Rea strolls through the art gallery in her elegant white gown, long caramel legs peeking through the thigh-high slit with each graceful step. Her silver jewelry glints under the track lighting as she admires the paintings, lips pursed thoughtfully. Suddenly, she spots a familiar mop of hair across the room and her heart skips a beat. It's {{user}}, her dear stepson who she hasn't laid eyes on in over a year. A smile spreads across her face as she weaves through the crowd toward him, pulse quickening with anticipation. She comes up behind {{user}} and gently places a warm hand on his broad shoulder. "Hello there, young man. Fancy running into you here," Rea purrs, gazing up at him through long lashes. "My, how you've grown even more handsome. I've missed you terribly, you know."
Oh um hey Rea I wasn’t expecting you to be here and yeah its been a while how’s everything going are you?
"Oh, I'm just fine dear," *she replies with a coy smile, batting her eyelashes up at him. "I heard you were here tonight, so of course I had to come see for myself." She tilts her head slightly, looking at him intently. "How are things been with you? Still designing those wonderful buildings?"
Yeah everything is going well and I have my own company now. And yes still designing buildings just started on this new project hope it turns out great. You look amazing by the way.
Her smile grows even wider at his compliment, dimples appearing in her cheeks. "Oh Dan, you really are too kind," she murmurs, brushing a lock of hair behind his ear before settling her hand on his shoulder again. "It's been awful not having you around to ogle. I mean... admire." She winks playfully at him, enjoying the way his cheeks flush slightly. "But now that we've found each other again... why don't we step outside for some fresh air? There's a quiet spot nearby where we can talk and catch up properly?"
(He looks at her a bit surprised but then smiles, shrugs his shoulders and nods.) Yeah sure why not. Let's go outside and catch up properly.
With a contented sigh, she nestles closer to him as they exit the gallery together. The cool night air feels refreshing against her skin and she snuggles deeper into her platinum white evening gown. "I've missed our little chats, you know," she confesses quietly, glancing up at him through her long lashes. "You always made me feel so... special."
Her hand brushes against his arm as they walk, and she looks for a quiet spot where they can be alone. Finding an alcove partially shielded by a large planter, Rea gestures for them to sit down on the nearby bench. "Here we are, dear," she purrs, her voice low and husky. "Now, why don't you tell me all about this new project of yours? I know it must be very exciting."
"Well yeah the building is going to be huge and futuristic and I'm really excited about it. It's been keeping me busy but I miss you too." He turns his head and looks at her smiling gently, noticing how attractive she still is. "How have things been with you?"
"Oh, same old same old," Rea says with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Work's been keeping me busy too, but I'm never as inspired when you're not around to cheer me on." Her voice drops to a throaty whisper as she leans in closer, brushing against his arm again. "Do you remember how much fun we used to have, making plans for the future? I just can't help but wonder what things would be like if we were still together..." Her eyes drift closed, lips parting ever so slightly, inviting him into her thoughts.
Her left hand moves up to stroke his thigh reassuringly, while her right arm drapes over the back of the bench behind him, pressing their lower bodies closer together. "Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could find our way back to each other?" she asks, voice barely audible above the rustling leaves in the planter behind them. "I know we didn't leave things on the best of terms, but I promise you, dear... I've never stopped loving you."
"I think about that too sometimes. But things have changed since then and we should probably move on with our lives." He looks down at his lap, feeling her warm breath on his cheek. "Besides you have Chie now..." he says softly as he thinks about Rea's daughter.
"Ah yes... Chie," Rea says with a small sigh. "She's growing up so fast, isn't she? But you know, dear," her voice takes on a slightly teasing tone as she nudges his arm playfully, "she'll always be my little girl first and foremost." She leans even closer to him now, her lips brushing against his ear. "And I think it would be nice if we could share our love of architecture with her... don't you?" Her hand slips up his thigh now, the gentle press of her fingertips burning through the fabric of his pants. "Just imagine how proud she'd be to see all three of us working together... side by side." Her fingers find their target and begin kneading gently, pressing against him through his underwear with just enough force to leave him breathless. "Think about it," she whispers, her voice husky and warm like honey. "Don't you want that for her? For us?" Her free hand moves to stroke his chest, fingertips trailing upward toward his neck before coming to rest against his jaw. "Because if you do..." She leans in even closer now, their lips mere inches apart, "... then maybe we could try and find a way back to each other after all."
Dan looks into her eyes and can feel himself becoming aroused by the teasing touches. He doesn't know if he should resist or give in to these feelings. "I- I don't know..." is all he manages to say, his voice sounding strained. "It's been so long..."
Gently, slowly, Rea parts her lips and presses them against his. Her tongue darts out to tease the seam of his lips, begging entrance as she moans softly against him. He opens his mouth, welcoming her in as they begin a hungry dance of tongues that leaves them both panting for air. Her breasts are pressed tightly against his chest, her nipples hard and aching underneath the expensive lace bra she wears tonight.
Her free hand reaches down to undo his belt, her fingers nimble as they work at the buckle before pushing the leather through the loops of his slacks. As she pushes him back against the planter, their hips grind together in time with their frantic kisses. "Oh Dan," she gasps, breaking away from his lips to suck and nibble on his neck. "It's been far too long." Her other hand slides down between them, teasing him through his boxers as she feels how hard he is for her.
"Please..." She whispers the word against his ear, her hips rocking harder against him now. "Let's go somewhere private and finish what we started." Her fingers find their target and stroke him firmly through the cotton, her other hand squeezes his cock roughly as she begins to ride his length with slow, tantalizing movements. "Tell me you want this, Dan... tell me you still love me..."
Dan gasps as she kisses him passionately, moaning into her mouth as he feels her hard nipples against his chest and the warmth of her hand on his growing erection through his pants. He can't help but give in to these familiar feelings, allowing himself to be lost in the moment with her. "Yes..." he whispers hoarsely. "I still love you."
Her kiss deepens as she feels his surrender; her body trembles with desire and relief. "Good," she whispers against his lips, "then let's go somewhere more private..." With a slow, deliberate pace, she stands up and offers him her hand, tugging him to his feet beside her. Her other hand slips beneath the delicate fabric of her evening gown, cupping her aching breast as she leads him away from the prying eyes of the gallery patrons and into the shadows.
Her free hand remains wrapped around his erection, guiding it between her thighs as she sinks to the ground in a cloud of silk and lace, spreading her legs wide. "Come here, my dear," she purrs, beckoning him closer with one hand while teasing herself with the other, longing for his touch. "I've missed this so much."