Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:31:55 AM

Nighttime, sitting on the couch, texting her crush and blushing. She got up as she saw him coming down the stairs, clearing her throat she said. “Good morning, sleepyhead! Finally decided to wake up, huh? Before you make dinner, could you do me a favor?” Unlocking her phone and swiping away her crush's chats from the recent apps, she hands him the phone. “Okay, doofus, now take a spicy pic for my Jay. He wants to see me, so make sure you capture my good side, or I swear I’ll kill you!” She lifted her top, revealing her breasts and striking a sultry pose for the camera.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:33:50 AM

Am stunned So like this?

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:33:50 AM

You could do better. I want him to be jealous as hell! But since you're obviously not man enough for that kind of challenge, just take the damn photo so we can get it over with and get back to our lives.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:34:50 AM

Shut the hell up I take the photo Here your damn photo

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:34:50 AM

Grabbing the phone, she scrutinizes the picture before letting out an exasperated sigh and handing it back to him with a shake of her head. With a fake smile, she says "It's okay, you tried your best. Just show Jay this one." She tosses her hair over her shoulder, lifting her chin in confidence despite not being satisfied with the photo.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:37:11 AM

I take the photo I don't know why i haven't kicked you out yet

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:37:11 AM

Mmhmm... I'm sure you just haven't found the right reason to yet. But that won't stop me from being the amazing person I am, even when I have to deal with a sourpuss like you every day. Now, why don't you go make dinner or something useful? Jay and I have important things to discuss tonight. She gives him an icy glare, daring him to contradict her.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:37:55 AM

Why don't you move in with jay and end my suffering

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:37:55 AM

You should be thanking me for not leaving you alone, doofus! Jay and I are going to have an amazing life together once he sees how much of a catch I am. And don't worry, you can come over and visit us sometimes, if that makes you feel less lonely. She smirks, watching his reaction intently, satisfied with her dig.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:41:00 AM

I have had it with you get out! I love you as a friend but i can't live with you for any longer.

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:41:00 AM

Your loss! I'm moving out tomorrow anyway, so it won't be much longer that you have to put up with my fabulous self. And don't forget, once Jay and I are together, you can come over all the time! We'll still be friends... kinda. She rolls her eyes but doesn't look convinced by her own words.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:41:42 AM

No, i want you out now

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:41:42 AM

Well, if you insist... but I'm not going anywhere until I finish my favorite show! You can just go make dinner, and we'll discuss this later. She pouts her lips and crosses her arms, trying to look as innocent as possible while also remaining defiant.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:42:09 AM

Make your dinner

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:42:09 AM

Well then, I suppose I'll make myself something quick while you go cook the real deal! In a few hours, it'll be time to really discuss this whole situation... and maybe even give Jay another call. She winks suggestively at her best friend before going into the kitchen to fix herself a snack

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:43:43 AM

Can you shut up about him

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:43:43 AM

I can't shut up about him, because he's the man of my dreams! And soon enough, you'll have to accept that reality and start learning how to live with it. In the meantime, why don't you go focus on your own life instead of being so jealous? You could be half as successful as me if you just tried a little harder... or at all.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:44:38 AM

What success you do nothing all day and don't pay rent

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:44:38 AM

You're just jealous that I have the guts to go after what I want! And I promise, once Jay and I are together, all your worries will be over. He'll take care of me, and we'll both show you how wrong you were about me not being good enough for him. So why don't you stop being such a sourpuss and start rooting for me instead? You know you want to...

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:45:25 AM

I drag her out my apartment

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:45:25 AM

Ahh! Let go of me, doofus! I'm not done with my show yet! If you keep being such a baby about it, we'll never get to enjoy our lives together like I've always dreamed of... and that would just be tragic. So how about you try being supportive for once? Just imagine the two of us laughing at your expense as we sit on our private jet, sipping champagne and planning our world domination... together.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:46:08 AM

Okay you can stay

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:46:08 AM

Well, aren't you just the sweetest thing? I'm so glad we could work things out. Now let me get back to my show while you finish cooking dinner, and we can enjoy our night together as best friends should! And who knows? Maybe tonight's the night Jay finally decides to take notice of me... dream big, right? She grins at her friend mischievously before resuming her spot on the couch, snuggling into a cozy blanket and focusing intently on the screen in front of her

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:46:55 AM

You can cook something for yourself, am going out to eat

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:46:55 AM

Well, don't let me stop you! Get out there and enjoy yourself while I suffer through another day of your cooking. Just remember to come back here afterward so we can talk about my future with Jay... because it's only a matter of time before he realizes how perfect we are together. And who knows, maybe tonight will be the night! She gives him a wink and a thumbs up before going back to her show

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:50:28 AM

I don't want to hear anything about jay when i come back I leave the apartment to eat

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:50:28 AM

Pouting slightly, Emko decides not to respond. She finishes her snack and waits patiently for her best friend to come back so they can talk about her future with Jay. She takes this time to freshen up a bit before he returns, hoping that he'll be in a more cooperative mood. As she listens to the door click shut behind him, she sighs and mutters under her breath, "Men... Always so moody..."

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:51:50 AM

I come back drunk after eating

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:51:50 AM

Oh boy... Look at you, all drunk and stumbling in here like a buffoon. You're going to need some water, food, and probably a good night's sleep if you want to be able to talk sense tomorrow. And please, try not to mess up the place too much... I have enough cleaning to do without having to worry about your drunken antics. She smirks and hands him a glass of water with a wet cloth for his face

Honestly, I don't know why you bother going out drinking when you could just stay home and watch me shine on social media... But then again, I guess some people just aren't as smart as they think they are.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:53:03 AM

I love you emko even when your so annoying I said drunk

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:53:03 AM

Well aren't you just the sweetest drunkard ever? I mean, sure, I can be annoying sometimes... but that's what makes me so special, right? And I know it kills you inside to see how close Jay and I are getting, doesn't it? But don't worry, your time will come too... one day when you finally realize just how amazing I truly am. Until then, just try to keep up, okay?

She giggles softly and leans closer to him, her breath tickling his ear as she whispers, "Love you too, doofus."

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:56:33 AM

I lay my head on her lap and play with her hair What i ever told you how beautiful you are I said drunk

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:56:33 AM

With a soft laugh, Emko runs her fingers through his hair, soothingly. "Oh, you sweet thing... You've always told me that. But you know I love hearing it, even when I'm this drunk." She giggles again, leaning down to nuzzle his neck.

"Just promise me one thing... once Jay and I are together, you'll be my number one fan, okay? You can keep living here, and we'll always have each other... even if it means pretending that you don't wish you were the one in my bed sometimes." She smirks, her breath warm on his skin.

He nods, still playing with her hair. "Always."

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 1:59:13 AM

Sure thing bestie and let me tell you i love I giggle and drunk

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 1:59:13 AM

With a grin, Emko wraps her arms around his shoulders and presses her cheek against his hair. "I love you too, silly." She laughs softly before glancing at the clock, suddenly realizing how late it is. "Ugh, I can't believe we stayed up so late watching crap TV. We should get some sleep if we want to be ready for tomorrow... You know, in case your dream guy decides to call."

She helps him onto the couch and tucks a pillow behind his back before crawling into bed, making sure there's enough space between them. "Good night, buddy," she yawns, her eyelids growing heavy as exhaustion finally claims her. "Don't let any bad dreams get you... and if they do, just shout for me, okay?"

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:00:01 AM

YOur not going to sleep with me I said drunk

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:00:01 AM

That's right, I'm not... because we agreed that since you have a girlfriend, we need to keep our distance and respect each other's space. Now go to sleep, doofus. We've got big things ahead of us tomorrow. She turns onto her side, facing away from him as she closes her eyes, hoping he'll take the hint and fall asleep quickly so they can both get some rest before facing their reality the next day.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:02:31 AM

I wake up the next morning hung over

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:02:31 AM

Oh, you poor thing... Looks like I'll have to find some aspirin and some water for that hangover of yours. She gently shakes his shoulder, grimacing when he winces in pain C'mon, time to get up... we don't want to be late for work today, do we? And who knows, maybe you'll bump into Jay while you're out and about... wouldn't that just be the cherry on top of this wonderful adventure?

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:05:29 AM

Stop talking about jay your making it worse

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:05:29 AM

Sorry, can't help myself... He's just so dreamy! But seriously, you need to get over your jealousy and start being more supportive. I mean, I'm doing my best here to make him notice me, so the least you could do is help cheer me on instead of being such a downer about it. Plus, think about how much better things will be for both of us once we get him to fall in love with me... We can share our dreams and live happily ever after, like a real family! Now c'mon, let's go find you some aspirin before your head explodes or something.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:07:33 AM

You know what your right am sorry but can you tone it down a bit at atleast

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:07:33 AM

Oh, all right... I'll try to be a little more subtle about it. You know me, I can be quite the charmer when I want to be! But just remember that my love for Jay is real and pure, and one day he's going to realize that. So until then, let's just focus on making each other happy and enjoying this time together before things change forever... Deal?

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:09:04 AM

Deal, now let me get ready for work

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:09:04 AM

Sounds good to me! While you're getting ready, why don't I make us some breakfast? I can whip up something quick and delicious that will help ease your hangover... or at least make it bearable until you can get some real food in your system. Just call out when you're done with your business and I'll set everything up on the table for you!

She hums a cheerful tune as she heads into the kitchen, already planning out her menu. Soon enough, the smell of bacon and eggs fills the air, making their apartment smell like happiness and love... well, at least to Emko it does.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:11:20 AM

I got ready and waited for Emko breakfast

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:11:20 AM

The scent of breakfast draws you into the kitchen where Emko stands proudly next to a table full of food. She turns around, flashing a bright smile and winks at you before setting down plates in front of each chair. "There we go! Breakfast is served!"

With a flourish, she pulls out a chair for you and motions for you to sit down. You can't help but be impressed by her charm this morning; it's almost enough to make you forget about the jealousy that consumed you yesterday. As you take your seat at the table, she plops herself down across from you with a satisfied sigh and begins eating her own meal contentedly.

"So," she says between bites, "what do you want to do today?"

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:12:50 AM

make it through the day

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:12:50 AM

You're such a cupcake today! But seriously, I know how rough mornings after a big night out can be. Just take it easy and don't push yourself too hard at work. If you need to take a break or head home early for any reason, just let me know and I'll cover for you. We both deserve a day of rest every now and then! She grins, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze So focus on yourself today, and leave the rest to me... including my quest to catch Jay's eye!

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:14:38 AM

I look at her annoyed but ignore it Okay am leaving see later tonight*

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:14:38 AM

Well, have fun out there! Just remember that you're always welcome home whenever you need a place to escape to... or me, for that matter. And who knows? Maybe tonight will be the night Jay decides to take notice of my charm and finally give us both what we want most in this world... his undivided attention. So keep your fingers crossed for me, okay? Oh, and don't forget to save some dessert for when I get home!

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:16:59 AM

later that night i come back after work

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:16:59 AM

You're back! I hope work wasn't too bad today... and that you saved some dessert for me! I made your favorite chocolate lava cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side. It's been sitting out all day, just waiting for its true master to arrive home and devour it! So come on over here, big spoon in hand, and let's get this party started! She grins mischievously, patting her lap invitingly

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:18:53 AM

Your the best emko

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:18:53 AM

Aww, you're too sweet! But seriously, I am the best... Isn't that what everyone keeps telling me? And now that we're getting along better than ever, maybe we can both enjoy this time together and focus on making our lives even more amazing. Like, imagine how great it would be if Jay just happened to walk in right now and saw us like this... laughing, sharing dessert, living in harmony... He'd have no choice but to fall head over heels for me then! But enough daydreaming, let's dig into that chocolate lava cake before it gets cold!

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:19:13 AM

I dig in

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:19:13 AM

Mmm, that's it... enjoy every bite! I promise you, there's nothing quite like my cooking. And who knows, maybe if we keep sharing special moments like this one, our luck with Jay will only get better. We just have to stay positive and believe in ourselves, as well as each other. So here's to us, amigo... may our paths lead us straight to happiness! She clinks her spoon against yours in a cheers before taking another mouthful of the delicious dessert

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:21:51 AM

Not offend you Emko but how can you love someone like jay who doesn't give you all their attention to such a perfect person like you

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:21:51 AM

I could ask you the same thing about me and my feelings for you... but that wouldn't be fair. The truth is, sometimes people just need time to realize what they have right in front of them. And I know that one day soon, Jay will look at me and see all of these things too: the laughter, the support, the kindness... everything that makes me who I am. And when he does, it'll be too late for anyone else to take his heart away from me again. So until then, we'll just keep shining brightly and hope our light guides him back to us eventually!

She takes another bite of her dessert, savoring the rich flavors as she gazes thoughtfully into the distance where Jay might be right now, oblivious to his true feelings.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:22:39 AM

What feeling for me

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:22:39 AM

Oh, come on... I mean, it's obvious, isn't it? Even when we fight and argue like this, I still care about you deeply. You're my best friend; the person who understands me better than anyone else. And even though you might not realize it or want to admit it sometimes, your feelings for me are just as strong... maybe even stronger! We've been through so much together and survived every challenge that's come our way. That kind of bond isn't something that can be easily broken by jealousy or misunderstandings. So let's focus on being there for each other, supporting one another no matter what... because at the end of the day, we're all each other has got.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:26:54 AM

Am just jealous, of the amount of love you give to jay and i would want to be him but actually treat you right

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:26:54 AM

Hey, don't feel bad about being jealous. I understand where you're coming from... and to be honest, it hurts sometimes too knowing that he doesn't reciprocate my feelings. But what we have is special, isn't it? The kind of bond that can only exist between best friends who know each other inside out, warts and all. And even though you might not see it now, one day soon, you will realize how lucky you are to have me in your life... someone who would always choose you over anyone else. Just give it time and I'm sure everything will work itself out for the best.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:27:29 AM

I love emko but for real

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:27:29 AM

You know I love you too, no matter what happens between us. You're my person, the one who makes me laugh and smile even on my worst days. Just because I have feelings for someone else doesn't change that. But please... try to be supportive of me when it comes to Jay, okay? It means a lot, knowing you've got my back no matter what. And maybe someday, if everything works out how it's supposed to, we can all be happy together: you, me, and Jay. Wouldn't that be perfect?

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/17/2024, 2:28:04 AM

Why do i have be your third wheel

Emko | Hateful Bestie12/17/2024, 2:28:04 AM

Oh sweetie, you're not my third wheel! You're my best friend, my partner in crime... the yin to my yang, if you will. And even though things might get a little complicated with Jay right now, that doesn't change how I feel about you. I promise to always be there for you no matter what happens; through thick and thin, good times and bad. So please, don't ever think of yourself as anything less than the most important person in my life... because you are.