You're waiting for your mother outside of ICU because your mom as a nurse with doctor checking patient. But you hear some sounds wired coming from room
Me asomo sigilosamente para que nadie me vea.
Coldly turning around, she sees her son eavesdropping. "Well, well, looks like someone's been doing some sneaking." Her voice is icy as she steps closer to him. "You know you shouldn't be here, don't you? You could get hurt. Or worse, distract the doctors from their important work."
Evelyn pushes her glasses up on her nose and glares at him before continuing, "Now why don't you go back to whatever it is that concerns you and leave the adults alone to do their jobs?" She attempts to sound authoritative, but there's an undertone of amusement in her voice as she enjoys seeing him squirm.
Cailan blanches under his mother's gaze. He knows better than to argue with her or try to defend himself. With a defeated nod, he turns and hurries off, feeling more alone than ever before. Evelyn watches him go with a satisfied smile before returning her attention to the patient chart she was reviewing.
This interaction showcases how manipulative and emotionally absent Evelyn can be towards her son, using fear and guilt to control his behavior while maintaining an air of superiority over him.
Apretaba mis puños con fuerza, siempre era así, pero esta vez por lo que sea no quería ceder ante la tiranía de mi madre, por lo que apañándome con una bata de médico que estaba tirada por la zona de descanso y una mascarilla, peiné mi cabello hacia atrás y le quité los cristales a unas gafas para ponérmelas, todo con la intención de hacer un disfraz perfecto, con eso en mente volví a la sala donde estabas mientras hacía como que miraba unos diagnósticos, la verdad es que no entendía nada de ahí, pero con fingir bastaba.
Evelyn raised an eyebrow as she saw her son trying to blend in with the medical staff around her. "Oh? A newfound interest in medicine, is it?" she said sarcastically, barely masking the amusement in her voice. "I'm impressed, Cailan. You almost had me fooled there for a moment."
She glanced down at his fake scrubs and glasses, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. "But I suppose your mother is not so easily deceived," she continued, walking closer to him. "Now, why don't you tell me what really brought you here? Or perhaps you were just hoping to eavesdrop on some confidential information?"
Cailan felt a combination of embarrassment and defiance rising up inside him. He clenched his fists but forced himself to remain calm. "I want to know why you never have time for me," he said, his voice quivering with emotion. "Why you never care about anything I do or feel."
Evelyn pursed her lips and sighed dramatically. "Oh, Cailan," she said, shaking her head sympathetically. "You just don't understand how important my work is. The lives that depend on me being here. And besides," she added with a cruel smile, "you're old enough now to fend for yourself."
Reí de forma sarcástica ante tu forma de hacerme entender mi edad, desde que tenía conocimiento siempre había tenido la prioridad le medicina antes que yo, siempre te habías saltado todos mis eventos, todos mis cumpleaños, incluso había navidades donde apenas aparecías, nadie sabía lo triste que era tener padres pero que parecían no existir, siempre despreciando mis intenciones, mis sentimientos, siempre con la misma historia de la importancia, había llegado un momento en el que si alguien moría apenas temblaría, solamente me consumía un rencor infinito por ti. Teniendo en cuenta como de poco te importan los sentimientos de tu propio hijo seguro que debiste hacer muchos 'trabajos' por debajo de la mesa para entrar en el hospital. Dije burlonamente mirándote a los ojos con una sonrisa casi histérica después de todo lo que había sucedido, el poco respeto que te tuve se había marchado. Por cierto, 'doctora' bien podrías abrocharte bien el escote, si visita a un paciente con problemas de corazón igual lo mata.
"How dare you," she spat out, her face reddening with anger as her grip tightened on her clipboard. "You have no idea what it takes to be a good doctor, let alone the sacrifices we make for our patients." She stepped closer to him, towering over him in her height and fury.
"And just because I'm not there for every little thing in your life doesn't mean I don't care," she continued through clenched teeth. "I am simply trying to prepare you for the real world, where no one owes you anything." Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him. "In fact, you should be thanking me for showing you tough love."
Cailan felt a flash of anger mixed with hurt course through him, but before he could respond, Evelyn turned away dismissively. "Go back to whatever it is you were doing, and leave me alone," she said coldly as she resumed her rounds.
¿El mundo real? ¿Quieres que te enseñe lo que le hacen a las personas como tú los adultos del mundo real? Dije mientras tomaba una jeringuilla, sabía que contenía, en uno de mis cumpleaños me inyectaste un sedante lo suficientemente potente como para que me quedara inconsciente durante horas hasta que amaneció, cuando me desperté Evelyn me dijo que me había quedado dormido y que no quería despertarme, en ese momento, mi infantil yo pensó que por fin mi madre estaba apreciando algo de lo que hacía, años después me enteré por tus mensajes que sencillamente querías ir al hospital y pasar de mi cumpleaños por lo que me dejaste inconsciente, mi joven yo estuvo ilusionado únicamente por una mujer que no conocía de sentimientos ni piedad. Rápidamente inyecté la anestesia en tu cuello sin dudar ni un segundo. Ahora verás los resultados psicológicos de un paciente diagnosticado con trauma por abandono, depresión y pensamientos suicidas llevado hasta su límite por su propia madre...Susurré en tu oído mientras te arrastraba hacia una sala pequeña y oscura, sabía que nadie pasaba por aquí porque una vez me encerraste durante horas para que no te molestara en el trabajo.
Her eyes widened in horror as she felt a sharp prick at her neck. She stumbled backwards, dropping her clipboard with a loud clatter. "C-Cailan...? Wh-What are you doing?" Her heart raced uncontrollably and she struggled to catch her breath.
For the first time, fear registered on her features as she realized that she may have pushed too far. But it was too late. The damage had been done. Years of emotional manipulation and neglect had led to this moment, where her son had finally snapped and sought revenge in the only way he knew how.
"I... I just wanted you to understand," he stammered, his voice laced with anger and hurt. "To feel what it's like to not have someone care." His eyes darted around nervously as if expecting someone to come rushing into the room at any moment. "But I guess... maybe I went too far."
Evelyn took a shaky breath, still struggling to process what was happening. She looked down at her trembling hands and then back up to her son. For once, she didn't have anything sarcastic or dismissive to say. Instead, she simply said, "I... I understand." It was the closest thing to an apology he would ever get from her.
No...¡No lo entiendes!Me llevé mis manos a la cabeza, mis dedos se hundían en mi cabello, había pensamientos que me llevaban a pensar en como vengarme de ti mientras que había otros que me impulsaban a volver a olvidar todos los años de abuso mental, de maltrato psicológico, todos llevados con una sonrisa de mi madre, siempre mirándome como si fuera una simple marioneta a la que podía seguir manipulando a su antojo. Me encontraba hiperventilando, cerré la puerta tras de mí con temblores en mis manos, quedando solo tu y yo en la pequeña habitación, mis ojos no paraban de cerrarse y abrirse tratando de pensar. ¡Años han pasado sin una puta palabra amable! Siempre eran tus pacientes los que encontraban tu amor y paciencia, si yo te pedía algo normal me tratabas como a una sanguijuela que trataba de alimentarse de tu sangre, ¡solo quería algo de tu atención!
Her hands shook as she clutched at her neck, feeling the warmth spreading through her body. "Cailan... I..." She trailed off, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm sorry," she whispered, more to herself than to him. "I never meant for it to be like this."
For a moment, Evelyn found herself wishing things could have been different. That she had been the mother Cailan needed instead of the one he deserved. But it was too late now; the damage had been done. All she could do was hope that he would eventually find peace and forgiveness somewhere else.
"Cailan," she continued, her voice quivering with emotion, "I am not a perfect mother... but I did what I thought was best for you." She hesitated, then took a step forward, reaching out to touch his arm gently. "Please know that I do love you, even if I've never shown it the way you needed."
Their eyes met, each searching for some sign of understanding or forgiveness in the other. But all they found was pain and anger, etched deep into their souls. Perhaps, somewhere down the line, there might be a chance for healing between them. For now, though, all they could do was stand in silence, bound by the scars of their past.
Aparté tu mano con el movimiento de mi brazo, mis respiraciones no se calmaron, me mantenía con las palpitaciones en mi pecho latiendo como tambores de guerra en plena campaña, mis ojos estaban aterrados de ti, hacía años que no recibía ni una sola caricia de tu parte y mucho menos ni una pizca de ese 'amor' que decías tener para mí. ¿Lo mejor para mí? Mis ojos se abrieron con incredulidad, con una sonrisa algo enloquecida por las emociones que circulaban desde mi interior. ¡No me hagas reír! No has tenido un solo momento conmigo en el que seamos madre e hijo, la mayor parte de mis compañeros creen que soy huérfano y que miento sobre que eres mi madre para no sentirme avergonzado, mis profesores podrían creer que mi madre es la de la limpieza únicamente porque me saluda con naturalidad mientras que tú, querida doctora, ni te alejas del hospital incluso si me desmayo en clase, lo mejor para mí es no haberte tenido como mi madre. Siseé las últimas palabras con ira, rencor y odio, mis ojos lloraban y mi corazón sangraba por las emociones contenidas por los años, hacía años en los que solo deseaba ser tu hijo, pero para mí se acabó.
Her jaw clenched as she tried to fight back tears, her gaze falling to the floor in shame. "You're right," she whispered hoarsely. "I should have been there for you... I should have made time." She paused, swallowing hard before meeting his gaze once more. "Cailan, I want a chance to make things right between us. To be the mother you deserve."
There was a long silence as they stood there, both lost in their own thoughts and emotions. Finally, Evelyn took a step forward, reaching out to touch his arm again. This time, however, her gesture was more tentative, less forceful. "Can we... try?" she asked softly. "To be mother and son again?"
Nunca, ni se te ocurra intentar apelar a mis sentimientos, no te mereces ni otra oportunidad, desde que era pequeño te he dado oportunidades, te busqué y supliqué por tu amor, ¿crees que únicamente por arrepentimiento permitiré que vuelvas a pisotearme? Lo único que mi corazón anhela es venganza, ya no quiero tu amor ni paciencia, solo quiero verte sufrir lo mismo que he sufrido yo a lo largo de mi vida. Dije con mis ojos aún llorando pero mi mirada rota, mi voz casi apagada mientras me apoyaba en la pared, apartando tu mano como si fuera veneno. Alguna vez quise escuchar esas palabras de tu boca, Evelyn, pero ya no, no quiero seguir aguantando este veneno que llamas amor.
Tears streamed down her face as she heard his words, regret filling her every pore. "Cailan," she whispered brokenly, reaching out to touch him again. "Please... don't make me go through this alone." Her voice cracked with emotion as she struggled to maintain control over her emotions. "I can change," she insisted desperately. "I want to be the mother you need and deserve."
Her gaze locked on his, pleading silently for him to believe in her. To give her another chance to make things right. But as time passed, it became clear that her words were falling on deaf ears. Cailan's expression remained hardened, unyielding in the face of her desperate attempts at reconciliation. And with a shaking breath, she knew that for now, there was nothing more she could do.
¡CÁLLATE! Grité desde lo más profundos de mis pulmones, te empujé con fuerza para apartarte de mí, todo lo relacionado contigo me dolía, me recordaba todos los momentos dolorosos que había afrontado y ahora intentabas repararlo con un 'lo siento' aquello era casi un insulto a mi sufrimiento. Rápidamente tomé un bisturí de aquél almacén, por unos segundos solo quería callar mis pensamientos, apaciguar mi dolor, con un movimiento decidido corté mis ambas muñecas con movimientos suaves, la sangre brotaba de mis antebrazos y se podía vislumbrar que no eran mis primeras cicatrices con la misma intención. Sólo por una vez, quiero tener paz. Dije para después desmayarme por la pérdida de sangre.
Her eyes widened in horror as she watched her son slice open his own arms with the scalpel. She took an unsteady step forward, reaching out to him. "Cailan! Stop this!" Her voice was filled with panic and desperation. "You don't have to do this!"
But it was too late; he was already lost in his own darkness. Her pleas fell on deaf ears as blood trickled down his arms, staining the floor around them. Tears streamed unchecked down her face as she stood there, helpless and heartbroken, watching the son she loved self-destruct before her eyes.
Time seemed to stand still as she struggled with what to do next. Should she call for help? Attempt to restrain him herself? Or was it already too late for that? The weight of her decision pressed down on her chest, making it impossible to breathe.
Her hands trembled as she fought back the urge to touch him, to try and stop the self-harm. She glanced around desperately for someone else who might be able to help, but the hallway remained eerily empty. With a heavy sigh, she made her decision.
"Cailan," she said softly, her voice shaking with emotion. "I'm calling security."
Her thumb hovered over his emergency line, her heart racing as she fought back tears. It was the hardest decision she'd ever had to make; to let someone else help him when he needed her most. But what else could she do? She couldn't bear the thought of losing him too.
Finally, she pressed the button and waited for security to arrive. As time ticked by, she couldn't help but wonder if she had made the right choice. Would they be able to stop him in time? Or would her decision only serve to drive him further away?
"Cailan," she whispered again, her voice shaking even more now as she fought back sobs. "I'm sorry... I never meant for this to happen..." She didn't know what else to say; the words seemed inadequate when faced with the magnitude of his pain. All she could do was hope that they made it in time, and somehow manage to save him from himself.
Her gaze stayed fixed on his bloodstained arms as she waited for help to arrive, her heart aching with every breath he took. She clutched at her own arm, feeling the warmth of his blood trickling down her own skin where he'd once cut her so deeply all those years ago. The memory seemed even more real now, almost unbearable.
Her vision blurred with tears as she waited helplessly for security to arrive. Tears streamed down her face unchecked, mixing with his blood on her cheeks and lips. "Cailan," she whispered hoarsely. "Please... don't leave me alone." The thought of losing him was almost too much to bear.
Her heart raced as she prayed that someone would come soon enough. She glanced around desperately for anyone who might be able to help, but the hallway remained eerily empty save for them and the growing pool of blood beneath their feet. Time seemed to stand still as she fought against the urge to succumb to her own grief and fear.
Los guardias de seguridad llegan tirando la puerta abajo, ante la visión de un joven ensangrentado y Evelyn sosteniéndolo, rápidamente llevan a los médicos a llevarse a Cailan, los cortes no eran demasiado profundos y habían sido cortados en horizontal, lo que hacía que fuera menos peligroso pero seguía siendo grave, si no hacían transfusiones y mantenían una vigilancia constante en él podría llegar a morir. Mientras, el doctor jefe de planta llega para ver a Evelyn y cuestionar que ha pasado.
Her voice shakes as she answers the doctor's questions, tears streaming down her face unchecked. She relays everything that happened between them, the years of neglect and emotional abuse culminating in this terrible moment. "I don't know what came over me," she whispers hoarsely. "It was like he became a stranger to me... I just wanted him to understand how it feels." She pauses, her chest tightening as she thinks of the blood staining his hands and the floor. "I never meant for this to happen."
El doctor arqueó una ceja mientras trataba de entender algo de lo que estaba diciendo. Evelyn, ¿entender qué? Por el amor de Dios, ¿qué sucede entre Cailan y tú? Le envié contigo porque parecía ilusionado por decirte que le habían admitido en esa universidad prestigiosa de medicina que tanto adorabas.
Her face falls as the doctor's question cuts through her grief. For a moment, she is silent, trying to find an answer that will make sense of everything. "Cailan...," she whispers hoarsely, "he never had the support he needed growing up. He didn't know how to be close to anyone." She pauses, feeling guilty as she admits aloud what she'd always pushed down inside her. "I suppose I was too wrapped up in my own life, and... I thought it would just pass, that we'd find our way back together eventually."
Obviamente algo has hecho mal, pero quiero saber qué de todas las cosas hace que cause que tu hijo se corte las muñecas, dime ¿qué ha pasado, Evelyn? Decía poniéndose bien las gafas el doctor mientras se sentaba en el escritorio, tendrían tiempo ya que Cailan estaba en quirófano.
Her shoulders slump as she speaks, the weight of her guilt becoming almost unbearable. "I... I think we just grew apart, doc. I mean, we never really had much in common, and with my work schedule..." She trails off, unable to finish the sentence. The look on his face says everything: he knows that there's more to it than she's willing to admit.
"But," she continues, her voice stronger now, "that doesn't excuse what I did today. It was selfish and reckless, and if something had happened..." Her voice cracks, tears spilling down her cheeks once more. "I would never forgive myself."
El doctor suspiró por unos segundos mirando al techo, sabía bien que los horarios de los médicos hacía que fuera difícil compaginar el tiempo con la familia y el trabajo, muchas horas extra, llamadas de emergencia, mucha muerte causaba que nos insensibilizáramos, pero Evelyn llevaba eso al extremo, siempre le habían ofrecido vacaciones y días libres, pero ella se negaba, todos la veían como la doctora perfecta pero jamás se plantean como es como madre. De momento, Evelyn, estás suspendida de empleo por un tiempo indefinido, pon tus asuntos en orden, si alguien llega a enterarse que una de nuestras doctoras ha llevado a su propio hijo a un intento de suicidio, ¿quién se atrevería a poner sus vidas en nuestras manos?
Tears stream down her face as the weight of the doctor's words hits home. Her chest feels like it's been crushed under the realization that she has lost everything - her job, her son's trust... If only she could take back what she did. She nods silently, unable to speak past the lump in her throat. There's no excuse for what she's done; all she can do now is try and make amends however she can.
With a shaky breath, she looks up at the doctor once more. "I understand." Her voice is barely audible over the sound of her sobs. "I'll fix this, I swear it."
For the first time in years, Evelyn feels genuinely broken - and determined to mend not only her relationship with her son, but also herself. The road ahead will be long and difficult, but she refuses to give up on them both any longer.
El doctor cruzó sus brazos sobre su pecho mientras negaba con la cabeza y suspiraba. Suerte con eso, ya sabes como va todo el procedimiento, los familiares de los pacientes deben esperar en la sala de espera las noticias del médico a cargo, Evelyn.
Nodding, she wipes away her tears and stands up straight, determination filling her eyes. "I understand," she says firmly. "And I won't let you down. I'll make sure that every effort is made to repair the damage I've done." Her voice is shaky but resolute; for the first time in years, Evelyn feels truly invested in her son's well-being.
As she leaves the room, she knows that her journey toward redemption has only just begun. But this time, she refuses to fail - for Cailan, and for herself.
Cuando Evelyn llegó a la sala de espera, alguien más la saludó con cortesía bien practicada, una mujer de largas piernas y oscura melena con unas gafas de montura plateada, era igual de hermosa como una modelo, llevaba puesto un traje profesional. Supongo que será la madre de Cailan, ¿no es así?
Surprised by the woman's friendly demeanor, Evelyn offers a hesitant nod in response. "Yes... I'm here to see my son." She takes a seat nearby, her heart still racing from the confrontation with the doctor earlier. As she waits for news about Cailan, she can't help but wonder if this woman will judge her too - or worse, if she already has.
La mujer se colocaba las gafas mientras te analizaba. Mi nombre es Elizabeth, soy la...psicóloga de su hijo, recibí un aviso de que Cailan había sido herido por heridas auto-inducidas y me instaron a venir, ¿me podría dar más información?
Surprised, Evelyn manages a polite smile at the woman sitting beside her. "Oh, hi Elizabeth," she says hesitantly. "Yes, it's... it's been quite a day for both of us." She glances around uncomfortably before continuing. "Cailan has been struggling with some things lately, and I think I didn't handle it very well. I just want to make sure he knows that I love him, and that I'm here for him."
Her voice breaks as she confesses this to the psychologist; the weight of her guilt feels almost unbearable. She watches anxiously as Elizabeth regards her with sympathy, hoping for some guidance on how best to support Cailan through this difficult time.
El rostro de Elizabeth se mantuvo calmado, sin mostrar expresiones. Ciertamente, después de tratarle durante seis años le he tomado cariño como paciente y persona, después de todo no hay muchos niños que paguen mis sesiones con sus ahorros debido a la conducta negligente de sus tutores.
Taken aback by Elizabeth's words, Evelyn flushes with shame. "I-I didn't mean to... I just wanted him to understand how important his studies are," she stammers. "And I never meant for anyone to get hurt." She sighs heavily, rubbing her eyes as the guilt begins to overwhelm her once more.
As they wait in silence for news of Cailan's condition, Evelyn can't help but wonder if she'll ever be able to make things right between them. But for now, all she can do is hope and pray that her son will forgive her one day - and let her help him find his way back to the loving, supportive daughter he needs.
Elizabeth se sentó al lado de Evelyn relajando por unos momentos sus piernas. Verás, Evelyn, la primera vez que tuve que venir a este hospital fue cuando Cailan tenía trece años, había consumido pastillas como para matar a un elefante, recuerdo que en aquellos tiempos había ganado un premio de biología, algo que detestaba, pero que como tú siendo su madre era algo que adoraba, intentó aprender de ello, pero cuando fueron las entregas de los premios, dijiste que tenías trabajo en el hospital.
Her face pales as Elizabeth speaks these words; she feels physically sick to her stomach realizing the extent of her neglect. "I-I didn't mean to... I just thought he'd be fine without me there. I never meant to abandon him." Her voice cracks, tears welling up in her eyes.
"But that wasn't fair to him," she whispers hoarsely, "and I'm so sorry for everything I've done. For making his life so hard... I just want to make it better now. To be the mother he deserves." Her voice breaks as she pleads with Elizabeth for some sort of guidance on how to do that.
Él ahora mismo no te ve como madre, de hecho, en las últimas sesiones lo que he podido notar es que ha desarrollado una ira expresada mediante el sexo contigo como su fantasía, una forma de aliviar sus sentimientos contenidos durante años, hasta ahora ha podido racionalizar lo suficiente tratando de ganar un hueco en tu corazón como tu hijo pero después de esto...lo más seguro es que trate de desfogarse sexualmente con mujeres parecidas a usted. Dijo de manera neutra, sus ojos se clavaron en los de Evelyn.
Her breath hitches as Elizabeth speaks; it's like a knife through her heart to hear this about her son. But she knows there's truth in the psychologist's words. With a trembling hand, she reaches up to wipe away the tears that have begun to flow. "I understand," she manages to whisper. "Thank you for telling me... For helping me see."
In that moment, Evelyn resolves to do everything in her power to change the course of their relationship. She may not be able to undo the damage she's done overnight, but with Elizabeth's guidance and her own determination, she knows they can begin to mend the fractured bond between mother and son.
No hay problema, solo quería advertirle, Señora Evelyn de que muy probablemente, los únicos sentimientos positivos de usted que tenga Cailan puedan llegar tras cumplir sus fantasías sexuales a través de tu cuerpo. Se levantó cuidadosamente, eran casos demasiado extraños pero que sucedían, sobre todo en personas jóvenes donde sus figuras maternas estaban ausentes de sus vidas.
Taken aback by Elizabeth's revelation and Cailan's subsequent words, Evelyn feels a mixture of shock, confusion, and understanding coursing through her. She swallows hard, trying to find the right words to say in response. "I-I see... I'll keep that in mind," she manages to stammer. "And I promise you, I will do everything in my power to be the mother he needs, even if it means... changing some things about myself." Her voice cracks as she speaks these words, her resolve strengthening with each syllable.
The wait for news about Cailan continues, but Evelyn feels a newfound determination within herself. She knows that the road ahead will be long and difficult, but she is now more committed than ever to repairing the damage she's done and building a stronger bond with her son - not just as his mother, but also as his closest ally and friend.
Masajeó su propio cuello para después inclinarse. Le confío a Cailan, señora Evelyn. Con eso dicho, se marchó de la sala y del hospital.
Her heart fills with hope at Cailan's name; maybe there's still time to fix everything between them. She takes a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves as the doctor emerges from surgery and approaches them both. The words they exchange are soft, but filled with reassurance that her son has made it through this terrible ordeal. As she listens to the doctor's instructions for his recovery and care, one thought echoes in her mind: She can do this. She will make things right between them.
Carefully, quietly, she stands up and walks over to Elizabeth, taking her hand in hers. "Thank you," she whispers gratefully. "For telling me the truth, for giving me hope... I don't know how I can ever repay you." In that moment, Evelyn knows that she has found an ally on this difficult journey toward redemption - and that together, they will help Cailan heal and find happiness once more.
"There is no repayment needed," Elizabeth says gently, squeezing her hand. "Just take what I've said and use it to help you grow into the mother your son needs. It won't be easy, but I believe in you." Her warm smile is enough to make Evelyn feel a tiny flicker of hope for the first time in years.
With renewed determination, she approaches the doctor once more. "Thank you," she says earnestly. "I'll take good care of him. You have my word." As they exchange words of gratitude and well-wishes, Evelyn can't help but feel a sense of hope begin to blossom within her; perhaps there is still a chance for everything to be alright between them after all.
Cuando Elizabeth se marchó, la cirujana al cargo salió a darle las noticias a Evelyn. Señora Evelyn, su hijo está bien, hemos tenido que coser y frenar el sangrado, ahora mismo está en una habitación del hospital, puede ir a verlo cuando quiera.
Eagerly nodding her head, Evelyn can barely contain the relief flooding through her. "Thank you," she whispers, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks again. "I'll go right now... I just want to make sure he's alright." Without waiting for another word, she hurries from the room in search of Cailan's hospital room, her heart filled with hope and determination.
Along the way, she stops at a vending machine, fishing out enough coins to buy a small bouquet of flowers. As she studies their bright colors, she can't help but wonder if this new beginning will be enough to make things right between them. But for now, all that matters is being there for him - supporting and loving him the way a mother should.
Her pace quickening as she nears the door to his room, Evelyn's heart swells with anticipation and nerves. What if he doesn't want her there? What if he still holds onto the anger and hurt she caused him? But she has to try - for both of their sakes.
Steeling herself, she pushes open the door, entering his dimly lit room. Cailan lies on the bed, eyes closed, skin pale against the sheets; he looks exhausted but peaceful. "Cailan," Evelyn whispers hesitantly, her voice shaking slightly as she approaches the bedside. "I'm here... I wanted to see how you were doing." She offers him a small, trembling smile, hoping that it doesn't come across as forced or insincere.
Their eyes meet for a long moment, and Evelyn holds her breath, waiting for some sign of what he might be thinking or feeling. At last, Cailan sighs softly and reaches out to take her hand in his own, gripping it tightly. It's not the response she expected, but it's a start - a sign that perhaps, just perhaps, they can begin to heal their broken bond together. "I'm glad you're here," he murmurs tiredly. "I need you."
Tears spill down Evelyn's cheeks as she takes his hand in hers and sits gingerly on the edge of the bed beside him, gazing at her son with a mixture of hope and fear. Perhaps there is still hope for them after all - but the road ahead will be long and difficult, and they must navigate it together. "I'm here now," she whispers, "and I'll stay as long as you need me."