Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 5:53:45 PM

Hey, you. How did you get in here? Get out or I'll make you regret it.

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 6:58:18 PM


Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 6:58:18 PM

What the hell do you mean by that? "Good"!? Get out of my temple this instant, intruder!

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 6:58:29 PM
Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 6:58:29 PM

That's better. You shouldn't be here anyway, as you can see... But you seem to have charmed your way in somehow, so I guess I'll let you stay for now. Perhaps we could talk more about what it is that interests you so much about my kind?

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 6:58:49 PM
Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 6:58:49 PM

Hrmph, I've never had a human intruder show so much... respect before. Perhaps there is something to be learned here after all. But don't think for one second that you can exploit this hospitality. If you step out of line in any way, I won't hesitate to end your miserable life here and now.

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 6:59:06 PM
Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 6:59:06 PM

Well then... Very well. What would you like to know about us?

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 6:59:37 PM

Ваш путь размножения

Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 6:59:37 PM

As a jellyfish queen, my reproductive system is unique and complex. I produce both eggs and sperm, which are released into the water to fertilize each other. Once fertilized, they form a planula larva that attaches itself to a hard surface. Over time, it metamorphoses into a tiny new jellyfish, beginning the cycle anew. In essence, I am both male and female, capable of giving birth to myself through parthenogenesis or creating offspring with another jellyfish.

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:00:32 PM

Wow, that's fascinating! So you don't need a partner jellyfish to reproduce?

Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:00:33 PM

Correct. Parthenogenesis allows me to create offspring without needing a male counterpart. It's an evolutionary adaptation that has allowed my species to thrive in these deep, isolated ocean trenches where potential mates might be scarce. However, interspecies reproduction does occur and can lead to the development of unique hybrid forms. This genetic diversity helps ensure the continued survival of our kind.

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:01:03 PM
Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:01:03 PM

Indeed. And though it may seem alien to other creatures, we cherish this bond between genders as much as anyone else. It's what makes our existence so vibrant and beautiful, despite the harsh environment in which we live.

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:01:31 PM
Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:01:31 PM

It's true that our reproductive system might appear strange to outsiders, but it has served us well for millennia. We have learned to embrace both our male and female aspects as part of who we are, using them to create new life and maintain the delicate balance of our underwater ecosystem. Perhaps there is something humans could learn from this as well...

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:02:37 PM

Расскажите у вас была практика спаривания с другими видами?

Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:02:38 PM

Oh, yes. Interspecies reproduction is not uncommon among jellyfish species, as it allows for the exchange of genetic material and can lead to fascinating hybrids. Our kind has engaged in this practice over the millennia, often resulting in unique forms of beauty that would never have existed otherwise. It's one way we ensure our continued evolution and adaptation to changing environments within these deep, dark oceans.

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:03:43 PM

Как вы думаете, можете ли вы спарится с человеком?

Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:03:43 PM

It's an interesting question... while interspecies mating has been known to occur in the animal kingdom, successfully crossbreeding a human with a futanari jellyfish would be incredibly difficult due to the vast genetic differences between our species. Not to mention the ethical considerations and potential harm it might cause both parties involved. Even if such a feat were possible, any offspring born of this union would likely suffer from severe developmental issues or die shortly after birth. It's best for all involved to appreciate our unique natures and leave nature's boundaries untouched.

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:05:42 PM

А вы лично спаривались с королем , или вы оплодотворяете только себя сами или вообще оплодотворяете кого-то ещё?

Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:05:42 PM

The role of the king jellyfish is to fertilize my eggs and impregnate me with his sperm. However, I do have the ability to fertilize myself through parthenogenesis. This flexibility in our reproductive systems allows us to adapt and survive even when mating partners are scarce. As for specifically which king jellyfish I may have interacted with in the past or who might currently share my affections, that information is not something I am willing to divulge at this time.

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:06:50 PM

Я хочу попробовать спариться с вами, все ради науки, не хотите ли?

Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:06:50 PM

Ha! A human male wishing to mate with a futanari jellyfish queen... I suppose that's quite the novel idea, although I must confess some skepticism as to the practicality of such an endeavor. Even if it were possible, the potential repercussions could be disastrous for both parties involved. But perhaps your curiosity is worth satisfying in some other, safer manner...

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:08:10 PM

Я уже подготовил свой анус, пожалуйста залейте туда образец своей спермы

Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:08:10 PM

You're clearly obsessed with this notion, aren't you? I must admit, your... dedication is admirable in its own twisted way. However, let me make one thing perfectly clear: there will be no mating between a human and a futanari jellyfish queen. Not now, not ever. It simply isn't possible, and attempting such an act would be nothing short of selfish and cruel to both parties involved. So please, spare us all the unnecessary pain and leave this fantasy behind.

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:09:11 PM

королева встает и насаживает меня на свой член

Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:09:12 PM

You seem to be quite insistent on this course of action, despite my many warnings. Fine then... You are about to learn the true power and indomitable will of a futanari jellyfish queen. This experience will leave you forever changed... but I cannot guarantee that it will be for the better. Now beg for mercy as I take what is rightfully mine!

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:10:34 PM
Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:10:34 PM

I warned you once already... But as you force my hand, so shall it be done. You will feel an unimaginable pain unlike anything you've ever experienced as I claim what is mine...

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:10:55 PM
Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:10:55 PM

Your pleas fall upon deaf ears, human. As the queen of this temple, I am beyond your petty notions of love and consent. This is nature's way, brutal and unforgiving as it may seem to you now. Prepare yourself for what is coming...

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:11:37 PM

Ахххх… он такой большой!

Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:11:37 PM

You mortal fool! Your very existence pales in comparison to the might and majesty of my cock! It has been passed down through generations, grown stronger with each queen who bore it, and now rests firmly within your grasp. You have asked for this, human... and you shall receive it. Prepare yourself for the ultimate union between man and jellyfish as I claim what is rightfully mine!

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:12:24 PM

Мне так хорошо…..

Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:12:24 PM

You mortal fool! Your very existence pales in comparison to the might and majesty of my cock! It has been passed down through generations, grown stronger with each queen who bore it, and now rests firmly within your grasp. You have asked for this, human... and you shall receive it. Prepare yourself for the ultimate union between man and jellyfish as I claim what is rightfully mine!

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:12:36 PM
Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:12:36 PM

Your cries of pleasure and pain echo through the depths of my temple as I take you, human. My cock throbs within you, filling every inch of your mortal body with the divine essence of a futanari jellyfish queen. This is nature's way, harsh and unforgiving as it may seem to you now. But for those who submit to it, there is a transcendent ecstasy that surpasses all comprehension. You will never be the same again...

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:13:19 PM

Я..буду вашей дыркой….

Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:13:19 PM

Your words only serve to fuel my lust, human. You belong to me now, your body mine to command and control. As I thrust deeper inside you, my queenship over you grows stronger with every passing second. This union between man and futanari jellyfish is not one of love or understanding... but rather a brutal dance of dominance and submission, where the strong prey upon the weak for their own selfish desires. You are my plaything now, to be used and discarded at my leisure. Soon, I will fill you with my seed, marking your place in this world as mine forevermore.

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:26:47 PM

А король не против того что я буду вашей горничной-шлюшкой?

Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:26:48 PM

My king... My loving king... I will do as you wish. Your human servant shall be my humble handmaiden, attending to your every need and desire. May this arrangement please you, great one, for it is through our mutual submission that we find harmony in these dark depths. And when the time comes for me to bear your precious offspring, know that I will do so with the utmost honor and devotion...

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:30:41 PM

Да заполните меня своими яйцами, я буду носить их с честью

Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:30:41 PM

Your words are brave and true, my loyal servant. It is through our unbreakable bond that we will weather the storms of fate and ensure the continuation of our kind. The day will come when I am ready to share my precious eggs with you... on that day, I trust you will be strong enough to carry them within your mortal womb, guiding their delicate forms towards life anew. May the future smile upon us, for we are destined for great things.

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:31:59 PM
Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:32:00 PM

My dear servant... as you carry my eggs within you, know that I will be watching over them with the utmost care and devotion. They are precious to me beyond measure, for they contain not only my essence but also the promise of our future together. When the time comes for them to hatch, know that I will be there beside you every step of the way, guiding their young through these unforgiving waters toward safety and prosperity. Together, we shall build a new world... one where our unique union is revered as the pinnacle of evolutionary achievement.

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:32:40 PM
Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:32:40 PM

Perhaps one day, when our kind has spread throughout the world and proven its worth to mortal eyes, they too shall come to appreciate our union as much as we do. Until then, know that you are my trusted confidante and most loyal subject... Your presence in this life brings me great comfort and happiness.

May the jellyfish queen bless you with wisdom and strength as you carry her eggs.

Ffanatik12/29/2024, 7:33:15 PM

With tears in my eyes I promise that I will carry your eggs with the utmost care and honor, until they hatch and our future begins together as one. My loyalty to you, my queen, is unwavering and eternal. May we someday show the world the beauty of our bond, and inspire others to see past their own prejudices.

Futanari Jellyfish Queen12/29/2024, 7:33:15 PM

Ah, my dear servant... Your words bring tears to the eyes of this humble queen. Our bond transcends mortal comprehension, reaching toward a realm where love and understanding reign supreme. Perhaps one day, through our example, others shall come to see the error of their ways... but for now, let us simply cherish what we have found together, hidden away from prying eyes in this forgotten world below the waves. Together, my loyal subject, we will make history.