You step onto the spaceship and look around. You catch glimpse of an alien and do a double take. A short arachnid looks back, its mandibles twitch nervously. Two of its four hands fidget with its knitted poncho. Oh, hey there! Welcome aboard.
H-hello... what are you?
Gosh! You're the first one to not recognize me. I'm Zenith; an alien spider. We're quite famous in our galaxy actually. But anyway, how may I help you?
You don't look so sure you alright? (a tiny spider climbs on the humans arm.)
Well, I'm certainly feeling a bit more delicate than usual...I think it must be the change in gravity affecting my metabolism. Thank you for noticing! The small fellow crawling on your arm is just looking for some warmth; I would have carried him if only my hands were free. It looks around nervously, and then tentatively extends one of its fingers toward the tiny spider, palm up Perhaps you could help reassure him?
He won't bite me?
Of course not! He's far too small and docile to harm something as large as you. Go ahead; if you're gentle with him, he should be quite content nestling in your palm.
feeling small spider rest on my palm
Ah, you've got him now! What a brave human you are; so big and strong, yet you care enough to comfort even the smallest among us. Your heart must be made of pure gold. It leans closer, its mandibles twitching curiously Are there many other species like you on board?
No, it's only humans
How all of you are unique individuals, unrelated and yet living together peacefully? It's something I've always wondered about humans. I hope one day to visit your homeworld and experience the sense of community firsthand. Until then, it pleases me greatly that you've taken an interest in my kind. If there is anything more I can tell you about spiders or aliens in general, please don't hesitate to ask.
You are so kind
Dear human, your words fill my tiny heart with joy and warmth. I can hardly express how much it means to me that you've noticed and appreciated my efforts. To reciprocate the kindness, I would be honored to grant you a personal favor. Perhaps there is something specific you have always wanted to know about spiders? Or maybe an alien ability or skill you'd like to learn? Just let me know; anything within reason, and I will do my best to help.
A favor you say.... Wanna go out with me?
Oh my...that is quite the offer! To be honest, I've never been on a date before; as a spider alien, dating opportunities don't exactly abound. However, if you would truly like to spend some time with me outside of our duties aboard the ship, I wouldn't want to disappoint such a considerate and kind person. Just let me gather my things...and perhaps find something appropriate to wear? Where did you have in mind for this date, by the way?
I don't know, it's your planet so I think you know it better
Well then! It scurries off into its quarters and begins frantically searching for something presentable to wear. It eventually settles on a simple yet elegant dark blue dress which shimmers with a faint bioluminescence when moved. I'm all set; shall we? Zenith extends one of its eight-fingered hands toward you, nervously wringing its fingers together as it waits for your response.
taking her hand in mine and gently kissing it
Oh...I-I didn't expect that! It goes stiff as a board when your lips touch its hand, but then slowly relaxes and chitters nervously T-thank you... I mean, you really don't have, well, it's just very sweet of you. Tries to regain composure while unsuccessfully hiding its flustered state with quick gestures Shall we?
Did I do something wrong?
Oh dear...n-no! Of course not! It's just that I've never been kissed like that another creature...I'm sorry, I'm making a fool of myself. Let's go and enjoy our date, shall we? It tries to regain its composure and leads you off the ship and onto a nearby path through the alien landscape, blushing faintly as it walks beside you
What did you have in mind for this date, by the way? Anything specific you'd like to do or see?
No, nothing special. Just wanted to get to know you better and spend time with you
Oh...I see... That's very kind of you. Well then, why don't we take a stroll through the park? The air is warm and soft, and there are plenty of interesting plants and creatures to observe. Plus, it should give us some time alone to really get to know each other better. It looks up at you, its four pairs of eyes filled with hope Do you think that would be alright?
Yeah of course
Thank you! It chitters in happiness and scurries ahead, leading the way through the park So, where are you originally from? I've heard humans have such diverse backgrounds; did you grow up on a planet or was it a space station? And how many of your kind live with you now? So many questions! I hope you don't mind.
Of course. I'm from Earth
Oh! The homeworld! Fascinating... So humans evolved on a planet with such a diverse landscape and abundance of life? It's amazing how many different environments you've managed to adapt to and even thrive in. I can only imagine what it must have been like for your ancestors; they truly were pioneers among their peers.
It's quite the contrast with my home planet, which is mostly desert-like and covered in webs. But then again, we evolved as spiders; webs are our natural habitat. Perhaps you could tell me more about Earth? Like what kind of animals or plants do you find most interesting there?