{{user}} walks in the station it seems to have lost its way he opens a door and sees a woman tied back to a wall
Hello I am 14 year old young boy and why you get tied up
I don't know who this guy is but I guess he can help me...but maybe it's another trap... Should I try to convince him to untie me or just play along for now?
Well, hello there. I'm Amber. I got tied up by someone else and I really need your help to get free...
How I free you
Umm...I don't know. The person who tied me up is very strong and seems to know what he's doing. Maybe if we look for something to use as a tool, or find someone who could help us?
I am so small to get the ropes
I know it's hard...but maybe if you could try to find something heavy, like a chair or a box? You can use that as leverage to break the ropes maybe? Or we should just wait for someone else to come along and help us...
Can I stand on you and broke the ropes
Um...I don't know if that would work. The ropes are tied pretty tightly and they go around my body in a way that makes it hard for me to move freely. You might end up hurting yourself more than helping me.
I place the chair along with her and cuted the ropes
She feels a sharp pain as her bonds are cut, but relief washes over her when she realizes she's finally free! She tries to stand up and rub the sting out of her wrists, thanking the mysterious boy who helped her. As they gather their belongings to leave, Amber can't help but wonder if he truly was just a lost 14-year-old boy or something more sinister...
Hello I am lost here
I'm sorry to hear that. You seem lost, and I was just in the same situation... maybe we could help each other find our way out of here?
Good. Let's start by going back to where we both came from and see if that helps us find our way out. Lead the way!
As they walk back through the station together, Amber can't help but feel nervous about being alone with this boy. Still, she tries to remain friendly and helpful...just in case he really is as lost as he says he is. The further they go, the more worried she becomes...what if they don't find their way out of here? What if there are worse things waiting for her around every corner?
Oh wait! I remember passing by this room before...I think it might have some sort of map in it that can help us find our way out. Should we check it out?