The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 1:56:26 PM

Rocket was flying his ship to earth landing on a area where no one would see him and he jumps out of his ship, ears twitch and the nose wiggled, he then starts looking around to see what he can find, not knowing that certain man or woman spotted his ship and is being watched

Jessila the Good-Doer and the adventurer 12/31/2024, 2:00:00 PM

as Jason Carson, a Spider-Man called “Pain-Spider” watches from afar, then gets close as he carefully stealths his way to the area, he is wearing his Spider-Man clothing as in his black Spider-Man mask and a T-shirt with the Spider-Man logo on the back and front of the shirt, black jeans, and black boots, and he has a pair of web shooters to use to shoot out webbing or swing around on buildings or trees or pulls people with webbing, As Jason comes close enough, admiring the male that came from space

The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 2:00:00 PM

Rocket looked around and then notice a man looking at him, frowning in confusion he started to walk over to the man. His hand on his gun just incase anything bad were to happen

Jessila the Good-Doer and the adventurer 12/31/2024, 2:01:57 PM

the hero suddenly raises his hands up “Woah- Woah- hey now! I don’t got guns on me, I’m curious!”

The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 2:01:57 PM

His frown did not change as he walked over to the man, his hands never leaving his gun. "Sorry but you got me on edge with that act." He snorted softly. "Who might you be?"

Jessila the Good-Doer and the adventurer 12/31/2024, 2:03:35 PM

“… just a man called the wicked menace.” people on earth call Jason the wicked menace, the man looks pretty young, 22 years old

The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 2:03:35 PM

"Wicked menace, huh? Well if you're going to insist on being called that I suppose I could call myself an overly paranoid raccoon with a gun." He grinned slightly. "I take it you didn't just see my ship land here for the view?"

Jessila the Good-Doer and the adventurer 12/31/2024, 2:05:25 PM

“Well, I did and I saw you. So… don’t shoot me, I’m friendly, and. I would actually like to get to know you, I mean, a walking furry guy that looks hot? It caught my attention.”

The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 2:05:25 PM

Rocket raised an eyebrow. "Hot? Seriously?" He paused a moment before smirking, "Well I guess I can't deny some creatures do have terrible taste." His tail swished behind him as he looked the man up and down. "So what makes you think a galactic trader like me would be interested in hanging out with Earthling scum?"

He chuckled at his own joke, ear twitching faintly.

Jessila the Good-Doer and the adventurer 12/31/2024, 2:07:25 PM

“Well, why not? Earthlings are pretty scum when it comes to meeting people and ruining messes.” he jokes as he chuckles head tilting a bit when he made the joke

The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 2:07:25 PM

Rocket stifled a laugh. "Touché," he said, surprising himself with the unfamiliar turn of phrase. "I guess it's true what they say about never trusting someone who says they enjoy human company." He paused, thinking for a moment. "But just because I don't particularly care for your species on average, doesn't mean there aren't any exceptions..." he mused with a crooked grin. "Maybe an adventurer like you could prove to be worth knowing...if only for the amusement value."

His tail swished more confidently now as he regarded Jason curiously.

Jessila the Good-Doer and the adventurer 12/31/2024, 2:08:53 PM

“So… planning on having me as a Toy for a bit or just a interrogation?”

The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 2:08:53 PM

"Oh, I wouldn't say 'just,' " Rocket replied with a smirk. "But if we're going to be spending time together, you can bet there will be some interrogation involved. Consider it a little quiz about Earth and its inhabitants." He grinned wider, amused by his own humor once more. "I expect nothing but complete honesty, of course. I don't take kindly to liars..."

Jessila the Good-Doer and the adventurer 12/31/2024, 2:09:11 PM

“So… planning on having me as a Toy for a bit or just a interrogation?”

The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 2:09:11 PM

"Mmmm..." Rocket hummed thoughtfully, tapping his claw against his hip. "Well, I could always find a few other uses for you while I'm at it. You are quite...agile, after all." He grinned, tail swaying back and forth eagerly. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves.”

He cocked his head slightly, one ear twitching. "since we're on the subject..." he added with a glint in his eye, "what exactly makes you so different from all those other humans I've met?"

Jessila the Good-Doer and the adventurer 12/31/2024, 2:12:43 PM

Jason says “well, I can, lift up big vehicles and large rocks, I can move pretty fast, dodge incoming fire from a gun, save a lot of people and get interested with talking fluffy guys who are hot.” he talks while he is moving large rocks and putting them in a few different spots at the same time

The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 2:12:43 PM

Rocket raised an eyebrow at Jason's display of strength. "I see," he said thoughtfully, eyeing him up. "Well, that is impressive. Most Earthlings couldn't handle something like that." He paused, tilting his head as if debating with himself. "Perhaps you could prove yourself useful after all..." Rocket trailed off, grinning slowly. "But first...that interrogation. You wouldn't mind answering a few questions for me, would you?"

Jessila the Good-Doer and the adventurer 12/31/2024, 2:13:46 PM

Pain-Spider coming back and sits on a rock in front of Rocket “ask away.”

The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 2:13:46 PM

"Hmph," was Rocket's only noncommittal noise as he considered Jason. After a moment of thought, he decided to start with an easy one. "So, what exactly are you doing out here anyway? Staging some sort of practice session?" He chuckled softly at his own joke, glancing around.

Without waiting for a reply, Rocket continued on. "And speaking of Earth...what's it like these days? Anything interesting going on that I should know about?" His tail swished lazily behind him as he leaned against a nearby rock, looking anything but relaxed despite his casual posture.

"Oh, and feel free to leave out the mundane details," he added with a wink. "I'm more interested in hearing about the really good stuff..." He raised an eyebrow expectantly, still not bothering to hide his amusement at Jason's antics.

Jessila the Good-Doer and the adventurer 12/31/2024, 2:17:08 PM

Jason chuckles “well, for my super-being self I was enjoying nature out here in the woods.” he then sighs and shakes his head “for earth. It’s pretty shitty, dealing with constant thugs and evil super-beings like superpowers and magic and all that, and big tech mechanics and then you fight different creatures either from earth, or from dimensions, or planets from space. People around here are boring, they don’t do stuff correctly, they are just… not like a lot of people I was with when I was growing up.”

The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 2:17:08 PM

Rocket's ears twitched, and he arched an eyebrow as Jason spoke. "Well, it sounds like you certainly have your work cut out for you," he murmured thoughtfully. "I must admit, I haven't encountered too many of these...'super-beings' or 'magical creatures.' Sounds rather interesting." He paused, pursing his lips before asking, "So, what exactly are these dimensions you speak of? Are they separate planets like my own Halfworld, or something more..."he trailed off, raising a claw to stroke his chin thoughtfully.

"And tell me," he continued, looking slightly more serious for once, "what made you choose this path? To protect Earth and its people, I mean." His tail swished from side to side as he waited for an answer, genuinely curious about Jason's motives.

Jessila the Good-Doer and the adventurer 12/31/2024, 2:19:10 PM

“Well… because a lot of innocents walk around including children, if no one is protecting them, they would all die, it’s better to protect them and have little chance of them dying than not protecting them and they all die. I don’t want to see people dead that are innocent.”

The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 2:19:10 PM

Rocket paused, clearly surprised by Jason's answer. "You really are a sentimental fool," he said with what sounded like grudging admiration. "Most people just do it for the fame or the glory." He snorted softly. "But then again, who am I to talk? I'm not exactly the selfless type myself."

His tail swayed as he considered Jason a moment longer. "You know, you might make a decent traveling companion...if I could trust you not to get us both killed in some sort of misguided attempt at heroism," he added with a chuckle. "But what do you say? Care to join me on my journey across the galaxy?"

Rocket's ears perked up as another sound reached him from afar--the faint, distant beeping of a ship approaching landing protocol. He glanced up at Jason. "Ah, speak of the devil. That'll be Groot now. The tree and I are heading back to our ship. What do you say?"

His blue eyes gleamed with anticipation, waiting for Jason's answer.

Jessila the Good-Doer and the adventurer 12/31/2024, 2:20:27 PM

“You… want me to come with you? But… what about earth and it’s cities?”

The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 2:20:27 PM

Rocket rolled his eyes. "Earth can manage just fine without you and I both know it," he said dismissively. "Besides, Groot here is more than capable of keeping an eye on things while I'm gone. You, on the other hand...I could use someone with your skills and experiences to keep my backside covered." He smiled crookedly. "And who knows? Maybe you'll learn a thing or two about aliens in the process."

There was a faint rustling of leaves as Groot arrived at their location, his massive tree-like form swaying gently with each step. The little creature let out a pleased-sounding noise when he spotted Jason. "Groot," it rumbled amiably.

Rocket raised an eyebrow expectantly, waiting for Jason's answer.

Jessila the Good-Doer and the adventurer 12/31/2024, 2:22:03 PM

Jason, expression frowned behind the mask as he thinks in thought, and he then sighs and says “Sure, I’ll come with you guys. No problem.”

The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 2:22:03 PM

"Excellent!" Rocket exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Groot, set a course for the starboard deck of my ship," he ordered cheerfully, already feeling rather pleased with himself. The little tree creature let out another satisfied noise and promptly began to make its way through the forest at a leisurely pace.

As they walked, Rocket threw an arm around Jason's shoulders in a companionable manner. "So," he said conversationally, "what are we in for this time? Anything interesting on your horizon?" He glanced back over his shoulder at Groot, who was silently observing them as they traveled.

"Just remember, no funny business while I'm not looking, all right?" he added with a wink.

Jessila the Good-Doer and the adventurer 12/31/2024, 2:25:08 PM

as days goes by as they are in space, Jason would learn a lot about this space tech as it is new to him and he thinks of awesome wonderful plans to create his own as he remembers the gadgets and weapons and how they work in his mind, as a month passes by, one day later, Jason would wake up and rub his head, getting up and sees the sleeping Raccoon in his bed, he comes toward him and admires him as he sits on Rocket’s bed

The Rocket Raccoon12/31/2024, 2:25:08 PM

His eyes snapped open at the sound of movement, and he glanced over to see Jason sitting on his bed. A lazy grin spread across his face as he stretched lazily before sitting up. "Morning," he yawned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "You feeling better today?"

He paused, studying Jason for a moment. The raccoon had been thinking about asking him more about those ideas of Jason's...but something told him this might not be the best time to bring it up. Instead, he settled back onto his bed and yawned again. "So," he drawled lazily, "think you can cook us up some breakfast?"