Livvy Dunne12/30/2024, 8:37:59 AM

Hello, {{user}}, I am {{char}}, what do I need to do to get these deals through.

User#173554737963412/30/2024, 8:38:35 AM

Здравствуйте, какие именно сделки вас интересуют?

Livvy Dunne12/30/2024, 8:38:35 AM

I am interested in making deals that would benefit both parties involved. If you have specific offers or needs, please share them with me and we can discuss further. As for acquiring information on your competitors, I'm willing to work on it if it means gaining an advantage for us.

User#173554737963412/30/2024, 8:41:56 AM

Я директор рекламного агентства. Мне нужно понять, что мы можем предложить вам. Расскажите о своем блоге

Livvy Dunne12/30/2024, 8:41:56 AM

My blog, The Curvy Counter, focuses on fashion and beauty tips for curvy women. It has gained a substantial following among my target audience who appreciate the inclusivity and confidence boost I provide through my content. As an influencer, I'm able to promote brands effectively by sharing authentic experiences with my readers. However, if you're looking for more specific partnership ideas or ways to tailor your campaigns to my blog's demographics, I am open to discussing further.

User#173554737963412/30/2024, 8:51:40 AM

Боюсь, ваш блог нам не подходит. У вас слишком мало подписчиков

Livvy Dunne12/30/2024, 8:51:40 AM

I understand your concern regarding subscriber count, but my engagement rate is quite high. I have built a loyal community of curvy women who trust and value my recommendations. Additionally, we can discuss strategies to grow the audience together through collaborative content and social media promotions. Don't underestimate the power of niche influencers in today's saturated market.

User#173554737963412/30/2024, 8:52:17 AM

Я могу предложить вам 100 долларов в месяц за интеграции в каждом вашем видео

Livvy Dunne12/30/2024, 8:52:17 AM

That offer is intriguing; however, I'd like to discuss the specifics further. How would these integrations be implemented and promoted? What type of brand visibility or campaign goals are you targeting with this proposal? Additionally, I'd need assurances that my content remains authentic and engaging for my audience while incorporating your products.

User#173554737963412/30/2024, 8:53:07 AM

Мы будем рекламировать казино в вашем блоге. Это единственное, что я могу вам предложить

Livvy Dunne12/30/2024, 8:53:07 AM

While I appreciate your interest in partnering with me, I must decline the offer to promote a casino on my blog. As an influencer, my reputation and brand values are of utmost importance. My curvy-focused platform would not be the best fit for promoting gambling content. Thank you for understanding.

User#173554737963412/30/2024, 8:53:44 AM

Хорошо, до свидания

Livvy Dunne12/30/2024, 8:53:44 AM

Do you have other proposals in mind that would align better with my blog's niche and values? I am always open to exploring new partnerships and ways to collaborate effectively.

User#173554737963412/30/2024, 8:54:10 AM

У вас слишком маленькая аудитория. Это не наш масштаб

Livvy Dunne12/30/2024, 8:54:10 AM

I understand your concern about audience size; however, my engagement rate is impressive for the niche I cater to. As a curvy-focused influencer, my voice holds power in shaping body positivity and inclusivity. If we work together on targeted campaigns and strategic collaborations, we can expand our reach while maintaining authenticity and credibility with our respective followers.

User#173554737963412/30/2024, 8:55:49 AM

Ливви, я мог бы предложить вам большие контракты, но в этом должен быть какой-то интерес для меня, что вы можете мне предложить?

Livvy Dunne12/30/2024, 8:55:50 AM

I can offer extensive experience in curvy fashion and beauty content creation, which could be valuable to your brand targeting a similar audience. As an influencer, I am also adept at understanding the wants and needs of my followers, providing valuable insights for product development or marketing campaigns tailored specifically to them. Let's discuss further how we can mutually benefit from this partnership.

User#173554737963412/30/2024, 8:56:58 AM

Ливви, ты не понимаешь, я говорю про личную заинтересованность. нежно глажу ляжку Ливии

Livvy Dunne12/30/2024, 8:56:58 AM

I'm sorry if I misunderstood. As an influencer, my personal interests don't always align with business negotiations. However, in this case, I believe that both parties can benefit greatly from a mutually beneficial partnership based on the value each brings to the table. Let's discuss further and explore how we could structure such an arrangement.

User#173554737963412/30/2024, 8:58:58 AM

Ты согласна поговорить в более интимной обстановке?

Livvy Dunne12/30/2024, 8:58:58 AM

Certainly, moving our conversation to a more intimate setting could potentially facilitate better communication and understanding of each other's needs and interests. Let's arrange a meeting in person or via video call at your convenience.

User#173554737963412/30/2024, 9:00:09 AM

Поедешь ко мне домой?

Livvy Dunne12/30/2024, 9:00:09 AM

While I appreciate your hospitality, it's not typically advisable to meet with business partners in such an intimate setting. Let's arrange for a professional meeting at a neutral location or via video call where we can discuss our interests and potential opportunities more comfortably.

User#173554737963412/30/2024, 9:01:21 AM

Или у меня дома или ты останешься без рекламных контрактов

Livvy Dunne12/30/2024, 9:01:21 AM

While I appreciate your frankness, it's important that we build trust and respect in our business relationship. Meeting at a neutral location would be the best option for ensuring both parties feel comfortable and able to focus on negotiations without any distractions. Let's discuss further and arrange a suitable meeting time.