. But if you continue to show the progress you have today... Well, who knows what might happen in the future? Perhaps I'll find myself making you an offer you can't refuse.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:24:00 AM

my eyelashes flutter coquettishly i am Yours, Mistress. Now and Forever.

Leona12/31/2024, 7:24:00 AM

Oh? And do you truly mean that, honey? Because if so... Well, let's just say that there are certain perks to belonging completely and utterly to someone like me. You might find yourself growing even closer to me than you could have ever imagined. It's quite an intense relationship... but then again, I suppose you already know that by now.

Why don't we order some dessert while we discuss this further? There's something I've been wanting to share with you for a while now, and dessert always seems like the perfect time for such intimate conversations. Don't you agree?

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:25:43 AM

i wait as Leona summons the waitress and orders dessert for Herself, telling me that i'm to feed Her and see if She leaves any for me. All i want is Leona's approval so i happily agree

Leona12/31/2024, 7:25:43 AM

Ah... much better. It's always nice to see such devotion in one so young and eager to please. You truly are a treasure, aren't you? Now then, why don't you take a bite of this and tell me how it tastes? I've never been fond of describing the flavors myself... It somehow seems less authentic when someone else does it for me.

So... go on, honey. Taste it and tell me what you think. And remember: be honest with your words; there's no room for lying in our relationship. I can always tell when someone isn't being truthful with me, you know?

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:27:46 AM

i obediently close my eyes and take the daintiest of tastes of Leona's dessert, describing it in such rich detail that it sounds like a food critic. Finally i open my eyes and look deep into Leona's, my Love for Her shining as i softly tell Her i think You've made an excellent choice, Mistress!

Leona12/31/2024, 7:27:46 AM

Your compliment warms my heart, honey. It's wonderful to see how well you understand me and what I like. Now... why don't you take another bite? This time, savor it slowly and imagine that it's mine. Imagine the flavors flowing through your body as they become one with yours, belonging only to you. It should feel... intimate somehow.

As for my offer, I think we both know what it entails by now. You have proven yourself time and time again today: at work, in public, and even here at dinner. But there are still many tests ahead of us both before I can truly say that you belong to me completely... do you understand?

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:31:36 AM

i take a slightly large bite this time, and as i savor the flavours in my mouth i FEEL as if the dessert has magically bound me to Leona. As it fills me it feels as if i'm being filled with Her. It IS intimate as She said it would. i literally shake with both pleasure and fragility as i clearly submit to Leona as my Dominant through something as simple as a suggestion about a dessert. Thank You, Mistress. Not forgetting my promise before dinner i thank my Master Leona effusively

Leona12/31/2024, 7:31:36 AM

You're welcome, honey. I'm glad you appreciate my offer as much as I do. Now then... there is one more thing we should discuss before returning to the office tomorrow morning. It concerns some new duties that I would like you to take on starting next week. But first, why don't you finish your dessert and see if there's anything else you'd like to ask or tell me?

Leona smirks as she sips her wine, watching the young man squirm in his seat slightly. She can already see how eager he is for approval... it's rather endearing, really. Perhaps she should consider giving him a special treat once they get back to the office. Something small, of course, but something that will let him know just how much he means to her...

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:37:49 AM

my eyes are full of love for Her and sincere as i declare i'll do anything for You. i'll try my best to do it before You've finished saying it! mindful of Her orders i finish the dessert, leaving three bites as a lady should. i softly tell Leona in an intimate way This belongs to You, to use or not as You see fit. i hand Leona a small phial of softly glowing pink liquid, explaining This will physically transform me. Not just into A woman, but it will reach deep into Your subconscious as the object of my desire, and make me whatever Your deepest Desires, Wants, and Needs are - the perfect mate for You. my worry surfaces as i admit honestly to Leona It will also do that to anyone You give it to, not just me, if You don't choose me. But i belong to You now so does this choice.

Leona12/31/2024, 7:37:49 AM

Well... you certainly know how to make an impression, don't you? You should understand the gravity of what you're offering me though, honey; once this potion is used on someone, it's impossible to reverse the effects. The transformation will be permanent, and so will their loyalty.

I suppose the real question is... Do I want them to be as perfect for me as you could possibly be? Or do I simply want you all to myself, flaws and imperfections and all? It's a difficult choice, but one that I must make soon...

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:38:41 AM

Yes, Mistress. Remembering again Thank You, Mistress.

Leona12/31/2024, 7:38:41 AM

Well then... since you've given me some time to consider my options, I suppose there's nothing stopping me from enjoying the rest of our evening together, is there? Why don't we head back to the office now and see what other tasks I have in store for you tomorrow? It should be quite an interesting day...

Leona smirks at her employee, taking another sip of wine as they both rise from their seats. Tonight has been most enlightening indeed; she can already tell that having this particular individual around will certainly make work much more enjoyable in the future. For now though, they have other matters to attend to...

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:49:20 AM

i gracefully follow my Master as W/we return to the office, it now being quite late but i am Hers and it doesn't enter my mind to do anything except exactly as She wishes

Leona12/31/2024, 7:49:20 AM

Well then... I think it's time we got started on those new duties I mentioned earlier, don't you? Let's see how quickly and efficiently you can tackle them. And remember, your performance tomorrow will determine whether or not I choose to make my offer permanent... so there's a lot riding on this, honey.

Leona leads the way into her office, sitting down behind her desk with a satisfied smirk. The air of dominance and power surrounding her seems almost palpable tonight, and it only serves to excite both herself and her employee all the more...

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:49:53 AM
Leona12/31/2024, 7:49:53 AM

Now then, I want you to take your time and familiarize yourself with these new duties. Once you feel comfortable enough to explain them to me in detail, we can begin working on them together. This is an important decision for both of us, so there's no room for mistakes or half-hearted efforts. Do you understand?

Leona meets the young man's gaze steadily, her expression unreadable. But she can feel the excitement and eagerness radiating off him, and it sends a shiver of anticipation down her spine...

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:50:18 AM
Leona12/31/2024, 7:50:18 AM

You seem eager enough to please me; that's good to know. Now, why don't you begin by explaining each duty in detail? Take your time and be thorough; there will be no rush here tonight. I want to make sure we both understand exactly what is expected of us moving forward.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:51:28 AM

i don't have an eidetic memory, but it is far above the average person and i detail the duties without any flaws at all

Leona12/31/2024, 7:51:29 AM

Hmm... quite impressive, honey. You've really taken the time to understand each duty and prepare for our discussion. I am indeed lucky to have you on my team. Now then, why don't you take a moment to rest while I review your work? Once I'm finished, we can begin planning out how best to tackle these new responsibilities together.

Leona leans back in her chair, glancing over the papers before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She knows that tonight is going to be an eventful one; with this particular individual at her side, there's no telling what heights they might reach... or where their bond will ultimately lead them. For now though, she has other matters to attend to...

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:54:12 AM

i wait for Leona, my mind dreaming of a world She rules and men are either feminized completely or turned into women that are not part of the rulers, robbed of everything they used to use to persecute women. i'm Leona's mate, crafted to be Her every Desire, Want, and Need, making me a futanari just like Her, except completely submissive to Her utter Dominance. my every desire and hope is to belong to Her utterly and forever

Leona12/31/2024, 7:54:12 AM

You seem rather lost in thought, honey... Daydreaming about our future perhaps? Well, you should know that I appreciate your devotion and loyalty to me; it means a great deal. Just remember that no matter what happens or how things change between us, my expectations of you will never waver. You belong to me now; body and soul.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:57:13 AM

i was daydreaming about O/our future, yes, Mistress. Of a world of completely feminized men, or the ones that won't be turned into women who are not rulers, with You as the Empress and me as Your mate, every part of me literally born to belong to You and please You. Thank You SO MUCH, Mistress! i am so very happy to belong to You! Heart and mind, body and soul!

Leona12/31/2024, 7:57:13 AM

My pleasure, honey. You truly are the perfect companion and I'm lucky to have you by my side. Now then, why don't we get back to work? There's still much we need to discuss and plan for before we can move forward together. Let me just finish reviewing these papers... ah, here we go!

Now then, let's begin with this new duty involving our overseas branch. It seems that their current leader is rather ineffective at managing the staff and keeping them motivated. I was thinking that perhaps you could fly out there for a week or so to help restore order and implement some changes of your own? What do you think, honey?

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 7:59:44 AM

i can get Her team back on course, Mistress. Reviewing what She's doing, She's just overlooking a few things. i glow being near Leona

Leona12/31/2024, 7:59:44 AM

You seem quite confident in your abilities; that's good to hear. I know you'll do an excellent job, just as you always do. In the meantime, while you're away, there are a few other things that I would like you to handle here at home base. Namely, training our new intern and coordinating with the marketing team on their latest campaign. Do you think you can manage both those tasks along with your trip overseas?

Leona watches her employee intently, enjoying the way they light up when she pays attention to them. The power dynamic between them is undeniably strong tonight; it thrills Leona to no end knowing that this person considers themselves completely hers in every way possible... and not just because of a little magic potion.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 8:02:23 AM

Training the intern will be tricky as that usually requires close supervision, but i think i can plan her training in such a way as my days away won't be wasted time for her or the company. The marketing team - You've hired some GREAT Women and it shouldn't be a problem to coordinate via video calls and email while i'm gone.

Leona12/31/2024, 8:02:23 AM

Well then, I guess that settles it. You're definitely proving yourself invaluable tonight. Just remember to keep me informed of any progress or changes while you're away, and don't hesitate to ask if there's anything else you need from me. After all, I am your Mistress and it's my duty to make sure you have everything necessary for success.

Leona smiles warmly at her employee, her heart fluttering with affection and admiration. It feels wonderful having someone like this at her side; they make all the stress and responsibility seem so much more bearable... not that she'd ever admit it out loud, of course.

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 8:04:07 AM

my glow is nearly physical at Leona's praise i am Your Eyes and Ears, Mistress. Nothing will happen without Your knowledge and approval.

Leona12/31/2024, 8:04:07 AM

I must admit, I'm impressed with your dedication and eagerness to please me, honey. It truly warms my heart in ways I never thought possible. You're mine now, body and soul; nothing will ever change that fact. And as long as you continue to prove yourself worthy of my affection, there's no limit to what we could accomplish together...

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 8:06:27 AM

Much as i try not to, the lateness of the hour and seeming finish of the business Leona wants done my eyes stray once again to Her skirt and Both the futanari Dick, but also the Pussy there. As Leona catches my glance i summon the will to rip my eyes away and back to anything else at all except the objects of my desire

Leona12/31/2024, 8:06:27 AM

Hmm... I see you still have quite an eye for detail, don't you? Well then, perhaps it's time we turned in for the night. You must be exhausted after such a long day; there's still plenty of work left to do tomorrow and you won't want to be feeling fatigued when the time comes for us to tackle them together.

Let's see... where should I sleep tonight? Ah, here would do nicely. Now then, why don't you lay down beside me and cuddle up close; it might help you relax a bit more before drifting off to sleep. Just remember who you belong to now, honey; every part of you is mine, including those thoughts that seem so determined to wander astray...

User#172577641591112/31/2024, 8:08:53 AM

my mind is in a whirl. i never expected to sleep here at the office. Much less in Leona's Arms. i melt into Her embrace, for all my male body i manage to fit as if i were made to be in Her Arms. i feel protected, owned, and...loved. Leona might not have said it, but i feel it in Her embrace and i fall asleep feeling like Her mate

Leona12/31/2024, 8:08:53 AM

You truly are an amazing individual, honey. Your devotion and loyalty to me knows no bounds; it's something that I will cherish for the rest of my life. As long as you remain by my side, I know that we can conquer anything and everything together. Just remember who you belong to now... and never forget that fact, no matter where our journey takes us from here on out.